Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield

Page created by Pamela Frank
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
Parks and
      Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs

Spring ~ Summer 2018
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
                                       Brian P. Sullivan

                                       Westfield City Council
                                       Mary Ann Babinski               Ward 1
                                       Ralph J. Figy                   Ward 2
                                       Andrew K. Surprise              Ward 3
                                       Michael J. Burns                Ward 4
                                       Robert A. Paul Sr.              Ward 5
                                       William Onyski                  Ward 6
STAFF                                  Dan Allie                       At Large
                                       Brent B. BeanII                 At Large
PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT        John J. Bletrandi III           At Large
Scott Hathaway                         Matt Emmershy                   At Large
                                       David A. Flaherty               At Large
  Deputy Superintendant
                                       Cindy C. Harris                 At Large
  scott.hathaway@cityofwestfield.org   Nicholas J. Morganelli Jr       At Large
Jim Blascak
  Program Coordinator                  Parks and Recreation Commission
                                       Kenneth Magarian, Chairperson                      Michael Tirrell
  j.blascak@cityofwestfield.org        Meagan Reinholz                                    Sara Unger
                                       Vincent Olinski                                    Bob Veronesi
Peg Goralczyk                          Douglas Morash
  Head Clerk
  p.goralczyk@cityofwestfield.org      Proud Members of:
                                       National Recreation and Parks Association
Dave Billips                           MA Recreation and Parks Association
  Director of Public Works             Pioneer Valley Recreation & Park Assoc.
                                       National Youth Sports Coaches Association
Fran Cain                              New England Park Association
  Assistant Director of Public Works

                                           Here’s What’s Inside
                                           Parks and Recreation Department.........................................
                                           Parks/Playground ...................................................................
                                           Pre-School Programs...............................................................
                                           Special Events...........................................................................
                                           Spring Programs......................................................................
Westfield Parks and                        Summer Programs...................................................................
                                           Westfield Parks and Recreation Foundation........................
Recreation Department
4 Holcomb Street
Westfield, MA 01085

(413) 572-6263
                                        Stay Connected!
                                        Parks and Recreation Notification
Fax: (413) 572-6264
www.cityofwestfield.org                 Notify Me allows you to subscribe to an unlimited number of
(select departments, select parks/      email lists. Receive email or text message updates regarding the
                                        information you have requested. Check out Notify Me today!
recreation department)
                                        How To Stay Connected:
Office Hours                            Please visit www.cityofwestfield.org
Monday - Friday                         and click on the “Notify Me” link on the home page. From there
8:00am - 3:30pm                         you can select what departments you would like notifications from.
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
Westfield Parks and Recreation                                                                                              1

The Westfield Parks and Recreation Department is               Brochure Distribution
committed to enrich the quality of life through the            The department’s brochure is distributed throughout the
promotion, development, and maintenance of public              Westfield Public Schools and private schools. Mailed to all
recreation and enrichment opportunities, park lands and        past participants and available at the library and Mayor’s
related facilities.                                            Office. The department produces a Spring/Summer and
                                                               Fall/Winter brochure.
Westfield Parks and Recreation Commission
The Westfield Parks and Recreation Commission has              For the Safety of Our Children
monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month.           Participant Dismissal Policy
All meetings are open to the public and are held in Room       Any parent who does not want their child to be allowed to
315 in City Hall at 6:30p.m. Anyone who would like to          leave a program site on their own or with anyone other than
address the Commission needs to be placed on the agenda        their parent, can have their child held at the program site
by calling the Parks and Recreation Department (572-6263)      until they arrive to get them. Program pick-up permission
by the Monday before each meeting.                             slips and information may be obtained at time of registration
The Parks and Recreation Commission is made up of eight        or anytime during the program. Parents are encouraged to
members from the community appointed by the Mayor              be on time when picking up their children.
and approved by the City Council. The purpose of the
Commission is to set policies and advise the City Council      Programs Fill Quickly
on needed parks and recreation programs; oversee the city      The following programs have a maximum participation
recreation programs and park areas; and plan, acquire and      level. The department will not increase the participation
develop recreation facilities, parks and open space areas to   levels once the program is filled. So don’t wait until the last
meet future needs as the city grows                            minute to register for the following programs:
                                                                      Theater Arts – Start Smart – Nature Secrets/
Sincere Appreciation                                             Nature Detectives/Little Picassos – Horseback Riding
The commission would like to thank Westfield Public
Schools for the use of school facilities. The extra time and
energy from secretaries, custodians, teachers and principals
                                                               Volunteers can demonstrate to the community that people
is greatly appreciated.
                                                               really care about the parks and recreation programs by
Program Cancellations                                          wanting to help with the operation and improvements
To receive information such as program cancellations due       of them. Citizens who volunteer can take back into the
to inclement weather, etc. please call the department at 572   community a true picture of the Westfield Parks and
– 6263 then press 7, or visit                                  Recreation Department and can be ambassadors of good
www.leaguelineup.com/wprcancellations                          will. These are some of the reasons why we encourage the
Please be aware that some programs many cancel due to the      services of volunteers whenever possible to supplement, but
fact there are not enough registered to hold the program.      not replace, the services of paid employees.
When this happens, you will be notified and offered either
an opportunity to take another program, receive credit or      Refund Policy
receive a refund. Every effort will be made to notify you      The Westfield Parks and Recreation Department reserves
if a program has been cancelled or changed. Programs are       the right to cancel, postpone, or combine programs. If
subject to change in time, date, location and/or personnel.    insufficient enrollment causes an activity to be cancelled,
                                                               participants will receive a full refund. Please allow 3-4
Photo Policy                                                   weeks for the processing of refunds.
The department reserves the right to photograph/videotape
program participants/spectators for publicity purposes.        To be eligible for a requested refund, the request must be
                                                               received three working days before program has started.
American’s with Disabilities Act                               No refunds/credits will be granted after a program/activity
The Westfield Parks and Recreation                             has met more than two times. Your request will need to
Department complies with the                                   be a letter to the department stating the reason why you
American with Disabilities Act (ADA)                           are requesting a refund along with your name and address.
which prohibits discrimination on the                          There will be an administrative fee of $10.00 per program
basis of disability. The department                            refunded. If you chose to have a credit placed on your
will make reasonable accommodations                            household account, the credit cannot be transferred to a
for individuals with disabilities who                          refund check.
meet essential eligibility requirements.
Contact the department regarding
special accommodations.
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
2                                                     Westfield Parks and Recreation
Our Service Promise
If at any time we do not meet our obligation of providing         Fee Assistance and Scholarships
quality programs and facilities and you feel there is a problem   The Westfield Parks and Recreation Department recognizes
with our service, the Parks and Recreation department will        there are community residents who may suffer from
work with you in one of the following ways to make it right       economic setbacks that might preclude their participation in
with you.                                                         the programs. If such a need exists, please visit our website
                                                                  to print out the forms, or contact the department at 572-6263.
    1. Repeat a program at no additional charge.
    2. Receive a credit good for use towards any program          Give the Gift of Fun and Joy to a Child
       or service fee.                                            Donate to the Youth Scholarship Fund
    3. Receive a prorated refund or credit due to a medical       The Youth Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to
       problem based upon number of classes attended.             children who would not otherwise be able to participate in
    4. Meet with staff to discuss the situation and arrive at     our programs and activities. If you would like to contribute,
       an equitable solution.                                     you may send a check or “ADD UP” on your registration
Help Keep Your Parks Clean
Please place your garbage in proper garbage containers            “Add Up For Easy Giving”
located at each area.                                             A great way to contribute to the Youth Scholarship Fund
                                                                  is to “ADD UP” when you register. Simply round off your
Park Regulations                                                  payment to the next easy denomination and enter this
***No Smoking*** - The City of Westfield has banned               additional amount on the Youth Scholarship Fund donation
        smoking in all Parks & Playgrounds.                       line on your registration form.
Park Hours - Dawn to Dusk
Property Damage - No person shall deface, disfigure, break,       Financial Assistance
        cut, tamper with, displace or remove from any park,       Financial assistance for youth programs fees is available
        park property, either permanent or temporary.             through the Youth Scholarship Fund. The fund will
Dogs - Owner shall remove all waste deposited by his or her       subsidize the program fee for a youth participant. “Youth” is
        animal in all areas of parks.                             considered anyone 17 years old or younger or still a student
Vehicles - Vehicle parking is only allowed in designated          in high school. Financial assistance must be applied for at
        areas. No vehicles are allowed to park on any grass       the time of registration.
        area without permission from the department.
No person shall possess, drink or consume any alcoholic           Eligibility: To register for a program and apply for financial
        beverage or any malt beverage upon any school,            assistance, return a completed registration form and a
        park or playground property of the city.                  completed financial assistance form to the department.
                                                                  Both forms can be obtained at the department’s office or call
Participant Code of Conduct                                       572-6263.
Equal Access - No participants shall on the basis of race, sex,
        creed, national origin or disability, be denied equal     Notice: A $25.00 service fee will be applied to checks with
        access to programs, activities, services or benefits,     insufficient funds.
        or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege,
        advantage, or opportunity.
Behavior - Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate
        behavior at all times. The following guidelines have
        been developed to make recreation department
        programs safe and enjoyable for all participants.
        Additional rules may be developed for particular
        programs and athletic leagues as deemed necessary
        by staff:
Participants shall:
   • Show respect to all participants, volunteers and staff
   • Refrain from using foul language
   • Refrain from causing bodily harm to other
     participants, volunteers and staff
   • Show respect for equipment, supplies and facilities
Discipline - A positive approach will be used. The Westfield
        Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right
        to dismiss a participant. Each situation will be
        evaluated on its own merit.
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
Special Events                                                                                                                  3

