Page created by Terry Henry
Fully Managed Hotel
Guaranteed Fixed Income
Guaranteed Capital Protection
Low Capital Risk
Guaranteed 5 Year Exit
Hassle-free Investment

                           Optomise Ventures Ltd is an Authorised
                           Financial Service Provider (FSP 49628) in
                           accordance with FSCA regulations
The Optomise Fund invests into the Apollo Hotel section
 of the PWC Redevelopment in Sunninghill. The developer
 and the financial guarantor is Africrest Property Group,
 a R1.7 billion unlisted diversified Property Fund.

Investment Product
Guaranteed Fixed Income                                       8.25% per annum
Lease Term                                                    5 Years
Guaranteed Capital Protection                                 100%
Guaranteed Minimum Capital Growth                             10%
Guaranteed Exit Term                                          5 Years
Guarantee Provider (Income & Capital)                         Africrest Property Group
Minimum Guaranteed Total Return                               15.06% IRR (Individual/Trust)
Minimum Guaranteed Total Return                               13.45% IRR (Company)
Minimum Investment                                            R 250 000
Maximum Investment                                            R 2 500 000 (Individual/Trust)
Maximum Investment                                            R 5 000 000 (Company)
Legal Vehicle                                                 Optomise Ventures Ltd (S12J Fund)
FSCA Approved Fund                                            FSP 49628
Initial Fees                                                  2.00%
Annual Fees                                                   1.50%
Performance Fees*                                             20.00%
Closing Date                                                  26 February 2021 (Tax Year-End)

*Performance fees calculated on total capital growth above the initial investment
**Optomise charges the developer a capital raising fee of 2.75%

                                                                                      SANDTON CBD

                                  NETCARE SUNNINGHILL
                                                                           N1 HIGHWAY - RIVONIA RD OFFRAMP

                                APOLLO HOTEL DEVELOPMENT

                                                                               BUILDERS WAREHOUSE SUNNINGHILL
Hassle-free Investing
     Africrest Property Group guarantees maintenance and management

     Net income paid into investor bank account as dividends every 6 months

     Africrest Property Group guarantees to buy back the hotel section
     after 5 years at a minimum guaranteed price and returns net proceeds
     from sale to investor

How S12J Works
                Invest in a unique share class    Tax benefit obtained by
                within the Optomise Fund          investor on subscription
 INVESTOR                                         for new shares in a SARS
                linked to The Apollo Hotel
                in Sunninghill                    approved S12J Venture
                                                  Capital Company (VCC)

OPTOMISE       The Optomise Fund (VCC)
  FUND         invests in the Qualifying
  (VCC)        Company (QC)

  ASSET         The Optomise Fund holds
 HOLDING        ownership of hotel units in
 COMPANY        The Apollo Hotel through
   (QC)         the QC

The Optomise Founders
invest alongside investors

                                                                 *DESIGN CONCEPT
       For illustrative purposes R 1 000 000 investment is used

        Upfront (net cash out)
        Gross Initial Investment                                  R 1 000 000
        SARS S12J Cash Refund                                     R (450 000)
        Net Initial Investment                                    R 550 000

        After 5 Years (net cash in)
        SARS S12J Cash Refund                                     R   450 000
        Cumulative Dividends                                      R    189 929
        Estimated Net Proceeds from Sale                          R   843 768
        Net Total Rands Returned*                                 R 1 483 697

    * After tax and fees

Net Total Rands Returned*
R2 000 000
R1 750 000
                                                                                                            R 1 483 697
R1 500 000
R1 250 000
R1 000 000                                                                                                                    R 843 768
R750 000
                                                                                                                              R 189 929
R500 000
R250 000                                                                                                                      R 450 000
                   2021             2022              2023                2024               2025                2026

                    SARS S12J Cash Refund        Cumulative Dividends        Estimated Net Proceeds from Sale after 5 years

* After tax and fees

           R 550 000                        15.06%                       5 Years                  R 1 483 697
              Net Initial             Total Return / IRR                Guaranteed Term            Total Rands Received
             Investment                after tax & fees                                               after tax & fees
                                                  For illustrative purposes R 1 000 000 investment is used

                                                   Upfront (net cash out)
                                                   Gross Initial Investment                                           R 1 000 000
                                                   SARS S12J Cash Refund                                              R (280 000)
                                                   Net Initial Investment                                             R 720 000

                                                   After 5 Years (net cash in)
                                                   SARS S12J Cash Refund                                              R   280 000
                                                   Cumulative Dividends                                               R   237 411
                                                   Estimated Net Proceeds from Sale                                   R 1 003 257
                                                   Net Total Rands Returned*                                          R 1 550 686

                                                * After tax and fees

Net Total Rands Returned*
R2 000 000
R1 750 000                                                                                                          R 1 550 686
R1 500 000
R1 250 000
R1 000 000                                                                                                                        R 1 033 275
R750 000
R500 000                                                                                                                          R 237 411
R250 000
                                                                                                                                  R 280 000
                 2021                2022                  2023               2024               2025                   2026
                    SARS S12J Cash Refund            Cumulative Dividends        Estimated Net Proceeds from Sale after 5 years

