Page created by Willard Marsh
14th Global Conference on Ageing:
Presenters Information

             For questions contact
             Tarah McMaster
             Manager, Conference and Events
             tmcmaster@ifa-fiv.org or 416 342 1655 x6

1.    Background to the Conference
2.    Overview
3.    Oral, Symposium and Workshop Presentations
      3.1   Format and design
      3.2   Saving and sending presentations

4.    Poster Presentations
      4.1   Format and design
      4.2   Saving and sending presentations

5.    Knowledge Dissemination
6.    At the Conference
      6.1   Speaker room
      6.2   Session room
7.    Scheduling and Logistics
8.    Amendments to abstracts
9.    Accommodation
10.   Travel

1. Background to the Conference
The conference program of the IFA 14th Global Conference on Ageing entitled “Towards a
Decade of Healthy Ageing – From Evidence to Action is framed by four main themes and twenty-
six subthemes. The conference is built in part as a response to the World Health Organization
(WHO) Global Report on Ageing and Health and the subsequent goals of the WHO Global
Strategy and Action Plan (2016).
Specifically, the Global Strategy focuses on five strategic objectives: commitment to action on
healthy ageing in every country; developing age-friendly environments; aligning health systems
to the needs of older populations; developing sustainable and equitable systems for providing
long-term care (home, communities, institutions); and improving measurement, monitoring and
research on Healthy Ageing.
The Global Strategy and Action Plan is a significant and much needed step forward in
establishing a framework for Member States. The IFA, in its formal relations with the WHO, is
strongly committed, through the platform of our Global Conference and attending delegates, to
contributing to the evidence and partnerships necessary to support a Decade of Healthy Ageing
from 2020 to 2030.
The IFA is committed to helping enable older people to do what they value through a deeper
evidence-based understanding and has aligned the IFA Global Conference’s themes to the
WHO’s Strategy with links to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2. Overview
The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) has prepared this package to help make the
experience of a presenter at our conference enjoyable while maximizing the dissemination of
new knowledge and connections.
Take the time to read the different section as they will address many questions whether you are
a relatively new presenter or one who is very experienced.
Should you have additional questions after reading the package please contact Ms Tarah
McMaster, Manager, Conference and Events tmcmaster@ifa-fiv.org or 416 342 1655 x6
3. Oral, Symposium and Workshop Presentations
        3.1 Format and design
Create the PowerPoint using a PC as there will be very limited availability of MAC computers.
Contact Ms Tarah McMaster (tmcmaster@ifa-fiv.org) as soon as possible if a MAC format will be
used as this may require special procedures. It is the responsibility of the presenter to ensure
the preferred format or contact with the IFA.
PPT Presentations should be on a 16:9 widescreen format (not standard) for better resolution.
See some design tips for consideration:
    •   Use 16:9 widescreen format
    •   Clear and standard font such as Arial
    •   Font size at least 24-26 points
    •   For oral presentations no more than 12 slides
    •   Avoid using all capitals, clip art and over use of pictures

•   Pictures should be inserted as a JPEG file to maintain quality of the images while
        minimizing memory requirements
    •   Audio sounds such as bells, whistles, zooming sounds and not encouraged
    •   Presentation should be checked for grammar, spelling,
    •   Good idea to do a run through to make sure your slides fit within your time limits
    3.2 Saving and sending presentations
July 31 2018 is the deadline for sending ppt for uploading into the conference system. Please
indicate whether there are special elements such embedded media/movie/audio so that the
technician can be available to check these. The actual media file must be part of the uploaded
Presenters are encouraged to send their presentation prior to the conference to avoid last
minute challenges.
There is a unique identifying for each presentation so as such delegates must adhere to the
following format: Last Name, First Name- presentation title #* The unique number for each
presentation will be sent when conference schedule is completed.

4. Posters Presentations
        4.1 Format and design
Each poster must measure between 1.5m x 1m and a maximum of 2.28m x 1.14m. A poster
presentation is a graphically oriented summary of research, case study, program or such like and
must convey clear messages.
In preparing a poster, simplicity is the key so for example:
    •   A poster should not contain a lot of details yet tell a complete story
    •   A presenter can communicate the fine points to interested delegates
    •   A poster should provide clear information on objectives, the approach, the main results
        and the major conclusions of the research, case study, program and where appropriate
        use pictures, graphs and (limited) tables rather than text.
    •   Delegates should be able to grasp the message in a short time
There are many ways that a poster can be designed to capture the elements of your
presentation in a creative and attractive way e.g. google ‘poster presentation templates’
    4.2 Saving and sending posters
It is the responsibility of the presenter to bring a fully complete poster to assemble on the
poster board. Posters can be printed locally and the IFA has found that VistaPrint is both
reliable and relatively inexpensive.
For presenters of poster Presenters will be assigned a time slot in the coming weeks. Presenters
are asked to be available to answer questions engage in dialogue.
Presenters have 30 minutes to set-up and 30 minutes to take down the poster either side of the
time allotted. Poster boards will be labelled with the presentation number and the title of the
abstract to make an easy set up. Velcro and pushpins will be provided; however any other
material is the responsibility of the presenter.
Volunteers will available should assistance be required.

The value of a poster presentation is that delegates have carte blanche to ask questions and
have some healthy discussions. Therefore, presenters are encouraged to stand by their poster
which will have lots of conference traffic.

