Elimination of RLAN Interference on Weather Radars by Channel Allocation in 5 GHz Band

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Elimination of RLAN Interference
                      on Weather Radars
              by Channel Allocation in 5 GHz Band
                     Zoltán Horváth                                                 Dávid Varga
         Budapest University of Technology and                       Budapest University of Technology and
    Economics, Department of Telecommunications                 Economics, Department of Telecommunications
                  Budapest, Hungary                                           Budapest, Hungary
             E-mail: horvathz@hit.bme.hu                               E-mail: varga.david@duvinet.hu

Abstract — Weather radars are used for short term           standards. The details of DFS and its problems are
meteorological prediction all over the world. Radars        discussed in Subsection 2.2.
in 5GHz band can be jammed by RLAN devices (e.g.                Subsection 2.3 presents some of the solutions we
Wi-Fi routers). We introduce the background of this         propose, that could possibly detect and even filter RLAN
problem, and analyze the weakness of the current            interference at the radar systems. Some of these solutions
solution (DFS - Dynamic Frequency Selection). We            are easier to manage, some are only theoretical, and
propose some other solutions, and introduce our             could not be implemented because of the technical
channel allocation technique. We analyze it                 parameters of the radars.
theoretically by modeling the radar operation and               As the main topic of this paper, in Section 3 we
RLAN traffic, and we also show its high efficiency in       introduce a method, which does not only detect and filter
practice, based on well-known IEEE 802.11 RTS/CTS           RLAN interference, but also eliminates it before it could
mechanism.                                                  actually happen. We present here a preventive solution,
                                                            which is based on channel allocation. It can occupy the
  802.11a, interference, weather radar, RLAN, Wi-Fi,        channel for the radar while the measurements are done,
WLAN, 5 GHz band, RTS/CTS, DFS                              by silencing the RLAN transmitters in direction. In
                                                            Section 3 we present the overview of the main idea and
                     I. INTRODUCTION                        some background information, and we also introduce the
                                                            allocation technique in details using traffic models and
    The introduction of modern meteorological radars has    estimation, and present some evaluation of it.
revolutionized accurate short-term forecasts. But at that       Finally, conclusions are summarized in Section 4.
time nobody thought, that the quickly spread wireless
networks (RLAN – Radio Local Area Network, in this                  II. INTERFERENCE AND SOME SOLUTIONS
paper synonym for Wi-Fi and WLAN) [2] would affect
negatively the performance of radar systems – in a large         A. Introduction of the interference
number of countries worldwide [4], [5], [6].                    As part of the European weather forecast system,
    In the beginning of the next section (Subsection 2.1)   there are three working weather radars in Hungary under
we show how this interference appears on the screen of      the supervision of Hungarian Meteorological Service
meteorological radars, and discuss the serious              (OMSZ) and several others throughout Europe and all
consequences it may cause. We also specify the origins      over the world. These radars measure the atmosphere
of the interference from a technical point of view.         precipitation.
    Of course, as the problem expanded, engineers tried         Based on the information and pictures provided by
to come up with a solution. This led to the development     the OMSZ, Figure 1 shows the influence of the strays on
of DFS (Dynamic Frequency Selection), which is a            a rough radar image. Each shade means a different dBZ
standardized method introduced in IEEE 802.11h. Of          level, corresponds to the intensity of the reflected signal.
course, the RLAN devices need to comply with it, so         If the shade represents a larger numerical value, it means
DFS compliance tests were introduced in the ETSI            a higher received signal strength.
301 893 documents. The ETSI standard is still under             The jammed layers indicate significant quantity of
development. Almost every year or two a newer version       rain, so their influence is rather disturbing. It is also
is revealed, trying to make the tests be more similar to    dangerous when the signals reflected by precipitation are
real life events. Unfortunately, the DFS still can not      combined with the ones from the strays (see in the left
provide enough protection for the radar systems; many       bottom of Figure 1), and as result we may come to a false
RLAN devices don’t perfectly comply with the                conclusion regarding the quantity of the precipitation.

9781-4244-3941-6/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE
This may cause significant problems in the weather                            RLAN devices will not switch the channel, and the
forecasts and pre-estimations.                                                DFS Slave will continuously jam the radar.