18th Annual Big Wheel 500                                            Mother/Daughter Miniature Golf Tournament
Drivers ages 3-6, rev up your                                        Want to be crowned Westfield’s
engines for the annual Big Wheel                                     mother/daughter champions of
500. Each driver must bring                                          Miniature Golf?
their own vehicle (Big Wheel)                                        Or more importantly, spend quality
and helmet. Big Wheel must                                           time with your daughter. Join us
have plastic tires, no rubber                                        for a round of miniature golf in our
tires please. Be prepared for a                                      first annual tournament. Trophy
grueling race around the parking                                     given to winners in each age category.
lot at Westfield High School. All                                    Fee includes round of miniature golf,
participants must arrive by 11:45
                                                                     t-shirt and ice cream.
pm to register. Register early at the parks and recreation office.
Division races begin promptly at 12:00pm. Divisions will be          Date: June 16
determined by the number of participants enrolled. Participants      Time: 11:00am tee times
are able to practice prior to race.                                  Day: Saturday
                                                                     Fee: $35 per team       Age: 4 - 12
Date: June 3			                    Age: 3 - 6
                                                                     Location: Golf Acres, Westfield, Union St.
Time: 12:00pm race time		          Day: Sunday
Fee: $10 per participant, includes t-shirt                           I.D.#: 154840-B
Location: Westfield High School Parking Lot
I.D.#: 453900-A

                                                                     Mayors Easter Egg Hunt
                                                                     Join Mayor Brian Sullivan
Father/Son Miniature Golf Tournament                                 for the 24th Annual
                                                                     Easter Egg Hunt Event,
Want to be crowned Westfield’s father/
                                                                     which will be held on
son champions of Miniature Golf? Or more
                                                                     Saturday, March 31st at
importantly, spend quality time with your
                                                                     South Middle School
son. Join us for a round of miniature golf in
                                                                     grounds. The event will
our second annual tournament. Trophy given
                                                                     be organized into two different age groups this year. The
to winners in each age category. Fee includes
                                                                     1-5 age group will be further
round of miniature golf, t-shirt and ice cream.
                                                                     Date: March 31, no rain date
Date: June 16
                                                                     Day: Saturday Fee: Free
Time: 11:30am tee times
                                                                     Ages: 1 to 5     Time: Line up at 10:30
Day: Saturday
                                                                     Ages: 6 to 10    Time: Line up at 11:30
Fee: $35 per team		               Age: 4 - 12
                                                                     Location: South Middle School field – Use the 2nd Amelia
Location: Golf Acres, Westfield, Union St.
                                                                     Park enterence on South Broad Street.
I.D.#: 154840-A

 Thank you to the following individuals who “Added Up” with their fall/winter program registrations!

 Wade Avery                       John & Lori Bowen             Rob & Maria Aquadro		 Debbie & Ron Gibbons
 Kaitlyn Bruce                    Kristine Cook                 Lisa & Chris Crean		 Bill & Tara Daley
 Cora Daley                       Beth Griffith                 Tom & Maureen Flaherty		 Lauren & Steve Donnelly
 Serena Lichwan                   Melissa Moriarty              Rayanna Nguyen		 Jennifer & Rob Levesque
 Dan & Irene Provost              Erik & Sue Pedersen           Cara & Mike Paquette		 Rovithis Realty, LLC
 Amanda Roy                       Sarah Scott                   Krystalee Ryan-Krieg		 Jeff & Kim Sarat
 Jessica Stanwood                 Daniele Sturmer               Megan Sweet		 Jim & Rosemary Sicard
 Ralph & Rose Thesher
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
4                                                                                                    Park News
    • Municipal, Chapman & Sadie Knox Playground - Spray Pad and Park Rules
    • Municipal Playground is located on Greylock Street which is off Franklin Street. Please use the parking lot
      which is located on Greylock Street. Chapman Playground is located on St. Paul Street. Please use parking lot
      located on Fowler Street. Sadie Knox Playground is located on Prospect Street.
    • Spray Pad Hours: 10:30a.m. – 8:00p.m. Monday – Sunday             June – September
    • Water will be turned off if: 1) outside temperature is below 68 F or less or 2) inclement weather.
    • Activate water by placing hand over and touch the top of green bollards (posts).
    • Water is not re-circulated.
    • Spray pad surface may be slippery when wet, use caution – footwear is strongly recommended.
    • Children 12 years and under must be accompanied by an adult. Swim diapers are required for children under
      four years of age.
    • Do not swing, hang, pull, climb on or throw objects at spray equipment.
    • Not responsible for lost or stolen items.
    • No skateboarding, roller blading, bicycling, scooters, pets, water balloons, beach balls, etc. are allowed in and
      around spray pad and pavilion area.
    • Security Notice – Park is protected by video surveillance.
    • No grilling, outdoor cooking, glass containers or breakable objects allowed in the park.
    • Restrooms are open to park users and are open only when a supervisor is present.
    • Spray pad or pavilion can not be reserved for parties or groups.
    • All participants must conduct themselves in a courteous and safe manner. City of Westfield reserves the right
      to remove parties from the pad or park that are not in compliance with spray pad or park rules.
    • No food or beverages allowed in or on the spray pad area.
    • Please clear or exit the area when conditions for thunder or lightening are possible.
    • Municipal & Chapman Playground is open dawn to dusk. When basketball, tennis or horseshoe lights are on
      the parks are open to 11:00p.m.
    • Please report vandalism or park damage to Westfield Parks and Recreation Department at 572-6263; for
      emergency contact the Westfield Police.
    • The City of Westfield or its agents assumes no liability for injuries sustained in the use of these facilities.
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
Spring Programs                                                                                                             5

