Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network

Page created by Philip Lyons
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
Invites you to the

         Roaring 20’s
             and Emerging

Virtual Annual Educational Conference
        September 29-30, 2021
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
Why the MSPN conference is BEE’S                                         KNEES!
       The National MSP Network is the only national Medicare Secondary Payer
       organization. We welcome you to the Roaring 20s, where MSPN is surviving,
       revamping, and emerging stronger.

       Why Attend? This conference is designed for all insurance, healthcare, financial
       services, and litigation professionals, and their teams, whose business involves any
       aspect of Medicare Secondary Payer compliance. Conference programming will span
       from beginner to advanced topics. MSPN’s conference is designed to help attendees
       broaden their knowledge base, share experiences, collaborate with others, learn from
       CMS representatives and contractors, and drive better case outcomes. Our attendees
       will walk away with smart strategies, actionable tactics, eye-opening inspiration, and
       real connections with people shaping the future of the Medicare Secondary Payer

       Why Sponsor? By participating as a Sponsor at MSPN’s Annual Educational
       Conference, you ensure contact with MSPN’s influential member base of Claims
       Adjusters, Insurance Carriers, Life Care Planners, Medicare Set-Aside Allocators,
       Nurses, Medical Professionals, Personal Injury Attorneys, Professional Administrators,
       Self-Insured Employers, Settlement Planners, Social Workers, Special Needs Attorneys,
       Structured Settlement Professionals, Third Party Administrators, Trustees, Workers’
       Compensation Attorneys, and others from across the US.

       You don’t want to miss this unique opportunity to join us as we evolve into the
       stronger organization representing you!

Thank you conference SPONSORS

                                                       Sponsor logos added as registrations confirmed.
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
Tentative Conference AGENDA
                                            The agenda featured below is tentative and subject
                                            to change. For full information relative to the
                                            agenda, including session descriptions and speakers,
                                            please visit our website at
This conference is being submitted for a total 16.5 hours. Please note that approved hours vary
by licenses and certifications, as well as by state. Visit our site for more information and status
of all applications and approvals.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021
8:00 a.m.               Login and Network; Say Good Morning to the Exhibitors
9:00—10:15 a.m.         MSPN Hits on all Sixes: Updates from the Network
10:15—10:30 a.m.        Rejuvenate and Visit with a Colleague
10:30 —11:30 a.m.       The PAID Act—Get the Spill
11:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.   MAO vs. Traditional Medicare: Similarities and Differences
12:30—1:30 p.m.         Grab Your Lunch and Visit with Exhibitors
1:30—2:30 p.m.          Avoiding the Bracelets—Civil Monetary Penalties
2:30—3:00 p.m.          It’s Caffeination Time! Grab Some Caffeine and Meet Some
                        More Exhibitors
3:00—4:00 p.m.          Consecutive Breakout Sessions:
                        A. Section 111 Roadmap
                        B. MSP: What You Need to Know
                        C. Red Book: Fact or Fiction
4:00—5:00 p.m.          Consecutive Breakout Sessions:
                        A. CMPs: A Granular Look
                        B. Liability on Trial
                        C. Safe Cracking: Reverse Engineering Your MSA
5:00—6:00 p.m.          Consecutive Breakout Sessions:
                        A. Getting Your House in Order: Section 111 Audit Clean Up
                        B. Post Settlement Pitfalls
                        C. Catastrophic Claims: Unique Considerations
6:30—8:30 p.m.          Casino Night Speakeasy!
Thursday, September 30, 2021
7:00 a.m.               Login and Network with Exhibitors and Colleagues
8:00—9:00 a.m.          Surviving Surgical Pricing & Major Medical Centers
9:00—10:00 a.m.         Behind the Scenes: WCRC
10:00—10:15 a.m.        Get up and Stretch over to the Exhibit Hall
10:15—11:15 a.m.        Distilling Recovery
11:15 a.m.—12:15 p.m.   Behind the Eight Ball: Conditional Payment Appeals
12:15—1:15 p.m.         Lunch and Learn: Legal-Ease: A Legislative and Regulatory Update
1:15—2:15 p.m.          Post Script: What Happens After Settlement
2:15—3:15 p.m.          Don’t Sacrifice the Safety Net
3:15—3:45 p.m.          Grab a Snack and Visit with Colleagues
3:45—4:45 p.m.          Wishlist
4:45—5:45 p.m.          CMS Fireside Chat
5:45—6:00 p.m.          That’s the Crop: Conference Send-Off and Prize Announcements
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
Sponsor Features—Virtual Platform
                        MSPN will again be hosting the event through vFairs, a virtual experience platform.
                        Below are examples of types of sponsorship opportunities available at various labels.

