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                                                               Saturday, March 5, 2021   Vol. 26 No. 20

birrafanelli.com                       Covering Montréal & Surrounding Areas

                                                                                 10 CHEFS TEAM WITH
                                                                                     10 RESTAURANTS

    Chef Antonia Park from Park Restaurant teamed up with Café Milano to make this delicious sandwich
                         which is only available until March 7th. See details inside.

                   Get with the Times!

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2                    www.mtltimes.ca   March 5, 2021 •
Cavallaro - Bringing the taste of
 Italy back to Montreal for 40 years

It all started with a small cheese store that    and gift baskets, not to mention a selection     ers, and students from the two schools that
was opened by Leonardo Cavallaro in the          of spices, sauces and antipasto made by          are located near the St. Jean Boulevard
East End. In 1981, his son Giuseppe took         prominent Montreal chef Chuck Hughes.            store. “One popular sandwich with our
the family business to the West Island and       However, the food item that is its top seller    lunchtime crowd is the chicken cutlet sand-
set up a humble, low key storefront loca-        is the baked Italian pan pizza, that’s offered   wich, which includes a spicy mayo and cab-
tion.                                            with different toppings.                         bage combo,” he added.
   Over the past 40 years, Cavallaro Fine                                                             And for dessert, Cavallaro offers im-
Foods has been offering its customers the                                                         ported ice cream, tiramisu, pastries, as well
best in Italian food, whether it be items that                                                    as a new twist to the always popular can-
are made on the premises with fresh, local                                                        noli. “Recently, we developed the ‘Cannoli
ingredients, or ingredients and groceries                                                         Nacho’,” said Blanchette. “It’s a tray of Si-
that are directly imported from Italy. Cav-                                                       cilian cannoli shells, with the filling mix –
allaro Fine Foods have four locations that                                                        made from a secret family recipe – in the
offer the same high quality Italian edibles,                                                      middle, resembling a nacho platter. It’s
4701 Boul. St. Jean in DDO, the Marche de                                                         topped with a plastic lid, which keeps it
l’Ouest (11722 Salaberry Boulevard), (Les                                                         fresh, and saves you from the dilemma of
Halles d’Anjou (7500 Boulevard des Ga-                                                            eating a regular cannoli a day later that has
leries-D’Anjou) and 2754 St. Charles                                                              a soggy shell.”
Boulevard in Kirkland.
  “Cavallaro Fine Foods is proud of bringing                                                          Cavallaro is also doing its part for the
the taste of Italy back to Montreal,” said                   By Stuart Nulman                     community – and as a response to the
                                                                                                  COVID-19 pandemic – by selling prepared
Matthew Blanchette, a longtime friend of
Giuseppe Cavallaro, who became owner of                        mtltimes.ca                        meals for families and individuals who are
                                                                                                  being affected by the lockdowns, self-isola-
the 12-year-old St. Jean Boulevard location
this past November. “I’m a firm believer           “The type of pizzas we make range from         tion and nightly curfew. “Whether it be
that good things happen during crazy times,      tomato; garlic and focaccia; tomato, cheese      lasagna or pizza, these prepared meals are
which is why I bought the store when I did.      and pepperoni; fried zucchini; and for           a great way to cater to the community, and
I believe in the pleasure of serving the com-    Easter, we’re going to be offering a Nutella     doing it by serving them delicious hot
munity by providing good food to them.”          pizza with a thin crust and topped with          meals in difficult times,” said Blamchette.
  Cavallaro Fine Foods offers a wide variety     powdered sugar; it’s almost like an Italian          For more information about Cavallaro
of Italian food products, which are also         Beaver Tail,” said Blanchette.                   Fine Foods, its products and services, go to
available for takeout and delivery, such as        Another top seller is their large selection    www.cavallaro.ca, or call 514-675-1823
imported specialty products, local and im-       of pre-made sandwiches, which during             (DDO), 514-638-9662 (Marche de l’
ported cheeses, a delicatessen counter,          lunchtime, attracts a large number of            Ouest), 514-355-5489 (Les Halles d’
fresh bread baked every day, food platters       nearby office workers, construction work-        Anjou), or 514-694-7015 (Kirkland).

