March - June 2021 - Pray with Bible Society

Page created by Angela Gonzalez
March - June 2021 - Pray with Bible Society
March – June 2021
Photography by Dag Smemo

                                Pray with Bible Society
March - June 2021 - Pray with Bible Society
Thanks be to God for the people
                                                                                  28 February – 6 March                      of China wanting Bibles, and for us
                                                                                                                             having the chance to contribute to
                                                                                  Dear Lord, we pray that your kingdom       that wonderful present.
                                                                                  will be established in China and that      Anonymous
                                                                                  your will is done. May my fellow
                                                                                  Christians in this country stay strong
                                                                                  and assured of your unfailing love,        21 – 27 March
                                                                                  always. Amen.
                                                                                                                             Lord, your word is mighty and
                                                                                  Almighty God, I pray that your             wonderful. May your people in China
                                                                                  word will reach those in China that        experience its power and grow in
                                                                                  desperately need to receive your           faith. Amen.
                                                                                  teaching. I pray the message of love,      Timothy, Bexleyheath
                                                                                  hope and peace will continue to
                                                                                  spread and grow there. Amen.               O Lord, we pray that your knowledge
                                                                                  Lucy, Havering                             will fill China as the waters cover the
                                                                                                                             sea. Strengthen the hands of your
                                                                                                                             servants involved with this mission
                                                                                  7 – 13 March                               and uphold them in Jesus’ name.
                                                                                  I pray for peace, joy and freedom          Bola, Milton Keynes
                                                                                  from persecution for my dear brothers
                                                                                  and sisters in China, such wonderful
                                                                                  Penny, Harrogate
                                                                                                                             28 March – 3 April

Thank you so much for joining us in prayer.
                                               March                              We pray for people who don’t have a
                                                                                  Bible, for money to help people get
                                                                                  free Bibles, for people who are tired
                                                                                  from walking to get a Bible and to
                                                                                  have transport to get Bibles.
                                                                                  Melling St Wilfrid C.E. Primary,
                                                                                                                             Dear Lord, I pray that you will provide
                                                                                                                             more pastors to encourage and teach
                                                                                                                             young Christians in China. Amen.
                                                                                                                             Timothy, Bexleyheath

                                                                                                                             Almighty God, I pray that you will
                                                                                                                             reveal your word and truth to the
We deeply value your prayer support,                                                                                         Chinese people. Jesus, may you
especially as we continue living in an                                                                                       come into their lives and be a light
uncertain world. Many of you have written                                                                                    to them, guide and lead them to full
your prayers on our online China Prayer Tree
                                                                                  14 – 20 March                              knowledge of you, Amen.
on                                                                                       Dominick
and this month we pray with you for China.                                        Thank you, Jesus, for the work being
                                                                                  done by Bible Society, in China. It is
                                                       Photography by Dag Smemo

