Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands

Page created by Erin Moore
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
Ready of for another 50 Seasons
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
Dear Scouts & Scouters,

We are very excited you will be joining us this summer! It is the vision of the North Florida
Council to provide unparalleled experiences for more youth. Where do these experiences hap-
pen? Much of the time, it’s in a summer camp environment! At Camp Shands, we promise par-
ents that we will offer their kids fun and adventurous things to do in the outdoors. These experi-
ences will help Scouts develop leadership skills and values that are important to good citizenship
and service to others.

Use this Leader Guide and the Camp Shands website at as resources to
prepare for camp. Please feel free to duplicate any and all material in this guide for distribution
to leaders, Scouts, and parents. Explore the Facebook page at
regularly for exciting updates throughout the camp.

Camp Shands is accredited each summer by the National Camp Accreditation Program. This
means the camp has met strict guidelines in health, safety, staffing qualifications and
programming. We are prepared for likely emergencies and understand the Scouts (and Scouters)
are in our care.

We firmly believe that you and your Scouts will leave with valuable new skills, abilities, and in-
terests. In addition to your summer camp experience, take advantage of all our council proper-
ties and make it a part of your year-round camping program. Thank you for joining us at Camp
Shands this summer! Please let any one of us know what assistance we can provide. We look
forward to seeing you at camp this summer.

In the spirit of Scouting,

Eli Rivera                                                            Inga Glaspey
Camp Director                                                         Program Director                                     

                     Mission Statement of the North Florida Council
           The mission of the North Florida Council is to prepare young people
          to make ethical and moral choices in their lifetimes by instilling in them
                          the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
Camp Shands History
The Baden Powell Scout Reservation was purchased in the 1960's with a plan for it to be
the home for the new summer camp of the North Florida Council. Scout volunteers
Thompson Baker and his business associate William Shands, were instrumental in acquir-
ing the land that became the Baden Powell Scout Reservation. Mr. Shands was a State
Senator and candidate for governor of Florida.

In 1965, two years before Camp Shands opened for summer camp, the Baden Powell
Scout Reservation had its central lodge constructed, and named it the Meninak Lodge.
The building served as a central meeting area with limited cooking facilities, storage, and
a trading post. The building was a gift from the Meninak Club of Jacksonville, Florida.
The first summer camp program began in 1967, where a portion of the camp was dedi-
cated to William Shands, who also had hospitals in Jacksonville and Gainesville named in
his honor.

The Taylor Dining Hall was built in 1980-81 and platform tents made their appearance at
about the same time. Prior to the dining hall, campers ate in their sites, preparing their
own meals with the help of patrol kitchens that were checked out from the commissary.
Young Scouts were often sent back to the commissary for a "left handed smoke shifter"
allegedly missing from the patrol kitchen.

In the early 90's, our Project C.O.P.E. program was established, thanks to the efforts of
volunteers, the Florida National Guard, and the Telephone Pioneers of America. To this
day, it remains one of the most pristine in the Southern Region. In 2011, some members
of the North Florida Council Executive Committee had a new vision for Camp Shands,
which included adding new screened-in pavilions to each campsite, a new staff lodging
area, and a state-of-the-art aquatics center. Construction began on the first phase of im-
provements shortly after the groundbreaking ceremony at the 2015 Spring Fellowship.

Camp Shands is an attractive and appealing camp destination hosting a large number of
national, regional, and council training events. Our staff training is always a priority and
the camaraderie is second to none (to match our facilities). We look forward to a bright
future for the Baden Powell Scout Reservation.
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
Camp information                            Camp Dates
                                            JROTC Week 1
Camp Location                               June 9th – June 15th, 2018
Camp Shands is located 70 miles from
Jacksonville. The camp lies between Jack-   Summer Camp Week 2
sonville and Orlando on our 792acre         June 17th – June 23rd, 201
property. If you get lost, pull out your
GPS (or your map and compass) and head      Summer Camp Week 3
towards 29.683281 latitude and -            June 24th – June 30th, 2018
82.026672 longitude.
                                            Summer Camp Week 4
Camp Address                                July 1st – July 7th, 2018
Scout’s Name
Troop Number                                Summer Camp Week 5
Camp Shands                                 July 8th – July 14th, 2018
1453 Baden Powell Road
Hawthorne, FL 32640                         Summer Camp Week 6
                                            July 15th – July 21st, 2018
Parents are encouraged to write but do
not call unless it is truly an emergency.   Venturing & Cub Scout Resident
There is one main telephone in camp and     Week 7
it is used for camp business only.          July 22nd – July 28th, 2018

Camp Phone
The camp telephone number is (352)475-
5080 and is only answered during the        Pre camp information
summer camp season.                         The Pre-Camp Leaders Meeting is a very
                                            important step in being prepared for you
                                            and your boys’ stay at camp. The meeting
                                            will begin at 3:00 p.m. Two adult leaders
                                            and the Senior Patrol Leader are invited to
                                            attend. You will have the opportunity to
                                            get up-to-date on any camp changes, and
                                            the camp program will be reviewed.
                                            Registration and fees will be finalized. If
                                            you are unable to attend due to your
                                            distance from camp – we will also con-
                                            duct a webinar. Check the Camp Shands
                                            web page for more information.

                                            Meeting Date:      Sunday, May 20, 2018
                                            Meeting Time:      3:00 p.m.
                                            Meeting Place      Camp Shands
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
Camp Fees
The first step to applying for a week at Camp Shands is to fill out a Reservation form and
return it with a deposit of $200 (add $10 per person for treehouses). You may request a
certain campsite, but this does not guarantee you will get this campsite. We will assign
campsites by the size of the Troops and how early we get the reservation. The
reservation fee is nonrefundable, unless you are denied attendance to the week
requested. All requests will be considered but cannot be guaranteed. All fees must be
submitted by the troop.

February 19th – $50 per camper deposit due to council service center
March 19th – campership applications due to council service center
April 16th – $100 per camper due to council service center
May 7th – all fees due to council service center

                      Early Bird Rate        Regular Rate           Late Rate
                      Ends 5/6/18            Ends 6/16/18           After 6/17/18

Scouts                $300.00                $330.00                $355.00
Leaders               $100.00                $100.00                $150.00

Treehouses—the fee for treehouses is $335 per person with limited spots, reserve early.

Leaders Fees – first leader with a minimum of four Scouts is free. For every eight Scouts, an
additional adult leader may attend camp for free. Any additional leaders who do not meet this
criteria will pay $100.