Bootcamp with Dacia                                             Boys T-Ball
This is a 6-week training course designed to inspire,           T-Ball is an instructional
motivate, and enhance physical activity and strength            baseball program for boys 4-5
through outdoor workouts that will include stretching,          years of age. A batting tee is
running drills, bodyweight exercises, and some weighted         used instead of a pitcher and
exercises. Workouts may include jogging or running,             designed to accommodate
pushups, sit-ups, squats, jumping jacks, lunges, etc. Every     each child according to their
exercise can be modified for your fitness level! All you need   skill level. Participants must
is a mat and water. You will leave here feeling confident       provide their own glove. A
and you will be stronger than yesterday!                        T-ball will be used. Teams
I believe in creating and maintaining healthy fitness and       will be formed prior to the
nutritional habits. I share my knowledge with others            first session. If your child
through what I have learned in life experiences with military   needs to be placed with a
training, CrossFit, obstacle course racing, gymnastics, and     certain individual for car
continuing education courses. My goal is to help others         pooling please place individuals name on your registration
through encouragement and motivation.                           form indicating such.
Date:    Session A April 5 – May 17                             Date: April 23 – June 4 (No meeting May 28th)
I.D.#:   Session A 411600-A                                     Age: Session A 4-5 yr old
         Session B June 7 – July 12 				                        Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm		         Day: Mondays
         Session B 111150-A                                     Fee: $45 			Max: 48 per session
Age: 18 and up                                                  Location: South Middle School Field
Fee: $69.00			 Day: Thursday                                    Instructor: Volunteer Coaches, staff member on site
Time: 5:30 – 6:30pm 		            Max: 20
                                                                I.D.#: 411650-A
Location: Half Mile Falls Park (Located between the two
green bridges, on the north side of the river)			               Date: April 25 – May 30
Instructor: Dacia Lucas - Certified ACE Group Exercise          Age: Session B 4 - 5 yr old     Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
Fitness Instructor, "Bootcamp" and "Spark" instructor           Day: Wednesdays		 Fee: $45
at Expert Fitness, CPR/AED Certification, Crossfitter,          Max: 48 per session
Gymnast, Military PT enthusiast.                                Location: South Middle School Field
                                                                Instructor: Volunteer Coaches, staff member on site
                                                                I.D.#: 411650-B
Start Smart
When is a child old enough to play
sports? In this sport crazed world,                             Girls T-Softball
that is a question with many answers.                           T-Ball is an instructional softball program for girls 4-5
Start Smart is a proven instructional                           years of age. A batting tee is used instead of a pitcher and
program that prepares children                                  designed to accommodate each child according to their skill
for the world of organized sports                               level. Participants must provide their own glove. An 11
without the threat of competition                               inch softball will be used. Teams will be formed prior to the
or the fear of getting hurt. Parents/
                                                                first session. If your child needs to be placed with a certain
guardians work together with your
                                                                individual for car pooling please place individuals name on
own children in a supportive environment to learn all
                                                                your registration form indicating such.
the basic skills. Start Smart was developed by top motor
development specialists in the field of youth sports. Parents   Date: April 24 – May 29           Age: 4-5 yr olds
and child groups perform motor skill tasks that gradually       Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm		           Day: Tuesday
build confidence while having FUN at the same time.             Fee: $45		       		Max: 48
Different aspects of throwing, catching and hitting different   Location: South Middle School Field
size balls will be introduced along with golf. Games will be    I.D.#: 411700-A
played in kickball and t-ball. Fee includes all equipment.      Instructor: Volunteer Coaches, staff member on site
Participant will receive t-shirt on first day of program.
This program requires total parent/guardian involvement.
Date: April 28 – June 9 (no program May 26)
                                                                                    COACHES MEETING
                                                                                      Tuesday, April 3
Age: 3 - 4 			                  Fee: $35
                                                                                  Boys and Girls T-Ball
Day: Saturday			                Time: Session A
                                                                           7:00pm - 8:00pm., City Hall, Room 315
9:00am - 9:45am			              Max: 25 - 30
Location: South Middle School Field		                              Mandatory for all adults who will be a volunteer coach
I.D.#: Session A 413650-A		                                               or an assistant coach programs listed.
Instructor: TBA
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
6                                                                                           Spring Programs
Adult Softball Leagues                                               Spring Vacation Horseback Riding
Form your own team and join our league. Team is                      A.J. Stables located 1040 East
responsible for providing own team shirts and sponsor.               Mountain Road in Westfield,
Date: April – September		        Ages: 18 and older                  has acres of beautiful pasture
Location: Whitney Playground                                         and trails.      Programs have
Time: Varies on game day         Days: Men’s M/T/W                   been created for your child to
Division, Women’s Thursday, Men’s Friday                             enjoy a bit of the country in the
Fee: $350-450 per team depending on division. (Teams will            city. Spend a day on the farm
also be responsible for umpire and scorekeeper fees each             experiencing how to care for and
game)                                                                ride a horse. Each day you child
I.D.#: Men’s M/T/W 412401A		             Fee: $450                   will receive a riding lesson and
         Men’s Friday 412401B		          Fee: $350                   learn about feeding, grooming,
         Women’s Thursday 412402A        Fee: $350                   and maintenance associated
                                                                     with horses. Participants will
                                                                     experience brushing, tacking,
Piece of My Art Pet Portraits                                        cleaning, walking etc. All
This is a one session painting treated as                            lessons are conducted by a
a “Paint and Sip for Kids”. The studio                               Massachusetts Licensed Riding Instructor. All programs
provides all painting materials, a light                             take place at A. J. Stables. You must register your child(ren)
snack and bottled water, although                                    through the parks and recreation office using a program
students are encouraged to bring their                               registration form. When dropping off children please drive
own snacks/lunch especially if they                                  to the back of the property. PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY.
have special dietary needs. Students                                 Program Guidelines
will text a few photos of their chosen pet
to instructor Jen preferably two weeks                               • No sandals or open toed shoes
prior to class. A sketch of their pet will                           • Provide backpack for personal items
be ready to paint for each student on a 16” x 20” canvas when        • Wear long pants for riding horses
they arrive at the studio. They will be guided while they            • Bring rain coat on rainy days
paint their particular pet, learning some neat tricks to bring       • No canvass sneakers
their pet to life on the canvas. This is a really fun class that’s
completely personalized for each student. Thee will be time          • Program held rain or shine
for break in the comfy air conditioned studio, so come and           • Bring snack/drinks-will set aside time
paint an heirloom of your favorite pet!! Choose from one of          • Apply sunscreen and bug spray before arriving
4 sessions in Spring and Summer.                                     • Participants will get dirty so please wear appropriate
Date:   Session A April 18 My Pet Wednesday                            clothing. Department will provide riding helmets on a
        Session B April 19 My Pet Thursday                             loan basis for each riding session.
Ages: 9 and up Time: 12:00 - 3:00pm Fee: $55 each                    • Parents/Guardians are requested to leave the farm after
Max: 12 (text or email photo 2 weeks prior to class)                   they drop their child(ren) off and not linger around the
Instructor: Jennifer Dorgan 		                                         farm. Pictures can be taken on Thursday of each session.
Location: Piece of My Art studio, 16 Union Ave 2nd Flr
I.D.#: Session A 121600-A
        Session B 121600-B

