Potential Air Traffic Management CO 2 and Fuel Efficiency Performance Metrics for General ANSP Use

civil air navigation services organisation

Potential Air Traffic
Management CO2
and Fuel Efficiency
Metrics for General
Published May 2013                                       Contents

 1_		 Introduction_p3
 2_		 CANSO’s Metrics and Methodologies
 3_		 Strategic Value of Performance Metrics_p4
 4_ Criteria Governing ANSP Metrics_p4
 5_ Survey of Current Measures related to Fuel
 6_ ATM CO2 Specific Metrics_p5
 7_ Issues Requiring Further Consideration_p7

© Copyright CANSO 2013

This paper is for information purposes only.
While every effort has been made to ensure the quality
and accuracy of information in this publication,
it is made available without any warranty of any kind.
Potential Air Traffic Management CO2 and Fuel                                                             2_3
Efficiency Performance Metrics for General ANSP Use

Potential Air Traffic Management CO2
and Fuel Efficiency Performance Metrics
for General ANSP Use

1                                                        2
Introduction                                             CANSO’s Metrics and Methodologies Subgroup
       Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs)                It was for these reasons that CANSO’s
are committed to delivering real environmental           Environment Workgroup set up a ‘Metrics and
and fuel efficiency benefits in the global Air Traffic   Methodologies’ (M&M) subgroup in 2008, and
Management (ATM) system throughout the world.            began to analyse how best to measure ANSP fuel
CANSO has supported this effort by identifying           burn and CO2 performance. The objectives of the
and promoting appropriate metrics to measure             group were to address the following points:
ANSP performance. ANSPs can influence fuel
efficiency through improved airspace design,                   1. Seek consensus on methodologies and
and by supporting more fuel efficient trajectories.               metrics for measuring ATM influence on
This paper focuses on the value of a consistent                   aviation’s CO2 emissions
method to identify trajectory inefficiencies that can          2. Describe the total system ‘inefficiency’
be measured directly by ANSPs using trajectory-                   pool including:
based surveillance data which can identify excess                 a. Improvement opportunities by phase
distance flown and vertical flight inefficiency. The                   of flight (taxi out, climb, cruise, and
conversion to actual fuel burn figures requires                        descent)
further work and agreement with stakeholders                      b. Interdependencies that impact
including airlines and ICAO. ICAO’s Fuel Savings                       fuel efficiency including weather,
Estimation Tool (IFSET) and EUROCONTROL’s                              excess demand, safe separation,
Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) lookup tables may                         maximising capacity
be one mechanism for generating a consistent                      c. How new technologies and
conversion from trajectories to fuel for international                 procedures can reduce
comparisons. More detailed performance models                          interdependencies
like the FAA’s Aviation Environmental Design Tool                 d. Identifying the challenging but
(AEDT) and BADA 4 may be appropriate as they                           deliverable (near term) opportunity
mature.                                                                pool
                                                               3. Develop guidance on performance
      CANSO recognises that the cross border                      measurement methodologies for ATM’s
nature of the ATM system makes it vital that any                  contribution to aviation CO2 emissions.
environmental performance metrics adopted are                  4. Identify metrics that focus on ATM’s
internationally consistent. The adoption of ATM                   contribution by phase of flight.
CO2 performance metrics that are inconsistent                  5. Identify long-term strategic opportunities
across States, Functional Airspace Blocks                         for improvement and aspirational goals
(FABs) or regions would lead to inconsistent                      for reducing ATM’s contribution to
implementation of environmental solutions.                        aviation CO2 emissions.