Refund Policy – all refund requests must be made in writing to the Camp Director
( and must be made NO LATER THAN 5 DAYS after the event is
completed. Requests received after this time will not be processed. No refund will be given if a
Scout was sent home for disciplinary action or inattention to Safe Scouting standards. In addition,
if a Scout chooses to leave camp early, no refund will be given.

Requests for refund made:
• Two weeks before camp = 85%
• Less than two weeks and until week of camp = 60%
• Up to five days after camp = 40%
• Six or more days of camp = NO REFUNDS

Go to for North Florida Councils refund policy.

Camperships – are available only to North Florida Council Scouts. There is a limited number
available to help boys in need of financial assistance. Applications are available online at
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
Check-In Procedure                            Check-Out Procedure
The Troop Leader must bring the               Check out will commence with a unit
following to Check In:                        leader picking up the troop packet at
• Health forms for all participants: An-      headquarters. The packet will contain an
    nual Health and Medical record must       advancement report for each Scout, any
    be completed for attendance at camp.      awards or certificates, and any adult
• Any program changes or fees that            certifications. Camp Shands highly
    need to be reconciled.                    recommends reviewing the advancement
                                              report prior to departure. The Program
Everyone checks in at the Meninak Lodge.      Director will be available from 7 am to 9
                                              am to answer any questions. Every unit
Medical checks and registration will take     will turn in a camp survey and pick up
place here. Troop Guides will guide the       health forms. Please inform the camp
troop to its campsite to unload gear and      office if your troop will be departing
change into swim trunks.                      Friday evening. Please Note: the
                                              advancement report will not be ready
Tips for a quick Check-In:                    until 7 am Saturday morning. Any troop
• Ensure the health forms and                 leaving prior to Saturday will have their
   permission slips are in order and ready    packet mailed to them.
   to turn in upon arrival.
• Ensure all financial obligations for
   camp are met by the pre-camp leaders’
• Any updates or changes can be
   emailed to the camp director at least        Charges for Damage to Camp
   two business days prior to camp.             Equipment
                                                Normal usage and wear will result in
Early Arrivals
                                                some breakage of equipment; however,
Early arrivals will only be approved by
                                                the cost of malicious damage or breakage
the Camp Director. Please note the
                                                due to horseplay will be charged to the
following points:
                                                unit. These fees must be paid before
• You must check in with Camp Staff for
    your campsite assignment.
• The camp is closed; please do not
    expect any services. Your first meal is
                                                Cot replacement……………………$99.00
    dinner on Sunday evening.
• All program areas are closed including        Tent replacement……….………...$499.00
    the waterfront. Please respect staff
                                                Tarp replacement……………….….$39.00
• There is an additional fee of $10 per         Fire Extinguisher refill……………...$39.00
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
What to Bring to Camp?

Clothing                            Suggested Items
Scout uniform                       Sunglasses
Rain gear                           Camera with film
T-shirts (5 or more)                Compass
Underwear (6 days)                  Spending money
Hiking boots with heavy socks       OA sash
Socks (more than a pair)            Personal first aid kit
Tennis shoes (more than one pair)   Water bottle
Hat or cap
Swimming trunks                     Troop Gear
Handkerchief                        Unit flag
Watch                               Patrol flag
Pajamas                             American flag
                                    First aid kit
Toiletries                          Gateway building materials
Toothbrush & paste                  Rope
Bath towel & wash cloth
Soap                                Don’t Bring
Deodorant                           Electronics such as radios, portable game
Insect repellant                    players, expensive cameras
Sunscreen                           Open toed shoes such as flip flops
Comb or brush                       Alcohol
Beach towel                         Firearms (any firearms are to be turned into
                                    the armory upon arrival)
Camp Necessities                    Fireworks
Sleeping bag
Flashlight w/batteries

Advancement Gear
Scout Handbook
Pens and pencils                    Trading Post
Notepad                             Camp Shands offers a fully stocked Trading
Merit Badge pamphlets               Post. In fact, if you don’t see something you
                                    need or want in our trading post, just ask
                                    and we will “DO OUR BEST” to get it for
                                    you. We stock snacks, drinks, slushies, ice
                                    cream, merit badge pamphlets, uniform
                                    parts, kits, camping supplies, craft supplies,
                                    and more. Come in and check us out.
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
Rules & Regulations                                 Drugs and Alcohol
It is the primary goal of Camp Shands to            Drugs and Alcohol laws will be strictly
provide a safe, quality program to the youth        enforced according to the laws of the state of
in our community. At Camp Shands we are             Florida. Absolutely no alcohol or illegal drugs
also extremely concerned about the safety of        will be allowed on camp property. All
members within our programs.                        prescribed drugs must be checked in to the
                                                    Health Officer immediately upon check in to
The following activities are forbidden at all       camp. The Health Officer is required to be
times, and violators will be immediately            informed of all prescription medications
escorted off camp property:                         brought to camp by Scouts and Leaders. The
• Starting fires with gasoline, oil, diesel fuel,   Health Officer will keep all medications at the
    propane, etc.                                   Ames (First Aid) Lodge in a locked cabinet
• Riding in the bed of any truck type               and distribute them at meal times. All adults
    vehicle or in any trailer.                      and Scouts will go through medical checks
• Use of firearms (including air guns, BB           during check-in prior to participating in the
    guns, or pellet guns) in any area other         swim test.
    than the appropriate range at any time
    without specific authorization.                 Firearms
• Use of fireworks on camp property.                Firearms and ammunition are available at
                                                    Camp for use at the ranges. Camp Shands re-
The Camp Director and Camp Ranger may, at           quests you do not bring personal firearms,
their sole discretion, direct individuals or        however if you do, it must be checked in with
groups to leave camp property for other             the Shooting Sports Director upon arrival. It
serious misconduct not covered in this leaders’     will remain locked in the Armory until you
guide.                                              are ready to leave camp. We will keep your
                                                    firearm locked for the safety of everyone in
Vehicle Policy for Camp Shands                      camp.
Troops may drive to their campsite and
unload their equipment. They may park a             Health and Safety
troop trailer off the road in a designated area     All precautions for the safety of the Scouts will
close to their campsite and leave it there for      be taken. The first aid room in the Ames
the week, but all vehicles must be moved out        Lodge is available with a qualified Health
of the campsites, and parked in designated          Officer on duty 24 hours a day. In the case of
parking areas. This is to keep our camp in          non-life threatening injury, the troop leader
compliance with the National Camp                   will be asked to provide transportation to the
Accreditation Program Standards of the Boy          hospital or elsewhere as directed. Emergency
Scouts of America. Note: any vehicle left in a      services will be called in the case of accidents
campsite the unit will receive a zero score for     of a more critical nature.
their campsite inspection each day.
                                                    Medical Forms
It is the policy of the National Council, Boy       A physical examination is required for each
Scouts of America that: Seat belts are required     Scout and adult attending camp. All Scouts
for all occupants in vehicles. The driver must      and adults must have completed the New
be currently licensed and at least 18 years of      Annual Health and Medical Record with
age. The beds of trucks or trailers must never      Parts A, B, & C completed within the last 12
be used for carrying passengers. The posted         months. If a Scout or Scouter arrives to camp
speed limit in camp is 14 miles per hour.           without an Annual Health & Medical Record
                                                    form, it is the Scout or Scouter’s responsibility
                                                    to obtain the physical examination and
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
complete the form before being allowed to           community. We do this by ensuring that all
participate in the Camp’s program.                  people involved in the Scouting program are
                                                    treated with respect and understanding,
Emergency Procedures                                regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual
Emergency procedures will be posted on              orientation, age, socio-economic status,
camp bulletin boards and in all campsites.          religion, physical ability, or political belief.
Scouts and leaders hearing the bell ring must
report immediately to Meninak field without         Handicapped Scouts
delay. Scoutmasters must make their Scouts          Our staff believes all Scouts should have equal
aware of this policy.                               opportunities, including shooting sports to
                                                    aquatics, and are committed to instruction or
Tobacco                                             who finds a skill challenging to learn. Our
Adult leaders should not use tobacco products       success rate for handicapped Scouts attaining
around young people. Persons under 18 are           merit badge qualification is unprecedented.
not permitted to use tobacco products,
electronic cigarettes, or personal vaporizers.      Uniforms
Smoking is strictly forbidden in all camp           The complete official uniforms are to be worn
buildings or tents. Camp Shands has                 by Scouts and leaders for evening assembly,
designated smoking areas.                           vespers, and campfire activates. Activity
                                                    uniforms are appropriate all other times
Restricted Areas                                    except when specifically instructed.
Scouts are restricted from the staff areas at all
times. Campsites of other troops are off limits     Footwear
and should not be visited or passed through         Please make sure that youth have the proper
without prior approval. No raids allowed!!          footwear for camp. They will need sturdy
Raids cause personal and property damage            shoes for hiking and spare shoes in case they
and will be grounds for removal from camp.          get wet. No open-toed shoes or bare feet are
No refunds will be given to anyone removed          permitted except in aquatics
from camp for any disciplinary problem.             program areas.

