16 Celebrating St. Joseph Lessons of Faith & Virtue

Page created by Kyle Caldwell
16 Celebrating St. Joseph Lessons of Faith & Virtue
Celebrating St. Joseph
Lessons of Faith & Virtue

16 Celebrating St. Joseph Lessons of Faith & Virtue
Lesson Plan Materials         Year of St. Joseph

Lesson One            Who is St. Joseph?

Section One: Foundations for the Year of St. Joseph

   1. On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis, with his Apostolic Letter Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), in
      honor of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church,
      proclaimed 2021 as the “Year of Saint Joseph.”
      Read Patris corde here:https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_letters/documents/papa-

   2. Saint Joseph is a model of holiness for each and every member of the Church, as Pope Saint John Paul II
      reminded us in his apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos: “Besides trusting in Joseph’s sure
      protection, the Church also trusts in his noble example, which transcends all individual states of life and
      serves as a model for the entire Christian community, whatever the condition and duties of each of its
      members may be.”
      Read Redemptoris Custos here: https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-

   3. Facts about St Joseph (Linked Activity: St Joseph Color sheet) [SEE APPENDIX]

          •   Feast Day is March 19
          •   Pope Pius IX added May 1 as the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, as St. Joseph is the as the
              patron saint of workers.

          •   Symbols associated with Joseph
                 o the carpenter's square symbolizing Joseph’s trade and the concept of truth
                 o the lily represents purity and Joseph’s celibate marriage to the Virgin Mary.

          •   St. Joseph is the patron saint of:
                  o the Universal Church
                  o families
                  o fathers
                  o expectant mothers
                  o travelers
                  o immigrants
                  o house sellers and buyers
                  o craftsmen
                  o engineers
                  o working people
                  o a happy death

16 Celebrating St. Joseph Lessons of Faith & Virtue
•   St. Joseph is patron saint of:
                 o the Americas
                 o Austria
                 o Belgium
                 o Canada
                 o China
                 o Croatia
                 o Indonesia
                 o Mexico
                 o Korea
                 o Peru
                 o the Philippines
                 o Vietnam,
                 o several cities and dioceses, including the Diocese of Baton Rouge.

Lesson Two A Biblical Journey with St. Joseph

      Section One: General scriptural descriptions of Joseph in the Gospel of Matthew

                    o   Joseph, Son of David, Son of Abraham
                    o   Joseph, Betrothed "Just Man," Husband of Mary
                    o   Joseph, Father and Protector of Jesus
                    o   Joseph, the Man of Dreams
                    o   Joseph, the Carpenter of Nazareth

      Section Two: St. Joseph in the Gospel of St. Matthew (Linked activity: Holy Family Cube)


                    o   1:1-17     Genealogy: Abraham to Joseph (Royal Lineage of King David)
                    o   1:18-25    Parentage (Birth of Jesus) Joseph’s Vocation, Luke 2:4-5
                    o   2:1-12     The Visit of the Magi and King Herod
                    o   2:13-15    Flight into Egypt
                    o    2:16-18   Massacre of Innocents
                    o   2:19-23    The Return from Egypt to Nazareth

16 Celebrating St. Joseph Lessons of Faith & Virtue
Section Three: St. Joseph in the Gospel of St. Luke (Linked Activity: St Joseph the Worker Chore
chart and prayer)


              o   2:1-14      Birth Narrative
              o   2:15-20     Visit of the Shepherds
              o   2:21        Circumcision and Naming of Jesus
              o   2:22-38     Presentation in the Temple
              o   2:39-40     Return to Nazareth
              o   2:41-52     Jesus in the Temple, age 12.

   •   What is scripture teaching us about the person of Joseph?
   •   List the virtues of St Joseph.
   •   What can we do to live like St. Joseph, following his virtues?

16 Celebrating St. Joseph Lessons of Faith & Virtue
Lesson Three         Devotions & Traditions Dedicated to St. Joseph

Section One          Devotions (Linked Activity: St Joseph Puzzle)


      1. Novena to St. Joseph
            a. https://www.usccb.org/resources/novena-saint-joseph-english.pdf
            b. https://www.usccb.org/resources/novena-san-jose-espanol.pdf

      2. St. Joseph Altars
             a. New Orleans Tradition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdpeDToP-pc
             b. Interview with Archbishop Aymond and others. Excellent
             c. How to set up a St. Joseph Altar https://www.catholicicing.com/st-joseph-altar-for-beginners/
             d. Written History https://yearofstjoseph.org/devotions/st-joseph-table/

