Mobile apps designed to help fighting marine litter
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The Eye on Water • model developed under the Citclops project • citizen engagement and modern technology • help to assess the Colour and Clarity of natural waters.
Project AWARE - Dive Against Debris® • Developed by Project AWARE®, a registered nonprofit organization • to report the types and quantities of marine debris items found underwater as well as entangled or dead wildlife • volunteers around the globe
My Little Plastic Footprint • Developed by Plastic Soup Foundation • focuses on plastic items found in the main areas of daily lives • To calculate the plastic footprint, they have created the Plastic Mass Index (PMI)
ToxFox • Developed by BUND – Friends of the Earth Germany • helps consumers check cosmetic and everyday products for harmful substances • More than 1.5 million people already use the free app and scan for more transparency and better products
CodeCheck • Offices in Zurich (CH, Headquarters) and Berlin (DE) • More than 3.5 million users • Gain full transparency over the ingredients in food, drinks and cosmetics
Scan4chem App (LIFE AskReach) • App developed under the Project LIFE AskReach • free-of-charge app for checking substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in products like clothing, sports equipment, toys etc. • The app is being launched in 14 European countries, starting with Germany, Luxembourg, and Sweden
Marine LitterWatch • model developed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) • citizen engagement and modern technology co-funded by EU • help fill data gaps on marine litter found on beaches LIFE Programme
MarineDebrisTracker • allows you to help make a difference by telling us when you find trash on our coastlines and waterways. • track and log marine debris items from a list of common debris items found on the beach or in the water. co-funded by EU LIFE Programme • app is a tool for any citizen, citizen scientists, and scientists.
The Ocean Cleanup Survey • The Ocean Cleanup develops technologies to extract, prevent, and intercept plastic pollution. • Through the Visual Survey app, anyone on a boat on the ocean can help contribute data co-funded by EU LIFE Programme • The data will also be open for other scientists to use.
Global Alert – Floating Trash • Map trash sites on the public Global Alert map by uploading photos and data. • Connect with community steward organizations or cleanup teams anywhere you go. co-funded by EU LIFE Programme • Download public data
Marine Defenders • a mobile tool for documenting, mapping and reporting oil pollution, marine debris and biological events • to report three marine hazards: oil spills, marine debris and biological events like jellyfish, algae blooms and co-funded by EU LIFE Programme endangered marine animals
Clean Swell • Record every item of trash you collect. • Share your Cleanup results and impact with friends via Facebook, Twitter, and email. • Track your total distance cleaned. co-funded by EU • See the total weight of the trash you collect. LIFE Programme • Keep a historical record of your Cleanup efforts.
SmileTrashpic • SmileTrashpic is developed as part of SMILE project and supported financially by the EU LIFE+- Environmental Policy & Governance programme. It allows to report the presence of abandoned waste in an surrounding co-funded by EU Maremola river basin (municipalities of Pietra Ligure, LIFE Programme Tovo san Giacomo, Giustenice and Magliolo).
TrashOut (Let’s Do It) • Languages: English, Slovenčina, Čeština, Polski, Español, Deutsch, Français, Pусский, Român, Український • report illegal dumps • support for offline reporting • mark cleaned illegal dumps co-funded by EU LIFE Programme • update photos of illegal dumps • see illegal dumps on TrashMap
Our Waters – Clean Coasts • Clean coasts to Our Waters app is aimed to raise awareness about environmental state of Russian water resources and to allow participants of coastal cleanup actions to share their achievements and tell about their favourite water bodies. co-funded by EU LIFE Programme
Beat the Microbead • easily check if a product contains microbeads by just scanning the barcode with your iPhone camera. • new version recognizes many more products and has localised product listings. • New countries are continuously added, so chances are that co-funded by EU LIFE Programme your country is included or will be included soon.
