Page created by Ted Tucker
~ children ~
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                                  ~ family ~


Camp and Retreat Ministries' Mission and Vision Statements
We are people dedicated to creating sacred spaces of Christian hospitality and learning.

We offer these spaces so that people may…

    Experience God’s love
    Engage with creation
    Develop loving interdependence with each other and the Earth
    Act with justice* in the world

Vision: A world of wonder, love, and justice

    We serve individuals, families, educational institutions, religiously affiliated groups, social service
agencies, community service organizations, and other nonprofit organizations that enrich life in the world.

*Dr. Cornell West says, “justice is what love looks like in public.”

                                           Our Statement of Inclusion

The Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries of the Oregon-Idaho Conference of the United Methodist Church
considers all people to be children of God and is committed to providing an environment that is free from
discrimination and harassment based on race, age, creed, color, religion, national origin or ancestry,
disability, sexual orientation, genetics, gender identity or expression. The Board is fully devoted to
inclusiveness in order to provide quality environments of Christian hospitality and learning to campers,
guests and staff while complying with all Federal, Oregon, and Idaho state laws.

The Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist
Church adopted this statement of inclusion in March of 2019. This statement made clear the way that we
have been operating for years at our sites, and it was in response to General Conference 2019.

                                               What Do We Offer?

We offer:
   Quality Christian education and spiritual growth for children, youth, and adults
   Extensive training to all our counselors and deans as mandated by our camp policies.
   A nationally recognized Christian camp curriculum that is used at most of our summer camps.
   Appropriate and meaningful activities, studies, and discussions.
   Crafts, hikes, water sports, Bible study-all camp activities are designed for the needs of the camp's age
   Healthy and delicious meals prepared by professional food service staff that can accommodate special
   dietary needs (with advance notice).
   Safe and healthy experiences.
   Red Cross-trained or professional health care providers for all Camp and Retreat Ministries summer
   Facilities and programs that conform to nationally recognized risk management standards.
   Many programs and facilities that are accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA), whose
   health and safety requirements are considered nationwide to be the industry standard for excellence.
Alton L. Collins
          Contents                          Retreat Center
                                            Dedicated        to     offering        a    quality
                                            environment for growth and reflection
                                            for service in the world, surrounded by
                                            giant fir and cedar trees, lush ferns
                                            and     abundant         moss-covered           vine
                                            maples in Eagle Creek, Oregon.

                                            Camp Latgawa
                                            Located in a beautiful wooded area of
2     Mission and Vision                    the     Rogue      River-Siskiyou           National
3     Registration                          Forest, activities are available for all
                                            ages, including a natural waterfall
5     Alton L. Collins Retreat Center
                                            slide and solar heated pool.
6     Work and Volunteer
7     Camp Latgawa
8     Camp Magruder                         Camp Magruder
11    Sawtooth Camp
                                            A little slice of heaven between the
12 Suttle Lake Camp                         Pacific    Ocean        and      Smith      Lake     in
15 Group/Personal Retreats                  Rockaway Beach, Oregon, leave the
16 Wallowa Lake Camp                        cares     of     the    world      behind          and
                                            rediscover the joy of living in Christian

                                            Sawtooth Camp
                                            High in a mountain valley borderd by
                                            the Sawtooth National Forest, walk in
                                            the valley where Native Americans,
                                            explorers, miners, adventurers, and
                                            sportsmen have enjoyed a wilderness
                                            experience for centuries.

                                            Suttle Lake Camp
                                            Find God in the natural beauty and
                                            experience the growth and joy that
                                            comes       from        living     in       Christian
                                            community, nestled on the eastern
                                            slopes     of    the     Cascade        Mountains

         ON THE COVER                       fourteen miles west of Sisters.

     Camp Magruder's 2019 Senior High       Wallowa Lake Camp
 Coast Adventure campers experience
                                            Experience       Christian        hospitality        on
      the Oregon Coast in a new way.
                                            over 60 beautiful sacred acres at the
                                            base of the Eagle Cap Mountains, in
                                            cozy      cabins       and    charming         rustic
                                            rooms, with delicious, with plentiful
                                            meals      and     more       activities      just    a
                                            tramway ride away.
Registration Information

                            Additional information is located at

Registration Options. Online registration is quick, accurate and preferred. Register online at Paper registration forms are available at Phone
registration is also available by contacting the Registrar at (503) 802-9214.

Deposits/Cancellations. All sessions have a required, non-refundable deposit to hold the registration; some
deposits may be transferrable (see individual session descriptions). Registrations cancelled more than one
week prior to the start of the event will receive a full refund, minus the deposit. Full refunds for
cancellations within one week of the start of camp are generally not granted. In the case of extenuating
circumstances, contact the registrar.

Payment Plan/Installments. Fees may be divided into several payments by scheduling a payment plan in
the online system, or by contacting the registrar.

Camperships (Financial Aid). The Camp and Retreat Ministries' campership fund is available to families
facing financial stress. Please visit the Campership page on our website for more information on Financial

Roommate Requests. Campers may make one roommate request, and the request must be mutual.
Requests will be honored as space and program requirements allow.

Camp Information. Confirmation e-mails will include a link to a detailed camp information page once a
registration is submitted. These links include camp policies, packing lists, directions to camp and much

Health History Forms. Health forms should be completed online. If a paper form is necessary, it should be
mailed to the Camping Office at least two weeks before the session starts.

