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                                                               Saturday, March 20, 2021   Vol. 26 No. 22                        Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas

   Isabelle Rochon is going "grape" lengths to
elevate the Montreal wine scene to new heights
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For Sale or for Rent
         7190-7200 Frederick-Banting
            St Laurent (Technoparc)
    Building 40,480 s.f. new hvac and roof!
    Open space, offices & meeting rooms!
              Excellent condition!
    Call me to evaluate and
     advise for the sale of
         your property!

                  Lauren Marks Vesely
                   Courtier immobilier
                   Real Estate Broker
2             March 20, 2021 •
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Will Montreal be invaded
          by ‘The Giant’?
Montreal could be invaded by a giant, mov-                                                           “The Giant will be one of the world’s
ing statue that could take the shape of any                                                       most ambitious cultural and commercial
human form, or any prominent celebrity or                                                         projects bringing together art, amusement
personality from Albert Einstein, John                                                            and wonder to create a contemporary and
Lennon or Beyoncé, and it could happen                                                            highly profitable business,” said Paddy Dun-
before the year is out.                                                                           ning, the man behind The Giant Company.
    Now before you head for the hills, or                                                         “We envision The Giant as an adjunct to
think it’s some twisted plot from a sci-fi                                                        new urban redevelopment projects, stadi-
drive-in movie classic from the 50s or 60s,                                                       ums, arenas, shopping centres, museums
please heed the following information.                                                            and other locations.”
  “The Giant” is actually an attraction that                                                         As well, The Giant will be placed atop a
is 10 stories high and is billed as “the tallest                                                  base that will serve as an exhibition space,
moving statue in the world”. Its head and
arms can move to a variety of positions, has                                                      where visitors can enjoy “The Giant Expe-
the ability to speak or sing, and has a “skin”               By Stuart Nulman                     rience”, where they take a hi-tech journey
                                                                                                  into the world of not only giants of legend
that is composed of millions of program-
mable LED pixels, in which it can instantly                                  and mythology, but also the “giants” and un-
                                                                                                  sung heroes of the city and/or country
take the form of any man or woman, boy
or girl, or historic or popular personality        satirist Jonathan Swift, there will be 21 of   where The Giant will be located in. It can
(such as the three mentioned above).               these “Giants” who are searching for 21        also be utilized as a stage for performances
   Conceived by The Giant Company that             cities from around the world to be their       and presentations, and will include a roof
is based in Dublin, Ireland, and inspired by       home bases — whether temporary or per-         garden for dining, retail and entertainment
the classic novel Gulliver’s Travels by Irish      manent— by the end of 2021.                    purposes.

                             Get with the Times!

      • March 20, 2021                                                                                            3
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Who is the Mtl Wine Gal one might
ask, even though her name is some-
what self-explanatory? Isabelle Ro-
chon is her name, and she is on a
mission to bring high-end, privately
imported wines to the people.
Whether it be for one's own personal
consumption enjoyed in the comfort
of their own home, or via high-end
grocery store selections, the Mtl
Wine Gal represents magnificent
wines from around the world, and she
is working hard to make them acces-
sible to you, wherever that may be.
    The wines represented hail from
places like the ancient Judean Hills of
Israel, the artisanal family-run winer-
ies of Italy, sun-drenched terroirs of
Spain, the rolling hills of France's
peaks & valleys, and the Douro region
of Portugal, to name a few.
    Some of her wines are certified
Kosher & Vegan, while others are cer-
tified Organic & Artisanal, but all of
them are selected with the utmost
care for the varying degrees of budg-
ets and taste profiles within her large
network of customer connoisseurs.
   Personal orders are delivered door-
to-door & conveniently hassle-free,
within a reasonable amount of time
from when the order is placed.
   The wine agency she is associated
with is called Agence PF, which has
been in business for close to 7 years,
all the while traveling the world to
bring some of the best selections of
high-end wonderful wines to our
market. The agency boasts having a
certified wine sommelier on staff, Mrs.
France Lamoureux, who offers pairing
advice, whether it be for red, white,
or rosé wines, and who is also ex-
tremely knowledgeable about every-
thing to do with the wonderful world
of wines.
  The Mtl Wine Gal is quite the infor-
mation blogger with her Instagram &
Facebook pages, where she displays
many of her customer's stores who           Isabelle Rochon is going "grape" lengths to elevate the Montreal wine scene
carry her wines, useful information on         to new heights, and once you deal with this gal, you'll understand why.

