Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012

Page created by Tracy Gonzalez
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012
Drillsearch Energy
Takeover offer for Acer Energy
4 October 2012
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012

1. Overview of the Offer
2. Why Acer shareholders should accept the offer
3. Transaction rationale
4. Combined group
5. Funding
6. Summary
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012

1. Overview of the Offer
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012
  Offer overview

                                    Drillsearch today announced an all cash offer to acquire Acer Energy Limited (ASX:ACN) (Acer)

                                    25.5¢ cash per share, implying a value for Acer of $118 million
Terms                               The Offer Price represents a 53% premium to the three-month volume weighted-average price
                                        (VWAP)(1) and a 31% premium to Acer’s last closing price

                                    Republic Investment Management (Republic) has sold a 19.90% relevant interest in Acer to
Drillsearch’s                           Drillsearch, making Drillsearch the largest shareholder in Acer
relevant interest
in Acer                             Republic still holds a 18.82% relevant interest in Acer, and has indicated it intends to accept the

                                    The Offer is fully funded through existing Drillsearch cash balances and a debt facility with
                                        Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Conditions                          The Offer is unconditional other than Prescribed Occurrences

                                    Drillsearch intends to immediately acquire Acer Shares on-market

Other                               Accelerated payment terms – Acer shareholders will receive payment within 5 business days of the
                                        later of the date the Offer is freed from Prescribed Occurrences and Drillsearch receiving the

 (1) Based on Acer’s last close price as at 3 October 2012 of 19.5¢ , and Acer's three-month volume weighted average price up to and including 3 October 2012 of 16.6¢.
 (2) Republic has advised Drillsearch that it intends to accept the Offer in respect of Republic’s remaining 18.82% shareholding in Acer on the earlier of (i) 21 days from the Announcement Date; and (ii) Drillsearch
 obtaining a relevant interest in Acer Shares representing 35% of all Acer Shares, subject to there being no superior announced offer at that time.
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012

2. Why Acer shareholders should accept the offer
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012
      Why Acer shareholders should accept the offer

 The Offer represents a significant premium to recent trading prices of Acer Shares
            53% premium to the three-month VWAP(1)
            31% premium to Acer’s last closing price
            Acer’s shares have not traded at or above the offer price for more than 3 years
 The offer price represents a full and fair price, 100% cash and certainty of value
 Republic sold a 19.90% interest in Acer to Drillsearch, making Drillsearch Acer’s largest
 Republic, Acer’s 2nd largest shareholder, has indicated support for the Offer and intends to
      accept the Offer for its remaining 18.82% interest(2)
 The Offer is unconditional other than Prescribed Occurrences
 Accelerated payment terms
 Drillsearch intends to acquire Acer Shares on-market immediately

(1) Closing price, VWAP and three year trading range of Acer Shares over the relevant period up to and including 3 October 2012.
(2) Republic intends to accept on the earlier of 21 days from announcement of the Offer and Drillsearch obtaining a 35% Relevant Interest in Acer Shares, subject to there being no superior announced offer at that time.
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012

3. Transaction rationale
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012
    Drillsearch’s strategy

                      Rapidly develop new oil discoveries and accelerate 3D seismic-based
                      exploration in prospect-rich Western Flank and emerging Inland-Cook
                      Oil Fairways

                      Expand development and production of liquids-rich Wet Gas from
                      existing discoveries and prove up significant Wet Gas Reserves
                      through expanded exploration throughout Wet Gas play fairway

                      Explore, appraise and delineate unconventional potential in Central,
                      Western and Southern Cooper project areas to prove up a world-class
                      resource with clear access to premium gas markets
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012
Acer – an acquisition that fits

                   Western Flank Oil – PEL 91       Western Corridor – PEL 182

                   Inland-Cook Oil                  Patchawarra – PEL 100

                                                    Patchawarra – PEL 101 Wet Gas

                                                                  Ginko, Crocus
                   Western Cooper Wet Gas Pilots
                                                    GMI Ridge – PEL 103 Wet Gas,

                   Central Cooper Shale/Tight Gas
                                                    GMI Ridge – PEL 103 Tight Oil,
                                                                Flax / Juniper
                   Western Cooper Shale/Tight Gas
Drillsearch Energy Takeover offer for Acer Energy - 4 October 2012
  Transaction rationale

                Post acquisition, the combined group will hold the largest discovered, uncommitted
Enhanced         conventional gas resource in the Cooper Basin outside of the Cooper Basin Joint Venture
scale            partners
                Combined group will have a 2P+2C resource base of 38.7 mmboe

Leverage        Drillsearch is the only independent to commercialise Cooper Basin gas discoveries
capabilities    Drillsearch uniquely positioned to develop and commercialise Acer’s assets