Pets                                                Troop Leadership
No pets of any kind may be brought into             Each troop must have two registered adult
camp without the Camp Director’s prior              leaders in camp at all times. One leader must
approval.                                           be at least, 21 years old and the other must
                                                    be at least 18. If there is a substitution for the
Leaving Camp                                        troop leader, then there should be an over-
No one, Scout or Leader, is to leave camp           lapping period of time during which both
without first checking out at the Ames Lodge.       adults are in camp in order to maintain
Persons leaving camp must also check in upon        program continuity and adult supervision
returning to camp. Leaders needing to send          over the troop at all times.
Scouts home during the week need to report
it to the Ames Lodge. Visitors in camp must         Parents and Visitors
also check in at the Ames Lodge.                    Parents and visitors are invited to visit on
                                                    Wednesday evening starting at 5:00 pm.
Diversity Policy                                    Parents may dine with the camper; however,
Camp Shands is dedicated to fostering,              reservations are requested. Visitors wishing to
cultivating and preserving a culture of             eat in the Dining Hall must pay at the Ames
diversity that helps make Camp Shands a great       Lodge. Prices are: $4.00 for breakfast, $5.00
place to work and a valuable member of the
Ready of for another 50 Seasons - Camp Shands
for lunch and $6.00 for dinner. Check in and         responsible for any monetary loss to the
check out is required at the Ames Lodge.             Council.

Dining Hall                                          Bicycle Safety Rules
Meals in the Taylor Dining Hall will be served       Campers, adult leaders, and staff may use
cafeteria style. Scouts will sit with their troop.   bicycles in camp. Please observe the following
We request all Scouts and Scouters to remove         rules:
their hats prior to entering the Dining Hall         1. Always wear a properly fitted helmet.
and upon completion of your meal to clear            2. Ride slowly and cautiously down steep
and wipe off tables, dispose of trash, and               hills and not on the foot trails.
leave the area clean for the next meal.              3. Do not ride between 10pm and 6 am.
                                                     4. The bicycle should be inspected by the
Special Dietary Needs                                    unit leader prior to use. Bicycles are only
We will do our best to meet the special                  permitted on the camp roads, NOT on
dietary needs of Scouts in your Troop. We                trails.
have alternative menu suggestions or will
provide substitutions for those who have             Garbage
special dietary restrictions due to medical or       Each troop is responsible for disposing of their
religious reasons. We have plans to help meet        garbage daily. All odorous materials must be
the needs of those allergic to dairy, gluten, or     stored properly as to not attract wildlife.
A good Scout is responsible and therefore            If you find a leak in the waterline, please
must also monitor what he or she eats to             report it promptly to the Camp Staff for
ensure it is compliant with their normal diet.       timely repair.
We will NOT be able to meet the special
dietary needs of your Scout without advance          Wildlife Safety
notice. Special dietary restrictions must email      Camp Shands is a wildlife sanctuary that has
Carrie Kurtz at carriekurtz@scouting at least        deer, birds, squirrels, alligators, snakes, spiders
two weeks prior to your arrival.                     and more. Most of the time these animals do
                                                     not pose a threat. Just be cautious with all
Quiet Hours                                          wild animals and please do not feed them.
Each Scout must remain in his campsite and           We do not want them to realize that humans
observe quiet hours between 10 pm and 6              mean food. We will then have to remove
am.                                                  them and will not be able to enjoy watching
                                                     them from a distance.
Camp Facilities
The buildings and developed areas provide:           Youth Led Program
troop campsites, commissary, trading post,           We encourage Scouts to choose what classes
showers, chapel, program areas and a                 they would like to participate as a benefit to a
complete waterfront. Campsites are located           youth led program but to our staff, there is a
throughout the wooded areas and provide              difference between a youth who wants to be
platform tents and a latrine with the shower         there versus a youth who does not.
facilities being shared with the neighboring
campsites. Latrines and showers are private
with individual stalls. Any equipment or camp
property damaged by the troop will be
replaced by the troop. The troop is financially
Camp Shands Program                                and have the “patrol leaders represent
                                                   the group” at camp.
One of the best reasons to attend Camp
Shands is the program opportunity for          •   Make patrol camping areas. Your
young and advanced Scouts. We will offer           campsite is your home for the week,
several programs that meet the needs of
your Scouts.                                       so work at making it comfortable by
                                                   bringing “banners and flags” to dress it
Summer camp is not a merit badge mill,
where you pay a fee and get six merit              up.
badges automatically. Instead Camp             •   Don’t forget to schedule rest. That’s
Shands offers merit badges as one portion
of the overall program.                            right. Too often, you don’t take the
                                                   time to sit and enjoy the beauty at
•   The most difficult badges to earn are
                                                   camp around you. Don’t keep such a
    those requiring a great deal of physical
                                                   pace that you miss the trees, the
    skills, coordination and stamina, i.e.:
                                                   nature, and the clean fresh air.
    lifesaving, shotgun, climbing.
                                               •   Be spirited. The troop that comes to
•   Many badges have advance work that
                                                   camp with ideas and spirit and
    could be done at home and not at
                                                   challenges makes the rest of camp
    camp.    Experience shows us that
                                                   come alive. Bring your troop cheer to
    camp is not an ideal classroom for
                                                   camp and show everyone that you’re
    written work and the smart Scout is
                                                   number one.
    one who comes to camp with all the
                                               •   Be flexible! Our courteous staff will do
    written work already done.
                                                   their best to help you but sometimes
•   Boys should try something new at
                                                   things happen.
    camp and get a well-rounded
                                               •   Communicate. If you have a special
    experience. Try a handicraft badge, an
                                                   need or want to do something spectac-
    ecology badge, an aquatic or outdoor
                                                   ular, tell us about it and we’ll give it
    badge combination.
                                                   our best shot.
•   Come to camp prepared. Have patrols
    already organized. Elect patrol leaders
    before camp. Work on ideas as patrols
Aquatics Program

