Queensland Spatial Educators' Toolkit - for the Australian Curriculum: Science - DNRME

Page created by Victoria Cohen
Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit
for the Australian Curriculum: Science

Primary (Prep – Year 6)

January 2020
Version history

 Date                     Version           Author                        Notes
 March 2016               1.0               QSIC                          Document first published
                                                                          Minor revisions inc. removal of dead links and inclusion
 September 2016           2.0               QSIC
                                                                          of new resources
 June 2017                2.1               QSIC                          Scheduled review
                                                                          Update of Queensland Globe links to new Globe, some
 October 2017             2.2               QSIC
                                                                          minor updates and edits
 December 2018            2.3               QSIC                          Update weblinks
 September 2019           2.4               QSIC                          Scheduled review
 January 2020             2.5               QSIC                          Weblinks updated

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This publication has been compiled by the Queensland Spatial Information Council, Department of Natural Resources, Mines
and Energy, State of Queensland.

All enquiries regarding this document should be directed to:

QSIC Office, Land & Spatial Information
Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy
Phone: 07 3330 4479
Email: spatialeducation@dnrme.qld.gov.au

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Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                                                  i
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... iii
Using the toolkit ................................................................................................................................... iii
Year Prep toolkit ................................................................................................................................... 1
Year 1 toolkit ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Year 2 toolkit ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Year 3 toolkit ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Year 4 toolkit ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Year 5 toolkit ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Year 6 toolkit ....................................................................................................................................... 11

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                                                                                ii
The Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit (QSET) is designed to inspire classroom teachers with ideas
on how to use spatial technologies in the classroom while meeting the requirements of the Australian
The Australian Curriculum: Science i provides plenty of opportunities for classroom teachers to
incorporate the use of spatial technologies into their classroom teaching.

Using the toolkit
The ‘Sequence learning’ section of the Queensland Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Framework ii
outlines what will be taught in the classroom. Resources to implement this framework iii can be found on
the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s website once you have selected your year level.

Resources have been grouped by strand and then by content description. Only those that are relevant to
the spatial sciences are included in QSET.

Although there will be common elements across all units, every school will have a different way of
organising their units of work. Look for opportunities to take teaching strategies from QSET and integrate
those into your own work program and units where convenient.

By using the toolkit you can look for activities that can ‘slot’ into your existing unit with little reorganisation.
You will probably not use all the activities as you may not have time or access to the relevant tool but you
can select those activities that fit with your work program and are appropriate for your classroom.

i  https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/science/
ii https://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/school-curriculum/p-12
iii https://www.qcaa.qld.edu.au/p-10/aciq/p-10-science

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                                     iii
Year Prep toolkit
Science Understanding
Living things have basic needs, including food and water (ACSSU002)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Show where particular plants and animals can be            National Geographic MapMaker Interactive iv
 found around Australia and the world. Ask your             Atlas of Living Australia v
 students to look for patterns in the data they see. Find
                                                            Map of Life vi
 relationships between geographical features (such as
 the Himalayas) and species’ extent (such as the snow

 View Australian and local rainfall patterns and compare    null school earth vii
 those to vegetation. Show students where it rains          Queensland Globe viii
 around them.
                                                            BoM MetEye ix

Daily and seasonal changes in our environment affect everyday life (ACSSU004)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Look at online weather tools. Discuss how and why the      null school earth x
 weather changes and how it affects students’ daily         Google Earth (weather layer) xi
 lives. Look for evidence in the spatial tools such as
                                                            Bureau of Meteorology MetEye xii
 colour to represent temperature and moving lines
 representing wind speed and direction.

Science Inquiry Skills
Pose and respond to questions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS014)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Use a satellite view of a known area under                 Google Earth xiii
 investigation (such as the class building or playground)   NASA How to interpret a satellite image xiv
 to help develop questions in relation to your
                                                            Online map services xv
 investigation from a different perspective.