                Scale of expanded conventional gas resource base enhances position to exploit supply

                Drillsearch is well positioned to fund exploration and development of expanded asset portfolio
Well funded
                Strong near-term cash flow from Western Flank oil discoveries and wet gas production

4. Combined group
The combined footprint in the Cooper Basin


         WET GAS

             Short, medium and long-term growth opportunities
      A Robust Combined Reserve & Resource Base
                                                     Estimated Combined Cooper Basin Reserves and Resources

                                                                     Acquisition contributes ~15.7
                                              NGL                   MMBOE 2C Contingent Resources



                           20.0                                                                               6.0

                           15.0                                                                               3.2
                                                                                                              1.2                    Drillsearch
                                                                                                                                 combined 2P + 2C
                           10.0                          4.5                                                                       = 22.9 mmboe

                                                         2P                                                  2C                                                  2C
                                                  DLS Reserves                                       DLS Resources                                      ACN Resources

Source: Drillsearch GCA Independent Reserves Report as at 31 July 2012, RISC Independent Technical Specialist’s report: Innamincka Petroleum dated January 2011 and Eagle Bay Resources Pty Ltd (with respect
to PEL 182) and Acer ASX announcements. Acer’s reserves and resources are adjusted from the RISC Independent Technical Specialist’s Report to reflect Acer’s current interests in PRL 14, 17 & 18 and PEL 100, 101
& 103.

      The combined group will represent a significant portfolio of contingent gas resources, leveraging Drillsearch’s
                                proven ability to commercialise gas in the Cooper Basin
Forward Work Program for Acer

Subject to Drillsearch undertaking a review of Acer's operations and assessing Acer's assets on an asset-by-asset
basis following the close of the Offer, Drillsearch presently intends to conduct the following work program

                                            Indicative Multi-Year Work Program
                                                  Sep Q    Dec Q    Mar Q    Jun Q    Sep Q     Dec Q      Mar Q       Jun Q
                                                   2012    2012     2013      2013     2013     2013       2014         2014

 Tight Oil – Flax

 Well Work Overs

 Drilling – exploration (3-6 wells)
                                                                                        Acer’s recently announced
 Appraisal – completion & testing (3-6 wells)                                           work program
 Western Flank Oil – PEL 182

 Seismic – 3D (250km2)

 Proposed DLS Wet Gas Program – PEL 103, 101


 Development                                                                                  Wet Gas Pilot Projects

                         Drillsearch’s plan for Acer assets is focused 80% on development activities
Wet Gas - An Emerging Cash Flow Engine

             In Drillsearch’s hands,
                Acer’s assets can
            contribute to this growth




5. Funding
How is the proposed acquisition funded?                                                                                                                                    17

      Sources of funds                                              (A$m)                            Uses of funds                                                       (A$m)
      DLS cash requirement(1)                                                     25                 Share Purchase @ 25.5 cps                                                  118.4
      CBA debt facility                                                        100
                                                                                                     Transaction costs                                                               6.6

      TOTAL                                                                    125                   TOTAL                                                                          125

      With emerging strong cash flows from Western Flank Oil and Wet Gas production, Drillsearch believes it can
    substantially amortise the acquisition financing and replace any remaining balance with long term debt financing

(1) As at the Announcement Date, Drillsearch had cash reserves of approximately $70.4 million (this amount includes the funds that will be used to settle the acquisition of 19.90% of Acer
from Republic).
Western Flank – A Near-Term Production Engine                                                                                    18

                                   Western Flank Oil Production Estimates






               Sept Q 2012          Dec Q 2012        Mar Q 2013           June Q 2013          Sept Q 2013             Dec Q 2013

                     Oper PEL 91 Oct Forecast Gross     RISC 1P Bauer Only Gross         DLS PEL 91 June Forecast Net

6. Summary

 The Offer provides Acer shareholders with certainty of value and a significant
  offer premium

 Compelling transaction rationale – potential strong growth contributor to
  Drillsearch’s Wet Gas Business

 Drillsearch has acquired 19.90% of Acer, making it the largest shareholder

 Republic, the second largest shareholder with 18.82%, intends to accept the
  Drillsearch Offer in the absence of a superior announced offer (1)

 Further information regarding the Offer is contained in the Bidder’s Statement
  which has been lodged with ASX today

  (1) Republic has advised Drillsearch that it intends to accept the Offer in respect of Republic’s remaining 18.82% shareholding in Acer on the earlier of (i) 21 days from the Announcement Date; and (ii)
  Drillsearch obtaining a relevant interest in Acer Shares representing 35% of all Acer Shares, subject to there being no superior announced offer at that time.

