PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito

Page created by Allan Lindsey
PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
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Summer Safely
 Happily Creatively                            GREAT
     Actively                                 SUMMERS
                                             START HERE.
PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
What’s Inside

                                                 Page #

Contact & Locations                                1
   General Info                                    2-3
   COVID-19 Precautions                            4
   Volunteer Opportunities (Ages 16+)              5
   Day Camps (Ages 5-12)                           6
   Field Trips                                     7
   Specialty Camps Overview                        8-9
   Jr. Adventure Camps (Ages 5-7)                  10
   Adventure Camps (Ages 8-12)                     11
   Music Camps (Ages 5-18)                         12
   Cooking Camps & Combos (Ages 5-12)              13
   Teen Camps (Ages 12-14, LIT Ages 13-15)         14
   LIT Application (Ages 13-15)                    15
   Camp & Swim Combo (Ages 5-12)                   16

Bulldogs Basketball Camps (Ages 7-14)              17

Big 8 Sports Camps (Ages 5-14)                    18-19

Aquatic Swim Lessons (Ages 3-15)                  20-23

                                    Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito is an organization
                                    dedicated to providing POSITIVE activities to develop the
                                    education, health, self-esteem and character of youth.
PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
Contact & Locations

 Adventure Camp Locations
 Clubhouse         Address                               Contact                            Camps
                   14125 Mango Drive                       Tayllor Cole
 Del Mar                                                                                    Ages 5-12
                   Del Mar, CA 92014             
 Clubhouse         Next to Del Mar Hills Elementary School (858) 481-4116
                                                                                            Specialty Camps

                                                         Bosque Leanio                      Ages 5-12
 Harper            533 Lomas Santa Fe Drive
                                                        Day Camps, Specialty Camps,
 Clubhouse         Solana Beach, CA. 92075
                                                         (858) 755-9373                     Camp & Swim, Camp & Cook

                                                         Chris Ann Sarver
 Griset            1221 Encinitas Boulevard                                                 Ages 5-12
 Clubhouse         Encinitas, CA 92024
                                                         (760) 753-6351
                                                                                            Day Camps, Specialty Camps

                                                         Gloria Castellanos
 La Colonia        715 Valley Avenue                                                        Ages 5-12
 Clubhouse         Solana Beach, CA 92075
                                                         (760) 207-4645
                                                                                            Day Camps

                   3800-A Mykonos Lane                   Emma Lemus                         Ages 5-12, 12-14, 13-18
 Polster                                                                                                                     ADVENTURE
                   San Diego, CA 92130                   Day Camps, Specialty Camps,
 Clubhouse         Next to Carmel Valley Middle School   (858) 720-2180                     Teen Camps, LIT Program

 Adventure Camps Office
 Department                          Contact                                     Address
                                     Candace Gerlach
 Director of Club Services                  3800-A Mykonos Lane
                                     (858) 720-2180 x 103                        San Diego, CA 92130
                                                                                 Next to Carmel Valley Middle School
 Camp Office               
                                     (858) 720-2180

 Specialty Programs
 Clubhouse              Locations             Contact                         Website
                        Polster Clubhouse     Emily Froelich
                                                                              Registration through
 Big 8 Athletics        Griset Clubhouse
                        Harper Clubhouse      (858) 436-7506

                                              Matthew Evans
 Bulldogs               Polster Clubhouse                                     Registration through
 Basketball             Harper Clubhouse                            
                                              (858) 720-2185

                                              Sheryl Cohen
 Center For a      Harper Clubhouse                                           Registration through
 Healthy Lifestyle Griset Clubhouse (858) 436-7502                  

                                              Patty Mariscal                  Registration through
 Pardee Aquatics
                 Harper Clubhouse                     Pardee Aquatics
 Center                           (858) 755-4904 x 314         aquatics-center

                                              Amanda Buzzell
 Youth Arts                                                                   Registration through
                        Polster Clubhouse
                                              (858) 720-2194

PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
Welcome to Summer Adventure Camps!
Please note, registration and policies are program specific. Detailed information can be found on each specific program page.
                           The below information references our Summer Adventure Camps program.

           Online Registration                                          Program Fees
                                                                        Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito offers a
                                                                        variety of camps and programs. Fees are program
 Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito is trying to                        specific. For more information about fees visit the
 reduce our carbon footprint! Please register online                    program section of this guide OR contact your
 for all of our Summer Adventure Camps!                                 local Clubhouse. All fees must be paid prior to
                                                                        program start date.                                             Financial Assistance
                                                                        Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito offers
                                                                        Financial Assistance to qualifying members.
 Registrations are processed in order of date received.                 All Financial Aid paperwork is kept confidential
 Incomplete registration forms will not be processed.                   and must be filled out completely and turned in
 An accurate email address must be included to ensure a                 at least 5-7 business days prior to program start
 confirmation receipt of registration can be sent.                      date to allow for processing. Incomplete or late
                                                                        applications may delay processing time.
    For assistance with registration, contact your local                All fees must be paid prior to start of program.
    Clubhouse or Program Director by phone or email.                    For more information or to request an
    We are more than happy to assist you with any
                                                                        application, please contact your local Clubhouse
    registration needs.
                                                                        or Program Director.

                                                                        Credit / Refund Policy
                                                                        In general, we do not offer refunds. Should Boys
         MILITARY DISCOUNT                                              & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito cancel a program,
                                                                        class, or camp, a full refund will be issued in the
    Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito offers a
        10% military discount on camp fees.                             amount paid, or credit for another program,
   Contact the camp office for more information.                        class, or camp during that session can be
   Military documentation is required to receive                        issued. Credits are program specific and cannot
    discount and complete registration. Military                        be used towards other BGC of San Dieguito
   discount cannot be combined with any other                           programs. Credits are non-transferable between
                     discounts.                                         members and programs. See parent info packet
                                                                        for a detailed credit/refund policy.

*Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito program/class/camps schedule, fees, staff, instructors, and policies & procedures are subject
to change without notice.
PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
Food & Drink

             Lunch Guidelines                                                       Snacks
 Campers must bring a sack lunch from home each day           Campers burn a lot of energy at camp each day and are
 in disposable containers your camper can open without        always hungry!adventure
                                                                              We ask that you camps
                                                                                              pack extra Lunch     & More
                                                                                                         healthy snack
 assistance.                                                  items for your camper. If you have a younger camper,
 Please follow the lunch guidelines below.                    please consider sending snacks and lunch in separate
                                                              bags or containers.

              • Healthy, balanced lunch                       Snack Shop
              • Include a beverage                            All our Adventure Camps have Snack Shop offering
              • Mark all lunches (and all containers inside   various snack items for purchase. These items range in
                lunches) with camper’s first and last name    price from $0.50 - $2.00. Snack Shop is optional and is
                and date*                                     only open during the two scheduled snack times each day.
                                                              Snack time occurs twice daily during the 10am hour and
              •   No soda                                     3pm* hour. *Afternoon snack times may vary depending
              •   No glass containers (food or drinks)        on the camp activity.
              •   No perishable items
              •   No meals that need refrigeration**
              •   No meals that need reheating**

                         Pro Tip
  Freezing lunch items and juice the day before and/
  or inserting a cold pack in the lunch container will
  help preserve the food.

     Important: We do not sell lunches or provide

                                                                              Water Bottles
     snacks in place of a lunch meal. If your camper does
     not have a lunch, you will be notified and asked to
     bring a lunch for your camper that same day.

