2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky

Page created by Henry Alvarado
2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
Descriptions and contact information
for over 40 camps

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2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
INDEX OF SUMMER CAMPS                                                                                       INDEX OF SUMMER CAMPS

Academic/Arts                                                                                                 Dungeons and Dragons Camp....................................................... 15
                                                                                                              Good Shepherd Day School Goes Around the World................... 16
    Bite-Sized China Camp..................................................................... 4
                                                                                                              JA Biztown® Summer Camp.......................................................... 16
    Bricks 4 Kidz - Summer Camps using LEGO® Bricks...................... 4
                                                                                                              Junior Master Gardener................................................................. 16
    Club SciKidz Science & Technology Camps..................................... 5
                                                                                                              Martial Arts USA Summer Camp.................................................... 16
    CREATE Art Camp............................................................................ 5
                                                                                                              Pepperhill Day School & Camp...................................................... 17
    Cut & Paste Craft Studio.................................................................. 6
                                                                                                              Walnut Hills Day School Camp Imagination................................... 18
    Explorium.......................................................................................... 6
                                                                                                              Wild Thyme Summer Cooking Camps........................................... 18
    InnOVATION Arts Academy............................................................. 6
                                                                                                              YMCA of Central Kentucky............................................................ 19
    Newton’s Attic STEM Day Camps.................................................... 7
    See Blue See STEM Summer Camp Experiences............................. 7
    Sullivan University Culinary, Medical Camps.................................... 8
    The Living Arts & Science Center..................................................... 8                   Aldersgate Camp & Retreat Center .............................................. 19
    Tutor Doctor of The Bluegrass......................................................... 9                  Blue Grass Christian Camp............................................................. 20
    UK Philosophy Camp........................................................................ 9              Camp Livingston............................................................................. 20
    UK WRD Video/Making and Video/Gaming Camps........................ 9                                      Camp Shalom................................................................................. 21
    Week of Code Summer Camp........................................................ 10                       Lexington Christian Academy’s Summer Adventure..................... 22

Athletic                                                                                                    Special Needs
    LEF Climbing Summer Camp......................................................... 10                      Lions Camp Crescendo Inc............................................................. 23
    Lexington Tennis Club All Sports Camp......................................... 11                         Talk About Fun Speech and Language Summer Clinic.................. 23
    Life Adventure Center.................................................................... 11
    The Academy-Lexington Gymnastics Cheerleading and Sports..... 12
    UK Summer Swim Camps & Clinics................................................ 12
    Urban Ninja Summer Camp............................................................ 12

    All About Kids Childcare and Learning Center.............................. 13
    Camp Co-op................................................................................... 13
    Camp Redwood.............................................................................. 13
    Canoe Kentucky............................................................................. 14
    Creation Kingdom.......................................................................... 14
    Dr. Kim’s Taekwondo Summer Camp............................................. 15

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2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                               SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

Academic/Arts                                                                                                                 Lexington, KY 40503
                                                                                                                              *3 locations in Louisville
Bite-Sized China Camp                                                                                                         Contact: Brooke Whitaker,
UKCI’s Chinese Language and Culture                                                                                           Co-Owner/Director
camp offers Chinese language and                                                                                              Phone: 502-219-2665
                                                                                    Club SciKidz Science &                    Email: brooke@clubscikidz.com
culture experiences to students in
the Lexington area. Our instructors                                                 Technology Camps
                                           Bricks 4 Kidz - Summer Camps             A STEM day camp where every child         http://www.clubscikidzkentucky.com
immerse campers in Chinese culture
through hands-on activities and
                                           using LEGO® Bricks                       is a scientist! Our camps specialize
                                           Join us for a fun-filled summer of fun   in hands-on, minds-on activities for
                                           and educational camps using LEGO®        children going into Pre-K through
This year’s theme is “Bite-sized China,”   Bricks! Our camps can hold up to 20      8th grade. We offer a large variety
focusing on one element of Chinese         children for a three-hour schedule.      of interesting camps including Video
culture each day, including food,          Campers are welcome to sign up for       Game Creation, Veterinary Medicine,
music, dance, calligraphy, painting,       morning and afternoon sessions and       Minecraft programming, Engineering,
handicrafts, games, and martial arts.      bring a lunch. We work in rotating       Space, Paleontology, Biology, Chem-
                                                                                                                              CREATE Art Camp
                                           stations of four kids for model build,                                             Camp CREATE was developed to
Ages: rising 1st-6th grades                                                         istry, Oceanography, Robotics, drones
                                           free play, mosaics, games, crafts or                                               provide arts enrichment and learning
Dates: June 3-7                                                                     and much more!
                                           activities. All campers get to take                                                activities for children ages 4-12. Our
Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                                                                Each camp inspires interest in science    unique camp is full of playful experi-
                                           home a customized mini-figure at the
Cost: $150/week                                                                     and technology by involving kids in       mentation of art processes and
                                           end of the week.
UK discount: 10% early registration                                                 the creation of hands-on experiments      materials. We encourage individual
discount through April 12                  Ages: 5-13                               and take-home projects. Many of our       expression and imaginative explo-
Location: UK Confucius Institute           Dates: May 29-August 13                  camps have expertise of visiting pro-     ration of each child’s artistic ideas.
                                           Times: 9 a.m.-noon and/or 1-4 p.m.,      fessionals too. For example, campers      Please join us for a fun-filled summer!
Little Fine Arts Library, Lower Level
                                           supervised lunch with extended day       will hear from actual veterinarians and
160 Patterson Dr., Lexington, KY                                                                                              Ages: 4-12
                                           options available                        crime scene investigators for Emer-
40506                                                                               gency Vet and CSI camps. We also          Dates: June 3-7 Cardboard Creations
Contact: Carrie Wheeler, K-12              Cost: Daily: $35 half-day/$60 full-day                                             June 10-14 Sew Much Fun
                                                                                    incorporate recreational time to allow
Program Coordinator                        Weekly: $160 half-day/$250 full-day                                                June 17-21 Fairies and Unicorns
                                                                                    brain breaks and friendship building,
Phone: 859-218-4071                        Extended day option: +$5/day/child                                                 June 24-28 Slime and Potions
                                                                                    ensuring the best time for your child.
Email: cawhee2@uky.edu                     UK discount: 5%                                                                    July 8-12 Under the Sea
                                           Location: Best Brains Learning Center    Ages: PreK - 8th grades
http://international.uky.edu/UKCI/                                                  Dates: Lexington Camp Dates:              July 15-19 DIY Designer
                                           3101 Clays Mill Road, Ste. 106                                                     July 22-26 Dollhouse
K12/Students/Camps                                                                  June 10-14, July 15-19, July 22-26
                                           Lexington, KY 40503                                                                July 29-Aug. 2 Art Lab
                                           Contact: Tracy Morris, Owner             Louisville Camp Dates:
                                                                                    June 10-August 2, excluding week          Aug. 5-9 Mixed Media Mania
                                           Phone: 859-433-1515                                                                Times: full-day 9 a.m.-4 p.m., half-day
                                           Email: tmorris@bricks4kidz.com           of July 4th
                                                                                    Times: Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.             9 a.m.-noon. Extended day options
                                           https://www.bricks4kidz.com/                                                       available
                                                                                    Extended day options available
                                           kentucky-lexington-georgetown/                                                     Cost: full-day $250, half-day $150
                                           summer-camps                             Cost: $265+
                                                                                    UK discount: $20 off                      UK discount: 10% off
                                                                                    Location: Mary Queen of the Holy          Location: 193 Kentucky Ave,
                                                                                    Rosary School, 605 Hill N Dale Rd,        Lexington, KY 40502
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2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                             SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

