Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132

Page created by Curtis Walton
Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
August 2021
                                                                                                Issue 132

Mairangi Bay
relax • revive • retail

The official magazine of the Mairangi Bay Business Association
Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
Message from the Business Association                                                    To submit a news item please contact:
                                                                                                                     Community News:
Greetings everyone.                                                                                   Terry Holt • Phone: 021 042 8232
  The weather once again meant that           for a local community hero. We would                              Village News Magazine
the rescheduled mid-winter swim and           love to hear your story about someone                Editorial & Advertising enquiries:
beach dig that was to be held on Sunday       you think is a local community hero,                    Terry Holt • Phone: 021 042 8232
25th July, had to be cancelled due to the     worthy of this amazing prize! There                  Email:
gusting winds, angry surf and a high tide     will also be a prize for the person who                Paul Hailes • Phone: 021 217 3628
that wouldn’t even allow us to conduct        nominates the winner! Nominations                    Email:
the dig for the children. The decision        should be no more than 150 words                      Gary Covich • Design and Production
to cancel or proceed is a collective one      and should be sent to the committee-                   Jane Warwick • Contributing writer
and, as a committee, disappointed as          Diamonds are Forever by email to:                            Sonia Simpson • Proofreading
this is one of our key family events.                    Additional photos by
This month we have the ‘I love Mairangi          Full details can be found online                                 Mairangi Bay Business
Bay’ promotion and there are some             at www.mairangibayvillage.                                       Association Coordinator:
wonderful prizes to be won. Every time Entries close 10                                                    Joanne Martin •
you make a purchase of $20 or more            November, 2021.                                    Email:
ask the store for an entry form or enter         If you have some                                                 Mairangi Bay Business
online at               news to share, or would                                                 Association Chair:
  Planning is now well under way for          like to learn more about                               Chris Harrop • Phone: 021 464 548
                                                                                                         Mairangi Bay Village Website:
the 60th annual Santa Parade. This year       this magazine and the
                                                                                                                 Tourism Media Group •
we are proposing to have a special day        promotion opportunities,
by celebrating this wonderful milestone       please contact Terry Holt
with retro photos and other ideas, so         editor@mairangibayvillage.                                             Cover photo: Terry Holt
we are asking all our readers for any you may be surprised
old photos of previous parades. Please        how easy and economic it
contact our co-ordinator Joanne Martin        may be for you.                                       Coming Events
on          Enjoy the read and until next time,
                                                                                               I Love Mairangi Bay – 01– 31 August
  As part of this special diamond
celebration our resident village Jeweller,      Chris Harrop                                  Father’s Day – Sunday 05 September
Mark Peddie of Diamond Studio has               Chair                                        Starship Fundraiser – Dinner & Dance –
generously donated a $2000 Diamond              For the Mairangi Bay Business Association                 11 September

 Mention this
Ad and receive
 $10      off
your first hour


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Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
Local author
lives on through popular
children’s book
       Betty Gilderdale
MNZM - 26 July 1923 – 9 July 2021
It is popularly thought that it is
easy to write a children’s book,
but it is, in fact, quite difficult,
not least because children are
stern critics. There is also a
certain cadence and vocabulary
needed to capture the attention
of a child with often what is, to
adults, quite a ridiculous idea.                                                                                  Betty and Alan Gilderdale with
                                                                                                                             Little Yellow Digger

  Betty Gilderdale came up with                    Aotearoa/New Zealand’s                                   Medal and Lecture Award
a ridiculous idea one day while                    most popular children’s                                  for her contribution to
babysitting her two grandsons.                     books with over half a                                   children’s literature and
Outside her house, a digger was                    million copies in print,                                 a New Zealand Children’s
working, and it got stuck. To entertain            winning the 2003 Gaelyn                                  Literature Association’s
the boys, Betty made up a story about              Gordon Award for a                                       Award for Services to
the stuck digger they were watching,               Much-Loved Book.                                         Children’s Literature. She
spinning a yarn about how a bigger                   That first tale led to                                 was also a founding member
digger was sent to rescue the smaller              a series of Little Yellow                                of the Children’s Literature
one and how that became stuck, too.                Digger books for the                                     Association and is a past
So an even bigger digger was sent                  Forest Hill resident, who               Betty Gilderdale president. She reviewed
to rescue the first two and - you’ve               passed away early last                                   children’s books for the NZ
guessed it - it, too, became stuck.                month, but her books are a wonderful         Herald for 25 years and, after a six-year
  The boys loved it, and Betty, who                legacy for those that read them, those       study, published A Sea Change: 145
had already penned some adult                      that are reading them and those that         Years of New Zealand Junior Fiction.
books, decided to take a chance at                 have the joy of that in their future.        Her other published works include her
children’s books. Her husband, Alan,                 Betty, a recipient of an MNZM for her      autobiography, My Life in Two Halves.
was an artist and he illustrated it                services to children’s literature, was          Betty was born in London and
for her. That was in 1993, and since               a founding member of the Children’s          graduated with honours in 1949 with an
then, The Little Yellow Digger/Te                  Literature Association and is a past         English degree before moving to New
Mihini iti Kowhai has been one of                  president. She won a Margaret Mahy           Zealand in the 1960s.


                                                       Excellence in Physiotherapy care in
                                                          Mairangi Bay for over 20 years.
                                                       Skilled, "hands-on" management of
                                                              musculo-skeletal injuries
                                                                                                    Family restaurant on Murrays Bay
                                                        Monday - Friday 7:30am - 7.30pm              Beach, serving traditional Italian
                                                                Ph 478 3098                                and European food.
                                                                                                        470 Beach Rd, Murrays Bay
                                                              404 Beach Road
           Phone (09) 478 0400                                                                              Phone: 09 475 5643
     G r e e n G a b l e s, M a i ra n g i B a y
                                                            Mairangi Bay, Auckland               

                                                                                                                      Mairangi Bay Village 3
Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
                                            more than 20 years ago, eventually joining
                                            Barfoot & Thompson where he worked                                OF ROTARY
                                            his way up to become branch manager
                                            at B&T’s Warkworth & Mangawhai then          
                                            Torbay & Long Bay offices. Now, with the
                                            retirement of Emma Donkin, he is here in       Q1.      Papaphobia is the fear of
                                            Mairangi Bay.                                           what?
                                               Real estate is very much supply and
                                                                                           Q2. What is the name of the loud
                                            demand driven, he says.
                                                                                                cry of an elephant?
                                               “People want to live here; there are
                                            expats returning and borrowing money           Q3.      Who is the only non-
                                            is at an all-time low. Older people are                 American to win all 4 golfing
                                            looking to down-size and relocate with                  majors?
                                            many choosing to leave the big smoke for       Q4.      What spirit is the base for the
                                            the regions, which are now benefitting                  liqueur Grand Marnier?
  Saull Hinton,
  Barfoot and Thompson                      from Auckland’s growth.                        Q5.      In horse racing the highly
                                               “There is certainly a demand for                     coloured ‘silks’ worn by a
                                            property that can be developed into                     jockey in a race represent
House prices soared in New
                                            higher density living, which for younger                what group of people?
Zealand during the Covid-19
                                            Kiwis will be the only option. The New         Q6.      What hat does John Cleese
crisis but that did not mean                Zealand housing market had its best                     wear in Monty Python’s
real estate agents had it                   May sales volumes in three years, with                  Ministry of Silly Walks sketch?
easy. It is still constant work,            Auckland having its strongest May in           Q7.      What was the United
good performance and                        five years. In line with this, the value                Kingdom’s first win in the
communication to satisfy clients,           of the country’s house stock rose 11                    Eurovision Song contest?
                                            percent, with quarterly and annual
whether buying or selling.                                                                 Q8.      525600 minutes is equal to
                                            increases the largest since 2016.”                      what length of time?
  Luckily, Barfoot and Thompson’s new          To make sure you get the best out of
                                                                                           Q9.      Maori is a native language in
branch manager, Saull Hinton, grandson      this market, Saull says that the key for
                                                                                                    New Zealand and what other
of former EC Bays Mayor and Mairangi        sellers, is presentation of the property
                                                                                                    island group?
Bay resident, Jack Hinton, and alumni of    and getting the right marketing strategy.
                                                                                           Q10. Cats on average sleep how
Long Bay College, has a good finger on      Buyers, he advises, need to list their top
                                                                                                many hours in a day?
the pulse of Mairangi Bay and the Shore     ten ‘needs & must haves’ they want to
in general.                                 buy into, and if you get six of them, then
  He began his real estate career locally   you’re doing well and should buy it.                                  Answers on page 23


