Financial Summary - March 2021 - ICBC

Page created by Bernard Mckinney
Financial Summary – March 2021

Financial Results

ICBC’s corporate net income for the fiscal year, which ended March 31, 2021, was $1.538 billion, of
which $1.527 billion was attributed to ICBC and $11 million was attributed to non-controlling interest.

At the end of the 2019/20 fiscal year, ICBC was experiencing the positive effects of reforms to the
insurance system implemented in April 2019 while observing a general downward trend in crashes.
Starting in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent public health restrictions began to
result in decreased driving activity, further reducing crashes. Overall during fiscal 2020/21, there were
nearly 30 per cent fewer crash claims than would have been expected without the pandemic, including
fewer injury claims. At the same time, the pandemic negatively impacted ICBC’s revenue as there were
more policy cancellations, fewer renewals and customers reduced coverages. However, this
unfavourable impact from revenues was more than offset by the reduction in claims costs. ICBC and the
Government of British Columbia returned the net COVID-19 savings (lower claims costs offset by lower
premiums) to customers through two rebates totalling $950 million.

In addition to the downward trend in crashes and decrease in claims from the pandemic, ICBC also
benefitted from favourable outcomes on claims from prior years, including fewer bodily injury claims
and lower large bodily injury severities, contributing to lower claims costs compared to fiscal year

ICBC’s investment portfolio performed strongly, mostly due to lower interest rates that led to higher
bond gains from trading activity, gains from the disposition of investment properties and higher
dividend income.

The positive bottom line result of $1.538 billion net income and the improvement in the investment
markets have improved ICBC’s equity on the statement of financial position by $2.4 billion—turning
from a $0.5 billion deficit position at 2019/20 fiscal year-end to a $1.9 billion surplus position at the
2020/21 fiscal year-end.

ICBC’s Minimum Capital Test ratio is higher than fiscal year 2019/20 primarily due to the recovery of the
financial markets from COVID-19 since our previous year-end and our positive net income. ICBC’s
Minimum Capital Test ratio continues to be low, which impacts the ability to absorb any unanticipated
adverse impacts.
The increase in ICBC’s expense ratio is because of the COVID-19 customer rebates. Without the rebates,
the expense ratio would have been slightly lower than fiscal year 2019/20.
Statement of Operations

                                                                        For the Twelve Months Ended March 31, 2021 and 2020

                                                                                                              Basic                                    Optional                                  Corporate
                                                                                                   2020/211,2                                  2020/211,2                                 2020/211,2
     ($ Millions)                                                                                (Unaudited)                 2019/20         (Unaudited)                2019/20         (Unaudited)                2019/20

        Premiums written1,2                                                                     $        2,735        $        3,579       $         2,084       $        2,777       $         4,819       $        6,356

       Premiums earned1                                                                                  2,945                 3,564                 2,432                2,722                 5,377                6,286
       Service fees and other income                                                                        83                    87                    61                   61                   144                  148
     Total earned revenues1                                                                              3,028                 3,651                 2,493                2,783                 5,521                6,434

        Current year claims                                                                              2,172                 2,900                 1,536                1,828                 3,708                4,728
        Prior years' claims adjustments                                                                   (127)                  757                  (240)                 423                  (367)               1,180
        Net claims incurred                                                                              2,045                 3,657                 1,296                2,251                 3,341                5,908
        Claims services, road safety and loss management services                                          299                   313                   147                  151                   446                  464
        Total claims and related costs                                                                   2,344                 3,970                 1,443                2,402                 3,787                6,372

       Administrative and Insurance expenses                                                               124                   132                   160                  172                   284                  304
       Premium taxes and commissions                                                                       194                   227                   593                  548                   787                  775
       Deferred premium acquisition costs adjustment                                                         -                   (34)                    -                    -                     -                  (34)
     Total claims and expenses                                                                           2,662                 4,295                 2,196                3,122                 4,858                7,417

     Underwriting income (loss)                                                                            366                  (644)                  297                 (339)                  663                  (983)

        Investment income                                                                                  701                   734                   317                  324                 1,018                1,058

     Income (loss) - insurance operations before impairment loss                                         1,067                     90                  614                   (15)               1,681                       75

     Provincial licences and fines                                                                         616                   641                      -                     -                 616                   641
       Licences and fines transferable to the Province                                                     616                   641                      -                     -                 616                   641
       Non-insurance operating expenses                                                                    107                   110                      -                     -                 107                   110
       Commissions                                                                                          34                    31                      -                     -                  34                    31
       Non-insurance other income                                                                           (5)                   (7)                     -                     -                  (5)                   (7)
        Total non-insurance expenses                                                                       752                   775                      -                     -                 752                   775

     Loss - non-insurance operations                                                                       (136)                (134)                     -                     -                (136)                 (134)

     Net income (loss) before impairment loss                                                              931                    (44)                 614                   (15)               1,545                   (59)
        Impairment loss                                                                                       (5)               (220)                    (2)                 (97)                   (7)                (317)
     Net income (loss)                                                                          $          926        $         (264)      $           612       $         (112)      $         1,538       $          (376)

     Net income (loss) attributable to:
        Non-controlling interest3                                                               $              8      $              -     $              3      $              -     $            11       $                -
        Owner of the corporation                                                                           918                  (264)                  609                 (112)                1,527                  (376)
                                                                                                $          926        $         (264)      $           612       $         (112)      $         1,538       $          (376)

