Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education

Page created by Wanda Reynolds
Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education
Pupil Transportation Changes
   MAY 2022
                          ADA Compliant 6-06-2022
Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education
LEAs are required to purchase and run a full query on new CDL drivers
LEAs are required to purchase and run a limited query on all CDL drivers annually
      Cost for full and limited queries $1.25 per driver

This applies to all CDL employees at the LEA – Distribution Services,
Maintenance, Grounds, Transportation, etc.
Employers that fail to maintain and clear their CDL drivers for safety sensitive
positions through the Clearinghouse are subject to a $15,000 fine
Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education
Transportation Updates
USBE Hired a Fiscal Monitor to review transportation
 ◦ Create review processes for transportation data collection
 ◦ Provide site visits and review transportation processes and expenditures

Findings and Plans
  ◦ Comparison of district transportation costs
  ◦ 4 million dollars of 2700 transportation costs are reported to ineligible object codes which
    are not eligible costs for state supported transportation funding
  ◦ USBE is planning to review all transportation costs for accuracy and provide a guidance on
    reporting expenses to account for all eligible cost
Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education
Clean School Bus
         Funding Highlights
5 Billion in funds
 ◦   50% of funds for Electric School Buses
 ◦   50% of funds for CNG and Propane School Buses
 ◦   Rebate program starts May 2022 – August 2022
 ◦   Grant program will start 2023 for four years
Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education
·ligible Applicants
State and local governmental
 entities responsible for: 1)
providing bus service to 1 or         Nonprofit Schoo[
more public school systems;      Transportation Associations
or 2.) the purchase of school

    Indian Tribes, Tribal
  Organizations, or triba l ly
     controlled schoo:ls
Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education
:1. High-need schoolll d11stiricts and lo,w-i'noome,areas     1

     • Schooll districts listed in the,Smailll Area llnc,0 me and Poverty

       Estimates 1  (SAIPE) Scho,ol District Estimat,es for 2020 as having ,20%, 1

       or mo,re students,li1v1   ing ·1n poverty
     • Schooll districts no,t iisted in the SAIP Edata, i c uding mo.st charter
       s,choo,ls, thait:s,elf-cert1ify',as ha1
                                             vii ,g 2,0% orr rmor,e,students hvin1
                                                                                 ,g n
       poverty. f PA m,oy as,k fo,r suppo,,rti,ng documentation,to confirm this
     • Schooll districts lo,caited iin the U.S. Viir,gin llsllands,, Guam,, American
       Sam,o,a, and the Commonw,ea th of the orthern ariana Islands

2,. Rural s,clhoolld~s,trricts
     • School districts ide,ntifiied wiit h locale codes "43-Rural •' Remoite'' ,and
        "42-Rurall: Distant" by the National Center fo,rr Education S,tafstics

3,. 'Tribal s,chool dlis,t ricts
     • Bure,au of Indian Affairs funded school districts and s,chool distr"cts
       th,at rece ive basic sup,port pa1yments,for chUdr,en who, r,e.s,ide on
       lndi,an land
Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education
Scho 0 Bus   1

                                                                 Maximum Bus Funding Amount pe,r R.ep lace,ment School Bus

                                                                                            R,e plac,e ment Bus Fuel Type and Siz,e
Rep lacement                                         Sch,o,ol Distri,ct
                                                                          ZE -       ZE -        CNG-             CNG-            Propane Propane
Funding                                                   Status          Class 7+   Class 3-6   Class 7+         Class 3-        - Class
The maxi1  mum1rebate amouint per bus is,            schoo,1
      111den1t on:                                   distrkts that
      • Bus Fuel Type,                               m,e et one or
                                                                          $375,000 $285,000 $45,000 $30 000 $30,000                         $25,000
      • Bus, Si.z,e,                                 mor,e
      • Whether the schoo l district served          prioritization
          by_th~.bu~,es, m~et~ one or mo re 1

          priorit1zat1on ,cntena
Ib e ta.ble di'sp._:la.ys maxi'm~m fundi~g levels.
                                                     serving other
EPA w1I I not disburse rebat,e funds 1n excess       eligible
0if the a,ctual ,c,ost of the r,epla,c,e,ment bus                         $250,000 $190,000i $30,000 $,20,00D                     $20,000   $15,000
and any c,osts above the maximum unding              schoo,il
level are the sole responsmb·lity of the             dis.trkts
applicant/awan ee.
Pupil Transportation Changes - MAY 2022 ADA Compliant 6-06-2022 - Utah State Board of Education
-                                                         Scho 0 I District 11   1
                                                                                                     ZE - ,class 3.+
                                                                                                     Infrastriu,ctu re
                                                      Pri 0 ritization Statius
                                                            1       1

Infrast ructu re                                                                                        Funding
                                                  Buses s,erving
Fundi ng                                          sch o·ol districts that

                                                  m eet one 0,r m ore
                                                        1                            1           1
Talk to yo ur uti lity now iif yo u are

                                                  prio,ritizati o•n                      1

interest ed ·in zero-e·missi on buses,!

                                                  Buses s,erving oth,:er                     1

                                                  eligi'bl e sc:hool
Thiis ta1ble diispl.a1ys,t he· maximum funding
levels. EPA will noit disburs.e rebate funds in


                                                                                                        s· 3,ooo
excess of the actua ll infrastructure costs.
Clean School Bus Application Process
1. Stay Informed: Sign up for Clean School Bus Program news
2. Learn: Attend a Clean School Bus informational webinar
3. Set up all required accounts - Verify registration on SAM.gov
4. Create a Fleet Inventory to help identify best candidates for replacement
II     Thank you,

     Ron Litchfield
     State Pupil Transportation Specialist
     Utah State Board of Education
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