                                              Mtl Wine Gal
wine regions, and valuable informa-
tion on whichever wine she chooses
to feature on any given week.
   Customer service is one of her top
priorities, as frequent communication
with buyers is an essential "must" for
her, as is in-store merchandising of
her products, seasonal online photo
                                              Private imports
shoots with different wines from dif-
ferent regions, and an overall pres-
ence which always has her ready to
answer any questions her clientele
                                          delivered to your door
                                          Agence PF, cheers to you, Montreal! kindly communicate with her here:
may have at any given time.               We look forward to "wowing" you
   This young woman is going "grape"                                                       Isabelle Rochon
                                          with our wines, and catering to all                 Mtl Wine Gal
lengths to elevate the Montreal wine      your Oenophile tastes & desires...                  Montreal, QC
scene to new heights, and once you        Santé Santé!                                      (C) 514.726.0068
deal with this gal, you'll understand       For requests to see her wine port-         (E)
why.                                      folio, as well as for placing orders,
    On behalf of the Mtl Wine Gal &                                       
4                                                                              March 20, 2021 •
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• March 20, 2021   5
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3551 boul. St. Charles,
 Suite #547, Kirkland,
  Quebec, H9H 3C4

                                                                                Anxious, stressed and depressed
     Distribution                                                             Mental health concerns are on the
                                                                              rise among Canada's working
                                                                                                                        ject's national advocacy efforts.
                                                                                                                           "Childcare will improve women's
                                                                                                                                                                randomly-selected, reliable sample
                                                                                                                                                                of 1,003 adult Canadians from Jan-
Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Bea-
consfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, La-   women, especially mothers, as the         employment. It will improve their       uary 26-February 1, 2021. A proba-
   chine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon,           COVID-19 pandemic persists, ac-           mental health. It will improve family   bility sample of this size carries a
 Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St.        cording to the latest Prosperity          flexibility – for women and men.        margin of error of ± 3.1%, 19 times
            Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island              Project tracking poll.                    This absolutely needs to happen,"       out of 20. Demographic and re-
                                                                                  Conducted by Pollara Strategic        she said, imploring the federal gov-
             Advertising                                                      Insights in partnership with The          ernment to implement a long-            gional quotas were used to ensure
                                                                              Prosperity Project and CIBC, the          promised       national    childcare    reliable and comparable sub-seg-
                                                    second cross-country survey of            program.                                ment analysis, and the data was
                                                                              more than 1,000 adults found                 Other highlights from the poll:      weighted by the most current gen-
ADVERTISING DEADLINE                                                          women much more likely than men               Women continue to be more           der, age, and region Census data to
                                                                              to feel anxious, stressed, and de-        worried about their household fi-       ensure the sample reflects the ac-
    (Wednesday at 5 p.m.)                                                     pressed during the pandemic's sec-        nances, particularly about repaying     tual population of adult Canadians.
    514-951-3328                                                              ond wave as compared to the first.        debts they already have and paying         This survey is part of The Pros-
                                                                              These feelings are even higher            household bills. However, a plurality   perity Project's 2021 Canadian
    Managing Editor:                                                          among working mothers, who re-            of men is also concerned. Working       Households' Perspective on the
                                                                              ported experiencing higher levels of      parents are much more concerned
                        Tom West                                              stress (52%), anxiety (47%) and de-       about all these issues than those       New Economy initiative. Partner
                                                                              pression (43%), compared to work-         who don't have children.                organizations in the initiative are
                                                                              ing women without children (36%;              Four-in-ten respondents among       Enterprise Canada, CIBC and Pol-
                                                                              38%; 29%). These levels are also          both men (41%) and women (40%)          lara Strategic Insights.
                                                                              higher when compared to working           say they have had to use their sav-         About The Prosperity Project
                                                                              fathers (37%; 40%; 27%).                  ings during the pandemic to make            Launched in May 2020, The Pros-
                                                                                In addition to worries about help-      ends meet. Working parents, more
                                                                              ing with schoolwork and their chil-       so working mothers (48% com-            perity Project is a volunteer driven, not-
          Contributors:                                                       dren's safety, mothers are also           pared to 44% working fathers), re-      for-profit organization conceived by a
                                                                              more likely to feel guilty about not      ported having to dip into their         diverse group of 62 female leaders
                                                                              spending time with their children         savings than those without children     from across the country – women who
         • Marco Giovanetti                                                   and are more likely to turn down          (35% women; 38% men).                   have historically made a difference
                                                                              jobs or promotions to spend more             44% of women feel that they will     and are committed to continuing to
          • Sergio Martinez                                                   time with their family. The survey        face an economic recession and          promote positive change as active par-
           • Bonnie Wurst                                                     also found that, during the pan-          lack of job prospects once the pan-     ticipants in The Prosperity Project.
           • Stuart Nulman                                                    demic's second wave, women were           demic is over. More visible minority    The organization was founded and is
         • Deborah Rankin                                                     more likely to consider quitting          women (41%) believe that women          being led by Pamela Jeffery, founder of
       • Martha Shannon                                                       their job, ask for reduced working        are less likely to be considered for
                                                                              hours or take a position with differ-     jobs after the pandemic, than White     the Women's Executive Network and
                                                                              ent working conditions.                   women (29%).                            Canadian Board Diversity Council.The
                                                                                  "The pandemic has caused fear            "Responses about the work situ-      Prosperity Project is taking action to
                                                                              and has affected families. It has also    ation did not change substantially      explicitly link women and prosperity,
            SUBSCRIPTION                                                      created a worrisome third F-word:         between August 2020 and this sur-       underscoring the economic impor-
General subscriptions in Canada: 1                                            frozen," said Pamela Jeffery, founder     vey, the timeframe for the second
year $150, 2 years $275 Subscrip-                                                                                                                               tance of gender equality during the
tion to the U.S. and outside North                                            of The Prosperity Project, a not-for-     wave of the pandemic. But the men-      COVID-19 recovery. Specific initiatives
     America:1 year $250 US                                                   profit organization created to en-        tal health impact clearly worsened,"    will include an awareness campaign –
All contents of this publication
                                                                              sure Canadian women are not left          said Pollara Vice-President Lesli       modelled on the famous "Rosie the
are sole property of The Mon-
treal Times Newspaper. Opin-
                                                                              behind in the COVID-19 recovery.          Martin. "Worse still, many women        Riveter" campaign from World War II
ions expressed in this                                                        "Many working mothers are feeling         expect the levels of anxiety, stress
publication are not necessarily
intended to reflect those of the                                              trapped. They don't see a way out,        and depression to increase if the       – to promote women's workforce par-
publisher. Any reproduction in
whole or in part and in print or                                              so they often end up having to sac-       pandemic were to continue for an-       ticipation and advancement, and a
in electronic form without ex-
press permission is strictly for-                                             rifice their careers."                    other three months."                    matching program connecting not-for-
bidden.      Permission
reproduce selected editorial
                               to                                                  Childcare, Jeffery notes, is the        On behalf of the Prosperity Proj-    profit organizations with business ex-
may be granted by contacting
the publisher in writing.
                                                                              most critical factor, and has been a      ect, Pollara Strategic Insights con-    pertise to bolster these organizations'
                                                                              key focus of The Prosperity Pro-          ducted an online survey among a         in-house skills and expertise.
6                                                                                                                                                         March 20, 2021 •
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We are looking for
                 Montreal's best taco
       Spring is just around the corner and hopefully lockdown   A taco is a traditional Mexican dish consisting of a
       will be lifted as almost 820,000 Quebecers have re- small hand-sized corn or wheat tortilla topped with a
       ceived the first of the two COVID-19 vaccinations. As filling. The tortilla is then folded around the filling and
       we wait for the Quebec government to lift the lock- eaten by hand.
       down restrictions, curfew and open our restaurants, the   Please send us your top Taco spot in Montreal: is looking for Montreal's best taco.                   