Contact: Sydney Cox, Owner                 •  Animals, Animals, Animals
Phone: 859-429-1594                        •  Under The Big Top
Email: info@createstudioky.com             •  Science Spectacular
www.creatstudioky.com                      •  Party In The USA
                                           •  Castles and Catapults
                                           •  The Classics
                                                                                                                            See Blue See STEM Summer
                                           •  Blast From The Past                                                           Camp Experiences
                                                                                  Newton’s Attic STEM Camps                 A collaboration with the UK Colleges
                                           •  Adventures In Wonderland            Newton’s Attic offers a wide range        of Education, Engineering, and
                                           •  Fantastic Beasts and Where To       of STEM (Science, Technology,             Arts & Sciences, the See Blue See
                                              Find Them                           Engineering & Math) day camps in the      STEM Summer Experiences’ goal is to
                                         Ages: PreK-5th grade                     areas of robotics, aerospace, rocketry,   expose students to a variety of positive
Cut & Paste Craft Studio                 Dates: Weekly, May 28-Aug 9              chemistry, electrical and mechanical      learning experiences and career
Join us at Cut & Paste for a summer      Times: Drop-off starts at 8 a.m.,        pre-engineering, and computer pro-        options in the STEM fields. The
full of creative fun! Explore animals,   pick-up is no later than 5:30 p.m.       gramming. Newton’s Attic classes are      week-long day camps are designed to
create fashion, design a dollhouse or    Cost: full-day: $225/wk;                 project based with small class sizes      help students explore and integrate
a tree house, and decorate your room.                                             and personalized instruction.             the STEM disciplines through
                                         half-day: $115/wk
We have week-long and one-day                                                     Ages: 1st-10th grades; Dark Planet        authentic hands-on projects and
                                         Location: 440 W Short Street,
camps available for ages 5 and up.                                                                                          real-world applications.
                                         Lexington, KY 40507                      sessions for 6th-8th and 9th-12th
Ages: Each camp has its own age          Contact: Kalli Turner,                   Dates: Weekly, May 28- Aug. 16            Ages: STEM Camp: rising 2nd-8th
range. Most week-long camps are for      Education Director                       Times: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. full-day;            grades
ages 6 and up, while most one-day        Phone: 859-258-3253                      morning and afternoon half-day            Robotics Camp: rising 5th-8th grades
camps are for ages 5 and up.             Email: turner@explorium.com              options available; extended day           ChemCamp: rising 9-12th grades
Dates: June 3-August 9                                                            options available                         Dates: STEM Camp: June 3-7, 10-14,
Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                                                              Cost: half-day $195 - $225/wk;            or 17-21
Cost: Week-long camps: $170-$200;                                                 full-day $390 - $475/wk                   Robotics Camp: June 3-7
one-day camps: $40-$50;                  InnOVATION Arts Academy                  UK discount: 5% tuition, 10% sibling      ChemCamp: June 17-21
Sibling discount.                        Ages: 3-18                               discount, and no early drop-off fee       Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; extended day
Location: 220 Ruccio Way, Ste. 180,      Dates: July 1-6; July 15-20,             Location: Main campus: 4974 Old           options available
Lexington, KY 40503                      July 22-Aug 3; June dates pending        Versailles Road, Lexington, KY;           Cost: $250/week
Contact: Laurie Evans, Owner             Times: 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m., with half-day   Three weeks of day camps at the           Location: UK campus
Phone: 859-489-5273                      options for some camps                   Georgetown Campus of BCTC in June         Contact: Margaret Mohr-Schroeder,
Email: info@cutandpastecraftstudio.com   Cost: $150/wk half-days                  and July, with classes and dates TBD;     Co-Director
                                         $275/wk full-days                        Multiple sessions of Dark Planet, an      Phone: 859-285-0147
camps                                    $475/2 weeks                             overnight engineering adventure           Email: seebluestemcamp@gmail.com
                                         Location: 2670 Wilhite Drive,            program at Aradyn in Wolfe County
                                         Lexington, KY 40503                                                                https://education.uky.edu/stem/camp
                                                                                  (more info at www.DarkPlanet.info).
Explorium                                Contact: Mary Joy Nelson,                Contact: Dawn Cloyd, Director of
Eleven weeks of various camps,           Executive Director                       Community Outreach
including:                               Phone: 859-489-2683                      Phone: 859-368-7334
    • Blasting Through Summer            Email: innovationarts.lex@gmail.com      Email: NewtonsAttic@gmail.com
    • Creative Construction              https://www.innovationarts.org           https://www.newtonsattic.org
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2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                             SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