                                                                This paper describes the work of the M&M
                                                         subgroup and the consensus achieved across
                                                         the full Environment Workgroup in identifying
                                                         appropriate metrics to measure ANSP CO2 and fuel
                                                         burn performance; it is responsive to bullet points
                                                         1 through 4 above.
3                                                      4
Strategic Value of Performance Metrics                 Criteria Governing ANSP Metrics

        Measuring ATM system performance is the              To ensure that a metric appropriately
first step in identifying improvement opportunities.   represents an ANSP’s performance, that metric
By collecting baseline data on improvement             should conform to several criteria. The metric
pools by phase of flight, ANSPs can make               should:
strategic decisions on where to focus resources              —— Capture the right ANSP behaviours with
for improving efficiency and lowering fuel burn.                 sufficient fidelity to show improvements
As a second step at the strategic planning level,                in fuel efficiency and CO2 reductions,
the initial measures focus on the size of the                —— Accurately reflect fuel burn and CO2
problem, such as quantifying the potential range                 performance outcomes driven by ANSP
of efficiency improvements per phase of flight. A                actions,
list of possible measures is created that could              —— Not be unduly affected by factors
be applied to each phase of flight to improve                    outside the ANSP’s control, and
efficiency and lower fuel burn.                              —— Be transparent, measurable and
      Lastly, applying the measures in practice
by ANSPs is more challenging because of
                                                       Survey of Current Measures related to Fuel Burn
interdependencies with demand and weather that
may change from one time period to another.                   There are a number of metrics available to
                                                       depict the fuel burn and CO2 performance of the
                                                       aviation industry as a whole (or a proxy of it) such

 Metric                                         Description
Excess Time Flown converted to fuel            Measured by additional time versus an unimpeded time and
                                               converted for various aircraft types. This method can apply
                                               to the taxi phase or any flight phase as a first approximation.
Vertical Inefficiency                          Measured by level flight segments on departure or approach
                                               as well as non-optimal cruise altitudes.
Excess Distance Flown                          Measured in Nautical Miles (NM) or kilometres, a potential
                                               proxy for fuel burn and emissions in cruise and arrival
                                               phases. (Note, excess distance and Vertical Inefficiency can
                                               be combined.)
Excess Fuel on Oceanic Routes                  Measured as a modelled optimum versus actual fuel burn.
                                               Requires sophisticated wind modelling.
Percentage achievement of Continuous           A potential measure of flight in a relatively efficient mode.
Climb Operations (CCO) and Continuous
Descent Operations (CDO)
United Kingdom’s (UK) National Air Traffic     Evaluates entire trajectory for distance (horizontal) and
Services (NATS) 3 Dimensional Inefficiency     vertical based inefficiencies within UK airspace.
(3DI) Score
Potential Air Traffic Management CO2 and Fuel                                                            4_5
Efficiency Performance Metrics for General ANSP Use

