SAFER LONDON PEER GROUP WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES - Working with young Londoners to support, and be supported by, their peers.

Page created by Kim Matthews
SAFER LONDON PEER GROUP WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES - Working with young Londoners to support, and be supported by, their peers.
Working with young
Londoners to support,
and be supported by,
their peers.
SAFER LONDON PEER GROUP WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES - Working with young Londoners to support, and be supported by, their peers.
Five Week Programme
We offer a range of workshops for young Londoners based                               Our five week programme has three mandatory workshops. These provide a foundation of
on Healthy Relationships.                                                             learning and awareness raising on issues that affect young Londoners.

                                                                                      Mandatory Sessions:                              Additional Sessions:
We recognise that when delivering          If you believe discussions around          These sessions cover issues that Safer           In order to complete the five week
targeted preventative content the          consent, exploitation or violence may be   London have identified as essential to young     programme, you have the option of
needs of each group will differ based on   triggering or have a negative impact as    Londoners.                                       choosing a further two workshops that best
the                                        a result of their own experiences, then                                                     meet the needs of the group.
issues facing these peers at the time      please consider a referral to one to one   As part of a five week programme the young
they are referred, such as concerns        support.                                   Londoners will access the following three        These will be agreed with the facilitator who
around experiences, behaviours, trends                                                sessions:                                        will guide you in this decision and are as
or risks they are being exposed to.        We understand that these experiences                                                        follows:
                                           may not always be known, and we will       •   Sex & Consent
Our workshops are not intended for         work with uncertainty.                     •   Friends & Relationships                      •   Groups & Gangs
young Londoners who have already                                                      •   Gender & Identity                            •   Peer Pressure, Power & Control
been exposed to or are experiencing        These group sessions are intended to                                                        •   Self-Esteem & Coping Mechanisms
significant harm outside of the family.    offer an opportunity to engage young                                                        •   Safe Spaces
                                           people in discussions around these                                                          •   Race & Racism
This may include child sexual abuse        issues in a safe space and is not
and/or different forms of exploitation.    therapeutic in its nature.
                                                                                      One-off Sessions

                                                                                      If you would like us to run a one-off awareness raising workshop on a specific topic, you can
                                                                                      choose from our menu on the next page.
SAFER LONDON PEER GROUP WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES - Working with young Londoners to support, and be supported by, their peers.
Gender & Identity                                                     Self-Esteem & Coping               Peer Pressure, Power &                         Race & Racism
                                                By exploring gender stereotypes,
                                                                                                                                Mechanisms                           Control                        In this session the group will discuss
                                                the group will learn how this can                                                                                                                   what race means to them, the
                                                                                                                         As a group we will explore the    In this session the group will learn
                                                impact the way they view                                                                                                                            definitions of racism and
                                                                                                                         definitions of self-esteem and    about the different forms of abuse
                                                themselves and their relationships.                                                                                                                 discrimination, as well as the different
                                                                                                                         self-belief.                      and how an abusive person in a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ways racism can present itself.
                                                                                                                                                           relationship (be it with friends,
                                                Throughout the session the group
                                                                                                                         We’ll look at the factors that    family or partner) can use power and
                                                will be given a safe space to                                                                                                                       As a group we will explore the
                                                                                                                         impact self-esteem and identify   control to manipulate a relationship.
                                                explore their own identity and the                                                                                                                  impacts of race in their relationships
                                                                                                                         different coping mechanism to
                                                importance of positive self-image                                                                                                                   in school, amongst peers and society
                                                                                                                         increase self-esteem, emotional   By the end of the session they will be
                                                and good qualities.                                                                                                                                 as a whole.
                                                                                                                         wellbeing and confidence.         equipped with a safety exit plan if
                                                                                                                                                           they - or a friend - are in an abusive
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Through the session they will create
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a plan of how to safely respond to
                                                    Groups, Violence &                                                                                                                              racism as a victim and as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    bystander. Lastly, they will be
            Sex & Consent                               Pressure                       Friends & Relationships                                                  Sexism & Patriarchy                 provided with a list of ways they can
                                                                                                                                                                                                    safely impact change in relation to
                                                Over the course of this workshop       Throughout this session the                                         The aim of this workshop is to           race within your community and
In this workshop the group will discuss the     the group will learn the definition
different ways and platforms that young                                                group will explore the                                              increase the group’s awareness of        society.
                                                and differences between what           different characteristics of                                        gender inequality, and how sexism
people learn about sex. As well as how social   makes a “gang” and a group.
media and other influences, such as                                                    healthy and unhealthy                                               and societal systems like patriarchy
pornography, can impact their view of sex.                                             relationships.                                                      have contributed to this.
                                                We will discuss the structure and                                                                                                                              Safe Spaces
                                                roles of young women and men           Through group discussion they                                       Together we will explore how sexism
They will learn the meaning of consent and      within groups, as well as the push
how freedom and capacity has an impact                                                 will look at the ways                                               and patriarchy can influence views       Through discussion the group will
                                                and pull factors behind why people     individuals can be influenced,                                      on masculinity and femininity, and       identify the different places in their
on a person’s ability to give consent.          get - or are forced to be - involved   as well as be an influence.                                         how this can lead to power               community where they feel most safe
                                                in violence.                                                                                               imbalances within their relationships.   and where they feel most unsafe.
As a group they will also learn about sexual
exploitation, how to identify warning signs                                            The young Londoners will also
                                                The group will also be provided        learn about the different                                           As a group we will also analyse the      By the end the group will be able to risk
and who they can speak if they - or             details of support networks that
someone they know - may be experiencing                                                support networks available that                                     role of the media and peer groups in     asses their area and develop a plan to
                                                they can speak to about this           can provide help around this                                        fostering and reinforcing sexism and     be as safe as possible and get
this.                                           particular issue.                      topic.                                                              patriarchy.                              support from others in potentially
                                                                                                                                                                                                    unsafe spaces.
SAFER LONDON PEER GROUP WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES - Working with young Londoners to support, and be supported by, their peers.

All referrals are made via our online form

Referral criteria for our services can be found on our website


For general enquiries or requests please email: (unsecure) (secure)

Safer London also offers training, consultation and contextual
safeguarding intervention around exploitation, extra-familial harm and
trauma to schools, communities, businesses, Local Authorities and

Please contact with any queries.
SAFER LONDON PEER GROUP WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES - Working with young Londoners to support, and be supported by, their peers. SAFER LONDON PEER GROUP WORKSHOP PROGRAMMES - Working with young Londoners to support, and be supported by, their peers.
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