Policies. We adhere to American Camping Association standards of safety at our sites, and our policies are
in place to ensure everyone’s safety. Campers under the age of 18 are allowed to drive to camp only with the
written permission of parents and are not allowed to have any passengers under the age of 18.

Social Media Policy. The purpose of the social media policies (available online) is to ensure posts on all
channels conform to the highest standards of social media practices.

Photo Release. All campers/families should review the photo release (available online) before registering
for camp.

Insurance. Camper’s personal medical insurance is considered primary coverage. The summer camp
insurance through The Board of Camp and Retreat Ministries or the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon for
accidental injury or death and certain sicknesses is provided as a secondary policy intended to assist with
deductible and co-pays or medical bills not covered by the policy covering the camper.

USDA Policy. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all USDA programs
and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability. To file a complaint
of discrimination, write USDA, Director of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and
Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an
equal opportunity provider and employer.

From the delicious food to the lush temperate rainforest, Alton L. Collins Retreat Center provides space
   to open you and your group to new possibilities. Surrounded by giant fir and cedar trees, lush ferns and
          abundant moss-covered vine maples, we provide an environment and facilities conducive for
                     community building, continuing education, reflection, relaxation, recreation.

                     Rev. Dan Benson ~ Director ~ (503) 637-6411 ~
                                     32867 SE Highway 211 ~ Eagle Creek, Oregon 97022

                 June 13-15, 2022                         August 22-25, 2022                                       September 4-8, 2022
       Spark! A Franciscan Leadership Program                        Time to sow                              Cultivating Presence Through Movement,
                                                                                                                       Meditation, and Poetry
Spark! Forming Soulful, Authentic and Resilient     Come join us at Alton L. Collins
Leaders in Uncertain Times is a journey in          Retreat Center to prepare for the                        A residential retreat with Alice Boyd and
community, with gifted leaders. As part of this     coming liturgical year. During our                       & John Brehm,
retreat, you will:                                  time together we will:                                   For more information, visit
   Walk away with new tools for managing and            Hear the year's Gospel Lessons             
   motivating others.                                   Engage in discussion around                          retreats-training or
   Increase your resilience.                            liturgical seasons and their
   Align your work with your convictions.               themes
   Reground yourself in silence.                        Exegete scripture, your culture,
   Challenge yourself with new insights.                and your congregation
   Immerse yourself in Franciscan spirituality.         Develop themes and images to
                                                        guide Sunday worship
Our guides for this journey will be Rev. Margaret       Vision possible sermon series
Marcuson, Larry Peacock and Kelly Deutsch.              possibilities
                                                        Listen to the perspectives of
Go to for            others
more information.                                       Enjoy the hospitality and beauty
                                                        of Alton L. Collins Retreat Center

                                                              Register online at
                                                    Check-in and check-out time are listed on the website.
There are two primary ways to work at our sites: as a paid staff member or as a volunteer.
For paid positions, visit for the most current job postings. To volunteer, contact the directors of each
site to see which events need leaders, hosts, counselors, health care providers, and resource volunteers, or to help
with the physical upkeep needs of each site.

Because our sites strive to be safe sanctuaries for all who visit, all volunteer and paid staff must:
1. Complete an online Information and Disclosure Page;
2. Initiate the process for a confidential criminal background check;
3. Attend training and planning sessions offered at the site and with the leader of your event;
4. Complete a health form; and
5. Commit to be present to the ministry of the site. Whether you are working with a small group children or youth,
leading an adult retreat, or helping with the physical upkeep of a site, your committed participation is valued.

Many individuals have found their relationship with God in community by being a camper, and many more have
further found their life's vocation by working at camp.

Physical requirements may include prolonged standing, bending, stooping, walking long distances, hiking, climbing, and stretching;
may require hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity to manipulate outdoor equipment or camp activities; requires normal
range of hearing and eyesight to record, prepare, and communicate appropriate activities/programs and the ability to lift up to 50
lbs; a willingness to live in a camp setting and work irregular hours with limited or simple equipment and facilities; and daily
exposure to sun, heat, and animals such as bugs, snakes, bats, etc.

Camp Latgawa*
      Camp Latgawa offers activities for all ages, some of the favorites: a natural waterfall slide and
     swimming hole, hiking and backpacking trails, volleyball, ping pong, basketball, horseshoes, a
                   meditation labyrinth and swimming in our solar heated pool.

 We are proud to serve home cooked, family-style meals in our cozy dining hall, including homemade
  breads/desserts and fresh salads. We pride ourselves on healthy and delicious, scratch-made food,
                                     including fresh-baked bread!

                                 Director ~ (541) 826-9699 ~
                         13250 S Fork Little Butte Creek Road ~ Eagle Point, Oregon 97524

              june 19-22, 2022                                                          June 19-24, 2022
                 Ready, Set, Camp!                                                              Youth Camp
Ready, Set, Camp! is a shorter four-day session for younger               Youth Camp (previously called Discovery Week) is a one-
 campers (ages 7-8 and completed grades 1st-2nd) to get                  week camp program open to campers ages 9-15 who have
  acquainted with Camp Latgawa and feel comfortable                          completed 3rd-9th grades. Campers will enjoy most
 with camping away from home. Many of the traditional                      activities with age-appropriate cabin groups that build
  activities are included, like swimming, creek hikes, arts              life-long friendships. Daily adventure activities are chosen
          and crafts, games, worship, and campfire.                        by cabin groups, which include swimming, creek hikes,
                                                                          arts and crafts, and archery, as well as outdoor overnight
  Ready, Set, Camp! campers will also join in the larger                                  campfires under the stars.
 camp community for celebrations, meals, worship, and
                      campfire.                                             Some activities will be shared by the larger camp
                                                                          community, including community celebrations, meals,
 Completed grades 1st-2nd | Subsidized Rate: $320| Full Rate: $360           worship, and campfire. Counselors encourage
                                                                              participation with skits, games, and songs.