       Measures of fuel efficiency outside the ANSP
community often use small samples of flights and              —— Maintaining safe separation from other
use sophisticated fuel models driven by BADA or                  aircraft and airspace users,
data collected directly from the aircraft. In these           —— Absorption of necessary delay when
measures additional data is needed outside the                   airborne demand exceeds capacity,
3D surveillance position reports including aircraft           —— Noise abatement procedures in terminal
weight, thrust, Centre of Gravity (CG), wind, etc.               manoeuvring areas (TMAs),
These models can assess fuel burn differences                 —— Existence of military and other use
driven by non-ANSP issues like load factors,                     airspace,
ferrying fuel, fleet mix, and airline specific flying         —— Weather, including wind direction in TMA
practices.                                                       operations,
                                                              —— Unplanned activities including medical
       Fuel burn is highly dependent on these                    priority flights, VIP aircraft and in-flight
factors, but viewed from an ANSP standpoint                      emergencies.
the focus is more about delivering more efficient
tracks and height profiles; the actual fuel burn               However, there are also potential ATM-
and emissions of a given aircraft is primarily a        related inefficiencies – elements of the system
function of airline decisions about aircraft type,      that preclude more efficient flight profiles and
weight, speed, route planned and cost index or          routings. These inefficiencies typically result
business model. It was for this reason that the         from legacy airspace designs that have evolved
M&M subgroup decided to explore the possibility         in response to ongoing airport development and
of using a proxy for fuel burn and CO2 performance      due to the historic interactions of routes and
that more closely reflected factors within ANSP         profiles of aircraft in the ATM system. When these
control.                                                inefficiencies are identified, an airspace redesign
                                                        should be considered to remove the inefficiencies,
       Key Consensus Point: While fuel burn and         wherever possible. Part of the airspace
CO2-based performance metrics are of interest,          improvements could include the implementation of
they have the potential to be unduly affected           Area Navigation (RNAV) and Required Navigation
by factors beyond ANSP influence (e.g. airline          Performance (RNP) capable routes to optimise
behaviour) and therefore they may not, if taken in      arrival and departure streams. ANSPs can also
isolation, reflect ANSP actions to reduce fuel burn     address where necessary delay is absorbed,
and emissions.                                          through arrival metering and speed control in
                                                        the cruise phase of flight, to reduce terminal
                                                        congestion. In summary, ANSPs can collaborate
                                                        with airlines and airports to achieve the following
                                                        fuel efficiencies:
ATM CO2 Specific Metrics
       One way of viewing the ATM system is that              —— airspace and procedure design to
from a purely ANSP perspective, inefficiencies                   optimise the profiles and tracks delivered
may accrue either as vertical deviation from the                 in their airspace systems,
optimum or as an unintended route extension.                  —— air traffic controller decision-making aids
Although ANSPs attempt to minimise deviation                     (e.g. decision support tools),
from the optimum point-to-point flight trajectory             —— better environmental awareness
at optimum speed and altitude, there are good                    across ANSP operational and support
reasons to do so, such as:                                       communities,
—— collaboration between airports, airlines      the Airline Service Quality Performance (ASQP)
         and ANSPs on fuel efficient aircraft          data set that contains the scheduled and actual
         movements to minimise or eliminate            pushback times, actual take-off time, actual
         delay during arrival and departure            landing time, and scheduled and actual gate arrival
         procedures, and airport taxiing               times. This is often referred to as ‘Out, Off, On, In’
         operations.                                   (OOOI) data. When available, airport surveillance
                                                       data can also be used to measure taxi delays. This
       Over the past three years the M&M subgroup      phase of flight method using radar data has been
has played a role in driving convergence in the way    used in the U.S/Europe Operational Performance
ANSP environmental performance is measured.            Comparison report mentioned above. Attachment
The performance metrics and measures applied           1 provided a comprehensive guide for estimating
in the U.S./Europe ATM Operational Performance         ATM efficiency pools by phase of flight.
Comparison were developed with direct input from              NATS has also developed, with peer review
the M&M subgroup. In this work, 39 European            from the M&M group and others in the aviation
Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) ANSPs are             industry, a metric that seeks to reflect the vertical
measured with a common approach. At the same           and horizontal inefficiencies in flights. This is a
time NATS has been improving its environmental         proxy for CO2 as smoother vertical and more direct
measures in consultation with its regulator and        lateral profiles deliver fuel burn and emissions
airline customers. Other ANSPs like Airservices        reductions compared to stepped climbs, descents
Australia; GACA, the ANSP of the Kingdom of            and deviations from lateral point to point tracks.
Saudi Arabia; Airways, New Zealand’s ANSP;             The NATS metric is called the 3 Dimensional
South Africa’s ANSP, ATNS SA; AeroThai; and the        Inefficiency (3Di) Score. Eurocontrol Performance
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) have      Review Unit (PRU), FAA and Airservices Australia
an active interest in environmental metrics.           are also considering the use of vertical and lateral
       The group found the current, most               elements of flight profiles in their flight efficiency
commonly quoted metric is that of horizontal route     work. The NATS 3Di method was recently
extension outside the terminal area. Measures for      approved by the UK Civil Aviation Authority
vertical inefficiency in cruise are improving with     (CAA) as a method to set targets and financially
better surveillance data and modelling. Terminal       incentivise improved fuel efficiency in NATS
area inefficiency can be measured both as a            airspace and is described in detail in Attachment 2.
function of track extension and vertical segments
with sufficient quality surveillance data. Improving          Key Consensus Point: A measure of ANSP
terminal fuel inefficiency requires improved arrival   CO2 and fuel burn performance should take
predictability and delay absorption – mainly           account of both vertical and horizontal elements of
moving delay to higher altitudes and using speed       flight
reduction to absorb necessary time, or keeping                The M&M subgroup promotes a structured
delay at the gate with the engines off for departure   approach to measuring trajectory efficiency
aircraft.                                              by identifying vertical and horizontal (or time)
       The CANSO group strongly supports               inefficiencies. The key to the success of this
the measuring of trajectory inefficiencies that        approach is ANSPs having access to trajectory
incorporate the horizontal and vertical trajectory     data for flights in their airspace. In most cases
throughout the flight, as a means of determining       ANSPs must work with their neighbours to share
opportunities to improve fuel efficiency. In           trajectory data and focus on optimising cross
addition, taxi delays can be measured using            border efficiencies. CANSO recommends that the
Potential Air Traffic Management CO2 and Fuel                                                   6_7
Efficiency Performance Metrics for General ANSP Use