      • March 5, 2021                                           www.mtltimes.ca                                                              3
Attention Mtl foodies: Canada's
 best chefs combined with 10
 Montreal restaurants create

Attention Mtl foodies - Chef Antonio Park      goes “live”.                                       precedented times,” says Thomas Delannoy,
kicked off the initiative with the AP Sand-       What creations will the guest chefs’ dish       CEO Chefs Canada, the organization that
wich packed with BBQ/kimchi flavours for       up for the event? That info is being kept          manages some of our national culinary
Café Milano, available on Uber Eats or for     under wraps until just before show time.           teams, including the Canadian
takeout for one week only.                     But we do know this: from Chef Nicolas                Bocuse d’Or. “We have award-winning
   Sysco Grand Montréal is pleased to an-      Dutertre’s mouth-watering, refined dessert         chefs standing shoulder-to-shoulder with
nounce its latest gastronomic initiative,      created for Gentile Pizza Parlor, to chef An-      family style restaurants, private chefs, and
#ChefsÀEmporter. Starting today, Canada’s      tonio Park’s bursting-at-the-seams subma-          independent restaurants, working toward
most talented chefs will be paired with 10     rine sandwich for Montreal’s famous Café           the common goal of saving the local food
Montreal restaurants, contributing a culi-     Milano, there will be something to please          scene, for the benefit of all.”
nary masterpiece to the regular take-out       every palate.                                        This initiative will transform the habits of
menu. It’s a rare opportunity for foodies to       Supporting Montreal’s gastronomic cul-         loyal customers by offering them an oppor-
sample some seriously top-notch gourmet        ture has never been so appetizing! Partici-
food, delivered right to their doorstep.The    pating chef-restaurant pairs to date include:      tunity to sample dishes prepared by top
event runs for 10 delicious weeks with          • Antonio Park from Park Restaurant for           chefs, while continuing to support their
each culinary creation available for only                         Café Milano                     favourite restaurants at a time when “buy-
seven days. Don’t miss out on any of these     • Nicolas Dutertre from Chocolate Acad-            ing local” has become essential.
must-try treats! Place your order early!                emy for Gentile Pizza Parlour                According to Guillaume Dubois, CEO,
  The event is part of Sysco Grand Mon-        • Marcus Sahou from Foiegwa and Fugazzi            Sysco Grand Montréal, “Since 2019, more
tréal’s “Keep Kitchens Open” initiative.The                     for Spice Bros                    than 2300 restaurants in the province of
goal of partnering with award-winning            • Joris Larigaldie from W Montréal hotel         Quebec have gone out of business, i.e. 10%
chefs was to unite industry players and cre-                     for 40 Westt                     of the restaurant industry.That's why Sysco
ate solidarity among chefs, by supporting        • Gilles Tolen from Restaurant Henri for         is committed to creating unique opportu-
each other and working together to pro-                         B&M Déjeuner                      nities such as this initiative, to help small,
mote local restaurants in order to get          • Simon Mathys from Mastard for Gentile           independent restaurants that are struggling
Montreal’s food scene back on the boil.                  • Thierry Daraize, chef and              to survive in these challenging times.”
How do I order #ChefsÀEmporter?                              author for Farsides
   The list of top chefs is below and the         • Olivier Perret from Renoir Sofitel for          Attention Mtl foodies - Please tell us your
dates of which they are making their special                  Deville Dinerbar                    favourite restaurant that deserves a special
creation. You can order on uber eats or                    • Frédéric Dufort from                 review on: info@mtltimes.ca . With every
contact the weekly participant of #Chef-              chez Lionel for Yo Mama’s Burger            recommendation you e-mail us you will be
sÀEmporter .                                         • chef to be confirmed for Corneli           entered in a draw and you will receive a
  The chef collaborations are known (see          “I love this initiative because it highlights   chance to dine for free.You must follow us
below), however the specific dishes will       the importance of working together to              on Instagram @montreal_times and share
only be revealed on the Monday that it         help our local food scene survive these un-        us to five of your followers.
4                                                             www.mtltimes.ca                                                March 5, 2021 •
• March 5, 2021   www.mtltimes.ca   5
Health Canada authorizes
3551 boul. St. Charles,
 Suite #547, Kirkland,
  Quebec, H9H 3C4
                                                                                Janssen COVID-19 vaccine
                                                                              Today, Health Canada authorized
    514-951-3328                                                              the COVID-19 vaccine manufac-
    info@mtltimes.ca                                                          tured by Janssen Inc.
                                                                                Health Canada received an appli-
    www.mtltimes.ca                                                           cation from Janssen Inc. for author-
                                                                              ization of its COVID-19 vaccine on
                                                                              November 30, 2020. After a thor-
                                                                              ough, independent review of the ev-
                                                                              idence, the Department has
                                                                              determined that the vaccine meets
                                                                              Canada's stringent safety, efficacy
editor@totimes.ca                                                             and quality requirements.
                                                                                The Janssen vaccine is the first sin-
 www.totimes.ca                                                               gle-dose COVID-19 vaccine to be
                                                                              authorized in Canada, and can be
                                                                              stored and transported at refriger-
                                                                              ated temperatures (from 2˚ to 8˚C)
                                                                              for at least three months, facilitating
                                                                              distribution across the country.The        The terms and conditions of the          detailed information will be made
                                                                              vaccine is authorized for use in           Janssen vaccine authorization re-        available in the coming weeks, in-
                                                                              people over 18 years of age, and is
     Distribution                                                             a viral vector-based COVID-19 vac-
                                                                                                                         quire the manufacturer to continue
                                                                                                                         providing information to Health
                                                                                                                         Canada on the safety, efficacy and
                                                                                                                                                                  cluding a detailed scientific sum-
                                                                                                                                                                  mary and the full clinical trial data
Hudson, St. Lazare, Sennevil e, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Baie d’Urfe, Bea-
consfield, Kirkland, Pte. Claire, D.D.O., Pier efonds, Roxboro, Dorval, La-     The vaccine was authorized with          quality of the vaccine to ensure the        Health Canada will continue to
   chine, NDG, Vil e St-Laurent, Châteauguay, Cote St-Luc, Snowdon,           terms and conditions under Health          benefits of the vaccine continue to      monitor the safety of the Janssen
 Hampstead, Mtl-West, Westmount, Laval, Verdun, Lasalle, Montreal, St.        Canada's Interim Order Respecting          be demonstrated through market           COVID-19 vaccine once it is in use,
            Leonard, Anjou, Ahuntsic, Lit le Italy, Nuns’ Island              the Importation, Sale and Advertis-        use.                                     in collaboration with the Public
                                                                              ing of Drugs for Use in Relation to          The Department is committed to         Health Agency of Canada, the
             Advertising                                                      COVID-19. This process allowed             openness and transparency.As such,       provinces and territories and the
                                                                              Health Canada to assess informa-           Health Canada is publishing a num-       manufacturer. The Department will
             info@mtltimes.ca                                                 tion submitted by the manufacturer         ber of documents related to this         monitor for any adverse events that
                                                                              as it became available during the          decision, including a high-level sum-    may develop after immunization,
ADVERTISING DEADLINE                                                          product development process,               mary of the evidence that we re-         and will take appropriate action, if
                                                                              while maintaining Canada's high            viewed       to     support        the   required, to protect the health and
    (Wednesday at 5 p.m.)                                                     standards.                                 authorization of the vaccine. More       safety of Canadians.
    Managing Editor:
                        Tom West                                                 Modified COVID-19
                                                                                vaccines for variants to

