Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona

Page created by Dustin Pope
Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona

Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona
Rewards Details

12+ PACKAGES 2022 Participation                               500+CLUB Painting
Patch highlighting our brand new cookie!                      Extravaganza, join your
                                                              fellow 500+ club earners for a fun
24+ PACKAGES Cookie Boss                                      paint experience with multiple
Holographic Sticker announcingg yyou ARE a                    locations to choose from in our
cookie boss!                                                  different counties.

                                                              EVENT DATES: May 7, 2022

                                                              • This reward is for the Girl Scout
                                                              NOTE: There is NO ALTERNATIVE
85+ PACKAGES Cooling Fabric                                   OPTION to this experience. If you do not attend, there are
                                                              no make-up dates. The dates of our events are published
Bandana, super useful on those hot Arizona days!              for your convenience and planning purposes.

125+ PACKAGES Koala Clip On plush, too cute!                  650+ PACKAGES Samoa Adventure
                                                              Hoodie, this soft hoodie comes in all sizes, a great
200+ PACKAGES Motivational Water                              level to push for. Just imagine if your entire troop earned
Bottle, functional and inspiring.                             this level—how great would you all look in your matching
250+ PACKAGES Camp Cushion, this is a
water resistant sit upon shaped like a leaf.                  TROOP PGA AT
                                                              600+ BOXES PER GIRL
300+ PACKAGES Koala Plush, this sweet                         Networking Brunch
baby is soft and loveable.                                    Troops averaging 600+ boxes per
                                                              girl will earn a brunch experience
                                                              with the GSSoAZ Board of Directors
375+ PACKAGES Reversible Bucket
                                                              & CEO giving their troop the opportunity to network
Hat, fashionable and functional. It’s like two hats in one.
                                                              and ask questions of our Board of Directors and GSSoAZ
                                                              Executive Team.
425+PACKAGES Camp Duffle,
                                                              NOTE Participation is defined as: Troop must have a
this water resistant thematic duffle is perfect for           minimum of three participating Girl Scouts to qualify
weekend getaways.                                             for any troop PGA rewards. Girl Scouts qualify as
                                                              participating when they have a minimum sale of 12 total
Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona
850+ PACKAGES Cookie Boss                            1000+ PACKAGES Fitness Watch or
     does Six Flags and Hurricane                         Beats Headphones, use your technology for
     Harbor or Hacienda Day                               helping with fitness and happiness, you choose which
     Camp!                                                speaks to you and your goals.

     Choose our
                                                          1250+ PACKAGES Camelbak and
     incredible Day
     Camp hosted
                                                          Hiking Adventure, this handy water back
                                                          allows you to be hands free while exploring and hiking.
     at the beautiful
     Hacienda or get                                      EVENT DATES: May 21 & May 22, 2022
     ready for some                                       • May 21 for Daisies & Brownies; May 22 for Juniors,
     big time thrills, great shows, lots of memorable     Cadettes, Seniors & Ambassadors
     character interactions, great food and more!
                                                          • This reward is for the Girl Scout only
     EVENT DATES: June 3-5, 2022                          NOTE: There is NO ALTERNATIVE OPTION to this
     • This reward is for the Girl Scout and a GS         experience. If you do not attend, there are no make-up
     Registered Adult Chaperone, which includes park      dates. The dates of our events are published for your
     tickets for the day at Magic Mountain, a Meal        convenience and planning purposes.
     Voucher, BBQ Lunch, Beverage sipper for all day
     beverages, Awards Ceremony and After Hours
     Buy-Out of the Theme Park (9pm-12am), and            1500+ PACKAGES Sewing Machine
     awesome SWAG.                                        and Lesson, knowing how to sew is an
     ⇨ Check-in and SWAG pick-up will take place at       important skill. Earn your own sewing machine and
     all 4 county offices prior to the event date. Each
     Girl Scout/ Chaperone will receive an invitation     who knows where your skills will take you. This
     and the option to choose which location they         experience will be offered on various dates based on
     would like to pick-up their SWAG from.
                                                          your arrangements with JoAnn’s.
     NOTE: There is NO ALTERNATIVE OPTION to this
     trip. If you do not attend, there are no make-up
     dates. The dates of our events are published for     2022+ PACKAGES
     your convenience and planning purposes. If you
     cannot attend or do not wish to follow current
                                                          Mountain Biking with
     Covid regulations do not choose this reward.         the CEO, earn an awesome
                                                          outing with our CEO complete with
                                                          your own mountain bike and helmet.