    *A marker and masking tape for labeling lunches is         Send your camper with a refillable water
    available at the sign-in desk at each camp location.       bottle each day!

    ** Lunches can not be refrigerated and meals cannot        All of our facilities have eco-friendly water filtration
    be reheated. Camp staff are not responsible for            systems that provide cold water for our campers.
    food preparation or preheating meals. Please pack          Don’t forget to label your water bottle!

                                        Parent Information Packet
  After enrollment for any Adventure Camp you will receive     Our Parent Information Packet includes:
  our “Parent Information Packet” with everything you need          • Policies & Procedures
  to know.                                                          • Camper Behavior Policy
                                                                    • Camp Attire
                                                                    • Camper Illness Policy
          To view this packet prior to registering your             • Camper Personal Items
          camper, visit the parent resources section on             • Camper Medication Policy
          the website listed below.                                 • Adventure Camps Terms & Conditions
                                                                    • Sunscreen Policy

            • • (858) 720-2180                                          3
PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
COVID-19 Precautions

                                                                                                     Air high-fives
                                                                                                       are highly

Summer Safely                                           Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito follows current state and local public

        Happily Creatively
                                                        health agency guidelines for childcare and day camp programs. We may alter
                                                        policies as updates become available or if/when it is safe to do so. The safety
            Actively                                    precautions listed below are current as of March 1, 2022.

                                                                                                To All Campers:
                        Safety Precautions                                             Our guide to a fun & safe program!

 • Campers and parents are asked to self-attest to daily health screening.               • Respect the Club, each other, and treat
   questions and asked not to attend if they are sick.                                     your space with care.
 • Symptom monitoring occurs throughout the day.                                         • Stay with your assigned activity group.
 • Masks are optional for campers.*
                                                                                         • Keep your toys and personal items at home.
         • *Campers and Staff are required to wear masks in Club vehicles
                                                                                         • Wash your hands before and after you use
           during camp transportation.
                                                                                           the restroom and after you eat. (Do not
 • Increased cleaning of shared program supplies.                                          forget to hum the Happy Birthday song
 • Increased cleaning of program spaces throughout the day.                                while you wash your hands!)
 • Limited interactions with campers outside of assigned activity group.                 • Air high-fives are highly encouraged!
 • Enhanced hygiene protocols regarding hand washing, not touching face,                 • Maintain physical distancing to the greatest
   monitoring symptoms, etc.                                                               extent possible.
 • Addition of mobile air filtration systems in each of our clubhouses and gyms.
                                                                                         • Respect others’ personal space.
                                                                                         • If you wake up feeling sick, let your parents
                Parent & camper expectations                                               know right away. Notify your mentor if you
                                                                                           start feeling sick at the Club.
 • Parents are asked to support the Club in providing a safe space for                   • Listen to your mentor.
   our members and staff by informing the Club of any changes to their                   • If you cough or sneeze use your elbow to
   child’s health or community exposure.                                                   cover your mouth.
 • Parents must walk their camper to the designated check-in station                     • Try your best & have fun! Your camp staff
   each day.                                                                               want you to succeed!
 • If campers begin exhibiting symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat,                    • Feeling anxious? Tell your staff.
   shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, or a rash staff will notify
   parents immediately. Parents are expected to pick up their child as                   • Have a question? Raise your hand.
   soon as possible.
 • Campers are expected to follow Club policies surrounding behavior,
   hygiene, health practices, and physical distancing.
                                                                                                        Please note
 • Campers who show disregard for Club policies or exhibit intentional
   disruptive behavior may be asked to leave the program. Parents should talk
   with their children and reinforce the importance of compliance and safety.          Campers may participate in activities that will
                                                                                       bring them into close contact with one another.
 • We follow CADPH Childcare guidelines. Policies may change or be
                                                                                       Activities are subject to change without notice.
   adapted as public health guidelines shift.

                  After registration, you will be emailed a parent packet with more detailed
                         instructions, policies, and a waiver requiring your signature.                                                    4
PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito

          | Ages 16+                          adventure camps CAMP & SWIM | AGES 6-12

                   Summer Volunteer
Ages 16+
We are looking for volunteer camp counselors at our five camp locations. Volunteers are
asked to help in 3 hour shifts throughout the summer season.

   Volunteer Specialty Camp Counselor
   Use your expertise in a fun camp environment to help campers with arts and crafts, sports
   and fitness, dance, theater and science activities!
   Volunteer Day Camp Counselor
   Lend a helping hand with various camp activities throughout the day. Available shifts
   include; 9am-12pm, 12pm-3pm, and 3pm-6pm.

Volunteers must be able to make a commitment of one week at time and must pass a
background check before starting.

                    Contact us at
                      for more information or to get involved.

PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
Day Camps                               | Ages 5-12

Adventure Day Camps offer a 10 week summer program at our La Colonia, Harper, and Polster Clubhouses, and
an 8 week program at our Griset Clubhouse. We place campers in small groups based on age and/or skill level and
provide structured programming under the guidance of their assigned Camp staff. Each activity will last between 20 to
40 minutes and will consist of enrichment activities, movement, games, tech-lab, and health & wellness. Campers are
given the opportunity to develop at their own pace and experience the long lasting friendships that evolve through
participation in our engaging and fun activities.

     2022 Summer Camp Season                               Space Limited
                                                           A limited number of spots are available at each site.
            June 6 - August 10*                            Families interested in a spot must register for Day Camp
                                                           online through our Campsite registration system. Spots
  *Griset Clubhouse Season: June 21-August 10
                                                           will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
       *ALL CAMPS CLOSED June 20 and July 4
                                                                 Registration must be purchased in weekly
         Day Camp: 7:30am-5:30pm                                 increments. Daily passes are not available.

        Week long registration only                        Registration is through Boys & Girls Clubs of San
                                                           Dieguito’s Campsite platform. To register, please visit:
        Registration opens March 15

                                 Week #        1     2       3       4     5      6      7      8      9       10
                                  Begins      6/6   6/13   6/21     6/27   7/5   7/11   7/18   7/25   8/1      8/8

      Day Camp ONLY
     La Colonia Clubhouse: Ages 5-12          ●      ●      ●        ●     ●      ●      ●      ●      ●       ●
     Harper Clubhouse: Ages 5-12              ●      ●      ●        ●     ●      ●      ●      ●      ●       ●
     Polster Clubhouse: Ages 5-12             ●      ●      ●        ●     ●      ●      ●      ●      ●       ●
     Griset Clubhouse: Ages 5-12                            ●        ●     ●      ●      ●      ●      ●       ●

         • • (858) 720-2180                                         6
PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
Field Trips

Field Trips                                                                        Schedule
Summer camp isn’t complete unless you                          DATE                        FIELD TRIP                    COST
attend an outing with your friends! We offer
a variety of field trips throughout our summer               June 22                       Bowling                        $
program. From bowling, to movies, to Padres
                                                             June 29                        Movies                        $
games, you won’t want to miss out on these
fun filled trips! Field trip fees vary. See trip              July 7                   San Diego Zoo                      $
chart for more information.
                                                              July 13         Fleet Science Museum & IMAX                 $

Registration                                                  July 20                  Birch Aquarium                     $
                                                              July 27                      Bowling                        $
To register for a field trip, visit the parent
dashboard and select the desired field trip                  August 4                   Padres Game                       $
options. Field trips are only available to
campers who are registered for a FULL DAY
camp day in one of our Summer Adventure                                  *Bolded indicates all day excursions
Camps or Summer Day Camp. (A full camp
day is 9:00am-3:00pm.) In order to staff
appropriately we ask that you sign up for all
field trips at least 24 hours in advance. Our
field trips are offered on a first come first served
basis and fill up fast! There are no refunds/
credits for missed field trips. Membership
passes or tickets purchased outside of our
group visit are not valid for entry.