         • Marco Giovanetti
                                                                                    be fast-tracked
                                                                              Health Canada announces new                of people, but clinical stud-            use in millions of people can be
          • Sergio Martinez                                                   guidance issued today by the Access        ies would not be needed since            used to support any decision by
           • Bonnie Wurst                                                     Consortium—a coalition of regula-          they do not add to the                   the regulators.
           • Stuart Nulman                                                    tory authorities from Canada, the          regulatory understanding           of       This approach is based on es-
                                                                              U.K., Australia, Singapore and             a vaccine's safety, efficacy or          tablished regulatory processes used
         • Deborah Rankin                                                     Switzerland. The guidance, devel-          quality.                                 for seasonal flu vaccines, for
       • Martha Shannon                                                       oped by Health Canada in consul-             This is because researchers are        which annual modifications are
                                                                              tation with its Access partners, lays      now better able to measure pro-          needed to match the strains circu-
                                                                              out what information regulators            tection by looking at antibodies in      lating each year.
                                                                              would need to approve any modifi-          the blood following vaccination, re-       The Access Consortium began as
            SUBSCRIPTION                                                      cations to authorized COVID-19             ducing the need to deter-
General subscriptions in Canada: 1                                                                                       mine whether people in a trial           the Heads of Agencies Consortium
                                                                              vaccines, should virus mutations                                                    in 2007. Health Canada was a
year $150, 2 years $275 Subscrip-                                             make them less effective at prevent-       develop the disease. This would
tion to the U.S. and outside North                                            ing COVID-19. With this guidance,          reduce the length of time needed         founding member of this group.The
     America:1 year $250 US                                                                                                                                       Consortium's goal is to maximize
                                                                              authorized COVID-19 vaccines that          for a modified vaccine to be ready
All contents of this publication
are sole property of The Mon-                                                 are modified in response to new            for use.                                 international cooperation between
treal Times Newspaper. Opin-
ions expressed in this                                                        variants will need to be reviewed             Along with data on the immune         partners in the Consortium, reduce
publication are not necessarily
intended to reflect those of the                                              and authorized.                            response, the vaccine manufacturer       duplication and increase each
publisher. Any reproduction in
whole or in part and in print or                                                According to the guidance, vac-          would also be expected to pro-           agency's capacity to ensure patients
in electronic form without ex-                                                cine manufacturers would need to           vide evidence of the modified            have timely access to high quality,
press permission is strictly for-
bidden.      Permission        to                                             provide evidence that the modi-            vaccine's safety and quality. Data       safe and effective therapeutic prod-
reproduce selected editorial
may be granted by contacting                                                  fied vaccine produces an immune            from the original clinical trials and    ucts, including vaccines, drugs and
the publisher in writing.
                                                                              response in a sufficient number            the ongoing studies on real-world        medical devices.
6                                                                                                                       www.mtltimes.ca                                            March 5, 2021 •
The Great One’s father Walter
        Gretzky dies at 82
                                                Woodstock Warriors.                           Walter suffered a brain aneurysm in 1991,
                                                   Walter was a legend in hometown Brant-   and hockey helped his recovery as he spent
                                                ford where he lived his entire life and     a lot of time at the local rink working with
                                                would spend hours signing autographs at     minor hockey kids in Brantford.Walter also
                                                the annual Walter Gretzky hockey tourna-    bravely battled Parkinson’s.
                                                ments there. In fact, he made sure that        Walter Gretzky received the Order of
                                                every young player in the tournament        Canada in 2007 for his contributions to
                                                didn’t leave the Wayne Gretzky Sports       Canadian hockey and his philanthropic
                                                Centre without his autograph. He would      work. He also received the Order of On-
                                                sign for hours.                             tario.
                                                  He also wrote two books and supported        To many Canadians Walter Gretzky was
                                                numerous charities, along with the Walter   the “ultimate hockey dad” and the sweetest
                                                Gretzky Street Hockey Tournament.           man.

