Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...

Page created by Ronnie Soto
Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...

Bachelor of Science (Majoring in Data Science)
Bachelor of Science (Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Majoring in Internet of Things)
Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...
The Singapore campus
of James Cook University
Established in 2003

The Singapore campus of James Cook University                       James Cook University Inter-campus Mobility Program
is fully owned by James Cook University Australia,                  James Cook University provides the opportunity for students to
which is ranked in the top 2%* of universities                      study in Singapore and in Australia and yet still remain as Singapore
in the world. James Cook University Australia                       based students paying their fees in Singapore currency. This is a
                                                                    unique program in Asia because the university operates across both
established its Singapore campus in 2003 as part
                                                                    countries. The program is designed to ensure students get the best
of its expressed intent of internationalising its                   possible outcomes from their years of study with the university.
activities and offers a suite of university level
programs at the Singapore campus covering                           EduTrust Star
the areas of Business, Information Technology,                      James Cook University has the highest level of quality assurance
Psychology, Education, Science, Accounting, Arts,                   in Singapore for Private Education Institutions. This is known
                                                                    as EduTrust Star and is a symbol of recognition for outstanding
Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Games                           achievement. EduTrust Star is awarded to those institutions for
Design, Tourism and Hospitality.                                    attaining a commendable level of performance in managing their
                                                                    institutions and providing an outstanding quality of education and
James Cook University offers Higher Degree by                       welfare for their students.
Research programs such as Doctor of Philosophy,
Master of Philosophy and pathways to a higher                       James Cook University is the first organisation with EduTrust Star.
degree.                                                             By obtaining this award for the second time in 2019, James Cook
                                                                    University has displayed its commitment and focus as a student
Additionally, the campus offers courses at the pre-university       centric educational institution.
level, specifically designed to provide pathways for students
who are unable to immediately meet university entrance              SQC STAR
standards.                                                          James Cook University has also been awarded the Singapore
The Singapore campus of James Cook University is located at         Quality Class STAR (SQC STAR). The SQC STAR recognises SQC
Sims Drive. The campus provides students with access to a full      organisations that have made further improvement in their
range of facilities and services to support their learning. These   business excellence journey.
include lecture and seminar rooms, library and associated study     *The 2020 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)
facilities, computer laboratories, financial lab and access to a
variety of sporting facilities.
Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...
James Cook University’s science program is a leader in discovering
innovative solutions to complex problems. Our lecturers empower
students to discover, explore and pioneer innovative solutions
through a strong focus on building hands-on, practical skills.
Note: International students in Singapore on a Student Pass are not permitted to work. For more information please visit

James Cook University is EduTrust Certified. The EduTrust certification scheme is administered by the Committee for Private Education (CPE), a part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG).
EduTrust requires all students to be covered under a Fee Protection Scheme. In James Cook University, this is provided through an insurance protection scheme. Further, EduTrust also
requires that the students must be covered under a medical insurance coverage which has provision for hospitalisation, surgery and treatment costs throughout their course duration.
James Cook University will advise in the Standard Student Contract the total amount of insurance payable.

