Voyage OAI Glasgow/Edimbourg : 5-9 mai 2022

Page created by Michelle Campbell
Voyage OAI Glasgow/Edimbourg : 5-9 mai 2022
Dress for the Weather

Voyage OAI Glasgow/Edimbourg : 5-9 mai 2022
Voici le programme, sous réserve de modification, de notre excursion
à Glasgow/Edimbourg (Ecosse)
Pour mémoire: initialement prévu du 20 au 24 mai 2020

Wednesday 5th May 2022 :
    Tour: Glasgow - Walking Tour
    Flight arrival 2.35pm Glasgow Airport
    • Meet group at airport - coach to Hotel
    • Check-in and bag drop at hotel
                                                                            ^The Theatre Royal
    • Introductory lecture to Glasgow at Hotel
    • Architectural Pub Tour:
      A look at the changing design and architectural influences
      of Glasgow’s drinking establishments in relation to wider
      political, social and cultural shifts.
    Dinner: Drygate

Thursday 6th May 2022 :
     Tour: Glasgow - Walking Tour
     Meet at 9am at Hotel
     • Art and the City:
       Starting in the heart of the city we explore at how the industrial
       town has been taken over and given a new life through
       interventions from the arts. We will visit buildings by classic      ^Mackintosh at the Willow
       Scottish Architects including CR Mackintosh and Alexander
       ‘Greek’ Thompson, but observe how contemporary works by
       Page and Park and McGinlay Bell have adapted these spaces
       for modern life.
       Visit to include:
       • The Theatre Royal - Page and Park
       •    The Glasgow School of Art - CR Mackintosh & Steven Holl
       • The Lighthouse - Page and Park
       • The CCA - Alexander ‘Greek’ Thompson
       • The Glasgow Film Theatre - McGinlay Bell
     Coffee Break at 11am at The Willow Tea Rooms:
       Break for refreshment at the recently renovated tea
       rooms designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh.
     •   Art and the City continued.
                                                                            ^The Riverside Museum
     Lunch at 1.30pm: Rogano
     • The West End:
       We follow the 19th century expansion of the city, taking in
       the green spaces that give the city its name, approach the
       vaulted arches and secluded quadrangles of University of
       Glasgow and study the many nuances of the Scottish
       Tenement. Visit to include:
       • The University of Glasgow - George Gilbert Scott
       • Tenement Housing
       • The Botanic Gardens
     Dinner at 8pm: Cafe Gandolfi

                                                                            ^The Scottish Parliament
Voyage OAI Glasgow/Edimbourg : 5-9 mai 2022
Dress for the Weather

Friday 7th May 2022 :
      Tour: Edinburgh - Walking Tour
      Meet at 9am at Hotel
      • Train to Edinburgh
      • Introduction to Edinburgh
      • Identity and the City:
        As the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh characterise the
        countries cultural and historical identity, we will discuss how    ^The National Museum of Scotland
        this has influenced the development and urban patterns of
        the city.
        Visit to include:
        • The National Museum of Scotland - Benson Forsyth
             and Hoskins Architects
        • The Scottish Parliament - Enric Miralles
        • Scottish Storytelling Centre - Malcolm Fraser
      Architects Coffee Break at 11am
      • Identity and the City continued.
      Lunch at 1pm: The Timberyard
                                                                           ^Collective Gallery
      • Old and New:
        Edinburgh’s heritage is fiercely preserved which provides
        plenty of challenges for architects working there. In the
        afternoon we observe how designers have knitted modern
        architecture into this classical city, entwining the old and new
        with delicate touches.
        Visit includes:
        • Dovecot Studios - Malcolm Fraser Architects
        •    Chapel of St Albert the Great - Simpson Brown Architects
        • Collective Gallery - Collective Architecture
      Dinner at 7pm: Cafe St Honare (Edinburgh)
      Return to Glasgow by train.

