Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan

Page created by Jack Matthews
Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan
Call for Artists:
Utility Box Designs 2021
The City of Sheboygan’s Planning and Development Department and Department of Public Works is
seeking design proposals from local artists for vinyl graphics wraps on utility control boxes.
Designs should relate to the culture, history, important people, and/or landscape of Sheboygan. It is
encouraged but not required to make a design relating to the location of the specific utility control
box that it is to be applied to. This project is intended to transform dull utility cabinets into visually
appealing, enjoyable additions to the public right of way.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is open to experienced artists who live within the City of
Sheboygan. Previous experience working on public art is not necessary but applicants will be
required to submit images of their past artwork. An applicant can only be selected once for a design
submittal unless the City decides otherwise.

Proposals are allowed to be submitted any number of individuals but the reward is to be split
among each applicant.

Please submit any proposal by 4:30 P.M. on June 30, 2021.

Interested artists are to submit digital designs and/or questions to the below contact:

                                             Chad Pelishek
                        City of Sheboygan Planning and Development Director
                                            (920) 459-3383

The Vinyl Wrap Process
Designs selected by the city will be printed on a vinyl wrap and applied to a city utility control
boxes. The City is responsible for procedures and costs involving contracting a vendor to properly
apply the vinyl wrap. Vinyl wraps may be made with graffiti-resistant materials to help prevent
vandalism and make the cleaning process easier. DESIGNS MUST BE PROPERLY SCANNED OR
DIGITALLY CREATED. Any physical copy must also include a well-formatted digital version or the
project will not be considered. Please note that vents, windows, meters and occasionally other
features of the utility control box cannot be wrapped so artists should take this into account when
designing or even incorporate those features into their designs.

Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan
Available Locations
1. Mead Public Library             2. 7th St. across from JMKAC        3. 9th & Penn S.E. corner

4. Roundabout just E of Four       5. 25th and Kohler Memorial         6. 14th and Penn S.E corner
of a kind                          Drive

7. Calumet Dr and North Ave        8. Several Boardwalk
S.E. corner                        locations

Application Process
Include name, email address, home address, phone number and please attach to the email:

   1. Artistic Résumé and/or artist biography. A résumé should describe any history of
      contracted public mural or other contracted art work. A biography should give a
      background of the artist’s life, their inspirations, styles, etc.
   2. Portfolio: Three to five relevant examples of the artist’s previous work. (JPEG format and
      5MB maximum please). The examples can be in any medium but it is recommended to
      include at least one 2D example.
   3. Final design for utility control box (JPEG format or Full-page PDF).
          a. Please provide a detailed description and explanation for each design describing:
               themes, significance, inspirations, symbols, etc.
          b. If any design is for a certain location, please specify which location it is for.
          c. Each artist or team is allowed to submit two designs.
                   i. Attachment file should be named using this format: “Smith, John Utility Box

Design Guidelines
   •   Designs must be original work from the artist but is not required to be brand new and can
       be an earlier work from the applicant.
   •   Please do not submit a design displaying entirely dark colors or it could cause issues of
       extreme heat during summer.
   •   Designs must appeal to a broad constituency.
   •   No design can have a traffic sign or other traffic signal as a focal point as it could be
       misleading to pedestrians and drivers.
   •   Keep in mind that designs may be in place for several years so artists should intend on
       creating something that will be tasteful in the present and future.
   •   You have the option to design a template (see page 5), submit a collage of designs (see top
       of page 6) or simply submit a page with the entire design (see page 6).
   •   Designs to the top of boxes will only be implemented if it will be visible to the public.

Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan
Acceptable File Formats for Printing:

Vector Files: BEST RESULTS, OUR RECOMMENDATION 300dpi, EPS (Encapsulated Post
Script), PSD (Adobe Photoshop), AI (Adobe Illustrator), PDF (Adobe PDF), TIFF (High
Resolution TIFF), EPS (CS4 or lower), AI (CS4 or lower), PDF If submitting these files be
sure all fonts are converted to outlines or curves. Vector files can be submitted at any size
proportionate to the final print size. Raster Files/Images: PSD (CS4 or lower), JPEG, TIFF,

Raster files should be submitted using the following guidelines. -Full Scale at 100dpi -
50% Scale at 200dpi or higher -25% Scale at 300dpi or higher -10% Scale at 600dpi or

Evaluation Process
The City of Sheboygan’s design review team will not accept any work involving profanities,
advertising, a living person’s likeness without written and signed consent, plagiarism, political
campaigns, negative messages or otherwise unfavorable content. Artists not selected during this
process are welcome to submit additional proposals for any future Call for Artists RFP. Please keep
in mind that certain locations may have many submissions so a thoughtful explanation will help
your design to stand out.

Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan
Available Locations (by nearest intersection and/or landmark):
Mead Public Library Plaza                            Indiana Roundabout
  Left Box: 23.5”L 17”W 51”H                            (By Four of a Kind)
Right (two Boxes): 44”L 26”W 73.5”H                 Meter box: 10.5”L 6”W 57.5”H
                                                   Utility Box: 24”L 17”W 50”H

7th St. Across from JMKAC                 N.W. Corner of Kohler Memorial Drive & 25th St.
  (East edge of City Green)                              (By Aurora Clinic)
Utility Box: 44”L 26” W 55”H                         Left Box: 44”L 26”W 55” H
    Meter: 9”L 3”W 46”H                              Right Box: 30”W 18”W 45” H

S.E. Corner of 8th St. & Riverfront Dr.
          (By the draw bridge)
          68”L 16”W 86”H

Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan
S.E. corner of 9th & Pennsylvania Ave     S.E. Corner of Calumet Dr. & North Ave.
      (By Jung Carriage Building)         (By Big Apple Bagels & Advance Auto Parts)
        24”L 17”W 50”H                            Left Box: 44”L 26”W 55”H
                                                 Right Box: 30”L 18”W 60”H
                                                   Meter: 9”L 3”W 46”H

S.E corner of 14th & Pennsylvania Ave.                  S.E Corner of 10th St. & Erie Ave.
     Left Box: 26”L 18”W 55” H                                23.5”L 17”W 51”H
     Right Box: 44”L 26”W 55”H
        Meter: 9”L 3”W 46”H

N.W. Corner of 8th St. & Riverfront Dr.                  Numerous Riverfront Locations
       (By VisitSheboygan)                                  (Each Half) 34”L 16”W 86”H
        44”L 26”W 55”H

Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan
Below are sample templates. It is recommended but not required to use a template like
these when creating your design. Make sure when you make the template that your sides
are proportionate to the dimensions of the real box you are designing for. Certain boxes
have unique features but please do not feel obligated to change your design in order to
incorporate those. Do keep in mind that small sections of the vinyl wrap will have to be cut
or trimmed to maintain the function of the utility box or to fit edges so aim to keep the focal
point of your art away from edges. The example images on page 6 can help show how the
design will turn out on the finished product.

Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan
City of Lakewood, CA

City of Cocoa, FL      City of Santa Maria, CA

Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan Call for Artists: Utility Box Designs 2021 - City of Sheboygan
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