REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue

Page created by Valerie Hammond
REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue
  Are you ready?
  Beginning May 3, 2023 , residents of
  every U.S. state and territory will be required to
  present a REAL ID-compliant driver license or
  ID card, or another form of ID accepted by the
  Transportation Security Administration, to board
  federally regulated domestic flights.

  Individuals must also present a REAL ID-compliant
  driver license or ID card to access federal facilities,
  including military bases and federal courthouses,
  and to enter nuclear power plants.

  Missouri’s REAL ID-compliant driver licenses and
  nondriver ID cards will have a star in the upper
  right-hand corner. A license or ID card that is not
  compliant with REAL ID will have “Not for REAL ID
  Purposes” in the upper right-hand corner.

         For more information, including where to
         obtain your REAL ID, visit

         Save a life. Register to be a donor.
         Visit for more information.
REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue
WHAT IS IT?                                                                WHAT’S THE
 “REAL ID” comes from the REAL ID Act of 2005,
 a federal law that focused on fraud protection,
 anti-terrorism, and driver license and nondriver
                                                                           DIFFERENCE?                                    REAL ID
 license identification card (ID card) security.
 The REAL ID Act prohibits federal agencies
 from accepting driver licenses and ID cards
 from states that do not meet these standards.
 Access to federal facilities open to the general
 public for purposes of applying for or receiving
 federal benefits will continue to be allowed.
 Beginning May 3, 2023, every air traveler 18
 years of age and older will be required to
 present a REAL ID-compliant driver license or
 ID card, or another form of ID accepted by the
 Transportation Security Administration, to board
 federally regulated domestic flights. Travelers
 who do not present a REAL ID-compliant license
 or acceptable alternative will not be permitted
 through the security checkpoint.                                        Missouri’s REAL ID-compliant driver
                                                                         licenses and nondriver ID cards will have

DO I NEED ONE?                                                           a star in the upper right-hand corner.

     YES                                NO
• Flying domestically             • Driving

• Accessing federal facilities,   • Voting or Registering to Vote
  military bases and federal      • State Purposes
  courthouses                     • Age Verification
• Entering nuclear power plants   • You hold another form of
                                    identification that meets federal
                                    requirements, such as a valid U.S.
                                    passport or passport card

HOW DO I GET ONE?                                                        A license or ID card that is not compliant
                                                                         with REAL ID will have “Not for REAL ID
                                                                         Purposes” in the upper right-hand corner.
                                                                                                                              Arrive prepared to apply
To apply for a REAL ID-compliant driver
license or nondriver ID card, gather the
                                                                                                                               for your new REAL ID
                                                                                    Learn more at
necessary documents and visit a license
office location near you. Anyone wishing to                    
apply for a REAL ID-compliant license or ID
card must notify the person assisting them at
                                                                                                                      Form 5754 (Revised 04-2021)
the start of their transaction.
REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue
NOTE:                                           •   Certificate of Naturalization                                                          •    In addition to the above, applicants
These document requirements are for             •
                                                    Certificate of Citizenship
                                                    Valid, Unexpired Permanent
                                                                                           PROOF OF                                             under the age of 21 may also
first-time REAL ID applications. Visit
the website to see requirements for                 Resident Card                          RESIDENCE                                               i. Missouri School Records
issuance of a renewal or duplicate of a         •   Valid, Unexpired Employment                                                                   ii. Mailed Correspondence issued
                                                                                           Two (2) recent documents required
prior REAL ID compliant card.                       Authorization Document (EAD)                                                                      by an Organization such as
                                                                                           from two (2) separate types below
                                                •   Valid, Unexpired Foreign Passport                                                                 Boy Scouts of America, Girl
                                                                                           that include your name and residence
                                                    with a valid, unexpired U.S. visa                                                                 Scouts of America; Missouri
                                                                                           address. If you have an alternate mailing
IDENTITY                                            accompanied by an I-94
                                                                                           address, an additional document from
                                                                                                                                                      Department of Conservation or
                                                                                                                                                      other well established
One (1) of these documents with                                                            this list must be presented to verify the
                                                *Please note that some documents                                                                      organizations or programs
your full name and date of birth:                                                          mailing address.
                                                are eligible to be used as both identity                                                              containing the name and
• Valid, Unexpired U.S. passport/card           and lawful status verification.                                                                       address of the applicant
• Certified U.S. Birth Certificate                                                         •   Letter or document issued within
                                                                                                                                           •    For persons under 21 years of age
• U.S. Birth Abroad                                                                            the previous 90 days by another
                                                Some immigration admission types                                                                only, a parent or legal guardian may
• Certificate of Naturalization                                                                federal, state, or local agency
                                                may require submission of secondary                                                             provide a document in their name
• Certificate of Citizenship                                                                   or a government agency of another
                                                immigration documents to complete                                                               and address and a statement that
• Valid, Unexpired Permanent                                                                   nation (on agency letterhead
                                                verification inquiries. A full list of                                                          the applicant resides in their
   Resident Card                                                                               OR which contains the official seal
                                                these documents can be found at                                                                 household. (May only be used to
• Valid Foreign Passport stamped                                                               of the agency) that contains the
                                                                                                     meet one of the two required
   approved or processed for an I-551                                                          name and address of the applicant.
• Valid, Unexpired Arrival/Departure                                                       •   Bank or financial statement
   Record I-94 with “Temporary I-551”           SOCIAL SECURITY                            •   Government Check or Pay Check
                                                NUMBER                                     •   Property Tax Receipt, Only if primary       NAME CHANGE
• Valid, Unexpired Employment                                                                  residence address
   Authorization Document (EAD)                 One (1) of these documents that must       •   Utility Bill (Phone, Water, Gas Electric,   Required to verify full legal name or
• Valid, Unexpired Foreign Passport             contain your name and full Social              Trash or Sewer, Etc.)                       requested name change if applicable.
   with a valid, unexpired US visa              Security Number (SSN), cannot be           •   Mortgage, housing or leasing                More than one may be required to
   accompanied by an I-94                       laminated or altered in any way:               document                                    verify connection to identity and lawful
• Valid, Unexpired Out of State Real ID                                                    •   MO Voter registration card                  status document presented.
   driver’s license, permit or identification   •   Social Security Card                   •   Driver License Renewal Post Card
   card                                             (must be signed if age 18 or older)    •   Motor Vehicle Renewal Post Card             •    Certified Marriage License
• Valid, Unexpired Missouri Real ID             •   W-2 Form                               •   Education Transcript for current            •    Certified Divorce Decree
   driver’s license, permit or identification   •   SSA-1099 Form                              school year from an educational             •    Certified Adoption Papers
   card                                         •   Non-SSA-1099 Form                          institution in Missouri                     •    Amended Birth Certificate
                                                •   Pay Stub with applicant’s name and     •   Letter from homeless shelter                •    Other Certified Court Order
                                                    SSN                                        (not acceptable for CDL or CLP)
LAWFUL STATUS                                   •   No Social Security Number              •   Professional License (Nurse,
One (1) of these documents with                      verification letter from the Social       Physician, Engineer, etc.) Only if
your full name and date of birth:                    Security Administration                   Home Address
• Valid, Unexpired U.S. passport/card               (Only acceptable when submitted        •   Letter or other documentation
• Certified U.S. Birth Certificate                   with an Unexpired Foreign                  issued by the Postmaster within                You can find a full, interactive list
   U.S. Birth Abroad                                 Passport with a valid, unexpired           the previous 90 days                           of REAL ID acceptable documents at
                                                     U.S. visa accompanied by an I-94)     •   Hospital or Medical Record            
REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue
                  Use the chart below to determine which documents are acceptable for your specific purpose

