Property investments and future-oriented project development

Page created by Megan Howard
Property investments and future-oriented project development
Property investments and
future-oriented project development
Property investments and future-oriented project development
The JUNiCKE Group
    Active as an investor in the property
            sector throughout Germany.

Property investments and future-oriented project development
We have positioned ourselves in the property market as a quality leader,
based upon proven experience, a short decision-making process, and a
healthy capital base. In doing so, we see ourselves equally as a traditional
Hanseatic business as well as a pioneer of new technologies in our field.

• We are able to make all invest-        • As opposed to other companies in
  ment decisions personally and            the sector we rely upon climate-
  without a protracted committee           friendly operation.
  process, based upon our healthy
                                         • We maintain a marked culture of
  capital cover, carefully selected
  strategic partners, and the back-
  ground of a traditional family

• As a result, we can authorize faster
  than most of our competitors in
  the market.

• We are a negotiator and business
  partner on an equal footing, as
  entrepreneur to entrepreneur.

                                           We reach a decision and
                                           notarisation faster than
                                              usual in the industry.

Property investments and future-oriented project development
Investments in locations with prospects
    Residential buildings, logistics facilities,
    portfolios, and project development.
    We own real estate properties and manage a wide-ranging portfolio of high-
    value residential buildings and logistical facilities which we are permanently

Property investments and future-oriented project development
Purchase profile for residential buildings
We are looking for single objects and complete port-
folios Germany-wide. We are especially interested in
offers in the following regions.

Property type:		                       Building condition:
Apartment blocks                       Properties which have
Residential buildings                  been regularly maintained
                                       Partly modernized
Property location:                     properties
B and C towns preferred                In exceptional cases
Established locations with strong      properties requiring redevelopment
Good infrastructure                    Type of acquisition:
No structural vacancies                Asset deals
At least 25,000 inhabitants            Share deals

Amount of investment:
Level of investment from two million
Single properties

Risk classes:
Value added

Property investments and future-oriented project development
Purchase profile for logistical facilities
    We are looking for single objects and complete portfolios Germany-wide.
    We are especially interested in offers in the following regions.

                              Property type:
                              Warehouses (office portion maximum 20 %)
                              Storage facilities
                              Business properties
                              Only properties with the possibility of third-
                              party use

                              Property location:
                              Town centers
                              Established situations in metropolitan regions
                              Inland and coastal ports
                              Good infrastructure
                              Good transport connections

                              Amount of investment:
                              Investment volume from 2 million euros upwards

                              Risk classes:
                              Value added

                              Building condition:
                              Properties which have been regularly maintained
                              Partly modernized properties
                              Properties with high vacancy rates and a chance
                              of new letting

                              Type of acquisition:
                              Asset deals
                              Share deals

We are on the lookout
                                                                              for interesting purchase
Investment criteria                   Investment capital                      opportunities nation-
Above all, in choosing our invest-    We invest with equity, loans, and the
ments we aim for good long-term       capital of strategic partners. Value-
transactions. We are convinced that   added is obtained from the rental
a deal is only successful when all    and lease of existing properties,
concerned profit from it and are      from asset management, and also
happy with the results.               by leverage through project develop-
Apart from points such as location,   ment. Approximately fifty percent.
condition, and prospects, we also     of projects developed by us remain
look to utilization concepts and      on our books, and the other fifty
aesthetics as important decision-     percent. are passed on to selected
making criteria.                      partners and to the market, in order
                                      to generate sustained growth.
We are interested in investments
from 2 million euros upwards.

Management Credo
    The value-oriented approach of our
    group is to be a fair and reliable
    partner. We keep our promises and
    negotiate on an equal basis.

We take our investments seriously
Openness and a forward-looking
approach are family traditions.
The first business in our family of companies was in agricultural trading and
was formed as long ago as 1912 by Albert Junicke. Over the decades the focus
switched to the building and property sectors. The formation of the JUNiCKE
Group by the brothers Julius Hendrich and Carl Jobst Junicke can therefore
look back on four generations of successful family entrepreneurs.

Julius Hendrich Junicke     Carl Jobst Junicke
Managing partner            Managing partner
Responsible for             Responsible for
residential buildings       logistical facilities

Focussed businesses
     Each of our companies has a very
     specific responsibility. All work seam-
     lessly together.
     We follow the principles of a multi-dimensional concern and of segmen-
     tation. Each business in our group is focused on a narrowly-defined area.
     This allows us to concentrate specifically on the requirements of our
     customers, to target the deployment of our expertise, and for the optimal
     exploitation of investment potential.

                           Our staff are proven experts in their   Growth together with strategic
                           field and this makes for a powerful     partners:
                           team.                                   Our joint ventures
                                                                   As well as fully-owned subsi-
                           The JUNiCKE Group is structured         diary companies, joint ventures
                           according to the asset classes in       with banks and other family busi-
                           which we are active, supported by       nesses – both domestic and
                           departments for central processes,      foreign – also belong to our group
                           such as back office, compliance,        of companies.
                           and company communications.
                           Our joint ventures have a special
                           status in our organization.

We are well networked in
the real estate industry
in Germany as well as
abroad and maintain close

JUNiCKE Gruppe

 Frankfurter Straße 285 · 38122 Braunschweig
+49 531 26 15 51 00 ·

          Schuhhof 4 · 38640 Goslar
    +49 5321 70 97 80 ·

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