        Wayne and Walter Gretsky
Walter Gretzky, father of NHL legend
Wayne Gretzky, and very much a beloved
figure of the hockey world, and his home-
town of Brantford, Ontario has died at the
age of 82.
   NHL Hall of Famer Wayne Gretzky made
the announcement Thursday night on Twit-
    “It’s with deep sadness that Janet and I
share the news of the passing of my Dad,”
a statement tweeted out Thursday via
Wayne Gretzky’s account read. “He bravely
battled Parkinson’s and other health issues
these last few years, but he never let it get
him down.
    “For my sister and my 3 brothers, Dad
was our team captain – he guided, pro-
tected and led our family every day, every
step of the way.
   “For me, he was the reason I fell in love
with the game of hockey,” said Wayne. “He
inspired me to be the best I could be, not
just in the game of hockey, but in life.
  Walter Gretzky, coached hockey for many
years and taught and inspired his talented
sons spending long hours working on their
backyard rink in Brantford, that Wayne
called “The Wally Coliseum.” He is famous
for using a lawn sprinkler to water the rink,
and repeatedly visiting the hardware store
in the middle of winter to replace the
  “Go to where the puck’s going not where
it’s been,” was just one of many important
hockey lessons Walter handed down to
Wayne and his brothers.
  Walter Gretzky was born on Oct. 8, 1938,
in Canning, Ont., northwest of Brantford.
His father was Polish and his mother was
  Walter married his wife Phyllis Hockin, in
1960 when she was just 18. They young
couple moved to Brantford where Walter
worked repairing telephone cable.They had
five children. Wayne was their first born in
1961, followed by Kim, Keith, Glen and
Brent. Keith and Brent also played profes-
sional hockey. Phyllis passed away due to
lung cancer in 2005.
  Walter played minor hockey in Paris, Ont.,
then junior B for four years with the
     • March 5, 2021                                         www.mtltimes.ca                                                         7
8   www.mtltimes.ca   March 5, 2021 •
• March 5, 2021   www.mtltimes.ca   9
10   www.mtltimes.ca   March 5, 2021 •
Petition to change Lionel-Groulx
    Metro to Oscar Peterson
As far back as 2008, a group of people in
Montreal wanted to have the Lionel-
Groulx metro station renamed in honour
of the late, great Oscar Peterson, who died
in December of 2007. Under the adminis-
tration of Mayor Gerald Tremblay at that
time, a committee was set up to study sev-
eral options that would pay tribute to Pe-
terson – and it included the renaming of
the station. Unfortunately, it never tran-
spired. Then in 2016, under the Coderre
administration, some residents who grew
up in the area of the Metro station, also
called for the station to be renamed after
Oscar Peterson – and again it never hap-
pened. The question still remains in 2021,
should they change Lionel-Groulx Metro to
Oscar Peterson Metro?
  Oscar was a brilliant man and considered
one of the greatest jazz pianists and com-
posers, as well as a much-loved humanitar-
ian. In stark contrast to Peterson,
Lionel-Groulx, a Roman Catholic priest and
historian, created much controversy due to      ple have been involved in setting up a re-       sented our city on the international stage
to his well-known and well-documented           cent online petition, ‘Change Lionel Groulx      and allows our city to celebrate the beau-
anti-Semitic actions and beliefs, as well as    Metro Station and rename it Oscar Peter-         tiful cultural diversity and representation
his racist attitudes.                           son Metro Station’, with hopes the change        that black Montrealers bring to our city.
  Given the horrific killing of George Floyd,   will finally be made. On the site it reads, “I   Thank you.” At the writing of this article,
a black man, who was murdered by a white        believe our city should honour the incred-       1389 people have already signed the peti-
police officer in Minneapolis on May 25th,      ible accomplishments that Oscar Peterson         tion and will probably surpass their goal of
sparking the Black Lives Matter movement        achieved by renaming Lionel Groulx metro         1500 signatures. To add your name to the
and unprecedented global protests – reviv-      station as Oscar Peterson metro station.         petition,                go              to:
ing the call to rename the Lionel-Groulx        This allows Montreal to celebrate the            https://mtltimes.ca/montreal/change-lionel-
station is more than timely. A group of peo-    legacy of a man who has proudly repre-           groulx-metro-to-oscar-peterson/


