Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...

Page created by Jaime Chen
Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition
Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
Coalition Overview
     David Silver, Aerospace Industries Association

7/1/2021                                              2
Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
• The aviation industry, working through a multi-stakeholder group
  formed after open, public invitation by RTCA, conducted a study to
  determine interference threshold to radio altimeters

• The study found that 5G systems operating in the 3.7-3.98 GHz band
  will cause harmful interference altimeter systems operating in the 4.2-
  4.4 GHz band – and in some cases far exceed interference thresholds

• Harmful interference has the serious potential to impact public and
  aviation safety, create delays in aircraft operations, and prevent
  operations responding to emergency situations

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Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
Goals and Way Forward
• To ensure the safety of the public and aviation community, government,
  manufacturers, and operators must work together to:
    • Further refine the full scope of the interference threat
    • Determine operational environments affected
    • Identify technical solutions that will resolve interference issues
    • Develop future standards

• Government needs to bring the telecom and aviation industries to the table to
  refine understanding of the extent of the problem and collaboratively develop
  mitigations to address the changing spectrum environment near-, mid-, and long-

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Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
Coalition Tech-Ops Presentation
     John Shea, Helicopter Association International
     Sai Kalyanaraman, Ph.D., Collins Aerospace

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Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
What is a Radar Altimeter?
• Radar altimeters are the only device on the aircraft that can directly measure the
  distance between the aircraft and the ground and only operate in 4200-4400
• Operate when the aircraft is on the surface to over 2500’ above ground

   Radar Altimeter Antennas                                                  Radar Altimeter Antennas
                              Photo credit: Honeywell   Photo credit: ALPA

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Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
How Does a Radar Altimeter Work?
1. The radar altimeter
   transmits a signal toward
   the ground
2. The signal bounces off the
3. The radar altimeter
   receives the reflected       1       3
4. Round-trip time is
   translated into distance
                                            Photo credit: Garmin

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Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
How Does a Radar System Differ From a
Communication System?
• In a communications system, a receiver
  listens for signals that are generated by
  a transmitter and sent directly to the
           •   Transmit power can be increased to
               compensate for local conditions
• In a radar system, a receiver is listening
  for a transmitted signal that has reflected
  from an object or terrain
     • Transmit power is generally fixed and operates
       over a wide frequency range (up to 200 MHz)
     • Type of reflective surface can cause the return signal to vary widely in strength. The receiver must be very
       sensitive to receive signals reflected from tall grass, plowed fields, water/waves, snow, ice, etc.
     • Achieving this increased sensitivity means that radar receivers are inherently more sensitive to interference
       from strong signals in adjacent bands

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Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
How Does Radar Altimeter Information Get
• Radar altitude is shown directly to the
  pilot during approach and landing
    • Essential to safe operation during heavy
      workload, and the pilot needs absolute trust
• In addition, multiple other systems on the
  aircraft are fed the information directly:
    • Flight Controls
             • Automatic Landing
                                                        Photo credit: Radio Nederland Wereldomroep, CC BY 2.0
             • Advanced Aircraft Flight Control Modes   Turkish Airlines 1951 crashed at AMS, in part due to
    • Terrain Awareness and Warning Systems                 a false radar altitude reading, which caused
             • Aircraft                                   autothrottle to go to idle at inappropriate altitude
             • Helicopters
    • Other Warning Systems and Aircraft Systems

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Radio Altimeter Industry Coalition - Helicopter Association ...
Radar Altimeter Use on Helicopters
• Helicopters operate at low altitudes in an even
  more challenging environment than airplanes
     • Approaches to random points-in-space and
            • Below fixed-wing obstacle protection surfaces
     • Congested urban areas
            • Radar altimeter critical for sling load operations / tall
              building construction
     • Search-and-Rescue and Medevac
            • Terrain / buildings / obstacles
     • Offshore platforms in all weather
            • Platforms will also be equipped with 5G wireless
• Erroneous radar altimeter readings have been
  causes of numerous incidents/accidents

 7/1/2021                                                                 10
Scenario 1a: Airliner or GA Visual Approach and
Landing – Illustrative Example of Some RA Functions
                                                                                Even in good weather flying, without use of the autopilot, the
                                                                                radar altimeter is used for many important functions, such as:

1   At 2500’, radar altitude display active
2   At 2300’, Predictive Wind Shear activates (deactivates at 50’)
    From 1550’ – 1000’, Traffic Alert Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) alerts change                                              5
3   At 900’ TCAS Resolution Advisories are inhibited (not shown due to lower priority)                                                           6

