ATTON HOTELS Smart Wi-Fi helps guests feel at home away from home

Page created by Thomas Osborne
ATTON HOTELS Smart Wi-Fi helps guests feel at home away from home

Smart Wi-Fi helps guests feel at home away from home

Atton Hotels is the leading chain of local hotels in Chile. It is always thinking of new and innovative ideas
to make its guest’s experience one to remember. It has recently expanded to include hotels in Chile, Peru,
Colombia, and the United States. Whether guests are traveling for business or pleasure, they will find a
home away from home at any one of the Atton properties. It strives to be guests’ forever first choice. At
each Atton, they take care of every detail. Its wide-range of amenities is sure to meet the need of every
guest. Before starting with any new project; it studies a multitude of factors such as the location, the
design and the view with the goal of providing an unbelievable experience for future guests. Its modern,
spacious rooms are perfect for those traveling for either business or pleasure.

                                                                                              Atton Hotels

                                                                                              Chile, Peru, Colombia, United States

REQUIREMENTS                                     Solutions                                 Guest satisfaction improves
· Centrally managed wireless solution            · RUCKUS indoor and outdoor access        thanks to reliable Wi-Fi
· High-performance Wi-Fi                                                                   Travelers are so digitally connected that
· Stable connections that keep up with           · RUCKUS SmartZone controller             they want the world at their fingertips
  guest’s demands                                                                          the second they wake up, whether
                                                                                           they are on holiday or are traveling
· Wireless solution that increases guest · Better stability and management                 for business. Hotels need a solution
                                         · Ability to centrally troubleshoot               that provides its guests a rich Wi-Fi
                                                   wireless network                        experience. Currently, many hotels run
                                                                                           many guest and staff-facing applications
                                                 · Visibility into each property           off its Wi-Fi network, including digital
                                                 · Ability to measure density in certain   signage, mobile check-in, food and

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ATTON HOTELS Smart Wi-Fi helps guests feel at home away from home
drink orders, corporate management               connection. Based on that, a pilot test
systems and even its door-lock systems.          was run on three floors at the Atton El       “After guests stay at an Atton
Therefore, they need reliable and secure         Bosque property in Santiago, Chile. They      property, they receive an email
Wi-Fi for their operations.                      followed up with each guest that stayed       with a survey to evaluate all
                                                 on these floors. After the pilot, the rest
Challenge                                                                                      hotel services, especially the
                                                 of the hotel was migrated to RUCKUS.
                                                                                               Wi-Fi. We experienced an
Based in Chile, Atton Hotels is a hotel          “After guests stay at an Atton property,
chain with recent expansion to South             they receive an email with a survey to        improvement from an average
America and the United States. Prior             evaluate all hotel services, especially the   of 3.5 to 4.3, with 5 as the
to implementing the RUCKUS solution,             Wi-Fi. We experienced an improvement          maximum score. This means
the hotel had a mix of low-cost wireless         from an average of 3.5 to 4.3, with 5 as      that 90 percent of the guests
technology running on its properties.            the maximum score. This means that            said that the Wi-Fi was good
This created unstable connections                90 percent of the guests said that the
                                                                                               and they are extremely satisfied.”
and unhappy customers. Atton’s past              Wi-Fi was good and they are extremely
deployments consisted of two other               satisfied,” said Felipe Schmidt, IT           FELIPE SCHMIDT
competing solutions that were struggling                                                       IT manager, Atton Hotels
                                                 manager at Atton Hotels.
to keep up with the demands. After a
painful trial with the other suppliers,          Solution
Atton turned to partner Xecuoia for              A mixture of RUCKUS indoor and
help to upgrade its Wi-Fi network to an          outdoor APs were deployed for the
enterprise-grade wireless solution. Using        medium-density locations. These APs
the Atton Hotel in Chilie, RUCKUS and            offer extended range with its adaptive
another competitor were put to the test.         antenna technology which includes
The results with RUCKUS were superior            ChannelFly™, a dynamic channel
so they decided to deploy RUCKUS                 technology that uses machine learning
technology as the wireless standard in all       to automatically find the least congested
existing and future properties.                  channels. Controlling the APs is the
                                                 RUCKUS SmartZone™ controller in
Atton Hotels has a metric system to
                                                 the cloud, managed by Atton. The
analyze guest satisfaction. One of
                                                 wireless solution enables the hotel to
the leading items is the Wi-Fi rating,
                                                 manage large AP deployments with one
related to speed, stability and ease of

For more information, visit                                                                                      2
ATTON HOTELS Smart Wi-Fi helps guests feel at home away from home
troubleshoot it. Atton can also monitor
                                                                                                                               the wireless network online with visibility
                                                                                                                               into each hotel. In addition, the RUCKUS
                                                                                                                               solution can measure density in certain

                                                                                                                               The wireless deployment for all the
                                                                                                                               properties took two years and Atton
                                                                                                                               Hotels has added new properties to the
                                                                                                                               network. They deployed the RUCKUS
                                                                                                                               network in October to its hotel in Lima,
                                                                                                                               and deployed the network in November
                                                                                                                               to the property Atton Las Condes in

                                                                                                                               “The experience with RUCKUS has been
                                                                                                                               great. Our investment in this technology
Working with partner Xecuoia was                               both partners which wireless networking
                                                                                                                               has given us phenomenal IT support and
essential to the deployment’s success                          solution was best for us. We didn’t feel
                                                                                                                               our day-to-day network management is
due to their knowledge of RUCKUS                               like a number but were considered
                                                                                                                               much easier,” concluded Schmidt.
technology. The partner provided all                           an important customer,” stated Felipe
the required support, and Atton Hotels                         Schmidt.
received customized service. Xecuoia
                                                               When researching on what other hotels
provided IT support for the properties in
                                                               were using for their network, it became
Chile, Colombia and Peru.
                                                               clear to Atton Hotels that RUCKUS was
With a new property scheduled to                               the obvious choice with over 90 percent
open in Miami, Atton Hotels decided to                         of hotels using the RUCKUS solution and
deploy RUCKUS Wi-Fi. RUCKUS advised                            a stellar track record in innovation.
which type of wireless solution was best
                                                               With the RUCKUS solution, Atton Hotels
for that property to obtain seamless
                                                               has better stability and management. If
coverage. Xecuoia in Chile and RUCKUS
                                                               an AP has problems, they can centrally
made the project possible. “RUCKUS told

About RUCKUS Networks
RUCKUS Networks builds and delivers purpose-driven networks that perform in the demanding
environments of the industries we serve. Together with our network of trusted go-to-market partners,
we empower our customers to deliver exceptional experiences to the guests, students, residents,
citizens and employees who count on them.
Visit our website or contact your local RUCKUS representative for more information.

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CS-117500-EN (02/23)
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