           360 Beach Road,                                                               Gr
            Mairangi Bay                                                                      ea
           Phone 478 5328,                                                                            wim
                                                                                                         mers,                                                                              Fun Times
                                                                                         Join our World Class Programme
                                                                                          6d Ascension Pl, Mairangi Bay • 478-6153

4 Mairangi Bay Village
Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
                                    What’s on in August
                                                                                        complete the online form on the centre’s
Exhibitions                                  entries was put forth to recent Fine
                                             Arts graduates based in Aotearoa and       website before the entry deadline which
2021 North Shore Salon of                    are not represented by a gallery. Four     is 4pm on Monday 11 October
Photography (to 8 Aug)                       awards were offered to create a new
This photographic exhibition has now         body of work to be initially exhibited     Art Classes
become one of the most prestigious           at Mairangi Arts Centre in April 2020.     Mairangi Arts Centre’s Term 3 Art
competitions for photographers in the        This schedule was interrupted by           Programme has already begun but
Photographic Society of New Zealand’s        the Covid lockdown and postponed           there are still places available in some
calendar. The 2021 North Shore Salon of      until this year. The four awarded          classes. The programme offers a range
Photography competition attracted 2007       artists participating in the Mairangi      of options for adults, teens, and children
entries from entrants nationwide.            Arts Centre Graduate Artists Awards        as young as five years old.
                                             Exhibition are: Georgia Arnold, Quishile
Graduate Artist Awards Exhibition            Charan, Charlotte Maguire and Vanessa
(opens 2pm Sat 14 Aug, 14-29 Aug)            Crofskey. There will be opportunities to
We are delighted to present the debut        take part in artist-led workshops.
of the MAC Graduate Artist Awards
Exhibition. In October 2019, a call of
                                             Call for Entries –
                                             8th Hibiscus & Bays
                                             Art Awards
                                             Mairangi Arts Centre is proud to host
                                             the 8th Hibiscus and Bays Art Awards,
                                             in collaboration with Auckland Council
                                             Hibiscus and Bays Local Board and           Mairangi Arts Centre
                                             Estuary Arts Centre. This is a nation-      20 Hastings Rd, Mairangi Bay
                                                                                         09 478-2237
                                             wide exhibition and entries are open
                                                                                         Hours: Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm, Sat-
Hibscus & Bays Art Awards Winner,            to all New Zealand residents. There are     Sun 10am-2pm
On my way back by Kym Burke                  some great prizes to be won! To enter

August September ‘21
FUTURE.                                      DAY 2021 OPEN MIC EVENT
Tea & Topics Talk for August.                Join us to share your love of poetry
Join experts from the BNZ for the            on National Poetry Day 2021 in a
latest in our series of Financial Literacy   friendly, supportive setting. Meet
seminars. Learn about Kiwi Saver             like-minded people who share
benefits & withdrawal options, fund          your love of the spoken word. You
types, default funds & providers, using      are welcome to simply sit back
your Kiwi Saver for your first house         and listen or take your turn on our
purchase or a second chancers option.        microphone to share your original
Free talk. Everyone welcome.                 or all-time favourite poems.
Wednesday 18 August, 10:00am –               Free event. Everyone welcome.
11:00am                                      Friday 27 August, 10:00am –
A free talk in both English & Mandarin by    ECB Library re-opens on
Maori culture researcher and Queen’s         Saturday 14th August. The
Service Medal recipient – Ms Song Lam        temporary library will close
(QSM) about the history and significant      at 5pm on Sunday 8 August
meaning of Maori tattoos.                    with the mobile library
Friday 20 August, 1:00pm – 3:00pm            onsite from 9 – 11 August.

6 Mairangi Bay Village
Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
   for the sale of your property

         After a record breaking first half of the year for
        Central Realty, we are on the hunt for new listings
          and thought we’d run a fun little competition
         using something that we now see everywhere!

           Scan this code and then enter in your name,
        email, phone number and address, to go into the
         draw to win a free marketing campaign for the
        sale of your property ($ amount to be discussed).
           The 5th person to scan this code will be the
                          lucky winner!
Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
    Vivian Xia has worked hard
    since she came to New
    Zealand from China in 2009.
    She has had beauty spas in
    Orewa and Mt Eden and a
    car yard in the Wairau Valley.
    Disparate businesses, indeed,
    and to confirm she is prepared
    and capable of turning her
    hand to anything, she is the
    new owner of Taksim.

   She bought Jamaica Blue in Silverdale
nearly a year ago and has learned and
honed her restaurant skills there. She
has also gained her General Managers
licence. But she was looking for
                                                                                                 Vivian Xia is the new owner of Taksim
something bigger and when her agent
suggested Mairangi Bay and Taksim,
she knew it was the one.                     says. “I would like to improve where we    Javier (nearly three) and Jeffrey (18
   Since taking over she has met plenty of   can and feel that I can apply my skills    months), proving the old adage that if
regular customers and is taking her time     and experience to help achieve this. I     you want to get something done, give
to get a good feel for their needs and the   also feel I have the chance to add some    the job to a busy person.
business, before making changes.             value to the business.”
   “It is likely that we will look to          It is just as well Vivian is good at     404 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay
modernise the decor, adjust the menu         managing, because she must juggle her      Phone 09 478 4080
and increase the operating hours, she        work with bringing up her two Kiwi kids,

GREAT GATSBY                                                                 Barfoot & Thompson Mairangi Bay
                                                                             is hosting this special event which

AND GANGSTER                                                                 promises to be a fabulous and fun
                                                                             evening of celebration, great food,

GALA FUNDRAISER                                                              wine, and entertainment whilst raising
                                                                             funds for Starship.

                                                                               Dress code is 1920’s Gatsby & Gangster, so you
                                                                             to dress in your most dapper or flapper fashion –
                                                                             think feathers, sequins, fringes, beads and sashes
                                                                             combined with gangster-style hats, waistcoats and
                                                                             garters. Tables seat 10 people, you are welcome to
                                                                             buy individual tickets or reserve a full table but get
                                                                             in early as tickets are limited!!.
                                                                               Please email; to secure
                                                                             your tickets, which are priced at $145 each.
                                                                               Once paid, the tickets will be delivered, and
                                                                             contact will be made about food requirements and
                                                                             selection for the dinner.
                                                                               There is a combination of silent and live auctions
                                                                             to be held on the night and an auction item
                                                                             catalogue will be available on the 31st of August.
                                                                             EFTPos will be available for big ticket items, but
                                                                             remember to bring some cash for the raffles and
                                                                             smaller items.