Off-Site Pick Up/Drop Off
For the safety of our campers and staff, we
cannot pick up or drop off campers outside of
our Day Camp locations. Campers must stay
with their assigned group for the entirety of
the field trip including the ride to and from the
field trip location.

Most field trips take place during camp programming between 9:00am-3:00pm. Field trips that are BOLDED are all day
excursions where campers will return between 3:30-4:30pm unless otherwise stated. Don’t forget to wear your BGC t-shirt!
For everyone’s safety, campers must wear Boys & Girls Club t-shirts when attending field trips. Campers attending field trips
will receive one free BGC t-shirt to wear on field trips. If your child does not have their BGC t-shirt on field trip day, one will be
provided and a $6 fee will be charged to your camper’s account. Your parent information packet includes a field trip list and lunch
guidelines for each field trip. Reminder emails are sent to parents with restrictions or changes.

*Field trips may be canceled or rescheduled without notice. The option of a refund or credit will be offered for any canceled or
rescheduled field trips.

                • • (858) 720-2180                                                   7
PROGRAM - Summer Safely - Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito
Specialty Camps                                               | Ages 5-14

Adventure Specialty Camps are designed to give campers the opportunity to develop their skills and talents in a specific area.
These one week enrichment camps are a wonderful way to expose your camper to a new area for the first time, or allow a
camper who already has a special interest or talent to focus on that area in a collaborative and fun setting. All campers will be
placed in groups by age or ability.

                  Camp Times                                                     Early Drop Off &
                  Specialty Camps                                               Late Pick Up Add-ON
              Full Day: 9:30am-3pm
           AM Session: 9:30am-12:30pm                                        7:30am-9am and/or 3pm-5:30pm
      +   PM Day Camp Add-on: 12:30pm-5:30pm
                                                                The Early Drop Off/Late Pick up add on option is available for
                                                                select full day Specialty Camps. For an additional fee your
                      CHL Camps
                                                                camper can be dropped off as early as 7:30-9:00/9:30am and
                       9am-12pm                                 stay after their camp ends from 3:00/3:30-5:30. Please review the
                                                                Specialty Camp and Camp Combo descriptions for availability.
                    Camp Combos
                                                                Fee: $40 per week
                     Teen Camps

                                                                               Transportation add-on
              Leaders in Training (LIT)
                                                                Round trip transportation is available between our Polster Clubhouse
                                                                for specific Specialty Camps or Combo Camps which include: Camp
                                                                & Swim, Camp & Cook, and CHL Full Day Cooking Camps at Griset.

                                                                (Transportation for Day Camps is not provided.)
            PM Day Camp Add-on                                  FEE: $60 each week (Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up included.)
                                                                HOURS: Drop off by 7:45am, Pick up after 3:30pm until 5:30pm (Vans
                                                                depart PROMPTLY at 8am each day. Vans cannot wait for tardy
           12:30-5:30pm • $100-$125                             campers.)
    Make it a full day of camp by adding the PM Day
    Camp option! This option is available to campers that       Campers needing this service are transported daily by Club vans from
    have signed up for an AM Specialty Camp at Del Mar          their home base (FROM) location to their specialty or combo camp
    or Polster only.                                            (TO) location. Campers must be dropped off in the morning by 7:45am
                                                                and return to their home locations after 3:30pm. Transportation
    By selecting this option, campers attend their              departs promptly at 8am each day.
    morning Specialty Camp, have lunch at the end
                                                                *ALL CAMPERS UTILIZING TRANSPORTATION ARE AUTOMATICALLY REGISTERED
    of their Specialty Camp, and then proceed to our            FOR EARLY DROP OFF/LATE PICK UP PROGRAM AS TRANSPORTATION TIMES
    Polster Clubhouse to continue with Day Camp                 OPERATE OUTSIDE OF OUR DAILY CAMP ACTIVITY HOURS.
    activities from 1pm-3pm and finish with snack and
    free play time until pick up or 5:30pm.                     During the registration process you will need to register for each week
                                                                the transportation service is needed. You will be asked to select a
    *If your camper attends a camp at our Del Mar               FROM/TO option. The FROM location, or home base, is where your
    Clubhouse, transportation from Del Mar Clubhouse            camper starts and ends each camp day, the TO location is where their
    to Polster Clubhouse is included in the fee.                Specialty Camp takes place. Transportation is round trip.
    Fees:                                                       Our FROM location: Polster Clubhouse
    PM Day Camp Add On from Del Mar to Polster: $125            Our TO locations: Harper or Griset Clubhouses
    PM Day Camp Add on at Polster: $100

         • • (858) 720-2180                                                           8
Specialty Camps by Age

                                     Week #         1       2       3*        4       5*        6        7         8        9      10
                                      Begins      6/6      6/13     6/21     6/27     7/5      7/11     7/18      7/25    8/1      8/8

ages 5-7                                                                                                                                   Pg
  Camp & Swim Combo Camp (AGES 5-12)                         ●session 1       ●session 2        ●session 3         ●session 4               16
  Little Artistic Adventures                      ●   AM                                                                                    10
  Little Imagination & Creation Adventures                                                                                ●   AM            10
  Little Scientific Adventures                                      ●   AM                                                                  10
  Little Super Hero Adventures                                                        ●   AM                                                10
  Little Under the Sea                                                                                  ●    AM                             10
  Little Musical Theater                                   ●   AM                                                                           10
  Camp & Cook Combo Camp–Baking Wars                                          ●                                                             13
  Camp & Cook Combo Camp–Farmers Market                                                                  ●                                  13
  Foods Around the World (Hosted by CHL)                    ●                                                                               13
  Music Explores (Hosted by YAA)                                                                        ●    AM                             12
  Sports Camps are available through our Big 8 Athletics Program. See page 18-19 for more details.**
  Bulldogs Basketball camps are available through our Bulldogs Program. See page 17 for more details.**

 ages 8-12                                                                                                                                 pg
  Camp & Swim Combo Camp (Ages 5-12)                        ●session 1        ●session 2        ●session 3         ●session 4               16
  Arts & Crafts Adventures                                 ●   AM                                                                           10
  Adventures in Drawing Basics                                               ●   AM                                                         10
  Musical Theater Adventures                                                 ●   AM                                                         10
  Scientific Adventures                                                                        ●   AM                                       10
  Ultimate Adventures of Harry Potter                                                                             ● AM                      10
  Camp & Cook Combo Camp–Baking Wars                                 ●                                                                      13
  Camp & Cook Combo Camp–Farmers Market                                                         ●                                           13
  Ceramics & Baking (Hosted by CHL)                                                                                ●                        13
  Ceramics & Cooking (Hosted by CHL)                                                                                       ●                13
  Foods Around the World (Hosted by CHL)            ●                                                                                       13
  Music Makers (Hosted by YAA)                                                                                    ● AM                      12
  Sports Camps are available through our Big 8 Athletics Program. See page 18-19 for more details.**
  Bulldogs Basketball camps are available through our Bulldogs Program. See page 17 for more details.**

 ages 12-15 (teen)                                                                                                                         pg
  Teen Surf Adventures                                               ●                                                                      14
  Teen Ultimate Adventure Outings                                                     ●                                                     14
  Teen Hiking & Outdoor Adventures                                                                       ●                                  14
  Rock Band Masters (Hosted by YAA)                                                             ●                          ●                12
  Leaders In Training (LIT) (Ages 13-15)            ●       ●        ●        ●       ●         ●        ●         ●       ●        ●       14
  Sports Camps are available through our Big 8 Athletics Program. See page 18-19 for more details.**
  Bulldogs Basketball camps are available through our Bulldogs Program. See page 17 for more details.**

 swim lessons for ages 3-15 on pages 20-23
   Del Mar Clubhouse, Del Mar       Griset Clubhouse, Encinitas     Harper Clubhouse, Solana Beach           Polster Clubhouse, Carmel Valley

