Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ - "Every member a minister...through service" - August 1, 2021 - Rocketdyne Rd. Church of Christ

Page created by Dwight Vargas
Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ - "Every member a minister...through service" - August 1, 2021 - Rocketdyne Rd. Church of Christ
August 1, 2021

   Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ
“Every member a minister...through service”
Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ - "Every member a minister...through service" - August 1, 2021 - Rocketdyne Rd. Church of Christ
                                                         What is your favorite part about watching a
                                                     game? Is it following the story of a team or com-
                                                     petitor and the excitement and anticipation that
                                                     they are going to win over all of the others com-
                                                     peting? Maybe you just watch to marvel at the
                                                     athleticism displayed and are hoping to see
                                                     something amazing happen. Do you like seeing
Nancy Richardson was in a car accident and is in     the communication between players and coaches
Mercy Hospital in room 6017. She is in a lot of      as you watch the strategy play out? Or are you
pain from broken ribs and other injuries. Mechell    really just watching to see how everyone follows
Shaver is dealing with breathing complications       the rules of the game and if they keep them, or
due to COVID. Bonnie Gray recently found out         cheat?
that the tumor in her lung, and possibly her lung,       I love watching soccer with people in Brazil.
may need to be removed. Margaret White is            They watch the game as if there are three teams
dealing with chemo treatments. Remember              on the field: the home team, the opponents, and
Carolyn Ryan, Gladys Cobb, Christiane Hobart,        the officials. If the ref makes a call that is clear-
Melissa Vaught, Sherry Smith, Scott Cagle,           ly wrong (and sometimes not clearly), the stadi-
Shirley Obenshain, Dale Gray, Brian Deckman,         um will explode with emotion. If a goal is taken
Donnis Luck, Nolan Edmondson, Ralph Cope,            back because a line judge raised their flag for
Helen Elder, Rachel Pyron, and Don Johnston as       offsides, more emotion pours out of the fans;
they deal with ongoing health issues.                those who lost a goal are crying out in anger and
                                                     the fans for the other team with joy and right-
                                                     eousness over the call. It is intense.
                                                         A game without rules is not a game to be
                                                     played at all. No side wins and everyone is con-
                                                     fused. You know this to be true if you have ever
                                                     played a game with a toddler who keeps chang-
                                                     ing the rules. It is downright frustrating if you
The truck from Fair Haven Children’s Home will       are competitive like me. The rules help to deter-
be here August 19th to pick up supplies. They        mine the purpose of the game and give a lan-
are requesting the following items: vegetable        guage for a story to be shared. This is why we
soup, juice, olive oil, Spam, pork & beans, tea,     become so entrenched in our opinions on the
chili beans, corn bread mix, peanut butter, hot      decisions that are made by the officials.
chocolate mix, barbecue sauce, pancake mix,              Praise be to God for the wisdom He gives us
tomato sauce, tomato paste, instant oatmeal,         as we live the stories of our lives. This wisdom
Kool-aid, aluminum foil, paper plates, zip lock      gives us purpose and direction in our stories, and
bags, egg noodles, canned green beans, pickles,      helps us understand the reason penalties occur
refried beans, snacks, canned black beans, olives,   when we don’t follow the rules. God has given
vinegar, cream soups, pickle relish, and mandarin    us wisdom to live great stories.                 Tye
oranges. Place items in the grocery cart near the
front door.