                                                                         Completed grades 3rd-9th | Subsidized Rate: $530 | Full Rate: $600

              Register by May 5th for $25 Early Bird Discount. A non-refundable $50 deposit is required to register.
                                                Register online at
                     Check-in is 3-4pm on the first day of camp. Check-out is 10am on the last day of camp.
Camp Magruder*
 A little slice of heaven between the Pacific Ocean and Smith Lake in Rockaway Beach, Oregon. Leave
the cares of the world behind and rediscover the joy of living in Christian community. Whether you are
a summer camper or attending with your church, school, non-profit, or community organization, come
              and leave your footprints in the sand and take home memories to last a lifetime!

     More than 9,000 people visit Camp Magruder every year. We hope that you'll be among them!

                       Troy Taylor, Site Director ~ (503) 355-2310 ~
                             17450 Old Pacific Highway ~ Rockaway Beach, Oregon 97136

         june 26-July 1, 2022                                                          june 26-July 1, 2022
                  Senior High Camp                                                             MADD Camp
                          Join teens from all over Oregon and                          Music, Art, Dance, Drama
                          Idaho for a week of fun with old and
                           new friends. Come and find a place                 A place where teenagers express themselves artistically
                            you can be yourself and explore                  with friends their age and an incredibly talented core of
                          what you believe right next to other                 staff members, MADD camp is legendary for the close
                                people doing the same.                       friendships formed during the week that last for years to
                             Meet counselors and staff who
                             care enough to play during the                   Campers will perform, sing, and create, so bring musical
                              fun times and sit next to you                     instruments, voices, creativity, or just an interest in
                           during the challenging ones. We’ll                    expression. No special experience is required, and
                             swim, boat, make crafts to take                    campers will still engage in Magruder activities like
                              home, wave jump the ocean,                       swimming, boating, campfire, and time on the beach.
                                swing from a Giant Swing,                   Completed grades 8th - 12th | Subsidized Rate: $545 | Full Rate: $615
                           worship around the campfire, but
                               even more, we’ll experience
                             something big, something real,                            Register by May 5th for $25 Early Bird Discount.
                            together, to take with us the rest                      A non-refundable $50 deposit is required to register.
                                       of the year.                                           Register online at
                                                                                  Check-in and check-out times are listed on the website.
Completed grades 8th - 12th | Subsidized Rate: $545 | Full Rate: $615
Camp Magruder
 july 5-8, 2022                                                                            elementary camp
                                                                              This is the first time many campers will experience
        mini camp                                                                the joys of a week-long camp. Counselors will
                                                                               accompany Elementary campers through games,
 A child’s introduction to solo                                              activities, meals, new friendships, evening campfires,
  overnight camping at Camp                                                  worship, and be sure they rest well at the end of the
    Magruder. Young campers                                                    evening. Whether swimming or boating in Smith
   ease themselves into camp                                                   Lake, Wave Jumping in the ocean, hiking, making
      life by staying just three                                             crafts, or playing goofy games, campers experience a
         nights, getting a good                                             loving community that looks out for each other, learns
        taste of camp life under the guidance of their first                   from one another, and has a great time together.
     counselors. Our trained counselors accompany Mini
           campers through Camp Magruder favorites like
        swimming, boating, and campfires with an earlier
 bedtime to keep them full of energy the next day. Young
                                                                                                      july 11-15, 2022
                                                                                                             Completed grades 3rd-5th
  campers will have a blast playing and learning the early
     lessons of camp friendships with energetic mentors                                                Subsidized Rate: $439 | Full Rate: $494
                   helping them fall in love with camp life.
Completed grades 1st- 2nd | Subsidized Rate: $334 | Full Rate: $374
                                                                                                       august 7-12, 2022
                                                                                                             Completed grades 3rd-5th
                                                                                                       Subsidized Rate: $545 | Full Rate: $615

           Middle School Camp
      Camp is a fun and accepting place for
     middle schoolers to grow, mature, and
    create friendships. At our middle school
    camps, engaged counselors and creative
     leaders will guide campers along hikes
        through beautiful forest and ocean
       scenery, swimming, boating, games,
        challenge course, and much more.
  Campers will treasure new friends they will
  know for years to come and explore what it                                           august 7-12, 2022
   means to practice one’s faith in this phase
    of life, one great experience at a time.                                    Senior High Coast Adventure
                                                                             The Coast Adventure’s schedule changes each year, but

                   JUly 11-15, 2022                                              past years included mountain hikes, surfing, river
                                                                               kayaking, zip lining, and tree climbing 50 feet off the
   Completed grades 6th-8th | Subsidized Rate: $439 | Full Rate: $494       ground. This is a physically demanding camp, but the pay-
                                                                              offs are pretty thrilling. Do things you didn’t think you
                august 7-12, 2022                                                         could do and grow from them.
                                                                        Completed grades 8th-12th | Subsidized Rate: $545 | Full Rate: $615
   Completed grades 6th-8th | Subsidized Rate: $545 | Full Rate: $610

