Apidays Helsinki & EC panel on Sep 25th, 2020 - Chat relevant topics

Page created by Sam Shaw
Apidays Helsinki & EC panel on Sep 25th, 2020 – Chat relevant topics

Lifecycle and management of versioning of APIs
An interesting discussion was taken about the management of APIs.
    - Erik Wilde specifies that there’s a lot of work on API guidelines from companies defining
       best practices of which some of them are publicly available
       (https://dret.github.io/guidelines). Marjukka Niinioja noticed that "API funnel" also in a
       public organization for the behaviour design pattern, too (https://www.apiopscycles.com).
    - Erik Wilde commented on API versioning by saying that it is most important to teach
       people how to *not version* APIs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbXEiLrbinE) and
       specifically point to Semver as the versioning scheme
       (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNU1PimVXMM ). He added that it’s useful to
       have deprecation and sunsetting models being part of every API from the very start (no API
       lives forever). Marjukka Niinioja pointed to a reference to the versioning and other design
       points (https://www.apiopscycles.com/rest-api-design-guide ) (which could have Semver
       specifically mentioned too).
    - Bert Van Nuffelen informed that in Belgium and Flanders the REST API guidelines take only
       the major version in the URL of the API. Semver is added as extra header to the HTTP
       message. Roberto Polli said that for Italy that same approach is used. They thought to use
       media-type versioning but it would have created more confusion.
    - Erik Wilde suggested to break the resources when you break the API and that make
       changes discoverable across backwards-compatible changes of the API.
Organisational aspects took also a big part of the discussion:
    - Erik Wilde observed that it was very interesting to see “non-tech API users” being targeted.
       And proposed to try to add info on each of these about which apps/experiences are
       powered by this API.
    - Lorenzino Vaccari discussed about the link between applications and APIs and that some
       cases were investigated by the JRC
       governments-why-what-and-how ). They have analysed the structure of the
       ProgrammableWeb directory (that links APIs, developers, apps, among the others) and of
       some public sector solutions (e.g. the national French catalogue presented in this event by
       Patrick Amarelis and the ones proposed by the Regione Lombardia that connects API and
       apps (https://www.e015.regione.lombardia.it/site/api-catalog ).Erik Wilde said that the
       difference is that open data is a product, APIs are a service. Some very different design and
       delivery mechanics around it. He agrees with Lorenzino about design and users being
       central for the success of this.
    - Bert Van Nuffelen asked if API data pass also works for B2B connections. In Flanders there
       are 2 security systems in parallell: one C2B (person 2 API) and B2B (for e.g. utility sector).
       They are integrating them into one approach, but that will take a time. Marjukka Niinioja
       highlighted the B2B question is very important and referenced to Mika Honkanen that
       might have something to say about the Finnish model. Erik Wilde added that many of this
       can be addressed with a very explicit focus on consumers and UX. Moreover, terrible
       processes are not much better when they become terrible digital processes. But, on the
       other hand, API initiatives should not try to ‘boil the ocean’.
    - Regarding architectures based on microservices, Erik Wilde specifies that in many cases,
       microservices is used as a proxy to "let's move from monoliths to something more agile". In
most cases, the specific tech stack probably should be more modest that going straight to
       containerization. The real wins are in decoupling capabilities, not in any specific tech stack.
       He also specified that as long as these departments have individually deployable solutions,
       they would be "microservices", even though they often may be not so micro at all.
       Marjukka Niinioja mentioned a research on the topic: “Bosch, J. – Bosch-Sijtsema, P.
       (2010). From integration to composition: On the impact of software product lines, global
       development and ecosystems. Journal of Systems and Software, 83(1), s. 67–76.”
   -   Erik Wilde mentioned that it would be good to very strictly separate service reuse (APIs)
       and the possible sharing of IT assets. mMixing them quickly creates coupling that will hold
       you back, even if you do start having APIs in some places.
   -   Bert Van Nuffelen asked if all APIs in a marketplace should satisfy the same guidelines and
       added that in Flanders the standardization program Open Specififcations for Linked
       Organisations (data.vlaanderen.be) implements the EIF starting from the semantical
       agreements. In this context, the markplace discussion is now started. What they actually
       bring in a 3helics approach, is making people together around the table on one topic
       (industry, government and research).
