Rite of Election Call to Continuing Conversion - and the DIOCESE OF SCRANTON

Rite of Election Call to Continuing Conversion - and the DIOCESE OF SCRANTON

   Rite of Election
            and the
       Call to
Continuing Conversion

     The First Sunday in Lent

     March 6, 2022 at 2:30 p.m.

     Cathedral of Saint Peter
      Scranton, Pennsylvania
Rite of Election Call to Continuing Conversion - and the DIOCESE OF SCRANTON
Ministers of the Liturgy
                           Presider and Homilist
            The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L.
                                 Bishop of Scranton

                            Masters of Ceremony
                            Monsignor Dale R. Rupert
                           Pastor, Cathedral of Saint Peter
Deacon Gerard L. Carpenter                               Deacon Stephen B. Frye
 Deacon Andrew A. Fazio                                 Deacon Matthew G. Lorent

                          Deacons of the Liturgy
  Deacon Donald J. Crane                                  Deacon Florian J. Gyza
                              Deacon Joseph Sudano

        Lisa Marie Boesze                             Wenceslo De la Cruz

               Deacon Candidates of the Diocese of Scranton

         Presenter of the Catechumens and Candidates
                                 Mary C. Hallman
                          Diocesan Secretary for Parish Life

                               Liturgical Music
                      Choir of the Cathedral of Saint Peter
                              Linda Phillips Orseck
              Director of Liturgical Music, Cathedral of Saint Peter
      Michael Sowa                                             Gina Pascolini
         Organist                                                  Cantor

                    Cathedral of Saint Peter Instrumentalists

                      Liturgical Art and Environment
                              William J. Manley

                            Ministers of Hospitality
                    Staff of the Diocesan Office for Parish Life

Introductory R ites

Entrance Hymn                   “Enter the Journey/Sigue el Camino”

Sign of the Cross and Greeting
  Bishop:        In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
  All:           Amen.
  Bishop:        Peace be with you.
  All:           And with your spirit.

Penitential Act                                                          Mass of Spirit and Grace


                          L i t u r g y o f t h e Wo r d
First Reading (Spanish translation)                                        Deuteronomy 26:4-10
    Lectura del libro del Deuteronomio.
    En aquel tiempo, dijo Moisés al pueblo: “Cuando presentes las primicias de tus cosechas,
    el sacerdote tomará el cesto de tus manos y lo pondrá ante el altar del Señor, tu Dios. En-
    tonces tú dirás estas palabras ante el Señor, tu Dios: ‘Mi padre fue un arameo errante, que
    bajó a Egipto y se estableció allí con muy pocas personas; pero luego creció hasta conver-
    tirse en una gran nación, potente y numerosa. Los egipcios nos maltrataron, nos oprimi-
    eron y nos impusieron una dura esclavitud. Entonces clamamos al Señor, Dios de nuestros
    padres, y el Señor escuchó nuestra voz, miró nuestra humillación, nuestros trabajos y
    nuestra angustia. El Señor nos sacó de Egipto con mano poderosa y brazo protector, con

un terror muy grande, entre señales y portentos; nos trajo a este país y nos dio esta tierra,
   que mana leche y miel. Por eso ahora yo traigo aquí las primicias de la tierra que tú, Se-
   ñor, me has dado’. Una vez que hayas dejado tus primicias ante el Señor, te postrarás ante
   él para adorarlo”.
   The word of the Lord.                             All: Thanks be to God.

Responsorial Psalm                                                             Psalm 91: 1-2, 10-15

Second Reading (English translation)                                               Romans 10:8-13
   A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans
   Brothers and sisters: What does Scripture say? The word is near you, in your mouth and
   in your heart —that is, the word of faith that we preach—, for, if you confess with your
   mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
   will be saved. For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with
   the mouth and so is saved. For the Scripture says, No one who believes in him will be put to
   shame. For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all, en-
   riching all who call upon him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be
   Palabra de Dios.                       Todos: Gracias a Dios.


