Page created by Milton Griffin
RecWell News: January 2023

   SRWC Spring Semester Hours                                       SilverSneakers
    Friday, Jan. 13 - Friday, May 12                                & Renew Active
  Monday - Thursday: 5:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.                             VIP Program
        Friday: 5:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.                          ​Congratulations to Marie Schnee,
        Saturday: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.                              ​our December 2022 Winner!
         Sunday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
                                                      SilverSneakers and Renew Active members, get
        Monday, Jan. 16 (MLK Day)                     your VIP Card at the Welcome Desk, and have the
             8 a.m. - 8 p.m.                          staff punch your card each time you come into the
                                                      SRWC. When your card is full (10 punches), write
   Click on the link below for area hours.            your name, phone number and email on the back
                                                      and drop it into the box to be entered to win $25 on
                                                      your account. Punches are limited to 1 punch per
                                                      day. Winners are eligible to win once per year.
        Facility Hours Webpage

                                  RelaxSpace Wellness Pod
                             Coming Soon! More details to come .
Give members a much needed break with RelaxSpace Wellness Pod!Designed to reduce stress,
promote relaxation, enhance muscle recovery and more, our RelaxSpace Wellness Pod offers a unique,
multi-sensory experience that can be enjoyed by anyone, anytime.

Whether it’s unwinding with calming nature sounds or travel videos, finding inner balance through
meditation and mindfulness, or learning more about diet and healthy living, with RelaxSpace, a
personalized and rejuvenating 10-minute escape awaits.

RelaxSpace Membership
A free trial Relax Space Spring Semester Membership is available for all active semester or longer term
memberships. This membership is automatically assigned for student semester members. All other
members will need to ask to have this membership added to their profile at the Guest Services station or
the Fitness and Wellness Services Desk.

                                     RelaxSpace Wellness Pods Options:
                                     Travel & Nature Videos (with Soundscapes)
                                     Scent Infusion
                                     Meditation & Breathing Exercises
                                     Heart-Rate Monitoring
                                     Healthy Living & Self-Improvement Tips
                                     Heat Therapy

                                 Programs and Events

                                                                     Group X
                                                             Spring Semester Schedule
                                                      We have posted the Group X Spring Semester
                                                      Schedule online with both in-person and virtual
                                                      class options. Join us for one of our classes each
                                                      week such as Multilevel Yoga, Power Pilates,
Cycle Express and more! Click on the schedule
                                                         link below for specific class days and times as well
                                                         as online registration links. Each class must have
                                                         a minimum of 3 people registered 1-hour before
                                                         the start of the class or the class will be cancelled.

                                                         If needed, you can purchase a Group X semester
                                                         membership at the Guest Service station at the
                                                         Welcome Desk for $55/semester for in-person
                                                         classes and $40/semester for virtual classes.

                                                                 Group X Class Schedule
         Learn to Swim Lessons
Our Learn-to-Swim program offers a group
instructional setting for participants of all swimming
levels. Ages range from infants to teens. All swim          Fitness Instructional Programs
classes are taught by American Red Cross-                Muay Thai Kick Boxing (Levels 1 & 2)
certified instructors.                                   Dates & Times: Tuesdays, 6 - 7 p.m.
Registration is now open!                                Session 1: Jan. 31 - Mar. 7
Spring Semesters Sessions:                               ​Student $25, Member $35, Non-member $45
Saturdays, Jan. 28 - Mar. 18
Tuesdays/Thursdays: Jan. 31 - Feb. 23                    Adult Ballet (Levels 1 & 2)
Tuesdays/Thursdays: Feb. 28 - Mar. 23                    Dates & Times: Mondays, 6:45 - 7:45 p.m.
Tuesdays/Thursdays: Apr. 4 - Apr. 27                     Session 1: Jan. 30 - Mar. 6
Levels                                                   Student $25, Member $35, Non-member $45
Preschool 1 - 3
Level 1 - 6                                                     Group Fitness Instructor
Adult                                                           Certification Prep Course
                                                         Information Session:
Cost:                                                    Monday, Jan 30. from 5 - 7 p.m.
Student/Member: $46
Non-student/Non-member: $55                              ​Course Dates & Times:
                                                          8-week Prep Course on Mondays, Feb. 6 - Apr. 15
                                                          from 5 - 7 p.m.
         Learn to Swim Lessons                            Group X Instructor Exam Review & Auditions:
                                                          Monday, Apr. 24 from 5 - 7 p.m.
                                                         Student $0
                                                         Member $25
                                                         Non-member $35

                                                                     Fitness & Wellness
                                                                     Online Registration
               Lap Swimming
We have adjusted the booking options for lap
swimming. Lanes 1, 3 and 5 are available for                   Public Ice Skating Sessions
booking up to one week in advance. Lanes 2, 4            Come to a public skating session at the Kent State
and 6 are available for drop-in use. Please refer to     Ice Arena. Public Skating admission sales will
our Lap Swimming webpage for more information.           begin 30-minutes prior to the session start time.

