Page created by Nelson Richards

Day   2   Vaccination: Building
          up a protective shield

                 Dr. Andreas BUBLAT
                 Global Technical
                 Service Veterinarian

          Thank you for your
          active participation!
Day      2          Vaccination: Building up a protective shield

                             Considering that the blue water stabilisers will be at up to 1000                Are you recommend to use more %10 doses for live vaccination


                             times more concentrated in the stock solution of the dosing                      especially if you use drinking water? for example; for 1000chicken
                             pump, are you comfortable to open the vaccine vial in that super-                1100 doses?
                             concentrated stock solution?
                                                                                                              No, I would not recommend that. If you take good care of water
                             I discussed this topic with the manufacturers of these products and              quality and apply the vaccine according to the manufacturers
                             they confirmed, that even the higher concentration in the stock                  recommendations there is no need to give a higher dose of the
                             solution does not have a negative effect on live vaccines.                       vaccine.

                                                                                                              Do you advise for Salmonella vaccination in layers?

                             What do you think about injection in the thigh?
                                                                                                              In my opinion especially in layers the focus should always be on a
                             In other poultry like turkeys injection in the thigh is common practice.         good vaccination with live vaccines. The first application should be
                             But there is always a risk to induce some kind of lameness. In the               as early as possible, preferable the first days of life, to make sure
Dr. Andreas                  case of layers or breeders I would always prefere the pectoral muscle,           that the vaccine strain can colonize the chicken befor the field
BUBLAT                       as this is the biggest muscle and the most convenient location for               strain does. (Spray application works well, but there is no claim for
                             injection. Especially in young bird in could be challenging to inject            it) Second and third vaccination according to the manufacturers
Global Technical             in the thigh.                                                                    recommendations. To achieve a long lasting protection always use
Service Veterinarian                                                                                          3 shots of a live vaccine. If you want to use inactivated vaccines, you
                                                                                                              could use them on top, but do not substitute one live vaccine with
                                                                                                              one inactivated vaccine.

                             Are you recommend to use live vaccines when the laying period
                             for the protect the Immunglobulins level high?

                             Depending on the disease I would recommend also to use live
                             vaccines during lay. This is the case e.g. for IB, depending on the
                             infection pressure in your area. It is common practice is some
                             countries to use different live IB vaccines every 6-12 weeks during
                             lay. If the law requires it also ND live vaccines are used during lay.
                             Sometimes live E.coli vaccines are uses during lay as well to keep to
                             protection on a high level.
Day      2         Vaccination: Building up a protective shield

                             For spray vaccine on an older bird around 14 weeks of age. During             How do you recommend to manage the IM vaccination with the


                             a hot summer days is it better do use a coarse spray over a fine              machine we saw earlier in your presentation if the flock is not
                             spay?                                                                         uniform?

                             The droplet size depends on the disease you vaccinat against, hence           Uniformity of the flock is a critical point when using such semi-
                             on the product you use. Normally there is always a recommendation             automatic vaccination machines. Experiences show that also
                             of the manufacturer what the droplet size should be. If you have              smaller and bigger birds do fit well in these maschines, if the weight
                             to vaccinate on a hot day you should try to do the vaccination as             differences are not too big.
                             early as possible, befor the heat begins. Remember that during
                             vaccination and 20 minutes after vaccination the ventilation should           We use to vaccinate Avipro subcutaneous and find some birds

                             be turned of to reduce losses of the vaccine.                                 after a week or 2 with twisted or bended neck. Is it that the vaccine
                                                                                                           was too strong or poor administration of the vaccine?
Dr. Andreas                  Hello what is the correct temperature of water when doing spry

                                                                                                           Which AviPro vaccine did you use? At what age? Generally speaking
BUBLAT                       vaccine
                                                                                                           I would suspect a poor administration. But withou knowing more
                             According to the manufacturers recommendations cold distilled                 details I cannot finally answer this question. Please come back to us
Global Technical                                                                                           ( with more information about that case.
Service Veterinarian         water should be used to dissolve the vaccine. Try to use water below
                             20 degrees.

                             Is there a certain type of dosing pump that works best for live

                             vaccination? Are there any type to stay away from?

