Miti, presunzioni ed evidenze in obesità pediatrica - FBK per la Salute
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Gestione multidisciplinare e integrata tra ospedale e territorio del paziente sovrappeso-obeso in età pediatrica Trento, sabato 16 maggio 2015 Miti, presunzioni ed evidenze in obesità pediatrica Claudio Maffeis UOC Pediatria ad Indirizzo Diabetologico e Malattie del Metabolismo Centro Regionale Specializzato in Diabetologia Pediatrica AOUI e Università di Verona
Prevalenza di sovrappeso e obesità in Italia tra I 2 ed I 6 anni Overweight 25,0% 20,0% 15,0% males females 10,0% totale 5,0% 0,0% National reference I.O.T.F. C.D.C. Obesity 18,0% 16,0% 14,0% 12,0% males 10,0% females 8,0% totale 6,0% 4,0% 2,0% 0,0% National reference I.O.T.F. C.D.C Maffeis C et al. Obes Res, 2006
Il bambino obeso “brucia” meno calorie rispetto al bambino normopeso: Ingrassa perché ha un difetto termogenetico!
basal energy expenditure of 9-year-old children obese post-obese never-obese 1,300 energy p < 0.05 expenditure (kcal/day) 1,000 energy 1,300 expenditure adjusted for FFM p = ns (kcal/day) 1,000 Maffeis C, et al. Int J Obes ‘92
meal-induced thermogenesis obese post-obese never-obese % 6 p = ns meal energy 3 0 Molnar D et al. Eur J Pediatr ‘85 Maffeis C et al. Eur J Clin Nutr ‘92
Il bambino ha bisogno di tanta energia per crescere
Spesa energetica per l’accrescimento
Il bambino obeso non ha un vero problema di salute: ha solo qualche chilo di troppo!
OBESITÀ ACCUMULO INFIAMMAZIONE ECTOPICO DI GRASSO d d d d a INSULINO INSULIN d RESISTENZA RESISTANCE m * * a * Ipertensione Sbarbati M, Maffeis C, et al. dislipidemia Pediatrics 2006 IGT – T2D Franzese A, Vajro P, et al. Dig Dis Sci 1997 SINDROME METABOLICA
Basta un po’ di volontà e il peso in più si perde facilmente!
primary care surveillance and intervention for overweight or obese 5- 10-year-old children: the LEAP 2 randomised controlled trial INTERVENTION 4 standard consultations over 12 weeks targeting change in nutrition, physical activity, & sedentary behaviour, supported by purpose designed family materials 25 P = ns BMI (kg/m2) 20 baseline 6 months 12 months 15 intervention control primary care screening followed by brief counselling is not effective In overweight or mildly obese children and it would be very costly if universally implemented Wake M, et al BMJ 2009
Two-year Follow-up in 21,784 Overweight Children and Adolescents With Lifestyle Intervention 129 treatment centers 5 centers with the highest success rate SDS BMI SDS BMI SDS BMI SDS BMI lost of reduction reduction lost of reduction reduction follow-up 0.5 follow-up 0.5 100 100 (%) (%) 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 6 12 24 6 12 24 6 12 24 6 12 24 6 12 24 6 12 24 time (months) time (months) Reinehr T, et al Obesity 2009
Se un bambino nasce con basso peso bisogna alimentarlo con abbondanza per fargli recuperare presto il peso….. in difetto!
Fattori di rischio di obesità Peso alla nascita Peso a termine (kg) 2.5 4.5
Odds ratio for childhood obesity by infant weight gain between 0 and 1 year adjusted for sex, age, a weight Lakshman R, et al. Circulation 2012;126:1770-9.
Velocità di crescita primo anno 12 Peso (kg) 8 4 0 45 55 65 75 Lunghezza (cm)
Se il latte della mamma scarseggia, diamo il latte di vacca che è buono e fa crescere bene!
FORMULA PROTEIN CONTENT AND WEIGHT GAIN A RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL 1.0 * Weight/ Lenght 0.5 * High protein formula (z score) Human Milk 0 Low protein formula -0.5 -1.0 1 3 6 12 24 Age(months) Socha P, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011;94(6 Suppl):1776S-1784S
Se il bambino viene allattato al seno non diventerà mai obeso!
