www.cefnebraska.org Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska, Inc - CEF Nebraska

www.cefnebraska.org Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska, Inc - CEF Nebraska

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        Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska, Inc.
1. State Director/CYIA Director
                  Jonathan Musgrave (Yoli) – State Director
                  6400 Cornhusker Hwy, Suite 400, Lincoln, NE 68507
                  Off: (402) 484-7877– jonathan@cefnebraska.org
                  Cell: (402) 525-5305
2. Cherry Chapter
                   Monte & Dawn Gurnsey – Local Directors
                   87675 US Hwy 183, Bassett, NE 68714
                   Off: (402) 684-2585 – gurnseymo@abbnebraska.com
                   Cell: (402) 822-0038
3. Omaha Chapter
                  Esther Beasley – Local Coordinator
                  5426 S. 99th St., Omaha, NE 68127
                  Off: (402) 342-9272 – esther@cefofomaha.org
                  Cell: (402) 740-9048
4. Lincoln Chapter
                  Director Needed – Contact Jonathan Musgrave
                  6400 Cornhusker Hwy, Suite 400, Lincoln, NE 68507
                  Off: (402) 484-7877 – jonathan@cefnebraska.org
                  Cell: (402) 525-5305
5. Southeast Chapter
                 William Lewis (Bekah) – Local Coordinator
                 6400 Cornhusker Hwy, Suite 400, Lincoln, NE 68507
                 Off: (402) 484-7877 – william@cefnebraska.org
                 Cell: (402) 880-2824
7. Central Chapter
                 Mike Pena (Autumn) – Local Coordinator
                 PO Box 2613, Kearney, NE 68848
                 3311 I Ave., Kearney, NE 68847
                                                                                June 6-12, 2021
                 Off: (308) 224-3558                                   Whispering Cedars Baptist Camp, Genoa, NE
                 Cell: (308) 233-1501 – michael@cefcentral.com

