Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR

Page created by Mario Rios
Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR
Solar Energy
Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR
2 | MarcS – MODULAR ARC SYSTEM                                                                                                                            MODULAR ARC SYSTEM – MarcS | 3

    Modular Arc System
    Solar system of the future

    Product and Function Description                                            Key Data

    MarcS Modular Arc System is an innovative system for the construc-          Static Shape              Arc
    tion of solar power plants. It can be used as a hybrid solution that
    links agriculture with photovoltaics in a completely new way. MarcS         Orientation               East-West

    results from 20 years of experience in building high-quality solar
                                                                                Usage                     multiple use / solar, agriculture, livestock or other
    power plants.
                                                                                Support column distance   up to 9 meters or one support column every 20 m²
    The system consists of solar modules arranged in rows that are built
                                                                                                          depending on the size of the modules
    in the shape of an arc, unlike conventional solar systems. A struc-
                                                                                Surface efficiency        > 2 MWp / ha
    turally advantageous arrangement. It merges the modules to the
    substructure in a solid static element spanning 9 meters. A rail sys-       Surface coverage          flexible up to 100%
    tem supports the modular arcs that can be moved flexibly over large
    areas. The modules are oriented to the east and west with different         Height span               2.50 to 3.50 m

    inclinations and achieve kWh yields of classic single-use photovoltaic
                                                                                Energy production         up to 1.9 million kWh / ha / year in the Netherlands
    systems. The entire area below the modules can be used for different

    This innovation requires little material, is cost effective, flexible and
    helps to multiply the use of land and the economic benefits. A sus-
    tainable combined solution. The PV system of the future.
Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR
4 | MarcS – MODULAR ARC SYSTEM                                                                                                                                      MODULAR ARC SYSTEM – MarcS | 5

    Advantages of MarcS                                                                                                  „MarcS will improve the way we build
                                                                                                                           solar plants in the future, building
                                                                                                                           them faster, easier, more economical,
                                                                                                                           multiplying land use and allowing a
                                                                                                                           better use of resources! “

    1. Multifunctional: it is possible to use     7. Modular: expandable with additional       Economic Benefits:
       it as a single PV system, as a hybrid           functions like:                                                                        A unique technological Innovation!
                                                                                                 k C
                                                                                                    ost effective: the arc shape requires
       solution as Agri-PV or even a triple
                                                    k Water balance system: including             very low material cost and can be used      The main technological
       system solution Agri-PV+ livestock
                                                       water collection, storage and selective     as a single, double or triple purpose         innovation is the integration of
                                                       release to plants and animals.              system, multiplying the economic              the solar modules as part of the
    2. Economical: due to efficient use of         k LED lighting: a controllable light          benefits.                                     substructure creating a solid unit:
        materials, improved use of space and           source for plants and animals, a filter   k I ndividual: the design allows the site      the arc, statically stable and cost
        maximum energy generation.                     calculation system, lighting of storage     to be managed flexibly and individually       effective in its construction.
    3. Self-supporting: MarcS does not                rooms or for other purposes.                even with recurring period changes.
                                                                                                                                               Second, the sliding nature of the
        require any supports under the arcs.        k Automated helper systems: like            k S
                                                                                                    pace-saving: due to the self-               module arc opens the system to
        The load-bearing support columns               harvesting robots or robots for             supporting structure, a large area under      different possibilities in its use
        required are one row of support columns        autonomous pesticide-free weed              the PV system is free and usable for          improving also its installation.
        every 9 meters or one support column           removal, which are the self-propelled       other purposes.
        per 20 m² depending on the size of             applied to the track system.                                                            Third, MarcS uses the
                                                                                                 k G
                                                                                                    round preserving: during
        the modules.                                k Greenhouse: with side walls, the                                                          modular and ground surface
                                                                                                   construction, the modules are pre-
                                                       MarcS can be flexibly converted into a                                                    more efficiently than other
    4. Sliding: the possibility of moving the                                                     assembled and moved via the rail
                                                       greenhouse, for the winter period.                                                        conventional options.
        system installed on rails allows MarcS a                                                   system from a single point without
        flexible and individual use.                k Extension for livestock.                    affecting the soil during the whole
                                                                                                                                                 A new solution that is beyond
                                                    k Extension for storage room.                 process.
    5. Quick: system installation quick                                                                                                         comparison to any existing PV
        and flexible thanks to full or partial      k Weather control: extension of the                                                         system.
        automation at a single assembly point.         movement control by weather-based
    6. Efficient: very high surface efficiency
        of over 2 MWp/ha characterises MarcS.
        It is more efficient than other existing
Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR
6 | MarcS – MODULAR ARC SYSTEM                                                                                                                                                             MODULAR ARC SYSTEM – MarcS | 7