    The layers and sectors appearing in the images are                     4. We collected more than 50 certificates of 802.11a
mostly caused by IEEE 802.11a standard RLAN devices                           RLAN devices on the market. Most of them only
located close to ground and operating within the radar’s                      complied with older, v1.2.3 or v1.3.1 [3] versions of
frequency range [4], [5], [6], [7]. One of the (and                           ETSI. This means, that even if the device was called
frequently used) frequency bands where the                                    DFS compatible at the time it was designed, it would
meteorological radars may operate is between 5600-5650                        not certainly pass the newer versions of ETSI. But
MHz, which overlaps with 3 of the 802.11a channels                            these devices are still in operation, or even can be
(No. 120, 124 and 128) [7].                                                   bought and used.
                                                                           5. There were some devices we actually tested, and some
                                                                              of them let the end user enable or disable DFS or
                                                                              Radar signal detection, although this function should
                                                                              be automatically and always enabled.
                                                                                C. Our proposed solutions
                                                                               As we can see, DFS can not, and probably never will
                                                                           provide a perfect solution against radar interference. We
                                                                           came up with some ideas, detailed in [1]. Here we
                                                                           provide a quick overview of them.
                                                                               If we detect signals in the 20 MHz wide 802.11a
                                                                           channel, out of the 1.25 MHz wide spectrum of the radar
                                                                           at the same time of the radar echo reception, we may say
                                                                           that there was RLAN interference. In this case the result
                                                                           of radar measurements can be ignored.
                                                                               Interference can also be detected or filtered in time
                                                                           scale, if we only look for reflected radar signals in the
                                                                           time period when they could have returned. This possible
                                                                           time period can be calculated from the typical minimum
                                                                           and maximum height of the clouds in the actual season
    Figure 1. RLAN interference in the picture of the meteorological       and the altitude angle of the radar.
                                  radar                                        Interference can also be detected or filtered, if
    There are not only clouds in the picture but also strips and sectors   precipitation maps are received from other sources,
   are shown signed by dotted curves. These are caused by RLAN             including satellites or terrestrial optical camera system,
        interference, and inhibit observing of the precipitation.
                                                                           which can observe without this interference.
     B. DFS and its problems                                                   If we use more radars to scan a selected area, then by
    Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) has become the                       comparing the different measurements we are able to
technological solution to dissolve the interference issues                 detect or filter the interference. This can be done by
between weather radars and RLAN devices. The IEEE                          specific algorithms or majority voting in case of using at
802.11h standard [2] and the ETSI EN 301 893                               least three radars.
directives [3] summarize the functional requirements                           There is a chance to separate radar and RLAN
(including DFS) for 5 GHz RLANs.                                           signals, if we use some kind of modulation on the radar
    In practice, a device is marked DFS compatible, if it                  signals, and we detect the reflected signals via an
passes the DFS tests of the actual ETSI EN 301 893                         appropriate demodulator. Unfortunately, this method
standard (further: ETSI). On the other hand, it is                         would require the modification of the radar signals in a
questionable whether this DFS compatibility provides                       way that current magnetron based weather radars are
enough protection for meteorological radars. We                            unable to provide.
examined the efficiency of DFS using ETSI v1.4.1 [3]                           The possible solutions mentioned above are useful
both theoretically and in practice [1], and found that the                 only for detecting and filtering the already existing
following problems still exist. We introduce briefly these                 interference. Using our proposed method discussed in
already known and those revealed by us problems here.                      Section 3, we may eliminate the interference before it
1. The minimum pulse width for testing against DFS is                      even existed. For this allocation we use the well-known
   0.8 µs, but Hungarian radars also use 0.4 µs, which is                  RTS/CTS mechanism of IEEE 802.11 [2], which sets the
   harder to detect.                                                       NAV of the RLAN stations, thus silencing them for the
2. Channel Availability Check time is only 60 seconds,                     time the actual measurement takes place.
   but it can be shorter than the radar rotation period.
   (Note that this has been changed to 10 minutes in
   ETSI v1.5.1 [3].)