For more details please visit the Committee for Private Education (CPE), a part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) website:
Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...
Bachelor of Science
(Majoring in Data Science)
Data and analytics capabilities have made a                         • Identify, analyse and generate solutions to unpredictable or
leap forward in recent years. The volume of                           complex problems by applying scientific knowledge and
                                                                      skills with initiative and well-developed judgment
available data has grown exponentially, more
sophisticated algorithms have been developed,                       • Critically review regulatory requirements, ethical principles
and computational power and storage have                              and, where appropriate, cultural frameworks, to work
                                                                      effectively, responsibly and safely in diverse contexts
steadily improved. Career opportunities in data
science, big data and analytics are growing                         • Reflect on current skills, knowledge and attitudes to
dramatically. Data scientists work in every                           manage their professional learning needs and performance,
industry – from defence departments to internet                       autonomously and in collaboration with others
start-ups and financial institutions – and tackle
big data projects on every level. They are among                    Study Program
the most sought-after jobs in the tech world
today.                                                              Students are required to complete 24 subjects as per
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science at James Cook University
will be able to:                                                     Core Subjects
•   Integrate and apply a coherent body of theoretical and 		        Science, Technology and Truth
    technical knowledge, including underlying concepts and 		        Modelling Natural System
    principles, within the domain of data science                    or Modelling Natural System - Advanced
                                                                     Problem Solving and Programming I
• Critically appraise the role and relevance of science in 		        Mathematical Foundation
  society, particularly in creating sustainable futures in the 		    Quantitative Methods in Science
  tropics, worldwide                                                 or Quantitative Methods in Science - Advanced
                                                                     Database Modelling
•   Demonstrate broad understanding of the methods of science,       Sensors and Sensing for Scientists
    including the creative processes involved in developing 		       Professional Placement
    scientific knowledge, and its contestable and testable nature
                                                                     +   Major Subjects
•   Retrieve, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information from a
    range of sources                                                 Foundations of Data Science
                                                                     Programming II
• Plan and conduct reliable, evidence-based laboratory and/or        Advanced Statistical Modelling
  field experiments by selecting and applying methods, 		            Statistical Data Mining for Big Data
  techniques and tools, as appropriate to one or more science        Big Data
  disciplines                                                        Machine Learning
                                                                     or Optimisation and Operations Research
• Organise, analyse and interpret scientific data using
  mathematical, statistical and technological skills                 +   2 Subjects from the following
• Convey scientific ideas, arguments and conclusions clearly         Linear Algebra
  and coherently through well-developed written and oral 		          Discrete Mathematics
  communication skills and a variety of media                        Data Visualisation

                                                                     +   8 additional electives

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Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements                                                                 English Requirements
• The entry requirements differ from country to country but in                      • Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet
  general applicants must have satisfactorily completed 12 years                      the English language proficiency requirements of IELTS 6 (no
  of schooling or equivalent                                                          component lower than 6.0) / TOEFL (Internet Based) 74 (no
• Successful completion of the James Cook University Foundation                       component less than 18) / Pearson PTE Academic 52 (no
  Program will also satisfy the entry requirement                                     component less than 52); or
                                                                                   • Satisfactory completion of James Cook University Singapore
                                                                                      English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP); or
                                                                                   • Successful completion of other qualifications completed in
• Assumed knowledge in English and Maths B                                            English Language deemed comparable to Australian standards
• English Language subject or any language rich subject deemed                        within the last two years on a case-by-case basis
  comparable to Australian standards on a case-by-case basis
  which includes GCE A level Grade D or higher in English or any
  language rich subject, GCE AS level Grade C or higher in English                 Advanced Standing
  or any language rich subject, or GCE O level Grade C or higher                   • Students may apply for credit transfer for previous tertiary
  in English subject                                                                 study in accordance with the Credit Transfer Procedure.
• Mathematics B subject equivalent to Grade D or higher                              Maximum advanced standing up to 48 credit points within the
  in A level Mathematics, or Grade C or higher in AS level                           last two years on a case-by-case basis
  Mathematics, Pure Mathematics or Pure Mathematics with
• Applicants who have not completed high school intermediate
  level (or equivalent) Mathematics B (or equivalent) must select
  MA1020: Preparatory Mathematics as part of their study plan
  to successfully complete the Bachelor of Science

 Duration: 2 years full time                                                           Career Prospects:
 Course Structure: 3 trimesters per year                                               Possible careers graduates in the Bachelor of Science majoring
 Intakes: March, July, November                                                        in data Science can look forward to include the following:
 Total Tuition Fees: S$61,632 (International)
                     S$59,064 (Domestic)*                                              •   Data Engineer
                                                                                       •   Data Analyst
 *Fees apply to all Singapore residents (Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents
 and all pass holders excluding those holding a Student Pass).                         •   Data Scientist
                                                                                       •   Data Architect
 Note: All course fees include prevailing 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST)
 Students will pay the tuition fees in equal instalments. The details of the           •   Business Intelligence Analyst
 breakdown will be provided in your Student Contract. Please contact us for
 further details.                                                                      •   Data Analyst Manager


Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...
Bachelor of Science
(Majoring inAquaculture Science andTechnology)
Breeding, rearing, and harvesting of fish, shellfish,               • Identify, analyse and generate solutions to unpredictable or
and aquatic plants is the main objective of                           complex problems by applying scientific knowledge and
                                                                      skills with initiative and well-developed judgment
Aquaculture. This is an increasingly important
area for developing a sustainable, food secure,                     • Critically review regulatory requirements, ethical principles
future. Ensuring a consistent supply of food and                      and, where appropriate, cultural frameworks, to work
                                                                      effectively, responsibly and safely in diverse contexts
associated products for human consumption,
while also helping in the preservation of species                   • Reflect on current skills, knowledge and attitudes to
in the wild, is key to solving real world problems.                   manage their professional learning needs and performance,
Throughout this major, students will explore                          autonomously and in collaboration with others
the scientific and practical applications of
breeding, rearing and harvesting of plants and                      Study Program
animals in all types of water environments. You
                                                                    Students are required to complete 24 subjects as per
will understand the biodiversity of species and
how they are farmed, the design of aquaculture
systems, and the basics of nutrition.                                Core Subjects
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science at James Cook University        Science, Technology and Truth
will be able to:                                                     Modelling Natural System
                                                                     or Modelling Natural Systems - Advanced
•   Integrate and apply a coherent body of theoretical and 		        Quantitative Methods in Science
    technical knowledge, including underlying concepts and 		        or Quantitative Methods in Science – Advanced
    principles, within the domain of data science                    Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
                                                                     Professional Placement
• Critically appraise the role and relevance of science in 		        Sensors and Sensing for Scientist
  society, particularly in creating sustainable futures in the
  tropics, worldwide                                                 +   2 Subjects from the following
•   Demonstrate broad understanding of the methods of science,       Introductory Biochemistry and Microbiology
    including the creative processes involved in developing 		       Environmental Processes and Global Change
    scientific knowledge, and its contestable and testable nature    Evolution of the Earth
•   Retrieve, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information from a    +   Major Subjects
    range of sources
                                                                     Aquaculture: Feeds and Nutrition
• Plan and conduct reliable, evidence-based laboratory and/or        Sustainable Aquaculture
  field experiments by selecting and applying methods, 		            Introduction to Aquaculture
  techniques and tools, as appropriate to one or more science        Evolution
  disciplines                                                        Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases in Aquaculture
                                                                     Aquaculture: Propagation
• Organise, analyse and interpret scientific data using 		           or Aquaculture: Stock Improvement
  mathematical, statistical and technological skills                 Introduction to Biological Processes
                                                                     or Diversity of Life
• Convey scientific ideas, arguments and conclusions clearly         Introduction to Biodiversity
  and coherently through well-developed written and oral 		          or Introductory Ecology
  communication skills and a variety of media
                                                                     +   8 additional electives