sharing of post-operational data is a good first         Specifically, what is the relationship
step in the fuel efficiency improvement process.         between track extension and CO2 per
Analysis of efficiency by phase of flight improves       flight or between 3Di scores and CO2?
the understanding of how to make improvements.           Is there a relationship that we could
                                                         derive statistically?
                                                      —— Most “inefficiency” is the direct result of
Issues Requiring Further Consideration
                                                         a constraint or interdependency. How
      This document has sought to set out                can we better understand the impact
the work of the CANSO ENVWG Metrics and                  of constraints and interdependencies
Methodologies subgroup in identifying ANSP               across ANSPs and in different airspace?
relevant CO2 performance metrics, focusing on key        How should we include:
areas of consensus. While consensus has been             —— The impact of new demand on
achieved in some areas representing significant               the system? New demand can be
progress in terms of ANSP CO2 performance                     expected to result in increased
measurement, this work has also identified other              track and profile inefficiency in a
areas requiring further consideration such as:                constrained system. How do we take
                                                              account of this as ANSPs?
      —— Analysis of the proper weighting for            —— Normalising efficiency data for
         vertical and horizontal efficiency. In the           weather? Do we need to? Some
         phase of flight method documented                    weather effects could form part of
         by CANSO, horizontal and vertical                    the benefits pool, like use of time-
         inefficiencies are calculated separately.            based spacing on approach in bad
         When converting these inefficiencies to              weather – this would be an ANSP
         fuel, BADA tables are used. In the US/               led improvement that we could be
         Europe ATM Operations Performance                    driving for.
         Comparison, a single representative             —— Other factors driving level segments
         aircraft is assumed so that performance              and excess distance not in an
         differences are not driven by aircraft               ANSP’s control?
         mix. The NATS 3Di score builds this
         relationship through sophisticated
         modelling using KERMIT (a NATS
         developed fuel modelling tool). It is
         important to understand the relationship
         between horizontal and vertical
         efficiency as tradeoffs are necessary.
         In effect, both excess distance and
         horizontal segments are converted to
         time which is then converted to fuel.
      —— Clarification of the link between ANSP
         proxy measures of fuel burn and CO2
         performance (i.e. those incorporating
         measures of vertical and horizontal
         inefficiency) and CO2 based measures.
CANSO Members

