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                                                  Saturday, April 24, 2021   Vol. 26 No. 27   Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas

                                                          TOP CHEF
Chef Kimberly Lallouz
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NEW! 6950 Cote St Luc Rd #210 asking $429,900
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                                                                                 Better hurry!

                                           Lauren Marks Vesely
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2                                                                April 24, 2021 •
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Canadian actor Millie Davis
 plays in 'The Parker Andersons
            and      Amelia          Parker'
  How two interlinked sitcoms can promote socially relevant issues
America, there has always been room to                                                           “At times, it was quite a difficult experi-
experiment with TV formats, genres and is-                                                     ence filming the show. There were times I
sues and the ways they can be presented                                                        would do one set of scenes after the other,
to potential viewers.                                                                          that it came to the point I couldn’t figure
   But what about a family-oriented sitcom                                                     out which scene was for which show, so
that tackles relevant issues and concerns of                                                   staying engaged was important. And having
today, but as two separate shows? In a way,                                                    to speak in a British accent added another
it’s like having the original program and its                                                  level of difficulty for me,” she said in a re-
spin-off airing at the same time.                                                              cent phone interview.
   That’s the case with “The Parker Ander-                                                       “I hope both shows will help spark con-
sons” and “Amelia Parker”, created by vet-                                                     versations with families after they watch
eran Canadian writer and comic Frank van                                                       the shows, and help people see how impor-
Keeken, supervised by showrunner An-                                                           tant the family dynamic is when it comes
thony Q. Farrell (“The Office”) and pro-                                                       to dealing with a number of important top-
duced by the Toronto-based production                     By Stuart Nulman                     ics, where they can learn a lot in a manner
company marblemedia. The 20-episode se-                                                        of happiness and warmth,” she added.
ries (made up of 10 episodes of each show),                                 Millie, who also performed on the series
has recently debuted on Super Channel           lighthearted humour.                           “Orphan Black”, “Odd Squad” and “Dino
Heart & Home in Canada and BYU TV in                It is immediately followed by “Amelia      Dana”, also enjoyed the experience of
the U.S.                                        Parker”, which serves to give another per-     breaking down the fourth wall and directly
   The premise of “The Parker Andersons”        spective of the situation that was presented   addressing the audience in “Amelia Parker”,
centres on a blended, interracial family        on the previously broadcast episode of         as well as getting the chance to add some
based in Chicago.Tony Parker, is a black for-   “The Parker Andersons”.This time, it’s seen    skills through her character.
mer British soccer star and widower who         from the point of view of Tony’s teenage          “I learned a lot portraying the title role
moves to the Windy City with his two chil-      daughter Amelia, who remains mute as a         of Amelia Parker, and got to do plenty of
dren Nathan and Amelia, so that he can          result of the trauma she experienced with      cool different things through Amelia, such
manage the career of his nephew, who is a       her mother’s premature death; however, on      as playing the piano, doing Hip Hop and
popular player on an American soccer            “Amelia Parker”, she breaks her silence to     Bollywood dancing, as well as playing soc-
team. He then meets, dates and marries          the viewers so she can give her take on        cer, which is a sport that I have never
Cleo Anderson, a white dentist who has          how the situation in question has affected     played before doing this show. It certainly
two children of her own named Victoria          her and her new family.                        gave me more things to add to my re-
and Charlie. Together, the Parkers and the         Millie Davis, a 14-year-old actress from    sume!”
Andersons become a united family who to-        Toronto, portrays Amelia in both series and      The Parker Andersons and Amelia Parker,
gether confront and deal with many rele-        serves as is its focal point and conscience.   starring Millie Davis, Devin Cecchetto, Kate
vant – yet at times uncomfortable – issues      Acting since the age of four, she has appre-   Hewlett, Agape Mngomezulu, Arnold Pin-
that can affect a blended family such as        ciated how both shows present such inter-      nock and Charlie Zeltzer, can be seen every
prejudice, race, acceptance and tolerance.      esting, relatable issues to so many teenage    Monday night at 8 and 11:05 p.m. on Super
And yet they handle these issues with a         viewers; however, shooting two shows in        Channel Heart & Home. For more infor-
combination of concern, seriousness and         one can present its share of challenges.       mation, go to .
     • April 24, 2021                                                                                            3
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4   April 24, 2021 •
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OSHEAGA Music and Arts
            Festival, îLESONIQ and
           LASSO Montreal cancelled
evenko’s priority has always been the
health and safety of festival attendees and,
due to an ever-evolving COVID-19 situa-
tion, the decision has been taken to post-
pone the official 15th anniversary
celebration of OSHEAGA, so that the won-
derful milestone can be celebrated in style
and security at Parc Jean-Drapeau, next
summer, 2022. îLESONIQ will also be back
in 2022, as well as the inaugural edition of
LASSO Montreal, which is set to become
THE premiere country music festival in the
greatest festival city in the world!
   “We’ve been working since last summer
to try to deliver the full festival experience
to fans” says Nick Farkas, Senior Vice Pres-
ident, Booking, Concerts and Events at
evenko and founder of OSHEAGA, “we are
keenly aware of how important live music
is to our fans and our city, and how much        improve enough over the summer and fall       ration with Coors Light, îLESONIQ in col-
everyone misses it! We want to be back           so that we are able to bring back music       laboration with Bud Light and LASSO Mon-
there in the action too, but the truth is that   outdoors.We continue to monitor govern-       treal) will be honoured in 2022. Therefore,
it takes several months to line up the vari-     ment guidelines and all safety measures as    fans who already purchased their festival
ous elements to create a festival, and with      they evolve.                                  passes are encouraged to hold on to them.
current uncertainty, we don't have that lux-       All passes for any of the 2020-2021 edi-    Refunds are also available for passholders
ury.”                                            tions of the festivals (OSHEAGA Music and     who would prefer this option.
  We remain hopeful that the situation will      Arts Festival presented by Bell in collabo-