                             The selected machine should ensure a secure and even distribution
                             of the stock solution. Simple setting options help to avoid mistakes.
                             But always control the settings and performance of the dosing
                             pump to be sure that the vaccination worked well.
Day       2          Vaccination: Building up a protective shield

                             What vaccines do you recommend using in production birds?                          Good afternoon. How many times do you think it is necessary to


                             example bronchitis, others?                                                        send serology tests during the rearing of the chick to know the
                                                                                                                serological status of the growing flocks?
                             ¿Qué vacunas usted recomienda usar en aves en producción?
                       ESP   Ejemplo bronquitis, ¿otras?                                                        Muy buenas tardes, Cuantas veces cree neceario mandar pruebas

                                                                                                                de serología durante la crianza de la pollita para conocer el status
                             Depending on your specific field situation and infection pressure                  serológico de las parvadas en crecimiento?
                             IB is definitely a disease I would continue to vaccinate against
                                                                                                                This depends on the disease you are focusing on and the vaccination
                             during lay to avoid egg losses and reduce the number of egg shell
                                                                                                                scheme you are using. As a minimum I would recommend to do
                             alterations. ND could be necessary by legal requirements to refresh
                                                                                                                serological testings befor (or on the day of ) using inactivated
                             the protection level. In some countries E.coli is revacinated also in lay.
                                                                                                                vaccines and about 2-3 weeks after the use of them. With that your
                             And Salmonella is also revacinated when doing moulting to extend
                                                                                                                have a good picture about what happend to your flock before and
Dr. Andreas                  the duration of protection. It has to be done during moultiung as
                             most of the vaccines do not have the claim for the use during lay.
                                                                                                                how good the inactivated vaccines did work. From case to case a
BUBLAT                       But there is one vaccine which has that claim now.
                                                                                                                more frequent testing could make sense but should be discussed
                                                                                                                individually. Please do not hesitate to contact us (ts@lohmann-
Global Technical             Dependiendo la situación específica y presión en campo, IB                with you personal concerns.
Service Veterinarian         es definitivamente una enfermedad contra la que continuaría
                                                                                                                Depende de la enfermedad de la que hablemos y del plan de
                             vacunando durante el periodo de puesta para evitar la pérdida
                                                                                                                vacunación que está aplicando. Como mínimo, yo recomendaría
                             de producción y reducir el número de huevos con problemas de
                                                                                                                hacer test serológicos antes (o en el día de) con el uso de vacunas
                             cáscara. ND podría ser necesario desde del punto de vista legal
                                                                                                                inactivadas y entre 2-3 semanas después de su aplicación. Con ello
                             para refrescar el nivel de protección. En algunos países, E. coli
                                                                                                                obtiene una buena “foto” de lo que ha sucedido con el lote y como
                             también se revacuna durante en la fase de puesta. Y la Salmonella
                                                                                                                ha ido el proceso de vacunación. Dependiendo del caso realizar
                             también se revacuna al realizar la muda para prolongar la duración
                                                                                                                test con más frecuencia podría tener sentido pero habría que verlo
                             de la protección. Debe realizarse durante el proceso de muda ya
                                                                                                                individualmente. Por favor, no dude en contactar con nosotros (ts@
                             la aplicación de la mayoría de las vacunas no están autorizadas
                                                                                                       si tiene alguna duda.
                             durante el periodo de puesta. En la actualidad hay una vacuna que
                             tiene la autorización para ello.
Day      2          Vaccination: Building up a protective shield

                             Good afternoon. Andreas, what is your opinion of the most

                             common use of recombinant vaccines in the hatchery for
                             respiratory diseases such as larynx tracheitis and others?

                             Buenas tardes. Andreas que opinion tiene del uso mas habitual

                             del uso de vacunas recombinantes en planta de incubacion para
                             enfermedades respiratorias como laringo traqueitis y otras.?

                             There are recombinant vaccines including ILT with vectors like
                             HVT or Fowl Pox. The big advantage of such vaccines is that you
                             do not introduce a living ILT virus strain, so rolling infections will
Dr. Andreas                  not occure, you will not have any negative reactions to such a
BUBLAT                       recombinant vaccine. In some countries the use of live ILT vaccines
                             is even frobidden. In areas with a moderate infections pressure
Global Technical             these vaccines probably provide a sufficient protection. In cases of
Service Veterinarian         a high pressure scenario an additional application of a live vaccine
                             could be necessary.

                             Existen vacunas recombinantes que incluyen LTI con vectores como
                             HVT o viruela. La gran ventaja de estas vacunas es que no introducen
                             cepas vivas del virus LTI, por lo que no se producirán infecciones
                             continuas y no tendrá ninguna reacción negativa a dicha vacuna

                                                                                                      Thank you for your
                             recombinante. En algunos países, incluso está prohibido el uso de
                             vacunas vivas contra la LTI. En áreas con una presión de infección
                             moderada, estas vacunas probablemente brindan una protección
                             suficiente. En casos de un escenario de alta presión, podría ser
                             necesaria una aplicación adicional de una vacuna viva.                   active participation!
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