8 Mairangi Bay Village
Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
       % S
   R 50

 Compelling Coastal                               Architecturally designed, Kahu offers
                                                  1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom contemporary
 Living                                           north-facing terraced homes. Located
                                                  in the centre of Long Bay Village and
                                                  within easy walking distance to Long
                                                  Bay Regional Park and beach.

 Visit our sales suite                            Tony McGirr
 104/57 Glenvar Ridge Road, Long Bay              P 021 376 001
 Monday - Sunday: 10am - 4.30pm                   E
 (or by appointment)
                                                  Kitrina Jeffs
 Proudly marketed by                              P 021 376 006
 Harcourts Mairangi Bay                           E

Mairangi Bay August 2021 Issue 132
August . .in the Garden
                                                                                     abundance of colour this summer.
                                                                                     Dahlias are in store now; gladioli &
                                                                                     begonia will arrive this month.
                                                                                     Fill pots with potting mix. Sprinkle
                                         Your July Checklist                         a handful of bulb fertiliser to
                                                                                     encourage longer flowering.
                                        Deciduous fruit
                                        Plant out peaches, nectarines, plums,        TEND
It is that lovely time of year again    pears, and apples now, before spring to      Vegetables
where everything is new and fresh!      get their roots settled. Plant with a mix    Weeds will start getting away quickly
So, roll up your sleeves and prepare    of your original soil, compost, and sheep    as the weather warms. Make sure you
your garden to enjoy infinite colour,   pellets.                                     pull them out before they get too big.
fragrance and flavour this summer.                                                   Double-check that you have sufficient
                                        TREES & SHRUBS                               drainage for your veggie beds and dig
Plant now                               Roses                                        in compost to replenish nutrients back
VEGETABLES                              New season rose varieties are instore,       into the soil.
Seeds                                   and more will be on their way over this      Fruit Trees
Begin sowing your summer veggies        month as they start to leaf out.             If you have had trouble with fungal
such as tomatoes, beans and             Hedging                                      diseases and infections in previous
courgettes inside in a seedling tray.   Plant any hedging you are planning to        years, spray your fruit tree with liquid
Others such as beans, parsnips and      add to your property now before it gets      copper before bud burst. Don’t spray
carrots can be directly sown once       warm. This will give the roots time to       the tree when in flower as this can
the threat of frost has passed.         settle. Mulch well, avoid letting the bark   affect bees.
Seedlings                               sit against the trunks.                      Camellias
Plant out seedlings of beetroot,        Colourful trees                              As your camellias stop flowering, this is
lettuce, silverbeet, peas, parsley,     Add impressive colour to your backyard       the time to prune them back. Clean up
and coriander into prepared, weed-      with Flowering Cherries (Prunus) and         the last of the dead flowers and prune
free beds.                              Magnolias for the spring season. Want        them to your desired shape.
Rhubarb                                 something that will last a little longer?    Harvest
Technically a vegetable, rhubarb        Plant out Japanese maples (Acer), Cercis     You can now harvest broccoli, cabbage,
plants can now be divided up to         and Ginkgo.                                  carrots, cauliflower, spinach, garlic,
create extra plants—plant in part-                                                   leeks, mandarin, lime, kale, broad
shade and mix in compost and            FLOWERS & PERENNIALS                         beans, peas, brussels sprouts, fennel,
sheep pellets when planting.            Instant Colour                               artichokes, lemons, oranges, parsnip,
                                        Fill your garden instantly with pansies,     tamarillo, grapefruit, and chicory.
FRUIT                                   violas, primulas, polyanthus, and
Strawberries                            snapdragons. When planting, mix in           Are you looking for more help
                                                                                     or expert garden advice? Come
Plant strawberry plants as soon as      compost and sheep pellets.                   instore to talk to our friendly staff,
possible now to enjoy fruit in mid-     Bulbs                                        or give us a call on 0800 PLANTS
spring through to mid-summer.           Plant summer bulbs now for an                for general inquiries.

                                        Speak to your local

            Garden Experts
               Visit your local Kings Plant Barn for a huge range of top quality plants,
                        plus expert advice to help bring your garden ideas to life!

Bayleys Mairangi Bay

 30 Mayfair Crescent, Mairangi Bay                      
 Craig Bishop 027 222 5566                                                    FOR SALE

 Boundary lines are indicative only

 10e Hastings Road, Mairangi Bay                        
 Craig Bishop 027 222 5566 Tara Menzies 021 720 307                           FOR SALE

                                      Your Property Specialists
Bayleys Mairangi Bay
P 09 477 0200 | F 09 477 0202
396 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630

                     h of                                                   MAIRANGI BAY                                   MOBILE
     Anglican Churc Bay                                                   WALKING NETWOR
                                                                                                           K              LIBRARY
                  b s
                   e ll
   St John’s Camp                                                       Improve fitness, ma
                                                                      discover the local
                                                                                               ke friends,           Every Thursd
                                                                                                                                   ay, 09:30 to
                       Services:                                                          area, one-hour            10:30, Corn
                                                                                                                                er Hasting an
                                   d 9-30am                                walks, six days a we                    Beach Road                 d
              Sunday 8am an                                                                        ek.                         s, Mairangi
                  Wedn    es da  y 10am                                  Monday & Wednesd                                                   Bay
                                                                                               ay 09:00 –
            nt em pla tiv e pr ayer Fridays 1pm                         meet at Mairangi Ba
         Co                                                                                   y Surf Club
                       (fortnightly)                                   Tuesday & Friday 09:
                                                                                             00 – meet at
                               , Campbells Bay                             Mairangi Bay Arts Ce
          327 Beach Road                                                                          ntre
                    Tel: 09 478 3575                                  Saturday 08:30 – me
                                                                                           et at Mairangi
             Email: admin@stj                                           Bay Carpark, near pla
             Website: www.                                             Sunday 09:00 – meet
                                                                                              at Milford
                                                                            Mall – lower car par
                                                                         Contact: Paula: 09-
                                                                                             444 4635
                                                                            or Rex: 09 479 3105