Camp Shands Aquatics Center has two 110-foot slides for Scouts to enjoy during their stay
at summer camp. We will accept any swim test providing the swim test was done by a
BSA or Red Cross Lifeguard (or higher certification). The swim test must be done within
the last 12 months and the aquatics director has the right to test any Scout throughout the
week if he/she does not feel the Scout is safe in the aquatics class.

This session is for Scouts in the non-swimmer and beginner ability groups. The instruction
will work to improve their swimming skills and aimed towards advancing to the next
ability group. The beginners test completes requirement 7 for 2nd Class and the swimmer
test completes requirement 9 for 1st class. Be sure to bring your swimming trunks, towel,
and sunscreen. 1-period class.

The Timucua natives once inhabited this great land before us, Scouts will learn how to
guide their vessels through the calming pools of Lake Osborn. In order to conquer your
vast journey Scouts must pass a BSA beginners swim test and be sure to bring swimming
trunks, towel and sunscreen. 1-period class.

This session is for Scouts who want a relaxing period to enjoy the coolness of the water.
Scouts have the option to sign up for a free swim at the Aquatics Center including use of
the slides OR a free period to have fun at the lake including use of the boats. Be sure to
bring your swimming trunks, towel and sunscreen. 1-period class.

This merit badge will introduce you to recreational kayaking and help prepare you for
advanced paddle sports such as sea and whitewater kayaking. This is a great way to
prepare for more adventurous paddling trips. This class also includes Scouts earning the
Stand Up Paddleboarding award! Scouts will be able to learn the basic skills of paddle-
boarding as well as use skills that they learned in kayaking. Scouts must pass a BSA
swimmers test and be sure to bring your swimming trunks, towel and sunscreen.
Recommended age is 12 and older. 1-period class.

This is a rigorous program which will certify Scouts or adults to become a lifeguard.
Participants are require to spend all their time in the aquatics area. Physical strength and
stamina is a must. Scouts must be at least 15 years old and strong swimmers to participate
in this program. Scouts will spend the morning hours in the water working on water
rescues and in the afternoon will be given instruction on CPR for the Professional
Rescuer certification course. Scouts will be expected to pass a written test for both
lifeguard and CPR PR. The BSA Lifeguard Instructor will provide all Scouts an
opportunity to sign up to assist guarding at open swims during special programs and
evening swims. Participants must pass a BSA swimmers test and be sure to bring your
swimming trunks, towel, and sunscreen. Required age is 15 and older. Fee $75 (includes
Lifeguard Manual, CPR-PR, patch). All day class.

This badge is required for Eagle (as one of the alternates). It is a challenging merit badge
that requires physical strength and stamina. Bring long pants, long sleeve button down
shirt and shoes that can get wet. It is recommended to have completed Swimming merit
badge. Be sure to bring your swimming trunks, towel, and sunscreen. Recommended age
is 13 and older. 1-period class.

In this class your Scouts will learn this unique skill that can turn into a hobby, or even a
competitive sport. Come row with the Camp Shands Crew! Be sure to bring your
swimming trunks, towel, and sunscreen. 1-period class.

Have your Scouts climb aboard! Your small sailors will learn the necessary skills to
command sailing vessels including knots and rigging. This badge is not for land lubbers!
Its big fun in small boats. Be sure to bring your swimming trunks, towel, and sunscreen.
Recommended age is 12 and older. 2-period class.

Did your Scouts have a fantastic time in small boat sailing? This two-period class is
designed for those Scouts that LOVE sailing, this will be a class where Scouts will learn
how to develop their sailing skills even more by sailing bigger boats in amazing winds
that come off of Lake Osborn. Be sure to bring your swimming trunks, towels, and
sunscreen. Recommended age is 13 and older. 2-period class.
Do your Scouts love wildlife and water? This is the class for them! Our snorkeling class
will teach Scouts the fundamentals of snorkeling in our beautiful Lake Osborn. On
Friday, Scouts will head to the local springs to utilize the techniques which were taught
during the week! This will be a day trip and Scouts will miss other classes. Scouts must
pass a BSA swimming test and adults are encouraged to take the class too. Be sure to
bring swimming trunks, towel, and sunscreen. Recommended age is 14 and older. Fee
$35 (includes day trip and snorkel kit). 1-period class.

This life skill is the gateway to many hobbies and experiences. Learn to swim at the
beautiful aquatics center to become the next Olympic swimmer. This is a good entry
level merit badge and is required for Eagle. It is strongly suggested that Scouts take this
before other aquatics merit badges. Scouts must pass a BSA swimming test. Be sure to
bring your swimming trunks, towel, and sunscreen. 1-period class.

COPE & Climbing Program
Camp Shands has the tallest climbing tower in the Southeast region. Scouts will have the
opportunity to climb this massive wall and rappel.

The Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience, or C.O.P.E., program is
a week-long high adventure activity for older Scouts which teaches ad-
vanced teambuilding and problem solving skills. Scouts will learn to
work as a group and function as a team to meet a series of high and
low COPE elements. Camp Shands has one of the finest high ropes
courses of any Boy Scout Camp. The goals of project COPE are to build
leadership, self-esteem, decision-making, trust, and teamwork. This is
accomplished by progressing, as a group, through a series of increasingly physical and
mentally challenging exercises that require cooperation and teamwork to complete.
Recommended age is 14 and       older. Fee $25. 3-period class.

Scouts will learn the skills of climbing, rappelling, and belaying. They will have many
opportunities to practice these throughout the week on our 60-foot climbing tower.
Recommended age is 13 and older. Fee $25. 2-period class.
Ecology Program
We have a scenic ecology program which is strategically placed within
camp. The Nature Center encompasses a variety of ecological programs
including Eagle-required merit badges. Join us on night hikes, observing
various critters being fed, and star gazing.

Do you ever wonder how space looks at night without the city lights? Well this is the
class for you! Our astronomy merit badge will show you the most commons stars which
are seen from earth! Scouts will have an opportunity for an evening of star gazing too.
1-period class.

This badge is required for Eagle and is a two-period session. It requires daily hikes, field
notes, and experiments. Younger Scouts are discouraged from taking this badge as there
is a great deal of writing. Scouts will need to bring a notebook. Recommended age is 14
and older. 2-period class.

You get a line, I’ll get a pole, we’ll go down to the fishing hole and earn ourselves the
fishing merit badge! In this class Scouts will learn how to use a regular spin cast as well as
a fly rod and reel. In order to complete this merit badge Scouts must catch a fish. At
Camp Shands we are a catch and release site. 1-period class.

Scouts will learn to conserve and manage the world’s natural resources. Scouts taking
these merit badges will learn about the importance water plays in our environment. They
will also do an in-depth study on the conservation of soil and how soil plays an
important role in environmental protection. There is some written material for this
badge and a conservation project will be completed. 1-period class.

Nature is an excellent introductory merit badge to the nature area. It requires some
hiking and observation as Scouts learn about the natural beauty of Camp Shands. Scouts
will also learn about the mammals and their behaviors and actions. 1-period.

Ready to learn about how the smallest particles known to man have had the greatest
impact on us today? Find out what makes the world tick in this explosive Merit Badge.
1-period class.
Ever wonder why the ocean is blue? Or how the waves get really big? Well then this is
the merit badge you would love to conquer! Scouts will learn about the power of the
ocean and natural bodies of water. 1-period.

                          Like things that are scaly and cold blooded and I don’t mean
                          your mean old elementary school teacher, I’m talking about
                          Reptiles and Amphibians! In this class Scouts will have hands on
                          fun with some of Florida’s coolest creatures and learn all about
                          their habitats they live in. Be sure to look at the pre-requisite
                          which revolves caring for a reptile for a short while. 1-period.

Green Bar Bill Program
Green Bar Bill is designed for first year Scouts to be able to get
the basics of Scouting during their time at summer camp. Camp
Shands offers three exciting programs for Scouts. Our most
popular program is Trailblazers and has been completely
redesigned to meet the Scouting requirements. GBB is made for
a customized experience for Scouts to pick and choose which
rank they wish to go for.

The Trailblazer program is a two-period program designed primarily for Scouts who are
new to Scouting and are coming to camp for the first time. The purpose behind the
program is to give new Scouts a jump start by teaching them the basic outdoor skills
needed throughout their Scouting career. Such skills include camping, fire building, wood
tools, knots, lashings, first aid, map and compass, and nature study. Each Scout will
receive credit for the rank advancement requirements that he completes at camp. How
much each Scout completes is up to him, and it is very possible that different Scouts will
complete different requirements and some may complete more than others. The
Trailblazer program focuses on working on the requirements leading up to Tenderfoot
rank. Scouts will be put into patrols where they can learn things as a patrol in a small-
group setting.

Rank Advancements
Scout: 1, 3, 4, 5
Tenderfoot: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6a, 7, 8
Designed for more seasoned Scouts who are striving to earn the Second Class rank.
This 2-period class will further develop a Scout's skill in the outdoors and first aid while
continuing to follow the Ideals of Scouting. An inspirational 5-mile hike through Camp
Shands own Levy's Prairie. One of the most beautiful places on Earth, Levy' Prairie will
leave Scouts (and adults too) wanting to go back (after a break of course). Adults are also
encouraged to join on the hike to enjoy the scenery Camp Shands has to offer. Thursday
morning shortly after the class begins Scouts will head out wearing suitable hiking shoes
and with water bottles in hand, ready to embark on their journey.

Rank Advancement
Second Class: 2a-2d, 2f, 2g, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

The highest rank in Lord Baden Powell's original scouting program, First Class is the peak
in the opportunity to valuable knowledge of the outdoors, pioneering, and first aid,
while ever continuing to follow the ideals of scouting. This class will challenge the
teachings of previous ranks while also expanding those same lessons. As an outdoorsman
one must learn the skills of a pioneer, using ones hands to build a structure using just
rope and lumber. Scouts will have the opportunity to really test their knowledge with
lashing projects from what they have learned during the week.

Rank advancement
First Class: 1b, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9

Handicraft Program
Camp Shands offers a variety of Scoutcraft merit badges, activities, new skills, and just
having fun.

This fun merit badge session teaches Scouts to explore their creative side. They will paint,
draw, and imagine in a variety of media as they learn about two-dimensional art. Have
you ever wondered how cops catch the bad guys with just a fingerprint? Then you are in
luck! 1-period.

Scouts will learn to make a useful leather item using the same types of raw materials that
our ancestors used. This is another good badge for young Scouts. $Fee 22 (includes
leather kit). 1-period.
Become a true craftsman by learning to work the metal like a blacksmith! We have
quality instructors. Scouts must wear wear the following in class: crew socks (versus ankle
socks), shirts and pants should be of natural material (no synthetics) such as cotton, or a
blend of 80% cotton or more and long pants (jeans are acceptable). A permission slip is
required. Recommended age is 13 and older. Fee $20 (includes all materials). 2-period.

In this merit badge, Scouts will learn how to create different types of pottery pieces using
a pottery wheel and a kiln. Scouts will get to create a memorable piece that will launch
them into a long-term hobby. Fee $10 (includes all materials). 1-period.

Great for first year Scouts! Whether it’s carving an elaborate piece or just
whittling around a campfire. Scouts will always be using the skills they
learn. Scouts must have earned and bring their Totin’ Chip card. Fee
$25 (includes wood carving kit and pocketknife). 1-period.

