Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS

Page created by Steven Myers
Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS
the 7710

Presidents Resource Book   2022–2023
Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS
Greetings 2022-2023 Presidents,

Welcome to Our Year!

Thank you for your leadership and commitment to your
club. As Club President, you will lead and motivate your
club, ensuring that club members feel valued, inspired,
and connected to each other. As this pandemic
continues to impact our lives, our clubs are presented
with challenges in meeting and engaging with

July 1st marks the start of our opportunity to
collectively rise to the occasion and move our clubs
forward. This will require inspiration, innovation,
and the incredible support network we have in
each other. We’re here today as leaders, to plan for
our year and prepare for a successful term in office.
I am available to each of you whenever you need

Most of all, I look forward to working with you to
make Our Year a FUN and safe year. Think of what
might be possible if we work together!

                                                           Together, we see
Grateful for your service to Rotary,
                                                           a world where
                                                           people unite and
                                                           take action to
                                                           create lasting
                                                           change — across
                                                           the globe, in our
Governor 2022-2023
Rotary District 7710
                                                           and in ourselves.

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Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS
Club President Duties & Responsibilities

  March 18-19, 2022    Attend PETS

    June 2022 (TBD)    Attend D7710 Leadership Transition Banquet –
                       Club President’s Induction. Cost $TBD/person.

  March - June 2022    Set goals and enter them into Rotary Club Central.
                       Enter online no later than June 30, 2022, then update
                       as goals are completed.

   Before July 2022    Develop a strategy to achieve the Rotary Citation.
                       Monitor progress towards goal.

         Bi-Monthly    Submit a President’s Report to AG for District Council
                       highlighting membership, service, marketing efforts
                       & challenges.

           Quarterly   Attend regular joint meetings with your AG and
  or more frequently   Area clubs’ leadership team.

           On-going    Encourage attendance at District Training
                       Assemblies on May 21, 2022, Sept. 2022; Feb. &
                       May 2023

           On-going    Visit and encourage club members,
                       especially new members and those in leadership, to
                       attend Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) training

    May 2023 (TBD)     All Rotarians invited to attend our District
                       Conference in May 2023. Details TBD.

  May 27 - 31, 2023    Meet Rotarians from around the world while
                       attending the Rotary International Convention in
                       Melbourne, Australia

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Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS

       Increase Our Impact                  Expand Our Reach

        As People of Action we        As People of Action we are inclusive,
       make decisions grounded in        engaging, compassionate, and
               evidence.               ambitious on behalf of the world.

  Enhance Participant Engagement      Increase Our Ability to Adapt

      As People of Action we create      As People of Action we seek new
        meaningful relationships       perspectives and new ideas that can
          across decades and           strengthen Rotary and create lasting
              continents.                            change.

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Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS
Rise to

                                        OUR GOALS
                                                as a District

        Reach                                            Impact
  The Triangle and surrounding                     Rotarians in our district are creating tangible
  communities in Central NC are some of            change in our community and around the
  the fastest-growing areas in America.            world every day. Furthering, capturing, and
  How do we engage with corporations and           analyzing our collective impact can be used
  individuals looking to connect with their        as a significant marketing tool to attract
  communities? We must reach                       prospective members and external partners.
  prospective Rotarians in our messaging           Share club service impact details with District
  and in our events. By seeking to include         Marketing Committee who will create the
  non-Rotarians, we are also creating a            first-ever District 7710 Impact Report.
  more equitable experience for our current
  Rotarians. Strive to maintain or achieve an
  attraction rate above 20%.

        Sustain                                          Experience
  Let’s remind ourselves to be balanced in         Think of that first interaction when we walk
  our approach as leaders as well as               through the door for Rotary. Or the echoey
  consider how a pandemic has changed              Four-Way Test as we close our Zoom
  how we interact with friends and family.         meeting. In those moments, we experience
  Has a fire pit surrounded by chairs              the special connectedness possible through
  replaced the fancy establishment? If             Rotary. Now imagine you are a prospective
  people are conducting business in their          member experiencing these things for the
  backyards instead of a boardroom, let’s          first time. How were you welcomed? Let’s
  meet them there. Have FUN!                       continue to develop the User Experience for
                                                   our guests and current members. Our
                                                   intentionality builds healthier clubs and
                                                   healthier clubs grow. Strive to maintain or
                                                   achieve an attrition rate below 14%.

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Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS

                                                ENDING POLIO
DISTRICT                                        FOREVER
GRANTS                                         Rotary has been working to eradicate polio
                                               for over 35 years, and our goal of ridding
District grants fund
                                               the earth of this disease is in sight. We
small-scale, short-term
                                               started in 1979 with vaccinations for 6
activities that address
                                               million children in the Philippines. Today,
needs in your
                                               Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only
community and                                  countries where polio remains endemic.
communities abroad.

GRANTS                    SERVICE
Global grants support     Rotary is dedicated to causes that build
large international
                          international relationships, improve lives, and
activities with
sustainable, measurable   create a better world to support our peace
outcomes in Rotary’s      efforts and end polio forever.
areas of focus. Global
grants have a minimum
budget of $30,000 and a
maximum World Fund
award of $400,000.

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Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS
                                  DID YOU KNOW?

                                  The likelihood of membership growth in
                                  a given year is not random.