     Insurance Industry Ratios
     %                                                                                                 2020/21               2019/20              2020/21               2019/20               2020/21              2019/20

        Loss ratio                                                                                         79.6                111.4                  59.3                  88.3                 70.4                101.4
        Expense ratio                                                                                      15.6                 13.9                  30.0                  25.6                 22.1                  19.0
        Combined ratio                                                                                     95.2                124.4                  90.3                114.7                  93.0                120.2

 1   2020/21 actual premiums written and earned reflect the two approved COVID-19 rebates to ICBC customers.
 2   2020/21 actual premiums written reflect the Enhanced Care refund to ICBC customers.
 3   Non-controlling interest net income is income that is attributable to the minority shareholder of a joint venture who has no control over decisions. Under IFRS, ICBC, as the parent, has to reflect 100% of the net
     income and disclose separately the portion related to non-controlling interest.

Please see Glossary for definitions of certain terms.                                                                                                                                                                            1
Statement of Financial Position

                                                            As at March 31, 2021 and 2020

                                                                                                                  March 31
                                                                                                                   2021                           March 31
    ($ Millions)                                                                                                (Unaudited)                        2020

       Cash and cash equivalents                                                                           $                     20        $                    52
       Accrued interest                                                                                                          60                             69
       Assets held for sale                                                                                                      59                            216
       Financial investments                                                                                                 20,544                         17,501
       Premium and other receivables                                                                                          1,985                          2,180
       Reinsurance assets                                                                                                        28                             32
       Investment properties                                                                                                    558                            610
       Property, equipment, intangible and lease assets                                                                         460                            438
       Accrued pension benefits                                                                                                  90                             64
       Deferred premium acquisition costs and prepaids                                                                          378                            410
                                                                                                           $                 24,182        $                21,572

    Liabilities and Equity (Deficit)

        Current liabilities                                                                                $                    353        $                   399
        Provision for premium rebates/refunds1,2                                                                              1,186        $                     -
        Bond repurchase agreements and investment-related liabilities                                                         2,271                          2,406
        Unearned premiums and premiums and fees received in advance                                                           2,466                          3,037
        Lease liabilities                                                                                                        61                             54
        Pension and post-retirement benefits                                                                                    458                            219
        Provision for unpaid claims                                                                                          15,520                         16,004
                                                                                                                             22,315                         22,119

    Equity (Deficit)
       Equity (Deficit)                                                                                                       1,131                            (396)
       Other components of equity                                                                                               729                            (165)
       Equity (Deficit) attributable to parent corporation                                                                    1,860                            (561)
       Non-controlling interest                                                                                                   7                              14
                                                                                                                              1,867                            (547)

                                                                                                           $                 24,182        $                21,572

    Minimum Capital Test ("MCT")                                                                                                51%                            -30%

1   2020/21 reflects the reclassification of Enhanced Care refund from unearned premiums to provision for premiums rebates/refunds and premium and other
    receivables. For non-payment plan customers, the refund will be issued by cheques and is included in the provision for premium rebates/refunds and for payment
    plan customers, the refund will reduce the premium and other receivables.
2   Provision for premium rebates/refunds reflects the two approved COVID-19 rebates and a portion of the Enhanced Care refund to ICBC customers.

Please see Glossary for definitions of certain terms.                                                                                                                  2
Glossary – March 2021

Combined ratio
A key measure of overall profitability within the insurance industry. It is the ratio of all costs (claims,
claims-related costs, operating expenses, premium taxes and commissions, and deferred premium
acquisition costs adjustment) to premiums earned. A lower combined ratio is better.

Current year claims
Current year claims expense is the total costs (paid and expected) to settle claims for all insured losses
that have occurred during the current fiscal year, regardless of whether the loss has been reported to

Deferred premium acquisition costs ("DPAC") Adjustment
The deferred premium acquisition costs adjustment is an accounting adjustment that limits the amount
of commissions and premium taxes that can be deferred and recorded in the income statement over
the policy term based on the future profitability. If the business is unprofitable, no deferral of expenses
is permitted and these costs must be immediately recognized as expenses. If the business becomes
profitable, then this accounting treatment is reversed.

Expense ratio
The ratio of operating expenses (excluding claims costs and claims-related costs), premium taxes and
commissions to premiums earned. It excludes the deferred premium acquisition costs adjustment,
Rate Affordability Action Plan and Enhanced Care Coverage implementation costs as these are one-
off projects. A lower expense ratio is better.

Impairment Loss
An expense arising due to the decline in the value of an asset where the price that a knowledgeable
third party is willing to pay for such asset is below cost.

Loss ratio
The loss ratio is an industry measure of claims and claims-related costs (claims services, road safety
and loss management services) to premiums earned. The lower the percentage, the more profitable
the product is.

Minimum Capital Test ("MCT")
An industry measure used to determine whether a company has sufficient capital levels,
commensurate with the risks within its business. The measure is based on guidelines set by the Office
of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.

Non-controlling interest
ICBC’s financial reporting standards attribute the total comprehensive income of investment
partnerships between the majority and minority partners based on their respective ownership
interests. Non-controlling interest represents the portion of ICBC’s net income and assets that are
attributable to minority partner.

Prior years’ claims adjustments
Prior years’ claims adjustments are the change since the prior fiscal year-end in claims cost estimates
for losses that occurred in prior fiscal periods.
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