                                                         Skate rental is included in the admission price.
               Lap Swimming                              General Admission: $12
                 Webpage                                 KSU Student: $10
                                                         KSU Faculty/Staff: $10
                                                         Senior Citizen: $10
                                                         Veteran/Active Military: $10
           Safety Certifications                         5 and Under (with adult): $8
First Aid/CPR/AED
Date and Time:
Saturday, Jan. 28 from 12 - 5 p.m.
                                                         Saturday, Jan. 14 from 2 - 3:30 p.m.
                                                         Sunday, Jan. 15 from 12:30 - 2 p.m.
Student: $70, Member: $75, Non-member: $85
                                                         Monday, Jan. 16 from 1 - 2:30 p.m.
CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer                  Sunday, Jan. 22 from 1:40 - 3:10 p.m.
Date and Time:                                        Sunday, Jan. 29 from 1:30 - 3 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 29 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Cost:                                                 Click on the link below for additional information.
Student: $75, Member: $80, Non-member: $90

                                                                     Public Skating
          Safety Certifications                                        Webpage

                                                            Meditation Across Campus
                                                      Free, facilitated, 30-minute meditation sessions,
                                                      open to all members of the Kent State community.

                                                      Dates & Times:
                                                      Mondays, Jan. 23 - May 1 from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m.
                                                      in the Student Recreation & Wellness Center

                                                      Tuesdays, Jan 17 - May 2 from 12:30 - 1 p.m. in
                                                      the Student Leadership Center, Rm. 220

                                                      Wednesdays, Jan 25 - Apr. 26 from 10:15 - 10:45
                                                      a.m. in the Williamson House, Conf. Room

                                                      Wednesdays, Jan 18 - Apr. 26 from 4:15 - 4:45
                                                      p.m. (virtual)
       Climbing Wall Try Climbs
Patrons must first gain access to the SRWC            For additional information, please go to our
(through an existing membership or purchase of a      website link below.
guest pass) to participate in the climbing options.
Try Climb: $4 (3 climbs up the wall)
Free Try Climb Fridays: Free                           Koru Mindfulness and Meditation
           Adventure Center                           Discover how to incorporate mindfulness skills and
                                                      meditation into your life to better manage stress
          Outdoor Skills Clinics                      during a free, four-week, 75-minute mindfulness
Pre-registration IS REQUIRED for all programs.        class. Classes are facilitated by trained Koru
Full program descriptions are available online.       Mindfulness instructors. Participants have access
                                                      to the free ebook through the University Library.
Introduction to Climbing Clinics
Dates & Times:                                        Dates & Times:
Mondays & Tuesdays, Jan. 23 - May 9                   Wednesdays, Feb 1 - 22 from 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m
5:30 - 8 p.m.                                         in Lowry Hall Rm. 249
Cost: Free
                                                      Thursdays, Feb. 9 - Mar. 2 from 3:45 - 5 p.m. in
Pool Beginner Kayak Sessions                          the Student Recreation & Wellness Center,
Dates & Times:                                        Seminar Room A
Thursdays, Jan. 19 - May 4 from 7 - 9 p.m.
Cost: $7                                              Mondays, Feb. 20 - Mar. 13 from 12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
                                                      in the Williamson House, Conference Room
Snowshoe Clinic
Date & Time: Saturday, Feb. 18 from 3 - 5 p.m.
Location: Disc Golf Course - meet at the SRWC
Cost: $5                                                      Kent State of Well-being
                                                                Programs Webpage
           Adventure Center
           Online Registration                                   Vitalant Blood Drive
                                                      Wednesday, Feb. 1 from 1 - 6 p.m.
                Webpage                               SRWC Seminar Rooms

                                                      The KSoW has partnered with Vitalant to enable
        Adventure Center Trips                        the campus community to experience the
We offer unique adventure trips each semester in      opportunity of saving a life. For every 50 units of
Ohio and around the country. All trips are            blood collected throughout the academic year,
designed to be beginner friendly with a focus on      Vitalant will award a $500 tuition scholarship to a
learning new outdoor skills. Pre-registration IS      Kent State University student. Appointments will
REQUIRED for all programs. Full program               be taken before walk-ins. Photo ID required.
descriptions are available online.
                                                      Sign up at link below and enter group code
Ray's Indoor Mountain Bike Trip                       5025.
Date & Time: Saturday, Feb. 11 from 5 - 11 p.m.
Cost: $40                                                     Vitalant
Snowshoe Hike                                                 Webpage
Date & Time: Saturday, Feb. 25 from 1 - 4 p.m.
Location: Cuyahoga Valley National Park - meet at
the SRWC
Cost: $10

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