CO -oriented energy pricing: Lessons from the German debate for the EU's smart sector-integration strategy - Part 3 of the Agora webinar series
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CO₂-oriented energy pricing: Lessons from the German debate for the EU's smart sector- integration strategy Part 3 of the Agora webinar series Andreas Graf, Thorsten Lenck BERLIN, 16 APRIL 2020
The European Commission will present a Strategy for Smart Sector Integration by the end of the year As part of the European Green Deal, the Commission will propose a Smart Sector Integration Strategy, currently scheduled for Q2. The aim of the strategy is to exploit the synergies enabled by an integrated energy system in order to achieve a deep but also cost-effective decarbonisation of the economy. Key opportunities identified by the Commission include: • Electrification of sectors that currently still rely on fossil fuels. • Replacing fossil-based gases and fuels by renewable and decarbonised gases and fuels. • Making full use of circularity and the energy efficiency first principle. For the next 3-4 weeks, the European Commission is seeking input from stakeholder. More information on this public consultation can be found on the website of DG Energy. 16 April 2020 2
CO2-oriented energy price reform is critical to the success of smart sector integration in Europe Five reasons for a CO2-oriented energy price reform in Europe: 1. Member States must significantly increase their efforts to achieve their 2030 non-ETS targets under higher ambition 2. Efficient climate protection needs a CO2-price; this is currently missing across large parts of transport, heat and agriculture and too unstable in the EU ETS 3. Key decarbonization options for heating and transport fall directly (CHP installations >20MW) or indirectly (electric heat pumps and electric vehicles) under the EU ETS, while smaller CHP installations, residential fossil fuel boilers and transport fuels are largely exempt. 4. Other forms of environmental & energy taxation for the non-ETS sectors also differ significantly across Member States. Harmonized EU minimum-tax levels (defined by the Energy Taxation Directive) do not take CO2-emissions into account. A reform of the ETD is currently being considered. 5. Deflation of fossil fuel prices will keep the price of oil and gas low for the foreseeable future – potentially slowing the energy transition in transport and buildings. 16 April 2020 EU ETS: European Emissions Trading System | CHP: Combined heat and power | ETD: Energy Taxation Directive 3
Case Study: Levies and taxes in Germany
Why does Germany need a CO2-oriented energy price reform? Taxes, levies and surcharges on electricity are high in comparison to those placed on fossil fuels. Energy-related regulated cost components for German households The decarbonization of the heat and transport sectors requires – next to an increase in 25 VAT 23,0 energy efficiency – an increase in the 20 EEG-Surcharge consumption of wind and solar power in these 17,0 17,0 sectors, inter alia for: Other levies 15 ct/kWh CO2-Certificates ▪ Heat pumps (ambient heat) and 8,7 10 (≙ 20 €/EUA) power-to-heat installations 5,6 Concession Fee ▪ Electric mobility 5 2,7 0,7 Network charges ▪ Electricity-based synthetic fuels, aka e- 0 fuels (Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Liquid) EV, PtX Heating oil Heat pump, PtX Energy tax Consumption Natural gas Diesel Petrol Electricity tax Taxes, levies and surcharges on electricity that are 600% and 2000% higher compared to natural gas and heating oil, respectively, and 200% and 300% higher than petrol and diesel, Power Transport Heat respectively, act as a significant economic barrier to the electrification of heating and transport. Agora Energiewende (2018) 16 April 2020 5
