The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House

Page created by Jane Simpson
The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House
The Nazareth Story
                                  Registration No: 038-257-NPO
                              EDITION SEVENTEEN: SEPTEMBER 2019

                   The official newsletter of the Sisters of Nazareth African Region since 1882

Dear Sisters, Staff, Board Members, Donors, Colleagues and Friends of Nazareth

As we approach the end of the winter season and move into spring, we are thrilled to get some warm
weather and enjoy the change in landscape and surrounding gardens. The blossoming of the flowers
and rejuvenation of plants around us, always puts a smile on our residents faces and the joy therein
for each person is ever present.
In the Cape, we are further excited to enjoy the transformation of the Namaqualand which stretches
across the Richtersveld National Park, Goegap Nature Reserve, and Skilpad Wild Flower Reserve. Al-
most 4,000 different species of plant seeds lie awaiting germination that depends entirely on what
the weather is doing. Thus, every year between July and October brings a different formula, and a
different selection of flowers.
The spring wild flowers are a phenomenon that never ceases to amaze and delight, even for those
who live in what is considered South Africa's "outback" – Namaqualand.

As an organisation, we are excited to be moving into the new season including preparing for the An-
nual General Meeting of Nazareth House African Region, to take place at Nazareth House Cape Town
on the 17 September 2019. These meetings are always a great opportunity to give feedback to all our
donors, benefactors and friends of Nazareth, on the progress and challenges overcome during the
previous year, and most importantly provide some foresight and planning for the upcoming year.
Much is still to be done and we embrace the ever-changing world around us.
The care and services we provide to our houses, outreach programmes
and ministries are the very reason we continue to grind forward with
passion and determination.

“Flowers  always make people better, happier and more
helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.”
– Luther Burbank
Best wishes

Wayne Devy & Sister Margaret
The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House
                               Established 1882

                                                             DID YOU KNOW?
                                                              Cape Town House
                                                               was the very first
                                                            Nazareth House to be
                                                            established outside of
                                                             the United Kingdom.
You may have noticed a number of changes in the newsletter lately. In this edition we are excited to
introduce a new section which will feature one of the Nazareth Care African Region houses each

Cape Town House was the first Nazareth House established in Africa—and the first Nazareth
House established outside of the United Kingdom! In 1882, five Sisters of Nazareth travelled to
South Africa and arrived amidst a smallpox outbreak.

Initially a Children’s Home, Cape Town House now has both children and elderly in their care.

In the last year twelve new children were
admitted. Two children were discharged—
one was adopted and the other reunified
with their family. Sadly, three deaths
occurred due to progression of the chil-
dren’s respective conditions.

Cape Town house can accommodate 40
elderly residents, offering Independent
Living, Assisted Living, Frail Care and
Palliative Care, as well as 24 residents in
our specialised private Dementia Care
facility, The Villa.

Our social workers and occupational therapists have begun introducing group activities that
bring our children and elderly residents together which have resulted in many beautiful
The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House
                   YEOVILLE, JOHANNESBURG
                                             Sister Bridget Mary Ambrose has shared her
                                             testimony with us and we, in turn, would like to
                                             share her journey with the Sisters of Nazareth
                                             with the rest of the Nazareth family.
                                             Sister Bridget arrived in South Africa in 1965 to
                                             care for the elderly at Nazareth Care Johannes-
                                             burg House. After 13 years she trained for her
                                             State Register Nursing whereafter she was sta-
                                             tioned at our 14 Streams Outreach near Warren-
                                             ton in the Northern Cape.
                                             She continued her vocation to care for the elderly,
                                             serving at various houses in Southern Africa, until
                                             she became ill and was no longer able to continue

                                             In 2000 Sister Bridget was given the ministry of
                                             Nazareth Care Johannesburg House’s Community
                                             Outreach in 2000.
                                             She visits Yeoville daily, bringing food, clothing and
                                             blankets to the poor and indigent living in shacks
                                             and derelict flats.

Sister Bridget Mary Ambrose
                                             “In this ministry I feel fulfilled and need-
•   83 years of age                          ed, especially useful in my latter years
•   Born in County Limerick, Ireland         where I can encourage and lift the
•   Eldest of 12 children.                   downhearted.”
•   First Profession in 1952 at the Mother
    House in Hammersmith, England.           Working with the poor can be challenging. “As a
                                             Sister of Nazareth, it is a challenge be able to bring
•   Trained as a nurse at the Southhamp-     some relief and comfort to the suffering… to be
    tion Nursing College in 1963 and as a    friendly and happy and give them something to
    State Registered Nurse in SA in 1978.    smile about, to show that somebody does care.”

                                                Sr Bridget collecting patients for transport to the clinic.
The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House
                                                         JOHANNESBURG HOUSE
                                                         SENIOR RESIDENTS DAY

                                                          The warming weather in
                                                         Johannesburg meant the
                                                        Senior Resident’s Day was a
                                                        wonderful event enjoyed by
                                                          staff and residents alike.


    The Activity Room and TV
  lounge was transformed into
our very own Naz Spa complete
  with soft instrumental music,
 vanilla scented    candles and
 individual manicure stations
           were set up.
   Each resident was given the
 choice of Mani, Pedi or Shoul-
 der Massage from our carers.