                                                                                      All camps closed June 20th and July 4th
*Weeks 3 and 5 are shorter weeks (4 days of camp)

**Bulldogs Basketball, Big 8 Sports, and Aquatic Swim Lessons are separate from our Summer Adventure Camp program and have
different registration systems and policies. Please see the corresponding page for more information.                                             9
Jr. Adventure Camps                                                               | Ages 5-7

One Week Camps
Half Days AM Only                                                         +             PM Polster Day Camp Add-on
9:30am-12:30pm                                                                Make it a full day by signing up for Day Camp for the
                                                                              afternoon at our Polster Clubhouse in Carmel Valley.
Jr. Adventure Camps offer campers ages 5 through 7                                       See page 8 for complete details.
exposure to a wide variety of activities, all of which have
been broken down into age-appropriate fundamental skills.

                                                                              Little Superhero Adventures
 Little Artistic Adventures                                                   Ages 5-7 It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Shhhh, it’s a secret superhero!
 Ages 5-7 Creative kids wanted! Campers learn to use their hands              Does your camper love pretending to be a superhero or enjoy watching
 and imagination to create beautiful works of art and unique crafts.          their favorite superhero save the day? This is the perfect summer
 This camp teaches art techniques and crafting skills such as painting,       adventure for them. Campers create their own superhero identity while
 sculpting, and constructing.                                                 learning good character skills that every superhero must exhibit. Campers
                                                                              take home daily keepsakes to remind them of their great adventures.
      June 6-June 10             135
                                             Del Mar Clubhouse
              + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125                                     July 5-July 8            $120        Del Mar Clubhouse
                                                                                          + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125

 Little Musical Theater Adventures
 Ages 5-7 Lights, camera, action! Does your camper love to sing,
 act, and dance? Campers learn all about performing in front of an
                                                                              Little Under The Sea
 audience in an ensemble production. Every camper will have a role            Ages 5-7 Join us in exploring the magic and wonders of the seas,
 in the production, as well as help create props for our set. Campers         where your junior camper learns about the ocean and the amazing
 enjoy theme related theater games and art projects. This camp fosters        creatures that live there. Campers participate in Under the Sea themed
 confidence and teamwork as campers sing, dance, and perform just like        activities, games, science experiments, crafts and water play! Take the
 their favorites on Broadway.                                                 plunge and join us on an underwater adventure!

     June 13-June 17            $135         Polster Clubhouse                     July 18-July 22           $130        Del Mar Clubhouse

              + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $100                                           + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125

 Little Scientific Adventures                                                 Little Imagination & Creation
 Ages 5-7 Crawl with bugs, soar into space, get dirty digging for             Ages 5-7 This camp allows your little thinker to dream big through
 dinosaurs, or get sticky and slimy while making bubbles and messy            creative thinking and imaginative play. Campers use their imagination to
 concoctions! Campers explore their inner scientist during these fun          create new games to play with friends, build and construct useful or artistic
 themed science activities. This week long camp engages campers in all        masterpieces, and create magical works of art! Curiosity runs wild in this
 aspects of S.T.E.A.M. - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math.       fun filled camp!

     June 21-June 24            $125         Del Mar Clubhouse                      Aug 1-Aug 5              $135        Del Mar Clubhouse

              + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125                                           + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125

              • • (858) 720-2180                                                                          10
Adventure Camps                                                                   | Ages 8-12

One Week Camps                                                                     +            PM Polster Day Camp Add-on
Half Days AM Only                                                                      Make it a full day by signing up for Day Camp for the
                                                                                       afternoon at our Polster Clubhouse in Carmel Valley.

9:30am-12:30pm                                                                                    See page 8 for complete details.

Adventure Camps offer campers ages 8 through 12 exposure to a wide variety of activities, all of which have been
broken down into age-appropriate fundamental skills.

 Arts & Crafts Adventures                                                           Musical Theater Adventures
 Ages 8-12 Creative kids wanted! Campers use their hands and                        Ages 8-12 Lights, camera, action! Does your camper love to sing, act,
 imagination to create beautiful works of art and unique crafts along with          and dance? Campers learn all about performing in front of an audience in
 hands on DIY projects. This camp teaches art techniques and crafting               an ensemble production. Every camper will have a role in the production, as
 skills such as painting, sculpting, and constructing in a fun and safe             well as help create props for our set. Campers enjoy theme related theater
 environment. Each camper takes home finished projects that are sure to             games and art projects. This camp fosters confidence and teamwork as they
 impress the family!                                                                sing, dance, and perform just like their favorites on Broadway.

       June 13-June 17            $135         Del Mar Clubhouse                           June 27-July 1           $135        Polster Clubhouse
                + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125                                                 + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $100

 Adventures in Drawing Basics
 Ages 8-12 Sketch, perspective, and shading galore. Designed specifically           Ultimate Adventures of Harry Potter
 for those campers who want to sharpen their skills in the drawing world.           Ages 8-12 “Alohomora!” Unlock the door to the secret world of Harry
 Campers learn the basics of how to draw self portraits, shading, sketching,        Potter where your camper enters Hogwarts School of Wizardry to learn
 and more. The perfect opportunity for your camper to brush up on their skills      about sorcery, Quidditch, and becoming a witch or wizard. Campers make
 or pick up a pencil and sketch pad for the first time! Enjoy this relaxed camp     their own wands and create wild potions and cast spells. Take the Hogwarts
 atmosphere where art, drawing and design is the center of our fun!                 Express to this enchanting camp!

        June 27-July 1            $135         Del Mar Clubhouse                          July 25-July 29           $135        Del Mar Clubhouse
                + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125                                                 + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125

 Scientific Adventures
 Ages 8-12 Campers explore their inner scientist in our theme based
 S.T.E.A.M. camp. From ooey gooey experiments to exploring the mysteries
 of space to learning about energy and water and digging up fossils from the
 past, this camp has something for everyone!

         July 11-July 15           $135         Del Mar Clubhouse
                + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $125

                 • • (858) 720-2180                                                                           11
Music Camps | Ages 5-18

One Week Camps
Half & Full Day Camps
Rock out with friends in one of our music camps hosted
                                                                                  +              PM Polster Day Camp Add-on
by our Youth Arts Academy (YAA)! It’s so important                                     Make it a full day by signing up for Day Camp for the
now, more than ever to involve your children in arts                                   afternoon at our Polster Clubhouse in Carmel Valley.
opportunities that stimulate their personal growth,                                               See page 8 for complete details.
creativity, and self-expression.

