QUEBEC STUDENT UNION Fact sheet Compostable Materials Management

Page created by Andrew Chang
QUEBEC STUDENT UNION Fact sheet Compostable Materials Management
Fact sheet

Compostable Materials Management
QUEBEC STUDENT UNION Fact sheet Compostable Materials Management
Context and Environmental Impact                              In 2012, the global rate of recovery for compostable mate-
                                                              rials in industry, business and institutions (16%) was simi-
Compostable materials are a key part of any meaningful        lar to that of the residential sector (14%). Improvements
discussion of waste management in schools. They repre-        in these sectors will be inevitable in the coming years. In
sent 27 to 53% of all generated waste. Compostable mate-      fact, the 2011-2015 Action Plan of the Québec Residual
rials are mainly composed of food scraps, green waste,        Materials Management Policy (QRMMP) anticipates a
paper towels and in some cases biodegradable dishware..       ban on organic waste disposal by 2022.

In the ten schools analysed by RECYC-QUÉBEC from 2005         To achieve the QRMMP’s objectives, multiple municipal
to 2009, recovery-rates were only 6%. Improvements have       compost and biomethanation sites have either been
certainly been made over the past years, but there is still   recently established or are being built. This provides
major potential for further improvements.                     a useful opportunity for examining the treatment of
                                                              organic waste. Whether or not the responsibility for
                                                              implementing a waste material management plan falls
                                                              to municipalities, it is in the best interest of Quebec
                                                              universities to improve their environmental records by
                                                              recovering these materials.
Distribution of waste materials
                             in educational institutions - 2005-2009

                                               Recyclable materials
                                               Compostable materials
                                               Residues of construction, renovation,
                                               Other materials


•   Compostable materials are one of the leading sources of waste generated by universities.

•   The rate of recovery and reclamation is quite low and can be improved.

•   The ministry of the environment anticipates a ban on organic waste disposal by 2022.

Organic waste management in universities is carried      Dedicated Recycling Receptacles:
out in one of two ways:
                                                         In addition to awareness campaigns, recycling containers
1.     Agreement with a carrier for collection and       with separately marked receptacles are essential for ensur-
transportation to a composting or biomethanation         ing success. They help users to understand the different
plant.                                                   sorting methods. RECYC-QUÉBEC’s website has several
2.       Establishment of a composting site on           icons that can be looked at as examples.
campus. Due to the quantity of materials to be
processed, this is generally done in addition to

                                                                 Composting site on campus.                    “Big
                                                                                                                Bi Hanna” composter on campus.*       Composter on campus.*

Planning a Timeline for Implementation:                          Transportation of materials to an
                                                                 industrial composting site.
                                                                                                                a tne s p with
                                                                                                                            t Compost
                                                                                                               food waste collection.
                                                                                                                                      Montréal for    Transportation of materials to an
                                                                                                                                                      industrial composting site.

Planning a Timeline for Implementation: The different           2012-2013
                                                                - Around 13 tons recovered and reused.                                                In 2012, 58 tons of compostable materials
experiences highlight the need to take into account
                                                                                                               At least 62 tons can be processed by
                                                                                                                                                      were reused thanks to the two systems
                                                                                                               the composter “Big Hanna” each year.
                                                                - Rate of recovery for organic                                                        in place on campus.
the learning curve for new sorting habits, both for               material: 43%.

students and staff. For example, the recycling collec-           The quality of compost produced at the
                                                                 ETS site is inadequate for use with on-site
                                                                                                               The compost produced on campus is
                                                                                                                                                          g of reusable and compostable
                                                                                                                                                      dishware on campus.

tion set up in Quebec in the 1990s had achieved a
                                                                 soil. It is therefore re-transported to the                                          Transportation of bins by an electric
                                                                                                               used on site for urban agriculture
                                                                composting platform along with the other       Initiatives.                           vehicle.

recovery rate of 59% by 2012. After 25 years, there is          organic material collected from bins for
                                                                this purpose.
                                                                                                                                                       Usage of compost on Université de
                                                                                                                                                      Sherbrooke green spaces.

still a need to inform and raise awareness in order to           * Note: The composters used are much more efficient than a standar compost bin:
                                                                 The technology used speeds up the composting cycle.

improve performance.
Factors for Success

Choice of Dishware:                                    •     Consultation between the different university actors
                                                             is necessary to ensure the successful a collection of
Compostable dishware represents an attractive
                                                             organic material. In many cases, students initiated the
alternative to Styrofoam plates, as very few are re-
                                                             process and pushed the administration to act.
cycled in Quebec. However, the use of washable
                                                                      “The commitment and demands of student groups are
dishware should continue to be prioritised as a                       key factors that can push administrators to establish
solution for reducing the global environmental                        the collection of organic material.” - RECYC-QUÉBEC
impact.                                                               [translated from the original]

                                                       •     Ensuring the continued education of all parties involved
                                                             and appropriate training for maintenance staff is vital to
                                                             the project’s success.

                                                       •     Several establishments have opted to implement collec-
                                                             tion in phases, beginning with high-yield areas such
                                                             as kitchens and cafeterias. Cafes operated by student
                                                             associations have an ideal space to open a dialogue
                                                             with their members and to test levels of interest for
                                                             implementing new waste collection processes.

École de technologie supérieure. Gestion des matières résiduelles.
ENvironnement JEUnesse. La gestion environnementale des services alimentaires.

ENvironnement JEUnesse. Rapports de caractérisation réalisés par quatre établissements collégiaux dans le cadre de leur processus de certification
Cégep vert du Québec.
          • Cégep du Vieux Montréal (2011)
          • Cégep Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu (2011)
          • Collège Ahunstic (2013)
          • Collège Montmorency (2013)
Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MDELCC). Programme de traitement
des matières organiques par biométhanisation et compostage
          • Liste des projets financés par le ministère
MDDELCC (2012). Bannissement des matières organiques de l’élimination au Québec : état des lieux et prospectives. http://www.mddelcc.gouv.
Moris, Davis (2011). Central campus composter project.
          • Budget et sources de financement pour la mise en place du projet de compostage à l’Université McGill.
RECYC-QUÉBEC (2015). Pratiques favorisant la gestion des matières organiques dans les industries, commerces et institutions (ICI). https://www.
RECYC-QUÉBEC (2014). Bilan 2012 de la gestion des matières résiduelles au Québec.

RECYC-QUÉBEC (2009). Portrait de la gestion des matières résiduelles dans le sous-secteur institutionnel au Québec. https://www.recyc-quebec.
RECYC-QUÉBEC. Des pictogrammes pour mieux récupérer.
RECYC-QUÉBEC. Les matières organiques – fiche informative.
Université de Sherbrooke
          - Bilan de la gestion des matières résiduelles 2012 pour les campus de Sherbrooke
         - Les chemins du compostage à l’Université de Sherbrooke
         - Programme d’élimination de la vaisselle jetable
         - Unité de compostage
Université McGill
         - Compostage gorilla composting.
         - Compost Montréal.
         - Waste et McGill.
UBC Vancouver campus (2014). Zero waste action plan.
© Union Étudiante du Québec 2016
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