                                                                                      Guacamole recipe
                        s c o m e from? l                              This is the BEST guacamole recipe as it’s simple to
               did taco           e Nahuat
 Where taco comes from tahlf or in the
                                                                      make and uses fresh, high quality ingredients.Authen-
                                                                       tic guacamole doesn’t contain fillers and unneces-
The word co' which means “h is formed.                                    sary ingredients.All you need is avocados, onion,
       h                   it
word 'tla ferring to the way tortilla with                                  tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno pepper, lime juice,
middle”, re snack food; a small vegetables                                   garlic and salt. Easy and delicious!
A Mexican, beans, cheese, dicedas served in                                                            • 3 avocados, ripe
 some rice matoes and lettuce,                                                                      • 1/2 small onion, finely
 (usually to a) and salsa.                                                                                    diced
  the Canad                                                                                       • 2 Roma tomatoes, diced
                                                                                                   • 3 tablespoons finely
                                                                                                chopped fresh cilantro
                                                                                           • 1 jalapeno pepper, seeds re-
                                                                                                moved and finely diced
           w  d o    y o   u make                                                               • 2 garlic cloves, minced
      Ho            f e  c  t taco? ppings
       the    p e r                                                                                   • 1 lime, juiced
                  t y p i c a l t aco to ht.                                                     • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
            the                               nig
These are erfect for any taco
that are p Hard Taco Shells. las.                                                                     How to keep
         1.                l o  u r Tortil                                                          guacamole green
                   r n / F
     2. Soft Co Meat (Ground                                                                    •Place your leftover gua-
         3. Taco              k e n / S e a food)                                             camole in a storage container
                   /Chi     c                     ans)                                        and pat it down firmly with a
     Beef/Pork k beans, refried be                                                            spoon so it’s nice and flat on
 4. Beans (. Shredded Cheese                                                                 top.
                    6. Lettuce                                                     • Add about 1/2 inch of water on top
                      7. Onion llo                                                  (I used cold water).
                                    Ga                                              •Place the lid on the storage container
                8. Pico de be given for the                                         and store it in the fridge. That’s it!
                      ts will                       salsa
      Extra poince, guacamole, and                                                 • When you want to enjoy the gua-
    best hot s
                                                                                   camole, drain the water off the top, give
                                                                        it a stir and you’re good to go.
 Please send us your top Taco spot in Montreal
  • March 20, 2021                                                                                7
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Queen Victoria statue (555 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal)