  Music Explorers                                                                     Music Makers
  Ages 5-7 Explore the world of music with our professional music
                                                                                      Ages 8-12 Be introduced to a world of music from our professional
  instructors at YAA. Each day, campers learn beginning- intermediate
                                                                                      music instructors at YAA. Each day, campers learn beginning intermediate
  techniques on an instrument of their choice, participate in a master class
                                                                                      techniques on an instrument of their choice, participate in a master class
  to dive deep into an instrument group, and learn to play pieces from their
                                                                                      to dive deep into an instrument group, and learn to play pieces from their
  favorite movies with their friends. The week culminates in a performance
                                                                                      favorite movies with their friends. The week culminates in a performance
  for friends and family to showcase their new skills! By the end of the
                                                                                      for friends and family to showcase their new skills! By the end of the
  week, campers are prepped and ready to move forward with private
                                                                                      week, campers are prepped and ready to move forward with private
  lessons on the instrument of their choice at Youth Arts Academy.
                                                                                      lessons on the instrument of their choice at Youth Arts Academy. No prior
  No prior music experience is necessary.
                                                                                      music experience is necessary.
                              9:30am-                         Polster
     July 18-July 22                            $
                              12:30pm                       Clubhouse                                          9:30am-
                                                                                        July 25-July 29                       $
                                                                                                                               250      Polster Clubhouse
                 + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $100
                                                                                                    + PM Polster Day Camp Add On $100

  Rock Band Masters
  Ages 12-18 Discover the history of rock and roll, learn to talk like a
  Rockstar, master rock beats, write your own songs, and more! Each day,
  campers receive a master class from the professional instructors at the
  Youth Arts Academy, participate in instrument specific sectionals to hone
  their technique, and rehearse with their band. The week culminates in a
  public performance for friends and family.
  At least 1 year of prior private lessons is required, experience playing in a
  rock band setting is encouraged.

       July 11-July 15            9:30am                       Polster
        Aug 1-Aug 5                -3pm                      Clubhouse

                   • • (858) 720-2194                                                                           12
Cooking Camps | Ages 5-12

One Week Camps
Half & Full Day Camps
Get your hands dirty in the garden, kitchen, and ceramics
                                                                               +              Early Drop Off / Late Pick Up
                                                                                               & Transportation add-on
studio with our cooking camps hosted by our Centers for a                                          See page 8 for complete details.
Healthy Lifestyle (CHL)!

  Foods Around the World                                                       Camp & Cook Combo Camps
  Ages 5-7, 8-12 Explore flavors from different regions. Each day
  campers learn about the culture and explore the cuisines and traditions      Campers participate in Day Camp activities from 9am-noon.
  surrounding the foods we cook and bake.                                      After lunch campers are walked over to our teaching kitchen
   *Early drop off/late pick up not available for this camp.                   to make delicious treats until 3pm.
   Ages 5-7         June 13-June 17           9am-                 Harper
   Ages 8-12         June 6-June 10           12pm                  CHL
                                                                                   Camp & Cook–Baking Wars
                                                                                   Ages 5-7, 8-12 Campers learn fundamental baking techniques all
                                                                                   afternoon like measuring, folding, whisking and reading recipes. They work in
                                                                                   teams to make cupcakes, quick breads, cake bombs and learn fun decorating
 Ceramics & Baking                                                                 techniques. At the end of each week campers face off in a competition.
 Ages 8-12 Campers spend half the day in the kitchen baking
 cupcakes, cookies, quick breads, glazes and frostings from scratch. The           Ages 5-7          June 27-July 1          9am-
                                                                                                                                          275      Harper CHL
 other half of the day is spent in our ceramics studio, learning how to work                                                 3pm
                                                                                   Ages 8-12        June 21-June 24                      $
                                                                                                                                          225      Griset CHL
 on the wheel by making pots, plates and artful pottery.
                                                                                       +Early Drop Off/Late Pick up Harper/Griset $40/$32
     July 25-July 29          9am-3pm            $
                                                  330          Griset CHL                     Transportation from Polster $60/$48
            + Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up at Griset $40
                 Transportation from Polster $60
                                                                                   Camp & Cook–Farmers Market
                                                                                   Ages 5-7, 8-12 Campers spend time in the kitchen all afternoon
                                                                                   learning preparation techniques, and making quick and delicious snacks.
 Ceramics & Cooking                                                                Campers learn how to harvest produce from the garden and prepare them
 Ages 8-12 Campers spend half the day in the kitchen honing their                  by chopping, pickling, preserving, and baking. On the last day of camp
 knife skills, harvesting bounty from our garden and learning preparation          parents are invited to purchase the delicious offerings at our market.
 techniques for delicious healthy snacks and meals. The other half of
 the day is spent making pottery in our ceramics studio, throwing on the            Ages 5-7          July 18-July 22         9am-                   Harper
 wheel and making functional art pieces.                                            Ages 8-12         July 11-July 15         3pm                     CHL
       Aug 1-Aug 5             9am-3pm           $
                                                     330       Griset CHL                    + Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up at Harper $40
            + Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up at Griset $40                                            Transportation from Polster $60
                 Transportation from Polster $60

                   • • (858) 436-7502                                                                           13
Teen Camps                                                  | Ages 12-14, LIT Ages 13-15

One Week Camps                                                                 +       Early Drop Off / Late Pick Up add-on

Full Day                                                                             7:30am-9:30am and/or 3:30pm-5:30pm

                                                                                                See page 8 for complete details.

Our Adventure Teen Camps are specifically geared toward allowing teens to have fun while socializing and enjoying age
appropriate activities. Teens have the opportunity to experience a wide range of activities throughout the summer in our
week long camps.

  Surf Adventures
  Ages 12-14 Build confidence in the ocean, make new friends,                  Hiking and Outdoor Adventure
  and have FUN! We’ve teamed up with Ocean Experience once again to            Ages 12-14 Hikers wanted! Bring your hiking boots, water bottles,
  provide a weeklong ocean adventure! Campers get a glimpse into the           and sunscreen because we are going hiking! Traverse the best hikes in
  San Diego surf culture and other water activities all while under the        Southern California and take in the view. Ranging from easy to medium
  supervision of Ocean Experience & Adventure Camps staff. This camp           trails, campers will make visits to local San Diego trails and Nature
  is taught by experienced and professional staff that will carefully and      Preserves. Required: water bottle, sun protection, comfortable walking
  thoroughly guide your camper to success on the waves by teaching             shoes, appropriate attire for outdoor exercise.
  them proper surfing techniques and water safety. The week culminates
                                                                                   July 18-July 22         $
                                                                                                            300          Polster Clubhouse
  Friday enjoying a full day at the beach. A love of the water begins with a
  solid foundation of learning and Ocean Experience is the absolute best               + Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up at Polster $40
  place to learn in San Diego.
  All necessary equipment is provided at no extra cost by Ocean Experience.
  Campers must be comfortable in ocean water and know how to swim. Van
  transportation departs promptly at 9am from the Polster Club and returns
  at 3pm. Vans do not wait for tardy campers.                                  Ultimate Adventure Outing
      June 21-June 24           $
                                 325          Polster Clubhouse
                                                                               Ages 12-14 Campers will have the experience of a lifetime taking
                                                                               fun filled day trips! Join our jam packed adventure outings camp where
            + Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up at Polster $32                       teen campers have the opportunity to visit local attractions and theme
                                                                               parks while building positive friendships with their peers and staff in a
                                                                               safe environment. Our weekly adventures include some of the following
                                                                               trips/activities (based on dates and availability): movies, bowling,
   Leaders In Training (LIT)                                                   trampoline park, ice skating, local beaches, Belmont Park, San Diego
   Ages 13-15 The LIT program gives our older members an                       Zoo, Wave Waterpark, and other local attractions. View the Parent Info
   opportunity to participate in our camps program in a more helpful           Packet for trip schedule each camp week. Trip schedule subject to change
   role while gaining community service hours. Limited spots available.        without notice.
   Application must be submitted and approved before registering.
   Complete details can be found on the LIT application on page 15.                   July 5-July 8            325
                                                                                                                         Polster Clubhouse
   $130 per week during our Summer Adventure Camps season which runs
                                                                                        + Early Drop Off/Late Pick Up at Polster $32
   June 6–August 10, 2022 from 9am-3:30pm

