Rare look at the wildlife thriving in North Korea's DMZ

Rare look at the wildlife thriving in North Korea's DMZ
Rare look at the wildlife thriving in North
Korea's DMZ

February 27 2023, by Emma Caton

Remote cameras caught footage of an Asiatic black bear, giving hope that this
threatened species is breeding in the area. Credit: National Institute of
Ecology/Google Arts & Culture

One of the most heavily militarized borders in the world has become a
haven for nature.

To mark 70 years since the end of the Korean War, Google has released
rare images of the place where few people have been allowed to set foot.

Rare look at the wildlife thriving in North Korea's DMZ
Stretching for 250 kilometers along the border between North and South
Korea is the demilitarized zone (DMZ), an area that was once the center
of conflict between the two nations.

Although the Korean war ended seven decades ago, most people are still
prohibited from entering the site which is surrounded by high fences
with land mines strewn across the landscape.

Yet, in the absence of human activity the environment within the DMZ
has recovered, and nature has thrived there undisturbed for the past
several decades.

Now it is a haven for animals rarely found in other parts of the Korean
peninsula, including bears, cranes, deer and otters.

For the first time, people worldwide have been granted a rare glimpse
into this restricted part of the world with 360-degree images of the
landscape available on Google Street View.

The images were released on Google Arts & Culture to mark the
anniversary of the 1953 armistice agreement.

Rare look at the wildlife thriving in North Korea's DMZ
The DMZ is home to an amazing range of wildlife rarely seen elsewhere on the
Korean peninsular such as this curious wildcat. Credit: National Institute of
Ecology/Google Arts & Culture

The project is a collaboration with nine South Korea-based cultural
institutions, including the DMZ Ecology Research Institute and the
National Institute of Ecology, Seocheon, South Korea, which studies the
environment within the restricted area.

Kim Seung-ho, the Head of DMZ Ecology Research Institute, told the
Washington Street Journal: "The DMZ region represents a sad history
for the two Koreas. But it has been a rare haven for the many wildlife
living there."

Why was the DMZ created?

Rare look at the wildlife thriving in North Korea's DMZ
The North Korean military marched into South Korea at 04.00 on 25
June 1950, marking the beginning of the Korean War. The conflict raged
across the peninsula, decimating the landscape and population as
hostilities spread.

Three years later, on 27 July 1953, an Armistice Agreement was signed
officially ending the war between the countries.

The DMZ was created as a buffer zone to increase distance between
North and South Korea and help prevent further conflict and maintain
peace following the ceasefire.

The zone stretches 250 kilometers east to west across the Korean
peninsula, with a four-kilometer gap separating the borders of the two
countries. It covers a vast area of about 907 square kilometers,
equivalent to almost twice the size of New York City.

Since then, the area has been noted for its ecological importance and
efforts have been made nationally and internationally to conserve nature
within the DMZ. This has, however, proved tricky due to tensions that
still exist between the two nations.

The Hantan River flows through South Korea's Gangwon and Gyeonggi
provinces. Credit: Google Arts & Culture

Nature in the DMZ

Scientists researching the ecology of the DMZ are among the few people
allowed to enter the area.

Wildlife surveys have found 6,168 species within eight areas of the
DMZ. Of the 267 endangered species on the Korean peninsula, 102 have
been recorded in the militarized zone.

As the DMZ is effectively a slice across the entire peninsula, it protects
an extraordinary range of environments, from mountains and swamps, to
lakes and tidal marshes.

The researchers have recorded long-tailed goral and musk deer
inhabiting the rocky mountains, rare golden eagles dominating the skies,
unique plants growing among the dense vegetation, and insects thriving
in the rivers and forests.

While the fences and mines might stop people, otters move freely along
the river system spanning the borders of North and South Korea. Some
now view them as a symbol of peaceful interaction between the two

Remote cameras are also revealing some of the more elusive animals,
such as wildcats and yellow-throated martens. In addition, an Asiatic
black bear cub was caught on the cameras giving hope that this species,
threatened due to poaching and habitat loss, is successfully breeding in
the area.

It is not only mammals and birds that have been protected by the DMZ.
The Mongolian racerunner lizard are thriving in the region. Credit: National
Institute of Ecology/Google Arts & Culture

There are even rumors that other large carnivores, such as tigers and
leopards, might survive in the depths of the forests.

The absence of people has led to the DMZ becoming an important site
for cranes. Seven of the 15 crane species in the world are found in
Korea, including the red-crowned crane and white-naped crane, which
are globally threatened with extinction. These birds have been found to
overwinter in peace in the restricted zone.

Researchers from the DMZ Botanic Garden have also conducted site
surveys and found several rare plants. These have included the rare
orchid Pogonia japonica and the flowering plant, Patrinia saniculifolia,
which is endemic to Korea and whose name means "infinite love."

The site provides a rare window into the natural landscapes of the
peninsula that has been lost around the growing cities of South and North

Seo Jae-chul, an expert adviser at Green Korea United, says, "Have you
wondered what the Han River, which now cuts through the heart of
Seoul, might have looked like in its natural state 100 years ago? You can
see it at the DMZ, through the natural river banks and streams that are

"My personal hope is that Korea's tragedy can be reimagined as an
expression of humanity's ecological vision, sooner than later."

This story is republished courtesy of Natural History Museum. Read the
                                   original story here

                                   Provided by Natural History Museum

                                   Citation: Rare look at the wildlife thriving in North Korea's DMZ (2023, February 27) retrieved
                                   4 September 2024 from https://phys.org/news/2023-02-rare-wildlife-north-korea-dmz.html

                                   This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private
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