Engage in discussions about observations and represent ideas (ACSIS233)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Use a simple digital map to represent students’            Scribble Maps xvi
 thinking or to represent their observations on a field

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                                 1
iv  http://mapmaker.nationalgeographic.org/
v  http://www.ala.org.au/
vi https://mol.org/
vii http://earth.nullschool.net/
viii https://www.business.qld.gov.au/running-business/support-assistance/mapping-data-

ix http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye/
x http://earth.nullschool.net/
xi https://www.google.com/earth/
xii http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye/
xiii https://www.google.com/earth/
xiv http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/ColorImage/
xv https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_map_services
xvi http://www.scribblemaps.com/

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                2
Year 1 toolkit
Science Understanding
Living things live in different places where their needs are met (ACSSU211)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
 Demonstrate resources that show where plants and           National Geographic MapMaker Interactive xvii
 animals can be found around Australia and the world.       Atlas of Living Australia xviii
 Ask students to look for patterns in and between the
                                                            Map of Life xix

Observable changes occur in the sky and landscape (ACSSU019)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
 View changes in the atmosphere and consider how they       null school earth xx
 affect us. Incorporate climate, weather and the seasons.   Google Earth (weather layer) xxi
                                                            Bureau of Meteorology MetEye xxii
 Use the historical imagery tool (a clock with a reverse    Google Earth xxiii
 arrow) in Google Earth to view changes in the local
 landscape over different time periods, such as days,
 weeks, seasons, and years.

 Use historic aerial images to view changes in the          QImagery xxiv
 Queensland landscape over time.

Light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed (ACSSU020)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
 Show your students how data can be collected remotely      Geospatial Revolution xxv
 about the earth. Demonstrate satellite and aerial
 imagery using the chapter videos in Episode 1.

Science as a Human Endeavour
People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living
things (ACSHE022)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
 Show how spatial tools are used in environmental           Geospatial Revolution xxvi
 management, water quality monitoring, soil sampling,
                                                            Geospatial Science xxvii
 animal tracking and/or vegetation management.

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                           3
Science Inquiry Skills
Pose and respond to questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events

        Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
  Use a satellite view of a known area under investigation       Google Earth xxviii
  (such as the class building or playground) to help develop     NASA How to interpret a satellite image xxix
  questions in relation to your investigation from a different
                                                                 Online map services xxx

Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables and
through discussion, compare observations with predictions (ACSIS040)

        Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
  Use maps to represent information collected in the field       Scribble Maps xxxi
  for analysis.                                                  Google My Maps xxxii

Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways (ACSIS042)

        Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
  Use a simple digital map to represent students’ thinking or    Scribble Maps xxxiii
  to represent their findings from work in the field or their
  own research.

xvii  http://mapmaker.nationalgeographic.org/
xviii http://www.ala.org.au/
xix https://mol.org/
xx http://earth.nullschool.net/
xxi https://www.google.com/earth/
xxii http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/meteye/
xxiii https://www.google.com/earth/
xxiv https://qimagery.information.qld.gov.au/
xxv http://geospatialrevolution.psu.edu/
xxvi http://geospatialrevolution.psu.edu/
xxvii https://www.geospatialscience.com.au/
xxviii https://www.google.com/earth/
xxix http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/ColorImage/
xxx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_map_services
xxxi http://www.scribblemaps.com/
xxxii https://www.google.com/maps/d/?hl=en_US&app=mp
xxxiii http://www.scribblemaps.com/

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                                4
Year 2 toolkit
Science Understanding
Earth’s resources are used in a variety of ways (ACSSU032)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Examine where Queensland, Australia and the earth’s        Queensland Globe xxxiv
 water, soil, mineral and agricultural resources are        National Geographic MapMaker Interactive xxxv

Science as a Human Endeavour
Science involves, observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and
events (ACSHE034)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 View changes in the local environment with Google          NASA How to interpret a satellite image xxxvi
 Earth’s historic imagery layer. Your local council may     Online map services xxxvii
 also have this data available in on online interactive
                                                            Google Earth xxxviii

Science Inquiry Skills
Pose and respond to questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Use a satellite view of a known area under                 Google Earth xxxix
 investigation (such as the class building or playground)   NASA How to interpret a satellite image xl
 to help develop questions in relation to your
                                                            Online map services xli
 investigation from a different perspective.

Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables and
through discussion, compare observations with predictions (ACSIS040)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Use maps to represent information collected in the field   Scribble Maps xlii
 for analysis.                                              Google My Maps xliii

Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways (ACSIS042)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Use a simple digital map to represent students’            Scribble Maps xliv
 thinking or to represent their findings from work in the
 field or their own research.

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                                5
xxxiv  https://www.business.qld.gov.au/running-business/support-assistance/mapping-data-
xxxv http://mapmaker.nationalgeographic.org/
xxxvi http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/ColorImage/
xxxvii https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_map_services
xxxviii https://www.google.com/earth/
xxxix https://www.google.com/earth/
xl http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/ColorImage/
xli https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_map_services
xlii http://www.scribblemaps.com/
xliii https://www.google.com/maps/d/?hl=en_US&app=mp
xliv http://www.scribblemaps.com/

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                  6
Year 3 toolkit
Science Understanding
Earth’s rotation on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day (ACSSU048)

         Learning experiences and teaching strategies                          Spatial resources
  Use Google Earth’s historical imagery tool to view different      Google Earth xlv
  landscapes showing the earth’s changing seasons.

  Use the Under the Sun tool to see what parts of the Earth are     Under the Sun xlvi
  currently experiencing daylight and what parts are in night.      Suncalc

Science Inquiry Skills
Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to
identify patterns and trends (ACSIS057)

         Learning experiences and teaching strategies                          Spatial resources
  Use a simple mapping tool to map findings from students’ own      Scribble Maps xlvii
  fieldwork or researched data. You could map litter around the     Google My Maps xlviii
  school, vegetation types in the local area or use meters to
  collect light or sound data in different places.

Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings using formal and informal
representations (ACSIS060)

         Learning experiences and teaching strategies                          Spatial resources
  Use a spatial tour builder tool to report observations from the   Google Tour Builder xlix
  field.                                                            MapStory l

xlv  https://www.google.com/earth/
xlvi  http://projects.truth-and-beauty.net/under-the-sun/
xlvii http://www.scribblemaps.com/
xlviii https://www.google.com/maps/d/?hl=en_US&app=mp
xlix https://tourbuilder.withgoogle.com/
l http://mapstory.org/

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                          7
Year 4 toolkit
Science Understanding
Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Demonstrate where different plants and animals can be      Atlas of Living Australia li
 found around Queensland, Australia and the world. Ask      Map of Life lii
 your students to look for patterns in and between the
 data they see.

Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Use an online tool to view where earthquakes,              National Geographic MapMaker Interactive liii
 volcanoes and plate boundaries occur. Add a layer from
 the Earth Systems catalogue and overlay these layers
 on the satellite base map. Consider relationships
 between layers as well as geologic features observed in
 the satellite basemap.

 View the extent of and impacts of various hazards and      Disaster Mapper liv
 disasters in your local area, Queensland, Australia and    USGS Earthquake mapper lv
 the world. The Disaster Mapper tool addresses impacts
                                                            Digital Earth Australia Hotspots lvi
 of particular disasters in Australia.

Science Inquiry Skills
Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to
identify patterns and trends (ACSIS068)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Use a simple mapping tool to map findings from             Scribble Maps lvii
 students’ own research. You could map litter around the
 school, vegetation types in the local area or use meters
 to collect light or sound data in different places.

Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings using formal and informal
representations (ACSIS071)

    Learning experiences and teaching strategies                           Spatial resources
 Use a spatial tour builder tool to report observations     Google Tour Builder lviii
 from the field                                             Google Tour Creator lix
                                                            MapStory lx

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                           8
li  http://www.ala.org.au/
lii https://mol.org/
liii http://mapmaker.nationalgeographic.org/
liv https://knowledge.aidr.org.au/disasters
lv http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map
lvi https://hotspots.dea.ga.gov.au/
lvii http://www.scribblemaps.com/
lviii https://tourbuilder.withgoogle.com/
lix https://vr.google.com/tourcreator/
lx http://mapstory.org/

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6   9
Year 5 toolkit
Science as a Human Endeavour
Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions

          Learning experiences and teaching strategies                             Spatial resources
     Ask students to research what Global Navigation Satellite        Geospatial Revolution i
     System (GNSS) is and how it helps our society. Have them         Geoscience Australia’s GNSS resources ii
     design their own satellite to help collect some data.

