2021 FEE SCHEDULE - Riverside Christian College

Page created by Beth Chambers
2021 FEE SCHEDULE - Riverside Christian College
2021 FEE SCHEDULE - Riverside Christian College
A non-refundable Application Fee of $100 per child is payable upon application of enrolment.

Tuition fees are billed each Term and are payable by the specified due date, unless a payment plan
arrangement is in place with the Finance Department.

A 5% discount applies to tuition fees if the annual payment is made in full, by the due date of your first
statement. A 5% discount also applies if you set up a Direct Debit payment plan that is consistently

                                                         JUNIOR         MIDDLE             SENIOR
            1st Child                   PREP            COLLEGE        COLLEGE            COLLEGE
                                                        (Years 1-5)    (Years 6-9)      (Years 10-12)
 Total per Week (52 Weeks)          $      50.00    $          61.53   $      75.00     $        86.53
 Total per Term                     $     650.00    $         800.00   $     975.00     $     1,125.00
 Total per Year                     $   2,600.00    $       3,200.00   $   3,900.00     $     4,500.00

                                                         JUNIOR         MIDDLE             SENIOR
            2        Child              PREP            COLLEGE        COLLEGE            COLLEGE
                                                        (Years 1-5)    (Years 6-9)      (Years 10-12)
 Total per Week (52 Weeks)          $      27.50    $          33.84   $       41.25    $         47.59
 Total per Term                     $     357.50    $         440.00   $     536.25     $       618.75
 Total per Year                     $   1,430.00    $       1,760.00   $   2,145.00     $     2,475.00

                                                         JUNIOR         MIDDLE             SENIOR
            3rd Child                   PREP            COLLEGE        COLLEGE            COLLEGE
                                                        (Years 1-5)    (Years 6-9)      (Years 10-12)
 Total per Week (52 Weeks)          $      17.50    $          21.53   $       26.25    $         30.28
 Total per Term                     $     227.50    $         280.00   $     341.25     $       393.75
 Total per Year                     $     910.00    $       1,120.00   $   1,365.00     $     1,575.00

                                FOURTH CHILD ONWARDS IS FREE
 1. The College Policy is to provide an all-inclusive Tuition Fee, which includes subject levies,
    excursions, curriculum, compulsory camps, graduation, student accident insurance and general
    level ICT access and support.
 2. Tuition fees for Years 5 to 12 also include a Technology levy for the provision of ICT support for
    the 1:1 program.
 3. Non-Compulsory camps will be advised by the relevant teaching staff and billed separately. Refer
    to the Terms and Conditions for further details.

2021 FEE SCHEDULE – DAY SCHOOL, Riverside Christian College                                               1
Parents are required to complete the Bus Transport Application Form. Full time bookings have

          TERM FEE                        1 CHILD            2+ CHILDREN
 Full Time                           $          265.00        $           475.00
 Part Time – One way                 $          160.00        $           287.50

         ANNUAL FEE                       1 CHILD            2+ CHILDREN
 Full Time                            $       1,060.00        $         1,900.00
 Part Time – One way                  $         640.00        $         1,150.00

Casual Trips - $5 each way, subject to availability. Must be paid upfront as casual trips cannot be put
on account.

Bus fees are billed each term on the family fee account and are due at the same time as tuition fees,
unless an approved payment plan is place. Bus fees are non-refundable and cannot be pro-rated as
they are charged at a flat fee per term.


 1. Payment can be made by internet banking, direct debit, credit card or EFT.
 2. Direct debit arrangements can be put in place for ease of payment. Please email
    accounts@riverside.qld.edu.au to obtain a Direct Debit Request Form.
 3. To pay by Direct Deposit, please use the below bank details:

    Account Name:             MCEF Ltd T/A Riverside Christian College
    BSB:                      034128
    Account number:           185492
    Reference:                Your account number

 4. Use Centrepay to arrange voluntary regular deductions for your payment. For more information
    go to www.humanservices.gov.au. Riverside Centrepay Reference Number: 555055130A

