Queenwood's COVID-19 Safety Plan

Page created by Vernon Fisher
COVID-19 Safety

Queenwood’s COVID-19 Safety Plan

 Organisation Details

 Organisation Name                                 Queenwood School

 Plan Completed By                                 The Risk and Compliance Manager

 Approved By                                       School Executive Team

 Effective As Of                                   July 2021

Requirements for our School and the actions we will put in place to keep
students, staff, parents and external visitors safe.

 Requirements                                      Actions


 Exclude staff, volunteers, parents/carers and     •   As of July 13, 2021 students must learn from
 participants who are unwell                           home, unless they do not have access to the
                                                       necessary equipment or their parents are
                                                       frontline workers, in which case the School
                                                       will accommodate these students.
                                                   •   Staff have been given the option to work
                                                       from home or come into School to conduct
                                                   •   Staff must wear a mask if they are onsite.
                                                   •   Once students and staff are back on
                                                       campus, students and staff must have a
                                                       COVID test, they must have a negative
                                                       COVID test result, their symptoms must
                                                       clear and the School must sight the
                                                       negative result before students and staff
                                                       will be allowed back to School.
                                                   •   Parents, external providers and visitors are
                                                       not allowed onsite.

 Provide students and staff with information and   •   Staff and students receive regular
 training on COVID-19, including when to get           communication through staff briefings,
 tested, physical distancing and cleaning, and         assemblies, the newsletter, WHS updates
 how to manage a sick student or staff member          and a dedicated COVID-19 site.
                                                   •   Any questions can be raised with teachers,
                                                       tutors, the Executive team and the Risk and
                                                       Compliance Manager.


Requirements                                      Actions

Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if   •   Staff receive regular communication about
they are sick or required to self-isolate.            their leave entitlements. The Principal and
                                                      Executive Team have made it clear that any
                                                      staff member who exhibits flu like
                                                      symptoms should not come to school until
                                                      their symptoms have cleared and they have
                                                      a negative test result.

Display conditions of entry (website, social      •   Clear signage is displayed on all campuses
media, venue entry).                                  about QR sign in procedures. From Term3,
                                                      2021 staff must sign in and out using the
                                                      NSW Services QR code.
                                                  •   Parent, external providers and visitors are
                                                      not allowed onsite unless there is a valid
                                                      exemption. They must report to reception in
                                                      the Junior and Senior School and must sign
                                                      in and out using the Service NSW QR code.

Ensure processes are in place to exclude staff,   •   This is communicated to staff and students
students and external providers if they have          through the newsletter and WHS update.
attended any of the reported case locations
listed on the NSW Health website
and any locations at that time.

Requirements                                      Actions


Ensure the number of people in a facility does    •   Physical distancing does not apply to
not exceed one person per 4 square metres of          students onsite.
space (excluding staff) to a maximum number of    •   Communication is regularly sent to staff
people as per advice of the day                       through staff briefings and WHS updates
                                                      that they should maintain 1.5 m between
                                                      staff members and external providers.
                                                  •   Staff should also maintain this distance in
                                                      staff rooms, common rooms and during
                                                  •   Staff must wear masks whilst onsite.

Have strategies in place to manage gatherings     •   The School has communicated to parents
that may occur immediately outside the                that they are not to enter the campus unless
premises, such as with drop off and pick up           absolutely necessary after going through
zones or staggered start/finish times.                the external visitor procedure.
                                                  •   Parents do not get out of their cars to pick
                                                      up and drop of their children to minimise
                                                      mingling of parents with students and staff.

Use telephone or video platforms for essential    •   All staff briefings and meetings take place
staff meetings where practical.                       on Microsoft Teams where possible.
                                                  •   Where face to face meetings are necessary,
                                                      staff members are physically distanced,
                                                      where possible.


