Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank

Page created by Martha Mccoy
Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank
Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10
Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank
A wonderful home                                                                     Location

in   Park Gardens,
   Primrose Hill   Chelsea SW10                                                      Elm Park Gardens is a wonderful residential address, which lies between the
                                                                                     vibrant Kings Road and Fulham Road. A wide range of amenities are within
                                                                                     easy walking distance; Fulham Road offers several supermarkets, cafes,
This wonderfully
Knight Frank arelight apartment
                 pleased  to offeristhis
                                     situated  on the fifth floor
                                         well proportioned        (with lift) of a
                                                               Edwardian             restaurants and independent boutiques, whilst Kings Road is home to
popular purpose
family home     builtin
            located   block in ElmHill
                        Primrose   Park Gardens, a stone's throw away from
                                       NW3.                                          boutique stores, larger high street brands and a fantastic selection of eateries.
the vibrant Kings Road. The building benefits from a lift and access to
beautifully maintained
Arranged over           communal
                four floors         gardens.home
                            this impressive  Elm Park Gardens
                                                 comprises    is also
                                                           master     served
by a porter.
suite        The accommodation
      with dressing room and an includes a spacious6reception
                                en suite bathroom,            room with a
                                                     further bedrooms,
5 further kitchen, bothguestcloakroom,
          bathrooms,    boasting pleasant green
                                       a 37’    views
                                             double   over Elmroom,
                                                    reception  Park library/
Gardens.   The bedroom
study, a bright         is well-proportioned
                and spacious                 and benefits
                             family room leading onto thefrom  built-in
wardrobes. There is
room and garden.    a separate
                  Further      bathroom,
                          features includeaccessed  offJacuzzi
                                           a gym with   the hallway, with
                                                               and sauna,
further storage
lift, ample      cupboards
            storage,        in the
                     wine cellar   hall.
                                 and offOverall, the combination
                                         street parking            of a balanced
                                                        for 3 - 4 cars.
layout, peaceful outlook and access to communal gardens makes this a
highly appealing proposition. The flat would be ideally suited to a first time
buyer, those downsizing from a larger home in the area, or as a buy-to-let

   71         16          1 5           D

Tenureprice         Ground rent          Service charge           Local authority
Leasehold:       £50 per year            £10,000                  London Borough
approximately 84                         per year                 of Kensington &
years remaining                                                   Chelsea

Leasehold           Peppercorn rent
Approximately       £10 per year
999 years
remaining                                                                               Caption to go here
Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank

Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank
Knight Frank
352A Kings Road                       We would be delighted to tell you more
Address 2                             Arabella
                                      Toto     Howard-Evans
Postcode                              020 7349
                                          3944 4309
knightfrank.co.uk                     antonia.lambert@knightfrank.com

Fixtures and fittings: A list of the fitted carpets, curtains, light fittings and other items fixed to the property which are included in the sale (or may be available by separate negotiation) will be provided by the Seller's Solicitors.
Important Notice: 1. Particulars: These particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one. You should not rely on statements by Knight Frank LLP in the particulars or by word of mouth or in writing ("information") as being factually accurate about the property, its condition or its value. Neither Knight
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show only certain parts of the property as they appeared at the time they were taken. Areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only. 3. Regulations etc: Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building
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Particulars dated January 2022. Photographs and videos dated January 2022.
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Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank Elm Park Gardens, Chelsea SW10 - Knight Frank
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