    At/below about 800’, many status and caution messages are inhibited to prevent distraction during
    landing; other warnings may be enabled at these altitudes (e.g. landing gear not down). (Note: similar
    warning changes during takeoff)
5   At 200’, “rising runway” symbol and landing visual cues are shown on flight instruments and Heads-Up Display /
    automatic altitude callouts to touchdown – e.g., 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 and “rising runway” animation
    At about 100’, some aircraft may transition to a “Flare and De-rotation” flight control law for enhanced handling qualities. Radar
6   altitude is also used in the arming and activation of ground spoilers, thrust reversers, and other landing systems

       For Illustrative Purposes – not all uses of radar altitude in airliner or GA visual approaches are described; the exact systems and altitudes vary by aircraft type
Scenario 1b: Airliner or GA AUTOLAND,
    Visual or Low Visibility “CAT II/III”
                                                                     Radar altimeter functions in addition to all of the
                                                                     items from the Visual Approach Scenario 1a:
    Prior to approach, pilots select the approach in                          3
1   the Flight Management System – includes
    “Decision Height” (e.g. 100’ radar altitude)
    Selecting a different approach is disabled below a certain radar altitude;
2   manual tuning of the ILS system may be locked out below certain radar altitudes
    Once a CAT II Autoland approach starts, loss of radar altimeter data usually requires the approach to
3   be abandoned (missed approach)

4   Autopilot sensitivity on ILS beam reduces with radar altitude, as ILS Localizer beam width narrows

5   At the specified Decision Height, the pilot must have the runway touchdown zone in sight or execute a missed approach

6   AUTOLAND will transition to Flare and Rollout modes at about 100’ radar altitude.

     For Illustrative Purposes – not all uses of radar altitude during AUTOLAND or CAT II/III approaches are described; the exact systems and altitudes vary by aircraft type
Scenario 2: Windshear Encounter
and Escape
•   Windshear is a weather phenomenon that causes aircraft
    to experience a rapid decrease in airspeed, due to wind
    flows near the ground
      • Hazardous during takeoff and landing.
•   Upon encountering a windshear, the Pilot Flying executes
    an “escape maneuver”: pitch to a nose-up attitude, and
    increase engines to full power
•   Aircraft can still lose altitude during the escape maneuver
•   The Pilot Monitoring continuously calls out radar altitude    Warning
    to give the Pilot Flying critical situational awareness to
    help with decision making to avoid ground contact
•   Loss of, or incorrect radar altitude would greatly impair a    Radar Altitude
    successful safe outcome                                        Display

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                                                                                    Image Credit:
Airliner Interference Hazards
• Each use of the altimeter has a functional hazard
     • Hazards for loss of or erroneous altitudes vary by application
     • Hazards range from ‘Major’ to ‘Catastrophic’ depending on phase
       of flight
• Hazards from multiple affected functions could occur
  simultaneously and combine

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Scenario 3: Helicopter SAR Operation
Helicopter operations often
deal with demanding
environmental factors
•      Typically Entire Flight at Low Altitude
•      Day/Night Conditions
•      Weather
•      Unfamiliar Areas
•      Obstacles
•      Time Critical
Radar Altimeters feed a wide array of data/control systems
designed to enhance safety:
•      GPWS/HTAWS                                          •   Aural Safety Warnings   § 135.160 – Operable Radio Altimeters Required for Part 135
•      TCAS                                                •   Descent                 Operations

•      Auto Pilots & Automatic Flight Control Systems      •   Flight displays         §135.605 – HTAWS Required by Regulation for all Helicopter Air
                                                                                       Ambulance Operations
•      Flight Directors – Including approach/hover modes

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Scenario 3: Helicopter SAR Operation
Radar Altimeter interference can result in lost/inaccurate/erroneous/unreliable
data that will be DETECTED or UNDETECTED:
                                                       Hazardous flight profiles
          Increased risk to aircrews                  CFIT
          Loss of situational awareness               Loss of aircraft control
          Increased crew workloads
          Distraction
          Loss of mission

  Response to Detected Interference                                                 Effectiveness of Actions
         Situational – dependent on flight operations/environment                     No equivalent replacement for loss
         Actions driven by risk-based analysis                                         of altitude data
         May be driven by company SOP or Regulation                                   Asking crews to operate at risk
         Final response may range from continued flight to abort mission

7/1/2021                                                                                                                16
Where Can I Find More Information?
• The RTCA published a report in October 2020: “Assessment of C-Band Mobile
  Telecommunications Interference Impact on Low Range Radar Altimeter
     • Section 5.3 describes specific aircraft systems that depend on radar altimeter information, and
       the effect of radar altimeter interference on those systems