    Profile of Acer

 Overview                                                Permit Summary

    Acer is an ASX-listed energy
     company (ASX: ACN) with
     exploration and production assets
     primarily located in the onshore
     Cooper Eromanga Basin, the
     onshore Darling Basin and
     offshore in the Bass Basin
     between the mainland and

    Acer has acreage of ~21,400km2
     comprising both production and
     exploration licences; the most
     advanced of these licences are
     located in the Cooper Basin
     where the company is targeting
     multiple ‘play’ types

Source: Acer investor presentation dated 19 July 2012.
     Comparing Wet Gas to Western Flank Oil

 Western Flank Oil                                                     Western Cooper Wet Gas
Gross 2P Reserves              7.3 mmbbls                               Gross 2P Reserves                13.7 mmboe

% Liquids                      100%                                     Gross 2P Liquids                 5.4 mmboe

Production – current           800 bopd                                 Production* – current            1100 boepd

Production – YE2012            5000 bopd                                Production* – YE 2012            1100 boepd

Oil price FY 2012 avg          $114/bbl                                 Liquids price FY 2012            $104/boe

F&D Cost ($/bbl)               $9-12/bbl           $84-93    $65-69     F&D Cost ($/boe)*                $11-15/boe
                                                   Per bbl   Per bbl
OPEX ($/bbl)                   $12-18/bbl                               OPEX ($/boe)*                    $24/boe

Net Margin ($/bbl)             $84-93/bbl                               Net Margin ($/boe)*              $65-69/boe
                                                                        All figures above are gross and DLS share is 50%
All figures above are gross and DLS share is 60%
                                                                        *Adjusted to eliminate all gas volumes and revenues
                                                                        and assigned all exploration, development and OPEX
                                                                        costs to NGL volumes to calculate F&D and OPEX
                                                                        costs per boe and Net Margins

                    Western Cooper Wet Gas simply as a liquids project has favourable
                       economics through working cooperatively with the SACBJV
   Disclaimer and Important Notice

 This presentation does not constitute investment advice. Neither this presentation nor the information contained in it constitutes an offer,
  invitation, solicitation or recommendation in relation to the purchase or sale of shares in any jurisdiction. This presentation does not contain
  all information that Acer Energy Limited shareholders may require in order to make a decision as to whether to accept the offer by
  Drillsearch. Acer Energy Limited shareholders should refer to the Bidder's Statement lodged with ASX on 4 October 2012.
 Shareholders should not rely on this presentation. This presentation does not take into account any person's particular investment
  objectives, financial resources or other relevant circumstances and the opinions and recommendations in this presentation are not intended
  to represent recommendations of particular investments to particular persons. All securities transactions involve risks, which include (among
  others) the risk of adverse or unanticipated market, financial or political developments.
 The information set out in this presentation does not purport to be all inclusive or to contain all the information which its recipients may
  require in order to make an informed assessment of Drillsearch. You should conduct your own investigations and perform your own analysis
  in order to satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and completeness of the information, statements and opinions contained in this presentation.
 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Company does not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or
  completeness of any information, statements, opinions, estimates, forecasts or other representations contained in this presentation. No
  responsibility for any errors or omissions from this presentation arising out of negligence or otherwise is accepted.
 This presentation may include forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are only predictions and are subject to risks,
  uncertainties and assumptions which are outside the control of Drillsearch. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions include commodity
  prices, currency fluctuations, economic and financial market conditions in various countries and regions, environmental risks and legislative,
  fiscal or regulatory developments, political risks, project delay or advancement, approvals and cost estimates. Actual values, results or
  events may be materially different to those expressed or implied in this presentation. Given these uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to
  place reliance on forward looking statements.
 Any forward looking statements in this presentation speak only at the date of issue of this presentation. Subject to any continuing obligations
  under applicable law and the ASX Listing Rules, Drillsearch does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any information or any of
  the forward looking statements in this presentation or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such forward
  looking statement is based.
 The Reserves and Resources assessment follows guidelines set forth by the Society of Petroleum Engineers - Petroleum Resource
  Management System (SPE-PRMS). The Reserves estimates for Drillsearch used in this presentation were compiled by Mr David Evans,
  Chief Technical Officer of Drillsearch Energy Ltd, who is a qualified person as defined under ASX Listing Rule 5.11 and has consented to
  the use of the Reserves figures in the form and context in which they appear in this presentation.
 The statements in this presentation about Acer’s resource estimates have been extracted without material amendment (other than as
  explicitly noted in the presentation) from information prepared by or for Acer and included in public documents filed by Acer .
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