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Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements
                                                                     English Requirements
• The entry requirements differ from country to country but in
  general applicants must have satisfactorily completed 12 years     • Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet
  of schooling or equivalent                                           the English language proficiency requirements of IELTS 6 (no
                                                                       component lower than 6.0) / TOEFL (Internet Based) 74 (no
• Successful completion of the James Cook University Foundation        component less than 18) / Pearson PTE Academic 52 (no
  Program will also satisfy the entry requirement                      component less than 52); or
                                                                     • Satisfactory completion of James Cook University Singapore
                                                                       English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP); or
• Assumed knowledge in English and Maths B
                                                                     • Successful completion of other qualifications completed in
• English Language subject or any language rich subject deemed         English Language deemed comparable to Australian standards
  comparable to Australian standards on a case-by-case basis           within the last two years on a case-by-case basis
  which includes GCE A level Grade D or higher in English or any
  language rich subject, GCE AS level Grade C or higher in English
  or any language rich subject, or GCE O level Grade C or higher     Advanced Standing
  in English subject                                                 • Students may apply for credit transfer for previous tertiary
• Mathematics B subject equivalent to Grade D or higher                study in accordance with the Credit Transfer Procedure.
  in A level Mathematics, or Grade C or higher in AS level             Maximum advanced standing up to 48 credit points
  Mathematics, Pure Mathematics or Pure Mathematics with
• Applicants who have not completed high school intermediate               Duration: 2 years full time
  level (or equivalent) Mathematics B (or equivalent) must select          Course Structure: 3 trimesters per year
  MA1020: Preparatory Mathematics as part of their study plan              Intakes: March, July, November
  to successfully complete the Bachelor of Science                         Total Tuition Fees: S$61,632 (International)
                                                                                               S$59,064 (Domestic)*

 Career Prospects:                                                         *Fees apply to all Singapore residents (Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents
                                                                           and all pass holders excluding those holding a Student Pass).
 Possible careers graduates in the Bachelor of Science majoring
 in Aquaculture Science and Technology can look forward to                 Note: All course fees include prevailing 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST)
                                                                           Students will pay the tuition fees in equal instalments. The details of the
 include the following:                                                    breakdown will be provided in your Student Contract. Please contact us for
                                                                           further details.
 •   Hatcheries management
 •   Stock nutrition programs and management
 •   Fresh water and marine farming
 •   Aquaculture research and development

Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...
Bachelor of Science
(Majoring in Internet ofThings)
The curriculum of this major equips scientists                     •    Retrieve, analyse, synthesise and evaluate information
for the rapidly expanding world of sensors and                          from a range of sources
data. Graduates will solve complex problems                        •    Plan and conduct reliable, evidence-based laboratory and/
by applying technology to collect and analyse                           or field experiments by selecting and applying methods,
information from a wide range of sources.                               techniques and tools, as appropriate to one or more
                                                                        science disciplines
The main topics of study include electronics,
programming, sensors, and statistics. Graduates                    •    Organise, analyse and interpret scientific data using
will apply knowledge of the physical principles                         mathematical, statistical and technological skills
of sensors and electronics, in conjunction                         •    Convey scientific ideas, arguments and conclusions clearly
with software programming and data science                              and coherently through well-developed written and oral
skills, to build evidence-based analyses of their                       communication skills and a variety of media
chosen application areas. Furthermore, they
                                                                   •    Identify, analyse and generate solutions to unpredictable
will critically appraise the benefits, risks and                        or complex problems by applying scientific knowledge and
implications of technology in society.                                  skills with initiative and well-developed judgement
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science at James Cook University      •    Critically review regulatory requirements, ethical principles
will be able to:                                                        and, where appropriate, cultural frameworks, to work
                                                                        effectively, responsibly and safely in diverse contexts
•   Integrate and apply a coherent body of theoretical and
    technical knowledge, including underlying concepts and         •    Reflect on current skills, knowledge and attitudes to
    principles, within the domain of data science.                      manage their professional learning needs and performance,
                                                                        autonomously and in collaboration with others
•   Critically appraise the role and relevance of science in
    society, particularly in creating sustainable futures in the   Completion of this major is also intended to provide students
    tropics, worldwide                                             with the opportunity to articulate into the Bachelor of
                                                                   Engineering (Hons) (Electronic Systems and Internet of Things
•   Demonstrate broad understanding of the methods of              major) at the Cairns campus and complete the Bachelor of
    science, including the creative processes involved in          Engineering with only two additional years of full time study.
    developing scientific knowledge, and its contestable and
    testable nature