3. DFS Slave devices are not required to sense radar
   signals. When a DFS Slave device faces the radar, and
   the radar signal is too weak at the DFS Master, the
The duration between two following pulses can be
  III.    CHANNEL ALLOCATION: MODELING, ANALYSIS                 divided into two periods (see Figure 2). The first one is
                            AND EVALUATION                       between the transmission of a pulse and the theoretical
                                                                 limit when its echo is received by the radar. This
     A. Overview                                                 measurement time (Tmeasure [s]) is calculated from
     During the operation the radar rotates at a specific        maximum range of the radar (R [m]) and signal
altitude angle (elevation) or scans a given sector and then      propagation speed (‘speed of light’) (c [m/s]):
raises the elevation. In the meantime it transmits radar                         2 ⋅R                             [s] (4)
                                                                        T      =
pulses and receives echoes, reflected by hydrometeors                                    c
(raindrop, ice) and attenuated by absorption and free                The second period is the idle time between the end of
space loss. This backscattering is limited in time by the        observation and the next pulse, called Time of
attenuation and radar signal sensitivity. After each and         InterMeasurement Gap (IMG) (TIMG [s]):
before the next measurement there is an idle period that                                      1     2⋅R           [s] (5)
                                                                        T =T −T
                                                                          IMG       PR    =      −
will be called ‘InterMeasurement Gap’ (IMG). In our                                                    PRF      c
channel allocation technique this gap is used, so the radar         The pulse length is negligible compared to other
operation and functionality is not affected. (See Figure         durations; therefore it is omitted in this formula. Using
2.)                                                              these parameters the utilization of the radar and the
                                                                 channel is:
                                                                                  T         2 ⋅ R ⋅ PRF                 (6)
                                                                        U       = measure =
                                                                                         TPR                c
                                                                   2) Modeling of the RLAN traffic
                                                                    Not only radar operation, but also RLAN traffic
                                                                 should be described in order to be able analyze and
                                                                 model the proposed solution.
                                                                         Scenario I: RLAN traffic without ACKs
                  Figure 2. Signal of the radar in time domain        In Scenario I RLAN traffic consists of data frames
                                                                 only without any acknowledgement (ACK), therefore
    The basic idea behind channel allocation is to defer         RLAN transmission contains frames and idle times. In
the transmission of the RLAN devices for the time the            general distributions of frame size and arrival times are
radar faces their direction, thus we have to allocate that       unknown. We use this deterministic traffic pattern for
time slot to the radar. This can be done by sending out          modeling, because this is the worst case: all of the frames
information to the RLAN stations prior to the critical           use the maximum time duration (with maximum size)
interval, which forces them to be silent until the radar         (Tframe [s]) and minimum interframe time (IFT) (Tinterframe
turns over. These messages can be sent during the IMG.           [s]), consequently this case gives the most occupied
    For analyzing and evaluating our proposed preventive         channel (see Figure 3).
solution building a model is indispensable.
     B. Modeling of the radar and RLAN traffic
    At first radar and RLAN traffic are described by their
timing and other parameters.
  1) Modeling of the radar operation
    As introduced in Subsection 3.1, the radar antenna                Figure 3. Traffic scheme and timing for RLANs without ACKs
rotates under operation. Rotation speed is given in RPM
(Rotation per Minute) generally in most of the radar                 Frame time (Tframe [s]) consists of two parts: fixed
specifications. This value – denoted by ‘β’ – is needed in       duration for frame initialization (Tframe_init [s]) and the other
degree/sec (°/s) measure for further calculation.                part depending on frame size (Sframe [bit]) and bit rate of
            RPM ⋅ 360                             [°/s] (1)      transmission (BRframe [bit/s]):
        β=            = RPM ⋅ 6
                      60                                                                    S                             [s] (7)
                                                                        T     =T
                                                                          frame         + frame
                                                                                     frame _ init
   Another main parameter of the radars is the                                                      BR frame
horizontal beam width (α) measured in degrees (°).                  Channel utilization (Uframe) can be calculated with
   Every radar rotation has a period, when the radar             these parameters:
scans a specific point, as described in Subsection 3.1.                            Tframe                           (8)
This ‘Time-on-Target’ (TToT) is constant for each point:                U    =
                                                                                    Tframe + Tint erframe
            α                                     [s] (2)
         TToT =
                  β                                                     Scenario II: RLAN traffic with ACKs
   During this period radars periodically transmit pulses.           Unlike the previous scenario, RLANs mostly use
This is specified as ‘Pulse Repetition Frequency’ (PRF)          acknowledgements (ACKs) for reliable transmissions.