        Queen Victoria statue
    vandalized with red paint after
    curfew on Saint-Patrick's Day
The Delhi-Dublin Anti-Colonial Solidarity        Another member of the brigade, Sujata       pressed peoples worldwide, including In-
Brigade re-united in Montreal last night on   Sands, mentions: "We do regret that we         digenous nations in North America (Turtle
an anti-colonial Saint-Patrick's Day. They    were unable to topple the statue tonite, as    Island) and Oceania, as well as the peoples
defied curfew to again vandalize the land-    those cool kids did back in August 2020 to     of Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean,
mark bronze statue to Queen Victoria --       the John A. Macdonald statue."                 the Indian subcontinent, and everywhere
unveiled in 1900 and located on Sher-           A third member of the Delhi-Dublin Anti-     the British Empire committed its atrocities.
brooke Street at McGill University -- this    Colonial Solidarity Brigade, Lakshmi           Queen Victoria's reign, which continues to
time in red paint.                            O'Leary, declared: "Just put the British       be whitewashed in history books and in
  According to Pádraig Patel of the Delhi-    Royal Family, all of them, into a limousine,
Dublin Anti-Colonial Solidarity Brigade:      give them a drunk French chaffeur*, and let    popular media, represented a massive ex-
"There is a renewed focus on the brutal       nature take its course."                       pansion of the barbaric British Empire. Col-
legacy of the British monarchy, which is a       Concerning the Queen Victoria statue,       lectively her reign represents a criminal
clear symbol of racism and colonialism.       the Delhi-Dublin Anti-Colonial Solidarity      legacy of genocide, mass murder, torture,
Forget about celebrity distractions, let's    Brigade wrote on St. Patrick's Day 2019:       massacres, terror, forced famines, concen-
focus on getting rid of monarchs as one im-   "The presence of Queen Victoria statues in     tration camps, theft, cultural denigration,
portant action linked to our movements        Montreal are an insult to the self-determi-    racism, and white supremacy. That legacy
for social justice."                          nation and resistance struggles of op-         should be denounced and attacked."