Full Members - 78
—— Aeronautical—Radio—of—Thailand—(AEROTHAI)            ——   Maldives—Airports—Company—Limited—(MACL)           ——   ATECH—Negócios—em—Tecnologia—S/A
—— Aeroportos—de—Moçambique                             ——   Malta—Air—Traffic—Services—(MATS)                  ——   Aviation—Advocacy—Sarl
—— Air—Navigation—and—Weather—Services,——               ——   NATA—Albania                                       ——   Avibit—Data—Processing—GmbH
   CAA—(ANWS)                                           ——   National—Airports—Corporation—Ltd.                 ——   Avitech—AG
—— Air—Navigation—Services—of—the—Czech—Republic—       ——   National—Air—Navigation—Services—Company—          ——   AZIMUT—JSC
                                                                                                                ——   Barco—Orthogon—GmbH
   (ANS—Czech—Republic)                                      (NANSC)
                                                                                                                ——   Booz—Allen—Hamilton,—Inc.
—— Air—Traffic—&—Navigation—Services—(ATNS)             ——   NATS—UK                                            ——   Brüel—&—Kjaer—EMS
—— Airports—and—Aviation—Services—Limited—(AASL)        ——   NAV—CANADA                                         ——   Comsoft—GmbH
—— Airports—Authority—of—India—(AAI)                    ——   NAV—Portugal                                       ——   CGH—Technologies,—Inc
—— Airports—Fiji—Limited                                ——   Naviair                                            ——   Abu—Dhabi—Department—of—Transport
—— Airservices—Australia                                ——   Nigerian—Airspace—Management—Agency—(NAMA)         ——   Dubai—Airports
—— Airways—New—Zealand                                  ——   Office—de—l’Aviation—Civile—et—des—Aeroports—      ——   EADS—Cassidian
—— Angkasa—Pura—I                                            (OACA)                                             ——   EIZO—Technologies—GmbH
—— Austro—Control                                       ——   ORO—NAVIGACIJA,—Lithuania                          ——   European—Satellite—Services—Provider—(ESSP—SAS)
—— Avinor—AS                                            ——   PNG—Air—Services—Limited—(PNGASL)                  ——   Emirates
                                                                                                                ——   Entry—Point—North
—— AZANS—Azerbaijan                                     ——   Polish—Air—Navigation—Services—Agency—(PANSA)
                                                                                                                ——   Era—Corporation
—— Belgocontrol                                         ——   PIA—“Adem—Jashari”—-—Air—Control—J.S.C.
                                                                                                                ——   Etihad—Airways
—— Bulgarian—Air—Traffic—Services—Authority—            ——   PT—Angkasa—Pura—II—(Persero)                       ——   Guntermann—&—Drunck—GmbH
   (BULATSA)                                            ——   ROMATSA                                            ——   Harris—Corporation
—— CAA—Uganda                                           ——   Sakaeronavigatsia—Ltd                              ——   Helios
—— Civil—Aviation—Authority—of—Bangladesh—(CAAB)        ——   S.E.—MoldATSA                                      ——   Honeywell—International—Inc.—/—Aerospace
—— Civil—Aviation—Authority—of—Botswana                 ——   SENEAM                                             ——   IDS—–—Ingegneria—Dei—Sistemi—S.p.A.
—— Civil—Aviation—Authority—of—Singapore—(CAAS)         ——   Serbia—and—Montenegro—Air—Traffic—Services—        ——   Indra—Navia—AS
—— Civil—Aviation—Regulatory—Commission—(CARC)               Agency—(SMATSA)                                    ——   Indra—Sistemas
—— Department—of—Airspace—Control—(DECEA)               ——   Serco                                              ——   INECO
                                                                                                                ——   Inmarsat—Global—Limited
—— Department—of—Civil—Aviation,—Republic—of—Cyprus     ——   skyguide
                                                                                                                ——   Integra—A/S
—— DFS—Deutsche—Flugsicherung—GmbH—(DFS)                ——   Slovenia—Control