 Day : April 26th and May 24th 2021
 Evening : May 3rd 2021
 Teen : Spanish, Mandarin and Japanese:
        May 8th 2021

                                                                         789-8000                                              option

      • April 24, 2021                                                                                         5
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Senate bill aims to
3551 boul. St. Charles,
 Suite #547, Kirkland,
  Quebec, H9H 3C4
                                                                                    protect children from
    514-951-3328                                                                online pornography and
                                                                                      human trafficking
                                                                              It is often said that it takes a vil-    (NCWC) passed a resolution                quirements in regard to the sex-                                                             lage to raise a child.This certainly     calling on the Government of              ual abuse of children. Miville-                                                               requires the best efforts of par-        Canada to implement mandatory             Dechêne's bill ''completely
                                                                              ents to protect and guide their          age-verification measures in on-          dovetails with the actions of the
                                                                              children. Grandparents and other         line pornography. Rankin had              NCWC,'' Rankin says. The for-
                                                                              family members all play an impor-        started to put together an emer-          mer Radio-Canada journalist has
                                                                              tant part in a child's life. In the      gency resolution for the Mon-             been in the forefront of the bat-
                                                                              modern world society also plays          treal chapter to bring to the             tle to recognize all forms of sex-
                                                                              a crucial role in setting standards      national organization as early as         ual exploitation. For five years, as
                                                                              for the protection of minors. In         March. However, because of the            the Chair of the Quebec govern-
     Distribution                                                             fact, the best interest of the child
                                                                              is the framing principle of Cana-
                                                                                                                       pandemic the national AGM did-
                                                                                                                       n't take place until later in the fall.
                                                                                                                                                                 ment’s Conseil du statut de la
                                                                                                                                                                 femme Miville-Dechêne modern-
Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Bea-
consfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, La-   dian law.                                                                          ized the institution by making it
   chine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon,              This is perhaps most important        The push to mandate age-verifi-           relevant for young women. She
 Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St.        in the digital space where chil-         cation in online pornography is           raised its profile by speaking pub-
            Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island              dren and youth can easily fall                                                     licly on the major issues affecting
             Advertising                                                      prey to online sexual predators.                                                   women including sexual violence
                                                                              ''If we are going to protect chil-                                                 and prostitution.
                                                    dren, if we are going to protect                                                      ''My main focus, personally, was
                                                                              people from being exploited then                                                   around human trafficking,''
ADVERTISING DEADLINE                                                          we need principles, standards,                                                     Rankin says. Then she began to
                                                                              and regulation says Penny Rankin,                                                  look more closely at the hand-in-
    (Wednesday at 5 p.m.)                                                     President of the Montreal Coun-                                                    glove relationship between sex-
    514-951-3328                                                              cil of Women (MCW). (Note:                                                         ual        exploitation         and
                                                                              Penny Rankin and Deborah                                                           sex-trafficking. ''That brings you
    Managing Editor:                                                          Rankin are not related.)                                                           to look at issues like pornogra-
                        Tom West                                                  Quebec Independent Senator                   By Deborah Rankin                 phy and prostitution that are
                                                                              Julie Miville-Dechêne is the spon-                                                 driven by demand.'' Legally, the
                                                                                                                                            distinction between sex-traffick-
                                                                              sor of a bill to protect children
                                                                              and youth from exposure to on-                                                     ing and sexual exploitation is
                                                                              line pornography. Bill S-203, Pro-       coming at a time when 40                  moot where minors are con-
                                                                              tecting Young Persons from               women are suing porn giant                cerned. ''Sexual abuse directed
                                                                              Exposure to Pornography Act              MindGeek for profiting from sex           towards children, under the
                                                                              (short title) makes it an offence        videos in which they appeared on          Palermo protocols (anti-traffick-
          Contributors:                                                       to make sexually explicit material       its Pornhub website.The women,            ing protocols adopted by the
                                                                              available to young persons online        including three Canadians, claim          UN) and, in terms of the UN
          • Alyssa De Rosa                                                    and holds Internet service               they were tricked or coerced              Convention on the Rights of the
         • Marco Giovanetti                                                   providers accountable for the            into performing in the videos and         Child, is always considered
          • Sergio Martinez                                                   content on their sites.                  their images were published               human trafficking because they
                                                                                   The bill which is now being         without their consent. Moreover,          can't give consent,'' she says.
           • Bonnie Wurst                                                     studied by the Standing Senate           some of the porn videos involve              Another impetus for the bill is
           • Stuart Nulman                                                    Committee of Legal and Consti-           actual sexual assault, as well as         to prevent the damaging effects
         • Deborah Rankin                                                     tutional Affairs would require the       the sexual abuse of underage              of pornography on impression-
       • Martha Shannon                                                       implementation of age verifica-          girls. The lawsuit alleges that the       able young minds even when this
                                                                              tion methods to shield young             videos in question, filmed by for-        does not involve human traffick-
                                                                              people from online pornography.          mer MindGeek partner Girls Do             ing. The bill's language is unam-
                                                                              Sen. Miville-Dechêne recently            Porn, amount to sex trafficking.          biguous: "the consumption of
            SUBSCRIPTION                                                      tweeted that she would like to           MindGeek is a Canadian com-               sexually explicit material by
General subscriptions in Canada: 1                                            see Canada get serious about             pany headquartered in Luxem-              young persons is associated with
year $150, 2 years $275 Subscrip-                                                                                                                                a range of serious harms, includ-
tion to the U.S. and outside North                                            making pornsites comply with             bourg with offices in Bucharest,
     America:1 year $250 US                                                   child protection laws: ''This is ex-     Dublin, London, Los Angeles, and          ing the development of pornog-
All contents of this publication                                              actly what I’m trying to do with         Montreal.                                 raphy         addiction,        the
are sole property of The Mon-
treal Times Newspaper. Opin-                                                  #S203. France is way ahead of                 By last spring Rankin and            reinforcement of gender stereo-
ions expressed in this
publication are not necessarily                                               Canada on that front: mandatory          Miville-Dechêne had connected             types and the development of at-
intended to reflect those of the
publisher. Any reproduction in                                                age verification by pornsites, and       at protests outside the Montreal          titudes favourable to harassment
whole or in part and in print or
in electronic form without ex-                                                severe consequences for not              office of MindGeek - events               and violence — including sexual
press permission is strictly for-
bidden.      Permission        to                                             complying.''                             sparked by allegations that the           harassment and sexual violence
reproduce selected editorial
may be granted by contacting
                                                                                    Last October the National          company had failed to comply              — particularly against women."
the publisher in writing.                                                     Council of Women Canada                  with mandatory reporting re-                           continued on Page 7