8                                                                                           March 20, 2021 •
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• March 20, 2021   9
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10   March 20, 2021 •
Ottawa Tiki Tours
           launches this Spring
Ottawa Tiki Tours is the national capital     River. They will be offering an amazing       able by the hour or day. The Tiki Boat
area's newest and coolest floating bar        experience aboard an exclusive and            will launch from Rockland Tiki Tours @
experience and it's coming mid-May to         unique 20' x 20' custom built Tiki Boat.      300 Pigeon St. in Rockland.The boat will
the Ottawa River.                             Passengers will be envied on the water        cruise down to the Cumberland Ferry
   Imagine taking a relaxing tour up and      as they cruise the time away sipping          and back to Thurso Ferry hugging the
down the Ottawa River on a Hawaiian           drinks, listening or singing karaoke to       shore as onlookers’ hearts are filled
style Tiki Hut with you and a bunch of        their favourite tropical tunes!               with desire.
your buds. Whether it’s just hanging             The motor-run vessel accommodates              Our Tiki Tours are ideal for bache-
with friends or taking a romantic cruise,     up to twelve guests (and two crew) and        lorette & bachelor parties, family gath-
or a School Group Heritage Excursion,         is equipped with fully functioning wash-      erings, corporate events, birthday parties
Ottawa Tiki Tours is one of the coolest       room facilities, Bluetooth speaker, bar       and more! “Your imagination is our
ways to get out on the water!                 stools, flat screen TV, karaoke system        limit.”
  And of course it wouldn't be a tiki bar     and all necessary safety equipment. Pas-         Arrive 15 minutes early and don't for-
without the fancy beverages and snacks.       sengers are invited to bring their own        get we are a fully licensed Bar so we will
Aboard the floating exotic bars you can       food and enjoy our selection of cocktails     be serving drinks. Drink tickets can be
enjoy beer, wine, sangria, specialty drinks   as our First Mate serves up a selection       pre-purchased with your boarding pass.
and specialty coffees along with virgin       of Tropical drinks or other beverages.
specialty drinks. There is also an assort-    Our captains are all small vessel certified   during the cruise, all beverage purchases
ment of salty snacks.                         and licensed by Transport Canada.             are cashless. All our tours are BYOF
   Operations are currently set to man-          Covid has taken its toll on travel, so     (Bring your own Food.) See below for a
age the Tiki Cruises just east of Ottawa      their philosophy is, “If you can't make it    list of recommendations. However, we
in city of Rockland, Ontario. Both vessels    to Hawaii, we will bring Hawaii to you!”.     can cater the voyage for you for a fee in-
are scheduled to debark from that loca-       Many living in the Ottawa Valley don’t        cluding specialty wines. You may bring
tion, but there are negotiations with The     have a boat but want to be on the water,      your pop, soda, juice, water. Please re-
National Capital Commission to have a         or they simply want to try something          member sunscreen, sunglasses, bug spray,
debarkation point somewhere down-             new. Ottawa Tiki Boats will scratch that      maybe a hat and extra water. A light
town. Owners Mike & Gaby are open to          itch.                                         jacket, long sleeve shirt or cover up
working with other marinas along the              How much is Ottawa Tiki Tours?            might come in handy depending on
Ottawa and Rideau rivers for the poten-          The Tiki tours will last 90 minutes,       weather. Children under 12 are wel-
tial placement of a 3rd boat.                 starting at $60p/p including our daily        come but must wear a lifejacket.
   This floating Tiki Boat is the best way    sunset tours and specialty cruises. Full      Visit Ottawa Tiki Tours:
to experience the beautiful Ottawa            Tiki charter experiences are also avail-     
     • March 20, 2021                                                                                     11
12   March 20, 2021 •
Torstar corporation plans to
  launch an iGaming business
Canadian mass media group Torstar Cor-            new business will be worth it.                 believe Torstar will provide a unique and re-
poration has revealed its plan to support            "We don't know how big the market is        sponsible gaming brand that creates new
its journalistic efforts by launching a brand     going to be in Ontario yet because it will     jobs, offers growth for the Ontario econ-
new online casino business.                       depend on the consultation process within      omy, and generates new tax revenue to
  The casino's official launch is still pending   the government, which is about to happen       help support important programs in our
approval after a consultation process to be       in the next couple of months," said Jim        province," said Corey Goodman, chief cor-
conducted by the Alcohol and Gaming               Warrens, a gaming industry consultant          porate development officer at Torstar.
Commission of Ontario (AGCO). Torstar             hired by Torstar as an advisor.                   As it stands, the Ontario Lottery and
is confident approval will be granted after           "What we do know is that Torstar is        Gaming Corporation is the sole operator
the Ontario government legislation grant-         looking at diversifying the revenue model      to be officially licensed to offer online gam-
ing the AGCO the authority to manage and          of how we fund and pay for reporters,          bling in Ontario, but that is expected to
conduct the iGaming industry in the region.       columnists, and editorial staff."              change drastically and soon due to the On-
    According to the 2019-2020 Ontario               Chairman and co-owner of Torstar Paul       tario government's promise to open the
budget, residents of the Canadian province        Rivett further explained the reasons for the   market up to private operators.
spend more than $500-million per year on          company entering the iGaming market by           "We want to offer online gaming in a rea-
online gaming, with the vast majority of it       indicating the need to ensure local compa-     sonable and responsible way. It's something
heading offshore due to a lack of Canadian        nies are well represented in the Canadian      that, if done responsibly, allows people to
iGaming options.                                  online gaming space, as well as keeping en-    partake in their form of recreation and en-
   There is no doubt that online gaming is        tertainment dollars spent inside the           tertainment without making bad decisions,"
on the rise in Canada.According to a Cana-        province and using the extra income to         added Rivett.
dian Gaming Association report, it is the         help expand its journalism activities.           The move forms part of a broader strat-
largest segment of the country's entertain-         To help them build momentum in a new         egy to diversify and expand its offering. In
ment industry that generates just $9-billion      market, Torstar also announced the addi-       January this year, the company partnered
a year. This has seen many international          tion of gaming industry veteran Gil Stein-     up with sports retailer Golf Town to pur-
brands such as Rizk and 888 Casino begin          feld to its iGaming team, as well as former    chase ScoreGolf Magazine, while they
targeting Canadian players.                       general counsel for the AGCM Don Bour-         formed another partnership with online in-
    The size and growth of the Canadian           geois to handle compliance and oversee         surance provider Onlia.
iGaming sector are a direct result of the         legal matters, and Jim Warren, an experi-         It is no secret that traditional forms of
government's decision to increase access          enced senior executive, and entrepreneur       media have been struggling and that media
and availability of legal local gaming options,   that has worked in the gaming and lottery      houses worldwide have been looking for
so it makes complete sense for Torstar to         industries.                                    ways to add new revenue streams to their
try and get a piece of the action. Even if the      "As an Ontario-based media business and      business. If all goes to plan,Torstar certainly
group is exactly certain yet how much the         trusted brand for more than 128 years, we      looks to be on to a winner.
      • March 20, 2021                                                                                              13
Michael Musi