Gospel Acclamation                                                      Mass of the Resurrection

Gospel (Spanish translation)                                                              Luke 4: 1-13
   Lectura del santo Evangelio segun san Lucas
   En aquel tiempo, Jesús, lleno del Espíritu Santo, regresó del Jordán y conducido por el
   mismo Espíritu, se internó en el desierto, donde permaneció durante cuarenta días y fue
   tentado por el demonio. No comió nada en aquellos días, y cuando se completaron, sintió
   hambre. Entonces el diablo le dijo: “Si eres el Hijo de Dios, dile a esta piedra que se con-
   vierta en pan”. Jesús le contestó: “Está escrito: No sólo de pan vive el hombre”.
   Después lo llevó el diablo a un monte elevado y en un instante le hizo ver todos los reinos
   de la tierra y le dijo: “A mí me ha sido entregado todo el poder y la gloria de estos reinos, y
   yo los doy a quien quiero. Todo esto será tuyo, si te arrodillas y me adoras”. Jesús le re-
   spondió: “Está escrito: Adorarás al Señor, tu Dios, y a él sólo servirás”. Entonces lo llevó a
   Jerusalén, lo puso en la parte más alta del templo y le dijo: “Si eres el Hijo de Dios, arrójate
   desde aquí, porque está escrito: Los ángeles del Señor tienen órdenes de cuidarte y de sos-
   tenerte en sus manos, para que tus pies no tropiecen con las piedras”. Pero Jesús le re-
   spondió: “También está escrito: No tentarás al Señor, tu Dios”.
   Concluidas las tentaciones, el diablo se retiró de él, hasta que llegara la hora.
   The Gospel of the Lord.                All:        Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

                                       Please remain standing
              until the Bishop blesses the congregation with the Book of the Gospels.

Homily                                     The Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D, J.C.L.


                     C e l e b r at i o n o f E l e c t i o n
Presentation of the Catechumens
                       Mary C. Hallman, Diocesan Secretary for Parish Life,
                             presents the catechumens to the Bishop.

Bishop Bambera:     Those who are to be chosen in Christ, please stand as your name is called.

                  The catechumens are called by name by the RCIA Coordinators.

Affirmation by the Godparents and the Assembly
Bishop Bambera:     God’s holy Church wishes to know whether these catechumens
                    are sufficiently prepared to be enrolled among the elect
                    for the coming celebration of Easter.
                    And so, I speak first of all to you their godparents.

                               The Bishop addresses the Godparents.

Bishop Bambera:     Have they faithfully listened to God’s word proclaimed by the Church?
Godparents:         They have.

Bishop Bambera:     Have they responded to that word and begun to walk in God’s presence?
Godparents:         They have.
Bishop Bambera:     Have they shared the company of their Christian brothers and sisters and
                    joined with them in prayer?
Godparents:         They have.

                            The Bishop addresses the entire assembly.

Bishop Bambera:      And now I speak to you, my brothers and sisters in this assembly:
                     Are you ready to support the testimony expressed about these catechumens
                     and include them in your prayer and affection as we move toward Easter?
All:                 We are.

Invitation and Enrollment of Names
Bishop Bambera:      And now, my dear catechumens, I address you. Your own godparents and
                     this entire community have spoken in your favor. The Church in the name
                     of Christ accepts their judgment and calls you to the Easter sacraments.
                     Since you have already heard the call of Christ, you must now express your
                     response to that call clearly and in the presence of the whole Church.
                     Therefore, do you wish to enter fully into the life of the Church through the
                     sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and the eucharist?
Catechumens:         We do.

Bishop Bambera:      Then offer your names for enrollment.

                    The Bishop is presented with the names of the catechumens
       as inscribed in each Book of the Elect. The Bishop then signs each Book of the Elect.

Hymn                                                                        “Tesoros Ocultos”

Act of Admission or Election

Bishop Bambera:   My dear friends, I now declare you to be members of the elect,
                  to be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the next Easter Vigil.
Catechumens:      Thanks be to God.

Bishop Bambera:   God is always faithful to those he calls: now it is your duty, as it is ours,
                  both to be faithful to him in return and to strive courageously to reach the
                  fullness of truth, which your election opens up before you.
                           The Bishop addresses the godparents.

                  Godparents, you have spoken in favor of these catechumens: accept them
                  now as chosen in the Lord and continue to sustain them through your lov-
                  ing care and example, until they come to share in the sacraments of God’s

Celebration of the Call to Continuing Conversion
Presentation of the Candidates
                     Mary C. Hallman, Diocesan Secretary for Parish Life
                         presents the parishes who have candidates.

Affirmation by the Sponsors and Assembly
Bishop Bambera:      The Christian life and the demands that flow from the
                     Sacraments cannot be taken lightly. Therefore, before granting these can-
                     didates their request to share fully in the Church’s sacraments, it is im-
                     portant that the Church hear the testimony of their sponsors about their

                               The Bishop addresses the sponsors:

                     Have they faithfully listened to the apostles’ instruction proclaimed by the
Sponsors:            They have.
Bishop Bambera:      Have they come to a deeper appreciation of their baptism, in which they
                     were joined to Christ and his Church?
Sponsors:            They have.

