

              2021   C A L E N DA R

                                                                Various family members worked in the business. Peggy
                                                                worked in the office until her marriage to Michael             RANDLES BROS
                                                                Harrington and Maura then took over. The younger Tom           A CENTURY OF SERVICE

                                                                helped out, but eventually chose a life in the priesthood.

                                                                When the time came for the brothers to pass on the reins,
                                                                it was Neil who took over.
                                                                In 1957, Neil Randles made the bold decision to expand
                                                                the business into Killarney. He rented a premises on
                                                                Muckross Road and opened for business on 1 November.
                                                                He was joined by Miss Sheila Coughlan who faithfully
                                                                managed the office for him until her retirement, while
                                                                his sister, Maura, kept the operation going in Kenmare,
                                                                along with Jerry O’Sullivan, from Rock Street, Kenmare,
Over the course of 100 years, three                             who had joined Randles Brothers at the age of 14. They
                                                                were also joined by Curley Murphy from the Berehaven
generations of the Randles family                               Motorworks family in Castletown Bere, who later married
have run a motor business, founded in                           Maura.
                                                                Like his uncle before him, Neil had a home adjoining the
Kenmare and expanded into Killarney                             Killarney garage where he and his wife, Kay, would raise
and Kenmare.                                                    their six children, Con, Bernadette, David, Susan, Rosaleen
                                                                and Tom. The couple also built a hotel, The Dromhall,
                                                                across the road, which was managed by Kay.
                                                                Business thrived during the 1960s and 1970s, as Ireland
                                                                grew more prosperous and car sales increased and the
                                                                tourism business grew. Neil expanded his business
Tom Randles, a farmer’s son from Clontoo – between              interests further with investments in C&R frozen foods
Kenmare and Kilgarvan – was born in 1891. As a teenager         (1978) and CRL oil distribution (1980) along with his
he worked with the Hall family in Kenmare and showed an         good friends Tadgh Crowley and Mick Lucey. By now
aptitude for repairing their cars. After a time, and possibly   Neil Randles was employing a large number of people
with their encouragement, he went to England for a year         across his motor, hospitality and distribution operations.
to take City & Guilds training in motor mechanics.              Neil’s sons, Con and David, were brought into the garage
When he returned, he set up his own workshop under              business as teenagers, serving petrol and learning the
an archway by the Lansdowne Hotel on Kenmare’s Main             ropes. They had a keen interest in motor rallying and began
Street. But he set his eye on a site on Shelbourne Street       competing in a Mini in 1979. The company acquired the
owned by the Lansdowne Estate. When his                         Nissan dealership for South Kerry in 1982 at its Kenmare
offer to buy it was turned down by the                                 garage, while Killarney continued as Austin Rover
agent, he approached Lord Lansdowne                                            (formerly Morris) dealership.
directly and the deal was sealed. Tom                                                 Neil passed away suddenly in 1987
had previously suffered in a mining                                                         at the age of 51 and Randles
accident in Clontoo and possibly                                                             Brothers passed on to the third
had compensation money for the                                                               generation. Motor industry
purchase.                                                                                    standards were escalating at
His parents encouraged him to take his younger brother,                                                               the time and both premises were outdated. Con and David
Con, into the business and they established Randles                                                                   made the difficult decision to close the Kenmare premises
Brothers on Shelbourne Street, Kenmare in 1921. It was                                                                in 1990 and concentrate their efforts on Killarney. In 1992,
a volatile time in Ireland with the War of Independence                                                               they refurbished the Killarney garage into a modern car
underway. During the Civil War the garage was, at one                                                                 showroom, workshop and forecourt with convenience
point, forced to close and, on another occasion, Con                                                                  store, bringing the business to a new level.
crashed a car into a building on Henry Street to prevent it                                                           They developed their business connections with Tralee
being involved in a Civil War action.                                                                                 throughout the 1990s and opened a small outlet there in
                                                                                                                      1999 before investing in a state-of-the-art, new premises
                                                                                                                        at Manor West Retail Park in 2003. Like his father before
                                                                                                                             him, Con died suddenly and young. He was 49 when
                                                                                                                                        he passed away in 2010.
                                                                                                                                          During the following decade, David