                                                                           Michael Musi “Terrence" on hit CBC TV sitcom Kim's Convenience

       New CBC Gem digital series
       “Something Undone” debuts
               March 26
On March 26, CBC Gem’s streaming serv-                                                              Middle Eastern background who is also an
ice will release a new digital short series                                                         accomplished playwright and actor best
that hopes to accomplish something im-                                                              known for playing "Terrence" on hit CBC
portant: turning mental health struggles                                                            TV sitcom Kim's Convenience. “Something
into art by addressing the stigma still asso-                                                       Undone” focusses on a character named Jo
ciated with mental health in many racial-                                                           who goes home to settle her estranged
ized/ethnocultural communities.                                                                     mother’s estate, and then discovers a dark
   Called “Something Undone”, the series                                                            family secret: her mother suffered from
will address the issue that mental health is                                                        schizophrenia. Jo then becomes obsessed
still a taboo in many cultures where it's                                                           with uncovering the truth. Then there’s
often considered a "western concept" or                                                             Farid (Jo's partner), who struggles with the
met with deep social stigma.The idea of not                                                         guilt of not being able to understand Jo's
wanting your family name to be "tarnished"                                                          mental health distress. This subplot was
is a common theme for many communities                By Stuart Nulman                              weaved in by drawing from Musi’s own per-
that can make people scared to ask for                                                              sonal experience growing up part Middle
help, especially now when mental health                                        Eastern in Montreal and having been a pri-
distress is at an all-time high due to the a year.                                                  mary caregiver himself.
COVID-19 pandemic, which has plagued          The series was co-written/produced by                   For information about “Something Un-
Canada and the rest of the world for over Michael Musi, a former Montrealer from a                  done”, go to: .

   “Overlord and the Under-
 woods”, new CBC-Nickelodeon
   series, now in production
The Toronto-based production company              being forced into intergalactic witness pro-      “Overlord and the Underwoods” are
marblemedia (best known for its Netflix           tection. After snitching out his boss, the evil   Oscar-winning FX specialist Roger Chris-
reality competition TV series “Blown              Mega-Lord Supreme, Overlord is sent to            tian (best known for working on “Star
Away”) and Cloudco Entertainment (which           live with his incredibly nice, distant cousins    Wars” and “Alien”, and was the creative
has produced such popular kids’ shows as          on Planet Earth. Over the course of the se-       force behind the former’s legendary light
“The Care Bears”, “Holly Hobbie” and              ries, the evil Overlord and the very sweet        sabre weapon) as lead character designer;
“Madballs”), has teamed up to develop a           Underwoods discover a thing or two about          and MastersFX (which worked on “The
new 30-minute original family comedy TV           each other as they learn to treasure the          Handmaid’s Tale”), and will be responsible
series that will air on CBC, Nickelodeon          value of family and the importance of true        for breathing life into Christian’s character
International, as well as ITV in Great Britain,   friendship, diversity, and compassion.            designs.
in association with BYUtv.                           The series was created and is being su-          “I am chomping at the bit to start shoot-
   Called “Overlord and the Underwoods”,          pervised by showrunner/writer Anthony Q.          ing this incredibly fun family series. I have
it follows the Underwoods, a North Amer-          Farrell, who also worked on NBC’s “The            had a blast putting these rich characters
ican family, whose life is turned upside          Office” and CBC’s “Little Mosque on the           into hilarious situations with the other
down when their distant cousin, Overlord,         Prairie”, along with Ryan Wiesbrock, who          writers in the room,” said Mr. Farrell.
the second most-wanted villain in the uni-        created the Netflix series “Buddy Thunder-           Pre-production work on the 20-episode
verse, seeks refuge in their home after           struck”. Also joining the creative team for       series has already begun in Toronto.
14                                                                                                  March 20, 2021 •
Movie Reviews -

     Tilda Swinton is buying an axe, in the opening scene                   An intense performance by Tilda Swinton in a short
                    of "The Human Voice"                                               movie directed by Almodovar