www.cefnebraska.org Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska, Inc - CEF Nebraska
Welcome: The GREAT Adventure Awaits!                                                                      Summer Ministry
    Welcome to the GREATEST ADVENTURE—advancing the                               After CY IA, teens must teach four 5-Day Clubs during the
KINGDOM OF GOD! We are asking the Lord to provide the right young                 summer. The teaching assignments can be done in two weeks or
people who are sold out to Him to serve with us this summer. Could you be         worked around other summer plans.
one He has called?
                                                                                  5-Day Clubs are arranged through the CEF office though we
     Jesus stated, “It is not the will of your Father in Heaven that one of       encourage students and their parents to help us promote the clubs in
these little ones [children] should perish.” (Mathew 18:14 emphasis added)        churches and the local Christian community.
CYIA is not just a Christian camp experience, but is transformation
training. It is designed to enrich your walk with the Lord and train you to       Teaching assignments must be made by the CEF office to ensure that
be better equipped to share Christ, not only with children, but also with your    experienced Bible teachers are on each team. Teens generally work
peers and adults! It is an investment for a lifetime! Oh, CY IA is also a great   in groups of three. Transportation to and from clubs will be provided,
opportunity to make lots of life-long friends.                                    but any help from parents or other available drivers is appreciated.
    Serving the Lord is the greatest adventure and calling! CY IA is one of       Many 5-Day Clubs will be held in close partnership with a local
the greatest places to serve! If you are ready to make a life-changing            church. Teens serving these churches would be asked to teach three
difference and accomplish the Father’s will, CY IA could be for you. The          5-Day Clubs for the week and assist with a Rally Friday evening.
change God makes is first in you, and then He uses you to help Him make
eternal changes as you share Him with others! Will you make your summer           A 5-Day Club is a fast-paced Bible club for children ages 4-11 which
count and leave a mark on eternity? Contact your local director or the state      meets in homes, back yards, parks, churches, apartment complexes,
coordinator to request an application, or download it at                          mobile home parks and anywhere children are for 1 1/2 hours each
www.cefnebraska.org/ministries/cyia.                                              day for five days. Every club includes:
    We encourage you to turn in your application as soon as possible. May                Evangelistic Bible lessons
8 is the official early registration date, but you are still welcome to turn in         Exciting missionary stories
your application through the month of May. After we receive your                          Memory verse activities
application, you will be contacted as to your acceptance. Please contact us                       Prayer
if you have further questions. We hope the Lord calls you to be part of
                                                                                               Terrific songs
CYIA 2021.
For the Lord’s Glory and the souls of the Children,                                                Prizes
Jonathan Musgrave                                                                                 Snacks
CEF of NE CYIA/State Director
                                           CEF of Nebraska
                                           6400 Cornhusker Hwy, Suite 400
                                           Lincoln, NE 68507                                                Additional Information
                                           Cell: (402) 525-5305
                                           Off: (402) 484-7877
                                           jonathan@cefnebraska.org                                            Correspondence
                                           www.cefnebraska.org                    Mail can be directed to trainees in care of Whispering Cedars Baptist
                                                                                  Camp: Trainee’s name, %Whispering Cedars Baptist Camp, 49794 N.
                                                                                  320th Ave., Genoa, NE 68640
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www.cefnebraska.org Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska, Inc - CEF Nebraska
Other Guidelines                                                        Child Evangelism Fellowship®
ATTENDANCE:                                                                     CEF® is an evangelical, Bible-centered, world-wide organization, composed
Summer missionaries must attend all classes, be on time and complete all        of born-again believers, whose purpose is to evangelize boys and girls with
assignments before CY IA ends, unless ill or have obtained an excused           the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, to disciple them in the Word of God and
absence.                                                                        to establish them in a Bible-believing local church for Christian living.
TECHNOLOGY:                                                                     CEF is an international, non-denominational organization headquartered in
Cell phone use is only permitted during scheduled breaks. Any use of a          Warrenton, Missouri, with over 3,400 missionaries in nearly every country
cell phone during chapel, classes or study time will result in the removal of   of the world reaching over 20 million children. Every state in the USA has a
the phone. We highly encourage you to disconnect from technology at             representative of CEF.
training so you can better connect with the Lord and with the other summer      CYIA is designed to prepare believers age 13 and older to reach children
missionaries you will teaching with this summer.                                with the Gospel and make an impact upon children’s lives for eternity. The
GUY/GIRL RELATIONSHIPS:                                                         four main goals are:
Please ask God to help you keep the right perspective at training. The focus
of CY IA is preparation to reach children with the Gospel. Don’t cheat
yourself out of valuable preparation time by getting sidetracked. If we                                        CYIA Goals
notice couples being together a lot, we will pull both parties aside to help
refocus them on why they are at CY IA .
  Please note:                                                                   1. To enable youth to concisely convey the gospel and Christian growth
  No personal displays of affection between guys and girls.                         truths
  No guys and girls are ever allowed to go off by themselves.                    2. To encourage youth in their personal walk with the Lord
  No mixed groups are to be together in the morning before breakfast.            3. To excite youth with a vision for ministry in their own community,
                                                                                    state, and around the world
Lights out will be carefully observed without exception to allow for             4. To edify the church body. Many teens have found this training to be
maximum rest for staff and students. Also, because of the heavily wooded,           an asset later as a parent or teacher, Sunday school teacher, AWANA
unlit terrain, anyone caught outside their cabin after hours may not be             leader, children’s director, pastor, missionary, and other ministries.
allowed to stay.

                                                                                                         CYIA Central Location
                              Items to Bring                                    CYIA Central is held near the
                                                                                middle of Nebraska at Whispering
o KJV or ESV Bible (A pocket size New Testament will also be helpful.)          Cedars Baptist Camp, located 23
o   Pencils/pens, extra paper, sticky notes, scissors, highlighters             miles northeast of Central City,
o   Sleeping bag or bedding to fit a twin-sized mattress and pillow             NE and 45 minutes west of
o   Towel and toiletries                                                        Columbus, between the cities of
o   Appropriate clothing and shoes (jackets for cooler mornings / evenings)     Fullerton and Genoa, NE.
o   Spending money; CY IA store and snack shack

          Please remember to mark all personal items!