* After tax and fees

       R 720 000                              13.45%                         5 Years                       R 1 550 686
              Net Initial                   Total Return / IRR              Guaranteed Term                 Total Rands Received
             Investment                      after tax & fees                                                  after tax & fees
STANLEY STUDIOS                             THE TITAN

                                                 R1.7 billion Diversified
                                                 Portfolio of Residential and
                                                 Commercial Properties

Africrest Property Group is a privately       commercial, industrial, and retail
held property investment company              properties. This includes in excess
which was established in 2010. The            of 2000 residential apartments
company operates from offices in              and commercial gross lettable
Johannesburg with a fully integrated          area of 58 000m2. The core focus
property approach focused on                  of Africrest Property Group is
development and ownership in                  Johanneburg, the largest city in
residential, offices, retail and industrial   South Africa.
asset classes.
                                              The executive team of Africrest Property
Currently, Africrest’s Property Group’s       Group are innovative leaders when it
gross asset base is located in Gauteng        comes to upgrading properties into
through a mixture of residential,             premium landmark A-Grade space.

25                                            700 +
      R440m Assets Under
             Assets Under                                            Portfolio                                         Permanent
            Management                                               Investments                                       Jobs Created
             Management                                            Investments                                        Jobs Created

                                                                                  Optomise has funded SMMEs and
                                                                                  created jobs in the following sectors:

    Established in 2015, Optomise is a privately held                                         Hospitality                        Fibre
    alternative investments asset manager with
    R440 million assets under management.
                                                                                              Solar Power                        Medical
    The company is both a SARS and FSCA approved
    S12J Venture Capital Company (VCC).

                                                                                              Asset Rental                       Retail
    Optomise manages an investment portfolio of 25
    diversified S12J investments across various high
    growth sectors including prime-located hotels, Uber
    vehicle fleet rentals and solar energy installations.                                     High Tech                          Manufacturing

Gadi Cohen                            Mark Collie                           Michael Roffey                         Namir Waisberg
Managing Director                     Executive Director                    Executive Director                     Executive Director
BBusSci CA(SA)                        BCom                                  BCom CA(SA)                            Actuary CFA

Gadi co-founded Optomise, one         Mark is a co-founder of Airvantage,   Michael pioneered cellular             Namir is the CEO of Willis Burton
of the largest S12J Venture Capital   a Fintech provider of mobile          phone micro-lending and device         Capital Partners, an Investments
Companies in South Africa. To         financial and value-added services    financing in South Africa. As a        & Advisory business established
date Optomise has facilitated the     for mobile network operators.         Fintech and Telecommunications         in 2004. The business focuses on
creation of over 700 permanent        In 2009, he founded Icon SA in        leader, his products and services      M&A, Private Equity, Commercial
jobs in South Africa. Gadi has        partnership with Icon UK. Icon        are today available in over 15         Real Estate and Venture Capital.
raised and deployed over R440         SA was appointed by FIFA to           countries across three continents.     In 2014 Namir co-founded Sail
million of investor capital into      design, produce and install the       Together with partners, he co-         Group, a global Chrome Mining
more than 25 venture capital          signage and branding for the FIFA     founded the largest independent        & Commodity Trader based in
investments. Gadi is one of the       Confederation Cup 2009 and the        cellular retail credit business and    Singapore with assets listed on
leading experts in S12J in South      FIFA World Cup 2010. He was           cellular handset finance business      the JSE & the Stock Exchange
Africa. He has developed unique       previously the operations director    in South Africa. These businesses      of Mauritius SEM. In 2009 Namir
intellectual property in the S12J     of Wideopen Platform, the leader      were sold to a JSE-listed company      co-founded Storage Genie, a self-
space which has received private      in large format outdoor advertising   in 2013 and 2017 respectively.         storage business with over 2,500
binding rulings from SARS. A          in South Africa which he sold to      He has private equity interests        storage units across South Africa.
business development expert, Gadi     Primedia in 2006. Prior to this       in many sectors, including             This portfolio has since been sold
is part of Optomise’s investment,     Mark was involved in Corporate        commercial property, telecoms,         to a JSE listed REIT. Prior to this
strategic and product development     Finance and Private Equity with       fintech, technology and financial      Namir was an Investment Banker
committees.                           the Buffet Investment Group.          services.                              with Investec Bank.

   Get in touch                                    4th Floor, 20 Melrose Piazza                        Optomise Ventures Ltd
    For more information contact                   Melrose Arch, 14 Whiteley Road Melrose              Company Registration Number:
    087 153 1192                                   Johannesburg, 2076                                  2018/265393/06                            SARS Registration Number:                           Authorised Financial Service Provider                             VC - 150 (Optomise Ventures)                        FSP Licence No. 49628

                     The information contained herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute advice in any form
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