RC MacDonald Elementary - School District 43

Page created by Erik James
RC MacDonald Elementary - School District 43
RC MacDonald Elementary                                                                          NEWSLETTER #4
2550 Leduc Avenue, Coquitlam, BC V3K 5W6 Tel: 604.936.0774 Principal: Mrs. T. Roberts            December 2021

Dear RC MacDonald Community,
The year 2021 is nearing a close and we are feeling fortunate to be
sharing our days with the growing minds at RC MacDonald
Elementary. In a world where extreme weather, pandemic, and
shrinking economies are daily news it is truly wonderful to spend
time with vibrant children who are expecting the very best for a
future world. We promise to prepare them by actively engaging in a
combination of traditional classroom learning, hands on experiences,
connection with environment, and the wonders of technology. It’s a
challenge we can never step away from!

This is the season of Giving and we thank you for supporting your
child’s participation in our community initiatives. RC MacDonald
students are giving art and letters to residents at Earl Haig
Retirement Residence. We are collecting shoe boxes to help The
ShoeBox Project. We will donate non-perishable food for Share Food
Bank. We are supporting a Hamper Family and ask for $5 from each
family so PAC can create a Holiday Hamper.

Our Holiday Show this year will be filmed on Friday December 10th by
one of the Hip Hop teachers and ready for viewing by Dec. 15 th.
In addition to rehearsing for the Holiday Show, we will be enjoying 2
theme days: Decorate Yourself Day and Holiday Character Day, and
PAC Santa will do a Surprise Visit on the very last day of school.

Mrs. Roberts, Principal

Report Cards – View on the Family Portal
                               Term 1 Report cards will be published on Thursday December 16th. You can view
                               your child’s report card online here: My Ed Family Portal. New families will be
                               receiving their Family Portal login access the week of December 6th. Please
                               download a PDF copy of your child’s report card by January 21, 2022. Effective
                               January 22, 2022 the Term 1 report cards will no longer be available for viewing
                               online. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you are experiencing
                               Family Portal issues you can email Ms. Latulippe at slatulippe@sd43.bc.ca.
RC MacDonald Elementary - School District 43
Traffic Safety
We have had a few minor mishaps on Balfour Drive recently due to driver
inattention. Please do your best to carefully navigate the narrow street during busy
times. Thank you.

Return It! Proceeds go to Kilometer Club
                                   Consider donating your bottle refunds to the school. RC MacDonald
                                   Elementary has a Return It account. Please use the school phone
                                   number (604-936-0447) at any Encorp Pacific Depot and your refund
                                   amount will be allocated to the school. This year we are using any funds
                                   collected towards the cost of purchasing tokens and chains for the
                                   Kilometer Club. Our goal is to raise $500 over the entire school year.

Leaving Canada for the Holidays?
Current rules for students in grades K-12 schools for British Columbia
require students to be fully vaccinated to attend school immediately
after returning to Canada. If your children are not yet vaccinated please
be advised that the children must not return to school for 14 days upon
re-entry into Canada. Please refer to Superintendent Letter December 1st
for details on the guidelines for children attending schools, daycares, and
sporting events.

Thank you for your continued diligence in following the daily health check and keeping children at home
until symptom free. Please use the online absence form on the school website, quick links to log absences.
Online Absence Form

SD43 Pink Shirt Day Shirts & Hoodies
Leadership students at Terry Fox Secondary School have designed Pink Shirt Day t shirts and hoodies for
2022. These items will go on sale for January 5 -15. Stay tuned in the New Year as we will be putting the
shirt sales onto the parent cash online in January
RC MacDonald Elementary - School District 43
After School Program Registration
Do What U Love has registration open for January-March sessions. Register Here

Early registration for Winter 2022:

RC MacDonald (Tues): MPower Your Inner Yogi ( Yoga & SEL) - Register here
RC MacDonald (Weds): Love2Dance Breakdance - Register here!
More Sports Registration – Coming soon

MPower your Inner Yogi - Tuesdays 2022

Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1, 8, 15, 22 March 1 - 8 weeks $85.00 per student

This mpowerment program will give your child the exploration of yoga with fun creative poses to calm the
mind, body, and spirit. A variety of relaxation skills, breathing techniques, crafts and fun games will give
your child the social and emotional tools to navigate anxiety, low self-esteem, and a lack of
confidence. Feel strong and confident by finding your "Inner Yogi'!

Please bring a yoga mat or beach towel to each class.

Testimonial: 'Michelle makes yoga fun and creative for the kids. My daughter struggles with anxiety
and has used her simple tools of focused breathing to calm herself down. She loves going to her classes.
It has built up her confidence and helped her make new friends" ~ parent

Go Girls - What exactly is Go Girls?
Watch this video to learn more: https://youtu.be/xCk-whMi4cw

For more details, visit this link: https://www.bigsisters.bc.ca/go-girls-home-

•    Go Girls is a free 8 session program for self-identified girls and non-
binary youth in grades 4-7.
•    Go Girls focuses on friendships, confidence, and self-esteem, living a
healthy life and much more. Two (or more) volunteer mentors lead each
session which is filled with fun games, activities, and discussions.
•   Participants must live in the Lower Mainland (Vancouver, North and
West Vancouver, Sea to Sky Corridor, Burnaby, New West, Coquitlam, Port
Coquitlam, Port Moody, Anmore, Richmond, Surrey, and Delta).

Where do I sign up?

Click here to find day/time options that are open for registration: https://linktr.ee/gogirlsbclm
RC MacDonald Elementary - School District 43
Winter Weather Ahead!

                      Schools are not routinely closed due to snow or other inclement weather conditions.
                      All schools in School District 43 (Coquitlam) will remain OPEN, if possible, during
                      winter weather, including snowfall.
                      Any district-wide or partial-district closure will be decided and communicated by
                      6:30 a.m. via the School District 43 website www.sd43.bc.ca and CKNW AM 980
                      radio, CKWX 1130 radio and CBC (690) radio.
We encourage families to continuously check the School District 43 website for updates and changes:


                          The RC MacDonald calendar is online – all events that have been confirmed are
                         available for you to seee at a glance. Please revisit our site as we will continue to
                                  add special event dates as they are confirmed. Our website is:

RC MacDonald Elementary - School District 43 RC MacDonald Elementary - School District 43 RC MacDonald Elementary - School District 43
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