                                                  PRETORIA HOUSE
                                                   WOMEN’S DAY
                                  PSG Financial Services Group collected scarves,
                                  socks, slippers, gloves and beanies as part of their
                                  Women's Day Event. Pictures left are residents Mrs
                                  Gildenhuys and Mrs Stoffberg with PSG’s generous

                                   DURBAN HOUSE
                                    WOMEN’S DAY
                                  We celebrated the
                                  women in resi-
                                  dence at Durban
                                  House with a spe-
                                  cial lunch includ-
                                  ing delicious choc-
                                  olate and vanilla
The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House

              Thank you to our dedicated
              staff in all departments who
               continue to go above and
             beyond to care for the children
            and elderly residents in our care
             and exemplify the core values
                of the Sister of Nazareth.

The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House
Pump Events hosted a Toy Drive in benefit of Nazareth Care.
Tonia and Sr Virginia accepted the awesome toys and a cash
donation on behalf of Nazareth Care with much gratitude.
Thank you Jeremy and Gino of Pump Events.
Thank you Teleperformance SA for enabling our children to
have awesome backpacks and full stationery kits.
Nazareth Care Cape Town was the beneficiary of Cadbury's
Little Generosity Shop initiative. We took delivery of boxes
filled with various toys for our children's home.
Minus 40 continued to show their generous support by
donating a much needed double door fridge. Thank you!
Thank you to Henley Business School for visiting our
residents and bringing toiletries for our elderly.
The amazing caterers at Nazareth Care Durban House
sponsored a wonderful herb garden so our residents can
enjoy delicious meals made with fresh ingredients. Thank you
Ethekweni Caterers for always going the extra mile.
The Grade 7 pupils from the Community Service Club of
Collegiate Junior treated our residents to an afternoon’s
pampering and socialising session. Thank you for taking an
interest in the elderly in our care and for making them feel
A huge thank you to Umicore Catalyst for covering the cost
of the major repairs to Port Elizabeth House’s Heat Pump.
Thank you to Andrew Quenstedt of E Q Agencies for repair-
ing PE Houses’s Wheelie-bins at no cost.
The choirs from Tukkies visited our Pretoria House. Thank you
for your amazing performance!
The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House
Current Fundraising Campaign
We have essential supplies that need to be transported from our Cape Town House to our
Outreach in 14 Streams near Warrenton in the Northern Cape.

These include supplies such as:
- Hospital beds
- Wheelchairs
- Walking aids
- School stationery
- Books
- Educational tools
- Tables and chairs

At 14 Streams, the Sisters of Nazareth work to alleviate poverty and uplift the community by
offering home-based care for those suffering from chronic and life-limiting illnesses as well as the
elderly; operating a soup kitchen through the Winter months and providing Skills Development.

14 Streams also provides care, food and learning to over 50 children between the ages of 2 and 7
years at the Morning Star Creche and pre-school. These children live at Nazareth Village, Ikhutseng
Township and local farms. Transport is provided to children from more distant areas at a monthly
cost to Nazareth Care of R8000.

Can you help us get these supplies where they need to be or assist in transporting our chil-
dren each school day? Contact us on or +27 21 461 1635.

                       You can also support our 14 Streams outreach through our crowdfunding
                       initiative on GivenGain:

The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House
We endeavor to live out the Gospel and our Core Values in everything we do.
                                 These values give the Nazareth Care houses and all our ministries their
                                                              special spirit.

                                    CORE VALUE FOR SEPTEMBER - HOSPITALITY
                                             “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” - Matthew 25:37
                                     Victoire Larmenier welcomed everyone in a spirit of friendship and
                                   acceptance. At Nazareth Care, we welcome and receive all into a warm,
                                                      friendly and open atmosphere.

                                                                    SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER
                                                                    We will never share your email address with anyone else
        Feast Days of the Sisters
        September 2019                                               Visit to SIGN UP
        4th     Sister Mary Rosalia Burke
        15th Sister Millicent M Nyakairungi                            FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA
        18th Sister Priviledge Sibanda                                             For the latest news and updates


               Make a sponsorship today of:                                Fill out the form below …
                      R100       R250       R500                           Credit Card Payments:
                                                                           Please debit the amount of                 from my credit card.

R               per month for a                        months                Master Card     Visa       Diners Card   American Express
                                                                           Expiry Date:
                                                                           Card No:
                                                                           CCN NO: last 3 digits on back          please sign below
R                       General donation of any amount
                                                                           Debit Order:
My method of payment is:                                                   I wish to sponsor by debit order R         to Nazareth House
     Cheque            Cash         EFT          Credit Card               on the        of                 (month) 20 ___ and each month
                                                                           Account No
      Every Month                        Once only
                                                                           Account Type      Savings       Current       Transmission
A donation by debit order will help us to regularily provide these
critical services. What a difference this will make for someone in need!   Bank:                           Branch:
    NPO NO. 038-257 Registered Section 18A Company with SARS               Date:                    Signature:
The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House The Nazareth Story - Nazareth House
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