Other seeds fell on good soil and produced                                        a privilege to be part of this mission
grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some                                       to supply Bibles to our brothers and
thirty. He who has ears, let him hear.                                            sisters in Christ in a largely atheistic
Matthew 13.8 – 9 (ESV)                                                            country.
                                                                                  Andy, Salisbury
March - June 2021 - Pray with Bible Society
                                                                                        ‘It is hard to find the right words to
                                         4 – 10 April                                   express our gratitude for getting            25 April – 1 May
                                                                                        the funding for our Bible Society
                                         Happy Easter, Christ is risen: He is           to survive,’ says General Secretary          ‘The news [of the Fund support] came
                                         risen indeed!                                  Anatoly Kirillov. ‘Just as people who        to us like an oasis of fresh water in
                                                                                        fall seriously ill with Covid-19 need        the middle of the intense desert that
                                         Bible Society in the West Indies               ventilators to help them breathe and         we have had to face for more than
                                         describes the devastating effect that          recover and return to normal life, this      six months,’ says Marco Gomez at the
                                         Covid-19 has had on the Jamaican               financial support is helping us keep         Bible Society of Panama.
 Thanks to your support, and             economy, which relies heavily on               going and return to our activity.’
 supporters around the world, close      tourism. Inevitably, this, together with                                                    Amid lockdown, the Bible Society
 to 40 Bible Societies are receiving     the closure of churches and schools            Give thanks for the help Bible Society       partnered with churches to distribute
 the urgent help they need, through      during lockdown, has led to a steep            in Moldava is receiving and pray for         Scriptures to families in difficult
 the Rescue and Recovery Fund (see       decline in the Bible Society’s income.         encouragement and perseverance               circumstances, and to police and army
 WIA page 11). So far, just over $4                                                     to keep going through these difficult        officers. When the country’s borders
 million has been raised by 18 Bible     ‘Things are difficult, very difficult,’ says   times.                                       were closed due to lockdown, many
 Societies. Please pray for these        General Secretary Courtney Stewart,                                                         migrants were trapped in the country
 Bible Societies in need as they seek    who has been very worried about                                                             with no work and nowhere to go. The
 to keep Bible ministry alive in their   the situation. ‘Our country, like many         18 – 24 April                                Bible Society provided Bibles and
 countries.                              others, is going through the throes of                                                      children’s Scriptures for them, while
                                         lack of funds, lack of work, mounting          Bible Society of Namibia General             churches distributed food and other
 For just as the body is one and has     bills and growing frustration.’                Secretary Schalk Botha admits that he        relief.
 many members, and all the members                                                      has been deeply concerned about the
 of the body, though many, are one       When asked what it means to the                Bible Society’s survival, as its sales and   One of the migrants, Vielka Morales,
 body, so it is with Christ.             Bible Society to get support through           fundraising income has been badly hit        shared how receiving the Scriptures
 1 Corinthians 12.12 (ESV)               the Fund, Courtney shared, ‘It means           by the pandemic.                             during that difficult time helped her
                                         we are not alone in our struggle for                                                        and her family.
                                         survival. It is a wonderful testimony          ‘The good news of the Fund support
                                         and demonstration of solidarity                has brought us a sense of security and       ‘I have always wanted a Bible, so
                                         and biblical compassion in times of            relief for the difficult months ahead        when you arrived bringing Bibles I
                                         tremendous challenge.’ Please pray             of us,’ he says. ‘The funding will help      asked you to help. Reading the Bible
                                         for Bible ministry in the West Indies,         cover some of our running costs and          gave my heart tranquillity and peace.
                                         that people will find hope in Jesus,           enable us to continue our mission.           Above all, it helped me feel God
                                         through the Bible.                             People in Namibia are overwhelmed            protecting us on our journey. The
                                                                                        with fear and a sense of                     books the children received helped to
                                         11 – 17 April                                  powerlessness, and there is an               distract them from our situation but
                                                                                        increasing demand for Bibles as              also gave them lessons that will help
                                                                                        people search for hope to sustain            them in life. We are very grateful for
                                         In Moldova, Europe’s poorest nation,           them spiritually through these               the Bibles.’
                                         the pandemic hit the Bible Society’s           difficult times.’
                                         operations hard. It completely relies                                                       Give thanks for the ministry that
                                         on its sales income, which dropped by          Please pray for the work of Bible            Bible Society in Panama is continuing
                                         80%. It has had to reduce its activities       Society in Namibia: pray it will be able     to provide. Please pray for all Bible
Thanks to your support, Bible            and staff in order to survive, but at          to minister to people searching for          Societies around the world as we seek
Society in Panama distributed            the same time, the need for Bibles is          hope in the midst of the pandemic.           to bring the Bible to life.
Bibles to migrant workers during         growing as people are searching for
the pandemic.                            comfort and hope.
March - June 2021 - Pray with Bible Society
                                             and sales income. This means that it
                                             is hard to pay salaries and taxes, and      16 – 22 May                              23 – 29 May
                                             also to maintain the two translation
                                             projects that it has been running with      Cameroon                                 Niger
                                             local funding since 2019.                   ‘After the                               An update
                                                                                         murder of                                from General
                                             Valente (pictured below left),              our two team                             Secretary
                                             General Secretary of Bible Society in       members,                                 Hama Yaye
                                             Mozambique, says, ‘This means that          who were                                 (pictured
                                             God won’t allow Covid-19 to stop the        responsible                              far right):
Through your giving, Bible Societies         plan for his people to get his word         for preparing
in some of the toughest, hardest             through the Bible Society’s ministry.       the community for the arrival of the     ‘The situation in Niger regarding
places in Africa are able to share the       Just as Jesus is the same yesterday,        Bible in Parkwa, our task becomes        Islamic extremists remains tense
Bible, particularly from your giving         today and forever, we’ll continue           even more urgent,’ Luc (pictured         and no less political. There are
to the Rescue and Recovery Fund.             making him known while looking              above), General Secretary of the Bible   still hostilities in the red zones
Please pray for our brothers and             for the best ways to be sustainable         Society in Cameroon, said. ‘It is this   because the churches are unable to
sisters in Mozambique, Cameroon              during and after the Rescue and             Bible that will bring hope and heal      worship freely and there are always
and Niger as they risk their lives to        Recovery Fund.                              the wounds of the Parkwa-speaking        kidnappings of influential Christians,
share the gospel.                                                                        people. You know, when God sends         the governors of the regions,
                                             ‘Allow me to confess that I was in          you on a mission, he doesn’t say         the heads of villages and people
Even though I walk through the valley        despair and had sleepless nights for        what conditions you will face when       considered to be rich. Ultimately, we
of the shadow of death, I will fear no       weeks and months, but I kept praying        you go. He says, “Go, I’m sending        no longer know whether they are
evil, for you are with me; your rod and      and the answer came in God’s time,          you.” He sent us to this people and      bandits or terrorists, and this is where
your staff, they comfort me.                 not mine. Praise the Lord! I pray for all   we must accomplish our mission. We       the state complicity lies. Because
Psalm 23.4 (ESV)                             our donors and fundraisers, for God’s       are convinced that, with him, we will    the country is 98 per cent Muslim,
                                             anointing in their work of being a          complete our mission, despite the        politicians are unwilling to touch
                                             blessing to our Bible Society and our       actions of the enemy.’                   these so-called terrorist Islamists
                                             people.                                                                              because they will lose their electorate.
2 – 8 May and 9 – 15 May                                                                 Please pray for our brothers and
                                             ‘It also gives us great motivation to       sisters in Cameroon and in other         ‘What encourages us is that Nigerien
Mozambique                                   do God’s ministry, as written by Paul       nations in the Sahel region of Africa    Christians themselves are not afraid
Covid has                                    in 1 Corinthians 15.58: “Therefore, my      who live under the constant threat       of Islamists. Christians even in regions
completely                                   dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing      of Boko Haram and other terrorist        declared red zones are looking for
paralysed                                    move you. Always give yourselves            groups. Ask that God will protect        more ways to know God. We are
an economy                                   fully to the work of the Lord because       them and give them courage so they       used to the violence of our own
already                                      you know that your labour in the Lord       will not be deterred from worshipping    persecuting parents.
destabilised                                 is not in vain.”’                           or from spreading the word of God.
by various                                                                                                                        ‘In my humble opinion God takes
crises, including Boko Haram attacks,        Please pray for our team in                 Please pray for the families of          every opportunity to glorify his name.
turmoil with the Anglophone region,          Mozambique, that they will be lights        Joseph and Jonas, pray for safety        I have found that Christians in the
and a political crisis since the 2018        shining in the midst of extremely           and protection for our staff in the      heat of the moment are more serious
elections. Although the Bible Society        challenging circumstances.                  region, and pray God’s word can bring    in their faith, even when they lack
has been able to continue its work                                                       healing and hope to communities          everything. This is the motivation for
through the previous crises, Covid has                                                   which have endured so much.              our actions in these dangerous zones,
severely curtailed its ability to operate,                                                                                        but with great caution.’
significantly cutting its fundraising
                                                                 ‘Heavenly Father, we thank you for our
                                                                 brother George. We thank you for his
                                                                 passion and great love for you and his
                                                                 commitment to you and your word, and
                                                                 to spread that to the people of Syria.
                                                                 Lord God, we pray for Syria, we lift up
                                                                 that nation to you.