in Hz (1/s). It has the same meaning as Pulse Repetition         After sending the data frame (Tframe) RLAN devices wait
(PR) Time (TPR):                                                 (TACK_delay) for the ACK (TACK). Similarly to the ‘RLAN
                1                                 [s] (3)        traffic without ACKs’ model this one simulates the worst
        T =PR
                      PRF                                        case in a deterministic way. The frame and ACK
transmission periods can be grouped together (called               successful allocation can be maximized by the maximum
‘Extended Frame’), supposing that the further channel              rate of CAF frequency.
allocation technique can not interrupt this frame-ACK
communications (see Figure 4).

                                                                           Figure 5. Scheme and timing for CAFs and RLAN traffic

       Figure 4. Traffic scheme and timing for RLAN with ACKs          This results a deterministic structure of channel
   In acknowledged RLAN transmissions frames, ACKs and idle time   allocation transmission with using short CAFs (TCAF [s])
   between them (ACK delay) should be combined into ‘Extended
                              Frame’.                              and as short as possible idle time (‘InterCAF Time’)
                                                                   (TICAF [s]) between them (see Figure 5). Duration of CAF
    This grouping increases the channel utilization                can be calculated the same way as duration of data
according to the worst case estimation. This allows a              frames with the parameters: fix time for initialization
more simple way of modeling RLAN traffic with ACK,                 (TCAF_init [s]), size of CAF (SCAF [bit]) and transmission bit
too.                                                               rate (BRCAF [bit/s])
    Duration of frames and ACKs (TACK [s]) are                                               S                           [s] (12)
calculated the same way as before:                                           T =T
                                                                            CAF             + CAF
                                                                                         CAF _ init
                                                                                                      BR CAF
                      S                       [s] (9)
       T ACK=T      + ACK
                  ACK _ init
                                                                       This channel allocation operation is used only in
                                BR ACK                             InterMeasurement Gaps of radar, as discussed in
   And the ‘Extended Frame’ time (Textended_frame [s]) using       Subsection 3.1.
‘ACK Delay Time’ (TACK_delay [s]) as mentioned above:
                                                       [s] (10)         D. Analysis of proposed solution
      Textended _ frame = Tframe + TACK _ delay + TACK
                                                                       As mentioned above, CAF can block RLAN traffic,
   Maximum usage of channel (Uextended_frame) can be               when an RLAN device detects it. It can occur, when the
defined in this scenario, too.                                     whole CAF is received from its beginning without
                            Textended _ frame    (11)              overlapping with RLAN frames. RLANs using CSMA
       U            =
         extended _ frame
                               Textended _ frame + Tint erframe    (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) do not transmit frames,
    This is higher than Uframe, because ‘Extended Frames’          if the beginning of any frame (including CAF) is
are larger than original frames but ‘InterFrame Time’ is           detected. Therefore this successful reception of a CAF
equal.                                                             becomes a successful channel allocation, too. Applying
                                                                   RLAN traffic and channel allocation models described in
     C. Modeling of the channel allocation                         Subsection 3.1, the number of successful CAFs during an
    The overview of the channel allocation technique was           interframe time (IFT), NCAF_IFT can be estimated:
given in Subsection 3.1. To achieve our goal                                          Tint erframe                     (13)
                                                                           N      =
                                                                             CAF _ IFT
(minimizing the traffic of the RLANs during radar scan)                                       TCAF + TICAF
we use Channel Allocation Frames (CAFs) (e.g. CTS) in                  In this case we supposed that CAFs and RLAN
general. RLAN traffic can be blocked for a specific                frames are not synchronized, and one’s periodicity is not
duration with each CAF. But this event occurs only in              exactly a multiple of other’s in our deterministic model.