                                                                                                                                          Randles again refurbished both
                                                                      Real garages have a                                                the Killarney and Tralee outlets to
                                                               different smell from filling                                             the standards required of a Nissan
                                                               stations. They aren’t just glorified                                   dealership. He continues the motoring
                                                               sweet-counters sitting on giant fuel tanks buried      tradition started by his grand-uncle and grandfather in
                                                               in the ground. They aren’t just about a quick sale     1921.
                                                               – they are about an accumulation of processes.         And he still loves to rally in his spare time.
                                                               So real garages have a workshop kind of smell.
                                                               It’s a sweet-and-sour aroma of spilt petrol and        Written by Cleo Murphy, granddaughter of Con Randles
                                                               cut metal, grease-grunge in toolboxes, cleaning
                                                               rags and concrete, stale air from inner-tubes.
Bicycle repairs, hackney services, and petrol sales were       It’s a smell from childhood summers in my
all part of the early business, as was charging batteries      grandfather’s garage in Kerry. The smell of the
for radios. An additional workshop was acquired on             trench, a black pit in which the mechanics would
Shelbourne Street. Local men were hired and trained            work on the cars.
as mechanics. When the sale of cars began to increase,         It was fairly dark inside the pit, yet the mechanics
Randles Brothers became a Morris dealership and the            wouldn’t need any extra light. After all, their
Morris Minor became a popular seller.                          hands did most of the seeing. Their fingertips
The two brothers raised their families on Shelbourne
Street. Tom lived in a home on the garage premises with
                                                               would swim around the objects, tightening
                                                               a loose bit here, or stroking and prodding a
his wife, Dolly and daughters Kay, Peggy, and Eileen. It       broken bit there, until it was all done.
had a distinctive façade created by Kenmare builder Jack
Bell. In a grove across the street, Con built a home for his   Michael Cunningham – grandson of Tom Randles
family; his wife, Mamie, and their children Esther, Tom,       Circa magazine, Winter 1998
Neil and Maura.

                1921                                                                                                                                  2021

                                                                                                                    Con Randles

Shelbourne Street, Kenmare in the early years when brothers Tom and Con Randles established their motor business.

                                                                                                                     Tom Randles
Monday        Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday         Friday             Saturday        Sunday
				1                                                       New Years Day   2               3

4             5              6           7              8                   9               10

11            12             13          14             15                  16              17

18            19             20          21             22                  23              24

25            26             27          28             29                  30              31

  Folk memories. Where do you start? “Battery Day” in our grandfather’s garage, when he dropped everything else for the batteries. Lines and lines of batteries,
standing like nervous soldiers by the dynamo at the back of the workshop. Its huge belt would whizz around monotonously for an eternity, until the lead and acid
were miraculously renewed. The batteries were urgently needed for the Marconis, because tomorrow was the All-Ireland, or Dev’s big speech, or, more likely still,
                                                            the latest show with Ciaran MacMathuna
                                            Michael Cunningham – grandson of Tom Randles Irish Times, 2 March 1993

                                                                                                                                                                    Tom Randles
Monday        Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
1             2              3           4              5             6               7

8             9              10          11             12            13              14

15            16             17          18             19            20              21

22            23             24          25             26            27              28

The garage was staffed by family members and local employees, many of whom stayed with Randles Brothers until their retirement. Included in the main picture
with Tom and Con Randles, are Neil and Maura Randles, John Crowley, Jerry O’Sullivan, Bobby Whyte, Andrew Hallissey, Donal O’Sullivan and Paddy Randles.
Monday        Tuesday   Wednesday                    Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
1             2              3                        4              5             6               7

8             9              10                       11             12            13              14

15            16             17   St. Patrick’s Day   18             19            20              21

22            23             24                       25             26            27              28

29            30             31

The brothers were joined in the business by Con’s sons Neil and Tom until the latter joined the priesthood with St. Patrick’s Missionaries.
Monday              Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday         Friday           Saturday        Sunday
			1                                                          2   Good Friday   3               4    Easter

5   Easter Monday   6              7           8              9                 10              11

12                  13             14          15             16                17              18

19                  20             21          22             23                24              25