                                                          EVENT DATE: August 20, 2022

                                                          • This reward is for the Girl Scout only

                                                          NOTE: There is NO ALTERNATIVE OPTION to this
                                                          experience. If you do not attend, there are no make-up
                                                          dates. The dates of our events are published for your
                                                          convenience and planning purposes.

                                                          2500+ PACKAGES Oculus or Drone,
                                                          both these pieces of technology allow for opening up the
                                                          world around you.

Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona
3000+ PACKAGES DSLR Camera and Lesson or Grand Canyon Rafting
Experience, make a choice that fits your interests.       Earn a photography lesson and take home a DSLR
camera or take an overnight trip to the Grand Canyon where you will go rafting

  CAMERA LESSON EVENT DATE: August 6, 2022                    RAFTING EVENT DATE: The week
                                                              of July 18-22, 2022. Actual date will
  • This reward is for the Girl Scout only
                                                              be released before the end of sale.
  experience. If you do not attend, there are no make-        • For girls 8 and up only
  up dates. The dates of our events are published for         • Daisy’s/ Brownies will require a
  your convenience and planning purposes.                       registered chaperone 18+ and over
                                                              • Juniors – Ambassadors will be chaperoned by
                                                                council staff.
                                                              NOTE: There is NO ALTERNATIVE OPTION to this
                                                              trip. If you do not attend, there are no make-up
                                                              dates. The dates of our events are published for
                                                              your convenience and planning purposes. If you
                                                              cannot attend or do not wish to follow current Covid
                                                              regulations do not choose this reward.

4000+ PACKAGES Disney VIP

Girls who sell 4000+ boxes will earn a magical trip to Disneyland and California
Adventure from May 13- 16, 2022 complete with a special GSSoAZ designed Disney
Program, Park Hopper Tickets, Breakfast with the Characters, and a Meal Card! Plus, stay
overnight in the Disneyland Hotel and receive amazing SWAG!!!

                                                              • Daisies and Brownies
                                                                will require a registered
                                                                chaperone 18+ and over
                                                                (chaperone will purchase own ticket at Council’s cost)
                                                              • Juniors – Ambassadors will be chaperoned by council

                                                              ⇨ Check-in and SWAG pick-up will take place at all four
                                                              county offices prior to the event date. Each Girl Scout/
                                                              Chaperone will receive an invitation and the option to
                                                              choose which location they would like to pick-up their
                                                              SWAG from.

                                                              NOTE: There is NO ALTERNATIVE OPTION to this trip!
                                                              If you do not attend, there are no make-up dates. The
                                                              dates of our events are published for your convenience
                                                              and planning purposes. If you cannot attend or do not
                                                              wish to follow current Covid regulations you will be
                                                              automatically switched to a week of resident camp.

Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona
5000+ PACKAGES Australian Cruise

 Girls who sell 5,000 boxes or more should get their passports now because
 they will earn a trip overseas! Girl Scouts and their (GS Registered) Adult
 Chaperone will be enjoying a whirlwind adventure through Sydney, Airlie
 Beach, Cairns, Port Douglas, and Willis Island (cruising), aboard royal
 Caribbean Radiance of the Sea, Balcony rooms, beverage package included.

 Adventure abroad from December 26, 2022 to January 8, 2023

 ⇨ Adults attend as chaperones and will attend all excursions but will not participate
 in all “Girl Programming” aboard the ship.

 Vaccination,                                                                  Important Notes
 Testing and                                                                   for Reward
 Travel Document                                                               Experiences
 Requirements                                                                  Per GSUSA guidelines, any out-of-state

 Travel requirements and health                                                experience with a Daisy or Brownie

 protocols are constantly evolving                                             Girl Scout requires a parent/guardian

 and vary by port of departure.                                                chaperone.

 We will continue to publish more
                                                                               All of the experiences below are for all
 protocols as they are developed.
                                                                               levels of Girl Scouts. Please keep trip
 Booked guests will be advised
                                                                               details and dates in mind when setting
 of their specific requirements
                                                                               and working to achieve goals. All Girl
 before setting sail. Currently all
                                                                               Scouts attending the experience are
 passengers require vaccination or
                                                                               subject to Covid-19 guidelines based on
 negative testing within 72 hours of
                                                                               state and local processes in place at the
                                                                               time of travel.
                                                                               Passports and any Covid testing is the
 OPTION! If you do not attend, there
                                                                               responsibility of the families and not a
 are no make-up dates. If you do
                                                                               council expense.
 not attend you will automatically
 be moved to a week of resident                                                All adult chaperones must have an up-
 camp. The dates of our events are                                             to-date background check on file with
 published for your convenience and                                            Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona.
 planning purposes.

Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona Rewards - Girl Scouts of Southern Arizona
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