2013;368:446-54. BREAST-FEEDING AND OBESITY “…. Although existing data indicate that breast-feeding does not have important antiobesity effects in children, it has other important potential benefits for the infant and mother and should therefore be encouraged. “
Se il piccolo ha tanta fame e cresce bene posso introdurre gli alimenti solidi anche presto, dopo i primissimi mesi di vita
Timing of Solid Food Introduction and Risk of Obesity in Preschool-Aged Children Huh SY, et al. Pediatrics 2011;127:e544
Una caloria è una caloria: poco importa se è da proteine, grassi o carboidrati
nutrient requirements 350 carbohydrate g/day 250 150 protein 50 lipid 0 0 6 12 18 Age (years)
fatty food more palatable high energy density 50 less satiating fat mass (%) 25 r = 0.28 P< 0.01 0 10 30 50 Klesges RC et al. AJCN ‘94 lipid intake (% of energy intake) Gazzaniga JM, et al.AJCN ‘93 Maffeis C et al. Int J Obes ‘96
covert manipulation of dietary fat and energy density: effect on substrate flux and food intake in men eating ad libitum fat balance MJ energy balance MJ 20 20 high fat medium fat 15 15 low fat 10 10 5 5 0 0 - 5 - 5 - 10 - 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 time (days) time (days) Stubb RJ, et al. AJCN 1995; 62:316-29.
dietary pattern prospectively associated with increased adiposity during childhood and adolescence High Risk Dietary Pattern Energy-dense High-fat Low-fiber Ambrosini GL, et al. Int J Obes 2012;36:1299-1305
high-fibre, low-fat diet predicts long-term weight loss and decreased type 2 diabetes risk: the Finnish Diabetes Prevention Study 6 low-fat/ low-fat/ high-fat/ high-fat/ high fibre low fibre high fibre low fibre 5 Hazard ratio for 4 Diabetes * 3 2 1 0 •Adjusted for: group assignment, age, sex, baseline BW, fat & fibre intake, baseline 2-h glucose, baseline and follow-up period physical activity, weight change Lindstrom J, et al. Diabetologia 2006
Joint classification of whole- and refined-grain intake on visceral adipose tissue (VAT) volume McKeown N M et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;92:1165-1171
Blood glucose and triacylglycerol postprandial profile MIXED MEAL Plasma 150 glucose & TAG triacylglycerol 120 (mg/dl) 90 glucose 60 -30 0 60 120 180 240 Time (min)
Postprandial triacylglycerol profile after two isocaloric, isoproteic meals with different fat and carboidrate content in obese children LF meal Fat/Carbohydrate 140 140 Fat/Carbohydrate HF meal TAG 130 120 (mg/dl) 120 110 100 100 90 p< 0.05 80 80 70 60 60 0'0 60' 100 90' 120' 150'200180' 240' 300' 300 Time (min) Maffeis C, et al. Obesity 2010
POSTPRANDIAL PRO-ATEROGENIC PROFILE: change of oxidized lipoprotein concentration in obese children after two isocaloric, isoproteic meals with a different fat and carbohydrate content ox-LDL P
Per calare si deve fare attività fisica ad elevata intensità!
Using pedometers to increase physical activity and improve health Bravata DM, et al. JAMA 2007;298:2296-304.
Efficacy of a 12 Weeks Exercise Program without Diet in Reducing Obesity in Men Exercise: brisk walking/light jogging, 80% max HR, 700 kcal/day. 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 - 10 Body weight (kg) Waist circumference (cm) Body fat (kg) Subcutaneous abdominal fat (kg) Visceral abdominal fat (kg) VO2max (L/min) Ross R, et al. Ann Intern Med. 2OOO;133:92-1O3.
energy expenditure during walking and running in obese and nonobese prepubertal children 10 METs 7.5 OBESE 5 P
the role of free-living daily walking in human weight gain and obesity Levine JA et al. Diabetes 2008
Nutrient oxidation measured during walking at speeds of 4, 5, and 6 km/h, respectively, in a group of obese prepubertal children Maffeis, C. et al. JCEM 2005;90:231-236
Leisure-Time Running Reduces All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk In a 15-year follow-up Lee D, et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;64:472-81
Leisure-Time Running Reduces All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk In a 15-year follow-up Running, even 5 to 10 min/day and at slow speeds
Non preoccupiamoci: se la “dieta” fallisce ci sono farmaci e chirurgia
Expert Committee Recommendations Regarding the Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight & Obesity: Summary Report Barlow SE & the Expert Committee Pediatrics 2007 (suppl.) (modified) Obiettivi comportamentali della terapia Allattamento al seno Colazione Pasti consumati in famiglia (vs Fast Food) Alimentazione bilanciata in nutrienti (RDA) Frutta e vegetali, Fibra Densità energetica dei cibi e dei pasti Porzioni Bevande zuccherate (Calcio) Video-esposizione Attività fisica
Take home message L’obesità è una malattia, che va prevenuta e curata con attenzione. Gli obiettivi per l’intervento sono chiari. Gli strumenti: accanto all’alimentazione, l’attività fisica svolge un ruolo di assoluto rilievo. Il risultato potrà essere favorevole nel medio-lungo termine solamente se famiglia, pediatra, scuola (e società) collaboreranno attivamente e con pazienza allo scopo.
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