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Bachelor of Science Majoring in Data Science Bachelor of Science Majoring in Aquaculture Science and Technology Bachelor of Science Majoring ...
Study Program
Students are required to complete 24 subjects,

  Core Subjects
  Science, Technology and Truth                  Duration: 2 years full time
  Modelling Natural System                                  4 years part time
  or Modelling Natural System-Advanced           Course Structure: 3 trimesters per year
  Problem Solving and Programming I              Intakes: March, July, November
  Mathematical Foundations                       Total Tuition Fees: S$61,632 (International)
  Quantitative Methods in Science                                    S$59,064 (Domestic)*
  or Quantitative Methods in Science-Advanced
                                                 *Fees apply to all Singapore residents (Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents
  Database Modelling                             and all pass holders excluding those holding a Student Pass).
  Professional Placement
  Sensors and Sensing for Scientists             Note: All course fees include prevailing 7% Goods and Services Tax (GST)
                                                 Students will pay the tuition fees in equal instalments. The details of the
                                                 breakdown will be provided in your Student Contract. Please contact us for
  + Major Subjects                               further details.

  Mathematical Techniques
  Introduction to Microcontroller Programming
  Electric Circuits                              Career Outcome:
  Internet of Things Devices and Software        Graduates will be ready for different entry level jobs in this
  Circuit Theory                                 growing industry including, for example:
  Advanced Statistical Modelling
  Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers       •   IOT Developer
  Linear Algebra                                 •   IOT Architect
  Internet of Things Systems and Security
  Sensor Technologies                            •   IOT Embedded Systems Designer
  Statistical Data Mining for Big Data           •   IOT Solutions Engineer

 +   5 additional electives

Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements
                                                                     English Requirements
• The entry requirements differ from country to country but in
  general applicants must have satisfactorily completed 12 years     • Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet
  of schooling or equivalent                                           the English language proficiency requirements of IELTS 6 (no
                                                                       component lower than 6.0) / TOEFL (Internet Based) 74 (no
• Successful completion of the James Cook University Foundation        component less than 18) / Pearson PTE Academic 52 (no
  Program will also satisfy the entry requirement                      component less than 52); or
                                                                     • Satisfactory completion of James Cook University Singapore
                                                                       English Language Preparatory Program (ELPP); or
• Assumed knowledge in English and Maths B
                                                                     • Successful completion of other qualifications completed in
• English Language subject or any language rich subject deemed         English Language deemed comparable to Australian standards
  comparable to Australian standards on a case-by-case basis           within the last two years on a case-by-case basis
  which includes GCE A level Grade D or higher in English or any
  language rich subject, GCE AS level Grade C or higher in English
  or any language rich subject, or GCE O level Grade C or higher     Advanced Standing
  in English subject                                                 • Students may apply for credit transfer for previous tertiary
• Mathematics B subject equivalent to Grade D or higher                study in accordance with the Credit Transfer Procedure.
  in A level Mathematics, or Grade C or higher in AS level             Maximum advanced standing up to 48 credit points
  Mathematics, Pure Mathematics or Pure Mathematics with
• Applicants who have not completed high school intermediate
  level (or equivalent) Mathematics B (or equivalent) must select
  MA1020: Preparatory Mathematics as part of their study plan
  to successfully complete the Bachelor of Science

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Your Local Representative:

James Cook University
149 Sims Drive Singapore 387380

T +65 6709 3888 | F +65 6709 3889 | E | W
CPE Registration No. 200100786K | Period of registration: 13 July 2018 to 12 July 2022

James Cook University Australia offers pathway, undergraduate and postgraduate at the Singapore campus of James Cook University.
This publication is intended as a general guide. The information is correct at the time of printing. James Cook University reserves the right to alter any course contents or admission requirements without prior notice. Version SIN02/21
James Cook University, Australia CRICOS Provider Code 00117J
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