Sullivan University Culinary,                                                                                              UK WRD Video/Making and
Medical Camps                                                                                                              Video/Gaming Camps
High school students may choose                                                                                            Video/Making and Video/Gaming
from a variety of camps: Culinary,                                                                                         Camp is a place for kids to learn
Advanced Culinary, Baking & Pastry,                                               Tutor Doctor of The Bluegrass            about and explore their creativity with
Advanced Baking & Pastry, Cyber-                                                  Tutor Doctor offers summer learning      digital technology. During this camp
security, Graphic Design, Interior       The Living Arts & Science                in a one-to-one environment. We also     kids will expand abilities and deepen
Design, Vex Robotics, Web Develop-                                                                                         their understanding about how digital
ment and Medical Camp. Because
                                         Center                                   offer ACT test prep classes over the
                                                                                                                           video and gaming technologies
                                         Watch creativity grow with nine          summer.
these are overnight camps, housing,                                                                                        function in the world around them.
                                         week-long summer camps for kids          Ages: All
food, supplies for camp and evening                                                                                        They make their own videos and
                                         preschool to high school. Lego robots    Dates: Customized to fit your schedule
activities are included in the price!                                                                                      games to tell stories and express
                                         in the morning and cooking from the
We also have a Pharmacy Day Camp                                                  Times: Customized to fit your schedule   ideas. Campers learn not only how to
                                         garden in the afternoon! Students
for high school students at the Louis-                                            Cost: Plans are customized and vary      use the technology, but how to use
                                         have the opportunity to immerse
ville campus during a separate week.                                              Location: Your home or wherever          rhetoric to communicate their ideas
                                         themselves in an amazing variety
                                                                                  your needs can best be met               in effective and substantive ways.
Ages: 9th-12th grades                    of classes with full-day and half-day
                                         schedules available. Lunch period is     Contact: Suzanne Phillips, Owner         Ages: 10-14
Dates: June 9-14, overnight camp
                                         included for full-day students, BYOL     Phone: 859-321-4635                      Dates: WRD Video/Making Camp:
June 22-26, Pharmacy day camp
                                         (bring your own lunch). Free time pro-   Email: sphillips@tutordoctor.com         June 17-21
Times: Overnight camp is Sunday,
                                         vided outdoors when weather permits.     www.tutordoctor.com/bluegrass            WRD Video/Gaming Camp:
June 9 in the afternoon through
                                         Ages: 3-18                                                                        June 24-28
Friday, June 14 in the afternoon.
                                         Dates: Weekly, June 3-August 2                                                    Times: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Cost: $900 - Culinary, Advanced                                                   UK Philosophy Camp
                                         Times: 9 a.m.-noon and 1 p.m.-4 p.m.;                                             Cost: $200/camp; $50 discount for
Culinary, Baking & Pastry, Advanced                                               The philosophy department at UK is
                                         extended day from 7:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m.;                                            siblings or multiple camps
Baking & Pastry                                                                   putting on its annual philosophy camp
                                         supervised lunch                         for high schoolers! We will explore      Location: University of Kentucky
$545 - Cybersecurity, Graphic Design,
                                         Cost: Price varies per class             different topics in philosophy and       Computer Lab (TBD)
Interior Design, Medical, Vex Robotics
                                         UK discount: Free family membership      apply them to everyday experiences       Contact: Joshua Abboud,
and Web Development
                                         Location: The Living Arts & Science      and situations. As always, we offer      Assistant Professor in Writing,
UK discount: Register before March
                                         Center                                   our camp at NO COST to students          Rhetoric, and Digital Studies
15 for a discount of $100 on overnight
                                         Contact: Kristin Voskuhl,                or families. It is our mission to make   Phone: 859-257-8337
camps. (Pharmacy Camp is not
                                         Director of Marketing and Sales          philosophy interesting and accessible    Email: j.abboud@uky.edu
included in this offer)
                                         Phone: 859-252-5222                      for people of all backgrounds.
Location: Sullivan Louisville and                                                                                          https://wrd.as.uky.edu/video-camp
Lexington campuses                       Email: kvoskuhl@lasclex.org              Ages: 9th-12th graders
Contact: Michele Faught,                 http://www.LASCLEX.org                   Dates: July 8-12
High School Representative                                                        Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Phone: 859-608-6267                                                               Cost: No cost, donations welcome
Email: mfaught@sullivan.edu                                                       Location: UK campus
                                                                                  Contact: Lauren Dickey,
                                                                                  PGSA President
                                                                                  Phone: 727-244-4293
                                                                                  Email: lauren.dickey@uky.edu
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2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                               SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

                                            Cost: $495/week
                                            UK discount: Thanks to our sponsor,
                                            Verizon, we can offer some partial
                                            scholarships. For more information,
                                            contact info@awesomeincu.com.           Lexington Tennis Club                     Life Adventure Center
                                            Location: 348 E Main St, Lexington,     All Sports Camp                           Safe, fun & challenging – outdoor
                                            KY 40507                                The Lexington Tennis Club is offering     high adventure day camp includes
Week of Code Summer Camp                    Contact: Ross Ladenburger,              Summer Sports Camps for children          horsemanship, climbing, zip lines,
What if your child spent their summer       Marketing Manager                       going into 1st grade through 8th          canoeing, swimming, archery and
learning to make apps instead of play-                                              grade. Activities include Tennis, Swim-   more in a beautiful, 575-acre natural
                                            Phone: 859-960-4600
ing them? This camp, designed for                                                   ming, Basketball, Ball Sports, Fitness/   setting, only 20 minutes from Lexing-
10- to15-year-old students, introduces                                              Gym and more.                             ton. More than a mere fun recreation
the fundamentals of coding. Students        ross.ladenburger@awesomeinc.org
                                                                                    We are a weekly camp that focuses         (and make no mistake – we have a
will create websites, mobile apps, and      https://www.awesomeincu.com/                                                      TON of fun!) our highly trained and
                                                                                    on tennis along with introduction of
video games all while having fun with       weekofcode                                                                        certified staff guide your camper
                                                                                    other sports and activities to create
our energetic team.                                                                                                           through adventures specifically
                                                                                    a fun atmosphere while empowering
By the end of the week, each student                                                youth with skills, values and expe-       designed to build confidence, resil-
will have built at least one web page,      Athletic                                riences they need to be happy and         ience, positive communication and
app, and video game using program-                                                  successful. We offer full- and half-day   leadership skills – skills for life!
ming languages like HTML, CSS,                                                      camps with tennis in the morning and      American Camp Association
JavaScript, Arduino w/C++, and                                                      afternoon along with different            Accredited.
Unity 3D w/C#. The camp is kept                                                     afternoon sports daily.                   Ages: 8-16
small to ensure everyone gets focused                                                                                         Dates:
attention and learns at their pace.                                                 Ages: Rising 1st-8th graders
                                                                                    Dates: Weekly, June 3-August 5            Session 1: June 17-21 (Ages 8-12)
More than just coding - Week of Code                                                                                          Session 2: July 8-12 (Ages 8-12)
                                                                                    Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
boosts creativity, logical thinking         LEF Climbing Summer Camp                                                          Session 3: July 15-19 (Ages 13-16)
                                                                                    Cost: Full-day $196/wk;
skills, and brain power! In addition to     Learn not only the fundamentals of
                                                                                    half-day $100/wk                          Times: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; extended
programming time aside, campers             rock climbing but also participate in
                                                                                    Location: 410 Redding Road                day available
will interact with our upbeat team          team building activities and create
                                            fun crafts!                             Lexington, KY 40517                       Cost: Sessions 1 and 2: $425
for unplugged activities and games.
Week of Code is a blend of computer                                                 Contact: Brooks Lundy,                    Session 3: $495
                                            Ages: 6-12                                                                        UK discount: $30 off
programming, problem-solving, and                                                   General Manager
                                            Dates: Weekly, June 10-August 9                                                   Location: 570 Milner Road,
teamwork!                                                                           Phone: 859-509-9707
                                            Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                                                              Versailles KY 40383
Ages: 10-15 (If your child is not in that                                           Email: lblundy1@gmail.com
                                            Cost: $225/week                                                                   Contact: Tim Magill,
age range but wants to participate,         Location: 916 N Broadway,               http://www.ltctennis.com
                                                                                                                              Executive Director
please send an email to info@aweso-         Lexington, KY 40505                                                               Phone: 859-873-271
meincu.com)                                 Contact: Heather Carpenter,                                                       Email: tim@lifeadventurecenter.org
Dates: June 10-13, June 17-20, July         Director of Marketing
8-11, or July 15-18                                                                                                           http://www.lifeadventurecenter.org
                                            Phone: 859-339-9724
Times: 1-5 p.m.; early drop-off             Email: heather@lefclimbing.com
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2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                            SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