7/1/2021                                                                                             17
RTCA/EUROCAE Current Status
      Sc-239/WG-119 Low Range Radar Altimeters
      Jean-Luc Robin, Airbus
      Seth Frick, Honeywell

7/1/2021                                         18
RTCA Report: methodology and conclusion


  RTCA Report concluded that 5G operations present a risk of harmful interference to at least
  some heavily deployed RAs across a wide variety of aircraft types, with far-reaching
  consequences and impacts to aviation operations
                                                                  "(c) 2021 EUROCAE, (c) 2021, RTCA, Inc."
RTCA Report: Scope and Limitations
 The receiver ITMs (Interference Tolerance Masks) for each of the 3 Usage Categories
 used in the RTCA Report were based on aggregated measurements from multiple
 widely-used RA models in each category. Therefore, while at least some RA models
 would be susceptible to 5G interference, this may not be true for all models. Evaluation
 of individual RA models was outside the scope of the RTCA report, since this was not
 necessary to determine whether or not a risk of harmful interference exists

                                           The 5G signals and operations were characterized as follows:

                                           -   Waveform used for interference tolerance testing: 3GPP Test Model 1.1, with 30 kHz
                                               subcarrier spacing and 100 MHz channel bandwidth. This is expected to be a reasonable
                                               worst-case, but many other waveform configurations are possible, and network dynamics
                                               will play a significant role in the interference levels seen in the real world.
                                           -   5G operational parameters such as base station antenna patterns and scan angles for
                                               active phased array antenna systems were based on nominal implementations anticipated
                                               by wireless industry engineers. Off-nominal conditions, and potential future applications with
                                               different characteristics, were not evaluated.
                                           -   Only a single 5G base station (with 50% downlink duty cycle) was considered. Scenarios
                                               with multiple 5G base stations were not evaluated.
                                           -   5G fundamental emissions and 5G spurious emissions (within the 4.2–4.4 GHz band) were
                                               evaluated separately. In the real world, both will be present simultaneously.
"(c) 2021 EUROCAE, (c) 2021, RTCA, Inc."
5G – AERO collaboration proposal                                                     Aircraft
                                     Aggregated Power Flux Density                  scenarios
  5G operating rules/regulations
  (emissions limits, frequency       (dBW/m²/MHz) for arbitrary points
  bands, spurious limits, etc.)      in space where aircraft may                                           MOPS RA receiver Mask per
                                     operate                                                                    altitude (ITM)
                5G Experts                                           RTCA/EUROCAE
                   from                                               MOPS Special
                 wireless            5G Waveform
                 industry                                             SC239/WG119
            5G modeling
               tools                                                                                        - Note1: Fixed Wing aircraft mask could differ
                                                                                                              from helicopter mask
                                                                                                            - Note2: Receiver masks will account for all
                                                                 Existing Accuracy Realistic worst-           known interference sources near the RA
   Realistic worst-case 5G signals
                                                              interference criteria      case RA              band, which may be more than just 5G
   scenario                                                      sources                operating           - Note3: ITM in the MOPS is expected to be
   -   Several UEs onboard the aircraft?                                                                      valid for the next 30 years
   -   Aircraft crossing a 5G BS AAS beam
                                                                (Ownship                conditions
       created by several UEs in the direction of                 RA…)                    (terrain
       the aircraft ?                                                                  reflectivity,                        Legend
   -   Max. scan angle above the horizon for                                        aircraft pitch/roll,                                Aviation industry
       active phased array base stations?                                                   etc.)                                       needs help and
   -   Worst-case secondary lobes directed                                                                                              collaboration from
       above the horizon in base station antenna                                                                                        5G experts
       patterns?                                             "(c) 2021 EUROCAE, (c) 2021, RTCA, Inc."
Industry way forward
                 Continued Airworthiness wrt in-service events with existing equipment (aviation

                                                                      Short Term Mitigations
STREAM                                                 (e.g: 5G restrictions around airports, aircraft operational            Decisions made
                                                                   restrictions, aircraft retrofits… ?)
2                                                                                                                             based on the
                                                                                                                              Classification of
                                                 Potential Decision
                                                                                                                              the criticality and
                         MOPS RA receiver Mask
                           per altitude (ITM)

              Input                                       RTCA                 Behavior of RA              Impact at
STREAM        from                                        MOPS                   output (RA
                                                         delivery              manufacturers)
3              5G                                                                                            level


         1st July 2021                       ?             End 2022                                                    2023               >30 years
                                                          MOPS release
                                                                                               "(c) 2021 EUROCAE, (c) 2021, RTCA, Inc."
1. RTCA/EUROCAE MOPS is focusing on Radio Frequency
   Coexistence with 5G
   a) Additionally, new MOPS will improve standardization and documentation
      of key Rad Alt performance characteristics needed for future coexistence

2. RTCA/EUROCAE MOPS will be released once the ITM is
   agreed within aeronautical community. The ITM will be defined
   once the 5G aggregated level is defined. The target release date
   is Q4 2022.