Requirements                                        Actions


Adopt good hand hygiene practices.                  •   Signage has been placed around all
                                                        campuses to ensure students and staff are
                                                        washing their hands at regular intervals,
                                                    •   Hand sanitisers have been placed
                                                        strategically through all campuses so even if
                                                        students and staff are unable to wash their
                                                        hands, they are able to sanitise throughout
                                                        the day.
                                                    •   Communication is sent through regular
                                                        newsletters, staff briefings, the WHS
                                                        Update and the COVID-19 page about good
                                                        hygiene practices.

Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand         •   All bathrooms are stocked with adequate
soap and paper towels or hand dryers. Consider          hand soap and paper towels to ensure good
providing visual aids above hand wash basins to         hand hygiene amongst students and staff.
support effective hand washing.                     •   Signage has been placed in all bathrooms
                                                        about good handwashing technique.

Encourage participants to bring their own water     •   Students and staff have been notified to
bottle, snacks/orange slices and sweat towels.          bring own water bottles as water bubblers
Avoid shared food and drinks.                           have been turned off but taps are still
                                                        available to refill bottles.
                                                    •   Students and staff are discouraged from
                                                        sharing food and drinks.
                                                    •   Where food is offered to staff, food is
                                                        packaged in single portions to ensure food
                                                    •   This is communicated through the
                                                        newsletter and the WHS update.

Clean frequently used indoor hard surface areas,    •   All classrooms have alcohol spray and
including play areas, at least daily; first with        wipes to ensure surfaces such as desks and
detergent and water, and then disinfect. Clean          chairs are wiped down at the beginning of
frequently touched areas and surfaces,                  classes.
including in communal facilities, several times     •   All communal spaces are cleaned by the
per day.                                                person using the area.

Clean areas used for high intensity sports with     •   School gym and all equipment cleaned
detergent and disinfectant after each use.              after use.

Reduce sharing of equipment where practical         •   Where possible, students are given their
and ensure these are cleaned with detergent             own set of equipment to reduce several
and disinfectant between use.                           students using same equipment.
                                                    •   Where possible, equipment is cleaned

Ensure there is accessible                          •   All external visitors have access to hand
detergent/disinfectant and gloves for visitors to       soap and paper towels in the bathroom and
use, should they wish.                                  hand sanitisers through the campus.


Requirements                                         Actions

Disinfectant solutions need to be maintained at      •   All hand sanitiser and surface cleaners are at
an appropriate strength and used in accordance           the appropriate strength to effectively kill
with the manufacturers’ instructions.                    bacteria and are used in accordance with
                                                         the manufacturer’s instructions.

Staff are to wear gloves when cleaning and           •   Staff have access to gloves if they wish to
wash hands thoroughly before and after with              use these whilst cleaning surfaces. Staff are
soap and water.                                          encouraged to wash their hands at regular
                                                         intervals during the day.

Requirements                                         Actions


Keep a record of name and a mobile number or         •   Parents and staff are regularly reminder to
email address for all students, staff, contractors       update their personal details to ensure the
and external visitors for a period of at least 28        School has the most up to date details.
days. Ensure records are used only for the           •   Staff must now use the Service NSW QR
purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and              code to sign in and out.
are stored confidentially and securely.
                                                     •   Parents, external providers and visitors are
                                                         not allowed onsite.

Make your staff and volunteers aware of the          •    All students, parents and staff members
COVIDSafe app and its benefits to support                have been encouraged to use the
contact tracing if required.                             COVIDSafe app for contact tracing
                                                         purposes. Students have been given
                                                         permission to have their phones on in order
                                                         to allow the app to work effectively whilst
                                                         students are at School.

Cooperate with NSW Health if contacted in            •   Plans have been implemented to ensure
relation to a positive case of COVID-19 at your          that if a positive case is confirmed by the
workplace, and notify SafeWork NSW on 13 10              School, the School can effectively contact
50.                                                      trace. The School also endeavours to work
                                                         closely with NSW Health and the Public
                                                         Health Unit should a positive case arise.

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