Are you good with your hands? Looking for something that you can call your own? Then
Wood Working is the Merit Badge for you! In this class you will have the opportunity to
make your very own wood projects and learn the skills of the craft. Scouts must have
earned and bring their Totin’ Chip card. 2-Period.

Ready for lift off? Scouts should prepare themselves for an epic journey through the
cosmos*. Scouts will design, construct, launch, and recover a model rocket. One small
step for Scouts, one giant leap for Scouting! *Due to time constraints and costs we will
not actually leave the planet. Fee $15 (includes rocket kit). 1-period.

Media, High Tech & Trail to Eagle Program
This program is located in the Meninak building which is the only program area to have
a constant flow of air conditioning. The classes are engineered to enhance the minds of
Scouts in the fields of technology and for those who are continuing the path of Eagle.

Scouts will learn the classic game of chess. Going beyond the basics, they will learn
different moves and tactics used in the game. A great way to start your career to
becoming a Chess International Grandmaster! Fee $10 (includes complete chess set).
Are your Scouts active in the community? This is the perfect opportunity for them to
make their service in the community count towards an Eagle require merit badge.
Requirements 3 and 7 will not be done at camp, if the Scout completes prior to camp we
must have written approval by the Scoutmaster. This merit badge has extensive outside
classwork. Recommended age is 13 and older. 1-period.

Scouts will learn about the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and about the unique history
that formed our great nation. This is an Eagle required badge and does require extensive
outside classwork. Recommended age is 13 and older. 1-period.

This is an Eagle required merit badge. Scouts will learn about diplomacy, international
trade, and foreign relations. This class does require extensive outside classwork.
Recommended age is 13 and older. 1-period.

This is an Eagle required merit badge. Scouts will learn basic communication skills needed
in today’s society. The camp will not complete requirements 5 and 8. Recommended age
is 13 and older. 1-period.

We live in a world of digital technology from the internet to computers to cell phone
apps. Scouts will learn all about how these things work and operate. Scouts will need to
complete the Cyber Chip (BSA online safety) before camp. Visit
cyberchip.aspx for more details. 1-period.

Scouts will learn about creating a chore list and the importance of following this list and
they will develop a family project too. Requirements 3, 5, and 6 will not be completed
at camp. This merit badge is an Eagle required badge and will only be offered during the
Trail to Eagle week. 1-period.

If your Scout loves movies and behind the scenes action of movies, then this is the merit
badge for him. This class offers the Scout to have fun and be able to get a great visit of
every area of camp! 1-period.
This class will teach the Scout how to set monetary goals and manage their money.
Requirements 2 and 8 will not be completed at camp. This merit badge is an Eagle re-
quired badge and will only be offered during the Trail to Eagle week. 1-period.

Scouts will dive into the amazing world of robotics where they can develop their skills in
the field of technology. Scouts will have the opportunity to showcase their skills at the
Robotics Showdown at the end of the week. Fee $20 (includes kit). 1-period.

Like to create art from the computer? Then Graphic Arts could be your calling, scouts will
learn techniques and skills that will test their computer skills and artistic talents. 1-Period.

What’s something that you can shoot but doesn't get shot? A photograph! In this class
Scouts will learn the art of Photography with the chance to be featured in the Camp’s
media outlets! 1-period.

Is your scout always trying to sell you in getting them the newest and coolest toy or
device? If so, maybe they should give this MB a try, Scouts will learn basic skills to
making and closing a sell, taught by our very own Trading Post Team! 1-period.


Camp Shands has a week dedicated to helping Scouts on their Trail to Eagle. We will be
offering 14 Eagle required merit badges including Family Life and Personal Management.
Scouts may sign up for a session during special programs to discuss a plan to continue the
path of Eagle. By the end of the session the Scout will be given a written outline of their
individual path.

Eagle Project Seminar
Does your Scout need help deciding what to do for his Eagle Project? Where do you
start? What is the Eagle Board looking for from a project? Find the answers to these
questions and many more at this year’s Eagle Project Seminar. We will have a member of
the North Florida Council advancement committee to help give you insight on what they
are looking for and they will cover the Eagle Project Workbook. You don’t have to go
into this alone. Let us help guide you on your Trail to Eagle!

Outdoor Skills Program
            Scouting is centered around the outdoors. Scouts will learn how
            to enhance their basic skills from knot tying to lashing to prepare
            meals in the outdoors. Scouts will have the opportunity to earn
            their Totin Chip and Firem’n Chit card too!

Scouts will be taught the basic skills of both front and backcountry camping and the
importance of Leave No Trace. Scouts are welcome to bring some of their own gear, but
it is not required. Requirements 4b, 5e, 7, 8d, and 9 will not be done at camp.
Requirement 9b6 (rappelling the climbing tower) will be done during one of the dinner
meals of which Scouts will be provided pizza for dinner. Fee $5 (includes pizza dinner).

Scouts will be introduced to the principles of cooking which can be used at home or in
the outdoors. Scouts will learn about food safety, nutritional guidelines, meal planning,
methods of food preparation, and will review the variety of culinary careers available.
This is an Eagle required merit badge and requirements 4 and 6 will not be completed at
camp. 2-period.

Scouts will be learn how to recognize, prevent, prepare, and respond to a wide variety
of emergency situations. They will need to bring pen and paper with them to class.
Scouts are required to have completed First Aid merit badge. This is an Eagle require
merit badge and requirements 1, 2c, and 8b will not be completed at camp.
Recommended age is 12 and older. 1-period.

Scouts will learn what to do when a medical emergency strikes. They should come with
pen and paper so they can take notes about skills such as splints, bandages, and CPR.
Scouts should come with a serious attitude because the skills they learn here might save
someone’s life. This is an Eagle required merit badge and requirements 1 and 2 will not
be completed at camp. 1-period.

Scouts will learn basic orienteering skills which can help other Scouts during troop
campouts and hikes. Geocaching is a modern form of treasure hunting. They will be using
GPS units to hide and find hidden caches around camp. The Orienteering merit badge
requirements 8, 9, and 10 will not be completed at camp. 1-period.

BRAND NEW for 2018 in this program Scouts will endure the lifestyle of the early Florid-
ian through doing so they will learn how to clear trails, advance their skills in the woods
and become self-reliant. This opportunity will allow Scouts to earn the Wilderness Surviv-
al merit badge and the Paul Bunyan Woodsman. Recommend First Class rank or above.
Fee $10. 3-period.