     • March 5, 2021                                          www.mtltimes.ca                                                             11
12   www.mtltimes.ca   March 5, 2021 •
Top 5 useful electronic
      devices for the home

With advancements in technology, the              look for products that come with a lengthy       ient with the Robotic Vacuum Cleaner from
homes have been filled with a number of           warranty period.                                 ECOVACS. The device is compatible with
cool gadgets that have changed the lifestyle      • Financing Options                              Alexa and has a number of cleaning settings
of people completely. These useful elec-            If the device is on the pricier side and out   to do a thorough job in your home. So, you
tronic devices are not only fancy, but also       of your budget, you can consider different       can set the Auto mode for overall cleaning,
offer quick solutions to those everyday is-       financing options for making the purchase.       Edge for the particular edges, and Spot for
sues. Improved functions and simple de-           Wholesalers and retailers offer different        intense action at one point. It’s even anti-
signs of the new-age gadgets reduce the           buying plans for commodities.                    collision because of in-built sensors. You
effort you need to put in everyday, while         1.Wireless smart light bulbs                     can well imagine how easy it can make
conserving energy and even space in the             The intelligent LED lighting systems have      home cleaning for you. It seems so easy like
home.                                             made lighting at your home not only con-         playing at the online slots for fun, right?
   So, what are these useful electronic de-       venient but exceptionally brilliant. If you      4. Charging station for multiple devices
vices that your home needs? Well, to be           want to bid adieu to those typical wall            Too many devices that have to be charged
honest, your options are endless thanks to        switches and go for smart lighting in your       up in too little time: sounds like a familiar
the fact that a new gadget comes up in the        home, Philips Hue Lighting is the one you        situation in your household, isn’t it? Well,
market almost every month. However, this          should bring home. These lights are con-         you have nothing to worry about anymore
list narrows all of that into five devices that   trolled through the smartphone (so cool,         because the Tuff Charging Stations from
your home must have. And, without further         right?). You will have to install a mobile ap-   Hercules gets you six USB ports, along with
ado, let’s take you through the details of        plication using Wi-Fi bridges, and then, you     six mixed USB cables that can charge
these five important home electronic de-          can remotely turn the lights off or on. In       tablets, smartphones, and other gadgets
vices. Here you go!                               fact, you can even schedule the lights to        easily. It’s compatible with a wide range of
      Things to consider when choosing            turn the lights off or on using your tablet      gadgets, which means its usefulness in your
          home electronic devices                 or phone. Like all products of Philips, this     household is undeniable. So no more of
   Before we start reviewing the best gadg-       one has energy saving qualities, which           those kids bickering over who gets to
ets for your home, it’s time to give you a        makes them well-suited for your home.            charge their phone first! In fact, this certi-
brief guideline on the things you must con-       2.Wi-Fi enabled wireless home speakers           fied product is also a great gift for your
sider when choosing home electronic de-           For those of you who love their music to         friends and family.
vices:                                            keep playing, regardless of whether you’re       5. Smart plugs for home
• Space requirements                              in the kitchen or completing the household           A couple of smart plugs would really
    You need to consider the amount of            chores, wireless home speakers are an ab-        come in handy on various occasions.
space you’ll need for accommodating the           solute necessity. You will find plenty of op-    Though there are a couple of options avail-
device before making the purchase. Take a         tions in the market in terms of Wi-Fi            able in the market, the ones from the Go-
look at the dimensions of the product to          enabled speakers, so make sure you choose        sund Store gives you four plugs at an
get an idea.                                      something from a reputable brand and             affordable rate. The fact that it works with
• Energy consumption                              come within your budget. All you need to         both Alexa and Google Home is an added
    Most of the electronic devices available      do is read a couple of online reviews to un-     plus for sure. Furthermore, it can be re-
nowadays are energy efficient. So, anything       derstand whether you’re buying right or          mote controlled from anywhere, and you
without energy efficiency certification is        not.The smart home speakers usually have         won’t even need any additional help to in-
not the right choice.                             Wi-Fi and app-enabled features, which            stall and use it. Now, imagine how helpful it
• Installation of the device                      means you can play your favorite tunes           would be to get to control all the lamps,
      You need to ascertain beforehand            from anywhere. The compact and efficient         lights, and more from anywhere and at any
whether you can install the device yourself       design of the speakers also saves space as       time.
after its delivery or you’d need help from        you can keep them at any convenient cor-            So those were the five electronic gadgets
the company. Also, check the installation         ner in the house.                                that are must-haves in your home. If con-
fees for the device.                              3. Robotic vacuum cleaner                        venience and ease of living are the two
• Warranties                                      Cleaning the entire house and it’s every         things that you are trying to achieve, these
   A long warranty with a product is an in-       corner is surely a tiresome job that just        devices will seem like a lifesaver for you.
dication of the confidence of the manufac-        can’t be avoided. But why even think of          Now, the big question is: which one of
turer in the durability of the device. So,        avoiding it when you can make it conven-         these are you planning to buy first?
      • March 5, 2021                                           www.mtltimes.ca                                                              13
2021 Bouge d’Ici Festival
           now underway
Fans of Montreal’s contemporary dance          dancers while they were confined during         tual dance party where you can bust a
scene is finding a new way to “bouge” this     the pandemic, such as Alison Burns, Melissa     move with many of the festival’s partici-
year, as the 13th edition of the Bouge d’Ici   McCracken, Noel Vezina, and Tiera Joly          pants. Additional programming will be an-
Festival is happening in a virtual format      Pavelich; a French-language panel discussion    nounced soon.
from now until March 14.                       on March 10 at 5 p.m. called “Danse et            Spectators can buy a Bouge d’Ici pass for
  This annual celebration of dance and the     technologie”, in which a number of dance        the festival in four different categories: Ac-
art of dance will offer a complete line-up     professionals talk about their respective       cessible Bouge ($5), Reduced Bouge ($12),
of short works, panel discussions and cre-     growing relationships between their art         Classic Bouge ($25) and Support Bouge
ative programming. Highlights include a se-    and technology, and the practical lessons       ($50, which includes a $25 tax receipt). For
lection of 25 Bouge video shorts that were     they have learned from it; and the Bouge        more information, or to purchase a pass, go
created by a number of contemporary            d’Ici Dance Party (March 5 at 8 p.m.), a vir-   to www.mainlinetheatre.ca.