     Research the profession of surveying and talk about how it       Destination Spatial iii
     benefits our society.                                            A Life Without Limits iv

Science Inquiry Skills
Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and
describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as
appropriate (ACSIS090)

          Learning experiences and teaching strategies                             Spatial resources
     Use maps to visualise information that has either been           Google My Maps v
     collected in the field or via a secondary data source. Water     Google Earth vi
     quality, soil quality, sound levels, survey results and more
                                                                      Online map services vii
     data can easily be mapped as long as there is some
     locational information attached.                                 Scribble Maps viii

Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety
of ways, including multi-modal texts (ACSIS093)

          Learning experiences and teaching strategies                             Spatial resources
     Communicate the findings of an investigation using spatial       Google Tour Creator ix
     tools like a Google Earth tour. These tools can offer a          Google Earth x
     different perspective and different insights into issues being
                                                                      Online map services xi

i  http://geospatialrevolution.psu.edu/
ii http://www.ga.gov.au/scientific-topics/positioning-navigation/geodesy/gnss-networks
iii http://destinationspatial.org/
iv http://www.alifewithoutlimits.com.au/
v https://www.google.com/maps/d/?hl=en_US&app=mp
vi https://www.google.com/earth/
vii https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_map_services
viii http://www.scribblemaps.com/
ix https://vr.google.com/tourcreator/
x https://www.google.com/earth/
xi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_map_services

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                               10
Year 6 toolkit
Science Understanding
The growth and survival of living things are affected by physical conditions of their
environment (ACSSU094)

     Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
 Examine the connection between flora and fauna in            National Geographic MapMaker Interactive lxxii
 different parts of our world. View where different biomes    Atlas of Living Australia lxxiii
 are found and where fauna exists globally, regionally and
                                                              Map of Life lxxiv
 locally. Consider relationships between the data.

Sudden geological changes and extreme weather events can affect Earth’s surface

     Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
 Examine where different natural hazards occur around the     Disaster Mapper lxxv
 world and consider relationships between different natural   USGS Earthquake mapper lxxvi
 hazards and geological features. Look at the relationship
                                                              Digital Earth Australia Hotspots lxxvii
 between earthquakes, volcanoes and plate boundaries or
 compare bushfire locations to features of the landscape in   NICTA Global Risk Map lxxviii
 affected areas.

Science Inquiry Skills
Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and
describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as
appropriate (ACSIS107)

     Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
 Use maps to visualise information that has either been       Google Earth lxxix
 collected in the field or via a secondary data source.       Queensland Globe lxxx
 Water quality, soil quality, sound levels, survey results
                                                              Online map services lxxxi
 and more data can easily be mapped as long as there is
 some locational information attached.

Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety
of ways, including multi-modal texts (ACSIS110)

     Learning experiences and teaching strategies                            Spatial resources
 Communicate the findings of an investigation using spatial   Google Earth lxxxii
 tools like a Google Earth tour. These tools can offer a      Online map services lxxxiii
 different perspective and different insights into issues
 being studied.

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                               11
lxxii http://mapmaker.nationalgeographic.org/
lxxiii http://www.ala.org.au/
lxxiv https://mol.org/
lxxv https://knowledge.aidr.org.au/disasters
lxxvi http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map
lxxvii https://hotspots.dea.ga.gov.au/
lxxviii http://globalriskmap.nicta.com.au/
lxxix https://www.google.com/earth/
lxxx https://www.business.qld.gov.au/running-business/support-assistance/mapping-data-

lxxxi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_map_services
lxxxii https://www.google.com/earth/
lxxxiii https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_online_map_services

Queensland Spatial Educators’ Toolkit Science Primary P-6                                12
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