                             Nathan Anderson                                 Your Adventure
                               Wyatt Burns                                          Joshua 24:15
                              Garret Douglas                                   JumpStart 2021
                             Jackson Schriever                                  August 20-22
Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ - "Every member a minister...through service" - August 1, 2021 - Rocketdyne Rd. Church of Christ
TNT FLOAT TRIP!!!                                 For Ages 3 years - 4th Grade
Excited about the possibility of a Float Trip this week
hosted by Tye Zola! Meet at the church building at        Thank you to Jenny and Maddie Cupp for teaching
1:00pm this Thursday, August 5th. Eat lunch before        about Daniel in the Lion’s Den last week. Join us
arriving, but dinner will be provided. No cost, but       today as we learn about Gideon.
RSVP to either Tye or Megan by Monday so they can
make arrangements for canoes and food!!
                                                                      July Memory Verse
Thank you for your prayers this week while we were at          With all my heart I try to obey you, God.
Little Prairie Bible Camp! Depending on when you are             Don’t let me break your commands.
reading this, we are either on our way back home or                         Psalm 119:10
made it back. It was a very full week looking at how      Just a reminder, whenever you are ready, you can
God wants to completely change our lives like he does     say the memory verse to the Imagination Station
through the metamorphosis of a butterfly. Fully trans-    teacher for a treat from the treasure box!
formed into a new being, a new creation. It was a won-
derful week, but I think we’re glad to be back home! I
am amazed at the passion and drive our young people                          Schedule
have and their desire to keep seeking the Lord.
                                                                          Today - August 1
              Mark Your Calendars:                                Lesson: Gideon Leads God’s Army
           JumpStart 2021 - August 20-22                              Teacher: Jimmie Douglass
                                                                  Helpers: Renee Lewis, Jake Davis
Just a few weeks of summer vacation left. Make every
day count!!                                      Zac                          August 8
                                                                  Lesson: Ruth Makes Good Choices
                                                                       Teacher: Cindy Marlow
                   Thank You
                                                                         Helper: Nash Crane
Thank you for your prayers during my illness follow-
ing Dad’s burial. The result of your prayers was a                           August 15
stronger recovery. Thank you for all the multiple                          Lesson: Jonah
HUGS and cards of encouragement throughout my                      Teachers: Zac and Jenn Erisman
2021 journey. Rocketdyne church family is Heaven on                     Helper: Cassie Davis
Earth.                          Sister Carolyn Ryan

                        There is a Moses Basket in                                 There is a Moses Basket in
                        the Family Room for                                        the Family Room for Jake
                        Benjamin Jacob Thomas Gene                                 Itsuki Hendrick, son of
                        Oliphant, son of Jon and                                   Andrew & Moe Hendrick.
                        Amanda Oliphant. Gifts may                                 Gifts may be placed in the
                        be placed in the basket until                              basket until next Sunday,
                        next Sunday, August 8th.                                   August 8th.
Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ - "Every member a minister...through service" - August 1, 2021 - Rocketdyne Rd. Church of Christ

  Elders, Deacons, Ministers
    Partners in the Gospel

    Elders                 Deacons
     Al Beaver             Bryce Beeson
   Tom Condict             David Brown
  Clyde Hopper              Sage Crane
 Don Hounschell              Adam Lett
     Ben Lane               Kael Powers
     Jim Pyron              Jason Stipp
  Earl Reynolds          Alan Woodward
     Ray Stipp

                Zac Erisman
                  Tye Zola

                                                                                                                                      Fair Haven
                                               No Attended Nursery
                                                  At This Time
                                                                                                                                      Pancake Mix

             Family Gatherings                                            OUR
                                                                          Family MISSION
                                                                                 Offerings                             OUR MISSION
Sunday Morning Bible Study...................9:30             Worshiping Here
                                                                           To Sunday
                                                                                Worship      MarchGod1............267            To Worship God
                                                              Worshiping Here Sunday
                                                                      To Become       More   March
Sunday Morning Worship...................10:30                                                                              To Become More Like Jesus
                                                              Worshiping   Nurture
                                                                                Wed. Marchthe Children
                                                                                                                              To Nurture the Children
Sunday Evening....................................5:00
                                                    To   ShareGifting
                                                               His Love   by Honoring            and     Serving One Another
                                                                      Sunday A.M. March 1............$13,203
                                                                                                                        To Share His Love by Honoring and
Mid-Week Fellowship Meal .................6:00                               and the
                                                              Gifting Sunday A.M.     March World8..............$8,158
                                                                                                                        Serving One Another and the World
Wednesday Evening Bible Study .........7:00                     To the
                                                              Weekly    Praise and Glory of Our God
                                                                                                              to the Praise and Glory of Our God

                                                                                                                         Neosho, MO 64850
                                                                                                                        1111 Rocketdyne Road
                                                                                                                       Church of Christ
Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ - "Every member a minister...through service" - August 1, 2021 - Rocketdyne Rd. Church of Christ Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ - "Every member a minister...through service" - August 1, 2021 - Rocketdyne Rd. Church of Christ Rocketdyne Road Church of Christ - "Every member a minister...through service" - August 1, 2021 - Rocketdyne Rd. Church of Christ
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