  THE HUMAN VOICE: Oral power
Tilda Swinton delivers a fascinating per-                                                  the story's physical location, adds a new
formance in this 30-minutes-long film di-                                                  sort of surrealistic twist to the conversa-
rected by Pedro Almodóvar. Loosely based                                                   tion, again playing with the reality of the
on Jean Cocteau's play, the film—except for                                                whole action.
the opening scene, where the protagonist                                                      "The Human Voice" is basically telling us
is seen buying an axe at a hardware store                                                  about the power of oral communication
in Madrid—takes place in an apartment                                                      beyond the physical space constraints.
where she is talking on her cellular phone                                                 Moreover, the physical space, in the end,
with her lover.We only hear her voice, and                                                 might be destroyed, leaving behind only the
from that reference, we could see that the                                                 echoes of what was said. The human voice
relationship is coming to an end. A sad, al-                                               indeed.
though at times, not lacking in some notes              By Sergio Martinez
                                                                                              This movie makes us think about com-
of black humour, but an end to what                                                        munication. Of course, it gives us also many
seemed to have been a meaningful relation-                            possibilities to interpret what is said and
ship in some undefined old days.                                                           what we see.
   Although the conversation is held in dif- place to reveal to the spectator that she       On-screen in various movie theatres.
ferent parts of the home, she leaves the just was on a movie set. This move, out of        Duration: 30 min


     • March 20, 2021                                                                                     15
Movie Reviews -

[Top Left] Donald Sutherland in "FTA"
[Bottom right] Jane Fonda was one of the
most prominent artists on the FTA project
[Top right] Music, especially the protest
songs, was an essential element of the FTA