Discoverability of APIs and standards
Protocols for APIs were among of the main discussed standards in the chat:
   - (Erik Wilde) The two main optimizations that HTTP/2 introduces were mentioned. They are
       multiplexing and header compression. Regarding the former one, HTTP1.0 protocol is
       based on simple model where a client made a request and a server answer to this single
       request. HTTP1.1 introduced ‘pipeline’ where. Roughly speaking, a client can send multiple
       requests in sequence and the server will answer to these requests in the same order. To
       improve HTTP1.1 and solve some issues, such as for example the head-of-line blocking, in
       2015, with HTTP/2 multiplexing was introduced. With multiplexing each request goes on its
       own in a stream and the server send a response in the same stream. Header compression
       is the second big improvement introduced by HTTP2. It the wire format is binary, that can
       be compressed and is optimized when same multiple messages are sent. To advance with
       HTTP and APIs, the IETF will likely have a new WG about HTTP APIs that, hopefully will
       speed up development and delivery of API-level specs on top of HTTP.
   - (Marjukka Niinioja) IoT devices should interact via dedicated protocols such as MQTT and
       gRPC (which is is even faster), but not suitable for all occasions. Generally these are useful
       for known server-side implementation. Erik Wilde added that, "event-based" is a *very*
       wide category with very different semantics. AsyncAPI creates this illusion that "hey, it's all
       covered by one format", but things are not quite as simple.
   - (Roberto Polli) Some considerations for government sector on APIs beyond HTTP have also
       been added: services provided to a broad audience ensuring a clear semantic and auditing.
       The choice of protocols should be done carefully. E.g. with websockets, which are HTTP-
       initiated, there’s no clear semantic after the communication is initiated. This means it
       requires a very complex work to implement all those features, which comes for free in
       HTTP. (https://forum.italia.it/t/graphql-and-the-italian-interoperability-framework/11762).
       Also. while MQTT suffers of a similar semantic issues. iirc AMQP provides some
       functionalities to implement semantics in queues. This was also agreed by Erik Wilde that
       specified how recent approaches sell some "API metalayer" approach, but that he is quite
       sceptical that these work very well unless you're willing to constrain yourself in a variety of
A deep and participated discussion was made about API metadata specifications.
-   Lorenzino Vaccari introduced the topic about the use of the OpenAPI specifications for
    RESTful APIs and AsyncAPI for even-driven architectures. Erik Wilde clarifies that both
    OpenAPI and AsyncAPI don’t have very rich metadata models and that they are very
    technical and strictly just describe the interface.
-   Bert Van Nuffelen mentioned that in Belgium and the region of Flanders semantic data
    standards, and technical standards (e.g. REST API guidelines) are being created. They
    covers all aspects from policy to technical alignment with
    developers(https://www.gcloud.belgium.be/rest/; https://github.com/belgif;
    https://data.vlaanderen.be/standaarden/ ). In particular, in the region of Flanders, just
    recently a standardization track has been started on metadata for services
    services/index.html ) and DCAT 2.0 profile to capture the wide variety of APIs (geo, SOAP,
    REST, Linked Data, ...) into one catalog. With this profile the intent is to enable every
    organisation to expose metadata of their API in a standardized way so that a single
    marketplace for APIs can be created. Erik Wilde noticed that it would be very useful if this
    can be embedded in OpenAPI and AsyncAPI so that it simply can be harvested from API
    descriptions. Marjukka Niinioja added that this is like the "product definition" that some
    API management solutions have had as proprietary format for some time. Definitely
    something for us suggest in OpenAPI Initiative. Bert Van Nuffelen also mentioned that part
    of the standardization track is indeed to create addition agreements for OpenAPI so that
    the expected metadata is extractable and Erik Wilde referenced an online work they were
    working on some time ago (http://dret.net/lectures/api-days-paris-2019/) is but we never
    created a proper specification. Roberto Polli added that in Italy they have similar goals and
    started discussing within OAS community and Bert Van Nuffelen further specified that in all
    these alignment initives (e.g. REST API guidelines) developers & architects want also to
    make semantical agreements. So it is a wide space and it is not always easy to make an
    independent decision at the technical level.
-   About extensibility of OAS Erik Wilde specifies that OAS can support it but that it would be
    great to not limit these efforts to OAS. Ideally, it should be something that can stand alone
    as well. Marjukka Niinioja noticed that OpenAPI 3.0 has in general better support for that
    than 2.0, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InoAIgBZIEA ) and gave a reference to make
    questions (or add some answers) on OpenAPI or other specs (https://github.com/api-
    specification-toolbox/questions ). Roberto Polli offered collaboration to organisations
    interested in reusing or contributing to OAS validation rules. He also specifies that, except
    for some casing+metadata, validation rules are based on the HTTP RFCs and can be safely
    adopted by other agencies. They are even working on a set of optional security rules, and
    he is available to work together on that.