                                        Location: Lancaster Aquatic Center,      General                                    an interesting plant on our wonderful
                                        University of Kentucky                                                              playground.
                                        Contact: Emily Lyden,                                                               Ages: 3-8
                                        Director of Operations                                                              Dates: June 3‐June 13: “Gak and
                                        Phone: 859-537-7272                                                                 Slime and Bubbles, Oh My!”
                                        Email: emily.lyden@uky.edu                                                          June 17‐June 27: “Outrageous Art”
                                        https://ukathletics.com/                                                            July 8‐July 18: “Scientific Explorers”
The Academy - Lexington                 news/2018/12/21/2019-kentucky-                                                      July 22‐August 1: “Storytellers and
                                        swimming-diving-summer-camps.aspx        All About Kids Childcare and
Gymnastics Cheerleading                                                                                                     Music Makers”
                                                                                 Learning Center                            Times: Monday-Thursday,
and Sports                                                                       STEM camp for school-aged students,
We offer Gymnastics, Cheerleading,                                                                                          9 a.m.-noon or 1 p.m.-4 p.m.
                                                                                 with two weekly field trips
ALL Sports, Dance, and Circus camps.                                                                                        Cost: $100/4 days of session;
                                                                                 Ages: 6-12                                 $200/8 days of session
Ages: 4-11
                                                                                 Dates: Follows local school schedules      UK discount: 10% early registration
Dates: Day after Fayette County
                                                                                 Times: 6:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.                 discount through April 12
schools end until the day they begin
                                                                                 Cost: $190/week                            Location: 3564 Clays Mill Road
in the fall
                                                                                 UK discount: 50% off registration fee      Lexington, KY 40503
Times: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; early drop-off
                                        Urban Ninja Summer Camps                 Location: 695 Vincent Way                  Contact: Mary Brenzel,
                                        Are your kids functionally fit and       Lexington, KY 40503                        Executive Director
Cost: $125/week, plus activity fees
                                        capable of handling an emergency         Contact: Stefanie Tarter, Owner            Phone: 859-276-6350
UK discount: 10% off tuition
                                        like a zombie apocalypse? How well       Phone: 513-266-8079                        Email: info@coopschool.org
Location: 3500 Arbor Drive, Lexington
                                        can they climb fences, leap over         Email: stefanie.tarter@uky.edu             http://www.coopschool.org
Contact: John Ireland, Owner
                                        obstacles, and drag their wounded        https://allaboutkidslclexington.com/
Phone: 859-361-3217
                                        friends to safety? Our camps will
Email: lexgym@aol.com                   teach them how while having lots of
http://www.theacademylex.com            fun and making new friends!! Camps
                                        start at $15/session all summer long.
                                                                                                                            Camp Redwood
UK Summer Swim Camps                    Ages: 5-14                                                                          Camp Redwood offers a hands-on,
and Clinics                             Dates: June 3-August 9                                                              active-learning summer camp expe-
Elite swim camps and clinics for all    Times: 9 a.m.-3 p.m., extended day                                                  rience that aligns with the Redwood
swimmers.                               option available until 6 p.m.                                                       model of learning through play and
                                        Cost: $30/day, $15/half-day,             Camp Co-op                                 exploration. Our discovery-driven,
Ages: 8-18                                                                       Camp Co-op will offer lots of fun this
                                        $120/week if registered by March 15                                                 fun and engaging summer camp for
Dates: Camps: June 2-6, June 6/7,                                                summer. The teachers plan many
                                        UK discount: $50 off                                                                children’s active minds and bodies
June 9-13, June 13/14;                                                           hands-on activities in science, art,
                                        Location: 1820 Bryan Station Rd.,                                                   is the perfect place for your child to
Clinics: June 20, June 27, July 2,                                               nature, cooking, music, drama, and
                                        Lexington, KY 40505                                                                 spend their summer days!
July 11                                                                          literature which can be explored at
                                        Contact: Susan Sharpe, Manager           varying levels by children. Each session   Camp Redwood will utilize the
Times: All day
                                        Phone: 866-923-5569 ext 1                has a theme, but there is always time      beautiful and wooded Redwood
Cost: Varies                                                                                                                Campus, in a safe and nurturing
                                        Email: lexington@urbanninjaproject.com   for lots of free play, for reading a
UK discount: $50 off                                                                                                        environment where you can feel great
                                        https://lexington.urbanninjaproject.     book in the shade, or for examining
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2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                             SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