Germany has the highest electricity prices in the EU, but petrol and diesel prices are at around the EU average… Household electricity price in ct/kWh Petrol price in €/l Diesel price in €/l Deutschland Dänemark Italien Schweden Belgien Griechenland Italien Irland Dänemark Großbritannien Portugal Portugal Frankreich Spanien Schweden Finnland Italien Frankreich Belgien EU 28 Finnland Griechenland Schweden Dänemark Irland Österreich Portugal Zypern Belgien Niederlande Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien Irland Griechenland Deutschland Estland Liechtenstein Slowakei Kroatien Frankreich EU28 Zypern Norwegen Kroatien EU 28 Luxemburg Estland Slowenien Slowenien Finnland Malta Slowakei Lettland Slowenien Deutschland Niederlande Spanien Ungarn Island Zypern Tschechien Tschechische Rep. Lettland Rumänien Polen Österreich Malta Slowakei Tschechien Spanien Malta Österreich Luxemburg Estland Lettland Ungarn Rumänien Polen Litauen Litauen Kroatien Ungarn Rumänien Bulgarien Litauen Polen Luxemburg Bulgarien Bulgarien 0,00 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5 BMWi (2018) BMWi (2018) BMWi (2018) 16 April 2020 6
…as are natural gas prices. For heating oil prices Germany is even fifth to last on cost. The reason is: Levies and taxes have never been related to CO2 emissions. Household electricity price in ct/kWh Natural gas price in ct/kWh Heating oil price in €/l Deutschland Dänemark Schweden Dänemark Belgien Dänemark Italien Irland Niederlande Ungarn Portugal Schweden Spanien Italien Portugal Italien Portugal Niederlande EU 28 Spanien Griechenland Schweden Österreich Malta Österreich Frankreich Zypern Finnland Irland Rumänien Vereinigtes Königreich Griechenland Deutschland Bulgarien Liechtenstein EU 28 Slowenien Frankreich Griechenland Frankreich Norwegen Tschechische… EU 28 Luxemburg Slowenien Zypern Slowenien Belgien Estland Finnland Polen Lettland Vereinigtes… Österreich Niederlande Slowakei Spanien Island Polen Tschechien Tschechische Rep. Estland Kroatien Polen Luxemburg Lettland Slowakei Malta Lettland Irland Estland Litauen Kroatien 2017 Deutschland Belgien Rumänien Kroatien Ungarn (5.555 to Großbritannien Ungarn Bulgarien Litauen Litauen Rumänien 55.555 kWh/a) Luxemburg Bulgarien 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 BMWi (2018) BMWi (2018) BMWi (2018) 16 April 2020 7
Germany’s future National Emissions Trading Scheme for heating & transport – Key elements CO2-price trajectory in the draft ‚Fuel Emissions Trading Law‘ (BEHG) What will be priced?: Transport and heating fuels not covered by EU ETS 100 Who will be priced?: Companies that put An additional decision is fuels into circulation or suppliers of the fuels CO2 price in €/Tonne CO2 required in order to extend or 80 ammend the price corridor (upstream approach) - government says this 65 Price ceiling means about 4,000 companies will participate 60 55 Introductory phase (2021 – 2025) 45 55 Price floor Surrender of certificates at fixed price with the 40 35 price rising annually by 5-10 Euro / Tonne CO2 30 25 Emissions trading within price corridor (2026) 20 Price set by market within pre-determined price corridor of 55 - 65 Euro / Tonne CO2 0 2019 2021 20252026 2030 Price floor and optional ceiling (from 2027) To continue the application of a price corridor 2021-2025: fixed price, as of 2026: price floor approach from 2027, the law will need to be ammended in 2025. Bundestag protocol declaration of the Federal Government of 19.12.2019 16 April 2020 8
A CO2 price on energy carriers takes into account how much CO2 is released in the combustion of fuels. For electricity and natural gas the CO2 price can be indicated in typical sales units ct/kWh and for petrol, diesel, heating oil in ct/l. Converted into energy taxes (incl. 19% VAT)... 0,6 ct/kWh Natural Gas …25 € per 7,0 ct/l Petrol tonne of CO2 7,9 ct/l Diesel 8,0 ct/l Heating Oil Agora Energiewende 16 April 2020 9
Revenue recycling forseen in Germany‘s Climate Action Programme 2030 (Mediation Committee Compromise) 1. A reduction of electricity costs through a reduction of the EEG-surcharge from 6,756 Cent/kWh (2020) or potentially other electricity price components; Revenues from CO2-pricing will be largely used to reduce the EEG-surcharge by; 0,25 Cent/kWh (2021) 0,5 Cent/kWh (2022) 0,625 Cent/kWh (2023) 2. An increase in a tax allowance for commuter‘s at travel distances higher than 21 km; by 5 Cent/km to 35 Cent/km (from 1.1.2021- 31.12.2026) and by an additional 3 Ct/km to 38 Ct/km from 2024 to 2026, financed by revenues from CO2-pricing. 3. An increase in the housing allowance by 10 % und reform of the rental laws to protect tenants 16 April 2020 10