CosmEthics • By scanning the barcode of a product, the app tells you if the product contains banned ingredients such as parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde etc. • The app links to Wikipedia and research articles for more information of the ingredients. co-funded by EU LIFE Programme • Contains information of 40,000 cosmetic products and ingredients, including 2,000 banned ingredients
MarineLitter MOOC • Materials of the UNEP Marine Litter Open Online Course to provide these people with the necessary knowledge, tools and instruments to take effective action against marine litter, either as a leader or an expert. • The magnitude and complexity of the problem is illustrated co-funded by EU LIFE Programme by showing the main sources, fate and impacts of marine litter, as well inspiring for actions
Battle for Big Blue • Battle For Big Blue is the nautical journey teaching us a thing or two about the severity of pollution in our seas. • Enter the underwater world in Battle for Big Blue to fight ocean pollution. Travel across the world’s five oceans, dodge co-funded by EU dangers, and collect as much plastic as you can. LIFE Programme
Marine Missions • Explore with Jacques the hermit crab and learn that a healthy ocean is a healthy world! • This app from National Geographic Kids teaches children about ocean animals and the importance of water conservation in a fun and interactive adventure game. co-funded by EU LIFE Programme • Help Jacques on his mission to clean up the world's ocean!
Ocean Quests • Swipe the rubbish to recycle it, prevent pollution and protect the ocean and it's creatures! • Unhappy about the neglect of the oceans and want to do more for the turtles, dolphins and all the other sea creatures? co-funded by EU LIFE Programme • Download this app and you'll generate a donation to an ocean charity that will help protect the seas.
Neptoons Net • Neptoon's Net - Oceanic Cleanup Adventure! • The world's oceans are polluted and Neptoon needs your help! • Join Neptoon in a global cleanup adventure where you take part in making our planet a better place! co-funded by EU LIFE Programme • The ocean is Neptoon's home, and he wants it clean for everyone to enjoy. Can you help clean up the planet?
New Baby Beach Cleanup • A storm has hit the sea leaving it completely destroyed. The beach needs your help! Save: All area throw All Waste In The Dustbin, All Clean Dust And fix: All Broken item • Visit All area para arrange Each instance of the city, like the beach, Clean of All area and ConvertiRSE in the super Hero co-funded by EU LIFE Programme For All ... !!!
Ocean Doctor • cute sea creatures meet some problems now and they are all looking for your help! And Ocean Doctor happens to bring you a great chance to rescue the “citizens of the sea”. • you can not only sightsee the ocean, but also learn about the various sea creatures! Now please come here to save your co-funded by EU LIFE Programme little friends and enjoy the charm of Sea with them!!
Oceans • CEMEX has dedicated the 19th edition of its Conservation Book Series, entitled Oceans: Heart of Our Blue Planet, to raising awareness of the critical importance of our planet's marine ecosystems. Together with the printed publication, we’ve released the first electronic edition of this lavishly illustrated book. We aim to reach broad audiences to inspire actions that help maintain healthy oceans. co-funded by EU LIFE Programme