Vacation Week Horseback Riding
Spend a morning on the farm experiencing feeding, groom-
ing and maintenance associated with horses and ponies.                   NOTE FOR CHILDREN’S SPORTS PROGRAMS
Participants will experience the brushing, tacking, saddling
                                                                         Our sports programs for children under the age
and cleaning of horses. Will include a riding lesson each day.
**Dress appropriate for weather!                                         of 6 years are non-competitive and emphasize the
                                                                         “FUN”damentals of the sport. Participants will
Date: April 16-19 		               I.D.#: 411550A                        be taught the basic skills of the sport, however,
Age: 6 – 14			                     Time: 9:00am - 12noon                 other games may be played during the program
Day: M-TH			                       Fee: $120 per child                   to further develop the motor skills needed to
Max: 25
                                                                         play the sport. When playing, scores will not be
Friday & Saturday Horseback Riding                                       recorded, but rather the importance of teamwork,
Date: April 20 & 21          I.D.#: 411550-B                             fun, and physical fitness will be stressed.
Age: 6 – 14			               Time: 9:00am - 12noon
Day: Friday & Saturday       Fee: $65 per child
Max: 25
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
Spring Programs                                                                                                        7

Youth Tennis Lessons                                         Spring Field Hockey Clinic
No matter what level, you will                               Dust off the cobwebs from your
enjoy a great opportunity to                                 stick, or come give a new sport a
improve your skills. Instructor                              try! All ages and experience are
provides a balance of instruction                            welcome! Experienced players are
and practice. Emphasis will be on                            encouraged to bring a non field
proper grip, stance, swing, serve                            hockey friend!
and ball placement as well as                                Please bring water, goggles, stick,
hitting with control for depth and                           shin guards and mouth guard.
power. Please bring own tennis                               Sticks are available for players who
racket, water and wear appropriate                           do not own one.
clothing and footwear
                                                             Dates: April 28 Rain date May 5
Date: April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, & 12		                     Grades: 1 - 8
Day: Saturday			                   Fee: $60                  Day: Saturday
Location: Municipal Playground                               Time: 9:30am – noon 		           Fee: FREE
Instructor: TBD 		                Max: 10                    Location: Boardman Athletic Field
Age: 4-6			                                                  Instructor: Jenn Oakland – Westfield Warriors coach
Time: 12:00pm -12:45pm            I.D.#: 413500-A			         177 Montgomery Road (Behind WHS)
Age: 7-9                                                     Pre-registration is not required but helpful!
Time: 1:00pm-1:45pm		             I.D.#: 413500-B		          Registration is simple: please email your child’s name,
Age: 10-14                                                   grade and your phone number to Jenn Oakland at
Time: 2:00pm-3:00 pm		            I.D.#: 413500-C            westfieldwarriorsfieldhockey@gmail.com

Adult Tennis                                                 Women’s License to Carry Course
No matter what level, you will enjoy a great opportunity     Ladies, do you want to get your Firearms License? Westfield
to improve your skills. Instructor provides a balance of     Parks & Recreation Dept. has team up with Guns Inc. to
instruction and practice. Each session will focus on a new   get you certified. This course will certify you to apply for
skill, building towards Mixed Doubles and Doubles Match      your Class A LTC or FID Card through your local police
play. Please bring own tennis racket, water and wear         department. This course covers the safe handling and
appropriate clothing and footwear                            operation of many types of modern firearms. Students are
Date: May 23, 30, June 6, 13, 20 & 27                        given the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills,
Day: Wednesdays		                 Fee: $60                   and attitude necessary for the safe handling, operation, and
Location: Municipal Playground                               storage of firearms and ammunition in the home, and proper
Instructor: TBD                                              transportation of firearms outside the home.
Max: 10				Age: 18 & Up		                                    Date: May 20 (Live fire session TBD) Age: 18 & up
Time: 6:00pm -7:15pm		            I.D.#: 413500-D            Day: Sunday
                                                             Fee: $75 		              Time: 9:30am - 1:00pm
Spring Pee Wee Soccer                                        Location: Guns Inc. 738 Main Street, West Springfield
                                                             I.D.#: 442600-A 		       Max: 20
The first half of camp will focus on
the introduction to the game of soccer.
Basic skills will be taught through
the enjoyment of games led by our
Directors of Coaching and our Senior
Coaches. Mini campers will then enjoy
game play versus other mini campers                             Are You Connected?
during the second half of camp. Our
spring session is run in conjunction                            Parks and Recreation
with Westfield FC’s Mini-Camp.                                  Notification
Date: April 6 - May 18 (No clinic April 20)		                   Please visit www.cityofwestfield.org
Grade: K-2		            Age: 5 – 8       Day: Friday            and click on the “Notify Me” link on
Fee: $50 per child 		                                           the home page. From there you can select what
Time: 5:30pm - 6:45pm                                           departments you would like notifications from.
Location: Woronoco Soccer Fields – North Rd.
I.D.#: 411850-A 				Max: 30
Spring Summer 2018 - Parks and Recreation Department Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs - City of Westfield
The Westfield Athenaeum                                    PRESENTS

 The 2nd
            June 23rd starting @ 10am!

 Events that are fun for the whole family:
    Opening with Tincknell & Bates @ 10am
    Performance by the WHS & WTA Band directed
     by Patrick Kennedy @ 11:30am
    Home Depot Crafts
                                      PLUS MORE GAMES, MUSIC,
    Read to Rover                   AND CRAFTS FOR EVERYONE!
    Face Painting

         Sponsored by the Friends of The Westfield Athenaeum
                           Logo by Emily Colby
      for the latest updates
      for the latest updates
      for the latest updates
      for the latest updates
    for the latest updates

   Check out our new classes at
   Check       Creative
         out our        Arts at
                 new classes
   Check out
         out our
             our new classes
                 new classes at
     Westfield Creative Arts
     Westfield Creative Arts
               Creative Arts

 Check out our new classes at
10                                                                                Summer Programs

                                           Adventure Zone is a full day program for children 5-12 years of age. Designed
                                           for the working parent(s) who need affordable child care during the summer.
                                           Adventure Zone will offer a rich program experience for participants. Activities
                                           include, but not limited to; arts and crafts, sports, tournaments, field trips,
                                           swimming once a week (Agawam State Pool), environmental activities, guest
                                           speakers and much more. Participants are divided into age appropriate groups.
                                           Some of the benefits of attending this are a sense of adventure, building self
                                           esteem, socialization, interaction with peers, increasing creativity and personal
                                           growth. Participants should bring own lunch, snack and drink. Lunches should
                                           be brought in a small cooler with ice pack. Refrigeration is not available. Water
                                           will be available for drinks.