While an improvement, the effect of the CO2 price agreed upon in Germany‘s Climate Action Programme 2030 is muted by the overall size of existing taxes and levies. State-induced price components at 35 State-induced price components at 55 Current state-induced price components EUR/t CO2 on fossil fuels EUR/t CO2 on fossil fuels EV, PtX EV, PtX EV, PtX Heating oil Heating oil Heating oil Heat pump, PtX Heat pump, PtX Heat pump, PtX Consumption Consumption Consumption Natural gas Natural gas Natural gas Diesel Diesel Diesel Petrol Petrol Petrol Power Transport Heat Power Transport Heat Power Transport Heat Network Concession CO2 CO2 Other EEG- VAT BDEW, BMVI, BMWi, BNetzA, ÜNB, UBA, Agora Energiewende charges fee Surcharge Contribution Certificates Surcharges 16 April 2020 * Assumes continued reduction of EEG-surcharge as foreseen in KSP 2030 relative to the CO2-Price 11
Going one step further: rethinking taxes and levies for sector coupling
The “large proposal” harmonizes and systematizes levies and the energy taxation over all energy carriers – every sector pays its infrastructure costs plus a unified CO2 price State induced energy price components with a Status quo of the state induced energy price components CO2-contribution of 125 €/t 25 23,0 25 CO2-Certificate: 20€/EUA 20 20 CO2-Intensity of the electricity: 470 g/kWh 17,0 17,0 16,2 15 15 ct/kWh ct/kWh 8,7 10,2 9,5 10,0 10,2 10 10 5,6 5 4,9 2,7 4,0 0,7 5 0 0 Diesel Leichtes Heizöl PtX Verbrauch Erdgas Benzin PtX EV, PtX Heating oil pump, PtX Consumption gas Diesel Petrol Verbrauch Diesel Verkehr E-Pkw, PtX Erdgas HeatWärmepumpe, Heizöl Benzin EV, PtX oil pump, PtX Consumption gas Diesel VerkehrPetrol E-Pkw, Wärmepumpe, Natural Heating Natural Verkehr Wärme Leichtes Wärme PtX Strom Heat Wärme Power Transport Wärme Heat Power Transport Heat Network Concession CO2 - CO2 - Other EEG- VAT BDEW, BMVI, BMWi, BNetzA, ÜNB, UBA, Agora Energiewende charges fee Surcharges Surcharge Contribution Certificates 16 April 2020 13
„Large“ Proposal: Electricity taxes, energy taxes and surcharges are replaced by a CO2-contribution of 125 €/t on all energy sources. In addition, petrol and diesel are charged a contribution for the financing of road infrastructure; electricity and gas for their network infrastructure. Impact of the harmonized infrastructure and CO2-pricing in the „large“ proposal in 2020 relative to the 2020 status quo CO2-Contribution (Non-ETS) Federal Budget Impact: with 125 €/t and a road Harmonized infrastructure and CO2-pricing infrastructure contribution across all sectors Electricity2: 1. Budget financing of all existing surcharges (EEG-, KWKG-, 4,9 ct/kWh 28,9 b. € Revenue-neutral §19.2-StromNEV-, Offshore-Grid-, AblaV-Surcharge) Natural Gas: 2,5 ct/kWh 2. Refinancing of the previous tax revenues from the electricity 20,9 b. € tax and energy taxes on petrol, diesel, heating oil and natural Heating Oil: gas 55,7 b. € 33,3 ct/l Petrol: 3. Financing the heat transition 29,4 ct/l 5,9 b. € 4. Transition fund for the financing of energy transition in private Diesel: 33,2 ct/l households particularly impacted by the CO2-contribution Infrastructure Contribution 5. Holistic financing of transport infrastructure, including the 29,5 b. € (Petrol, Diesel): 42,0 ct/l mobility transition3 1) Steuer- und Beitragssätze für Haushaltskunden 3) zzgl. 7,2 Mrd. € LKW-Maut zur Deckung der Agora Energiewende 2) 20 im EU-ETS angerechnet; CO2-Intensität des Stromverbrauchs: 470 g/kWh gesamten Wegekosten von 36,7 Mrd. € 16 April 2020 14
Going one step further: rethinking CO2-oriented energy pricing in the EU context