      Saturday 8th May 2022 :
      Tour: Glasgow - Coach Tour                                           ^The Scottish Storytelling Centre
      Meet at 10am at Hotel
      • Coach to Helensburgh
      • Landscape and Architecture:
       Heading West out of the city we will get a glimpse of the
       poetic Scottish landscape and explore the part this has played
       in inspiring Glasgow’s most famous architect Charles Rennie
       Visit includes:
       • The Hill House - CR Mackintosh + Carmody
      Groarke Lunch at 12.30: Cameron House (Loch Lomond)
      • Return by coach to Glasgow
      • South of the City:
       In amongst the houses of the more suburban South
       Glasgow there are some hidden architectural gems which
       display the great innovation and ingenuity that Scottish            ^Tramway and the Hidden Gardens
       architects and designers are renowned for.
      • Holmwood House - Alexander ‘Greek’ Thompson
      • Tramway - Zoo Architects
Voyage OAI Glasgow/Edimbourg : 5-9 mai 2022
Dress for the Weather

             • The Hidden Gardens
             •    Scottish Ballet - Malcolm Fraser Architects Return
             to the hotel before the dinner and the concert
             Dinner at 8pm: Ardnamurchan

             Concert TBC:
                                                                                          ^The SSE Hydro
             • Glasgow Royal Concert Hall: RSNO 2019/20 -
                Rachmaninov Symphony No2
             • Theatre Royal: Scottish Opera - The Gondoliers

             Sunday 9th May 2022 :
             Tour: Glasgow - Coach Tour
             Meet at 9.30am at Hotel
             • Coach to the West End
             • The River Clyde:
               To finish the tour we shall explore the River Clyde and
               look at the legacy that shipbuilding has left on the city
                                                                                          ^Scottish Ballet
               and how international architects have taken on the
               challenge of reviving the post-industrial landscape. Visit
               • The Riverside Museum - Zaha Hadid
               • SEE Hydro - Foster & Partners
             • Coach to Airport
             Lunch at Airport
             Flight 14.15 from Glasgow Airport

                                                                                          ^The Reid Building at The Glasgow School of Art

                                                                                          ^The Hill House

Dress for the     Weather            RIAS     Chartered       Practice
23 Acorn Street                       Registered in Scotland              SC370460

Glasgow G40 4AN                         +44 (0) 141 556 5606                VAT No. 985              4180 85
Réf.OAI : ActivPromo/pgmGlasgow 20210603                                   Luxembourg, le 3 juin 2021

                   Voyage d’études OAI à Glasgow / Edimbourg (Ecosse)
                          du mercredi 5 au dimanche 9 mai 2022
 Voici le programme, sous réserve de modification, de notre excursion à Glasgow / Edimbourg
 avec un guide architecte francophone :

 Mercredi 05.05.2022 : Départ pour Glasgow via Londres
 RDV à 9h30 à l’aéroport FINDEL
 Luxembourg 11h05=> London Heathrow 11h35
 London Heathrow 13h05 => Glasgow 14h35
 Transfert vers l’hôtel - Motel One Glasgow –

 14h35 Rencontre avec notre guide sur place Romain CHARLET,
 architecte français établi à Glasgow
 Visites en langue française

 Jeudi 06.05.2021 : Glasgow - Walking Tour
 Cf. programme détaillé                            Déjeuner en commun
                                                   Dîner en commun

 Vendredi 07.05.2022 : Edinburgh - Walking Tour
 Cf. programme détaillé                         Déjeuner en commun
                                                Dîner en commun

 Samedi 08.05.2022: Glasgow - Coach Tour
 Cf. programme détaillé.                           Déjeuner en commun
                                                   Dîner en commun suivi d’un concert le cas échéant

 Dimanche 09.05.2022 : Glasgow - Coach Tour
 Cf. programme détaillé                            Déjeuner en commun
                                                   Départ pour le Luxembourg
                                                   Glasgow 14h15 => London Heathrow 15h45
                                                   London Heathrow 17h40 => Luxembourg 20h00

 Prix par pers. (sur base de 25 participants) :    Ce prix comprend :
 en chambre double: 980€                           -le vol A/R avec British Airways
 en chambre simple: 1130€                          -4 nuits à l'hôtel avec petit-déjeuner et taxes
                                                   -visites guidées (8 demi-journées) par un
 Un décompte reprenant les dépenses en             guide-architecte, audioguide, entrées,
 commun sur place vous sera envoyé après le        transferts en train et bus sur place…

 L’inscription se fera par mail à Le nombre de participants étant limité à 25 personnes,
 l’enregistrement des participants se fera suivant réception de l’acompte non remboursable de
 250€/personne à virer sur le compte de l’OAI
 IBAN LU52 0019 1000 4602 3000 / BIC BCEELULL en indiquant la référence « GLASGOW ».

 Salutations cordiales,                                                       Pierre HURT
                                                                              Directeur OAI
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