    Adult Retreats                                                                          may 20-22, 2022
                                                                                                       Q Camp
              March 4-6, 2022                                                 Q Camp offers a safe, accepting space for young adults
             young adult retreat                                                  from the LGBTQ+ community to join in spiritual
                                                                            intention--a weekend where the burden of explanation is
Camp Magruder's Young Adult Retreat is a time for campers                       lessened, and campers may feel more comfortable
to come together and form new friendships in a welcoming                      expressing their authentic selves. Within that comfort
 environment. Many people find that once they age out of                     there will be opportunities to build friendships, connect
  grade level camps, they miss the spiritual direction and                              to nature, and encounter the spirit.
   connection that camp provides, and this is a weekend
                                                                             Ages 18-30 | $50-$152 sliding scale (subsidized by a grant from the
 designed to fill that gap. Together, campers will have the                                     Collins Family Foundation)
  opportunities to build their friendships and faith, as they
    boat on the lake, do archery, make crafts, and enjoy                                   Register online at
                  campfires in the evening.                                      A non-refundable $50 deposit is required to register.
                         Ages 18-30 | $150
                                                                                 Check-in and check-out time are listed on the website.

Camp Magruder
                  july 6-8, 2022                                           September 23-28, 2022
                          camp hope                                                    needlework camp
        Camp Hope is a camp offering special-needs                        Camp Magruder's Young Adult Retreat is a time for
 individuals traditional camp activities like boating, fishing,         campers to come together and form new friendships
        swimming, music, group games, beach play,                        in a welcoming environment. Many people find that
    arts and crafts, campfires, morning worship, dances,                once they age out of grade level camps, they miss the
 and a talent show. Each camper is paired with a counselor                   spiritual direction and connection that camp
 and sleeps in a cabin of 3-8 people with access to medical               provides, and this is a weekend designed to fill that
     and behavioral supports. Meals are family style with                 gap. Together, campers will have the opportunities
  accommodations for special diets. Campers will hang out                 to build their friendships and faith, as they boat on
 with old friends and make new ones, forming a wonderful                the lake, do archery, make crafts, and enjoy campfires
  community for adults with special needs, assisted by our                                   in the evening.
                        nurturing staff.
                                                                                       $168.50 (Fri-Sun) | $209 (Sun-Wed)
             $525 (campership funds available to assist those                  A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to register.
                     who cannot afford the full fee.)
           A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to register.

      Family Camps
          may 27-30, 2022
            memorial day family camp
    Get away with the family this holiday for restful fun on
     the Oregon Coast. Get to know other families as you
   share in fun Magruder activities like swimming, boating,
       crafts, beach time, archery, and campfire. Share
        delicious meals cooked by our camp chefs and
   meaningful worship time prepared by our creative staff.                              July 2-5, 2022
   This is one of our most intimate family camps, so family
      groups will have the opportunity to get close and                           4th of July Family Camp
      develop meaningful friendships all while making                     Get away with the family this holiday for restful fun on
              memories lasting for years to come.                       the Oregon Coast. Get to know other families as you share
                                                                         in fun Magruder activities like swimming, boating, crafts,
   $217 Adult | $175 Youth 5-17 | $0 Child 0-4 | $800 Household Max     beach time, archery, and campfire. Share delicious meals
                                                                         cooked by our camp chefs and meaningful worship time
                                                                          prepared by our creative staff. Our Fourth of July Family
                                                                        Camp is a tradition decades old and one of the most well
                                                                         attended of the family camps, with many ready to share
 August 5-7, 2022                                                                  old memories and make new ones.
                                                                       $217 Adult | $175 Youth 5-17 | $0 Child 0-4 | $800 Household Max
           Grand Camp
                                                                                           Register online at
Make family memories that will last
through generations. From crafts to                                              Check-in and check-out time are listed on the website.
 hikes, from s’mores to sandcastles,

                                                                                 September 2-5, 2022
   all of the fun experiences we’ve
prepared are just a part of the ways
young and old will have meaningful
time together. Our staff is excited to                                              Labor Day family camp
  share these adventures, to guide
    and serve, and to get to know                                             Get away with the family this holiday for restful fun
  grandparents and grandchildren.                                             on the Oregon Coast. Get to know other families as
This is a time for family to get closer,                                      you share in fun Magruder activities like swimming,
to grow, to encounter God together.                                            boating, crafts, beach time, archery, and campfire.
                                                                             Share delicious meals cooked by our camp chefs and
  $161 Adult | $117.50 Youth 5-17 | $0 Child 0-4                              meaningful worship time prepared by our creative
                                                                               staff. Our Labor Day Family camp is meant to be a
                                                                            laid-back experience for families looking for enjoyable
                                                                                adventures just before school starts and the rain
                                                                            returns. There are lots of laughs to be had, new friends
                                                                                       to know, and memories to be made.
                                                                      10 $217 Adult | $175 Youth 5-17 | $0 Child 0-4 | $800 Household Max
Sawtooth Camp*
Leave the busy, noisy world behind and share with your group a peaceful, profound experience
deep in the Sawtooth Mountains. You will be walking in the valley where Native Americans,
explorers, miners, adventurers, and sportsmen have enjoyed a wilderness experience for
                            Mike Pletcher, Site Director ~
                                               PO Box 68 ~ Fairfield, ID 83327

july 10-16, 2022                                                            Whether you are a first time or experienced camper,
Elementary camp                                                             there are always new things to do, places to explore,
Counselors will accompany Elementary campers through                        friends to meet and God’s love to celebrate. Our
games, activities, meals, new friendships, evening                          counselors share the same love for this great space as
campfires, worship, and be sure they rest well at the end
of the evening.                                                             the campers, as many have been campers themselves!
Completed grades 3rd - 6th | Subsidized Rate: $398 | Full Rate: $448        Everyone will be met with kindness and creativity from
                                                                            our gifted staff, who show what it means that God’s
july 17-23, 2022                                                            grace is present in our camp.