A reform of the Energy Taxation Directive could allow for a coordinated CO2-oriented energy taxation reform. The EU Energy Taxation Directive of 2003 lays down rules for the taxation of energy products used as motor or heating fuels and for electricity. Specifically it sets minimum levels of taxation and lays down the conditions for applying tax exemptions and reductions. The primary objective of the ETD is to support the proper functioning of the internal market by avoiding double taxation and other distortions of trade and competition. Environmental protection is currently still treated as a secondary objective. For example, no link exists between the minimum tax rates of fuels and their energy content and CO2 emissions. In principle, the Member States are free to apply excise duty rates above these minimum levels of taxation, according to their own national needs and environmental ambitions. All revenues from excise duties entirely go to the budget of the Member States. A coordinated freezing of existing energy taxes and introduction of CO2-oriented energy taxation according to a common price-trajectory could provide a harmonized European solution while respecting Member State tax sovereignty, as well as existing systems and traditions. 16 April 2020 16
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has proposed extending the Emissions Trading System “I will also propose to extend the Emissions Trading System to…cover traffic and construction. The different systems have to converge by 2030 if we are to be climate neutral by 2050.” Broadening the ETS to transport and heating may make sense for the time after 2030 due to increasing sectoral integration: With the growing uptake of EVs and heat pumps, an increasing share of transport and heating will be covered by the EU ETS in its current scope. Higher 2030 climate targets will lead to a weakening of the boundaries between the EU ETS and the ESR, calling for new thinking on an effective EU climate framework for the period post-2030. Expanding the EU ETS or linking separate trading schemes will not happen overnight: An Agora Energiewende study on the legal, administrative, technical and procedural issues related to expanding the scope of emissions trading concludes that there are no insurmountable barriers to implementing the schemes. However, it is estimated that harmonizing a separate trading system with different Member States or expanding the EU ETS will take 3-4 and 5-6 years, respectively. 16 April 2020 17
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The CO2-Price component in the energy tax begins at the level of the social cost of carbon (125 €/t CO2) – but then rises if the sectoral targets for heat and transport are not met. Development of the CO2-Price in the ‚Large‘ Proposal 250 Increase in the CO2-Price by 10€/t p. a. if the 225 non-ETS sectoral targets are continuously missed 200 175 Social cost of carbon (CO2) according to the CO2-Price [€/t] German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) 150 125 125 €/t - Constant CO2-Price if the non-ETS 125 €/t sector targets are continuously achieved 100 75 50 25 0 2020 2025 2030 Agora Energiewende 16 April 2020 20
At times of high wind and solar generation low CO2-emissions of the electricity mix are generally corelated with low electricity prices – however so far only in wholesale markets Electricity generation and consumption, emissions of the electricity mix and electricity prices in the wholesale market (December 2018) 120 700 120 700 600 100 600 100 Emissionsfaktor (CO2 g/kWh) Börsenstrompreis (Euro/MWh) Emissionsfaktor (CO2 g/kWh) Nettostromerzeugung und 80 500 500 -verbrauch (GW) 80 60 400 400 60 40 300 300 20 40 200 200 0 20 100 -20 100 0 0 -40 0 Biomasse Wasserkraft Wind Offshore Wind Onshore Strompreis Großhandel PV Konventionelle Kraftwerke Emissionsfaktor des Strommix Nachfrage Emissionsfaktor des Strommix Agorameter (2019) 16 April 2020 21
A dynamic CO2-contribution would give an incentive for electricity to be consumed in times when the CO2-intensity of the electricity mix is small Effect of a dynamisation of the CO2-Contribution Electricity production and emissions (Eg. August 2018) according to the CO2-intensity of the electricity mix‘ (Eg. August 2018) 100 750 20 CO2-Emissionen [g/kWh] Stromerzeugung [GWh/h] Strompreis [ct/kWh] 80 600 15 60 450 10 40 300 5 20 150 0 0 0 andere EE Onshore-Wind Offshore-Wind Photovoltaik Börsenstrompreis + EEG-Umlage + sonstige Umlagen + Stromsteuer (2018) Konventionelle Emissionen des Strommix Börsenstrompreis + dynamischer CO2-Beitrag (125 €/t) Agora Energiewende (Agorameter) EEX, Agora Energiewende 16 April 2020 22
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