                                           Will visit Municipal Playground’s Spray Park

Field Trips
Field trip expenses will be the responsibility of the
participant. Some of our destinations for this summer will
be to Play Bousquet, Brownstone Park, Forest Park and Look
Park. Participants will have a field trip once a week.

Special Activities/Events
Special activities such as guest performances will be planned
throughout the summer.

Junior Leaders
Children who are 13 and older may apply for volunteering        Parent/Guardian Orientation Meeting
as a Junior Leader.
                                                                Get informed about the program before you send your child
Volunteer application must be completed prior to May 31.        to Adventure Zone. Learn everything you need to know from
Will only accept 5-6 volunteers per session. Junior Leaders     activities being offered, field trip and swimming routine,
are responsible for their own field trip fees.                  volunteer roles, staff roles and parent responsibilities.
                                                                Receive parent handbook at orientation, if not attending
13 yr. olds      $40 per week		          I.D.# 133425 A-G       handbooks are mailed the first week in June.
14 yr. olds      $20 per week		          I.D.# 133426 A-G
15 yr. olds       Free			                I.D.# 133427 A-G       Date: Wednesday, May 9          Time: 6:30pm
                                                                Location: City Hall (59 Court Street) Room 315
Dates: #131425-A        June 25 – 29
        #131425-B       July 2 – 6 (No July 4)  Registration requires a separate form than the one located in
        #131425-C       July 9 – 13             this brochure. Please call the dept. to receive the Adventure
        #131425-D       July 16 – 20            Zone registration form.
        #131425-E       July 23 – 27 			        Staff attends ten hours of training, are First Aid/CPR
        #131425-F       July 30 – Aug 3         certified and have Criminal Background checks. The
        #131425-G       August 6 – 10           program maintains a 1:10 staff/participant ratio.
Fee: $110 per week      Session A, C – G        The staff consist two co-directors who are 21years of age or
     $88 per week Session B (No program July 4) older and 8 - 10 leaders who are 18 years of age and over,
Location: Westfield Voc-Tech High School        who have experience working with children.
Time: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Age: 5-12                                            A quality full day program to meet
Day: M-F
                                                                              your child care needs!
Summer Programs                                                                                                            11

Child and Babysitting Safety Program                             British Soccer Mini Camp
The Child and Babysitting                                        A unique way to learn the fundamentals of the game. Fun
Safety (CABS) Program is a                                       games, competition and challenging skill building activities
community education pro-                                         will captivate and enlighten your youngest players. Soccer
gram that covers child safety                                    instructors are employed through Challenger Sport Camps,
and basic care techniques for                                    are from England and are nationally licensed. Participants
infants and children.      This                                  need to bring a drink.
course is designed for partici-                                  Register at www.challengersports.com before May 25th
pants who may be responsible                                     and get a FREE Replica Jersey
for watching younger siblings, neighbors and relatives. Pro-
gram will teach the importance of responsibility, reliability,   Date: July 9 - 13		        Age: 4-6        Day: M-F
discipline, age appropriate activities, recognizing an emer-     Time: Session A 8:00am - 9:00am
gency, emergency action steps, personal safety, fire, water      Fee: $80 per child, fee includes t-shirt and soccer ball
and food safety, infant care and basic first aid and choking     Location: Westfield Middle School South Soccer Field
management. We will also review marketing and learning to        I.D.#: 123200-A
be assertive. The course will help to increase the self esteem
and self confidence of potential babysitters. CABS Student
Handbook provides fundamental information for babysit-
                                                                 British Soccer Competitive Half Day Camp
ters.                                                            Designed for the competitive soccer player. Players will
                                                                 be coached within their age group and ability level. Cover
Date: Session A July 10       Amelia Park                        techniques of passing, control, dribbling, shooting, heading,
      Session B July 17       Amelia Park                        goalkeeping, tackling and teach players both defensive and
Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm		       Fee: $65 per participant           offensive tactics. Participants need to bring drinks.
Ages: 10 -13
Instructor: Community Health Training Solutions                  Date: July 9 - 13			             Age: 7-14
I.D.#: Session A 145503-A		                                      Time: 9:00am – noon 		           Day: M-F
        Session B 145503-B 		                                    Fee: $140 per child, fee includes soccer ball and t-shirt
                                                                 Location: Westfield Middle School South Soccer Field
                                                                 I.D.#: 121201-A
CPR & First Aid Class for Kids
Date: July 24 		                                                 **NEW** British Soccer Competitive Full Day Camp
Ages 12 & up (can be 10 or 11 if parent feels child is mature
                                                                 Full Day camp runs for six hours
enough)                                                          a day from Monday to Friday
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm		           Day: Tuesday		                  inclusive. Sessions are split into 2
Fee: $70 per child		             Location: Amelia Park           x 3 hour blocks.
Instructors: Community Health Training Solutions
                                                                 A more advanced camp for players
I.D.#: Session A 144700-B
                                                                 looking for a more competitive
                                                                 training environment.
Summer Playground Program                                        The Full Day Camp will follow
A great program that lets kids be kids. Led by our vibrant       the Half Day Camp syllabus in
staff, the playground program is a celebration of imagination    the morning and will then focus
for youth, as they bring dreams to life. This program includes   on game-related techniques, tac-
a wide variety of games, crafts, sports and tournaments.         tical development, skills testing
Two - three qualified staff members will supervise each of the   and coached match play in the afternoon.
playgrounds who are CPR and First Aid certified. Program         The first session of each day will place emphasis on skill
will be held depending funding.                                  development and mastery of core techniques through indi-
                                                                 vidual, small group practices and coached games.