6                                                                                                                                                         April 24, 2021 •
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continued from Page 6   ment and to connect with their peers.''       the legislative process and been re-
The bill's timing could not be more ur-       Rankin would like to see all Internet
                                                                                         ferred to a Senate committee for fur-
gent. The pandemic has increased the       service providers and social media plat-
opportunities for the criminal exploita-   forms use government approved third-          ther study. It is at this stage that
tion of children and youth as more kids    party age-verification mechanisms
                                                                                         witnesses will be able to provide their
spend more time online. ''It (sexual       instead of allowing the porn industry to
abuse) has gravitated towards cyber        police itself. ''We don't want them self-     point of view and insight by appearing
abuse during Covid,'' Rankin says. The     regulating,'' she says. She would also like
                                                                                         before the committee or by submitting
MCW's statement on age-verification        to see more funding, training, and pres-
and the protection of children from ex-    ence of the police force to combat sex-       a brief. She sees this as one more step
posure to online pornography highlights    trafficking and sexual abuse. ''Sustainable
                                                                                         towards a better protection of young
the context giving rise to increased       funding for specialized forensic tools
abuse: ''The current pandemic has dra-     and policing resources to curb, disman-       people in the digital space while ac-
matically increased the amount of time     tle, and expose illegal practices are
                                                                                         knowledging that the government will
children and youth are online as school    needed to ensure that perpetrators are
boards and families alike turn to the      held accountable for human trafficking        need to take additional steps to stamp
web and media platforms as educational     of children,'' she says.
resources and as children and youth                                                      out the sexual abuse of children and
                                             Miville-Dechêne is encouraged by the
themselves seek to access entertain-       fact that her bill has made it this far in    youth.

                               Get with the Times!


    • April 24, 2021                                                                                  7
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8   April 24, 2021 •
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Book Review