the case when an RLAN device receives a CAF                        This condition guarantees the variety of relative positions
successfully. Reception of CAF can be successful if and            of CAFs and RLAN frames.
only if the beginning of the CAF is in an interframe time              We supposed that CAF traffic does not affect RLAN
(IFT) of the RLAN traffic. However, detecting IFTs on              traffic, only when successfully receiving a CAF. If this
the radar side and using detection-based adaptive                  assumption is incorrect, than CAFs can occur longer idle
transmission of CAFs can be difficult and it is                    periods and RLAN frame retransmission (due to frame-
unnecessary. When the radar receives signals of more               CAF collision) in RLAN traffic, too. However, in this
than one RLAN simultaneously, it can detect fewer and              case utilization of the RLAN channel can not exceed the
shorter idle periods due to overlapping RLAN traffics.             worst case limit, as described in Scenario I and II.
However, CAFs can be transmitted successfully not only                 The interframe frequency (number of IFT in one
in these periods, because each RLAN has its own IFTs,              second) (FIFT [1/s]) can be calculated as
when the allocation can occur. It can be difficult to                                      1
separate traffic of RLANs, and derivate when and which                      FIFT =                                         [1/s] (14)
one has its IFT.                                                                   Tframe + Tint erframe
    We decided, our proposed solution use a simple                     Tframe can be replaced with Texteneded_frame as necessary.
deterministic        RLAN-traffic-independent       CAF                Using both values (NCAF_IFT and FIFT), the average
transmission without using detection and a complex                 frequency of successful CAFs in IFT (FCAF_IFT [1/s]) can
adaptive mechanism (with difficulty above). The rate of            be estimated, too:
FCAF _ IFT = NCAF _ IFT ⋅ FIFT =                                                     E. Evaluation in practice
                                                                                       [1/s] (15)
            Tint erframe        1              1 − Uframe                                   In practice most of the parameters are defined in
         =               ⋅                   =                                          standards and specifications. We use weather radar
           TCAF + TICAF Tframe + Tint erframe TCAF + TICAF
    This result demonstrates our previous two worst case                                parameters as specified and generally used: RPM=2
assumptions: efficiency can be increased by minimizing                                  (max. 6), α=1° (beam width in 3 dB), PRF= 400 Hz
both RLAN traffic utilization and CAF cycle duration.                                   (interval 250-1300 Hz), R=240 km. The values of the
This formula (15) can be used not only in the case of                                   RLAN traffic parameters come from IEEE 802.11,
deterministic, but also in the case of random RLAN                                      802.11a (including RTS/CTS) [2]. For practical
traffic, only the utilization of the channel should be                                  evaluation of this allocation technique, the worst case or
known.                                                                                  default values of parameters are applied. We use
    The above result is modified by usable time slot, so                                minimum bit rates of 6 Mbps (max. 54 Mbps) and
the more relevant value is the frequency of successful                                  initialization time 20 µs (preamble (16 µs) + PLCP (4
CAFs in IFTs in ‘InterMeasurement Gaps’ (IMG)                                           µs)) for all communications. We set also other durations
(FCAF_IFT_IMG [1/s]):                                                                   as follow: Tinterframe=34 µs (DIFS + 1 Slot Time),
                                         TIMG                                           TACK_delay=16 µs (SIFS), TNAV=32267 µs (15 bit for NAV in
         FCAF _ IFT _ IMG = FCAF _ IFT ⋅        =                            [1/s] (16) CTS   in µs) and TICAF=16 µs (we can specify it freely, but
                                                                                        for easier implementation and compatibility we set it to
                                            (1 − U frame ) ⋅ (1 − Umeasure )
         = FCAF _ IFT ⋅ (1 − Umeasure ) =                                               SIFS). ACKs and CAFs (CTS) are 14 bytes, as in
                                                    TCAF + TICAF                        standards [2]. In this worst case scenario, we use
    Accordingly, the average number of successful                                       maximum data frame size (1516 bytes), supposing
channel allocations during each IMG is:                                                 Ethernet traffic (64-1516 bytes). Using these values the
         N                =F            ⋅T =
                                                  (1 − U frame ) ⋅ TIMG         (17)    parameters of our model can be calculated, see Table 1.