Junior High Camp                                                            Sawtooth Camp offers you the opportunity to be a part

Camp is a fun and accepting place for junior high students                  of the great outdoors God has created. There is time to
to grow, mature, and create friendships. Come make new                      hike, bike, swim, be silly, craft, eat & learn all while
friends at camp!                                                            enjoying the rolling hills and endless sky. Enjoy
Completed grades 6th-8th | Subsidized Rate: $398 | Full Rate: $448
                                                                            breathtaking valleys, awesome mountains and a crystal-

July 24-30, 2022                                                            clear river.

Senior High Camp                                                                   Register by May 5th for $25 Early Bird Discount.
                                                                                 A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to register.
Join other teens for a week of fun with old and new                                        Register online at
friends. Come and find a place you can be yourself and                               Check-in is 3-4pm on the first day of camp.
explore what you believe right next to other people
                                                                                     Check-out is 9:30am on the last day of camp.
doing the same.
Completed grades 9th-12th | Subsidized Rate: $398 | Full Rate: $448
Suttle Lake Camp*
                         Nestled on the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains fourteen miles
west of Sisters, Suttle Lake Camp is a special place where the vivid green of Western Oregon
mingles with the sunny beauty of the east side. Whether you are a camper seeking a fun, faith-
filled experience or looking for a quality retreat space for your church, school, non-profit, or
community organization, you’ll find a warm welcome here and a comfortable space for
        Jane and Daniel Petke, Site Directors ~ (541) 595-6663 ~
                          29551 Suttle Lake Road ~ Sisters, Oregon 97759

         june 26-july 1, 2022                                                        june 26-july 1, 2022
     Elementary Adventure camp                                                     Mid-High Adventure Camp
    Elementary Adventure Camp is rooted in Christian                             Mid-High Adventure Camp is rooted in Christian
  community and outdoor adventures. Together we will                         community and outdoor adventures. Together we will
  experience God’s love through the beauty of creation,                    experience God’s love through the beauty of creation, new
 new friends and caring mentors while going on outdoor                         friends and caring mentors while going on outdoor
  adventures. You can look forward to things adventure                        adventures. You can look forward to adventures like
like hiking, an extended canoe trip, team building on the                   whitewater rafting, rock climbing, hiking, sleeping under
  challenge course, an overnight camp-out, archery, and                     the stars, team building on the challenge course, on-site
more. During our adventures we will learn new skills like                   activities at camp, and more. Along the way we will have
 knot tying, shelter building, fire safety, navigation, leave-             opportunities to strengthen skills and values like patience,
  no-trace ethics, and wilderness first aid. Along the way                     flexibility, perseverance, compassion, and courage.
   we will have opportunities to strengthen values like                    Throughout the week scriptures will guide us in exploring
 patience, flexibility, and courage. Throughout the week                   the natural world and growing closer to God our Creator.
  scriptures will guide us in exploring the natural world
          and growing closer to God our Creator.                           Please note: Campers registering for this event should be
                                                                           physically and mentally prepared for adventure activities.
Completed grades 3rd - 6th | Subsidized Rate: $545| Full Rate: $615        Information on activities and requirements is available on
         Register by May 5th for $25 Early Bird Discount.                                         the website.
       A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to register.
                                                                           Completed grades 6th-11th | Subsidized Rate: $599 | Full Rate: $659
                Register online at
           Check-in is 3-4pm on the first day of camp.
            Check-out is 10am on the last day of camp.

july 18-23,
                                                                                                             Summer Camp
              july 18-23, 2022
                                                                             Mid-High Camp at Suttle Lake combines traditional
                                                                                camp activities with meaningful experiences in
                                                                             Christian community. There are canoes and kayaks,
                Elementary Week 1                                            hammocks, hiking trails, tie dye, gaga ball, archery,
       a partnership event with the Episcopal Diocese of                       and more, ready to be enjoyed with new and old
      Oregon and the United Methodist Church of Oregon &                      friends. Caring counselors will help provide a safe,
                            Idaho)                                           supportive environment to try new things, explore
Completed grades 3rd - 5th | Subsidized Rate: $545| Full Rate: $615                the natural world and explore our faith.

              july 26-30, 2022
                                                                             Each day, activities are grounded in scripture as we begin
                                                                             and end the day with worship. This year's theme is "This is

               Elementary Week 2                                                 Our Prayer". Daily themes will guide explorations of
                                                                             longings and concerns common to all people, regardless
Completed grades 3rd - 5th | Subsidized Rate: $439 | Full Rate: $494           of their beliefs or background. As people of faith, we'll
 Summer Camp is a residential (sleep away) camp                              explore scripture and prayer practices that connect us to
 for children and youth. Summer Camp combines                                  God in times of struggle and in times of joy. Music, art,
     traditional camp activities with meaningful                              reflection, and discussion will enrich our journey was we
  experiences in Christian community. On arrival,                                                   learn together.
  campers are welcomed by their counselors into                             Completed grades 6th-11th | Subsidized Rate: $545| Full Rate: $615
their camp group which include their cabin group
and others of similar ages. These camp groups are
  intentionally arranged by age level to provide a
 safe, supportive environment where campers can
    try new things, explore the natural world and
 practice working with others. As one camper put
it, “Suttle Lake Camp is where I can be myself and
  know that people will accept me and love me.”