  Our colleagues at Bible Society in                             ‘Lord, ten years of suffering is ten years
  Australia (BSA) recently interviewed                           too long. We ask that you would give
  George, the General Secretary of                               our leaders wisdom to make
  Bible Society in Syria. Syria is still                         different decisions, decisions that don’t
  in the midst of war after ten long                             hurt and cause pain and damage to
  years and they deeply value prayer                             these people.
  support from their brothers and
  sisters around the world. Please                               ‘Father, we thank you that through all
  pray with Belinda, our colleague                               of this suffering and crisis, you have not
  from BSA.                                                      forgotten the people of Syria; you love
                                                                 them and you died for them. Father,
  The Spirit of the Lord God is upon                             we thank you for George. And we ask
  me, because the Lord has anointed                              that you would give him wisdom and
  me to bring good news to the poor;                             guidance as he leads the Bible
  he has sent me to bind up the                                  Society of Syria.
  brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to
  the captives, and the opening of the                           ‘We pray particularly for the trauma
  prison to those who are bound …                                healing project and for all of the other
  Isaiah 61.1 (ESV)                                              projects that George is leading. And we
                                                                 thank you for those. We ask that you
                                                                 would continue to move the hearts of
                                                                 people to give generously so that they
                                                                 can continue. Father, we pray for peace.
                                                                 We pray for peace and for comfort.

                                                                 ‘And we thank you, Lord, for all of the
                                                                 great work that you are doing. Thank
                                                                 you that, in spite of the pain and the
                                                                 suffering, Lord, we know that you are
                                                                 still at work. We know that you are
                                                                 still good. And Father, thank you that
                                                                 George knows this too. In Jesus’ name,
                                                                 we pray. Amen.’

Please pray for George and his family
Bible Society, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7DG Tel: 01793 418222 Registered charity 232759 PR000584
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