Thrashed • Starring Jeremy Irons, Trashed looks at the risks to the food chain and the environment through pollution of our air, land and sea by waste. • The film reveals surprising truths about very immediate and potent dangers to our health. It is a global conversation from Iceland to Indonesia between the film star Jeremy Irons and scientists, politicians and ordinary individuals whose health and livelihoods have been fundamentally affected by waste pollution. • Visually and emotionally the film is both horrific and beautiful: an interplay of human interest and political wake-up call. But it ends on a message of hope co-funded by EU LIFE Programme m/us/app/marine- m/us/app/marinedebris m/us/app/the-ocean- m/us/app/global-alert- litterwatch/id85097788 tracker/id432758761?m cleanup-survey- floating- m/us/app/marine- 2?mt=8 t=8 app/id999527436?mt=8 trash/id938599942?mt= defenders/id540964894 8 ?mt=8 /store/apps/details?id=c /store/apps/details?id= /store/apps/details?id=c /store/apps/details?id=c om.litterwatch&hl=en om.oceans&hl=en rinedebristrack&hl=en rveyapp&hl=en http://windowsphonea http://windowsphonea http://windowsphonea LitterWatch_Windows- Debris- Alert-Global_Windows- Phone.html Tracker_Windows- Phone.html Phone.html Marine LitterWatch MarineDebrisTracker The Ocean Cleanup Global Alert Marine Defenders m/us/app/clean- m/us/app/beat-the- m/us/app/smiletrashpic m/us/app/trashout- m/app/voda-rossii- swell/id985692119?mt= microbead/id573546717 /id894362232?ls=1&mt eliminate- cistye- 8 ?mt=8 =8 illegal/id501471692?mt berega/id887879215 =8 https:// /store/apps/details?id= /store/apps/details?id= /store/apps/details?id= /store/apps/details?id=c org.plasticsoupfoundati ails?id=coop.diciannove. me.trashout&hl=en om.ironwaterstudio.wat eanswell&hl=en on.microbeads&hl=en smile er&hl=en http://windowsphonea http://windowsphonea http://windowsphonea http://windowsphonea Swell_Windows- Microbead_Windows- pic_Windows- Phone.html Let-s-do-it- Phone.html Phone.html partner_Windows- Clean Swell SmileTrashpic TrashOut Phone.html Our Waters Beat the Microbead https://https://itunes.a m/app/cosmethics/id91 /store/apps/details?id= m/us/movie/trashed/id m/us/app/oceans/id478 4459346 org.ounl.btb.mooccaste 638870590 -for-big- 004100?mt=8 r&hl=en blue/id1015412075?mt= 8 /store/apps/details?id=c /store/apps/details?id=c om.cosmethics.pgclient om.gstar.rawfortheocea &hl=en ns.bigblue&hl=en CosmEthics MarineLitter MOOC Battle for Big Blue Oceans Trashed us/app/marine- us/app/ocean- tore/apps/details?id=com. m/app/ocean- z/app/new-baby-beach- missions/id669505900?mt quests/id504133886?mt= MagicInkGames.Neptoons doctor/id880619256?mt=8 cleanup/id966535191?mt= =8 8 Net&hl=en 8 tore/apps/details?id=com. tore/apps/details?id=com. http://windowsphonea libiitech.oceandoctor&hl= kids.NewBabyBeachClean en Up&hl=en s-Net_Windows- Marine Missions Ocean Quest Neptoons Net Phone.html Ocean Doctor New Baby Beach Cleanup Doctor_Windows-Phone.html /store/apps/details?id= us/app/project-aware- us/app/my-little-plastic- de/app/toxfox-der- nl.maris.citclops.crossw dive-against- footprint/id1268714494 kosmetik- app/id359351047 alk&hl=en_US debris/id1260943783?ls check/id665200272?ign- =1 mpt=uo%3D2 /store/apps/details?id=c /store/apps/details?id=c /store/apps/details?id= /store/apps/details?hl= om.project.rantmedia.p om.plasticsoupfoundati de.bund.toxfox&hl=de en& rojectaware on.MyLittlePlasticFootpr heck&referrer=adjust_r int&hl=it eftag%3DcUvEtdtDfCPb 3%26utm_source%3DLP %2BAND%2Ben mensch- umwelt/chemie/toxfox/kosmeti k-check- online/?utm_source=bundnetut m_medium%3Dreportutm_cam paign%3DEBItx_bundpoolevent _display%5Bfilter%5D%5Btopic %5D%3D14cHash%3D6edcd1fe5 The Eye on Water Dive Against Debris My Little Plastic Footprint ToxFox c48bafb269ae739a4b6966fcHas h%3D50c4a0bf7a483912ce77c6 b7bc561fe4cHash%3D73c3bb19 CodeCheck 79953670dc23ab4151e18eaf German Environment Agency: Google Play, App Store Scan4Chem Luxembourg: Google Play, App Store Kemikalieappen Sweden: Google Play, App Store Scan4Chem App
Thank you for your attention! Östra Ågatan 53, SE-753 22 Uppsala, Sweden +46 73-977 07 93; co-funded by EU LIFE Programme
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