          CAF _ IFT _ IMG          CAF _ IFT      IMG
                                                               TCAF + TICAF                                              TABLE I.        CALCULATED PARAMETERS
    Another useful measure can be the successful channel                                               Parameter                 Value      Parameter           Value
allocations during a radar scan (Tcont) (NCAF_IFT_IMG_ToT):                                            Tmeasure                1600 µs      TACK= TCAF        38.67 µs
        N CAF _ IFT _ IMG _ ToT = FCAF _ IFT _ IMG ⋅ TToT =
                                                                                               (18)    TIMG                     900 µs      Uframe            86.73 %
                  (1 − U frame ) ⋅ (1 − Umeasure )             α                                       Umeasure                  64 %       Uextended_frame   89.06 %
              =                                            ⋅
                            TCAF + TICAF                       β                                       TToT                  83.33 ms       NCAF_IFT_IMG           1.8
    Each successful channel allocation protects the radar                                              Tframe                 222.1 µs      NCA_ToT_min              3
from RLAN traffic for duration (TCAF_NAV), that is the sum                                             Textended_frame        332.8 µs      ρ                    20.01
of the time value (NAV – Network Allocation Vector)
contained in CAF (TNAV) and the time of CAF itself (TCAF)                                                 The results of worst case calculations and estimations
(See Figure 5.):                                                                                      can be seen in Table 1. We find that since the radar is in
       TCAF _ NAV = TCAF + TNAV                    [s] (19)                                           idle state in 36 % of its time, there is a 900 µs IMG for
                                                                                                      channel allocation. During an IMG, 1.8 successful
   With this value the minimum numbers of successful                                                  channel allocations occur in average, but only 3 are
channel allocations in each scan period (TToT) (NCA_ToT)                                              needed during a 83.33 ms ‘Time-on-Target’. With these
can be estimated:                                                                                     worst case parameters the proposed solution allocates
                    ⎡ TToT ⎤ ⎡     1       α⎤      (20)                                               channels at least 20 times more often than needed.
       N          =
          CA _ ToT _ min     =   ⎢       ⋅    ⎥          ⎢               ⎥
                                 ⎢ TCAF _ NAV ⎥          ⎢ TCAF + TNAV β ⎥                                These results can be much better if the estimation is
    One of the most important values that can describe                                                based on real parameter values, not on the worst case.
the efficiency of the proposed solution (ρ) is the ratio of                                           For example, using a real distribution of frame sizes
occurred effective channel allocations (NCAF_IFT_IMG_ToT) and                                         gives some improvement. Supposing that the frame size
the number of needed (NCA_ToT_min).                                                                   distribution is similar to as it was in 2000 in world wide
                                                (1 − U frame ) ⋅ (1 − Umeasure )       α
                                                                                                      networks, estimation can be much better. Based on an
                                                                                   ⋅                  earlier publication [8], we analyzed the cumulative
                  N CAF _ IFT _ IMG _ ToT                TCAF + TICAF                  β       (21)
         ρ=                                 =                                              ≈          density function (CDF) and smoothed probability density
                     N CA _ ToT _ min                   ⎡      1      α⎤                              function (PDF) (or histogram) of the IP packet size. We
                                                        ⎢            ⋅ ⎥
                                                        ⎢ TCAF + TNAV β ⎥                             can find 3 modes in it of packet size distribution. Only
              TCAF + TNAV                                                                             14 % of the traffic has the maximal size, 19 % is around
          ≈                ⋅ (1 − U frame ) ⋅ (1 − Umeasure )                                         570 bytes and almost 33% has the minimal size with 40
              TCAF + TICAF
    The approximation can be applied in case of                                                       bytes. Due to the payload encapsulation and framing
Tcont>>TCAF_NAV. This formula clearly shows which                                                     every packet gets 16-20 bytes additional overhead. Using
parameters can affect the efficiency of channel allocation                                            these statistics and information, the average frame size
dominantly. This efficiency (ρ) can reach or exceed 1, if                                             can be around 500 bytes. In this case, the efficiency (ρ)
           T + TNAV                                   (23)                                            of the solution exceeds 35, which means that CAF occur
       1 < CAF      ⇔T >T               NAV         ICAF                                              in the average 35 times more often than needed.