      This is the Fire by Don Lemon
Practically every weeknight, around 10 p.m.,    tome This is the Fire.
my TV is tuned to CNN, in particular                This compact, 213-
“CNN          Tonight”,     the       nightly   page book reads like
commentary/interview show that’s an-            an extended version
chored by Don Lemon, who has been with          of one of his “CNN
the network for 15 years.                       Tonight”         opening
   Particularly, I look forward to watching     monologues. In a way,
his nightly opening remarks called “Don’s       it serves as a response
Take”, in which he offers his take on the       to The Fire Next Time,
events and issues of the day that’s delivered   the epic 1963 best
in his inimitable, sometimes snarky, but al-    seller by the late Black
ways no-B.S. style. But what I like about       writer James Baldwin
watching those opening 10-15 minutes of         that offered his inim-
the show is that Lemon backs up his argu-       itable take on racism
ments not with heat-of-the-moment, off-         during the height of
the-top-of-your-head rhetoric, but with         the Civil Rights move-
cold hard facts (that’s sometimes accompa-      ment, and offered a
nied with video clips to as a further means     rather ominous warn-
of proof).                                      ing on how ugly racism
                                                in America would get
                                                if it was left unnoticed and unsolved; in fact,   ers of war in the venue where she per-
                                                Baldwin quoted this warning in the form of        formed (thereby not conforming to the
                                                a Biblical song of a slave, which said “God       image of a Black woman that was expected
                                                gave Noah the rainbow sign, No more               of her by White America at that time),
                                                water, the fire next time.”                       Lemon uses such background research to
                                                     “This is the fire. We’re in it. JFK and      effectively show the reader why history led
                                                Obama led us to the rainbow; Trump                up to Charlottesville, the evolution of Black
                                                forced us into the fire. And then he poured       Lives Matter, the growing spectre of racism
                                                gasoline on it,” replies Lemon.                   and the tragic deaths of innocent people
                                                    Throughout the book, Lemon states his         like George Floyd over the past few years.
                                                case about the issue of systemic racism in           But Lemon’s narrative doesn’t end with a
                                                the U.S. by doing what he does best, using        “these are the facts; take it or leave it” ap-
                                                personal examples and reaching out into           proach. Instead, he offers readers who are
                                                the long lost annals of American history to
            By Stuart Nulman                    show how ugly it has become over the past
                                                                                                  tired of these constant fires that have
                                                                                                  burned modern American society the right
                                                400 years. Whether it be the visit Lemon
                           and his mother did to the Slave Coast Cas-
                                                                                                  amount of encouragement so that action
                                                tle in Ghana, where captured Africans were        can be taken to extinguish these growing
   It’s Lemon’s nightly commentaries that       held until their tragic journey to slavery in     flames. “The answer is a new beginning,” he
remind me of the type that were offered         the American colonies; or the story of            writes. “And that can be forged only in the
by such respected and heralded veteran TV       Charles Deslondes, the inter racial               crucible of compassionately radical
newsmen like Howard K. Smith and Eric           Louisiana overseer who in 1811 led the            change.”
Sevareid during the golden age of network       largest slave uprising in American history;          This is the Fire is an immensely readable,
TV newscasts of the 60s and 70s: well           the hidden, scandalous stories of the racism      yet important book on how racism ails our
thought-out, fact-laden opinions that were      behind such movie classics as “The Birth of       world today and continues to do so even
delivered in a cool, rational manner without    a Nation” and “Gone with the Wind”; or            as I write these words. Don Lemon’s words
fear or favour to anyone or anything.           how singer Lena Horne got kicked out of           serve as a clarion call to an informed peo-
    It’s people like Don Lemon who have         a USO tour during World War II because            ple that they can help put out the fire of
come along as this journalistic voice of rea-   she complained that Black American sol-           racism before it’s too late and burns out of
son at a time in modern history that is so      diers were seated behind German prison-           control.
needed the most, especially during the past
five years. With the wave of right-wing
thinking and organizations that came along
like a firestorm during the Trump presi-
dency, not to mention the increase in
racism that became an end result of the
fear brought about by the COVID-19 pan-
demic, and the too frequent (almost daily)
occurrences of mass shootings and the
killing of Black people like George Floyd
and Breonna Taylor by police officers, not                                                                  $11.50
to mention the recent conviction of Min-
neapolis policeman Derek Chauvin and the
rise of the Black Lives Matter movement
that have come about as a result, Don
Lemon has been out front reporting and
commenting on many of these related
breaking stories. And he has done it with
one thing in mind: to make sure his viewers
get the straight story with as much facts
and background research as possible, so
that they can reach their own informed
     Now, Lemon has taken to the printed
page to explain what has motivated him to
focus on the growing hot button issue of
racism in America with his best-selling
     • April 24, 2021                                                                                               9
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10    April 24, 2021 •
Portrait of a culinary