                       Learn the rustic construction techniques used by the pioneers of
                       old. Scouts will learn a wide variety of knots, lashings, and splices.
                       They will then use these skills to make camp gadgets like a bridge.
                       They will be amazed by the awesome power of rope! Scouts must
                       have completed requirements 2a (Tenderfoot requirements) prior
                       to taking merit badge as these requirements will not be completed
                       during class. Recommended age is 13 and older. 2-period.

This is a demanding program designed to prepare you for the basics in any search and
rescue scenario. Scouts will learn techniques which will help in performing different drills
and searches. Skills include Incident Command System 100, UTM navigation,
topographical maps, compass navigation, GPS, survival techniques for searchers, CPR and
basic first aid. The skills learned here will help you determine which area of search and
rescue is of most interest to you and assist you in identifying agencies to further your
training. Recommended age is 13 and older. 1-period.

What would you do if you were lost and stranded in the woods or on a deserted island?
Learn the skills of self-reliance and how to build shelters and start fires from nothing. This
badge requires an overnight camping trip. Scouts are required to create and bring a
personal survival kit. Recommended age is 13 years old and older. 1-period.
Shooting Sports
Recognized as one of the finest shooting sports facilities and programs in the nation, the
North Florida Shooting Sports Academy offers Scouts the opportunity to begin their
shooting sports experience at the basic merit badge level and continuing on to master
increasing tests of proficiency through the advanced courses.

The “3-gun airsoft experience” introduced at summer camp 2016 is open to all Scouts
and leaders. Shooters aim at fixed targets, three guns-rifle, shotgun, and pistol. This is a
timed event, each gun is shot until all targets are engaged.

Archery is a fun way for Scouts to exercise minds as well as bodies, developing a steady
hand, a good eye, and a disciplined mind. This class can provide a thorough introduction
to those who are new to the bow and arrow - but even for the experienced archer,
earning the badge can help to increase the understanding and appreciation of
archery. No partials will be given. 2-period.

For Scouts who have a love for Archery, we take it a step further with fine tuning the
skills that the Scouts have learned in Archery by providing one on one instruction to each
student. Scouts must have completed Archery merit badge. Fee $20. 1-period.

Scouts will receive instruction in safety and learn to become proficient in
their shooting knowledge, skills, and ability. This class is taught with
Olympic-quality rifles. Fee $20 (unlimited ammo). 2-period.

Scouts will have the opportunity to become more proficient in their shooting knowledge,
sills, and ability. All shooters are individually coached by NRA/USA Shooting Sports
Coaches certified in their discipline. Scouts must have completed Rifle merit badge. Fee
$40 (unlimited ammo). 2-period.

Ever wanted to learn how to use a handgun? Camp Shands is one of only ten shooting
sports programs in the nation which offers Basic Pistol Marksmanship classes. Scouts will
become proficient in their shooting knowledge, skills, and ability. Required age is 14, or
older, or completed 8th grade. Permission slip required. Fee $25 (unlimited ammo).
Scouts will have the opportunity to use quality shotgun’s to learn proper stance, safety,
and proficiency in shooting. Scouts will be required to be able to hold a shotgun proper-
ly as deemed by the Shooting Sports director. No partials will be given. Recommended
age is 12 and older. Fee $35 (unlimited ammo). 2-period.

Scouts who have already attained the merit badge may continue their path in shooting
where Scouts become more proficient in their shooting knowledge, skills, and ability. All
shooters are individually coached by NRA/USA Shooting Sports Coaches certified in their
discipline. This class runs during special programs (period 7). Recommended age is 12 and
older. Fee $100. 1-period.

SHOTGUN SHOOTING CLAYS (in addition to Shotgun II class)
On Friday, shooters have the option to attend a sporting clays field trip where they can
put all their skills to the test. During the trip, scouts will see different types of sporting
clays from several different directions and angles. It is very challenging with a fun
learning experience. Scouts will go off camp and will miss their morning classes. The
North Florida Council shooting sports committee has a limited number of scholarships
available. The camp must have a minimum of two youth in attendance otherwise the trip
will be cancelled and any monies will be refunded. Must have completed Shotgun merit
badge. Permission slip required. Fee $80 (includes admission and ammo).
Camp Shands Adventure Program
Ever wondered what life must have been like back when Florida was just a dense
swamp, full of trees and alligators? Your adventure begins by canoeing across Lake
Loyal then trekking through the prairie and ending back into Camp Davis which is
Baden Powell Scout Reservations very own primitive camp. This is where your real
adventure begins! Scouts will have to set up their sleeping area, cook over an open fire,
forge their own knife and shoot bows and arrows.
During your stay you will have the opportunity to test your skills at Camp Shands
Xtreme Course, build teamwork skills at our top notch COPE course, climb the largest
tower in Florida and end the week with your very own private pool party at the
Aquatics Center.
All participants will receive a special commemorative patch, a PFG Columbia shirt, and
memories of a lifetime.
Advancement Reports
At the end of the week, the camp staff will enter all advancement reports into Tentaroo
system. A printed copy of the report is put in the Unit Checkout Packet, but at any time
in the future the unit leader can log back into Tentaroo to check the advancement

Blue Cards
The majority of councils, including the North
Florida Council, accept Tentaroo reports for merit
badge advancement. If your Council requires Blue
Cards or some other form, please bring these with
you. We do not keep blue cards on hand at
Camp Shands.

Scout Handbook
Camp Shands follows the National standard of not signing off in Scout Handbooks.
Instead we leave this to the Troop leadership to sign. Trailblazers will receive the same
Advancement Report as the merit badge programs, but we highly encourage the Troop
leadership to review the requirements with the individual Scouts to ensure they have
actually learned the necessary skills.

Not every Merit Badge can be completed at camp. If a Scout can bring proof that he
completed the requirements before camp, the merit badge instructor can sign off on the
individual requirements for them. The Advancement Report will list every requirement
completed. There may be times that a merit badge cannot be completed based on
weather and the individual session.
Merit Badge Prerequisites
Merit Badge          Requirements Brief Description
Camping              4b, 5e, 7, 8d, Help a patrol prepare for a campout. Present yourself to
                     9ab            SM. Cook one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner. Camp
                                    20 days/nights. Half of 9b can be completed by rappelling.

Citizenship in the   3, 7          Attend a meeting and choose an issue. Volunteer for an or-
Community                          ganization.

Communication        5, 8          Attend a public meeting. Plan a troop court of honor, inter-
                                   faith, etc.

Cooking              4, 6          Plan, prepare, and discuss family cooking and backpacking,
                                   hiking and cooking.

Emergency      Pre- 1, 2c, 8b      First Aid merit badge. Teach family about emergency plans.
paredness                          Prepare a family emergency kit.

Family Life          3, 5, 6       Prepare chores list for 90 days. Plan and carry out a family
                                   project. Plan and carry out a family meeting.