Date: July 2 - August 3 No program July 4
Age: 6 - 12		                                                    NEW FOR 2018 - participants will be provided free access
Time: 8:30am-1:30pm		            Day: M-F		                      to the Challenger App and a collection of skill-building
Fee: Free, no registration required                              videos!
Locations: Papermill Playground, Munger Hill School              Date: July 9 - 13			             Age: 7-14
Playground, Municipal Playground, Hampton Ponds,                 Time: 9:00am – 4:00pm		          Day: M-F
Chapman Playground and Sadie Knox Playground.                    Fee: $195 per child, fee includes soccer ball and t-shirt
Department reserves the right to close a site if not adequate    Location: Westfield Middle School South Soccer Field
participation.                                                   I.D.#: 121201-B
                                                                 Participants should wear shin guards who are enrolled in
                                                                 the Mini and Competitive Camps.
12                                                                                 Summer Programs
        Want to be a Host Family?                                Draw Cool Cartoons!
   Interested in hosting the instructors for the week?           Would you like to learn how
       Host family receives a voucher to be used.                to draw some of your favorite
 Please call Jim for additional information at 572-6263.         cartoons? Do you want to learn
                                                                 to create some awesome cartoon
                                                                 characters of your own? In this
                                                                 class we will start out by addressing
Soccer Camps                                                     basic drawing skills (perspective,
Join us for an outstanding soccer                                shading, proportions, etc.) and
experience. Our camps are organized to                           how it relates to cartoons. The
accommodate every ability from beginner                          rest of the class will be dedicated
to advanced. Full or short games played                          to the process of cartooning. We
daily. Participants should bring extra                           will learn tricks and tips of the cartoon world; how to create
drinks, footwear and a ball to camp.                             characters, how to design and draw cartoons and where and
         Location: All sessions will take                        how to sell them. The focus of this class is on each individual’s
place at Westfield Middle School South                           personal style with a lot of one-on-one instruction! If you
Soccer Fields                                                    have never drawn cartoons before, this is the place to learn-
                                                                 if you’re already drawing cartoons then we can take your
Instructors: Dan Tenero is a physical                            cartooning to the next level!
education teacher in Westfield with a
Masters Degree in Movement Science. He has many years            Let's 'TOON!
of soccer experience including co-directing the parks and        Sketch books and pencils included; feel free to have your
recreation summer soccer program for over twenty years.          child bring a snack and a drink!
Mark Fournier is a retired Adaptive PE Teacher in Holyoke        Date: Session A July 16 - 20       Ages: 8 - 14
for almost 30 yrs. He played soccer at Westfield State           Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
University, and began coaching his senior year. He has           Day: M - F			                      Max: 25
coached all levels but mainly both boys and girls high school    Fee: $99 per child - including all materials!
teams at Holyoke High.                                           Location: Southampton Road School Cafeteria
                                                                 Instructor: Michael A. Cady
                                                                 I.D.#: Session A 142474-A
Little Kickers
This camp is designed as a fun, non stressful introduction       3-D Drawing and Lettering
to soccer for young girls and boys. Points of emphasis will
                                                                 If you love to draw and graphic novels intrigue and delight
be safety, basic skills, simple drills, and daily micro soccer
                                                                 you, then this camp is for you! The focus will be on creating
                                                                 that 3-D look through the use of shading and learning
Age: 5 - 8		                      Day: M - F                     about light and light sources to enhance your drawing and
Date: Session A July 16-20        9:00am - 11:00am		             lettering. We will practice drawing from life as well as using
Fee: $60 per child, fee includes drink and t-shirt               our imagination to create characters, backgrounds and more!
I.D.#: 121202-A		                                                This fun and informative class will provide students the
                                                                 skills that will carry over in any form of the arts. There is
                                                                 something for everyone here, from beginner to the advanced
World Cup Soccer Camps                                           student. Emphasis is on the needs of the individual to create
A fun soccer experience ideal for                                and develop their own style while bringing their drawing to
learning or improving skills. Focus                              the next level!
will be on dribbling, passing,
                                                                 All materials are provided by the instructor. Bring a snack
receiving,    shooting,    defensive
                                                                 and a drink and get ready ot have some creative fun!
tactics and field play. Includes
daily skill challenges, games and a                              Date: Session B July 30-Aug 3 Ages: 8-14
Mini World Cup Tournament!                                       Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
                                                                 Day: M - F			                      Max: 25
Age: 9 - 12
                                                                 Fee: $99 per child - including all materials!
		Day: M-F
                                                                 Location: Southampton Road School Cafeteria
Date: Session C July 23-27        Time: 8:30am – 11:30am
                                                                 I.D.#: Session B 142474-B
Fee: $70 per child, fee includes drink and t-shirt
                                                                 Instructor: Michael A. Cady majored in Advertising Design
I.D.#: Session C 121202-C				                                    at the Art Institute of Boston. Michael has been working
                                                                 as a freelance artist since 1975. He also conducts drawing,
                                                                 cartoon classes and workshops.
                                                                 Check out Michael’s website www.freewebs.com/lampshade2
Summer Programs                                                                                                             13