        entrepreneurial survivor
At the beginning of 2020, Montreal chef                                                           that space on my own while I was working
and entrepreneur Kimberly Lallouz was on                                                          for a catering company. It took so long to
top of the world, as she was running a suc-                                                       build up a clientele, but it happened, even
cessful culinary empire that she built from                                                       when we were subjected to the constant
the ground up and employed over 100 peo-                                                          presence of orange cones on the street and
ple.                                                                                              the endless road construction work.”
   In 2010, she opened up her first restau-                                                         But a decade after building a strong com-
rant called Miss Pret A Manger on Bleury                                                          munity with her customers and employees,
Street in downtown Montreal.That was fol-                                                         nothing prepared Ms. Lallouz for the dev-
lowed by Monsieur Resto and Bar, Miss                                                             astating impact that affected businesses –
Tennis (which was a gastronomic highlight                                                         especially restaurants – during the COVID
at the annual Rogers Cup tennis tourna-                                                           pandemic lockdown. “It put me in a difficult
ment at the Uniprix Tennis Stadium), the                                                          spot, especially when it concerned my em-
MAC Restaurant at the Musee d’Art Con-                                                            ployees and I had to make the money
temporain, the Bird Bar (a fried chicken and
champagne restaurant in Griffintown) and                   By Stuart Nulman                       stretch for as long as I can,” she said. “I
Henden, a speakeasy bar that was located                                                          spent a lot of money to make my restau-
behind the grow wall in the basement of                                      rants COVID safe and train a lot of new
the Bird Bar.                                   sage of staying positive in a situation that is   staff people. And while that happened, the
   On top of that, Ms. Lallouz also operated    not easy, to say the least.”                      second wave came and shut us down again,
Petite Miss Pret (a non-profit venture that        A self-confessed home chef who never           which was quite depressing because not
served meals to children from lower in-         attended culinary school, Ms. Lallouz said        knowing when you can restart again is a
come households who attended a number           her love of food and cooking came from            very scary proposition. But through all of
of daycares in the city), a catering service    her grandparents. “They believed in creat-        that, I realized you always have to wake up
that did 15-30 weddings every year, an          ing dishes using colorful, healthy food. In       happy every morning, count your blessings
event planning service for corporate events     fact, I never even had a Big Mac during my        and always find something to do, and do it
and a bar service, as well as doing a number    younger years,” she said. “The kitchen was        with gusto.”
of travelling chef gigs around the world.       always a centerpiece for my family; it was           And Ms. Lallouz has utilized her “never-
    Her passion of cooking original dishes      always a focal point for us. I always liked to    say-die” attitude by undertaking some new
that used fresh organic produce also tran-      dabble in kosher and vegetarian dishes – al-      projects during the worst of the pandemic.
scended onto the TV screen. In 2016, she        though I am not a vegetarian myself – and         She has recently taped a new cooking se-
hosted her own cooking show on the              try different things that will heighten and       ries in Ottawa called “One Big Recipe”,
Zeste cable channel called “Les Garden-         excite my customers. I like to remind them        which will air on the Bell Fibe network in
Partys de Kimberly”; was part of the judg-      to eat their veggies, because there is so         the near future. “On that show, I demon-
ing panel on the reality competition show       much beautiful, colorful bounty from the          strate how you can cook a six-course meal
“Je Suis Chef” in 2019; and was a regular       earth.”                                           for six people and do it without being
on the Radio-Canada program “5 Chefs              She went on to study marketing and jour-        afraid,” she said. And she is in the midst of
dans Ma Cuisine” with veteran Quebecois         nalism, and then got a job in the fashion in-     writing two cookbooks; one for children,
actress Marina Orsini.                          dustry that had her constantly travelling to      and one that chronicles her travels through
  Then came the COVID-19 pandemic, and          many countries around the globe. However,         the world of vegetarian cooking. However,
the massive lockdown that came as a result      such a fast-paced profession in a fast-paced
of it, in March of last year.                   industry didn’t exactly mean job satisfac-        through all of these recent ups and downs,
  “That was a big pill to swallow.When the      tion for her. So instead, she turned to her       she is confident that Montreal will maintain
lockdown began on March 24, I was in Tel        love of food and taking risks and laid the        its worldwide reputation as a restaurant
Aviv; meanwhile back at home, I had a           groundwork for her culinary empire.               capitol when the pandemic ends.
$6000 perishable food order waiting for           “When you take a risk, you have to stand           “Montreal is a culinary city; this is what
my restaurants that just had their doors        behind it.When I chose the site for my first      we do well and we have more going for us
suddenly closed and was immediately ren-        restaurant, I took over a space on Bleury         in that respect as a result of this reputa-
dered useless,” she said in a recent phone      Street that once housed a sign company. At        tion,” she said. “We just have to remain
interview. “I didn’t want to crash and burn.    the time, there were not many places to eat       confident that the negative that has arose
I still wanted to be an inspiration to female   in that area; it was a place where no busi-       from the pandemic will eventually turn into
entrepreneurs everywhere with the mes-          ness wanted to be,” she said. “I renovated        a positive in our lives.”