     Gamification Sponsor                Logo on Landing Page                  Logo in Session Room

Push Notification During Event            Logo in Virtual                   Prominent Logo in Exhibit Hall

                                                                 Enhanced Virtual Features
                                                                    for 2021 Sponsors
                                                                 Improved Attendee Tracking of
                                                                     Visitors to Your Booth

                   Marketing Video                              Increased Booth Personalization

                                                                     Upgraded Chat Features

                                                                    1:1 Video Chat Capabilities

                                                                        Off-Line Messaging

   Featured Booth (Left) and Standard Booth (Right)
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
Sponsorship Features and Benefits
MSPN is pleased to offer the following features and benefits as part of the sponsorship packages (outlined
on the next page).
Published MSP Talk                                          sponsoring organizations. (Benefit offered to Diamond
MSPN recognizes that our sponsors are thought               sponsors only, and may be shared based on the final
leaders, as well as offer superior and innovative           number of sponsors.)
services and products. Record a video highlighting how
your company is making a difference in MSP and how          Complimentary Registrations
you are leading the industry. Videos may be 3-5             Sponsor packages include the outlined complimentary
minutes long and will be due to MSPN by September 1,        registrations, allowing your personnel access to the full
2021. Based on your selected sponsorship package,           conference and all sessions. Additional personnel
videos will be released prior to the conference and at      beyond your complimentary registrations may attend
the opening of sessions. (Benefit offered to Platinum,      for a fee of $350 per attendee. This discounted
Diamond, and Emerald sponsors only.)                        attendee registration will allow all of your personnel to
                                                            attend all conference functions.
Casino Night Speakeasy
After a day of sessions, attendees can unwind with a        Contribute to Swag Boxes
fun Casino Night Speakeasy on Wednesday night. The          Share your swag to help get members excited about
event will be an opportunity to network and learn           the conference. MSPN will send a swag box to all
some new tricks! Virtual sponsorship branding on            conference attendees the week prior to the event.
game tables. (Benefit offered to Platinum sponsors          Sponsors are welcome to include items and we
only.)                                                      welcome you to be creative! Items must be received
                                                            at the MSPN office by September 1, 2021.
Lunch Gift Card Sponsor
MSPN will include a gift card in the swag box with a        Social Media Organization Spotlight
note with your logo and a note that “lunch is on            In addition to recognizing your organization at your
us!” (Benefit offered to Platinum sponsors only.)           selected sponsorship level, MSPN will also include a
                                                            brief profile of your organization and link members
Grand Prizes                                                directly to you. (Benefit offered to Platinum and
Attendees will be able to earn points on the virtual        Diamond sponsors only.)
leaderboard throughout the conference by interacting
and participating in sessions and the exhibit hall.         Email Marketing Blast
Grand Prizes will be drawn for immediately following        MSPN will facilitate a blast e-mail to conference
the closing session. (Benefit offered to Diamond
sponsors only, and may be shared based on the final               Enhanced Virtual Features
                                                            attendees from sponsor (the email message should be
                                                            about the company’s participation in the conference,
number of sponsors.)                                                 for 2021 Sponsors
                                                            should provide value to the attendees, and will be
                                                            limited to 500 words. Content due to MSPN by
Gamification                                                September 1, 2021. (Benefit offered to Platinum,
MSPN will have a scavenger hunt throughout the                    Improved
                                                            Diamond,         Attendee
                                                                      and Emerald        Tracking
                                                                                  sponsors only.) for
virtual platform, including items specific to the
                                                                        Visitors to Your Booth

                                                                 Increased Booth Personalization
      Kids’ Chance envisions a time when all children affected by a parent’s work related injury or death can
     pursue their educational dreams without financial burden. MSPN Upgraded
                                                                      supports Kids’Chat
                                                                                              across the nation
       and is pleased to facilitate support from our members. All sponsor packages include a donation and
                              attendees have the option to donate during registration.
                                                                     1:1 Video   Chat Capabilities
    Please note that MSPN cannot directly accept tax-deductible contributions from individuals or organizations
      that by law can only make gifts to 501(c)(3) organizations. All contributions made through MSPN are not
                                                                            Off-Line Messaging
                                   tax-deductible by individuals or organizations.
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
sponsorship opportunities
                                         PLATINUM         DIAMOND           EMERALD      RUBY
                                         $6,500           $4,750            $2,500       $1,500
                                         (2 Available)    (8 Available)     (No Limit)   (No Limit)