               G C                                                         AL ART
        BOWLIN                                          THE HAURAKI FLOR     LENGE
                                                                                                                   Friendship Club
            11-13 Ramsg
                           ate Terrace,                 CLUB – WINTE R CH AL                                      of East Coast Bays
                             y                                                      when there are                 We welcome potential new
            Mairangi Ba                                Winter is the season
                             8 6033                            flo we rs in   the  gar den. Despite            members to join us at Mairangi Bay
            Phone 09 47                     b/7131/    fewer
                                                                                        display of
                tp :/ /b ow ls               this there   wa  s   a gre at                        Presbyterian Church Hall, Penzance
             ht                                                                            g of the
                                                          colour at the     July  me  etin                      Road, on the 1st Wednesday of the
                                                                                      b. Camelias,             month from 10:00am to 12:00 Noon
                                                         Hauraki Floral Art Clu
                                                                                     gnolia, bird of            Enjoy morning tea, good speakers
                                                        chrysanthemums, ma
                                                                          lilie s com   plemented              and other small group activities from
                                                         paradise and
                                                                             veg  eta ble s, and                    our 100 plus membership.
                                                             citrus fruit,
                                                                                     interpret the
          The Draw                                       variegated foliage to                                        Contact: Cheryl Brant,
        An opportu
                            ing    Room                     concept of counterba
                                                                                                                      Membership Secretary,
                     nity for yo                                                      welcome, with free                Phone 09 479 4853
        friendly gr
                    oup & art
                                 u to join ou
                                               r            New members are                       .
         to be crea            therapist Li                            tuition for beginners                       or Michael Smart, President,
                    tive with d             sa
     colouring-                 rawing and                           When & Where:                                          09 476 7452
                in to prom
       relaxation            ote m                                             Rd, Murrays Bay on
                  , and conce indfulness,                  Outram Ha Beach
                                ntration. A                                 esd ay of each month.
                   will b                   ll             the second Wedn              5691
        session with e provided. Free                            Phone: Jennifer 09 479
                       thanks to
                                                                                                                  The North Sho
                            es NZ.
       Sunday 9 M
                     ay 10:30 –
                                 12 noon                       HEARTBEAT                                           Photograp h ic
                                                                         S HIBISCUS
                                                                     COAST:                                           Society                          rth
                                                          First Tuesda                                                             second and fou
                                                                     y of every m
                                                                                  onth from 10                  ... Meets on the              nt h at the
                                                                                                 :00am                        y of ea ch mo
                                                                   at Commun
                                                                                ity House,                       Wednesda
                                                                                                                                       Bridge Club,
                                                              214 Hibiscus                                           East Coast Bays
           GI BAY
                                                                            Coast Hwy, O                                                    ys Bay.
                                                       Heartbeats Ta
                                                                     kapuna: Firs
                                                                                          rewa                         Lyons Ave, Murra
                                                       month from                  t Thursday of                                             nal Salon of
     TENNIS , Mairangi Bay
                                                                                                                                     Na  tio
                                                                   10:00am, Mar                   every          The North Shore
                                                        Gibbons Rd,
                                                                     Takapuna (b
                                                                                   y Thomas Ce
                                                                                                 ntre, 3               og ra ph y op en s for entries on
                                                                                  ehind the Li                    Phot
             Terrace                                         Contact: Tren                     brary)                          the 1st June.
   Ramsgate                                                                t Lash (Conve
                       479 4329                                                           nor):                             
        Ph ne: 09
            o                                                     Mobile: 022
                                                                               06 06 199                          secretary@north
              n gi b a yt e                                   Email: trentla
          ira                                             www.facebo

360 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay
Ph 478 5328,
Mairangi Bay
                               EMORIAL PARK:
              JOHN F. KENNEDY M EL TOURS
                  MILITARY TUNN
                                                               the month 11:00am
                                 ry second Sunday of
       Guided tours are eve                                exp lain the background                                                                                        relax • revive • retail
                                 torian volunteers
       – 2:00 pm. Miliary his                                         g guns and                                           PETANQ
                                         ial displays discussin                                  We are a                                    UE
           the features with pictor                stil l in use   tod ay.                                  vibrant, m
                     defensive camoufl        age                                                 players a             ainly reti
                                                                                                            nd offer                  red mixe
                                             gui des  all   hav e goo  d torches to             to new p              free coach                d group o
                                     r, the                                                              layers. O                    ing and ca            f Petanqu
           Bring a torch, howeve                                                                                     ur group                                         e
                                   keep everyo    ne  saf   e!                                  - 3:00 Tu
                                                                                                          esdays a                 meet and n supply free balls
                                                                         boots are                                   nd Th                     practice fr
                                         ally during winter, gum                                 Sundays.
                                                                                                            You can p ursdays and 10:0                     om 1:00p
            In wet weather, especi                 tun   nel s, but we can look afte
                                                                                                  from loca             lay the sp                 0am – 1:0         m
                                    we  d in  the                                                                                                              0pm on
       advisable. No dogs allo               you   go   thr  oug  h.                                         l, regiona
                                                                                                                        l, n a ti
                                                                                                                                       ort at an
                                                                                                                                                 y level in
                             them wh     ile                                                           John F.Ke                  o nal and in              our club
                                                                                                                   nnedy M                     ternation
                                                                 a gold coin donation                                         emorial P
                                                                                                                                           ark - Cast al levels.
                      lev el of fitness is required and                                                            Contact:
        A mo  der ate
                                        to go   tow  ard   s the  ongoing upkeep.                                              Roger Bro              or Bay
           would be appreciated                                            enquire.
                                                                                                                022 353 7
                                                                                                                           606 or 09 wn –
                                             also available, please                                         roger.bro                    4 7 9 5185
              Private group tours are                                                                         
                                                      – Chairman –                                                                               .com
                         Contact: John Crews
                         09 410 2653 wingett25
                                 - 09 479   529  0  Chr
              or Chris Owen
           I COMBINE
    MAIRANG BUS                                                             PLAY BRIDGE AT                                               Harbour Volleyball
         PRO                                                                                                                        Ramsgate Terrace, Mairangi Bay
                        h Tuesday
                                         of                                EAST COAST BAYS
     Meet the 4t                                                                                                            
         month       10 am   to   12 noon
                                                                             BRIDGE CLUB
                                  all10 Penzan                        East Coast Bays Bridge Club
       by te ria n Church H                  ci al cl ub                                             invites you
 Pr es
                   i Bay. We ar
                                    ea   so                            to join lessons in Mid-Lat                                       MAIRANG
                                                                                                                                    PRESBYTERIA I BAY
  Rd Mairang                                                                                      e July 2021.
                      en joy monthly
 for retir  ee s  to
                              t  sp ea  ke  rs . We have                   Contact Helene: 027 296
                                                                                                      3365                                     N CHURCH
               a and gues                        Mairangi
morning te                        or  ni ng  in                                                                            Church Serv
    on  th ly ca  fé coffee m             us eu  ms and                                                                   6pm First and
                                                                                                                                           ices 10am ea
                                                                                                                                                            ch Sunday. Hi
am                       gardens, m                                                                                                          Last Sundays                   ndi Service
              in gs  to                                cale.
  Bay.  O ut                          the ne lo ar                                                                        Luncheon Gr                         each Month.
                  terest within                   cial and                                                                                 oup - Come an
  places of in                    w  ls ar e  so                                                                          us. Enjoy the                       d eat your lunc
                   Ten Pin bo                              .                                                                              range of mus                           h with
  Fortnightly                           ndly banter                                                                                                        icians & ente
                       to have frie                                                                                      bring in each                                     rtainers we
     always fun                                           th e                                                                            month. Tradin
                                      bers to join                                                                       12noon-2pm                          g table and so
                     e new mem                                                                                                           Second Thur                          cialising.
    We welcom             ndship of       ou  r  Cl ub  .                                                                Contact Raew
                                                                                                                                         yn Henderso
                                                                                                                                                          sday each mon
         fun and frie                         476 7445                                                                  Activities Mor
                                                                                                                                                          n: 09 410 4423
                        es ident David                                                                                                     ning - Play ch
       Contact: Pr              @  xt  ra .c                                                                       and other bo
                                                                                                                                       ard games an
                                                                                                                                                            ess (learn or
                pdironsi    de                                                                                                                           d socialising
                                                    32                                                                  – 12 noon. Fir
                                ewyn 479 74                                                                                             st Tuesday ea                    10am
             Secretary Ra               ai l.c om                                                                      Margaret Pont                      ch  month. Cont
                                                                                     VING CLUB
                                   gm                                                                                                    : 021 679 019                        act
                                                                  SURF LIFESA
                                 rship 410 85                                                                          Dees Social Gr
              Mike Membe                                                           Bay                    dementia. A
                                                                                                                                          oup - For thos
                                                                                                                                                            e living at ho
                             y. fr az                                              et, Mairangi                                      programme de                           me with
                                                                     Sidmouth Stre                                    the mind and                       signed to stim
                                                                                        9 47 17                                        the body with                       ulate
                                                                          Phone: 09 47             z                  10am - 2pm                          plenty of thin
                                                                                                             each Thursday                        gs to do.
                                                                      www.mairang                                     Tangi Joseph
                                                                                                                                    : 0226573223
                                                                                                                                                         year-round. Co
                                                                                                                     Family Fun N
                                                                                                                                      ight - Come an
                                                                                                                     meal and fun                         d join us for a
                                                                                                                                     and games ev                           potluck
                                                                                                                     share and co                      ening. Bring fo
                                                                                                                                    me and join in                        od to
                                                                                                                     with others. Al                  . Come alone
                                                                              xt Rotary                                                                                 or come
                                                        Milford Rotary & Ne ore [NRG]
                                                                                                                                     l ages welcom
                                                                                                                    first Friday of                     e. 6:30 - 8pm
                                                                                                                                    the month. Co                        on the
 MURRAYS BAY                                            Generation  No rt h Sh                                      Matapo: 022
                                                                                                                                                        ntact Angel Jo
 SAILING CLUB                                               – Information Even                                      For general in
                                                                                                                                    formation on
                                                                                                                                                       activities visi
                                                                             Clive Menkin                                                       t
      Venue for hire                                                           Membership Chair 202
                                                                                                    0/21           Milne: 027 29                     nz or call Stew
                                                             Milford Rot ary –                                                     3 8499 11 Ha
     Phone 021 242 6272                                                                530 962                     vehicle access                   stings Road –
                                                                          Pho  ne: 021                                              between 8 an                      with
                                                                                                                                                     d 10 Penzance