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     • April 24, 2021                                                                                             11
12   April 24, 2021 •
We are looking for
                  Montreal's best taco
        Spring is just around the corner and hopefully lockdown   A taco is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a
        will be lifted as almost 820,000 Quebecers have re- small hand-sized corn or wheat tortilla topped with a
        ceived the first of the two COVID-19 vaccinations. As filling. The tortilla is then folded around the filling and
        we wait for the Quebec government to lift the lock- eaten by hand.
        down restrictions, curfew and open our restaurants, the   Please send us your top Taco spot in Montreal: is looking for Montreal's best taco.                   

                                                                                            Guacamole recipe
                                    c o m e f rom?                           This is the BEST guacamole recipe as it’s simple to
          d i d                   s
                taco rom the Nahuatl                                        make and uses fresh, high quality ingredients.Authen-
 Wh e re          mes f             the
       rd taco co
The wo co' which means  “half or in                                          tic guacamole doesn’t contain fillers and unneces-
        la h                     ay it is fo rmed.                              sary ingredients.All you need is avocados, onion,
word 't       fe rr in g to the w ll tortilla with                                tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno pepper, lime juice,
middle”, snack food; a sma vegetables                                              garlic and salt. Easy and delicious!
 A Mexican, beans, cheese, dicedas served in                                                                 • 3 avocados, ripe
 some rice matoes and lettuce,                                                                            • 1/2 small onion, finely
 (usually to a) and salsa.                                                                                          diced
  the Canad                                                                                             • 2 Roma tomatoes, diced
                                                                                                         • 3 tablespoons finely
                                                                                                      chopped fresh cilantro
                                                                                                 • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeds re-
                                    make                                                              moved and finely diced
                  d o   y o   u                                                                       • 2 garlic cloves, minced
      How              f e  c  t taco? ppings
        the      p e r                                                                                      • 1 lime, juiced
                  e  t y p i c a  l taco to ght.                                                       • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
               th                                  ni
These are erfect for any taco
that are p Hard Taco Shells. las.                                                                            How to keep
           1.                  l o  u r Tortil                                                             guacamole green
                   o  r n / F
     2. Soft C Meat (Ground                                                                            •Place your leftover gua-
           3. Taco
                           h  i c k e n  / S eafood) s)                                              camole in a storage container
                      /C                                 an                                          and pat it down firmly with a
     Beef/Pork k beans, refried be                                                                   spoon so it’s nice and flat on
 4. Beans (. Shredded Cheese                                                                        top.
                       6. Lettuce                                                         • Add about 1/2 inch of water on top
                         7. Onion llo                                                      (I used cold water).
                                        Ga                                                 •Place the lid on the storage container
                   8. Pico de be given for the                                             and store it in the fridge. That’s it!
           t r a p o i n t s will             o l e , a nd salsa                          • When you want to enjoy the gua-
      Ex                               c a m
       s t  h o t s a uce, gua                                                            camole, drain the water off the top, give
    be                                                                         it a stir and you’re good to go.
  Please send us your top Taco spot in Montreal
   • April 24, 2021                                                                                     13

