PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK

Page created by Erik Richardson
PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK

For SAT-7 and the Middle East
September 2021
PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK
EDUCATION       SEPTEMBER 2021                                            SEPTEMBER 2021       EDUCATION

                                                                  SUNDAY 5 SEPTEMBER

                                                                  FROM RENALDA IN LEBANON

                                                                  “I am Iraqi and now live in Lebanon
                                                                  with my 9-year-old daughter, who is
                                                                  in first grade in a Lebanese school.
                                                                  She is clever and is supposed to be in
                                                                  third grade, but because of the difficult
                                                                  circumstances in Iraq I couldn’t register
     WEDNESDAY 1 SEPTEMBER                                        her in school there. She watches My
     EDUCATION                                                    School and has already learnt from it
                                                                  all the topics she is studying at school. I
     After months of home learning during the pandemic,           cannot thank you enough.”
     it’s probably fair to say that many parents have a
     newfound appreciation for schools and teachers!              Thank God that Renalda’s daughter has
     But in the MENA, many children do not have access            learnt so much through My School, and
     to this basic right – up to 15 million children and          pray she will be placed in the correct
     young people are out of school. Over the next few            grade at school.
     days, we’ll thank God that SAT-7’s educational
     programmes are providing opportunities for learning.
                                                                  MONDAY 6 SEPTEMBER
                                                                  HIGH-RISK GROUPS
     SAT-7 ACADEMY                                                The most high-risk groups of children not receiving
                                                                  an education are those in conflict-affected areas,
     The vision of SAT-7 ACADEMY, our brand of education          the displaced, those with disabilities or mental health
     programmes, is “To inspire impactful, life-long learning     issues, and those born into poverty. Praise God that
     across the Arabic-speaking world to help build better        “the lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn are
     communities and contribute to the good of society            lifted to safety” (Job 5:11). Ask that He will protect
     and culture.” Pray that this vision becomes a reality.       and uplift the most vulnerable children in MENA
     BACK TO SCHOOL                                               TUESDAY 7 SEPTEMBER
     Pray for any children and teachers you know who are          DR BEE
     returning to school this week, that they will feel excited   “Across the region, people lack health education
     and ready for the year ahead.                                because of our expensive and inaccessible public
                                                                  health services,” says SAT-7 ACADEMY producer
     SATURDAY 4 SEPTEMBER                                         Juliana Sfeir. New programme Dr Bee addresses this
     MY SCHOOL                                                    need, offering vital information on childhood illness,
                                                                  hygiene, nutrition, child development and maternal
     Pray for complete funding for the fifth season of            health. Pray urgently for funding for this important and
     teaching programme My School, which provides                 very necessary show.
     on-air lessons for primary-school-aged children in
     Arabic, English, French, maths and science.

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PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK
EDUCATION      SEPTEMBER 2021                                                           SEPTEMBER 2021          PRAYERS

     UTILISING TECHNOLOGY                                     SUNDAY 12 SEPTEMBER
     SAT-7 is utilising all kinds of available technology     PRAY FOR KAMYAB IN IRAN
     to provide education in the most accessible ways
     possible, including programmes on-demand, an
     e-learning platform, catch-up videos on YouTube and      Nine months ago I asked you to
     Facebook, and simple learning tips on TikTok. Pray       pray for me. God helped me – it is
     that children and young people will be able to access    now eight months since I stopped
     SAT-7’s educational content in whichever way is most
                                                              using drugs and alcohol. I am no
     suitable to them.
                                                              longer without hope and I am
                                                              grateful to you. Please pray for
                      THURSDAY 9 SEPTEMBER                    me because I am unemployed
                      THE COACH                               and it upsets me.”
                      According to UNICEF, four out
                      of five children in the MENA are        SUNDAY 4 APRIL
                      subjected to violent discipline at      FROM A VIEWER IN LIBYA
                                                              MONDAY 13 SEPTEMBER
                      home. Educational show The Coach        “There are six of us here in Libya who eagerly wait for My
                      aims to undo generations of negative    DAILY BREAD ON SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                              School to come on air.” Pray for these viewers and thank
                      parenting methods and demonstrate       SAT-7
                                                              God thatARABIC’s    newto“Daily
                                                                        they are able     receiveBread”
                                                                                                    valuablepages   oninsocial
                                                                                                              teaching   key
                      healthy ways to communicate. Pray       media
                                                              subjectsoffer daily
                                                                       through     encouragements
                                                                                SAT-7                     from theMy
                                                                                      educational programme         biblical
                      for presenter and family counsellor     words
                                                              Ask thatand
                                                                             Libyans willoftune
                                                                                                in toPray  that these pages
                      Dr Ihab Mageb (left), that he will be   will be a source of life for all who follow them.
                      able to help parents create healthy
                      and trusting family relationships.
                                                              TUESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER
                                                              ALLO MARIANNE
     PRAY FOR YARA, A VIEWER OF THE COACH                     Praise God for SAT-7 KIDS show Allo Marianne,
                                                              in which presenter Marianne connects with young
     “I have two children, a six-year-old girl and a three-   viewers and teaches them how to face difficulties with
     year-old boy. I learn a lot from The Coach, and I        God’s help. Mabrouk in Egypt got in touch to say:
     apply what I have learnt with my kids. It’s making a
                                                               “I learned a lot from Allo Marianne, like how to get
     big difference.” Thank God that The Coach is having      closer to God. I noticed many things I didn’t know
     a positive impact in viewers’ family lives.              before. I also shared with my parents and learned
                                                              to respect others. I love the programme a lot, it is the
     SATURDAY 11 SEPTEMBER                                    best, and I love Marianne. Thank you God for this
                                                              programme and everyone working on it.”
     “I learned how to spell from you, and when I watched
     your Maths lessons I learned how to solve division       WEDNESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER
     problems. I didn’t know how to write in French but       TECHNICAL CHALLENGES
     now I do, because I watched all the French videos on     MENA internet connections can be inconsistent!
     YouTube. Thank you because you never get tired of        Pray that technical difficulties will not be a barrier
     teaching us!” Give thanks that Gameela has learnt so     to seekers who want to watch SAT-7 through online
     much through SAT-7 ACADEMY!                              platforms.