about leaving your children in capable                                            Locations: Creation Kingdom
hands. Much of the day will be spent                                              McConnell’s Trace and
on the playgrounds, the fields and                                                Creation Kingdom Bracktown
grounds. Classrooms and the gym                                                   Contact: Rebecca Kloth
will be utilized when it is necessary                                             Phone: 859-255-0193
to have an inside space. We want
                                                                                                                           Dungeons and Dragons Camp
                                                                                  Email: director.mcconnell@cre-           Plaid Elephant Props is thrilled to offer
children to experience a summer of
                                                                                  ationkingdom.com                         our Dungeons and Dragons Summer
fun and games in the great outdoors!
                                                                                  http://www.creationkingdom.com           Camps once again. Each week in
Making memories and building friend-
                                                                                                                           June and July, Plaid Elephant offers
ships will be the focus of our weeks as   Canoe Kentucky                                                                   age-appropriate adventures for kids
we move through exciting weekly camp      Day and overnight adventure camps
themes, as well as specialty camps.
                                                                                  Dr. Kim’s Taekwondo                      and teens. This year we are expand-
                                          Ages: 5-15 ; Counselor In Training      Summer Camp                              ing the camp selection to include a
Ages: 3 -rising 6th grades                program for 16+                         Our popular full-day summer camp         Dungeon Master 101 and a Miniature
Dates: June 10-14; June 17-21;            Dates: Weekly, May-August               focuses on both physical and mental      Painting camp in addition to the more
June 24-28; July 1-5; July 8-12,          Times: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.,             wellness with different themes weekly.   traditional adventure sessions. Most
July 15-19; July 22-26; July 29-Aug. 2    later pick-up if needed                                                          camps are one week long; howev-
                                                                                  Our program provides everyday
Times: 7:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. half-day;     Cost: $275-$450 (varies by camp)                                                 er, after reviewing the feedback we
                                                                                  Taekwondo practice with self defense,
7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. full-day                                                                                               received last year, the camps for older
                                          Location: meeting location in           form, sparring and demonstration and
7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. full-day plus                                                                                         adventurers have a two-week option.
                                          Frankfort, KY at Cove Springs Park;     includes a pool party, quiet study-
                                                                                                                           Detailed descriptions of each camp
Cost: currently enrolled Redwood          pick-up and drop-off service in         ing time, rock climbing and obstacle
                                                                                                                           can be found on the website. Come
students: half-day - $150;                Lexington and Versailles                courses.
                                                                                                                           out and join in the adventure!
full-day - $200; full-day plus - $230     Contact: Chris Howard,                  It is so fun and educational that kids
non-Redwood students: half-day- $165;                                                                                      Ages: 5-18 (camps vary)
                                          Outreach coordinator                    absolutely love our summer camp!
full-day - $215; full-day plus - $245                                                                                      Dates: June 3-7: Little Adventurers
                                          Phone: 502-227-4492                     Ages: 5-12
Location: Redwood Cooperative                                                                                              (ages 5-7)
                                          Email: chris@canoeky.com                Dates: Weekly, June 3-7, June 10-14,
School, 166 Crestwood Dr.,                                                                                                 June 10-14: Custom Miniature Camp
                                          http://www.canoeky.com                  June 17-21, June 24-28                   (ages 10-18)
Lexington, KY 40503
                                                                                  July 8-12, July 15-19, July 22-26,       June 17-21: Adventurers Guild
Contact: Sarah Cummins, Director
                                          Creation Kingdom                        July 29-August 2                         (ages 8-11)
Phone: 859-273-4496
                                          We run with the Fayette County          Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                     June 24-28: Dungeon Master 101
Email: scummins@redwoodcoop.org
                                          school schedule. Camp Kingdom will      Cost: $200/week ($225 after April 28),   Camp (ages 8-18)
http://www.redwoodcoop.org                run from May 29 through the first day   $20 discount for additional children     July 8-12 & July 15-19: Heroes of the
                                          of school. It is a summer-long          UK discount: 10% Early Registration      Realm (ages 12-14)
                                          program with field trips every week     discount through April 12                July 22-26 & July 29-Aug. 2: Legendary
                                          and educational activities.             Location: Dr. Kim’s World Taekwondo      Heroes (ages 15-18)
                                          Ages: 5 (post-Kindergarten)-12          Academy, 3601 Palomar Centre Drive,      Times: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
                                          Dates: May 29-Aug. 15                   Lexington, KY 40513                      Cost: June 3-June 28: $175/week
                                          Times: 6 a.m.-6 p.m.                    Contact: Dr. Tiger Kim,                  July 8-Aug. 2: $190/week or $300 for
                                          Cost: $185/week                         Owner/ Grandmaster                       the 2-week session
                                          UK discount: 10% off                    Phone: 859-333-5882                      Location: Unitarian Universalist
                                                                                  Email: tigerkimtkd@yahoo.com             Church of Lexington, 3564 Clays Mill
                                                                                  http://www.tigerkimtkd.com               Road, Lexington, Ky 40503
14                                                                                                                                                             15
2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                                   SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

Contact: Mike Sanders, Owner/Artist         But it’s much more than that! JA            Times: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Phone: 615-6180-4514                        BizTown Camp is an indoor, academic         Cost: $175 members*;
Email: plaidelephantprops@gmail.com         camp that combines classroom-style          $200 non-members
                                            teaching with hands-on activities. Kids     *Kentucky Children’s Garden and           Pepperhill Day School
                                            will discover the real-life opportunities
com/camps.html                                                                          Friends of The Arboretum members          and Camp
                                            available in the free enterprise system,    Location: The Arboretum, 500 Alumni       Pepperhill is an exceptional place for
                                            as they become business operators,
                                                                                        Dr., Lexington, KY 40504                  FUN AND ADVENTURE! Campers
Good Shepherd Day School                    taxpayers and consumers for the day.
                                                                                        Contact: Jackie Gallimore,                encounter new friends, great camp
Goes Around the World                       Ages: 4th-6th grades                        Education Manager and Kentucky            counselors and experienced admin-
During our seven-week camp, our             Dates: June 10-14 & July 8-12               Children’s Garden Manager                 istrative staff. Children also engage
children will take an imaginary trip        Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.                                                                  in individual activities to develop
                                                                                        Phone: 859-257-9339
around the world to experience how          Cost: $200/week; $50 discount for                                                     self-confidence, and group activities
                                                                                        Email: jackie.gallimore@uky.edu
different cultures celebrate through        second child in family                                                                to develop respect for others. They
dance, food and fun.                                                                    https://arboretum.ca.uky.edu/con-         are able to enjoy the wide open
                                            UK discount: 20% off                        tent/upcoming-programs                    spaces and the natural surroundings
Ages: 3 (potty-trained)-6                   Location: Junior Achievement of the
                                                                                                                                  of Pepperhill. Campers make lasting
Dates: June 10-July 27                      Bluegrass, 2420 Spurr Road,                                                           memories by participating in
Times: 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (flexible           Lexington, KY 40511                                                                   campouts and special day events
schedule)                                   Contact: Ron Wigglesworth,                                                            such as: Waterbopper Day, Shaving
Cost: 8:30-11:30 a.m., $25.00;              Senior Education Manager                                                              Cream Day and Fishing Days. All
8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., $35.00                    Phone: 859-219-2423                                                                   campouts have a special theme with
Location: 544 Sayre Avenue,                 Email: ron@jalexington.org                                                            planned activities...it’s a perfect Par-
Lexington, KY 40508                                                                     Martial Arts USA Summer Camp              ent’s Night OUT! Discover new skills
Contact: Kris Wilkins, Assistant Director                                               Field Trips: 2-3 per week (Swimming,      while coming to camp! Feed and care
Phone: 859-255-9734                                                                     Nature, Science, History, Sports,         for Farm Animals, Swimming, Horse-
Email:                                                                                  Aquarium, Parks & Recreation)             back, Canoeing, Paddle Boating,
kwilkins@goodshepherddayschool.org                                                      Ages: 5-12                                Archery, Rope Course, Arts and Crafts,
                                                                                        Dates: June 3-August 9                    Nature Crafts, Drama, Games Barn,
http://www.goodshepherdday-                                                                                                       Field Sports and much more!
                                                                                        Times: drop-off 7:30 - 9 a.m.,
                                            Junior Master Gardener                      pick-up 5 - 6 p.m.                        Ages: 2-14
                                            Join The Arboretum for a fun-filled,        Cost: $195/week, sibling discount;        Dates: June 3-7
                                            hands-on garden camp! Campers will          registration fee: $70, includes camp      Times: 7:15 a.m.- 5:30 p.m.
JA BizTown® Summer Camp                     use The Arboretum as a living learning      shirt, uniform pants, camp materials      Cost: $75 registration fee; Kinder
At this camp, the kids run the place.       lab to study gardening, soil, water and     *field trip and swimming fees separate*   Camp: $215/week for ages 2-5;
That’s because JA BizTown® is a             more! On the last day of camp, we           Location: 260 Meijer Way, Lexington,      JR. SR. Camp: $215/week for ages
mini-metropolis – home to Forcht            will visit UK’s South Farm to see a farm    KY 40503                                  5-14; GRAD CAMP: $240-$400/week
Bank, Keeneland, Kentucky Utilities,        in action! By the end of camp,              Contact: Matthew Severance,               for ages 12-14
Chick-fil-A, Toyota, LEX 18, and other      participants will become certified          Instructor/Camp Coordinator               UK discount: 5%
businesses found in Central Kentucky.       Junior Master Gardeners!                    Phone: 859-229-2013                       Location: 1127 Baker Lane,
JA BizTown Camp gives kids the              Ages: 8-12                                  Email: Grandmj2008@yahoo.com              Nicholasville, KY
opportunity to experience what it’s like    Dates: June 10-14, July 15-19 and                                                     We offer five bus stops in Lexington
to work in a job and run a business.        August 5-9                                  karate/karate-summer-camp/                and one in Nicholasville for camper
16                                                                                                                                                                     17
2019 SUMMER CAMPS DIRECTORY - Descriptions and contact information for over 40 camps - University of Kentucky
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                              SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