                                                                                          july 26-31, 2022
 JUly 26-29,                                                                     High School Leadership Camp
    2022                                                                      This week of camp combines fun, learning, and Christian
                                                                              community to support interested high school students in
                                                                             developing leadership skills. Together we will gain insights
 Intro Summer                                                               on what it means to be a leader, group dynamics and how to
     Camp                                                                    influence them as a leader, developmental stages, cultural
                                                                              awareness, ways to communicate, the power of listening,
                                                                            spiritual formation, trauma informed care, self-care practices
     This event is a slightly abbreviated version of the full                  for leaders, safety awareness (including Safe Sancturary
   Elementary Camp Week 2 for those who prefer a shorter                      practices), worship planning, and more. Throughout the
                     time away from home.                                    week we'll get some real-life experience and practice in the
                                                                              context of camp. The week will include time to play and
     Throughout the week, campers are given options of                      enjoy being at camp, as well as nurture our spirits and spend
    activities to try. Activities include swimming, boating,                                         time with God.
  crafts, field games, hiking, tie-dye, campfires, and more.
  As a group, they practice their decision-making skills to                       Caring mentors will support you through the camp
  arrive at decisions together. At the end of the week, they                 experience, as well as help you know how these skills apply
   are given options to keep trying new things or to revisit                    to other settings and identify next steps to reach your
                      their favorite activities.                                personal goals. This High School Leadership Camp is
                                                                            especially well suited for any high school student that would
     New this year: for families with a camper attending                    like to be a camp counselor. Many of the skills taught during
   Elementary Week 2 (ending on Saturday), you and your                     the camp will apply to leadership in other settings including
  Intro camper may stay Friday night at Suttle Lake Camp!                       church leadership, school leadership, and community
   Additional fees: 1 night lodging = $50/cabin, $11/lunch,                                           leadership.
    $12/ dinner and $10/breakfast. Meals are optional, and
                                                                            Due to the unique nature of this camp event, an application
    lodging and meals may be added during registration.
                                                                                is required. All applications are due by July 8, 2022.
      You will need to bring bedding, etc., for the night.
 Completed grades 1st - 2nd | Subsidized Rate: $334| Full Rate: $374        Completed grades 9th-12th | Subsidized Rate: $345| Full Rate: $385
                                                                       13                   Register online at
july 6-10, 2022
         april 29-may 3, 2022                                                      Quilt Show Retreat
      Spring Quilts, Craft & More                                Love to quilt? Trying to learn how to quilt? Are you
                                                                seeking a supportive community with others? Camp
                                                                offers a natural place to relax and learn/practice this
  Enjoy a relaxed long weekend in a peaceful setting where
                                                               colorful art in a supportive environment. We will take
 you can truly immerse yourself into your favorite craft. Here
                                                                   time to sew and piece together our individual
     there are no phones or household chores to draw you
                                                                 projects, as well as enjoy the natural beauty of the
   away, only the beauty of nature and the fun of fellowship
                                                                camp and some of the festivities at the Sisters Quilt
    with others enjoying crafts too. It’s just the opportunity
                                                                 Show. Thoughout the retreat we will also share the
     you’ve been looking for to finish (or maybe start) that
                                                               fabrics that are woven together in our lives. Together
     special project! So pack your sewing machine, fabric,
                                                               we will celebrate and strengthen the spiritual threads
    beads, cross-stitching, knitting, photo albums, quilts, or
                                                               that bind us together in God. Head home renewed in
  favorite craft and join us at Suttle Lake. Whatever projects
                                                                                body, mind, and spirit.
   you choose to bring, there will also be ideas and supplies
  to try something new, as well as quiet trails to enjoy when
                                                                    Morning and evening biblical exploration and
  your ready to stretch your legs. A welcoming community,
                                                                discussions are included, as well as Sunday worship.
 the relaxed atmosphere of Wesley Meadow Lodge, flexible
                                                               Accommodations are in Wesley Meadow Lodge, while
       schedule, and casual devotions set this time apart.
                                                                       meals are served in Pioneer Dining Hall.
         $295 (Fri-Tues) | $156 (Fri-Sun or Sun-Tues)
                                                                       $295 | A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to register.
     A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to register.

september 26-october 2, 2022
fall Quilts, Craft & More retreat
 Enjoy a relaxed long weekend in a peaceful setting where
you can truly immerse yourself into your favorite craft. Here
    there are no phones or household chores to draw you
  away, only the beauty of nature and the fun of fellowship
   with others enjoying crafts too. It’s just the opportunity
    you’ve been looking for to finish (or maybe start) that
    special project! So pack your sewing machine, fabric,
   beads, cross-stitching, knitting, photo albums, quilts, or
 favorite craft and join us at Suttle Lake. Whatever projects
  you choose to bring, there will also be ideas and supplies
                                                                                october 2-7, 2022
 to try something new, as well as quiet trails to enjoy when
 your ready to stretch your legs. A welcoming community,             Transformations Prayer Retreat
the relaxed atmosphere of Wesley Meadow Lodge, flexible               35th Annual Transformations Prayer Retreat, led by Rev.
      schedule, and casual devotions set this time apart.                     Kate Conolly and Rev. Michael Powell
                                                                     The Transformations Prayer Retreat blends contemplation
         $295 (Fri-Tues) | $156 (Fri-Sun or Sun-Tues)
     A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to register.
                                                                     and community. Emphasis is on the communal sharing of
                                                                        the sacraments, with ample time for the solitude of
                                                                      prayer, meditation, and reflection. Come apart to renew
                                                                         your spirit and re-center yourself through time in
            august 18-21, 2022                                         Christian community and intentional time with God.