     Are you bothered by unwanted thoughts, images, doubts, or impulses that keep
     recurring to you, but that you can’t stop from coming into your mind?

     Do you feel driven to repeat some behaviour or repeat something in your mind
     over and over, in order to feel more comfortable? (e.g., repeatedly washing,
     checking things, and/or counting)

     Are these thoughts and behaviours problematic? Do they take up more
     time than necessary? Have they interfered with significant parts of your life
     (e.g., work, school, relationships)?

     If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, are 18 years old or older, and speak
     English on a daily basis, you may be eligible to participate in a new Obsessive-
     Compulsive Disorder (OCD) online treatment study. All eligible participants
     receive twelve sessions of an effective (evidence-based) psychological therapy
     for free. No medications are offered as a part of this study. Financial
     compensation will be given for participation in portions of the research.

     For more information about this online study, please contact the Anxiety
     and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders Laboratory: 514-848-2424 ext. 2187,
     or via email:

     This research is supervised by Dr. Adam Radomsky,
     Department of Psychology, Concordia University

14                                                             April 24, 2021 •
• April 24, 2021   15
Movie Reviews -

       The Oscars - Has Hollywood
            lost its sparkle?
The world of cinema is not the same                                                         making of "Citizen Kane." Chloé Zhao,
since the beginning of the pandemic:                                                        however, could be a strong candidate as
movie theatres have been closed most                                                        well.
of the time. Even if in some cities they                                                         And then, those who Hitchcock
are open, people are justifiably worried                                                    wanted to treat "like cattle" but, in fact,
about possible contagion. Of course, no                                                     are literally the visible face of the film:
assurances that the audience will keep                                                      actors and actresses. Anthony Hopkins,
their masks on all the time during the                                                      no doubt a great gentleman of the
show. Streaming, a way of watching films                                                    screen, should get the Oscar in the
already gaining popularity before the                                                       Actor in Leading Role category for his
pandemic, has become a prevalent
method by which people can access                                                           impeccable performance as Anthony, the
movies. Such a new scenario is reflected                                                    father in a slow process of descent into
in some of the films now competing for                                                      dementia in Zeller's "The Father."
an Oscar. A few competing films have          in his films.                                 Steven Yeun also delivered an emotional
been produced by Netflix, the most               I underline this aspect because once       and determined Korean father searching
popular online movie platform in North        more, when it comes to the Oscars, the        for his American dream in "Minari", and
America.                                      most important category is, of course,        Gary Oldman made a convincing Her-
                                              that of Best Movie, precisely set for last,   man Mankiewicz in "Mank." My choice
   The Oscar ceremony will take place         near the end of the ceremony. It is ex-
this Sunday, April 25, at 8 p.m. EST. In      pected that the movie chosen encom-           would be Sacha Baron Cohen ("The Trial
Montreal, you can watch it on CTV.            passes all the elements mentioned             of the Chicago 7") in the Supporting
          THE COMPETITION                     above, including good acting, of course.      Role category.
  "I never said all actors are cattle; what   As a critic, considering the capacity to         In the Actress in a Leading Role cate-
I said was that all actors should be          build a drama and engage the audience         gory, the statuette should go to another
treated like cattle" is a famous and not      in a very clever way, the prize for Best      great lady of the screen, Frances Mc-
very glamourous quote by Alfred Hitch-        Movie should go to the U.K. film "The         Dormand ("Nomadland"), while in the
cock. I don't think the great director        Father," directed by Florian Zeller. The      Supporting Role category, I would give it
meant any disrespect for the acting pro-      choice is not easy: "The Trial of the         to Amanda Seyfried ("Mank").
fession. Instead, he merely wanted to         Chicago 7" by Aaron Sorkin, "Mank" by         Cinematography, that is, the elements of
emphasize that, contrary to the popular       David Fincher, "Minari" by Lee Isaac
perception—amplified by media expo-                                                         creativity involved in conveying the film's
