Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove

Page created by Timothy Pearson
Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove
Spicers Orchard
Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset
Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove
A well-presented family
                                          house with a beautiful,
                                          private garden in a
                                          peaceful village setting.

                                          Spicers Orchard is situated in the hamlet of Kingston which
    4          2           2              together with six other hamlets form the village of Hazelbury
                                          Bryan (www.hazelburybryan.com). The village has a primary
                                          school, village shop, pub, hall, cricket club and a regular
             acre                         visiting doctors’ surgery. More extensive local amenities are
                                          available in the nearby small town of Sturminster Newton (3.7
                                          miles) and the larger towns of Blandford Forum (11.7 miles) and
                                          Dorchester (15.5 miles) are also conveniently close. For travel
                                          links Sherborne (9.4 miles) has a direct service to Waterloo
Sturminster Newton 3.7 miles,             (2.25 hours) and Bournemouth Airport (29.6 miles) offers UK
Sherborne 9.4 miles (Waterloo 2.25        and international connections. The local area also has a wide
hours), Blandford Forum 11.7 miles,       selection of schools from both the state and independent
Dorchester 15.5 miles, Bournemouth        sectors.
Airport 29.6 miles. (Distances and time
Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove
Spicers Orchard
Spicers Orchard is set back off a peaceful lane, with its
rear garden backing onto open farmland with a view of
Bulbarrow Hill. The house has a central, broad reception
hall and open galleried landing above. To one side is the
large, L-shaped living room with separate seating and
dining areas and an arch through to the conservatory.
On the other side are the study, the fully fitted kitchen/
breakfast room and the boot room linking the house to
the integral double garage.
On the first floor are the principal bedroom with en suite
bathroom, three further double bedrooms and family
The beautiful, mature garden forms a private and
beautiful sanctuary for the house incorporating two
ponds, kitchen garden and orchard. Outbuildings include
garden stores and a poly-tunnel greenhouse.


Mains water, electricity & drainage. Oil-fired central

Local Authority & Council Tax
Dorset Council
Tax Band: F

Directions (Postcode DT10 2AR)
From the major staggered crossroads (adjacent to The
Green Man pub) in the village of Kings Stag, head south-
east, signed to Hazelbury Bryan. Drive for 1.3 miles and
then turn left onto Silly Hill. Continue for just over 0.5
mile to Kingston and then turn right off a sharp, left-hand
bend onto Kingston Row. The property will be found on
the left after about 50 yards.
Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove
Reception                                                                                                                   Approximate Gross Internal Floor Area
                                                                                                                                   Main House: 227.3 sq m / 2,447 sq ft
      Bedroom                                                                                                                          Garage: 33.6 sq m / 362 sq ft
      Bathroom                                                                                                                        Total: 260.9 sq m / 2,809 sq ft
                                                                                                             This plan is for guidance only and must not be relied upon as a statement of fact.
      Kitchen/Utility                                                                                     Attention is drawn to the Important Notice on the last page of the text of the Particulars.

Knight Frank                                                                           I would be delighted to tell you more.
15 Cheap Street
Sherborne, DT9 3PU                                                                     Simon Barker
knightfrank.co.uk                                                                      01935 810064
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Your partners in property for 125 years.
Fixtures and fittings: A list of the fitted carpets, curtains, light fittings and other items fixed to the property which are included in the sale (or may be available by separate negotiation) will be provided by the Seller’s Solicitors.
Important Notice: 1. Particulars: These particulars are not an offer or contract, nor part of one. You should not rely on statements by Knight Frank LLP in the particulars or by word of mouth or in writing (“information”) as being factually accurate about the property, its condition or its value. Neither Knight Frank LLP nor any joint
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at the time they were taken. Areas, measurements and distances given are approximate only. 3. Regulations etc: Any reference to alterations to, or use of, any part of the property does not mean that any necessary planning, building regulations or other consent has been obtained. A buyer or lessee must find out by inspection
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Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove Spicers Orchard Hazelbury Bryan, Dorset - DT10 - Rightmove
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