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www.cefnebraska.org Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska, Inc - CEF Nebraska
Cost                                                                 CYIA 2020 Standard
            Early Registration                        Late Registration
                (By May 8rd)                           (After May 8rd)          Please follow these guidelines and do not push the limits. CY IA is training
                   $250                                      $285               leaders who will represent our ministry and the Lord as they teach children
         (Includes $50 deposit)                      (Includes $50 deposit)     and work with host families from a variety of backgrounds. We all are to be
                                                                                good role models for the children “giving no cause for offense in anything,
The cost for CY IA covers the time at camp, the T-shirt, and teaching           so that the ministry will not be discredited”. (2 Cor. 6:3)
materials. All applications must be accompanied by a $50 deposit. The
remaining will be due at the time of registration on June 7th. Full payment                                         Classroom
may be sent with the application. Check with us regarding discounts for                         Men                                       Ladies
siblings or three or more students from a sponsoring church.                      Polo shirts, T-shirts (no tank        Blouses or T-shirt (tops must
                                                                                   tops) or other shirts must be          cover the midriff and not be low-
CEF is a faith ministry. Our motto states “Ask God and tell His people.” If
                                                                                   neat with no inappropriate             cut; no tank tops or off-the-
training expenses are a challenge, we encourage you to ask God for the
                                                                                   words or pictures                      shoulder tops are allowed at any
finances and realize that your home church, family and friends may be more
                                                                                  Nice jeans (no holes, rips)            time)
than willing to help you with these expenses. Raising support will build your
                                                                                  Slacks                                Loose fitting nice jeans (no holes)
faith. We can provide a letter if you desire. Contact the office for more
details.                                                                                                                 Loose fitting casual slacks, capris,
                                                                                                                          or modest length dresses or skirts
Students who are 14 or older may choose to serve as paid employees for 5-                                                 (hemlines and slits below the knee)
Day Clubs if they meet the qualifications, including completing an
application and appropriate tax forms, and seeking to raise support by                                          Recreation
sending out a minimum of 25 prayer letters. Contact the CEF office if you
have questions about this opportunity.                                                  FOR ALL: Any of the above or long shorts (knee-length)
                                                                                  Shoes must be worn at all times (tennis shoes or other recreational shoes
                                                                                                       are required for recreation).
                                 Sample Schedule                                       No shorts ar e to be wor n in the mor ning in the classr oom.

    By 7:00 am            Rise and shine - prepared for the day
    7:00-7:55             Cabin and Personal Devotions—Breakfast                Men: Hair should be clean, combed and not extend over the collar. No
    8:00-12:00            Classes/study/practice with short breaks in between
                                                                                earrings or visible body piercing.
    12:00-1:55            Lunch and Labor of love - Recreation Break            Ladies: One pair of earrings is allowed. No visible body piercing.
    2:00-5:45             Classes/study/practice with short breaks in between   If the director/staff feels any item of clothing is inappropriate, you will
                                                                                be asked to change. We trust you will desire to cooperate.
    5:45-6:40             Supper and Labor of love
    7:00-9:00             Classroom instruction/study/practice time, chapel                            Commissioning Service Attire
    9:00-10:00            Recreation if assignments are completed for the day                    Men                                      Ladies
    11:00                 Lights out in dorm. Be respectful toward others             Dress Shirt, Dress Slacks                           A dressy
                                                                                    Sport Coat and/or tie is optional           skirt/blouse, dress, or slacks
Each day is primarily filled with classroom instruction, directed
practice times, evaluation and group study. Camp will end with the              Commissioning Service concludes CY IA and will be Saturday, June
commissioning service on Saturday.                                              12th at 2:30 pm. Family and friends are welcome to attend.

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www.cefnebraska.org Child Evangelism Fellowship of Nebraska, Inc - CEF Nebraska
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