                                                    Father’s Day is on
                                                   Sunday September 5!
                               Spoil your Dad with a great book from Malcolm’s Takenote.
             We have a great range of books to suit all Dads, from the latest releases in fiction, to books
              on sport, gardening and cooking. So come in and choose the book your Dad will love!
                                   ALEXIS POPPELBAUM         Personal viewpoints of two of your
                                            Hibiscus & Bays Local Board Members

                                                                                           Advice Bureau)
                                                                                         • Lezette Reid (Friends of Okura Bush)
                                                                                           It has been said that the East Coast
                                                                                         Bays harbours the most volunteers -
                                                                                         especially in the environmental space. We
                                                                                         are incredibly proud of our community
                                                                                         and the award winners this year who
                                                                                         continue to make the Bays the best place
                                                                                         in Auckland to live.

                                                                                         Water and environmental projects
                                                                                         in our area
                                                                                           The Water Quality Targeted Rate
                                                                                         and the Natural Environment Targeted
                                                                                         Rate is delivering some larger regional
                                                                                         projects but is also being invested locally
                                                                                         in many great projects. This includes
                                                                                         investigating issues with our water
   Celebrating the incredible                                         Julia presenting
                                                                                         networks and identifying solutions
                                                                                         to make beaches like Rothesay Bay
   volunteers in our community                                       Liz Goodwin with
                                                                            her award
                                                                                         and Mairangi Bay safer to swim at.
                                                                                         The targeted rates are also funding a
                                                                                         range of projects across the East Coast
Some dedicated volunteers in our           and restore the natural environment of        Bays such as stream restoration, pest
community were recently celebrated         Centennial Park and the wider Campbells       plants, pest animals and Kauri dieback
with awards from the Hibiscus and          Bay Urban Sanctuary catchment. She            management work.
Bays Local Board. The volunteer            is consulted on regularly given her
awards celebrate the achievements          extensive environmental and native plant      East Coast Bays Library reopening
of locals who devote their time and        knowledge and has made a significant            This exciting and long-overdue
deliver exceptional things for our         contribution to this special area in our      upgrade project is nearly complete,
community.                                 neighbourhood.                                and the library will be reopening on
  Liz Goodwin, a Campbells Bay local,         Other local award winners included:        Saturday 14th August. For official
was one of the award winners. Liz is a     • Brian Mooney (Deep Creek                    opening details, follow ‘East Coast Bays
founding member of the Centennial Park        Restoration Society)                       Library’ on Facebook or check in with
Bush Society. She has been a dedicated     • Lynn Dewar (North Shore Riding for          them at their temporary location at the
committee member and volunteer for            the Disabled)                              Community Centre on 2 Glen Road (up
nearly two decades, helping to protect     • Elizabeth Wall (Browns Bay Citizens         until 8 August only).

                               New look East Coast Library                                                 Mobile Library in operation

14 Mairangi Bay Village
Mairangi Bay
  relax • revive • retail

                            $1000                                                     $100
                 TRAVEL VOUCHER                                              From these restaurants:
                                                                            Montrose, Papermoon,
                      FROM                                                Taksim, Mairangi Japanese,
                                                                               Pattaya, Kumaoni
                   YOU TRAVEL!                                             6 VOUCHERS TO BE WON!

                          $50 VOUCHER
                                   From each of the following cafes:
                            Mangiamo, Rhythm, Pukeko, November, Bay Café
                                      5 VOUCHERS TO BE WON!

                                            Spend $20 or more in any business in the month of August 2021,
                              fill in an entry form (one per purchase) – attach your proof of purchase – and pop it into
                                the entry boxes within each business to go in the draw. Or register online and upload
                                                your proof of purchase at
                                                             Terms and conditions apply, see website.
                                                                                                               We support
                                                               Find out more at:

                         OF ISOLATION
                         Isolation during Covid was a trial and sometimes tough, but it
                         gave many of us the chance to kick back and really consider
                         our lives – where we are and perhaps where we want to be.
                           Yvette Peddie was one of those and       smart loungewear. Just because we were
                         quickly realised she needed to get back    all lolling about in lockdown didn’t mean
                         into her own fashion business, so she      we couldn’t still be fashionable, not
                         grabbed the opportunity – and the first    least to front up to those increasingly
                         three letters of that strange time – and   necessary Zoom meetings.
                         started a new leisurewear label, ISO.         So now there’s ISO the label, made
                           It wasn’t her first venture into the     in Aotearoa to keep the dollars at
                         business. She followed her three years     home and create more jobs; made of
                         earning a Fashion Design Diploma           natural fabrics wherever possible to
                         in South Africa with many years of         protect our environment; despatched
                         designing menswear, including for          in biodegradable bags, and leftover
                         iconic fashion house, Christian Dior and   fabrics donated to kindergartens for
                         eventually had her own ladies work-to-     the art corner.
                         wine wear line, which she sold to come        With daughter Tash domiciled in
                         to Aotearoa/New Zealand.                   Melbourne and helping choose fabrics,
                           After working for many years in ladies   assisting with styling and social media,
                         fashion in Auckland, she was – like so     ISO has an international edge and home-
                         many others - derailed by COVID-19,        grown appeal.
                         and it was during this time that she       Find it online
Yvette and Tash Peddie
                         realised that what was lacking was
Kennedy Park
                                                                                                 Petanque Club and
                                                                                                  Chanticleer Cup
                                                                                             The Chanticleer Cup is a peta
                                                                                                                              nque challenge,
                                                                                            normally held annually, betw
                                                                                                                             een the
                                                                                            Auckland and Wellington regi
                                                                                                                              ons. However,
                                                                                            because of Covid 19, it was can
  ENGLISH                                                                                   year. This year’s challenge is
                                                                                            Herne Bay Petanque Club on
                                                                                                                                celled last
                                                                                                                            being hosted by
                                                                                                                             28 – 29 August
  CONVERSATIONS GROUP                                                                       and the Auckland Team will
                                                                                           regain the trophy, lost to Wel
                                                                                                                           be aiming to
                                                                                                                            lington in 2019.
  The Mairangi Bay Presbyterian Church started the English                                 Spectators and supporters are
  conversations group a little over four years ago. The group                              to attend, to cheer the Aucklan
                                                                                                                               d Team on,
                                                                                           hopefully to success.
  was started by the church following an approach from                                     We wish our own club mem
  Grace Liu, who is still a member today.                                                                                 ber Barbara
                                                                                           and the Auckland team all the
                                                                                                                               best for
                                                                                          a successful and enjoyable wee
                                                                                          petanque challenge.
  The church provides the opportunity        clerk, Stewart Milne, includes being         Kennedy Park Petanque Club
to practise conversing in English in a       representative of the diversity in our                                         is a friendly,
                                                                                          welcoming club whose mem
                                                                                                                         bers range from
relaxed and informal atmosphere and          population here on the North Shore and       newly joined novice players
                                                                                                                        to long serving,
to learn about some of the strange           this activity along with several others      experienced stalwarts. KPPC
                                                                                                                          is based in
                                                                                         Kennedy Park, Castor Bay, and
Kiwi sayings and practices. The group        is helping us to achieve that. “Over the                                         members
                                                                                         play on Tuesdays and Thursda
has seen people attend from China,           last 2 years more than 60 people have                                          ys 1:00pm to
                                                                                         3:00pm and Sundays 10:00am
Korea, Japan, Indonesia, and Iran all        attended our 1pm to 2:30pm sessions                                             to 12:00pm.
                                                                                         New members are welcome
                                                                                                                       , and the Club
of whom are wanting to improve their         on a Wednesday in a meeting room at         has boules available for use.
                                                                                                                         Training is also
ability to hold conversations in English.    the church,” he says.                       available to new (and not so
                                                                                                                        new) members.
Friendships have been formed and some                                                    For further information abo
                                                                                                                    ut KPPC please
                                             Mairangi Bay Presbyterian Church            contact Roger Brown, Club
together with their children have joined                                                 phone 022 353 7606,
in other church activities.        
                                                                                         email roger.brown.builder@
  The mission at church, says parish         Phone 09 478 6180

          Ruby Diamond Cross
            A recent commission
     Rubies and Diamonds set in Platinum
           Could yours be next...?

                                                                                                 Sweet 16th
                                                                                                        A menu blast
    If you have an occasion approaching,                                                                from the past,
       plan something truly special from                                                                 with pricing
       Diamond Studio in Mairangi Bay.                                                                    to match!
       Call Mark on 2168492 or 0212118545
                                                                                Classics like smoked fish pie,
                                                                            bangers and mash, and seafood mornay
   DIAMOND                                  STUDIO                                           montrosecafebistrobar

     • D ESIGNERS OF FI N E JE WE L L E RY S I N C E 1981 •                1 MONTROSE TCE ~ MAIRANGI BAY ~ PH (09) 478 9610

                                                                                                                     Mairangi Bay Village 17
                                             “STILL”                                     WINNER!
                                               by Matt Nable
                                      This is an evocative, page-turning thriller,
                                      for fans of “The Dry “ and “Scrublands “.
                                       Set in Darwin, in 1963, the place and time
                                        period are captured perfectly by Nable,
                                        Darwin is an unforgiving town, with a
                                         harsh landscape and climate, and deep
                                         racial discord.
                                         When Senior Constable Ned Potter finds             Thank you all for entering to
                          a body in shallow marshland he doesn’t realise it will         win a copy of Flit the Fantail and
     be the first of several murders; and that the senior politicians and police          the Matariki Map, courtesy of
     officers are obviously covering something up. Charlotte Clark is a 23 year                Malcolms’ Takenote.
     old housewife, married to a cowboy who isn’t who she though he was.
     The days ahead feel suffocating, living in a town where she is supposed to
                                                                                           to Alexis from Kid’s Corner -
     keep herself nice and wait for her husband to come home from the pub.
                                                                                          Rothesay Learning Centre,
     One day a chance encounter with a brutally beaten man changes her life.
                                                                                           who was the lucky person on
     Both Charlotte and Ned will learn that the world they live in is full of
                                                                                         this occasion and gets to share
     secrets and that it takes courage to fight for what is right . But there
                                                                                              the book with the kids.
     are people who will do anything to protect themselves and sometimes
     courage is not enough to keep you, or those you love, safe.                            If you would like your own
                                                                                         copy, please call in to Malcom’s
                          Available now from Malcolm’s Takenote                           Takenote Mairangi Bay, Beach
                                 Mairangi Bay, 09 478 5328                               Road, Mairangi Bay 09-478 5328

         Tear Fund                                                            JO MIMMACK
         Quiz Night                                                            EXPERIENCE
          21 Aug
                                                                         I would love
       JOIN US AS WE AIM TO RAISE $600                                    to sell your
       FIGHTING MODERN-DAY SLAVERY.                                    home and create
    Bring your friends and family, BYO drinks & snacks.                new adventures
    $10 per person max 6 per team.
    Register your team at:                                 for you.
    Bring your entry fee, your drinks &                                  Contact me
    snacks & a sense of fun along on
    Saturday August 21st.                                                    today!
    The quiz starts 5:30 sharp, please be
    seated by 5:15pm.
    Mairangi and Castor Bays
    Presbyterian Church
    10 Penzance Road, Mairangi Bay
                                                                        Mobile +64 274 965 429
    If you cannnot enter but want to support
    Tear Funds work, donate directly to:

                                                                                                                 Licensed REAA 2008

18 Mairangi Bay Village
If it’s harder for Landlords,
       it’s harder for Tenants.
  In our over 40 years of experience, we   paid back at $5 or $10 a week, if at all.
can state without reservation that the     Getting rid of anti-social tenants takes
vast majority of tenants and landlords     months and is fraught with difficulties
are good people who respect the            and dangers.
position of the other and simply want         Now we are seeing the Tenancy
to get on with their lives and cause no    Tribunal (TT) giving name suppression
problems. So why is it then that the       to tenants that none of us would want.
government keep undermining the            In one case the TT justified this by
checks and balances that are there for     stating that name publication would                                    MIke Pinkney
the benefit of good folks. Why do they     hinder the tenant’s chance of securing
not understand that making it harder       another property. We disagree, what
for landlords, ultimately makes it         should hinder them is their loud parties,   decision such as this (and there are
harder for tenants.                        offensive language, threats to and          more) completely undermine the
  Getting rid of tenants who don’t pay     abuse of neighbours.                        integrity of the very processes that are
their rent is hard enough and can take        So TT records will show no cases         supposed to be objective, honest, and
a long time, while the debt continues      against these tenants. This is a blatant    reliable.
to build. Collecting debts can be a        lie. This Tribunal ruling says that it is     Thought of the week
joke. We have seen cases where debts       OK for the next poor landlord/s to go         “A nation of sheep will beget a
of thousands of dollars are being          through the same agonies. Tribunal          government of wolves” Edward R. Murrow

                    For more information go to or call a professional property manager.
                        Mike Pinkney 021-78-3030 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay

                Our all-in-one community includes specialised dementia care

                Aria Bay is a community for over-65s where you won’t have to change address as your care needs
                change. We offer independent living in boutique apartments, assisted living in serviced apartments,
                and supported living and care, including specialised care suites and a sunny courtyard garden for
                residents with memory loss.