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PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK
ISOLATED BELIEVERS       SEPTEMBER 2021                                      SEPTEMBER 2021      ISOLATED BELIEVERS

                                                                  MONDAY 20 SEPTEMBER


     ISOLATED BELIEVERS                                           Many Christians in the MENA, particularly in Iran,

     Less than 1% of the world’s                                  suffer in prison for their faith. Pray that God will
     Christian population lives in                                protect them from abuse, depression and disease, and
     the MENA, which inevitably                                   ask Him to fill them with the Holy Spirit so they can
     means many believers                                         witness boldly to those around them.
     are isolated. Government
     restrictions, social hostility and                           TUESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER
     discrimination also contribute
     to the isolation of Christians in                            PRAY FOR FARHAD, A VIEWER IN IRAN
     the region.                                                  “Interrogations, physical searches, and isolation in
     Over the next few days,                                      prison have left my friend traumatised. She is home
     please join us in praying for                                now. Pray Christ will heal her emotionally.”
     people across the MENA
     who are living out their faith
     alone, and thank God for the
     comfort and community that
     SAT-7 provides.

     New Christians from other religious backgrounds
     can become completely isolated within their own
                                                                  WEDNESDAY 22 SEPTEMBER
     homes due to family hostility. Pray that God will give
     perseverance and strength to these lone believers.           CHURCH SERVICES
                                                                  For believers living out their faith alone, watching
                                                                  a church service on television can be a lifeline and
                                                                  help them feel like they are part of a wider Christian
     PRAY FOR BARIS, A VIEWER IN TURKEY                           community. Thank God for church services from
     “I am a new believer, and my family is very upset.           across the MENA (like RCB in Lebanon, above) that
     Pray for me to have strong faith, even if they send me       are broadcast on SAT-7 every week.
     away with no place to go.”
                                                                  THURSDAY 23 SEPTEMBER
     SUNDAY 19 SEPTEMBER                                          PRAY FOR MUSA, A VIEWER IN AFGHANISTAN
     PRINCIPLES OF FAITH                                          “It is so dangerous here to try to find another
     Thank God for live theology show Principles of Faith         Christian, but I watch your programmes on Facebook.
     on SAT-7 PARS. Pray that it will answer questions new        Pray for freedom to meet a believer.” Thank God that
     Farsi-speaking Christians have about God’s will and          Musa is able to watch SAT-7 programmes on social
     His Word.                                                    media, and pray he will be able to connect safely
                                                                  with other Christians.