 FTA: Memories of a despised war
After more than forty-five years that it                                                          artists: Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Len
ended, the Vietnam War is still a topic that                                                      Chandler, Holly Near, Pamela Donegan, Rita
attracts attention, especially—as it should                                                       Martinson, among many others, managed to
be—of Americans. Of course, in the U.S., it                                                       entertain the GIs while at the same time
was a traumatic episode for a whole gen-                                                          raise consciousness about the injustice of
eration that ended up stuck in the battle-                                                        the war.
fields of a far-away country in which they                                                            Besides the music and the many comic
had no business to be in. A few weeks ago,                                                        skits, the movie includes interviews with
we commented on "The Trial of the                                                                 many GIs then enrolled to go to the war.
Chicago 7"—the movie directed by Aaron                                                            One of the black soldiers at one point re-
Sorkin that also touched the issue from the                                                       flects: "we want to impose democracy on
point of view of those opposed to the war                                                         other peoples, but we don't have equality
and is now nominated for an Oscar in the                     By Sergio Martinez                   nor justice for black people in America."
Best Movie category.                                                                              Sutherland's speech toward the end of the
    "FTA" was a documentary directed by                
Francine Parker and released in 1972. How-                                                        movie is perhaps the most touching mo-
                                                   The title of the documentary was sup-          ment since it delineates the war's injustice
ever, because of pressure from authorities,     posed to stand for different things. FTA
it only lasted in theatres for a week.Thanks                                                      and the plea for peace. Still, at the same
                                                could be "Free Theatre Associates." This          time, he warns those in a position of power
to a meticulous work of restoration and an      was a group of actors, singers, and musi-
introduction by one of the protagonists of                                                        of the consequences of rejecting the peo-
                                                cians who started the Pacific Rim tour in         ple's demands for justice.
the story—Jane Fonda—the film is soon to        the early 1970s to provide the soldiers
be available to viewers once again. Those                                                            "FTA" is a documentary film that will ap-
                                                with an alternative to the entertainment          peal to those who followed the Vietnam
who may feel doubtful about this documen-       full of jingoistic contents offered by Bob
tary's pertinence, more than four decades       Hope et al., under the auspices of the Pen-       War from a safe distance in Canada. It un-
later, it is interesting to remark how many     tagon. FTA could also be "Free the Army,"         derlines how it stroke at young Americans
of the testimonies and comments included        but the acronym's actual, irreverent mean-        at the time (then military service was oblig-
in the film are extremely relevant today. All   ing was "F**k the Army!" Of course, the           atory). It should also appeal to those inter-
references to racism in American society,       military was not happy. Still, in the end, they   ested in politics and history.
especially; but also the characterization of    couldn't stop the show: from Hawaii to Ok-            In cinemas and streaming services by
U.S. intervention in other countries as an      inawa, to the Philippines, the groups of          next week.
"imperialistic" policy, are still applicable.                                                     Duration: 143 min
16                                                                                                March 20, 2021 •
O Baby Baby - Earth to Body
“ C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s moved.                                                                            doused in soaps,           we have a package in-
mother,” chimed the                Baby powder was                                                                shampoos.        Warm      cluding the four spe-
nurse, as she handed crushed talc, often                                                                          water and lots of love     cial products: Organic
                                contaminated with as-                                                             is suffice and within      Baby Package
                                bestos.     Baby was                                                              the first month, do            Many believe that
         By Martha Shannon      dusted with talc daily,                                                           add a gentle soap.This
           breathing in the dust                                                             means a true soap,         the baby products
                                particles. The duster                                                             like our baby castile.     sold are better, purer,
the new mama a tote was also contami-                                                                             As the baby gets           cleaner, safer. Makes
bag full of free prod- nated.                                                                                     older a couple of tea-     sense to think that.
ucts. “These gifts                Baby oil was and still                                                          spoons of organic          They should be. But
from the hospital are often is the contro-                                                                        apple cider vinegar in     sadly, not so. Like al-
to help you get versial mineral oil.                                                                              the bath water., on        ways, we have to be
started on your new In Sally Epstein’s 2013                                                                       occasion, makes a nat-
journey. Baby powder, (American Way in the                                                                                                   on top of things. Like
                                                                                                                  ural detox. Your great     today’s smart mama
baby oil, baby sham- 50’s) article: ‘Bringing              use in a lifetime. (Lots   last several decades.       grandma knew that.
poo, powdered milk Baby Home’, she re-                     of it from Shell they         Instead of the min-       Instead of talc /pow-     and papa. There are
and more.”                      counts her mother’s        hoped.)”                   eral oil, commercial                  der              some good compa-
   70-80 years ago, a experience at the                        That’s a lot of po-    creams, lotions:                  Earth to Body’s      nies out there who
new mom would hospital where she                           tential oil to be used         Say no to ‘mineral      Baby neem salve is an      believe in the truly
leave the hospital tot- was ‘treated like a                in one’s lifetime.While    oil.’ If baby needs a       effective remarkable       natural. And baby is
ing her newborn and queen’ and then she                    life may have been         moisturizer, pure car-      diaper area soother.       excited about that.
her gift bag of conven- surmises her first few             presumed easier in         rier oils are the best      For more serious is-
iences: Johnson and minutes after birth.                                                                                                        We stand behind our
                                                           some ways for the          way to go. Earth to         sues, the clay neem
Johnson, Carnation,                                        new mama, I am sure                                                               products. We give great
                                  “In fact, at the ten-                               Body makes a blend          powder applied di-         customer service. Visit
Proctor and Gamble, der age of three min-                  she must have also         of sunflower, jojoba,       rectly to the area
Shell                           utes, I was baptized in    felt overwhelmed. All      evening         primrose,   shows immediate re-        us at Sub-
  Good marketing for a soothing petroleum                  she had been taught        gentle and pure, called     sults and yes, Baby will   scribe to our newsletter.
sure. But the actual product. I could look                 from the matriarchs        Baby Love Organic           smile.                     ‘La Boutique Earth to
product might not forward to a cornu-                      in her life was now        Oil. We also offer          Instead of fragranced      Body’, 89 Lucerne,
have been the most copia of baby lotions,                  ‘not the way’. The         pure emu oil or argan        air /room fresheners
ideal for baby’s new potions and potables                                                                                                    Pointe Claire, QC H9R
                                                           doctors had all kinds      oil. If, for example, you      Synthetic fragrances    2V1) Email info@nat-
skin, as we have since                                     of new techniques
discovered.                     that came from pe-                                    remember the first          not good. Our gentle We are open
                                                           and new products. So       cold creams, did you
   Johnson and John- troleum. These, their                 much better for her
                                                                                                                  lavender rose spray is     again: Store: Tues, Wed,
son baby shampoo producer Shell oil                                                   know that they con-         nourishing and calm-
                                                           and the baby she was       tained borax?                                          Thurs: 10-4 For curb-
contained formalde- confidently promised,                  told. Some were.
                                                                                                                  ing an can be sprayed
                                                                                                                                             side…Call store during
hyde and 1,4-dioxane would start your baby                                                Instead of baby         on the diaper area as
                                                           Some were not.                  shampoo/soap                                      store hours 514-428-
These carcinogens on his way to the                           Today’s mamas have
                                                                                                                  well as on the bed-
                                                                                                                                             0444 Outside hours
have since been re- 57,805 gallons of oil,                 learned a lot over the
                                                                                           A newborn does         sheets and in the air.
                                they reckoned he’d                                    NOT need to be                 Altogether for Baby     call : 514-694-0705

       • March 20, 2021                                                                                                                  17
18   March 20, 2021 •
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