                                  Attrition Rates are remarkably
                                  consistent. Retention is essential but
                                  highly overrated as a Growth Strategy

                                  Unless something changes,
                                     Growing clubs continue to grow year
                                     after year (80%+ likelihood)
                                     Failing clubs continue to fail year
                                     after year (80%+ likelihood)
                                     Clubs “holding their own” can go
                                     either way (fragile balance)


15% 20%                              Attrition is Real
                                     Zone 33-34 Average = 14%
                                     “World Class” = 10%
                                     RI Global Average = 14.1%
                                         Clubs with already-low attrition
                                         rates can’t improve much by
                                         working harder on retention
                                     Retention is overrated as a growth
                                     Your attraction rate must exceed the
                                     attrition Rate
                                     You need to know your club’s history
                                     – excellent Predictor

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Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS
                                WHAT IS ROTARACT?
    Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18 and older to exchange ideas with leaders in
     the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service,
   locally, nationally and internationally. Effective July 1, 2020, Rotary International elevated the
         status of Rotaract clubs so that “Rotaract” is now a type of Rotary membership.

                     2022-2023 ACTIVE ROTARACT CLUBS & SPONSORS

                                    Rotaract Club of Duke University
                  Sponsored by Rotary Club of Southwest Durham, Rotary Club of Durham

                                        Rotaract Club of Durham
                      Sponsored by District 7710 eClub, Durham Sunrise Rotary Club

                             Rotaract Club of North Carolina State University
                    Sponsored by Rotary Club of West Raleigh, Rotary Club of Raleigh

                                    Rotaract Club of UNC-Chapel Hill
                                 Sponsored by Rotary Club of Chapel Hill

                             Rotaract Club of Wake Tech Community College
                                Sponsored by Rotary Club of Holly Springs

                           Rotaract Club of Raleigh (reactivating in 2021-2022)
                                         Rotary Club of Raleigh

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Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS

Each year, District leaders from Zones 33 and      Participants must have served a complete term
34 gather for a leadership summit where            as president of a Rotary Club and have some
Governors-to-be are trained and learn from top     involvement at the district level either currently
leaders in Rotary. Recent summits have also        or in the past. Each district may nominate 3
brought together Emerging Leaders like each of     individuals to participate, and one of the three
you from every district in our two Zones.          may be the District Rotaract Representative.

Participation provides the opportunity to grow
in Rotary knowledge and explore possibilities of
future leadership roles or program advocacy.

Participants will learn, collaborate, and serve
alongside some of RI’s most valuable past,
current and future leaders who will serve as

 Is there a recent past president from your club that meets the
requirements who could be interested in participating? Or might
      be interested in getting involved at the district level?
      Of course, please also keep this in mind for next RY.

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Rotarian Presidents Resource Book - Carolinas' PETS

                    District Governor 2022-23
                    Rotary Club of Raleigh Midtown
                    Raleigh, North Carolina USA

                    Nathan Thomas is a Key       He attended the University
                    Account Manager at           of Cincinnati and
                    LEONI responsible for        graduated with a BS in
                    managing the business        Mechanical Engineering in
                    relationship with global     2015.
                    commercial vehicle
                    customer Caterpillar.        As one of the youngest
                                                 District Governors in
                    Nathan is Founder and        Rotary history, Nathan
                    CEO of All We Are, a non-    understands the
                    profit organization led by   importance of
                    Millennial volunteers.       intergenerational dialogue,
                    From 2009 to today,          leadership development,
                    AWA has worked closely       and service as pathways to
                    with Rotary Clubs around     attracting and retaining a
                    the United States to         membership that reflects
                    provide access to            our communities.
                    renewable energy to over
                    100,000 people in            Nathan has been a
                    Uganda.                      Rotarian since 2015,
                                                 serving as Club President
                    Nathan is also Founder       in 2016 at the age of 23
                    and CEO of Busy              and in various District
                    Engineering Company, a       leadership roles, including
                    social enterprise            District Membership Chair.
                    providing paid
                    engineering services to      Nathan and his wife,
                    partners across Sub-         Rachel, live in Raleigh,
                    Saharan Africa.              North Carolina.

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VERONICA BENT                    JEFF BLASS                    MITZI ELLIS
District Governor Elect     District Governor Nominee Discovery Rotary Chair

   LISA HIGGIN-                   ELIZABETH
     BOTHAM                         ROACH                     BECCA SMITH
    District Trainer          District Rotaract Rep.       District Marketing Chair

     DEBRA                        PDG LEIGH                     PDG MARIE
   DECAMILLIS                      HUDSON                        HOWARD
      District              District Learning Resources        District Rotary
   Membership Chair             Committee Chair &             Foundation Chair

AG Area 1                   AG Area 5                     AG Area 8
Rox/Oxf/SGran/Hen/War:      FV/FV D/Angier/Lillington:    Apx/ApxSun/HS/Mor/RTP
Gina Eaves (Henderson)      Ronnie Faulk (Lillington)     Scott Mackey (Morrisville)

AG Area 2                                                 AG Area 9
Knightdale/WF/Wakefld/      AG Area 6                     5 Cary Clubs
Wend/Zeb:                   C Hill/CH-Cb/E CH/Hillsb:     Patrick Gallagher (Cary
Brad Walker (Wake Forest)   Carol Rives (Chapel Hill-     Page)
                            Carrboro Sunrise)
AG Area 3                                                 AG Area 10
CJC/Dunn/Dunn-Erwin:                                      7 Raleigh Clubs
Michele Brownlee (Central    AG Area 7                    Mary Charles Blakebrough
Johnston County)             Dur/DurSun/SW Dur/E-Clb:     (Raleigh Midtown)
                             Doris Wallace (eClub)
AG Area 4                                                 AG District Rotaract Chair
Cla/ClaM/Clev/Gar/GarM:                                   5 Rotaract Clubs
Rick Heileman (Clayton)                                   Cody Williams (Cary Page)

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                           MAR 18–19 2022

the 7710

Presidents Resource Book
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