3. There is a need to get the 5G aggregated level from 5G
   community in order to build the MOPS on validated, sound,
   resilient and long-term assumptions.
   a) This same effort helps with the development of near-term mitigations as
      well, not just the long-term solution (new MOPS).              "(c) 2021 EUROCAE, (c) 2021, RTCA, Inc."
Fixed Wing Perspective
      Ben Ivers, The Boeing Company

7/1/2021                              24
Fixed Wing Perspective
• Airframe OEM’s support 5G and its deployment
           •   The aviation industry (including UAS/AAM) expects to be a big user of 5G
           •   Harmonization is key to ensure public safety and to ensure Aviation / Telecom joint success
• There is variation in the interference effect on aircraft. Variation depends upon:
           •   Level of integration of the radio altimeter with other aircraft systems
           •   Radio altimeter model number
           •   Crew workload in specific phases of flight
           •   External environment
• Preliminary safety analyses of airplane level effects of interference are
  consistent with RTCA report:
           •   Under specific conditions, interference could result in hazards levels up to and including

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Fixed Wing Perspective
• Some radio altimeters should be resilient to 5G signals while others will need
           •   Confirmation needed once RTCA global threat characterization is complete
           •   Collaboration with 5G industry is needed to validate 5G assumptions
           •   Radio altimeter updates will take time to be incorporated

• There is a need for near-term mitigations in the form of 5G implementation
           •   These mitigations would be temporary until updated MOPS and altimeters are available
           •   These mitigations will ensure public safety while long-term solutions are put in place

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Radio Altimeter Rotorcraft
      Modes and Hazards
      Nick Kefalas, Lockheed Martin Sikorsky

7/1/2021                                       27
Radio Altimeter Rotorcraft Modes and Hazards

7/1/2021                                   28
Radio Altimeter and the
      Modern Flightdeck
      Wes Googe, American Airlines

7/1/2021                             29
Flight Crew Requirements
• Knowledge
    • National Airspace System
    • Aircraft Systems and Procedures
• Skillset
• Judgement
• Training
• Experience

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Flight Crew Dependencies
•   Standard Operating Procedures
•   Aircraft Basic System Reliability
•   Navigation Data Accuracy and Integrity
•   Aircraft Safety System Reliability and Integrity

7/1/2021                                               31
Radio Altimeter Integration
• Flight Operations Use
           • Safety of Flight Items
              • Approach Minimum
              • Terrain Avoidance
              • Aircraft Collision Avoidance
              • Wind Shear Avoidance
              • Aircraft Operating Envelope Protection
              • Navigation, Warning System Functionality
              • Auto Land Operations

7/1/2021                                                   32
Radio Altimeter RFI
• Flight Crew Aircraft Concerns
           • No RFI Detection Capability
           • Loss or Degradation of Certain Safety Systems
           • Unplanned/Unintended Aircraft Operation
• Flight Crew Operation Concerns
           • Approach Success Uncertainty
           • Significant Reduction in Safety During WX or Terrain Events
           • ATC Mitigation
             •   Loss of Low Visibility Runway Operations
             •   Reduced Airport Access

7/1/2021                                                                   33
• Aircraft Operational Impacts
           • Under Review
• Training Preparation
           • Under Review
• Flight Operational Consequences
           • Under Review

7/1/2021                            34
Mitigating Radio Altimeter
      Interference: Restoring Safety and
      Operational Integrity
      Robert Ireland, Airlines for America

7/1/2021                                     35
Mitigating Radio Altimeter Interference:
Restoring Safety and Operational Integrity
• Detailed characterization of expected issues, iterated by real-world findings
• Revised/new system designs (3-5 years)
           •   For ALL aircraft types that are susceptible, starting ASAP
• Certification and STC approvals (months to years for all aircraft models and new
  or revised LRUs)
• Procurement cycle
• Installation (3-5 years of major airlines, unless otherwise mandated)
           •   Dependent on extent of mods (i.e., LRU, +writing?,+antennae changes??)
           •   Maintenance visit coordination (routine or special routing?)

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