Logo Placement and Features:

   MSPN Website, Social Media            x                x                 x            x

   Marketing & Meeting Materials         x                x                 x            x

   Virtual Event Landing Page            x                x                 x            x

   Virtual Event Virtual Lobby           x                x                 x            x

   Virtual Event Session Room            x                x                 x

   Virtual Event Exhibit Hall            x                x

Complimentary Full Event Registrations   5                4                 2            1

Contribute to Swag Box                   x                x                 x            x

Social Media Organization Spotlight      x                x

Email Marketing Blast                    x                x                 x

Published MSP Talk

   Pre-Conference Distribution           x                x                 x

   Session Intro                         General          Breakout

Virtual Platform

   Feature Sponsor                       Casino Speakeasy Grand Prizes or
                                         or Thursday      Gamification
                                         Lunch Gift Cards

   Virtual Exhibit Booth                 Custom           Featured          Featured     Standard

   Sponsored Push Notification           x                x                 x            x

   Marketing Video in Booth              x                x                 x

Donation to Kids Chance                  $500             $250              $250         $100
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
MSPN 2021 Virtual Educational Conference
                                                 September 29-30, 2021

SPONSOR Registration Form                                                 Registration also available at

 Organization Name (as it should appear on marketing materials)

 Contact Name                                                             E-mail Address

 Address                                                                  City                      State                      Zip

 Telephone                            Fax                                 Organization Website Address

 Swag Box Contribution Description (if applicable)

  Platinum Sponsor—$6,500                                   DOOR PRIZE OPPORUTNITY
  Diamond Sponsor—$4,750                                    Donate a door prize for the closing session or as a prize for the top
                                                             gamification participants.
  Emerald Sponsor—$2,500
                                                             Door Prize(s) you plan to donate:________________________________
  Ruby Sponsor—$1,500
           Attending Personnel Name(S)                                      Email Address                               On Site
                                                                                                                     Phone Number
 (Complimentary registrations based on sponsorship
 package; additional personnel may register for $350.)

 Check (payable to MSPN)  Visa  MC  AmEx  Discover Total Amount: $_________
Name on Card: ______________________________________________________________________

Credit Card Number**: ________________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________

Signature: _______________________________________________ Security Code: ______________

Address (if different from above): ________________________________________________________
**All credit card transactions will be assessed a 3.5% convenience fee.

                            ACCESS TO SPONSOR BENEFITS.
                                        The National Medicare Secondary Payer Network (MSPN)
  620 Florida St., Suite 210, Baton Rouge, LA 70801 | (225) 454-6164 | Fax: (225) 344-1132 | |
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
MSPN 2021 Virtual Educational Conference
                                                September 29-30, 2021

ATTENDEE Registration Form                                                Registration also available at

 First Name                                                               Last Name

 Title                                                                    Company

 Mailing Address (to receive Swag Box)                                    City                       State                      Zip

 Telephone                           Fax                                  Email Address

 Primary Job Function                Continuing Education Requests        Do You Plan to Participate in Casino Night Speakeasy?  Yes  No

Super Early Bird (April 1—July 31, 2021)                                          $350                               $525
      Includes access to full conference and
      receipt of conference swag

Early Bird (August 1—August 31, 2021)                                             $410                               $585
       Includes access to full conference
       and receipt of conference swag

Late Registration (September 1—September 15, 2021)
      Includes access to full conference                                          $460                               $635

Last Minute Registration (Beginning September 16, 2021)                           $510                               $685
      Includes access to full conference

MSPN Gives Back to Kids Chance - Personal Contribution                            $50              $100             $200

*Price includes membership through December 31, 2022.

 Check (payable to MSPN)  Visa  MC  AmEx  Discover Total Amount: $_________________
Name on Card (PLEASE PRINT): ________________________________________________________

Credit Card Number**: ________________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________

Signature: _______________________________________________ Security Code: ______________

Address (if different from above): ________________________________________________________
**All credit card transactions will be assessed a 3.5% convenience fee.

                                        The National Medicare Secondary Payer Network (MSPN)
  620 Florida St., Suite 210, Baton Rouge, LA 70801 | (225) 454-6164 | Fax: (225) 344-1132 | |
Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network Roaring 20's - Virtual Annual Educational Conference Surviving, Revamping, and Emerging - The National MSP Network
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