               • • (858) 720-2180                                                                      14
Leaders In Training (LIT) Application
The LIT program gives our older members an opportunity to participate in our camps program in a more helpful role.
What’s great about our LIT program is not only do our members get the chance to work with campers and share their passion and
interests, but they also get the hands on experience of working side by side our wonderful team of staff. All of our LIT’s also have the
opportunity to use their LIT hours 9am-3:30pm as community service hours to fulfill any graduation requirements. FEE: $130 per week,
limited spots available. Application must be submitted and approved before registering for this program. Please email completed
application to Camp Director, Candace Gerlach at
*LIT candidates may request a camp location/specialty camp to participate at. Requests must be approved by Camp Director prior to
participation. Transportation is not provided and hours of operation may vary by location.

First Name                                   MI       Last Name                                          Email Address (Please list parent/guardian if preferred)

Street Address                                                                                           Home Phone

City                                         State    Zip Code                                           Cell Phone

Date of Birth
                                                                    Ethnicity                                  Areas of Interest
                                                                    Please select one of the following         � Arts & Crafts    � Music
                                                                    for grant purposes.
Hours & Days Available                                                                                         � Clerical Help    � Science
                                                                    � Asian
                                                                    � African American                         � Computers        � Fantasy (Superhero, Princess,
                 Mon    Tues    Wed        Thurs     Fri
                                                                    � Hispanic/Latino                          � Sports / Fitness   Star Wars, Comics, Harry Potter)
 Morning                                                            � Caucasian                                                   � Games
                                                                                                               � Dance
 Afternoon                                                          � American Indian
                                                                    � Other ___________                        � Theater

 Relevant skills, training or experience

 What makes you a good candidate for the LIT Program with Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito?

Have you ever been convicted of any crime? (Exclude convictions for marijuana-related offenses for personnel use more than two years old; convictions that have been
sealed, expunged or legally eradicated, and misdemeanor convictions for which probation was completed and the case was dismissed): Yes � No �
This company will not deny volunteerism to any applicant solely because the person has been convicted of a crime. The company however, may consider the nature, date
and circumstances of the offense as well as whether the offense is relevant to the duties of the volunteer position applied for.

 Name                                                Relationship                                                      Phone/Email

 Name                                                Relationship                                                      Phone/Email

I understand that I may be required to submit to a background check and that my status is conditional pending results.
Signature of Parent/Guardian ______________________________________________________________ Date________________________

Applicant Signature ____________________________________________________________________ Date________________________

Upon completion of application please scan and email to
or drop off at any of our Clubhouses in an envelope marked: ATTN: Camp Office/LIT Program

Camp & Swim

            Combo    | Ages 5-12
               adventure camps CAMP & SWIM | AGES 6-12

In partnership with our Aquatics Department we offer summer swim lessons through our Adventure Camps program!
Campers will learn to swim and have fun in the pool at the Pardee Aquatics Center located at the Harper Club in
Solana Beach. Instructors are Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito Aquatics Department staff and are trained and
licensed to teach swim lessons.

                        Sessions                                                                Swim Levels
This 2 week camp includes summer swim lessons Monday through                 Camp & Swim is for beginner to intermediate swimmers.
Thursday with open swim on Friday. Campers have additional swim time         Participants should select the correct swim level based on current
after lessons on Mon/Wed, and participate in free swim on Friday. All swim   swimming skills at the time of registration.
lessons take place before lunch. Campers participate in Adventure Day Camp
activities in the Harper Clubhouse after lunch until 3pm.                    Penguin (ratio 1:4)
                                                                             For beginners and focuses on basic water safety skills and freestyle
     2 WEEK            Camp Time 9am - 3pm                                   technique.
                       *No camp Monday, June 20th and
                       Monday, July 4th
                                                                             otter (ratio 1:4)
                                        Group     Private                    Focuses on body position and balance, and building proficiency in
                                                                             freestyle for 25 yards and backstroke for 15 yards. Swimmer must be
 Session 1         June 13 - June 24     $
                                          390      $
                                                                             able to swim 15 yards of freestyle unassisted.
 Session 2          June 27 - July 8     $
                                          390      $
                                                    520        Harper
 Session 3         July 11 - July 22     $
                                          430      $
                                                    580      Clubhouse       seal (ratio 1:5)
                                                                             Focuses on mastering freestyle and backstroke for 50 yards and
 Session 4          July 25 - Aug. 5     $
                                          430      $
                                                                             introduces beginning butterfly. Swimmer must be able to swim 25
                                                                             yards of freestyle and backstroke unassisted.
for                           Attire
                                                                             Shark (ratio 1:5)
Campers must arrive each day with swim attire on under                       Emphasis is on building endurance while continuing refinement of
their clothes. We will not be changing in/out of swim attire.                freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly. Breaststroke is introduced. Flip turns/
Required: Bathing suit, towel, change of clothes, long                       open turns for all competitive strokes will be taught. Swimming distance
hair pulled back in a pony tail or cap. Goggles highly                       50-100 yards/ 2-4 lengths unassisted.
                                                                              Private (ratio 1:1)

                                                                              A one-on-one lesson with our experienced instructor tailored to your
             Early Drop Off / Late Pick Up                                    child’s individual swimming needs.
              & Transportation add-on
                                                                             Disclaimer: Each swim lesson level has a maximum number of
       7:30am-9:00am and/or 3:00pm-5:30pm
                                                                             campers. Enrollment does not guarantee a spot in this camp.
                  See page 8 for complete details.

            • • (858) 720-2180                                                                           16
Bulldogs Basketball | Ages 7-14

   One Week Camps
                                                                  Bulldogs Basketball Camp, COED
   Half Days AM Only                                              Ages 7-14 Each day of camp offers intense specialized
                                                                  basketball instruction with an emphasis on the
   9:00am-12:00pm                                                 fundamentals of ball handling, shooting, rebounding,
                                                                  and defense. We provide a positive experience for
                                                                  basketball players of all skill levels.
   Campers in our Bulldogs Summer Basketball
   Camp learn how to become well-rounded,                           June 6-June 10                            Polster
   team oriented basketball players under the                                          9am-12pm      $
                                                                     July 11-July 15                        Clubhouse
   guidance of SDSU’s all-time wins leader DJ
   Gay and our experienced coaching staff.
                                                                       Capacity: 60 players per week

      Contact program manager, Matthew Evans,
                  or 858-720-2185

                  Space is limited!
                   Register now.

                                Registration is separate system than our Adventure Camps program.
                                                       To register, please visit:


Financial assistance is available to families that qualify.
Big 8 Sports Camps | Ages 5-14

One Week Camps                                                                                                                      Attire

Half Days AM Only
                                                                                                        Please wear appropriate clothing for running and
                                                                                                        warm weather. Running style shoes, water bottle
                                                                                                       and sunscreen required. Sun protection such as hat
9:30am-12:30pm                                                                                                  or sunglasses are recommended.