        Strength for the Journey                                     The Prayer Retreat is structured so that your days can be
                                                                         custom-made to provide you with the rhythm of
    A four-day clean and sober retreat opportunity for
                                                                     community, solitude, and worship you need for spiritual
   individuals living with HIV /AIDS. Surrounded by the
                                                                       renewal, with three worship experiences each day,
   beauty of Suttle Lake, and supported by a loving and
                                                                                   grounded in daily scripture.
   accepting community, participants will be invited to
   reflect, to rest, and to gain Strength for the Journey.
                                                                        $295 | A $75 non-refundable deposit is required to register.
    The Strength for the Journey Retreat is open to any
            person with an HIV/AIDS diagnosis.
                                                                                    Register online at
      $25-$165 sliding scale
                                                                          Check-in and check-out time are listed on the website.

2022                                         september 2-5, 2022
              Family camp                                            100th anniversary celebration

  More information                                                      More information
   coming soon!                                                          coming soon!

                                                                              Suttle Lake Institute, 1946

                                                Register online at
                                      Check-in and check-out time are listed on the website.

                                                                                              Need a get-away?
  Winter Youth Retreats                                              Many sites offer personal, family or group retreats. Contact the
                                                                           director at your desired site for more information.
Suttle Lake Camp offers Winter Youth Retreats from
January-March. Youth groups are invited to come away to
                                                                         Alton L. Collins Retreat Center, Eagle Creek, Oregon,
the mountains to enjoy a time to play and learn together.
                                                                      Rev. Dan Benson, Director,,
Groups will enjoy stronger relationships and shared
memories, as well as connecting with other youth groups.                                     (503) 637-6411

Churches will come together for large group times for                      Camp Latgawa, Eagle Point, Oregon, Site Director,
worship and recreation. A shared message and scripture
                                                                    , (541) 826-9699
will aid individual church groups in spending small-group
times to go deeper with these reflections. Free time
opportunities will offer time to create, play, enjoy being                    Camp Magruder, Rockaway Beach, Oregon,
outside, and time to relax. Think snow and look forward                   Troy Taylor, Site Director,,
to the tubing hill, hikes by the lake, drinking hot chocolate                                  (503) 355-2310
together, and fun times.
                                                                 Sawtooth Camp, Fairfield, Idaho, Michael Pletcher, Site Director,
                                                                   (no phone)
Contact Suttle Lake Camp for
available dates, options and
pricing.                                                                              Suttle Lake Camp, Sisters, Oregon,
                                                                                     Jane and Daniel Petke, Site Directors,
                                                                                                 (541) 595-6663

                                                                                 Wallowa Lake Camp, Joseph, Oregon,
                                                                                Peggy and David Lovegren, Site Directors,
                                                                                            (541) 432-1271
Wallowa Lake Camp
                                                          Camp is not just for kids!
Adults, Families, Youth & Children, let us care for you in Christian hospitality on over 60 beautiful sacred
acres at the base of the Eagle Cap Mountains. We will provide you delicious, plentiful meals in our lodge
   or outside on our covered patio. The lodge is always open and has a 24-hour beverage bar, board
  games, puzzles and a children’s play corner. Stay in cheerful, cozy cabins with log beds and private
 bathrooms. Or stay in our charming rustic rooms or River Cabin which has a fully stocked kitchen for
                                             your own cooking.
           Peggy and David Lovegren, Site Directors ~ (541) 432-1271~
                               84522 Church Lane ~ Joseph, Oregon 97759

 may 12-15, 2022                                                                    june 1-4, 2022
                                                                                    Sacred Threads Quilters and more!
 Wise Heart Adult Retreat                                                          Come share the Sacred Threads of Life with others while doing what you
What is it your heart desires? What is the longing of your soul?
                                                                                   love: bring your own projects with you and quilt, sew, craft or just relax!
                                                                                   Cathy Treadway and Suann Rush are excited to be hosting as Deans for
The pandemic has left many of us exhausted as we have spent our energy
                                                                                   this year’s Retreat. Sacred Threads has a cherished tradition that they will
in mitigating potential illness and worrying about our loved ones. Add to
                                                                                   retain along with adding some new experiences. Past attendees and new
that the daily general anxiety of climate change and cultural polarization.
                                                                                   friends are welcome!
Allow the Wallowa mountains to call you to a time of focused renewal!              Our theme this year is “Strip to My Lou” – think of 2 ½” strips.