                                             Non              Non REAL ID Non REAL ID REAL ID REAL ID REAL ID Passport Passport
                                           REAL ID              Non Driver   Permit    Driver Non Driver Permit Card    Book
                                                                    License                 (Drive with a       License        License         (Drive with a
                                        Driver License                                    licensed driver)                                   licensed driver)

 License to Drive                               ✓                       X                      ✓                   ✓               X              ✓                X               X
 Voting or Registering to Vote                  ✓                      ✓                       ✓                   ✓              ✓               ✓               ✓                ✓
 Boarding a domestic U.S. flight,
 prior to May 3, 2023                           ✓                      ✓                       ✓                   ✓              ✓               ✓               ✓                ✓
 Boarding a domestic U.S. flight,
 on or after May 3, 2023                        X                       X                       X                  ✓              ✓               ✓               ✓                ✓
 Entering a federal building
 prior to May 3, 2023                           ✓                      ✓                        ✓                  ✓              ✓               ✓               ✓                ✓
 Entering a military base
 prior to May 3, 2023                            *                      *                        *                 ✓              ✓               ✓               ✓                ✓
 Entering a federal building or
 military on or after
 May 3, 2023
                                                X                       X                       X                  ✓              ✓               ✓               ✓                ✓
 Traveling by land or sea to
 Canada, Mexico, Bermuda
 or the the Caribbean
                                                X                       X                       X                  X               X               X              ✓                ✓
 International Travel by
 air, sea or land                               X                       X                       X                  X               X               X               X               ✓
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) recently finalized an update to its DoD-wide installation security policy and is in the process of no longer accepting noncompliant marked cards
across all of its facilities and installations. This means the military is in the process of no longer accepting driver licenses or nondriver identification cards marked as being noncompliant
with REAL ID for the purposes of accessing a military base. This policy change impacts DoD installations in all states, not just Missouri.

Prior to May 3, 2023, military bases will accept licenses and ID cards marked as being REAL ID-compliant or Missouri licenses and ID cards issued prior to March 25, 2019, which have no
REAL ID marking, compliant or noncompliant. In Missouri, a license or ID card that is noncompliant with REAL ID will have “Not for REAL ID Purposes” in the upper right-hand corner.
Anyone attempting to access a military base with a Missouri-issued license or ID card marked as “Not for REAL ID Purposes” may be denied entry.
REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue REAL ID Are you ready? - Missouri Department of Revenue
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