              TCAF + TICAF
                                                                                                          We can also analyze the relationship between the
                                                                                                      efficiency and RLAN bit rate, frame size and using
                                                                                                      ACKs. This comparison (Figure 6) shows that 20 is the
lowest efficiency, but under some conditions even 115
can be reached.                                                                            IV.     CONCLUSIONS

                                                                         In this paper we have addressed the problem of
                                                                     interference between meteorological radars and RLAN
                                                                     devices. We have evaluated the current solution – DFS –
                                                                     and its limitations. We have proposed some new ways,
                                                                     and detailed the most viable one: channel allocation
                                                                     based on RTS/CTS. We have given models for radar
                                                                     operations and RLAN traffic. We have shown that using
                                                                     the proposed technique the interference can be
                                                                     eliminated in a very efficient way, due to the mandatory
                                                                     and embedded functionality of RTS/CTS and parameters
                                                                     from standards.
      Figure 6. The efficiency of the channel allocation technique       We will try to test this solution in practice soon. We
                                                                     expect this method to be implemented all over the world
    F. Applicability                                                 and will solve the problem of 5 GHz interference.
    We can see that the solution is more efficient than
needed under every circumstance. It can protect                                       ACKNOWLEDGMENT
meteorological radars against RLAN interference using                    This work has been supported by Meteorological
simple RTS/CTS mechanism. Thus, the implementation                   Service (OMSZ), National Communications Authority
of this technique is not too difficult. A simple computer            (NHH) in Hungary, and HSNLab, Budapest University
can send CTS frames continuously through a WLAN                      of Technology and Economics.
adapter, synchronized to radar measurement cycle. For
higher efficiency we can apply an optional power                                                 REFERENCES
amplifier. The signal can be transmitted directly into the           [1]   Horváth, Z., Micskei, T., Seller, R., Varga D., Lukovszki, Cs.:
waveguide of the radar through a coupler, which exits in                   “Analyzing WiFi DFS efficiency and opportunities stopping radar
most of the radars for testing and calibrating purposes.                   interference”, Hungarian National Communications Authority
We can also use a controlled gate before the coupler to                    (NHH), December, 2007. (The summary for public:
protect the amplifier against the high power radar pulses.                 http://www.hit.bme.hu/~hotvathz/publication/
(Figure 7.)                                                                radar_wifi_interference_summary_2008.pdf)
                                                                     [2]   “IEEE Std 802.11-2007, Wireless LAN Medium Access Control
                                                                           (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications”.
                                                                     [3]   “ETSI EN 301 893: Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN);
                                                                           5 GHz high performance RLAN; Harmonized EN covering
                                                                           essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive”.
                                                                     [4]   ITU-R Radiocommunication Study Groups: “Studies on the effect
                                                                           of wireless access systems including RLANs on terrestrial
                                                                           meteorological radars operating in the band 5600-5650 MHz”,
                                                                           ITU, Geneva, August 30, 2004.
                                                                     [5]   ITU-R Radiocommunication Study Groups: “Theoretical analysis
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                                                                     [6]   “Recommendation on C-Band Meteorological radars design to
                                                                           ensure global and long-term coexistence with 5 GHz RLAN”,
                                                                           35th EUMETNET council, Reading, UK, December 4, 2008.
       Figure 7. Radar block diagram with the proposed solution      [7]   Hungarian National Communications Authority (NHH):
                                                                           “Broadband Data Transmission with Wireless Access Devices”.
   The proposed technique can be used as a standard-                       Second Edition, Budapest, October 1, 2006.
compliant solution, because it uses an ordinary WLAN                 [8]   McCreary, Sean and Claffy, K. C.: “Trends in Wide Area IP
device and a frame type that is specified in the standards.                Traffic Patterns: A View from Ames Internet Exchange”,
This can not conflict with the radar; moreover it allows                   Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA),
undisturbed radar operation.
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