drop-off and pick-up.                    Location: Walnut Hill Road,               UK discount: Registration fee waived       Locations: Bar Y
Contact: Dana Mahan, Director            Lexington, KY 40515                       Location: Wild Thyme Cooking               C.M. Gatton Beaumont YMCA
Phone: 859-277-6813                      Contact: Bobbi Todd, Director             School, 1060 Chinoe Road, Suite 108,       High Street YMCA
Email: pepperhillkidz@windstream.com     Phone: 859-263-2807                       Lexington KY 40502                         North Lexington YMCA
http://www.pepperhillkidz.com            Email: walnuthillds@windstream.net        Contact: Allison Davis, Owner              Whitaker Family YMCA
                                         http://www.walnuthilldayschool.net        Phone: Office: 859-523-2665;               Franklin County YMCA
                                                                                   Cell: 859-388-4311                         Lawrenceburg United Methodist Church
                                                                                   Email: wildthymecooking@gmail.com          Scott County @ Cardome
                                                                                   http://www.wildthymecooking.com            Contact: Jessica Berry,
                                                                                                                              VP Youth Development
                                                                                                                              Program Coordinator
                                         Wild Thyme Summer                                                                    Phone: 859-367-7337
                                         Cooking Camps                                                                        Email: jberry@ymcacky.org
                                         Wild Thyme is proud to offer to                                                      https://ymcacky.org/programs/
                                         the Lexington-Fayette County and                                                     camps/summer-day-camp
Walnut Hills Day School                  surrounding areas our 7th annual          YMCA of Central Kentucky
Camp Imagination                         summer of “cooking up fun” culinary       The YMCA of Central Kentucky will
Weekly “themed-based camps” that         cooking camps for kids ages 4-16. Our     offer summer day camp at five              Religious
are always fantastic! Theme include      “Summer Thyme Cooking Camps”              locations in Lexington as well as
some all-time favorites: Super Heroes,   introduce kids to the culinary world      locations in Scott, Franklin and
Sports, Water Fun, Pirates, Cooking      giving them the opportunity to create     Anderson counties. Kids will expe-
and more! It’s eight weeks of summer     and enjoy great food in our modern        rience a summer full of adventure,
fun your child won’t want to miss!       kitchen with our professional chefs.      creativity and fun. They will try new
Ages: 3-6 (or young 7; must be pot-      Students will learn recipes, technique,   things, explore new places, make new
                                         and nutrition with our certified health   friends and learn the power of laughter.
                                         coach, along with etiquette, kitchen      They will be surrounded by experi-
Dates: June 3-6: Calling All Super
                                         safety, and efficiency. In addition to    enced, trained camp counselors who
Heroes!                                  receiving education on basic knife        will work to make sure the summer is
June 10-13: All Star Athletes!           skills and teamwork, we will also         filled with lasting memories.
June 17-20: Ready, Set, Grow a Garden!   have weekly educational field trips
June 24-27: Jurassic Camp at Walnut      to local farms, community centers,        Ages: Preschool: 3-5                       Aldersgate Camp and
Hill, it’s Dinostatic!                   and markets.                              Day Camp: 5-12                             Retreat Center
July 8-11: Pirate Adventures                                                       Leaders in Training: 12-16                 Nestled in the foothills of the Appa-
                                         Ages: 4-16; each week is a particular     Dates: June 3-August 9                     lachian Mountains, Aldersgate Camp
“Arrrr” Here!                            age group with activities focused to      Times: Preschool: 8 a.m.-noon              and Retreat Center is a place set apart
July 15-18: Cooking Up Some Fun!         work with them at the appropriate skill   Day Camp: 7 a.m.-6 p.m.                    where people of all ages and a variety
July 22-25: Hawaiian Hullabaloo!         level.                                                                               of organizations come to get away
July 29- Aug 1: Hats Off to                                                        Cost: Preschool: Member: $100;
                                         Dates: June 3-August 9                                                               from the normal routine of life,
Community Helpers!                                                                 Non-Member: $125
                                         Times: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Extended day                                                    experience God, build community with
Times: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Mon.-Thurs.                                               Day Camp: Member: $150;
                                         options available.                                                                   each other, and enjoy the beauty of
Cost: one-time $25 registration fee;                                               Non-Member: $175                           creation. Located 60 miles southwest
                                         Cost: Camp costs vary per week            Leaders in Training: Member: $175;
$130/week                                                                                                                     of Lexington, Kentucky, Aldersgate
                                         and age group. Average price is           Non-Member: $200                           Camp strives to be a place where
                                         $295-$345 per week.
18                                                                                                                                                                 19
SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY                                                             SUMMER CAMP DIRECTORY