Bishop Bambera:      Have they reflected sufficiently on the tradition of the Church, which is
                     their heritage, and joined their brothers and sisters in prayer?
Sponsors:            They have.
Bishop Bambera:      Have they advanced in a life of love and service of others?
Sponsors:            They have.

                          The Bishop addresses the entire assembly.

Bishop Bambera:      And now I speak to you, my brothers and sisters in this assembly: Are you
                     ready to support the testimony expressed about these candidates and in-
                     clude them in your prayer and affection as we move toward Easter?
All:                 We are.

Act of Recognition

Bishop Bambera:         My friends, the Church recognizes your desire to be sealed with the gift of
                        the Holy Spirit and to have a place at Christ’s Eucharistic table. Join with
                        us this Lent in a spirit of repentance. Hear the Lord’s call to conversion
                        and be faithful to your baptismal covenant.
Candidates:             Thanks be to God.

                                  The Bishop addresses the sponsors.

Bishop Bambera:         Sponsors, continue to support these candidates with your guidance and
                        concern. May they see in you a love for the Church and a sincere desire for
                        doing good. Lead them this Lent to the joys of the Easter mysteries.


Intercessions for the Elect and Candidates                                       “Trilingual Intercessions”

Prayer over the Elect and the Candidates

              After the intercessions, the Bishop prays over the elect and the candidates.

                                         artwork by Sr. Jeanne Ambre, SS. C.M.

Conclud in g Rites
Final Blessing

 Bishop:     The Lord be with you.
 All:        And with your spirit.

 Bishop:     Blessed be the name of the Lord.
 All:        Now and forever.

 Bishop:     Our help is in the name of the Lord.
 All:        Who made heaven and earth.

 Bishop:     May almighty God bless you,
             the Father,  and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
 All:        Amen.


 Deacon:     Go in peace, and may the Lord remain with you always.
 All:        Thanks be to God.

                                artwork by Sr. Jeanne Ambre, SS. C.M.

Song of Sending Forth        “Church of God, Elect and Glorious”

Pa r t i c i pat i n g Pa r i s h e s
Our Lady, Queen of Peace Parish                              Brodheadsville
Saint Gregory Parish                                         Clarks Green
Saint John Bosco Parish                                      Conyngham
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish                 Dickson City
Saint Matthew Parish                                         East Stroudsburg
Saint John Parish                                            East Stroudsburg
Holy Name of Jesus Parish                                    Hazleton
Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace Parish                   Hawley
Saint John the Evangelist Parish                             Honesdale
Saint Vincent de Paul Parish                                 Milford
Saint Jude Parish                                            Mountain Top
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish                                   Montoursville
Saint Patrick Parish                                         Nicholson
Prince of Peace Parish                                       Old Forge
Epiphany Parish                                              Sayre
Mary, Mother of God Parish                                   Scranton
Cathedral of Saint Peter                                     Scranton
Saint Ann Basilica Parish                                    Scranton
Saint John Neumann Parish                                    Scranton
Saint Luke Parish                                            Stroudsburg
Our Lady of Victory Parish                                   Tannersville
Saints Peter and Paul Parish                                 Towanda
Saint Nicholas Parish                                        Wilkes-Barre
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish      Williamsport
Saint Ann Parish                                             Williamsport
Saint Boniface Parish                                        Williamsport
Saint Joseph the Worker Parish                               Williamsport

        We apologize if we inadvertently missed any participating parish.

Ackn owledgments

                  Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton
                                         Eric Deabill
                            Diocesan Secretary for Communications
                                       James Brennan
                                 Manager, Catholic Television

                  We gratefully acknowledge the composers and publishers
                           whose music was used in this liturgy aid
              by virtue of annual license agreement: OneLicense.net #A-701111.

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America,
second typical edition © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc.,
  Washington, DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No portion of this text may be
     reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

“When they are chosen
who are set apart to receive baptism,
 let their lives be examined whether
  they lived piously as catechumens,
 whether they honored the widows,
    whether they visited the sick,
     whether they have fulfilled
           every good work.
If those who bring them bear witness
  to them that they have done thus,
    then let them hear the gospel.
    from the day they are chosen,
     let a hand be laid upon them
   and let them be exorcized daily.”

          Saint Hippolytus
            Third century

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