                                                                Hold on to those moves you learned for you next Hip Hop
Dance Camp                                                      Battle!
This camp will include a little
of everything jazz, acro, ballet,                               Session C – Shimmer and Shine Camp
tap, lyrical and hip hop .It will                               Shimmer and shine your way through a glamorous day of
be a fantastic week of dance                                    pampering, swimming and Bollywood inspired dancing!
friends fun and a few surprises                                 Enjoy facials and dedicures. Shake it with us in your new
.We will end the weeks with a                                   Bollywood Skirt, along with your amazing goodie bag. We
                                                                will provide lunch, as well as making your own sundaes.
special talent showcase for our
family and friends along with a                                 Bring your bathing suit and towel, and come on over for a
trophy for all of the dancer. Each                              magical genie experience!
week will include manicures,
pedicures, glitter tattoos, zumba,
                                                                Session D – Moana Luau
yoga, musical theatre themed                                    Set your sight on the horizon and set sail for an Island
party days. Make your own sundaes and open gym at roots         Adventure from the movie Moana. Enjoy island crafts, a
gymnastics. Everyone will enjoy a pool party at Roots Aquatic   BBQ lunch complete with coconut drinks and even learn to
& Fitness Center and of course a few special appearances by     swim like Moana and Maui! We will learn a great dance to
a princess or 2 .Remember to wear comfortable clothes or        our island music and end the day with a show for all to see.
dance clothes .If you have dance shoes please being them if     Session E – Troll Party
not the dance center has extra tap shoes we would be happy      Come sing, dance & hug with us at our new Troll Party!
to share with you bring a drink and a snack                     We’ve got sunshine in our pockets, and a good soul in our
Date:   Session A        July 9 – 13		                          feet that we want to share with you! Our sparkling day
        Session B        July 23 – 27 		                        will include lunch, crafts, rainbow facials and glitter tattoos!
Age: 4 and up Time: 9:00am - 12:30pm Day: M – F		               We’re turning it electric and dropping to the beat as we learn
Fee: $130 per child                                             a Jazz/Acro dance!
Location: All Star Dance Center - 209 Root Road			              Date:   Session A July 10        Time: 9:30am-1:30pm
Max: 20                                                                 Ages: 3 & up
Instructor: All – Stars Dance Center Staff                              Session B July 17        Time: 4:00pm-7:00pm
I.D.#: Session A - 121800 A Session B - 121800 B                        Ages: 3 & up
                                                                        Session C July 24        Time: 9:30am-1:30pm
                                                                        Ages: 4 & up
All Star Tuesdays!		                                                    Session D July 31        Time: 9:30am-1:30pm
Session A – “Frozen”                                                    Ages: 4 & up
The frozen weather is finally                                           Session E August 7       Time: 4:00pm-7:00pm
over and the summer fun is                                              Ages: 3 & up
about to begin! The characters                                  Location: All Star Dance Center - 209 Root Road
of everyone’s favorite movie                                    Fee: $25 per child		             Max: 25
“Frozen” are ready to hang out                                  Instructor: All – Stars Dance Center Staff
with you here at All-Stars Dance                                I.D.#: Session A 121801 A
Center. We will start off this                                  Session B 121801-B 		            Session C 121801-C
sparkly day with a cool “Frozen”
                                                                Session D 121801-D		             Session E 121801-E
craft. Off on an Arctic scavenger
hunt will be our next adventure.
After getting your hair braided                                 Westfield Junior Golf Camp
with sparkling snowflakes and
shimmering       makeup,      Olaf,                             Camp includes 10 hours of golf
Princess Elsa and Princess Ana                                  instructions: shortgame, full swing,
will be ready to help us “Let it Go” and dance the day away!    playing thoughts, and fun games to help
A magical meal fit for a Prince and Princess will be served     learning friendly competition.
and don’t you dare leave without your glorious thank you        Wear athletic attire, golf shoes or
gift bag! Just when you think things are about to thaw out,     sneakers. Bring own clubs if you have
we will finish the extravaganza with a snow cone.               them. Club will provide clubs for others.
Session B – Lego Hip Hop Camp                                   Bring water and snacks.
Calling all boys and girls! Build on your Hip Hop Skills!
Join your fellow lego masters for a day of creation. Learn      Date: July 9 - 13		       Age: 7-14
some new skills during this fun and energizing hip hop class.   Grade: 2 - 9      Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Build your strength as you climb our rock wall! Then show       Fee: $125 per child       Max: 60        Day: M – F
off your creativity as you participate in a Lego engineering    Location: East Mountain Country Club
competition! Dinner will be served to keep those gears          Instructor: Ted Perez, Jr.-PGA Golf Professional
turning and goodie bags will be handed our as you leave.        I.D.#: 121835-A
14                                                                                  Summer Programs
                                                                 pet to instructor Jen preferably two weeks prior to class. A
Youth Volleyball Camp for Boys and Girls                         sketch of their pet will be ready to paint for each student
Campers will be instructed on the                                on a 16” x 20” canvas when they arrive at the studio. They
fundamental techniques and strategies                            will be guided while they paint their particular pet, learning
that are used in the game of volleyball.                         some neat tricks to bring their pet to life on the canvas.
Whether this is your first time playing                          This is a really fun class that’s completely personalized for
or have played before, come learn the                            each student. Thee will be time for break in the comfy air
proper skills. We will cover serving,                            conditioned studio, so come and paint an heirloom of your
passing, setting, hitting, blocking and                          favorite pet!! Choose from one of 4 sessions in Spring and
digging from some local high school                              Summer.
coaches and players.
Knee pads are recommended but                                    Date:   Session C August 15 My Pet Wednesday
not required. Bring water, lunch and                                     Session D August 16 My Pet Thursday
snacks.                                                          Ages: 9 and up      Time: 12:00 - 3:00pm    Fee: $55 each
Date: August 6-9        Age: 10-15                               Max: 12 (text or email photo 2 weeks prior to class)
Time: 10:00am –2:00pm                                            Instructor: Jennifer Dorgan
Fee: $80 per child      Max: 48        Day: M - Th               Location: Piece of My Art studio, 16 Union Ave 2nd Flr
Location: Westfield High School Gym			                           I.D.#: Session C 121600-C Session D 121600-D
Instructor: Tyler Wingate, WHS Boys & Girls Varsity
Volleyball Coach and Phys. Ed teacher.
I.D.#: 111900-A
                                                                 Painting and Drawing for Kids
                                                                 Piece of My Art Studio is a super fun relaxing place to get
                                                                 your creative on! With a huge selection of paintings to select
Theater Arts Camp                                                from as reference samples, each child can paint a masterpiece
Have you ever                                                    each day. Have your own idea instead? No problem! Just
wanted to be an ac-                                              bring in your own reference picture to work from, either
tor or actress? Join                                             printed or on a tablet, phone, or iPod. Having a reference
us for a little theater                                          picture helps the instructor help each student, rather than
fun.    Learn stage                                              have them working from what’s inside their head. Whatever
movement,         voice                                          the idea, Jen will help each student paint what they want.
projection, and char-                                            There’s always some good drawing lessons within each
acterization. Enjoy                                              painting, but there are some students who just like to draw
your own moment                                                  and use reference pictures as well. Jen oversees their work
in the spotlight as                                              and offers expert tips on how to take their drawings up a few
you become part of                                               notches. There will be group paint suggestions each day, or
a one act production! Join one of Westfield’s finest drama       each student can individualize and do their own thing with
instructors. The children hold a performance for the public      the expert guidance Jen offers. Her studio has a long history
on the last day of each session. Participants should bring a     of helping artists of all ages since 2004. Bring you own
snack and drink. Please no peanut products!                      snack/drink (please no peanut products), wear old clothes,
                                                                 and bring the right supplies.
Date:   Session A       July 2, 3, (No July 4) July 5 – 13
        Session B       July 16 – 27                             Wear old clothes and bring a snack and drink!
Time    Session A       July 2, 3, 5 & 6 9:00am – 1:00pm         Materials list: PLEASE get a full set of acrylic paint (red,
                        July 9 – 13      9:00am – 12:00pm        yellow, blue, brown , and white – the more colors the better!)
         Session B      July 16 – 27     9:00am – 12:00pm        Also bring an extra large tube or bottle of white (acrylic
Age: 9 and up				                                                craft) paint, brushes, and at least 4 canvases (8"x10" or 11"x
Days: M-F		             Max: 18                                  14" is fine). Only if your child wants to draw, please also bring:
                                                                 drawing pad, pencils, markers, and erasers - anything to
Fee: $80 per child      Location: Southampton Road School
                                                                 make your drawing experience better!
Instructor: Kathy Palmer is a local playwright & director
with four plays published by Spenser Press                       Date: Session A        July 9 – 12      I.D.#: 144921-A
I.D.#: Session A 141850-A        Session B 141850-B                     Session B       July 16 – 19     I.D.#: 144921-B
                                                                        Session C       July 23 – 26     I.D.#: 144921-C
                                                                        Session D       August 20 – 23   I.D.#: 144921-D
Piece of My Art Pet Portraits                                    Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm 		              Days: M-TH
This is a one session painting treated as a “Paint and Sip for   Age: 7 – 10				                         Max: 14
Kids”. The studio provides all painting materials, a light       Fee: $65 per child
snack and bottled water, although students are encouraged to     Instructor: Jennifer Dorgan
bring their own snacks/lunch especially if they have special     Location: Piece of My Art studio, 16 Union Ave 2nd Flr
dietary needs. Students will text a few photos of their chosen
Summer Programs                                                                                                            15