Fishing              9             The class will have ample opportunity to try and catch a

Orienteering         8, 9, 10      Set up a course. Act as an official during event. Teach
                                   orienteering technique to troop.

Personal Fitness     1b, 8         Dental exam. Log fitness for 12 weeks.

Personal             2, 8          Prepare a budget for 13 weeks. Follow a one week

Pioneering           2a            Tenderfoot and First Class requirements.

Reptile and          8             Learn and care of a reptile.
                                  Monday                  Wednesday     Thursday                                 Saturday
 Welcome to                                   Tuesday                                              Friday
                    Time         Super Hero               Order of the Camp T-Shirt                             Clean Up &
Camp Shands                                 Patriotic Day                                         Luau Day
                                    Day                   Arrow Day       Day                                  Go Home Day

                     7:00         Breakfast (purple wave)                Breakfast (orange wave)
                     7:40                            Assembly @ Taylor Dining Hall
                     7:50         Breakfast (orange wave)                Breakfast (purple wave)
                     8:30                         Leader Briefing @ Dining Hall Porch
                  8:45 - 9:35                               Merit Badge Period 1
                 9:45 - 10:35                               Merit Badge Period 2
                 10:45 - 11:35                              Merit Badge Period 3
                    11:45          Lunch (purple wave)                     Lunch (orange wave)
 Camp Tours         12:40          Lunch (orange wave)                     Lunch (purple wave)
  Swim Test
1:00 pm - 4:00    1:30 - 2:20                               Merit Badge Period 4
                  2:30 - 3:20                               Merit Badge Period 5
 SM & SPL         3:30 - 4:20                               Merit Badge Period 6
Meeting 4:00
    pm               4:30                                     Special Programs

                     5:30          Dinner (purple wave)                    Dinner (orange wave)
(purple wave)

  Assembly           6:20                            Assembly @ Taylor Dining Hall

                     6:35          Dinner (orange wave)                    Dinner (purple wave)
(orange wave)

                     7:00           CPR         Lake Loyal
Scout Vespers        7:30                        Boating       Scout Vespers                     Camp Shands
                                                  Sports       OA Powwow
                     8:00        Pick Your                                  Movie Night
                                                Competition    Family Night
  Campfire                        Program
  8:00 pm
                                                                                Staff Interest    Campfire
                                                                               Cracker Barrel     8:45 pm

Troop Planning      10:00                    Troop Planning / PLC / All Scouts into Campsites
    Taps            11:00                                     Taps / Lights Out
Camp-Wide Activities
Special Programs
Every afternoon after merit badge classes we will have special programs for your Scout to choose from.
Some special programs include: open swimming, mile swim practice, open shooting and learning about
Blacksmithing to creating your own projects.

Campfire Programs
The opening campfire is presented on Sunday night by Camp Shands staff as an introduction and welcome
to the Scouts and leaders of the week. Troops can participate in the closing campfire by performing a skit
or song. They must be screened by the staff before performing. The staff will present awards of the week
during closing campfire.

Movie Night
Movie night has become a favorite among the campers at Camp Shands. On Thursday night beginning at
8 pm, a movie will be shown in the Meninak lodge.

All campers and leaders are encouraged to attend vespers on Sunday and Wednesday night at 7:30 pm.
This non-denominational service is held as a special opportunity for Scouts to observe reverence to God
and a chance to reflect upon themselves.

OA Powwow & Family Night
All Scouts, even if you are not an order of the arrow member, are invited to join in fellowship on
Wednesday at 8:00 pm at the Dance Arbor for an evening of Native American traditional dance. Wear
your sash and be ready to share stories and meet new brothers. Camp Shands and the Echockotee Lodge
will host an informal cracker-barrel social sure to be a hit!

Pick your program
Our Monday evening activity is a Pick Your Program. Some of the activities include: Swimming, Bow &
Arrow shooting, climbing the tallest tower in the Southeast, earning your Firem’n Chit or Totin Chip cards,
rifle shooting or test your skills on our Xtreme Challenge where we guarantee Scouts will have a blast!

Sports Competition
On Tuesday Night we will have our intense battles of troop vs. troop. The top three in each sport will be
able to go home with a special trophy! This will include gaga ball and basketball.

Captain Shands Luau
For our annual Luau we have changed it up and have moved everything to the waterfront. A new
tradition we started is the Scoutmaster vs Staff Paddleless Canoe Race! Come out and cheer on your
favorite team! Who will win this year’s soon-to-be favorite spectacle? Scoutmasters, you’ve been warned…
time to prepare!

Chess Tournament
Come test your skills of logic. Camp Shands will be hosting a chess tournament with the winner to receive
his very own chess set. The chess tournament will start on Tuesday at 4:30 pm going through Friday.

Troop Dinner
Wednesday night troops will have a chance to go out on a night into town for dinner or to prepare and
cook a meal in the heart of your campsite. If the troop chooses to cook in campsite we will provide the
food (you provide pots, pans, Dutch ovens, etc.) and we will provide the menu at the precamp meeting. It
is a great time for Scouts to have their families come enjoy a meal and hear about their experiences.
Just for Leaders
“A Boy Scout deserves a trained leader.” This year we are offering a variety of
opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge as a leader. Some of these will be
done by Camp Shands staff and members of the North Florida Council training team.

✓ Scoutmaster Position-Specific – this course will provide the basic information and tools
  needed to lead a successful Boy Scout troop for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.

✓ Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) – this hands-on course will provide adult
  leaders with the practical outdoor skills they need to lead Scouts in the out of doors. Fee $10.

✓ Safe Swim Defense & Safety Afloat – this course will certify you to conduct year-round
  swimming and boating activities.

✓ Swimming Water Rescue & Paddle Craft Safety – it is designed to expand on Safe Swim
  Defense and Safety Afloat training. The BSA recommends at least one person with the training
  be present whenever a unit swims at a location that does not provide lifeguards. Training is
  valid for 3 years. Participants must be at least 15 years of age. Fee $5 per activity.

✓ Mile Swim – is an award for swimming one mile. The course will be conducted for an hour
  every day. You must attend and complete every practice to do the mile on Friday. On Friday
  the Swimmers will swim the mile down at the waterfront, come cheer your fellow scouts on!
   Open to all ages.

✓ COPE – training course to certify you as a COPE instructor. This is an entire week
  commitment participating in COPE classes throughout the week in addition to completing
  book work. Fee $35.

✓ Archery Level I – In this course you will learn the skills to become a successful archery instruc-
  tor. Fee $45 (includes USAA Archery Level I certification).
You can also read