                Call Sharon on 0800 202 220 or 021 618 913
                or visit

                                                                                                              Mairangi Bay Village 19
C E L E B R AT I N G 6 0 Y E A R S O F T H E M A I R A N G I B AY S A N TA PA R A D E 2 0 2 1

                 DO Y OU K NOW
                 A LO C AL HERO

                                                                                           60         th
                                                                                           MAIRANGI BAY
                                                                                           Santa Parade 2021

            Diamond Studio is giving away a $2000 diamond
                to a community hero to keep forever!
  The Mairangi Bay Business Association would love to hear your story about someone
  who you think is a local community hero worthy of a Diamond from Diamond Studio.
            There will also be a prize for the person nominating the winner!
                    Nomination stories should be no more than 150 words and sent to:
         The Committee, Diamonds are forever, by email to:
       or by post to: PO Box 65475, Mairangi Bay 0630, or online at

                                  Conditions of Entry: The story must be able to be shared, in the Mairangi Bay Village magazine
    Mairangi Bay                  and Social Media. A photo of the winner and nominee will be taken and the winner is invited to

             Village              ride on the MBBA Float in the 2021 Santa Parade. Entries close on 10th November 2021, winning
                                  hero announced by the 20th November 2021. More details at:

                                                             we support
        relax • revive • retail

                                                                                       Avon Hansen Beadle

                                                                                       festival and giving a concert onboard a
                                                                                       cruise ship, the Pacific Pearl, heading to
Music and stringed instruments are no novelty to Avon Hansen-Beadle.                   Napier’s Art Deco festival. A ukulele may
She met her sax-playing husband while playing guitar in a band, and                    be tiny, but it holds enormous promise.
both their sons play guitar and bass, but she could see that there was                 One of Avon’s pupils has dementia
                                                                                       and Parkinson’s, but the ukulele has
something a bit different about ukuleles and their players.
                                                                                       helped unlock his musical memory and
  A little bit quirky, a little bit        Initiative, a three-year programme by       adds another dimension to his life.
interesting, the wee ‘jumping flea’        the award-winning Canadian player.          His performance of Duke Ellington’s
instrument seemed to compliment            Her accreditation means she can now         famous jazz standard, Satin Doll, is
Avon’s years of teaching music, but        arrange music at all levels in multiple     a huge and impressive achievement
in a much easier format, and she was       parts, teach a ukulele orchestra, as well   for him. There are many satisfying
keen to try it. It was a perfect fit, so   as enriching her two ukulele classes        moments in teaching and playing
much so that Avon now suffers from         – Shorecooleles in Campbells Bay on         ukulele for Avon, but this result was
Ukulele Acquisition Syndrome and           Tuesday evenings and Hibiscus Ukes in       especially heart-warming.
has five (shhh! maybe it’s six) of the     Orewa on a Thursday afternoon. New            And Avon can be sure of more
cheerful, cheeky sounding instruments.     members are always welcome at both          personal heart-warming moments now
Her affection for the ukulele led          venues. The Tuesday class has been          her two grandchildren have also taken
her to become the only woman in            going for 10 years and Avon says the        up the strings.
Aotearoa/New Zealand to graduate           group has had heaps of fun, taking
from the James Hill Ukulele Teacher        two trips to Hawai’i to perform in a

                               Safe and reliable transport for all ages in
                                      Mairangi Bay and Milford.
                                                                         Total Mobility Scheme cards accepted
                                                                         and an ACC approved provider.
                                                                         Restricted movement and mobility, whether from
                                                                         advancing age, accident or other, can make day to
                                                                         day activities frustrating.
                                                                         • Our wheelchair accessible vehicles will help you
                                                                           get out and about and be independent.
                                                                         • We can assist families to have loved ones together
                                                                           to celebrate special family moments at a restaurant
                                                                           or other locations.
                                                                         • We are available 7 days a week. Pre-booking
                                                                           essential, especially for weekend bookings.
                                                                         • We accept eftpos / Visa payments in each car.

     To make a booking or to discuss your
     requirements, call Corlize Britz today.
     Ph: (09) 551 3050 Mob: 021 503 575

                                                                                                              Mairangi Bay Village 21
Recipe from Montrose Cafe by Bruce Martin
1 Montrose Terrace, Mairangi Bay. 09 478 9610 Dine in & takeaway available
Wednesday to Sunday 8am – 10pm.

                                                                                                HOUSE AND GARDEN
                                                                                                FENCE BROTHERS - FREE QUOTES –
                                                                                                For all your fencing needs. Fences,
                                                                                                decks, gates, automation, steel or timber,

 Individual                                                                                     retaining walls and pergolas.
                                                                                                0800 336 232

Cheesecake                                                                                      GARDEN BAGS AND BINS - prompt
                                                                                                and professional service competitively

   Bites                                                                                        priced. Call John 09 473 8955 or
                                                                                                021 745 992
        Keto ~ Gluten free
                                                                                                MOVE WITH MURPHY LTD -
                                                                                                56 Forge Rd Silverdale Ph 09 4211024
                                                                                                STUMP GRINDING - root and bamboo
Ingredients                                    biscuit mixture into the bottom of
                                                                                                grinding. No job too big or small. Prompt
Base                                           each of the liners. Set aside
                                                                                                and professional service. Free quotes.
• 1.5 cups almond flour
• ½ cup coconut flour                        Cheesecake Filling                                 Call John 09 473 8955 or 021 745992
• ½ cup salted butter room                   • Into a large mixing bowl place         
  temperature                                  warm cream cheese add cream                      SERVICES
• ¼ tsp liquid stevia or 1/4 cup               and beat with an electric mixer.
                                                                                                SBA BROWNS BAY – impressive local
  sweetener of choice                          Add the vanilla extract, lemon
                                               juice, zest and sweetener of                     small business accounting and tax service.
Cheesecake Filling
                                               choice, tapioca flour and combine                Friendly, open-door convenience. Contact
• 500g full fat cream cheese– Room
                                             • Add 1 egg into the mixture, and                  Craig Bright on 478-0202 or
                                               continue to beat until the batter      
• 1/3 cup heavy whipping cream (any
  kind of 35% fat cream)                       appears smooth. Add in the
                                               remaining egg and continue to mix                If you would like to place a
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
                                               until smooth once again. Set aside               classified advert contact Terry at
• ½ tsp liquid stevia or 1/2 cup
                                             • Pour 1/3 of a cup of the               
  sweetener of choice
                                               cheesecake filling over the base in              Cost is $1.00 per word
• 1x lemon juice plus zest
• 2 large eggs                                 each muffin holder, and place into
• 2 tablespoons tapioca flour                  the oven for 30 minutes
                                             • The cheesecake is cooked once a              Toppings
Method                                         skewer comes out clean from the              • You can use fruit that fits your keto
Base                                           middle (or when there is minimal               plan, I use strawberries, raspberries,
• Preheat your convection oven to 160C         “jiggle” from the mixture when you             and strawberries.
  or 320F - fan forced                         pull the tray out of the oven). Allow        • Either make a jam using chia seeds
• Into a mixing bowl, combine 1.5              to cool for 15 minutes, then place             and stevia or place fruit on top of
  cups almond flour, ½ cup coconut             into the fridge to chill for 4 hours           each 10mins through cooking time
  flour,1/2 cup salted butter and 1/4 tsp    • Repeat with remaining ingredients,           • I use frozen fruit when not in season
  liquid stevia (or sweetener of choice).      until all ingredients have been
  Combine until uniform in texture             used                                               I made some the other day with
• Place paper cupcake liners into a          • These will keep in the fridge for up            thick pumpkin puree folded through,
  muffin tray (my muffin tray has 6            to 7 days, and can be frozen for up                  reminded me of pumpkin pie.
  sections) and press 1 large Tbsp of the      to 4 weeks                                            ~ Have fun, play, and enjoy!