people feel at “home” and can be         Ages: 5-14                               acres of beautiful land and includes a    Sibling Discount (First Sibling/Second
transformed by the Gospel. Currently     Dates: Day Camp for ages 5-9:            lake with water skiing, a water tram-     +): $100 per additional child;
in our 55th year of operation,           June 3-7; June 17-21; June 24-28         poline and water slides; a high ropes     6-Week Discount: $200;
Aldersgate Camp is open year-round       Overnight for ages 7-11: July 7-12;      course and climbing wall; a swimming      Full-Summer Discount: $400;
and provides summer camp and             July 14-19; July 21-26; July 28-Aug. 2   pool; endless hiking trails; athletic     Referral Discount: $150
retreat opportunities for both                                                    fields and an archery range; a theater;   Location: Bennington, Indiana
                                         Overnight for Middle School:
individuals and groups.                                                           arts and crafts center; and a profes-     Contact: Abby Solomon,
                                         June 9-13
                                                                                  sionally staffed health center. Campers   Assistant Camp Director
Ages: 5-18, as well as families          Special Needs Adults and teenagers:
                                                                                  in our vibrant community are cared for    Phone: 513-793-5554
and grandparents                         May 24-27                                by mature staff who understand the        Email: abby@camplivingston.org
Dates: Summer camping season is          Times: 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and overnight    importance of a meaningful summer,
from June 3-July 13. Some camps          Cost: $180 - $350                        forming a camp family that should not     http://www.camplivingston.com
are three days for grandparents and      Location: 7463 Athens Boonesboro         be missed!
beginning campers.                       Road, Lexington, KY 40509
                                                                                  Ages: rising 2nd-12th graders
Times: Camps start on Mondays            Contact: Michael Fann,
                                                                                  Dates: Taste of Livingston: June 12-19;
between 1 and 2 p.m. Campers are         Executive Director
                                                                                  Mini-Session 1: June 12-23
picked up Saturdays between 11 a.m.      Phone: 859-263-5239
                                                                                  Session 1: June 12-July 7
and noon.                                Email:
                                                                                  Mini-Session 2: July 10-21
Cost: Tiered pricing varies weekly,      michael@bluegrasschristiancamp.org
                                                                                  Session 2: July 10-August 4
from $145-$463/week
                                         http://www.bluegrasschristiancamp.       Gesher (11th grade trip to Israel):
UK discount: 10% early registration      org                                      June 24-August 4
discount through April 12
                                                                                  Hadracha (12th grade Counselor In
                                                                                                                            Camp Shalom
Location: 125 Aldersgate Camp Rd.,                                                                                          Camp Shalom is the only Jewish
                                                                                  Training Program): June 12-August 4
Ravenna, KY 40472                                                                                                           summer day camp in the central
                                                                                  (with intersession break)                 Kentucky area. Our non-denomi-
Contact: Dave Cohn, Director
                                                                                  Times: All-day overnight camp             national program provides a safe
Phone: 606-206-0663
                                                                                  Cost: Full Session (Grades 2-9): $4400    and comfortable setting for children
Email: aldersgatecamp@gmail.com
                                                                                  Mini-Session 1 or 2 (Grades 2-7):         from all backgrounds and streams of
http://www.aldersgatecamp.org                                                     $2300                                     Judaism to come together and learn
                                         Camp Livingston                          Taste of Livingston (First Timer ONLY-    about Jewish culture, history, and
                                         Camp Livingston has offered              Grades 2-6): $1450                        identity regardless of their individual
                                         unmatched summer experiences for         Adventures Unlimited (Grade 10):          background or level of observance.
                                         Jewish youth for 100 years. Home to      $5200                                     Camp is open to children of all faiths.
                                         children age 7-17 from cities            Gesher – Pre-CIT Israel Trip              Each day is filled with arts and crafts,
                                         throughout the USA and Israel,                                                     sports, music, water play, storytell-
                                                                                  Leadership Experience (Grade 11
Blue Grass Christian Camp                Livingston provides a safe environ-                                                ing, games, teva (nature), and other
                                                                                  or 12): $7900
Blue Grass Christian Camp offers         ment where campers gain self-esteem                                                special projects. Judaism is woven
                                                                                  Hadracha (Grade 12): $4500                throughout the program which,
day camps and overnight camps for        and form lasting friendships. Within
                                                                                  *grants and scholarships available        among other Jewish concepts,
children starting at age 5. Our Chris-   our unique atmosphere, campers get
                                         to know themselves, their peers and      UK discount: fair discount: $50           focuses on three main ideas: Torah
tian-based camps offer a wide range
of exciting opportunities such as,       role models and their place in the       Additional discounts:                     (Jewish text); Avodah (work); and
swimming, zip lines, high adventure      world. Just 90 miles outside of          JCC Membership Discount: $100;            Gemilut Chasidim (acts of loving
activities, kayaks and much more.        Lexington, Livingston sits on 680                                                  kindness). Campers entering grades
20                                                                                                                                                                21

2 through 6 also have the option to      want to miss all the new and im-           Special Needs                             or deficits and will provide enrich-
add an extra mini-overnight session      proved things we have going on!                                                      ment and maintenance of speech
week in August!                          We invite you to join us for a                                                       and language skills. Each week will
                                         jam-packed, adventure-filled,
                                                                                    Lions Camp Crescendo Inc.                 incorporate a theme to target various
Ages: 4-14                                                                          We offer four camps, and we are
                                         ministry-led summer camp! Open to                                                    skills, including building vocabulary,
Dates: Session 1: July 22-26                                                        located 80 miles from Lexington.
                                         all children in the community, we will                                               grammatical concepts, literacy skills
Session 2: July 29-Aug. 2                offer exciting themes each week that         • Lions Youth Camp for                  and phonological processes.
Overnight: Aug. 5-9                      campers will explore through science,          Blind/Vision Impaired,                Additionally, each session will
Times: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.                     art, music, and so much more. Camp-            ages 5-15; July 1-5, 2019             provide children with both group and
Bus leaves in town at 8:30 a.m.,         ers will also enjoy weekly on-site field                                             individual activities. This is a great
                                                                                      • Lions Youth Camp for
returns all campers by 3:45 p.m.         trips and hands-on experiences. The            Deaf/Hard of Hearing,                 way for your child to stay on track
Extended day option until 5:30 p.m.,     camp staff is comprised of a wonderful         ages 5-15; July 1-5, 2019             with their speech and language skills,
(requires min. number of campers)        group of Christian role models who                                                   interact with other children and
                                         will encourage your children to be           • Camp Heart to Heart, for youth        continue to work towards their goals!
Cost: $259/week if registered by
                                         their best all summer.                         affected by HIV/AIDS,
March 31; $279/week if registered                                                       ages 5-12; July 8-12, 2019            Ages: 3-8
after March 31; $50/week for extended    Ages: 3 years-5th grade                                                              Dates: June 3-7
day program; $400 for overnight                                                       • Camp Freedom for youth in
                                         Dates: June 3-August 7                                                               Times: Monday and Wednesday
                                                                                        Foster Care or Custody of
UK discount: 15% off registration fees   Times: 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.                                                              9:30-11:30 a.m. (ages 3-5)
through March 31 (not applicable on      Cost: $45/day; $210/week                                                             2-4 p.m. (ages 3-8)
                                                                                        ages 6-11; July 8-12, 2019
extended day fees)                       Location: Lexington Christian                                                        Tuesday and Thursday
Location: 3775 Newman Rd,                Elementary at Immanuel Baptist             Ages: 5-15 (camps vary)
                                                                                                                              9:30-11:30 a.m. (ages 3-5)
Lexington KY 40515                       Church, 3100 Tates Creek Road,             Dates: July 1-5 or July 8-12
                                                                                                                              2-4 p.m. (ages 3-8)
Contact: Tamara Ohayon,                  Lexington, KY 40502                        Times: all day for a week
                                                                                                                              Cost: $300 per three-week clinic
Executive Director                       Contact: Megan Filburn, Director of        Cost: FREE (no cost to attend)
                                                                                                                              (six 2-hour sessions)
Phone: 859-420-3925                      Elementary Student Services                Location: 1480 Pine Tavern Rd,
                                                                                                                              Location: University of Kentucky
Email: tamara@jewishlexington.org        Phone: 859-422-5709                        Lebanon Junction, KY 40150
                                                                                                                              Communication Sciences and
                                         Email: mfilburn@lexingtonchristian.org     Contact: Billie Flannery, Administrator
https://www.jewishlexington.org/                                                                                              Disorders Clinic, C.T. Wethington Jr.
                                                                                    Phone: 502-264-0120
camp-shalom                              http://www.lexingtonchristian.org/                                                   Building, Room 110, 900 South
                                                                                    Email: wibblesb@aol.com
                                         campus-life/summercamp.cfm                                                           Limestone, Lexington, KY 40536
                                                                                    http://www.LCCKY.org                      Contact: Aimee X, Sayre Academic
                                                                                                                              Support Services Director
                                                                                                                              Phone: 859-218-0538
                                                                                                                              Email: aimee.sayre@uky.edu
                                                                                    Talk About Fun Speech and
Lexington Christian Academy’s
                                                                                    Language Summer Clinic
Summer Adventure                                                                    This clinic is designed for children
LCA’s Summer Camp is a fun and
                                                                                    with mild to moderate articulation,
exciting summer camp and you won’t
                                                                                    phonological, and language delays