      3. Pray the Litany to St. Joseph [SEE APPENDIX]

Section Two          St. Joseph: Heart of a Father

          Diocese of Baton Rouge Video Series, St. Joseph: Heart of a Father, uncovers the life of the foster
          father of Jesus in sacred scripture with reflections on his virtues as a beacon of faithfulness. St.
          Joseph, Heart of a Father, is viewed on Catholic Life Television media outlets:
              • Cox Ch 15 (Baton Rouge)
              • Roku
              • FireTv
              • YouTube

   Catholic Life Television YouTube Channel

   Episode 1 St. Joseph in Scripture, Renowned Offspring of David, Light of the Patriarchs with Bishop Duca
   Episode 2 Spouse of the Mother of God & Chaste Guardian of the Virgin with Fr. Todd Lloyd
   Episode 3 Head of the Holy Family, Foster-father & Diligent Protector with Fr. Todd Lloyd
   Episode 4 Joseph Most Just and Most Chaste with Scott Smith (September 19 release)
   Episode 5 Joseph Most Prudent and Strong with Sr. Joan LaPlace, CSJ (October 17 release)
   Episode 6 Joseph Most Obedient, Faithful & Mirror of Patience with Dcn. Alfred Adams (Nov. 14 release)
   Episode 7 Lover of Poverty and Model of Artisans (December 12 release date)
   Episode 8 Hope of the Sick and Patron of the Dying (January 9 release date)
   Episode 9 Terror of Demons (February 6 release date)
   Episode 10 Pillar of Families and Protector of the Holy Church, with Bishop Duca (March 6 release date)

16 Celebrating St. Joseph Lessons of Faith & Virtue
Supplemental Resources

Online Videos for Children

   •   Holy Kids! Holy Friends: St. Joseph https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88kYqe3SVGE [4 minutes]
   •   On Formed.org Lukas Storyteller: St Joseph Season 10, Episode 10 [12 minutes]
   •   Story of Saint Joseph| https://youtu.be/K4NBV840xTc [13 [13 minutes]
   •   St. Joseph (of Bethlehem) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnPHfXOfDzQ [22 minutes]
   •   Storytime with the Sisters: Joseph: Guardian of the Holy Family
       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT2HGQ4xgaw [6 minutes]

Online Videos for Older Students and Adults

       The Staircase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjokO41yjq4

       St. Joseph: A Hidden Life with Dr. Peter Brown (1 hour, 13 mins)

       Go to Joseph: A Biblical Reflection for the Year of St. Joseph with Dr. John Cuddeback (1 hour, 11
       mins) https://instituteofcatholicculture.org/events/go-to-joseph

       Ascension Press, Advent Meditations with Joseph

Video on the Formed.org Platform (for Parish/School/Individual subscribers)


   •   Joseph of Nazareth (Movie: 1 hour 37 minutes)
   •   Novena to St. Joseph
   •   St. Joseph (4 Part Series)
   •   St. Joseph: Patron of the Universal Church (audio presentation)
   •   Litany of St. Joseph
   •   Lukas Storyteller: St Joseph Season 10, Episode 10 [12 minutes] (children)

Books, Articles and Crafts

Books Children
  • Good Saint Joseph by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, ages 3-7
   •    Guardian of the Holy Family by Sister Marlyn Evangelina Monge, FSP, board book for ages 2-5.
   •    Father and Son by Geraldine McCaughrean, ages 4-8
   •    Staircase for the Sisters by Pamela Love, ages 4-7 (a miracle story)
   •    Joseph’s Heart: A Story of Adoption by Mary Clare Evans, ages 5 and up
   •    The Story of St. Joseph by Brother Ernest, C.S.C, Grades 2-3

Crafts for Children
   • St. Joseph Mini-Book https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Catholic-Saint-Joseph-
   • Crafts to Celebrate St Joseph https://thekennedyadventures.com/celebrate-saint-joseph/
   • St. Joseph Activities Pack https://catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com/2021/02/saint-joseph-

Books & Articles for Older Students and Adults

   •    Consecration to St. Joseph, by Fr. Donald Calloway's
           o Includes a guide for making the 33-day preparation and consecration as a group.
           o It includes the basic format for each meeting as well as discussion questions found in
              Appendix A.
           o Makes for a good group study.

   •    St. Joseph: His life, his miracles, and his legacy https://aleteia.org/2021/03/19/st-joseph-his-life-his-

   •    The Miracle of the Staircase https://devotiontoourlady.com/miraculous-staircase-of-st-joseph.html

Audio          Stories From The Heart series (Ave Maria Radio)

   •    The Three Lilies of St Joseph https://avemariaradio.net/stories-from-the-heart-05-19-21/
   •    St. Joseph’s Basket https://avemariaradio.net/stories-from-the-heart-03-19-21/
   •    The Month of St Joseph https://avemariaradio.net/stories-from-the-heart-03-18-21/

Additional Sources

               Diocese of Baton Rouge. History. [Online] https://diobr.org/history .