       Local Supporting Locals
       fundraiser on March 13
On March 13, in time for the St. Patrick’s                                                        Montréal (West End) -- Olde Orchard
Day celebrations, Charity Promotions, in                                                       (NDG) -- Share The Warmth; Olde Or-
collaboration with Trentadue Entertain-                                                        chard (Chateauguay) - La Re-Sources; JoJo
ment, will be holding a Local Supporting                                                       Catering LaSalle - Special Olympics Sud
Locals restaurant take-out and stand-up                                                        West; Blvd Bar & Grill - La Recontre
comedy fundraiser, which will benefit a                                                        Chateauguoise; Amy Dejeuner - On Rock
number of West Island and West End-based                                                       Community Services.
charities.                                                                                        As well, a 90-minute live online stand-up
      Seventeen restaurants from NDG,                                                          comedy extravaganza will take place, which
Chateauguay, LaSalle, Pointe Claire, Vau-                                                      is being presented by Jameson Whiskey and
dreuil and Hudson, will be participating in                                                    Moosehead Breweries; from every ticket
the fundraiser, and anyone who orders                                                          sold, $5 will go towards the aforemen-
take-out meals from any of the participat-
ing restaurants, $5 from each order will                                                       tioned list of charities and non-profits. The
benefit their chosen non-profit or charity.               By Stuart Nulman                     show is going to be emceed by Montreal
   The participating restaurants and their                                                     media personalities Mitch Melnick, Kim Sul-
chosen non-profit organizations and chari-                  mtltimes.ca                        livan, Tom Whelan and Billal Butt. Featured
ties are as follows: West Island -- McKib-     Hudson; Kelly Orchard Pointe Claire –           on the line-up are Ted Bird, Joey Elias, Rod-
bin’s WI- Teresa Dellar Palliative Care        WIAIH; Olde Orchard Pointe Claire -             ney Ramsey, Leonard Yelle, Abdul Butt, Har-
Residence; Duke & Devine - Nova West Is-       Amcal Family; Spice Brothers DDO – On           rison Weib and Fiona O’Brien.
land; Cunningham’s Pub - CMB Foundation;       Rock Community Services; LaBrosse                   For more information regarding the
McKibbin’s Vaudreuil - Soulanges Vaudreuil     Brewery - Beckett Players Foundation; Les       fundraiser, go to:
Palliative Care; Cozy Cafe (Hudson)- Nova      3 Souers- Light of Dreams.                               www.localsupportinglocals.ca .
14                                                           www.mtltimes.ca                                             March 5, 2021 •
• March 5, 2021   www.mtltimes.ca   15
Movie Reviews - mtltimes.ca

The talented young actress Margaret Qualley, as Joanna, transmits the sweetness and firm determination of an aspiring
writer. (Insert) Margaret (Sigourney Weaver) runs her literary agency in an old-fashioned style, but she is very effective