-   Levente Ban said that they are getting involved in contributing OAS tools. And he was
    curious of the tools/languages used. Roberto Polli asked about which tools were
    contributed and specifies that they also that, when OAS3 was lagging, they contributed to
    some tools to support moving away from Swagger2. Levente specified that in some areas
    they are trying to move to openapi-generator with java. Here the oas v3 with oauth2
    support for java is a big need. They are trying to contribute the openapi-generator
    functionalities related to this for the javaspring lang. They are also trying to get API first
-   Bert Van Nuffelen added that when changing specifications, budget must be taking into
    account, too. If clients of governments are the cities, and the API of the regional/federal
government are moving too quickly, they cannot follow. They simply do not have the
       manpower + budget to follow these changes.
   -   Mika Honkanen raise the topic about the need of metadata model (like DCAT Application
       Profile - DCAT-AP and https://www.programmableweb.com/ ) to describe APIs and SLAs.
       Erik Wilde suggested to check out also schema.org, maybe the ontology that is used for
       most data models on the planet, and that it has a proper class about “WebAPIs" in their set
       of schemas (https://schema.org/WebAPI). Bert Van Nuffelen informed that more related
       to this discussions is BREG DCAT-AP. That specification is intended to describe in full base
       registries (thus including relationship with APIs for a base dataset). Bert Van Nuffelen
       added that DCAT-AP takes a more wider aim: the standard wants to give an overview of all
       (public government) data and its access to it in one catalogue.
   -   About data modelling Erik Wilde added that Google is very opportunistic but also very
       much driven by adoption and utility. Bert Van Nuffelen added that it is not build on firm
       semantics, that a government is bound by that but that, however, mapping the firm gov
       semantics to it is needed.
   -   Erik Wilde mentioned RDF and Bert Van Nuffelen noticed that it is not because you have a
       RDF model it is trustworthy, but that it makes linking though easier.
Security of APIs
This topic collected lots of comment, as it is one of the most important challenges when
implementing APIs.
    - Erik Wilde informed that Erik Wittern is working on interesting security analyses for
        GraphQL, but all of this is far some simple or easy.
    - Roberto Polli posed the question about if encrypted content-coding is a suitable solution
        for those issues. He would have preserved the schema and used a protocol feature to solve
        it transparently. He informed that iirc Darrel Miller even proposed JOSE as a content-
        coding. To answer the question of Roberto:
             o Alan Glickenhouse suggested to check an online document of the IBM community
                on the topic
             o Alexander Hoose          answered that they are looking into that for procedure
                oriented APIs for sending in application form data to government. Therefore, they
                want to mandate to encrypt the formdata and encode it into a JWE Token before
                sending the data to the API.
             o Roberto Polli clarified that they mentioned JWE in their guidelines and that the
                problem is that JWT is easily to implement in insecure way
                (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc8725/ ), e.g. JWE will not be implemented in
                google/tink library(https://github.com/google/tink/issues/342#issuecomment-
                658450381). More investigation should be done in something similar to
                (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8188) and reach out infosec communities in IETF
Useful links to policy context interesting related events
   -   Policy context
           o The Open Data directive (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-
           o The Communication on An European Data strategy
               age/european-data-strategy )
   -   Events
o Semic 2020 (https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/semantic-interoperability-
   -   Data modelling (https://smartdatamodels.org/index.php/about/ )
   -   Web of things (https://www.w3.org/WoT/ )
   -   ISA2 programme awork bout semantics and common vocabularies
       (https://ec.europa.eu/isa2/solutions/core-vocabularies_en ). Bert Van Nuffelen highlighted
       that the ISA core vocabularies are indeed a good building block, but of-course they have
       limits. E.g. typically the shared values are flattened to ensure that everyone can express
       somehow the related information. When doing actually management on this data, more
       structure is usually required. E.g. addresses. In the core vocabularies these are flat string
       properties, whereas in INSPIRE this is a structured model (with firmer identities). Both have
       use cases and are closely related, but are not the same.
Requests from the audience
   -   Alexander Hoose is interested in having further talk on the topic about very strict
       specifications in the API specifications and also validate all tokens
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