Transportation between clubhouses is not available this
summer. Campers must be dropped off at the designated                                                                        Questions
location for their specific camps. Early drop off and late pick                                           Contact Emily Froelich at (858) 436-7506
up are not available for our sports camps. Campers must be
dropped off and picked up at the times listed.

   Field Hockey, Girls                                                                      Flag Football, COED
   Ages 8-14 This camp is for girls of all skill levels and is designed to be               Ages 8-14 Has your camper ever wanted to be a part of the Super
   fun and instructive. Our goal is to help develop your field hockey skills, strategic     Bowl? Here is their chance to get started! Spend the week learning the
   understanding of the game, and make each camper a versatile player. Camp                 game of flag football and its basic rules in a non-competitive environment.
   coaches include current middle school coaches as well as collegiate players.             Campers learn and improve their skills through drills, exercises, and
   Please bring your own stick and mouth guard.                                             scrimmages.
         June 21-24                                                                                 June 6-June 10                            Polster Clubhouse-
                                                  Polster Clubhouse-Field                                                       $
        July 5th-8th                                                                                 July 18-July 22                                  Field

   Mini Multi-sport, COED                                                                   Tennis, COED
                                                                                            Ages 8-14 Campers will focus in building basic tennis skills through
   Ages 5-7 Shoot, kick, jump, run and score your way to a fun summer
                                                                                            group instruction. This camp is designed for beginning and intermediate
   camp experience! This camp is designed to advance basic skills and
                                                                                            players. Campers begin and end their tennis activities at Griset Clubhouse.
   knowledge of a variety of sports activities for our littlest campers, regardless of
                                                                                            Required Equipment: Campers must bring their own racket.
   experience or skill. Our goal is to build confidence while making each camper
   a better athlete and teammate.                                                                   June 21-June 24                 $
                                                                                                                                                Griset Clubhouse
        Aug 1-Aug 5              $
                                  185           Polster Clubhouse-Field                               July 11-July 15               185

  *Please note: this camp is currently scheduled to be inside our Griset Gym, this may change based on the COVID-19 tier San Diego county falls into at the time of camp.
  **Financial assistance available

          • • (858) 436-7506                                                                              18
Big 8 Sports Camps | Continued

 Running Camp, COED                                                            Soccer, COED
 Ages 8-14 Our training includes the S.M.A.R.T.E.R. technique which            Ages 5-7 or 8-14 Pass, dribble, and shoot your way to the
 focuses on Speed, Muscle, Aerobic, Race Pace, Technique, Enjoyment, and       ultimate goal! Campers will be taught the basics of indoor soccer
 Relaxation. Our team of USATF coaches help build confidence and young         focusing on passing, dribbling, shooting and defense. Campers will play
 athletes to train in a competitive or recreational field. Campers spend the   soccer themed games, practice drills, develop coordination and learn the
 majority of this half day camp running outdoors.                              importance of team work.

    June 13-June 17                                                            Ages 5-7          July 25-July 29                      Griset Clubhouse-
                              185          Polster Clubhouse-Field
                                                                               Ages 8-14          July 18-July 22                            Gym*
     July 11-July 15

 Volleyball, COED                                                                Join Our Summer Running Club!
 Ages 8-14 Bump, Set, Spike! Volleyball takes the energy and
 excitement of this great team sport and puts it all together into one                                       GRADES 6-8
 fun-filled camp. All aspects of the game are taught through drills and           Build your base level of fitness over summer break! Ideal for athletes
 exercises that focus on passing, setting, hitting and serving. This program   looking to prepare for their best cross country season this fall, cross train for
 is designed for the beginner player and will introduce each camper to the                  another sport or begin running for the first time.
 basic fundamentals of the game.
           June 6-10                                                              6 weeks long               Tuesday & Thursday 3:00-4:00pm
                                             Griset Clubhouse Gym*
        June 27-July 1            $
                                    185                                                                                 Earl Warren Middle School &
                                                                                  June 7-July 14            $
        July 11-July 15                     Harper Clubhouse Gym                                                        Carmel Valley Middle School

                            Registration is on a separate system than our Adventure Camps program.
                                                      To register, please visit:


        • • (858) 436-7506                                                                       19
Swim Lessons | Ages 3-15

       The Pardee
     aquatics CENTER
 Summer Swim                                     SESSIONS
                                                                  Monday Thru
                                                                                                       No Lesson
 Lessons                                                           June 13, 14, 15,
                                                 Session 1                                    June 9           June 20       7 Lessons
                                                                    16, 21, 22, 23
 Our certified and trained staff
 provide swimmers with a positive                                June 27,28, 29, 30,
                                                 Session 2                                    June 23           July 4       7 Lessons
 learning experience as they train,                                 July 5, 6, 7
 develop, and improve proper
                                                                  July 11,12,13,14,
 swimming techniques and practice                Session 3                                     July 7             ––         8 Lessons
                                                                    18,19, 20, 21
 water safety skills. Beginner classes
 focus on water safety, front/back                               July 25, 26, 27, 28,
                                                 Session 4                                    July 21             ––         8 Lessons
 floats, basic swimming fundamentals,                             August 1, 2, 3, 4
 and help swimmers adjust to the
 water in a comfortable and safe
 aquatic environment. Lessons                         FEES            Group Lessons              Semi-Private               Private
 progress to more advanced classes
 that focus on improving all four                  SESSION
                                                                             $161                       $206                  $294
 competitive strokes, refining stroke                1&2
 technique, increasing swimming
 competency and endurance, and                                               $185                       $236                  $336
 learning rescue skills.

 Financial Assistance is available for qualifying swimmers. Applications must be completed and approved before registration can be completed.
 For further assistance, please contact our aquatics office listed below.

           • • (858) 755-4904                                                       20
Classes | Swim Lessons

   All classes run for 30 minutes Monday-Thursday

 PRESCHOOL CLASSES                  3-5 YEARS OLD
Swim diaper required for all non-potty trained children.
   SAND DOLLAR (Ratio-1:3)
   This class is for beginners who don’t like the water/putting their faces into the water.
   We focus on confidence in the water. Components of floating on back and front,
   gliding and kicking will be introduced. Emphasis placed on getting face wet and
   submersion. Swim goal by end of session: distance of 5 yards.
   SAND CRAB (Ratio-1:4)
   This class is for beginner swimmers that like being in the water. We focus on confidence in the water, basic water skills, and essential stroke
   body positions. Components of freestyle and backstroke, floating on back and front, gliding and kicking will be introduced. Emphasis
   placed on safe water submersion and depth comfortability. Swim goal by end of session: distance of 5 yards.

   SEAHORSE (Ratio-1:4)
   Swimmers will refine beginning strokes with techniques such as front arm pulls and rolling over for breathing whilst kicking. Refining back
   kicking with arm pulls, while practicing back balance without sinking. Swim goal by end of session: distance of 12.5 yards.

   SEA STAR (Ratio-1:4)
   This class builds on refining freestyle and backstroke. Introduction to the dolphin kick, somersaults front/back and treading water.
   This is the most advanced class for this age group. Swim goal by end of session: distance of 25 yards (1 length of pool).