2021 FEE SCHEDULE – DAY SCHOOL, Riverside Christian College                                          2
APPLICATION FEE                                         CAMPS & EXCURSIONS
A $100 non-refundable Application Fee applies to        • Camps & excursions are a compulsory part of
each new student and is payable upon application.         the College curriculum for certain grade levels.
                                                          Most are included in the tuition fees or are
SCHOOL FEES                                               heavily subsidised by the College.
• School Fees are adjusted annually to reflect the      • The Voluntary College camps are quite
   Average Government School Recurrent Cost.              substantial and although they are heavily
• All students are covered under our Student              subsidised, there will be an extra cost billed to
   Accident Protection plan is included in the fees.      families. This information and costing will be
• Inclusions: teaching, general learning support,         provided prior to the trip.
   textbooks, subject materials, excursions,
   general co-curricular sport, College competition     TEXTBOOKS
   fees, and compulsory camps.                          • Textbook hire and readers are included in school
• Exceptions: Student stationery, certain co-              fees and are issued from the library.
   curricular sport opportunities (e.g. futsal) and     • Lost or damaged textbooks will be billed to the
   non-compulsory camps. Please note: these                family at replacement cost.
   kinds of activities will be communicated as and
   when required.                                       ELECTRONIC DEVICES
                                                        • Electronic devices are issued to students from
PAYMENTS                                                   Years 5 to 12 once the ICT Maintenance of Effort
• Non-payment of Fees ultimately results in the            Program ‘Responsible Digital Citizenship Policy
   termination      of    an    enrolment.    Regular      Agreement’ has been signed and returned to the
   communication and demonstrated effort are               College.
   required if difficulties occur.                      • The cost of these electronic devices are included
• Some hardship is considered in special                   in the tuition fees and remain the property of the
   circumstances.                                          College.
• Families can elect to pay weekly, fortnightly,        • The College accepts no liability for any loss or
   monthly, by term or annually.                           damage to personal effects of property of any
• Where an account is outside the payment terms            student.
   a student may not be eligible to attend major
   school trips and/or extra-curricular activities.     UNIFORMS
                                                        • Approved Riverside Christian College Uniforms
DISCOUNTS                                                  can be purchased through College Uniform
• The College offers a 5% discount on Annual               Shop.
   Tuition Fees provided the payment is made as a       • Price lists can be obtained via the College
   lump sum up front payment by the first invoice’s        website or from the College Main Office.
   due date.                                            • Uniforms must be paid for upfront and cannot be
• 5% Discount also applies to all family accounts          put on account.
   where a Direct Debit arrangement is in place.
• Scholarships and Bursaries are available to           CREATIVE ARTS TUITION
   eligible families in accordance with College         • The College provides the opportunity for
   Policy.                                                 students to receive instrumental or speech
                                                           tuition during school time.
                                                        • To take advantage of this opportunity, families
• The College depends on the support of the
                                                           must communicate directly with the instructor as
   College community to continue in the
                                                           this tuition is not associated with College
   development of facilities for all students.
• Tax Deductible Donations to the Riverside
   Christian College Building Fund can be made
   voluntarily at any time.

2021 FEE SCHEDULE – DAY SCHOOL, Riverside Christian College                                                3
• Riverside Christian College provides an                 •   Application     must     be      made         to
   excellent and safe Bus service transporting                accounts@riverside.qld.edu.au and will        be
   student to and from the College.                           reviewed by the Finance Manager.
• All new bookings or variations to bookings must
   be made through the Office.                            TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT - PARENT
• Seating on the bus is subject to availability, and      • It is a condition of enrolment that one Term’s
   seating priority will be given to full-time users.        notice (10 school term weeks) is required, in
• Students will only be able to use the Bus as per           writing, addressed to the Enrolments Officer
   the bookings applied for, and as approved by the          prior to exiting the College.
   Bus Coordinator.                                       • Failure to provide the required notice will result
• Bus Bookings will roll over from term to term              in One Term’s fees being charged to or withheld
   unless notified otherwise.                                from the account.
• Bus Fees are a flat fee per term. Any changes or        • The Principal, at their sole discretion, may agree
   non-usage will not be entitled to a credit, refund        to remit payment, in lieu of notice, in full or
   or pro-rata - including year levels that finish           partially.
   earlier in the year.                                   • Bus Fees are non-refundable.
• Bus Fees are non-refundable.                            • Credits are not transferrable to purchase
EXTERNAL SPORT                                            • Voluntary Camps and excursions may not be
• Some external sports training is offered                   refunding due to activities being organised and
   before/after school on College grounds.                   purchased by the College in advance.
• Fees for these external sports are to be paid as
   instructed when registering                            TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT - COLLEGE
                                                          • The Principal determines the rules, regulations
SCHOOL PHOTOS                                                and policies of the College.
• Payment for school photos is to be paid directly        • Parent(s) will seek to ensure the adherence to
   to the photography company.                               these rules and ensure the good behaviour of
                                                             any student they have enrolled at the College.
EXTERNAL VET COURSES                                      • Any student may be required to leave the
• External courses can be arranged through the               College at the end of a term if, in the opinion of
   College.                                                  the Principal, his/her attitude to work or
• Fees for approved external courses will be                 behaviour is unsatisfactory, committed a serious
   charged directly to the family by the course              breach of discipline or any act affecting the
   provider.                                                 reputation of the College.
                                                          • The College may take legal action to recover
INTERNAL VET COURSES                                         outstanding accounts without notice. Parent(s)
• Internal VET courses can be arranged through               agree to indemnify the College against debt
   the College RTO (RTO No: 45550).                          collection costs and disbursements incurred
• Certificate III in Agriculture is $500 for the 2 year      because of outstanding accounts.
   course. All other courses are at no additional         • The College may amend the terms of the fee
   cost to the family in 2021. VET Course Fees will          schedule and will take steps it considers
   be increased in 2022.                                     reasonable to give notice of such changes to
• Fees for internal VET courses are billed annually          parent(s).
   up-front on parent accounts. Course fees are
   due in the same time frame as tuition fees.
• Withdrawals prior to Friday of Week 5, Term 1
   will attract an 80% refund of VET course fees.
• Course fees are non-refundable after Friday                                RIVERSIDE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE
   Week 5 of Term 1.                                                                               PO Box 2069
• Families with a demonstrated history of paying                                        Maryborough QLD 4650
   fees on time may apply to have a payment plan                               Website: www.riverside.qld.edu.au
   put in place. Payment plans must be settled by                            Email: college@riverside.qld.edu.au
   the end of Term 1.                                                                      Phone: 07 4123 1031

2021 FEE SCHEDULE – DAY SCHOOL, Riverside Christian College                                                  5
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