     In the shadow of the famous
It is the 90s, and Joanna (Margaret Qualley)                                                      and little known publishing firm. For Joanna,
has moved from California to New York                                                             who by now has had a few occasions to ex-
with the hope of getting her writing career                                                       change a few words on the phone with the
going. She has been writing poetry for                                                            famous author, this may be the occasion to
some time, but she now needs to make it                                                           finally meet him.After all, he has been telling
big, and New York is the right place for that.                                                    her all the time that she should keep writ-
Unless things don't go her way, and as her                                                        ing.
roommate, Jenny (Seána Kerslake) tells her,                                                          Based on the memoirs of the same title
"In three months they are usually back to                                                         written by Joanna Rakoff—and based on
where they have come from." It wouldn't                                                           her real story as an assistant at Harold
be the case for Joanna, who finds a job as                                                        Ober Associates literary agency—this is a
assistant to powerful and apparently imper-                                                       delightful film told with some ironic touch
vious Margaret (Sigourney Weaver). The                        By Sergio Martinez                  and dosage of social commentary as well.
lady commands a literary agency in an old-                       mtltimes.ca                      Great acting by Margaret Qualley in the
fashioned style (typewriters and Dicta-                                                           leading role, conveying at the same time the
phones are still in place), but effective in      garet tells her. Despite that mistake, the
handling the big literary names of the                                                            sweetness and the firm determination of
                                                  young assistant is confirmed in her position.   the young woman. Qualley's charming per-
time—chief among them, the reclusive au-          In the meantime, in her personal life, Joanna
thor J.D. Salinger.                                                                               formance reminded me of the young Leslie
                                                  has met Don (Douglas Booth) and decide          Caron in that delightful film "Lili" (1953,
   Joanna is put in charge of handling all let-   to live together in a not-too-comfortable
ters that Salinger's fans send him. The an-       apartment. The kitchen has no sink, but to      Charles Walter).
swers are already standardized, so her only       her militant boyfriend, that would not be a        Directed by Quebec's Philippe Falardeau,
job consists of typing the most adequate to       problem: they can wash the dishes in the        this movie has been released in theatres on
each piece of correspondence the famous           bathtub.                                        March 5. I strongly recommend it as a good
author receives. On one occasion, however,          In the meantime, after years of not writ-     piece of entertainment, a story with some
she deviated from the norm and wrote a            ing anything, the reclusive J.D. Salinger has   inscrutabilities and eccentricities. Still,
letter in a more personal tone. Her well-         suddenly announced he has written a new         mostly an engaging portrayal of a young
meaning idea, however, ended badly. "For far      book, which will be published by a small        woman determined to be a writer.
less, a person would have been fired," Mar-                                                                              Running Time: 101 min
16                                                              www.mtltimes.ca                                              March 5, 2021 •
Love that lotion, Canada
  Is your skin crying       right away if you                                                        bear grease for          gentle scent. This
   dry? Curling up?         stick to pure butters                                                    moisturizing, shining    lotion covers well
    Sprouting itchy         and oils. Or hand-                                                       their hair and oiling    and does not re-
                            made lotion with no                                                      their drum skins.        quire multiple appli-
        By Martha Shannon
                            bad stuff. Clean and                                                        While bear grease     cations as there are
                            nourishing. But with-                                                    might not be readily     no drying elements,
                            out the sun’s bene-                                                      available, nor on        as are often found in
                            fits our skin suffers.                                                   everyone’s shopping      commercial mois-
        patches?            Just another chal-                                                       list, it does work!      turizers.
  It’s winter time and      lenge we need to                                                         Moisturizing with            We call it simply
 the skin is in full bat-   meet.                                                                    natural ingredients      “Moisturizing Lo-
        tle mode.              We might ask the                                                      from nature makes
   What to do? Grab         Inuit. How did these                                                     sense.                   tion’.      Handmade
the lotion. It’s time       hardy       Canadians                                                       “Winter skin’ as it   here in Canada.
to fight back, but it is    protect their skin                                                       is often called is       From scratch. Clean.
not always an easy          against the dry and                                                      caused by many fac-      It does live up to its
win.                        the freezing cold?                                                       tors: the weather of     name. You can win
       The snowbirds        The Polar tempera-                                                       course, indoor heat-     this winter battle.
who did not venture         tures. Winds. Snow                                                       ing, too hot and too         We stand behind
south this winter           squalls. Harshness.                                                      long a shower, too       our products. We
must be feeling the         Blinding sun. The                                                        frequent hand wash-      give great customer
difference on the           Inuit deserve a look-                                                    ing and use of alco-     service. Visit us at
skin. People can’t          see.They are experi-                                                     hol based sanitizers,    natural.ca.         Sub-
seem to moisturize          enced        adapters.                                                   (sigh!) not drinking     scribe       to        our
enough in winter            While the Inuit may                                                      enough water, poor       newsletter. ‘La Bou-
weather. Our regu-          have in their DNA a                                                      diet, bad soaps and      tique Earth to
lar customers know          better combatant                                                         lastly not moisturiz-    Body’, 89 Lucerne,
what to do and              that we do, they                                                         ing enough and /or       Pointe Claire, QC
what not to do and          most certainly rose      wore what nature         taken from whales      not using the right      H9R 2V1) Email
are managing the            to the challenge.The     offered.                 called spermaceti      moisturizers. We         i n f o @ n a t u ra l . c a
challenges in a good        Inuit have smooth,          Modern day skin       which helped pro-      can offer help here.     We are open again:
and healthy way.            silky skin.              care companies have      tect the skin of the      Go ahead and grab
Staying away from              What did they do?                              Inuit. Not so much     the lotion. We use       Store: Tues, Wed,
the formaldehyde so         Whales and lichen        incorporated many                               ingredients like emu,    Thurs: 10-4 For
                                                     of the secrets of the    a practice today
often found in com-         come to mind. Oils.                               though.                neem, shea, aloe.        curbside…Call store
mercial           soaps,    Plants. Plankton. Nu-    Inuit in their skin        We might also ask    EO’s like evening        during store hours
creams and lotions          tritious minerals, vi-   care. Ads highlight      our northern Indian    primrose, sweet or-      514-428-0444 Out-
is number one. You          tamins, fatty acids.     the seaweed and          tribes who relied on   ange and lavender        side hours call : 514-
will see a difference       They consumed and        algae. There is an oil                          lend nutrients and a     694-0705