 YOUTH CLASSES             6-11 YEARS OLD

   PENGUIN (Ratio-1:4)
   This class is for beginner swimmers and focuses on confidence in the water, basic water skills, and essential stroke body positions.
   Components of freestyle and backstroke, floating on back and front, gliding and kicking will be introduced. Emphasis placed on safe water
   submersion and depth comfortability.

   OTTER (Ratio-1:4)
   Swimmers will learn freestyle techniques such as side breathing, body position, and proper balance, followed by backstroke techniques
   such as back balance kicking, arm pulls and open turns. Swim goal by end of session: distance of 25 yards (1 pool length).
   SEAL (Ratio-1:5)
   This class expands stroke techniques such as improving freestyle and backstroke endurance/
   proficiency Butterfly, breaststroke kick and diving will be introduced in this level. While
   continuing to work on flip turn/open turns proficiency.
   Swim goal by end of session: distance of 50 yards (2 pool lengths).
   SHARK (Ratio-1:5)
   Focuses and emphasizes endurance building while continuing the refinement of freestyle,
   backstroke, and butterfly skills. Breaststroke and treading water techniques are introduced. This
   class prepares swimmers for our RSD Swim Team!
   Swim goal by end of session: distance of 75-100 yards (3-4 lengths of pool).

 T(W)EEN CLASSES              12-15 YEARS OLD

   TWEEN/TEEN Ages 12-15 (Ratio-1:5)
   This class is for novice swimmers. Expands stroke techniques such as improving freestyle and backstroke endurance/proficiency. Butterfly,
   breaststroke kick and diving will be introduced in this level, as well as continued work on flip turn/open turn proficiency. Swim goal by end
   of session: distance of 50 yards (2 pool lengths).

   A one-on-one lesson with our experienced instructor tailored to your child’s individual swimming need’s.

   This class is taught in pairs, its required that the student finds a swimming partner. BOTH STUDENTS MUST FALL UNDER THE SAME
   SWIMMING ABILITY. This class is tailored to the student’s swimming needs.

                 • • (858) 755-4904                                                          21
Schedule | Group & Private Swim Lessons 2022

●   = class available

SESSION 1          Lesson Dates: June 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23                        Registration closes on Thursday, June 9

Class Time       Sand Dollar Sand Crab   Seahorse   Sea Star   Penguin   Otter   Seal     Shark       Teen     Semi-Private   Private
9:30-10:00 am           ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●

10:05-10:35 am                                         ●                            ●       ●                       ●              ●

10:40-11:10 am                                                        CAMP & SWIM
11:15-11:45 am                                                        CAMP & SWIM
4:00-4:30 pm            ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●                                         ●              ●

4:35-5:05 pm                                           ●          ●                 ●       ●           ●                          ●

5:10-5:40 pm            ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●                                         ●              ●

5:45-6:15 pm                                           ●          ●       ●         ●       ●                                      ●

SESSION 2          Lesson Dates: June 27, 28, 29, 30, July 5, 6, 7                      Registration closes on Thursday, June 23

Class Time       Sand Dollar Sand Crab   Seahorse   Sea Star   Penguin   Otter   Seal     Shark       Teen     Semi-Private   Private
9:30-10:00 am           ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●

10:05-10:35 am                                         ●                            ●       ●                       ●              ●

10:40-11:10 am                                                        CAMP & SWIM
11:15-11:45 am                                                        CAMP & SWIM
4:00-4:30 pm            ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●                                         ●              ●

4:35-5:05 pm                                           ●          ●                 ●       ●           ●                          ●

5:10-5:40 pm            ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●                                         ●              ●

5:45-6:15 pm                                           ●          ●       ●         ●       ●                                      ●

SESSION 3          Lesson Dates: July 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21                     Registration closes on Thursday, July 7

Class Time       Sand Dollar Sand Crab   Seahorse   Sea Star   Penguin   Otter   Seal     Shark       Teen     Semi-Private   Private
9:30-10:00 am           ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●

10:05-10:35 am                                         ●                            ●       ●                       ●              ●

10:40-11:10 am                                                        CAMP & SWIM
11:15-11:45 am                                                        CAMP & SWIM
4:00-4:30 pm            ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●                                         ●              ●

4:35-5:05 pm                                           ●                  ●         ●       ●           ●                          ●

5:10-5:40 pm            ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●                                         ●              ●

5:45-6:15 pm                                           ●          ●       ●         ●       ●                       ●              ●

SESSION 4          Lesson Dates: July 25, 26, 27, 28, August 1, 2, 3, 4                 Registration closes on Thursday, July 21

Class Time       Sand Dollar Sand Crab   Seahorse   Sea Star   Penguin   Otter   Seal     Shark       Teen     Semi-Private   Private
9:30-10:00 am           ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●

10:05-10:35 am                                         ●                            ●       ●                       ●              ●

10:40-11:10 am                                                        CAMP & SWIM
11:15-11:45 am                                                        CAMP & SWIM
4:00-4:30 pm            ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●                                         ●              ●

4:35-5:05 pm                                           ●                  ●         ●       ●           ●                          ●

5:10-5:40 pm            ●        ●          ●                     ●       ●                                         ●              ●

5:45-6:15 pm                                           ●          ●       ●         ●       ●                                      ●

     Register online at

               • • (858) 755-4904                                               22
Registration & Policies | Swim Lessons

REGISTRATION                                                                 How To Register
                                                                             Registration is online at
Details & Questions
A separate registration form is required for each child.                     Under the swim lessons section:
Once all forms and online payments are completed, a spot will be
                                                                                  • Select the desired class type and session from the
reserved for the respective class. If the class is full, the child will be
                                                                                    registration chart.
placed on a waiting list and notified the Friday before the beginning
                                                                                  • You will select the time of your class on the next step.
of the swim session. Please contact Aquatics Coordinator Patty
Mariscal at or Swim Instructor                  You will be redirected to the registration page:
Assistant Jade Thompson at                           • Scroll down to “SWIM LESSON NAME”, click on the drop
for any further questions regarding registration.                                   arrow, and select the desired class time.
                                                                                  • You must register each child individually per session.

    Register online at

                          Refunds                                             for
      • Withdrawal requested 7 or more business days                           If you are interested in a swim class that’s full, you will need
        before the first day of class will receive a 100% credit               to register your child to be placed on the waitlist.
        or refund.
                                                                               To complete the registration, you must input your credit
      • Withdrawal requested less than 7 business days prior
                                                                               card information. You will receive an email saying “Your
        to the first day of class will receive a 100% credit to
                                                                               registration has been sent. Please note: You have been
        use for another session or a 50% refund.
                                                                               placed on the waitlist and your credit card has NOT
      • NO REFUNDS ARE ISSUED AFTER THE FIRST DAY                              been charged at this time”. You will not receive an
        OF LESSONS. Full or partial refunds are available on a                 invoice until you are off the waitlist.
        case by case basis with a doctor’s note. Credit issued
        in this instance based on availability.
                                                                                      Make-Up Classes
                                                                                We do not offer make-up classes for missed classes.

                                               Pardee Aquatics Center • (858) 755-4904
                                                   533 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana Beach, CA 92075

       Our Pardee Aquatics Center differentiates us from most youth, athletic and after school centers in San Diego County. The Center is
    comprised of two regulation length 25 yard pools. Our competition pool has 10 lanes set at 78° and our recreational pool has 6 lanes, set
   at 84°. You can also enjoy our snack shop fully stocked with healthy food and drink options. We have on-site indoor and outdoor showering
                                      facilities and fully equipped indoor locker rooms and changing areas.

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