  MarcS and

    Climate change with extreme weather con-           Safety for crops and animals                             Safety
    ditions, regulatory requirements and the de-       The modules also provide protection for animals
                                                       and crops during extreme weather conditions such
                                                                                                                The arc shape gives the system excellent
    creasing availability of large areas of land are                                                            static stability. The pressure is distributed to
                                                       as hail, drought or heavy rain, heat waves and ex-
    bringing into focus a dual use of agricultural     cessive sunlight.                                        the load-bearing support columns, increas-
    land. The Agri-PV solution generates elect-                                                                 ing the compressive strength. No disturbing
                                                       Earlier/delayed harvest
    ricity using a renewable energy source, the                                                                 supporting pillars and beams are necessary
                                                       Attractive seasonal prices can be achieved due to
    sun, without taking the required land away         better controllability of temperature and light and      under the arcs, which significantly increas-
    from use for food production. Among the            thus harvest cycles.                                     es safety during use and maintenance and
    main advantages of the combined use of                                                                      reduces the risk of accidents.
                                                       Harvest and breeding optimization
    MarcS modules with agriculture are:                With the combination of photovoltaics and agricul-       In the early development stage, we're testing
                                                       ture, quality can be optimized. Plants and animals
                                                       thrive better because they are less exposed to da-       heavingly on snow and wind loads and con-
                                                       mage from water evaporation or birds of prey.            duct electroluminescence measurements in
                                                       Increasing module efficiency through plants
                                                                                                                a specially constructed test frame.
                                                       The plants help to reduce the temperature of the
                                                       panels thus optimizing efficiency. The influence of                                                         Contact us
                                                       wind and dust is reduced.                                                                                   MarcS will be available exclusively through
                                                       Improved economics                                                                                          GOLDBECK SOLAR.
                                                       The sale of electricity is incremental to the crop in-
                                                       come.                                                                                                       GOLDBECK SOLAR GmbH
                                                       MarcS system was developed with farmers and is                                                              Goldbeckstrasse 7
                                                       well suited to the needs of agriculture. It foresees                                                        69493 Hirschberg
                                                       the use of robots for further development stages.
                                                                                                                                                                   T + 49 6201 7103 300
Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR
Our active Markets

                                Great Britain
           Latin America        Poland

Germany                         Chile
Goldbeckstrasse 7               Av. Santa Maria de Chamisero 14700 – 36
69493 Hirschberg                CP 9340000 Santiago de Chile
Germany                         Chile
Tel. + 49 6201 7103 300         Tel.+ 56 9 7785 2668
Fax.+ 49 6201 7103 399
Netherlands                     GOLDBECK SOLAR Mexico S.A. de C.V.
GOLDBECK SOLAR Nederland B.V.   Av. Santa Fe No. 170 Piso 6-1-04
Roggeweg 30N                    Col. Lomas de Santa Fe
6534 AJ Nijmegen                01219 Ciudad de Mexico
Netherlands                     Mexico
Tel. +31 85 222 1489            Tel.+ 52 55 9172 8690
Tel. + 49 6201 7103 300

Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR Reshaping Solar Energy - GOLDBECK SOLAR
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