                                              Chung, and "Nomadland" by Chloé               atmosphere through the images—the
sure of celebrities—the main elements         Zhao are also powerful contenders.
in cinema as an art form are others.The         In the Best Director category, I would      essence of the film, after all—the Oscar
story, the cinematography, the narrative,     choose David Fincher. He does an out-         should go to Erik Messerschmidt
and the director's role as the creator        standing job in re-creating that atmos-       ("Mank").
who puts all those elements together.         phere of the 1930s and 1940s in                 These are my picks of some of the cat-
Actors, in his view, are not the defining     Hollywood. He succeeds in bringing on         egories. Now I should wait until Sunday
element of a movie. Although, he cer-         the screen his particular interpretation      to see if the member of the Academy
tainly made good use of talented stars        of the behind-the-scene aspects in the        shared this critic's preferences.
16                                                                                          April 24, 2021 •
The toxin free skin care buzz
Wanting toxin free             “There is really no
skin care is not a fad. research saying that
While it may be the parabens are linked to
buzz, it’s not flying a serious illness.”
                                “Everything pene-
          By Martha Shannon
                            trates   the skin. That’s
                            not   the  question. it is
                            It all depends on how
                            much        and     how
away anytime soon. quickly. If an ingredi-
We deserve to have ent is questioned,
clean products.             there is seriously so
       But what does little of it in the prod-
‘clean’ mean? Toxin uct, people need not
free? All natural? No be so concerned.
nasties? Free-from?             “Yes, we have re-
‘Chemical’-free?            moved the parabens
   ‘All good. No bad?’ and SLS, but only be-
                            cause of the demand.”
    It may depend              Skin care is a huge
     whom you ask           and very successful
                            industry. The prom-
Some do not think ises are to defy age,
there is a problem. minimize                   pores,     aimed for ‘perfect         like ‘elements, com-      about like ‘feathers’ at       We stand behind
Some experts defend plump the skin, have                  knowledge’ through         pounds, naturals, or-     a wedding, but we do       our products.We give
the mainstream indus- eternal                  youth.     our       fast-evolving    ganics are the good.      not have any other         great customer serv-
try saying that all in- brighten,            hydrate,     media. We just need        Chemical synonyms         words.                     ice. Visit us at
gredients are tested exude radiance. All                  to know how to plow        like toxic are the bad.       Our passion is to Subscribe
and approved safe.We seem desirable enti-                 through it all. And             On our website,      provide an alternative     to our newsletter. ‘La
hear and read various ties.                               what to believe.           when Earth to Body,       to mainstream skin         Boutique Earth to
versions from CEO’s,                                         The term ‘chemical      uses the term ‘chemi-     care by offering           Body’, 89 Lucerne,
media reps, skin spe- boat’,‘Don’t  they
                                           rock the
                                         say. Making      free’ is in itself a co-   cal’ we are not refer-    healthy,     nutritious,   Pointe Claire, QC
cialists.                                                 nundrum since every-       ring to the scientific    clean and effective        H9R 2V1) Email
  “SLS, which might or      changes    cost money.   If
                            the    FDA   or   Health      thing out there can be     term of all 'chemical     products for all con- We
might not be an irri-                                     considered a chemi-        matter'.We refer to it    sumers. Superfood for      are open: Store: Tues,
tant, is in everything Canada has already                 cal. Chemists are con-     as ‘a toxin considered    the skin. Our testimo-     Wed, Thurs: 10-4 For
from creams to lo- established that the                   tinually rolling their     unnatural or danger-      nials reflect our qual-    curbside…Call store
tions,       toothpaste, ingredient is deemed,
shampoos. Some peo- safe, then it is. “                   eyes, and rightly so, at   ous when used or          ity, integrity and         during store hours
ple are overly sensi-          But our consumer           the extensive usage of     consumed’. We know        customer satisfaction.     514-428-0444 Out-
tive. It happens. “         heads    are not buried       the word ‘chemical’.       the terms natural and       And that is what the     side hours call : 514-
                            in the sand. We are           Chemical synonyms          organic are tossed        buzz is all about.         694-0705 .

       • April 24, 2021                                                                                                            17
18   April 24, 2021 •
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