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PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK
ISOLATED BELIEVERS       SEPTEMBER 2021                                                SEPTEMBER 2021      PRAYERS

     FRIDAY 24 SEPTEMBER                                          MONDAY 27
     CHILDREN OF ISOLATED BELIEVERS                               SEPTEMBER
     Pray for new Christians who are now raising their            STANDARD TALK
     children to know about Jesus too. Ask that this new          Standard Talk
     generation of believers will be encouraged and               (right) is the first
     resourced by SAT-7’s children’s shows as they grow           series from a new
     up, and that they will be steadfast in their faith.          production team in
                                                                  Tunisia. Presenters
                                                                  Ahlem, Kamel
     SATURDAY 25 SEPTEMBER                                        and Chebib focus
     THE LOVE OF CHRIST                                           on the relationships between believers and God,
     “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither     the Church and society. Pray that Standard Talk will
     angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future,       encourage North African Christians to discuss, reflect
     nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything       and explore the faith more.
     else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the
     love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans        TUESDAY 28 SEPTEMBER
     8:38-39).                                                    PRAY FOR SAT-7 VIEWER TALA
     Praise God that even though many believers in the            “I’m from a different background but I read the Bible
     MENA are cut off from others, they are never alone           every day and I pray for you, SAT-7 family, because
     and can never be separated from His love.                    you introduced me to Jesus. I want to thank you all
                                                                  very much and pray that God will use you to guide
                                                                  many people to Christ.”
                                                                  Praise God for the many individuals like Tala who are
                                                                  discovering Jesus through SAT-7.

                                                                  WEDNESDAY 29 SEPTEMBER
                                                                  MAKING A WAY
                                                                  “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;
                                                                  do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the
     SUNDAY 26 SEPTEMBER                                          wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah
     PRAY FOR MOJDEH IN IRAN AN                                   43:19). Praise God that His Spirit is moving in power
     “I want to thank you for all the messages that you           in the MENA and making a way for people to come
     send to us, even though sometimes we don’t reply             to know Jesus.
     out of fear. I want you to know that although the
     doors of churches in Iran have been shut, each               THURSDAY 30 SEPTEMBER
     one of us here is a church. Through the messages             PRAY FOR YASMIN, A VIEWER IN IRAN
     that you send us via WhatsApp each week, it is as            “Greetings to you dear friends. I wish you ongoing
     though you bring church into our homes and bring             success. I am grateful to your wonderful channel for
     us out of our loneliness and isolation.”                     opening our eyes with your beautiful words. Through
     Praise God for the support SAT-7 has provided to             you and the love of God we were able to find the
     Mojdeh, and pray he will be kept safe from harm.             way to joy.” Praise God that Yasmin and viewers like
                                                                  her have found the joy of the Lord through SAT-7.

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PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK
SAT-7 broadcasts 24/7 in
                                                                   Arabic, Farsi and Turkish
   WITH A GIFT IN YOUR WILL                                                               SAT-7 is watched by
                                                                                        over 25 million people
             I heard about Christ through
             watching SAT-7.”                                      SAT-7 costs less than 50p
                                                                   per viewer per year
       That’s a story we hear so often – but for Lila
       in Iran, this encounter with Jesus changed not
       only her life but her whole family too.

       Lila and her brother happened to tune into a SAT-7
       programme on addiction. Her brother was using drugs
       at the time, so the pair contacted the programme to
       ask for prayer. Our viewer support team prayed – and
       everything changed.

       “My brother felt touched by the Lord,” said Lila. “Since
       then, he stayed away from drugs and became a
       believer! This miracle caused me to acknowledge Jesus
       Christ too.”

       Lila’s husband Danial was also profoundly impacted.
       “After witnessing the beautiful things that happened in
       the lives of my wife and her brother, I too have bent the
       knee to Christ Jesus and come to faith in Him.”
                                                                              Names of viewers throughout have
       Your support helped to                                                 been changed and images used for
       bring life-changing joy to        COULD YOU                                         representation only.
       Lila’s family – and as their
       faith and witness grows,          CONSIDER A                           Images: SAT-7,, Unsplash
       the impact of your support        GIFT TO SAT-7
       will be felt by many. In          IN YOUR                     Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New
       the same way, a gift                                          International Version Anglicised Copyright © 1979,
       in your will can have             WILL?                        1984, 2011 Biblica. Used by permission of Hodder
       an amazing impact, as                                               & Stoughton Ltd, an Hachette UK company. All
       you reach forwards to                                            rights reserved. ‘NIV’ is a registered trademark of
       share God’s love and                  VISIT
                                                                                  Biblica UK trademark number 1448790.
       message with future                   SAT7UK.ORG/
       generations. We know                  LEGACY TO
       the need is huge.                     FIND OUT MORE

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PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK
       today for the latest news
       on SAT-7’s work in the
       Middle East.

       SAT-7 UK

       Registered Charity No. 1060612
       Post: PO Box 3941, Chippenham SN15 9HQ
       Tel: 01249 765865

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PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK PRAYER DIARY - For SAT-7 and the Middle East - SAT-7 UK
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