26                  27             28          29             30
Neil Randles

               During the 1960s, the custom was for businesses to have their own annual social night for staff, customers and anyone who wanted to join in.
                                                  This photo shows the family and staff at a Randles Brothers social.
Monday        Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
31					1                                                                              2

3   May Day   4              5           6              7             8               9

10            11             12          13             14            15              16

17            18             19          20             21            22              23

24            25             26          27             28            29              30

                                            In 1957, Neil Randles expanded the business set up by his father and uncle, opening a second premises on
                                                                                 Muckross Road in Killarney.
Killarney staff with Neil Randles and his
             young son, Con.
Monday           Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
                 1              2           3              4             5               6

7 Bank Holiday   8              9           10             11            12              13

14               15             16          17             18            19              20

21               22             23          24             25            26              27

28               29             30

                                                                                                                                                      Con Randles

                                                                                                                                                       David Randles

During the 1980s, Neil’s young sons, Con and David became more involved in the business. They were also keen motor sports enthusiasts who started rallying in
                                                       Minis and then moved to Datsun/Nissan cars.
Monday        Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
			1                                                    2             3               4

5             6              7           8              9             10              11

12            13             14          15             16            17              18

19            20             21          22             23            24              25

26            27             28          29             30            31

Randles Brothers become more involved with the business life of Kerry. Connections with Tralee and the Festival of Kerry began in the 1990s,
                                          leading to the opening of a premises in Tralee 1999.
Monday             Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
30                 31					1

2   Bank Holiday   3              4           5              6             7               8

9                  10             11          12             13            14              15

16                 17             18          19             20            21              22

23                 24             25          26             27            28              29
                                                                                                                               Meán Fómhair
         Killar ney Team

                           In 1992, the Killarney premises was redeveloped to include a new forecourt and convenience store.
                                                                                                                                   David Randles
          avid   Randles
Con and D
Monday        Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
		 1                                     2              3             4               5

6             7              8           9              10            11              12

13            14             15          16             17            18              19

20            21             22          23             24            25              26

27            28             29          30
                                                                                                                                                      Deireadh Fómhair

Tralee Service Area                                                                                                                                               Tralee Sales Team

                 After an initial opening in Tralee in 1999, Randles Brothers, now under the management of Con and David Randles, moved to a new, state-of-the-
                                                                  art premises in Manor West Retail Park in 2003.
Monday              Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
				1                                                                       2               3

4                   5              6           7              8             9               10

11                  12             13          14             15            16              17

18                  19             20          21             22            23              24

25   Bank Holiday   26             27          28             29            30              31

         Current Tralee site

Tralee Showrooms
                                                                                                                                                                           Current Killarney site
               In the decade leading up to its centenary, Randles Brothers refurbished its outlets in Killarney and Tralee to the latest Nissan standards required
Monday        Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday        Saturday        Sunday
1             2              3           4              5             6               7

8             9              10          11             12            13              14

15            16             17          18             19            20              21

22            23             24          25             26            27              28

29            30


                                                                                                                      RANDLES BROS
                                                                                                                      A CENTURY OF SERVICE

Tom Randles   Con Randles            Neil Randles                     Con Randles                     David Randles

                            The three generations who founded, expanded and still operate Randles Brothers

       1921                                                                                                                      2021
Monday        Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday        Friday              Saturday             Sunday
		 1                                     2              3                   4                    5

6             7              8           9              10                  11                   12

13            14             15          16             17                  18                   19

20            21             22          23             24 Christmas Eve    25   Christmas Day   26   St. Stephen’s Day

27            28             29          30             31 New Year’s Eve
In 2021, Randles Brothers completes a century of business in Kerry, under the management
                      of David Randles, grandson of Con Randles.
“It’s an honour to have brought this business to its centenary,” he says. “Since Tom and
Con established it – and my father, Neil, expanded it – staff members too numerous to
                         mention have been part of its success.
“Mechanics filled the workshops, salespeople met with customers, office staff kept track of
the administration. They adapted over the years to new motor technology and new ways
of doing business. It has been a good enterprise, well supported by staff and customers.
                                I’m grateful to them all.”

                                 2021                     C A L E N DA R

                     w w w. ra n d l e s b r o s . co m
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