 Solutions and Results

 Are you starting
 a business?
 Exciting-YES! Scary-MAYBE!
           Talk to our friendly accounting                                                        Italian European
                                                        OWEN MELHUISH
             team about starting well in
                 these difficult times
                                             P: 021 281 0405 E:   Ph:  475 475
                                                                                              Phone  56435643                   470470
                                                                                                                                    Beach  Rd Rd
                                                       Your local finance specialist              Murrays  BayBay
   P 09 415 0319                                           
                                                    You relax, I take care of everything                                             North Shore
22 Mairangi Bay Village
                                                                                                                                    Mairangi Bay
                                                                                                                                      relax • revive • retail

EAT & DRINK                                        GIFTS & JEWELLERY                                CLOTHING ALTERATIONS
BAKERY                                             Captivate Interiors                478 9997      Seamz to Sew                        479 7281
Mairangi Bay Bakery                    479 1610    Diamond Studio                 021 211 8545
Pukeko’s Food Store                    478 6984    Opportunity Shop                   478 6314      DENTIST
                                                   Petal Maison                       218 6187      Mairangi Bay Dental                 478 8800
CAFÉS & RESTAURANTS                                Spoilt                             479 9955
Bay Cafe                               479 7708    Takenote                           478 5328      DOCTORS
Cinnamon Club                          281 0146    Unichem Pharmacy                   478 8909      Mairangi Bay Medical Services       479 5027
El Greco                               475 5772
Kúmaoni Indian Cuisine                 215 8464    SCHOOL UNIFORMS & SHOES                          GRAPHIC DESIGN & PUBLISHING
La Spiaggia                            475 5643    Janbells                478 3450                 Tourism Media Group   021 042 8232
Mairangi Bay Japanese                  476 9977
Mangiamo Cafe                          479 9091    HEALTH & BEAUTY                                  INTERIOR DESIGN
Montrose Café, Bistro and Bar          478 9610    BEAUTY                                           Captivate Interiors                 478 9997
November Café                          475 6526    About Face                         479 4147
Papermoon Café and Bar                 479 8872    FaceTime Clinic                    476 7058      PETROL STATION
Pattaya Thai Restaurant                479 5297    Perfectly Polished                 475 5581      Z Mairangi Bay                      478 2563
Rhythm Cafe                            478 9683    Under Your Skin                    475 5854
Taksim Turkish Kitchen and Bar         478 4080    Unichem                            478 8909      PET SHOP
                                                                                                    Furry Friends                   021 283 8779
DAIRY                                              HAIR
Mairangi Bay Dairy & Lotto             478 6976    Cutting Edge                       479 1149      PLUMBING
                                                   Farrah Perriam                     479 9995      Alpha Plumbing                      478 9059
FISHMONGER                                         Hair Boutique                      478 7084
Mairangi Bay Fisheries                 479 4517    Hair @ Surreal                     478 0400      PHARMACY
                                                   La Luna Hair                       478 7997      Unichem                             478 8909
FRUIT & VEGETABLES                                 The Hair Dresser                   478 8508
Vegeland                               478 7572                                                     PHYSIOTHERAPY
                                                   PHARMACY                                         Mairangi Bay Physio                 478 3098
SUPERMARKET                                        Unichem                            478 8909
Countdown Supermarket                  255 2392                                                     PODIATRY
                                                   YOGA                                             Comfy Feet Podiatry                 478 2624
TAKEAWAYS                                          Yoga Sanctuary                     479 3888
Burger Wisconsin                       479 1894                                                     REAL ESTATE
Hiroba Sushi                           478 3163    SERVICES                                         Barfoot and Thompson                478 9089
Mairangi Bay Fisheries                 479 4517    ACCOUNTANT                                       Bayleys                             477 0200
Sun Island Takeaway                    478 9727    MacKinlay Dennison & Associates Ltd 477 6260     Central Realty                      478 3030
                                                                                                    Harcourts                           478 6049
WINES AND SPIRITS                                  ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES
Mairangi Bay Fine Wines                478 6328    Shore Architectural                478 4839      PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                    Pinkneys            477 2499
FASHION                                            & STATIONERS                                     TECHNOLOGY - MOBILE APPS
Be Mae’s Shoes                       021 688 799   Malcolm’s Takenote                 478 5328      Appworx NZ         022 088 7928
Hartleys                               476 9410
Sarah’s Boutique                       476 9192    CAR MAINTENANCE                                  TRAVEL AGENTS
Sole Sisters                           479 6798    Mairangi Bay Workshop              478 9114      Flight Centre                       476 4650
                                                                                                    YOU Travel                          478 7665
                                                   Ignite Chiropractic           020 4017 2441      WEBSITES
                                                                                                    Tourism Media Group             021 042 8232
Additional images by                                                                   360 Commerce                        476 5090

Quiz Answers                                                                   10,000 copies to locals!
A1. Papaphobia is the fear of the Pope.                                        This magazine is delivered to 10,000
A2. The loud cry of the elephant is a trumpet.                                 homes and businesses in the Mairangi
A3. The only golf not from the USA to win all 4 golf majors was
                                                                               Bay area. Advertising starts from as
    85 year old Gary Player from South Africa.                                 little as $75 + GST. Think of all those
A4. The spirit base for Grand Marnier is cognac.                               people who could be reading your
A5. The ‘silks’ worn by a jockey in a horse race are the colours               advert right now.
    of the owner.                                                              Contact Terry at:
A6. John Cleese wears a bowler hat in the Silly Walks sketch.        
A7. The first UK winner in the Eurovision song contest was Puppet              and we’ll send you a Rate Card or
    on a String sung by Sandie Shaw in 1967.                                   drop one off to your business.
A8. The length of time 525600 minutes equals 8,760 hours or 1 year.
A9. Maori is a native language in NZ and also in the Cook Islands.
A10. Cats sleep on average 15 hours a day.

                                                                               The official magazine of the Mairangi Bay Business Association
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