      Statistical Data of The Diocese of Baton Rouge. Diocese of Baton Rouge Directory. 2021

          Year of St. Joseph/60th Anniversary Celebration Committee for Catechesis

     Rev. Ryan P. Hallford, Secretary for Evangelization, Pastor: Holy Family Church, Port Allen

                Dina D. Dow, MTS., Director, Office of Evangelization and Catechesis

                   West Giffin, Associate Director, Youth & Young Adult Ministry

                      Julia Scarnato, Executive Director, Hispanic Apostolate

                                     RESOURCE PERSONNEL

                 Shannon Baldridge, MA, Coordinator of Catechesis & Certification

               Ann T. Boltin, Chancellor, Office of the Chancellor; Diocesan Archivist

                           Very Rev. Paul D. Counce, J.C.L., Judicial Vicar

Rev. Christopher J. Decker, Secretary for Communications, Pastor: St. Mary of False River, New Roads

                              Amy Jones, Associate Archivist, Archives

             Nicole Jones, Coordinator of Events, Office of Youth & Yong Adult Ministry

                          Stephen Lee, Station Manager, Catholic Life TV

           Richard Meek, Executive Editor/General Manager: The Catholic Commentator

                 Dr. Melanie B. Palmisano, Superintendent, Catholic Schools Office

       Danielle Van Haute, MATh., Associate Director Office of Evangelization and Catechesis


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© Catholic Inspired
                        St. Joseph the Worker
Dear God, Sometimes I have trouble doing the chores and other jobs I'm asked to do.
       Help me to remember how St. Joseph worked hard each and every day.
Protect me from the temptation to be lazy and disobedient. Give me the grace to be a
      humble servant to my family and the world just as St. Joseph did. Amen.

 Responsibilities     Monday   Tuesday Wednesday Thursday        Friday     Saturday










© Catholic Inspired                                             www.catholicinspired.com
St Joseph's Chore Chart and Prayer
Often, kids have a hard time stopping from playtime to do chores, but chores are very
important for kids to do. It helps them to learn responsibility and consequence. Chores
can also teach children important life skills that will help them to care for themselves
in the future. If each child helps and does his or her tasks it will help to bring peace
and order to the home and family life.
This chore chart has a section for writing the names of jobs/chores/responsibilities.
Then, there is a section to check off that the job was done properly. A completed chart
can be an opportunity to reward the child with something special, like a treat, an
allowance, a night out with Mom or Dad, a loving hug and kiss, or whatever your
family feels is appropriate.
This chart will work best if it is laminated.
You can write in the responsibilities before you laminate it or use a wet-erase marker
to write them on after it's laminated.
(Using a wet erase marker will allow you to change the list occasionally.)
Use removable stickers or a wet-erase marker to
check off when the chore is done.
You can also add magnets to the back of the
laminated chore chart to stick it to the fridge.
If you can't laminate: clear, smooth shipping tape or contact paper are a fair substitute
for laminating.

© Catholic Inspired                                                 www.catholicinspired.com
St. Joseph, Pray for us
Litany of St. Joseph
        Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on
                     us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

                  God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
            God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
                     God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
                    Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

                 Holy Mary, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us.
      Illustrious son of David, pray for us. Light of patriarchs, pray for us.
Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us. Chaste guardian of the Virgin, pray for
                  Foster father of the Son of God, pray for us.
 Watchful defender of Christ, pray for us. Head of the Holy Family, pray for us.

         Joseph most just, pray for us. Joseph most chaste, pray for us.
       Joseph most prudent, pray for us. Joseph most valiant, pray for us.
      Joseph most obedient, pray for us. Joseph most faithful, pray for us.
         Mirror of patience, pray for us. Lover of poverty, pray for us.
         Model of workmen, pray for us. Glory of home life, pray for us.
          Guardian of virgins, pray for us. Pillar of families, pray for us.
        Solace of the afflicted, pray for us. Hope of the sick, pray for us.
        Patron of the dying, pray for us. Terror of demons, pray for us.
                     Protector of Holy Church, pray for us.

                                      Let Us Pray
  O God, Who in Thine ineffable Providence didst vouchsafe to choose Blessed
  Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most holy Mother, grant, we beseech Thee,
  that he whom we venerate as our protector on earth may be our intercessor
            in Heaven. Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.
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