During this Sabbath experience you will have the opportunity to rest in            $255 Double Occupancy | $390 Single Occupancy | $155 commuter
your quiet center and nurture what longs to spring forth. We will be using
a variety of modalities that will allow us to be present to our embodied
wisdom. Some of these include: gentle yoga, meditation, journaling and         July 10-14, 2022
plenty of time to simply luxuriate in this mountain setting.
                                                                                   Grand        Camp
                                                                                   Join others while making family memories to last a lifetime! Pray, play,
Facilitator Beth Estock is a certified master leadership coach, yoga
instructor and United Methodist pastor. To find out more, go to:                   learn, create and serve while playing games, telling stories, doing crafts                                                        and being in community! Encounter God in the outdoors using “Creation
                                                                                   Speaks” curriculum. Experience light, water, earth, seasons, animals,
                                                                                   humanity and creation in a joyful week of celebration and wonder. You’ll
$399 Double Occupancy | $599 Single Occupancy | $299 Rustic
                                                                                   head home with a truly grateful heart for our Creator. This session will be
                                                                                   led by Bobbie Bourne and Reverend Debbie Pitney.

                                                                                   Stay in style at Wallowa Lake Camp in a deluxe private cabin with
                  Register online at                                bathroom, log beds, handmade quilts, linens, skylights and decks…or save
       Check-in and check-out time are listed on the website.                      $ and stay in one of our rustic rooms with use of a nice shower and toilet
                                                                                   rooms. All include delicious meals and fun programming!

                                                                                   $335 per person Deluxe Cabin | $299 per person Rustic Room (ages 3+)
August 28-September 2, 2022                                                             September 25-30, 2022

                                                                                                                                                                 Wallowa Lake Camp
        Refreshing Waters: a Clergy                                                    DETOX! Men’s Retreat: The Spiritual
             wellness retreat                                                                Path of Jesus for Men
As a clergyperson, you are expected to provide ministry and spiritual              The souls of men in the 21st century are in a crisis of “toxic masculinity”
guidance for the people of your charge. What happens when your own well            acculturated into violent, sexually exploitative, misogynistic and
runs dry and your own spiritual and emotional reserves become depleted?            racially intolerant behaviors and ways of thinking.

The Clergy Wellness retreat gives you a week of rest for your body and             2,000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth provided a cure, setting the lives of
refreshment for your soul. Combining worship, spiritual reflection, free time,     men on fire and turning the world upside down. He challenged violent
and supportive fellowship, this retreat will provide time for you to reconnect     presumptions, treated women as equals and showed men how to love
with the Divine Ground of your being and replenish the well-spring of              their enemies and serve the least-values and outcast of society. The
spiritual nurture that undergirds your ministry. At the end of the retreat, you    love of God Jesus revealed was so powerful that human history divides
will have access to a sermon video and/or a prepared sermon text to share          itself according to His life. The world needs turning, and Jesus needs
with your congregation. Come refresh your soul with Living Water.                  men whose hearts are ready for the challenge.

  $550 Double Occupancy | $790 Single Occupancy | $500 Rustic | $340 Tent/RV       $675 Double Occupancy | $1027 Single Occupancy | $500 Rustic | $325 Commuter

                                                        August 19-21, 2022
                                            100 Year Anniversary Celebration
                                                                     JOIN THE FUN!
                                                    Wallowa Lake United Methodist Camp
                                                       100 Year Anniversary Celebration!
                                                 84522 Church Lane, Joseph, Oregon 97846
                                                Friday, August 19 - Sunday, August 21, 2022

                                               Come for the night, the day or the weekend!

                              Friday 7:OOpm: Dulcimer Benefit Concert (free, donations welcome)

            Saturday 1:OOpm - evening: Activities include tours of camp, historical display, crafts, music,
                 refreshments, items for sale, silent auction, dinner, live auction, campfire and more...

           Overnight reservations include: 2 nights lodging, continental breakfasts and all of the above!
                           Contact Peggy Lovegren at / 541-432-1271

                        Price includes all guests staying in that cabin (up to the maximum allowed).
          Must be paid in advance; checks to Wallowa Lake Camp / 84522 Church Lane, Joseph, OR 97846
                                             -sorry, no refunds due to very limited capacity -

                                       One Room Deluxe Cabins: $350.00 3-5 guest maximum
                                      Two Bedroom Deluxe Cabins: $450.00 6 guest maximum
                                         Floyd White older Cabin: $450.00 7 guest maximum
                                          Rustic Rooms: $250.00 per room 8 guest maximum
                                 Quad Rooms: $ 50.00 per person (shared lodging) 7-8 maximum
                      RVs self-contained or walk to showers / tents, dry camping: $50.00 per person

                                             Day Use free, donations welcome
                        (Please register so we have #s - / 541-432-1271)

Camp and Retreat Ministries is a partnership between The
    Oregon-Idaho Conference of The United Methodist Church and
                 The Episcopal Diocese of Oregon
       *denotes sites accredited by the American Camp Association,

Photos in this catalog were taken by Anna Allen, Todd Bartlett, Maddy Hickerson, Peggy
Lovegren, Hope Montgomery, Jane Petke, Hope Smothers, Talia Jean and other amazing
volunteers and staff!

                                                                                            a publication of Oregon-Idaho Camp and Retreat Ministries
                                                                                              Executive Director                   Accountant
                                                                                              Rev. Todd Bartlett                  Geneva Cook
                                                                                         Registrar and Donor Relations   Coordinator, Episcopal Diocese
                                                                                                  Holly Dolan                      of Oregon
                                                                                                                              Rev. Carol Sedlacek
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