22                                                                                                                                                                23
Summer Camps 2019      Learn l Build l Play

                                                               STEM day camps weekly from
                                                               May 28th-August 16th, 2019
                                                                Over 40 unique, hands-on
                                                                 STEM (Science, Technology,
                                                                 Engineering and Mathematics)
                                                                 programs for boys & girls:
                                                                 Robotics, 3D Printing, Drones,
                                                                 Chemistry, Coding, Engineering,
                                                                 Rocketry, Aerospace, Catapults
                                                                 and more!

                                                                        • Small Classes • Hands-On, Personalized Instruction
                                                                                  • Full-Day and Half-Day Options
                   Martial Arts USA                                          Camp Information:                                      We also offer:
                                                                Full-day camps: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm • Half-day              Fall, Winter & Spring Break Programs
                                                                 mornings: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm • Half-day afternoons:
Our Goal is to motivate kids to learn and improve themselves     1:00–4:30 pm with a half hour grace period on either
                                                                                                                           School Year Engineering Programs

                                                                 end for drop off and pickup between 8:00 am and 5:00      Birthday Parties/Group Events
       while having lots of fun enjoying the summer.             pm at no extra change. We offer earlier and later drop    Private Parties for Ages 5-95!
                                                                 off and pick up times by request for a small fee.
                                                                                                                           School Outreach
            Part of our goal is to have your children           All camps are one-week long, Mon-Fri and most are
                                                                                                                           Scout Events
        •    Build Self-Confidence                               repeated throughout the summer.
                                                                                                                           Field Trips
                                                                Most camps are half-day and two half-days can be
        •    Increase Self-Discipline                            combined for a full-day with a supervised lunch.

        •    Improve Concentration & Focus, and                 Small class size and personalized instruction.
                                                                Check out our Girls Only Classes!
        •    Develop a “Yes I Can!” Winning Attitude
                                                                Half-day camps range in price from $195 to $325 per
                                                                 week and full day camps from $390 to $695 per week.
                                                                Holiday week pricing is prorated. No Class Memorial
             We do a variety of activities including             Day or July 4th.
                 daily Martial Arts Training of                 Grade level listed is for 2019-20 school year for
                                                                 approved students.                                               Opens in April!
                    “Yes I Can Taekwondo”
                                                                        4974 Old Versailles Rd. • Lexington, KY 40510 • 859.368.7334
                                                                             newtonsattic@gmail.com • www.newtonsattic.org
                                         KIDS CAMPS
  During our 1 and 2-week long camps, your young adventurer(s) will learn the basics of gameplay, develop
unique characters, solve puzzles and problems, exercise their creativity, and collaborate with fellow players to
create a one-of-a-kind story. Each camp caters to specific age ranges. Be sure to check out the details of each
                           and choose the camp(s) best suited for your camper(s).
              Use code: UUCL at checkout and save $20 on your enrollment costs (per camper).

*All camps will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington—3564 Clays Mill Road Lexington, Ky
                     *Campers need to bring their own lunch, drinks, and snacks each day.
               *Full details of each camp are included in the camp descriptions on the website.

                                          One-week Camps: $175/wk
                             April 1-5th, 2019: SPRING BREAK CAMP (ages 8-18)
                               June 3rd-7th, 2019: Little Adventurers (ages 5-7)
                          June 10th-14th, 2019: Custom Miniature Camp (ages 10-18)
                             June 17th-21st, 2019: Adventurers Guild (ages 8-11)
                         June 24th-28th, 2019: Dungeon Master 101 Camp (ages 8-18)

               Two-week Camps: (1-week option available) $300/full camp or $190 for 1 week
                   July 8th-12th & July 15th-19th, 2019: Heroes of the Realm (ages 12-14)
                  July 22-26th & July 29th-Aug. 2nd, 2019: Legendary Heroes (ages 15-18)

                                        To enroll your camper(s), visit:

                                Contact Mike with any questions you have at:
What if your child spent their summer
    learning to make apps instead of
              playing them?

  Week of Code boosts creativity, logical thinking skills, and
brain power! In addition to programming time aside, campers
will interact with our upbeat team for unplugged activities and
 games. Week of Code is a blend of computer programming,
                 problem-solving, and teamwork!

• Fundamentals of rock climbing

• Team building activities

• Crafts


                                   About UK Work-Life
                                   The University of Kentucky wants employees to succeed both professionally
                                   and personally. UK Work-Life is here to help employees meet their personal
                                   and professional goals through programs, services and events. We also
                                   administer the UK@Work survey to help employees and leaders recognize
                                   strengths and opportunities within their work environments.

                                   How we can help your family
                                   UK Work-Life helps employees find solutions to the challenges of
                                   balancing work and home life, with information on:

                                      •   ‘No School’ day camps

                                      •   Big Blue Family Care and back-up care solutions

                                      •   Child care options

                                      •   Resources for new parents

                                      •   Information about benefits, leave time and resources to help make
                                          the transition to parenthood as smooth as possible

                                      •   Lactation in the workplace guidelines to encourage and support
                                          mothers in the workplace

                                      •   Elder care information

                                   For more information, visit www.uky.edu/hr/work-life

                                   Please note: The listings in the UK Summer Camp Directory are for informational purposes.
                                   No recommendation or endorsement by UK Work-Life or the University of Kentucky is
https://sullivan.edu/summercamp/   stated or implied.
A special thanks to all the camps that attended the fair.
    We appreciate your support of UK employees.

                An Equal Opportunity Employer
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