                                                                                                                ——   Intelcan—Technosystems—Inc.
—— Dirección—General—de—Control—de—Tránsito—Aéreo—      ——   State—Airports—Authority—&—ANSP—(DHMI)             ——   International—Aero—Navigation—Systems—Concern,—
   (DGCTA)                                              ——   State—ATM—Corporation                                   JSC
—— DSNA—France                                          ——   Tanzania—Civil—Aviation—Authority                  ——   Iridium—Communications—Inc.
—— Dutch—Caribbean—Air—Navigation—Service—Provider—     ——   The—LFV—Group                                      ——   Jeppesen
   (DC-ANSP)                                            ——   Ukrainian—Air—Traffic—Service—Enterprise—          ——   JMA—Solutions
—— ENANA-EP—ANGOLA                                           (UkSATSE)                                          ——   LAIC—Aktiengesellschaft
—— ENAV—S.p.A:—Società—Nazionale—per—l’Assistenza—al—   ——   U.S.—DoD—Policy—Board—on—Federal—Aviation          ——   LEMZ—R&P—Corporation
   Volo                                                                                                         ——   LFV—Aviation—Consulting—AB
                                                                                                                ——   Micro—Nav—Ltd
—— Entidad—Pública—Aeropuertos—Españoles—y—             Gold Associate Members - 14                             ——   The—MITRE—Corporation—–—CAASD
   Navegación—Aérea—(Aena)                              ——   Abu—Dhabi—Airports—Company                         ——   MovingDot
—— Estonian—Air—Navigation—Services—(EANS)              ——   Airbus—ProSky                                      ——   New—Mexico—State—University—Physical—Science—Lab
—— Federal—Aviation—Administration—(FAA)                ——   Boeing                                             ——   NLR
—— Finavia—Corporation                                  ——   BT—Plc                                             ——   Northrop—Grumman
—— GCAA—United—Arab—Emirates                            ——   FREQUENTIS—AG                                      ——   NTT—Data—Corporation
—— General—Authority—of—Civil—Aviation—(GACA)           ——   GE—Air—Traffic—Optimization—Services               ——   Project—Boost—
—— Hellenic—Civil—Aviation—Authority—(HCAA)             ——   GroupEAD—Europe—S.L.                               ——   Quintiq
—— HungaroControl—Pte.—Ltd.—Co.                                                                                 ——   Rockwell—Collins,—Inc.
                                                        ——   ITT—Exelis
—— Israel—Airports—Authority—(IAA)                                                                              ——   Rohde—&—Schwarz—GmbH—&—Co.—KG
                                                        ——   Lockheed—Martin
—— Iran—Airports—Co                                                                                             ——   RTCA,—Inc.
                                                        ——   Metron—Aviation                                    ——   Saab—AB
—— Irish—Aviation—Authority—(IAA)                       ——   Raytheon                                           ——   Saab—Sensis—Corporation
—— ISAVIA—Ltd                                           ——   SELEX—Sistemi—Integrati—S.p.A.                     ——   Saudi—Arabian—Airlines
—— Japan—Civil—Aviation—Bureau—(JCAB)                   ——   Telephonics—Corporation,—ESD                       ——   SENASA
—— Kazaeronavigatsia                                    ——   Thales—                                            ——   SITA
—— Kenya—Civil—Aviation—Authority—(KCAA)                                                                        ——   STR-SpeechTech—Ltd.
—— Latvijas—Gaisa—Satiksme—(LGS)                        Silver Associate Members - 63                           ——   TASC,—Inc.
—— Letové—prevádzkové—Služby—Slovenskej—                ——   Adacel—Inc.                                        ——   Tetra—Tech—AMT
   Republiky,—Štátny—Podnik                             ——   Aeronav—Inc.                                       ——   Washington—Consulting—Group
—— Luchtverkeersleiding—Nederland—(LVNL)                ——   ARINC                                              ——   WIDE
—— Luxembourg—ANA                                       ——   ATCA—–—Japan

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