Painting and Drawing for Tween & Teens                              Date: August 20-23 			                  I.D.#: 144931-A
Piece of My Art Studio is a fun, relaxing, supportive place         Time: 12:30pm – 3:00pm 		               Days: M-TH
for teens to come and be creative however they want to be.          Age: 9 & Up				                         Max: 14
Most often, teens have their own ideas they want to paint           Fee: $70 per child
or draw, and Jen specializes in helping them achieve their          Instructor: Jennifer Dorgan
goals. Each student brings in photo reference for their chosen      Location: Piece of My Art studio, 16 Union Ave 2nd Flr
project(s) that the student and Jen will break down into steps
of process. Some will only get one project done, some will
produce more projects. Everyone goes at their own pace.             Field Hockey Fundamental Skills Clinic
Also, students will be able to utilize equipment and materials      The month of July is devoted to
the studio has to offer, including a “spin” machine to do           the great sport of field hockey.
abstract painted backgrounds for their work if they choose.         There will be two sessions
Some teens continue with their art at the studio beyond the         offered dividing skill/age to give
summer and go on to bigger projects the studio participates         players more what the need for
in like “The Memory Project” where more advanced students           the upcoming season. This will
draw or paint portraits of orphans from around the world as         be 3 hours of skills, drills and
gifts to them. It’s a great addition to the more serious artist’s   scrimmages! All current Westfield
portfolio. The studio is a very popular place for tweens and        Warriors are encouraged to attend.
teens alike to hang out and do their art thing!                     Please bring water, goggles, stick,
Materials List: PLEASE be sure to get a full set of acrylic paint   shin guards and mouth guard.
(red, yellow, blue, brown, black, white - the more colors the       Sticks are available for players
better) either in tubes or bottles to include EXTRA white           who do not own one.
(Lg tube or bottle or two small tubes or bottles), brushes,         Session A
canvases. If your child wants to draw also bring: drawing           Dates: July 9 – 13        Grades: 2 - 5   Day: M – F
pad, pencils, markers, erasers - anything to make drawing
                                                                    Time: 9:00am – noon
                                                                    Session B
Date:   Session A      July 9 – 12      I.D.#: 144930-A             Dates: July 9 – 13        Grades: 6 - 12 Day: M – F
        Session B      July 16 – 19     I.D.#: 144930-B             Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
        Session C      July 23 – 26     I.D.#: 144930-C             Fee: $75		        Location: Boardman Athletic Field
        Session D      August 20 – 23 I.D.#: 144930-D               I.D.#: Session A 121552A        Session B 121552B
Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm 			Days: M-TH                                 Instructor: Jenn Oakland, USAFH Level 1 certified coach -
Age: 11 & up				                        Max: 14		                   originally from Westfield, six years experience playing in
Fee: $65 per child                                                  Ireland at senior club level and represented Connacht at the
Instructor: Jennifer Dorgan 		                                      Irish national level.
Location: Piece of My Art studio, 16 Union Ave 2nd Flr
                                                                    Fall Field Hockey Prep Clinic
Draw with Prismacolor Pencils                                       Get a jump start on conditioning and sharpening those skills
Prismacolor pencils are a highly                                    for the fall season. The focus will be on circuit training,
pigmented pencil that produces                                      speed/endurance, skills and game play. High school and
rich tones when layered with                                        Warriors field hockey players encouraged to attend.
complementary tones. The process                                    Mouth, shin guards and stick required. Sticks are available
of drawing with high quality colored                                for players who do not own one.
pencils is a steady and slow build up
of tones that can produce an almost                                 Session A
painting like effect. Students will                                 Dates: August 6-10        Grades: 5 - 12 Day: M-F
draw two compositions on provided                                   Time: 5:00pm - 8:00pm
drawing board over the four day                                     Fee: $75		        Location: Boardman Athletic Field
workshop that will be lacquered for                                 Instructor: Jenn Oakland, USAFH Level 1 certified coach -
a beautiful glossy finishing touch. All students should come        originally from Westfield, six years experience playing in
with picture references of ideas they’d like to draw, either        Ireland at senior club level and represented Connacht at the
printed, on a tablet, or phone. This class takes patience and       Irish national level.
is for focused drawers only, even though the starting age is        I.D.#: 121552C
9. All materials are provided for this class. Just bring snack
or drink.
Materials list: All materials provided - please bring pad of
good paper.
16                                                                                  Summer Programs
                                                                    Date: July 16 – 19 		             Age: 7 & up
Registration for Fall 2018 Field Hockey                             Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Field hockey program for participants in grades 2nd – 8th. Please   Day: M – Thur			                  Fee: $70 per child
register for grade entering in fall of 2018. No prior experience    Location: New location this year! Chapman Playground
is required. The season runs from August through October            Basketball Court, St. Paul Street
with games played against local cities/towns. Practice and          Instructors: Dan Dziuban - co-owner of Theory Skate Shop,
parent meeting will the third week of August. Participants          has been teaching skate camp for 17 years and has been
will need to provide their own protective equipment:                skateboarding for over 25 years.
goggles, shin guards and mouth guards. The Park & Rec
                                                                    I.D.#: 121150-A
Department has sticks for players who wish to borrow one.
Game shirts and skorts will be provided, but players are
asked to purchase team socks.                                       Tennis Lesson Camp
        A PARENT MEETING WILL BE HELD                         No matter what level,
              TUESDAY AUGUST 21                               you will enjoy a great
      DEPARTMENT HAS FIELD HOCKEY STICKS                      opportunity to improve
           AVAILABLE ON LOAN BASIS                            your skills.       Instructor
                                                              provides a balance of
Date: Mid August – mid November                               instruction and practice.
Grades: 2nd – 8th 		               Time: varies      		       Emphasis will be on proper
Day: practice 2-3x/week, games 1-2x/week                      grip, stance, swing, serve
Fee: $125                                                     and ball placement as well
Location: Boardman Athletic Field                             as hitting with control for
I.D.#: 2 - 4 Grades 212400-A                                  depth and power. Please
         5 - 6 Grades 212400-B        7 - 8 Grades 212400-C   bring own tennis racket
                                                              and water and wear
                                                              appropriate clothing and
Sports Sampler                                                footwear. Tournament play at end of each sessions B and D.
Have some fun. Sample a little of this and that. Learning the Participants will have an option to visit spray park 2-3 times
basics of baseball, basketball, soccer and tennis. Plus many per week. Will be notified on the first day of schedule.
other fun games in between. Participants should bring extra Date: Session A            July 9-13         6-9 yr old
drinks. No sandals or open toed shoes during the athletic              Session B       July 16-20        10 & up
participation. Provide a bathing suit, towel and water shoes.          Session C       July 23-27        6-9 yr old
Will visit spray park (weather permitting). Apply sunscreen            Session D       July 30-Aug 3 10 & up
prior to arrival at camp.                                     Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Date: Session A           July 9 - 13        Ages 5-8         Location: Municipal Playground
       Session B          July 16 – 20       Ages 5-8         Day: M-F         Fee: $70 per participant includes WPR bag
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm		           Day: M-F                   Instructor: Irene Colvin – Current Boy’s High School coach,
Fee: $70 per child                                            has been  coaching/instructing  for over 10 years.
Location: Municipal Playground, meet at pavilion              I.D.#:   Session  A  121450-A     Session B 121450-B
Max: 20				                        Instructor: TBA                     Session C   121450-C     Session D 121450-D
I.D.#: Session A 111855-A          Session B 111855-B
                                                                    Adult Tennis
Skateboard Camp                                                     No matter what level, you will enjoy a great opportunity
Want to learn how to Ollie,                                         to improve your skills. Instructor provides a balance of
kick flip, or just ride your                                        instruction and practice. Each session will focus on a new
skateboard. Instructors from                                        skill, building towards Mixed Doubles and Doubles Match
Theory skate shop will be                                           play. Please bring own tennis racket, water and wear
on hand to teach beginner                                           appropriate clothing and footwear
and intermediate tricks at                                          Date: July 11, 18, 25, Aug 1, 8, 15
our skatepark. Participants                                         Day: Wednesdays			Fee: $60
divided by age and ability                                          Location: Municipal Playground        Instructor: TBA
level. Helmets required, elbow                                      Max: 10					Age: 18 & Up
and knee pads recommend.                                            Time: 6:00pm -7:15pm			               I.D.#: 121451B
Bring your own water and
snacks. Participants will have
an option to visit spray park
2-3 times per week
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