       • March 5, 2021                                              www.mtltimes.ca                                                                  17
Book Reviews - mtltimes.ca

     Downfall by Robert Rotenberg
A strange thing happened early one cold                                                            the seamy side of the extreme poverty that
winter morning as Jember Roshan rode his                                                           plagues Toronto. Then there’s Dr. Burns, a
bike to work at the Humber River Golf                                                              fervent activist for the homeless who
Club.                                                                                              wants to publicize this cause through Ali-
   As he was about to arrive at this exclu-                                                        son’s daily news reports. And on a more
sive, elite Toronto golf club to start his                                                         poignant side, there’s Nancy Parish, a
working day, Jember was rear ended by a                                                            Toronto lawyer whose close friend from
black SUV. The impact of the hit catapulted                                                        law school – Melissa – because of her men-
him from his bike, and sent him rolling                                                            tal health issues, ends up divorced from her
down the steep grade that led to the banks                                                         marriage to a wealthy and social climbing
of the Humber River. His fall was broken                                                           Toronto city councilor and estranged from
not by a rock, or a tree, but a dark, spungy                                                       her daughter; and to add insult to injury,
object. That object was the body of a dead                                                         her former law school best friend Lydia
homeless woman, who made her home in                         By Stuart Nulman                      ends up marrying her ex-husband. All of
a squatters’ camp near the club.                                                                   this emotional trauma forces Melissa onto
    When the coroner discovers that the                        mtltimes.ca                         the streets, and ends up tragically when her
dead woman’s cause of death was a blunt           double barrel purpose of solving a string of     dead body is found on the banks of the
force trauma to the back of the skull from        murders and creating awareness of the            Humber.
a vodka bottle, there is an uproar across         plight of a major city’s homeless population          Rotenberg takes these subplots and
the city by both the homeless community           practically grabs your attention from page       neatly brings them all together towards the
and the wealthy members of the golf club          1. In fact, it almost reads like a script from   capture of the murderer, and practically
to solve this brutal murder. But when the         an episode of “Law and Order” (doesn’t           each character contributes towards the
bodies of two more homeless people are            matter which spin-off from that TV fran-         satisfying denouement that concludes
found in the same area with the same death        chise that first comes to mind). But this        Downfall. As well, his grim descriptions of
causing injuries, then the pressure is on         time, it’s not just the police and the lawyers   Toronto’s underbelly brings out the sad fact
Toronto police homicide squad detectives          who are on the case, but a number of other       of how the plight of the homeless popula-
Ari Greene and Daniel Kennicott to inves-         characters that are not directly involved in     tion taints the city’s image as Canada’s
tigate the murders and catch the perpetra-        law enforcement, but somehow have a              largest city.
tor before it explodes into a full blown          stake in this particular crime.                     Downfall is a gripping detective thriller
killing spree against the city’s less fortunate         There’s Alison Greene, Detective           that explicitly exposes the division between
residents.                                        Greene’s British-born daughter who works         rich and poor, but also brings to light of the
  That’s the premise behind Robert Roten-         as a crusading reporter for a Toronto TV         tragedy of being homeless and dispos-
berg’s latest police thriller Downfall.           station’s nightly newscast, who makes it her     sessed that should not be treated as a so-
   What I liked about this book is how its        mission to report on – and comprehend –          cial burden, but as a national emergency.
18                                                               www.mtltimes.ca                                             March 5, 2021 •
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