5. Knowledge Dissemination
As a presenter at the IFA conference and having had an abstract or abstracts accepted for
presentation, conference organizers are assuming that the abstract can be published and
promoted on conference partner and IFA websites as well as through social media.
It is acknowledged that presentations and their authors and presenters may attract attention
from not only other delegates but also the print and news media.
A media consultant has been contracted to work on the Conference and therefore may be in
contact with presenters should there be in interest from media and print agencies. Should any
delegate presenter not wish to have their paper / session promoted it is the responsibility of
that person to make their wishes known to the IFA immediately.

6. At the Conference
        6.1 Speaker room
The Baker Room located on the second floor at the Chelsea Hotel is the speaker’s room where
delegates can review presentations and make last minute updates. If presentations are updated
these versions must be given to the technician who will note the ‘date and time of the session.’
It is the responsibility of the presenter to communicate with the technician and confirm the
correct version.
All delegates are requested to bring a back-up copy on a USD stick just in case for whatever
reason the presentation has not been received or it has not been uploaded.
        6.2 Session room
Presenters must arrive at the session 15 minutes in advance of their presentation. IFA
recognises that a session may be in process, but IFA is anticipating that the turn-around time is
relatively smooth.
All presentations will be already uploaded and accessible in the session room on the laptop.
There will be volunteers in the room and audio-visual professionals available to assist and solve
any problems promptly.
        6.3 Presentation format and guidelines
A successful conference is often not only about making connections, networking, hearing from
key opinion leaders, and being challenged by new thinking and ideas it’s also about being on-
time. There is nothing worse than speakers at the end of a session not having enough time, no
time for questions or delegates having to run from one session to the next.
For this reason, the IFA is asking all speakers to prepare thoroughly to ensure that the
presentation and messages are clear and well within the allocated time. Moderators and chairs
will implement a strict time schedule as below:
    a. For oral presentations, the moderator / chair will confirm the order of the presenters
       and the amount of time allocated for the presentation. Questions will be invited at the
       end of all papers, not at the end of each presentation.

Volunteers in the room will show a yellow card with 2 minutes remaining, and then a
        red card when the time allocated is finished.
        The moderator will ask the presenter to complete the presentation immediately and
        take their seat on the stage.
    b. For symposiums the moderator / chair (whether that be a speaker or an external
       person) the same general format applies. Organisors of the symposium may choose to
       have questions after each presentation or at the end.
        Volunteers in the room will show a green card with 10 minutes remaining in the session
        which is a signal to start wrapping up with remaining key messages.
    c. For workshops the presenter(s) will be responsible for conducting the session and
       should be aware of the volunteers in the room who will show a green card with 10mins
       remaining in the session. This is a signal to start wrapping up with remaining key
    d. For posters the presenter will be responsible the set-up and pull-down of the poster, for
       conducting the session and should be aware of the volunteers in the room who will
       show a green card with 10mins remaining in the session. This is a signal to start
       wrapping up with remaining key messages.
7. Scheduling and Logistics
In the coming weeks delegates whose abstracts have been successful for all session types oral,
workshop, symposium and poster presentations will receive the date and time of their
presentation (s) and the room (either at the Chelsea Hotel or Ryerson University) will take place.
Presenters are asked to make note of this time and come prepared, at least 15 minutes advance
of their session start time.
                               Nature and Equipment of Session
 Session type          Presenters                Time            Equipment
 Oral                  4-5 papers on a similar   12 to 15        Laptop
                       topic in each             mins            Projector and screen
                       concurrent session.
                                                                 Presenter microphones
 Symposiums            4-5 presenters per        60 or 90        Audience microphones
                       symposium                 mins
 Workshop              2-3 presenters            60 or 90        As above and flip charts if
                                                 mins            requested
 Posters                                                         Poster board

8. Amendments to Abstracts
May 4, 2018 is the deadline for any minor changes to the abstract such as names of presenters
as well as grammar and syntax. It is the sole responsibility of the presenters(s) to ensure that
the abstract is ready for publishing in the abstract book.

All presenters must be paid delegates of the IFA conference and submit a brief biography and
recent photo with the abstract. The e-abstract book will be available for delegates and
thereafter posted on the IFA website.
Should the author of the abstract be unable to attend the conference, then the paper will need
to be withdrawn immediately. Unfortunately, ‘a colleague’ will not be able to present a paper
on behalf of a person who is not at the conference,

9. Accommodation
The IFA has secured a room block at the Chelsea Hotel from August 6- August 10, 2018 at
guaranteed rates the price of Single or Double Chelsea Room of $169.00 CAD/night (excluding
taxes and fees), and for a Triple or Quad Room $229.00 CAD/night (excluding taxes and fees).
These rates are based on availability and only apply to delegates who book by July 12th, 2018. To
the exclusive rate by phone call 1-800-243-5732 or 416-595-1975 or to book on-line click here.
Individuals calling to book must identify themselves as part of the “International Federation of
Ageing 14th Global Conference” to take advantage of the discounted rate. Presenters and
delegates are encouraged to book now to avoid disappointment.
10. Travel
The IFA has secured travel discounts with both Porter Airlines and Air Canada please visit the
conference website by clicking here to take advantage of discounts.

11. Dates to Remember

                                     Dates to Remember
 May 4 2018      Deadline for minor amendments to abstracts
 July 31 2018    Deadline for sending ppt to be uploaded into the conference system
 July 12 2018    Guaranteed room rates at the Chelsea end

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